the-acid-pear · 1 year
You know it's very damn curious how Jevil calls Seam "the old shopkeeper" when you first talk to him, because Jevil was imprisioned when Seam was still the court magician, not some shopkeeper, and while possible i find it weird for Seam to be able to run a shop while also fulfilling whatever royal duty. To add to this, it doesn't seem like he has knowledge outside of what he can assume and already knows. Like, sure, he warns you about Queen, but he definitely knew her, so it's only logical that she's the one coming after the king. Same thing with the knight, the roaring might be something he knows about.
Now, why am i saying all this? Well, because the fact that Jevil knows Seam is a shopkeeper means that Seam told him, which also means Seam at least once in the past visited him to chat. Which, makes me feel soft inside-
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Broken Constellations chapter 2- Give em Hell, kid.
Word count: 2247
Cassie's POV
Valentines day! I roll over and hug the teddy bear I got last year from a girlfriend. That was one of the only happy relationships I had. I slam my face into the pillow as my dad opens the door, flicking the light switch on.
"Get up, kiddo. It's time for school. Wake your brother up too." He smiles and goes downstairs to shower and get ready for work. I get up and throw on a sweater and jeans, shuffling to get Zach. I knock on the door and alert the devil it's time for school, as I go back and get ready. Last night was a shit show, and in actually surprised Jessie talked to me. Jesus, man. That's gotta be rough. I yawn and grab my bag, shoving shit in it, and looking in the mirror.
Today is a new day.
I walk downstairs and count the change in my wallet to get a Soda, I put on my shoes and tell my dad I love him, before leaving and walking outside. The air is cool and soft, remanence of winter lingering around the corner. I rub my eyes, god this is a long week of the same routine. I get down the road before I hear a loud honk, and see a familiar black car pull up next to me and roll down the window: mythic bitch, Jessica Smith.
"Get in." She commands, looking ahead with a bored stare.
"Uh...." no way. Fuck this. What's she gonna do to me. I look around for someone to help me.
"Yes you. Get in. I'm giving you a ride."
"No thanks." I pull my beanie over my head more, feeling my throat tighten up with anxiety.
"Come on. It's valentine day, and no one will see. Let me be nice, bitch."
I groan, and begrudgingly get in. This is going to be a long day.....
She starts driving again and I stare at my bag, an uncomfortable silence filling the empty space.
Part of me wants to chew her out for all the shit she's done to me when I didn't do anything to her.  Part of me wants to ask her if she's okay and Tell dickasoarus-Rex to go to hell.
I choose option a.
"Why?" I ask, looking at her and keeping one hand near the door handle, moving my hair to my back.
"Why..?" She glances at me as she drives, waiting at the intersection of the school.
"Why do you all torment me? What did I do to you to piss you off so bad? This place is hell enough without you- and your- bullshit...." I trail off, looking away.
Her hands tighten on the steering wheel and she takes a breath in as she parks, and I wait for a minute, turning my body to her, and she stares at her lap.
"I see." I say, angry. I at least wanted an explanation for being put through hell. I get out of the car and walk through the back door of the school, headed to the cafeteria. Today was gonna be hell, for more than me.
It just depends on who starts the fire.
I walk over to the vending machine and start getting a Soda, when I see Theodore come up.
"Sorry man, im done he-" he leans on the vending machine and cuts me off.
"I saw you talking to Jessica last night."
"Yeah- crazy right- I can talk to people- ooohhhhhhhhh~" I wave my hands around like a ghost story, joking with him.
"What were you talking to her about?" Teddy looks at me, and I roll my eyes.
"Why, dear Holmes, I was talking to her about personal shit. It was an A-B conversation. So "C" yourself out of it." I snap, walking into the cafeteria before getting pulled back.
"Don't act so innocent. I don't see any good reason for you to want to talk to her. She hates you. She's a horrible person to you!!" Worry lines his voice.
"Yeah, well I'm human. I don't see a slightly-drunk sad girl and think "let's just drop her off and check her ass out as she walks away before driving around the corner!" So I think seeing someone upset, deciding to be a decent human being, and ask about her emotions is a good enough reason to spark a conversation." I cross my arms and rip away from him. "Don't give me shit teddy. You're my friend. Not my warden." He frowns and walks by me, his dirty blond hair fluffing around his tan face with emerald orbs, and a supernatural t-shirt. He and I met when I came here, we met through a friend and hit it off really well. His concern is well placed, but annoying.
We sit down and talk aimlessly, and he smiles and pulls out a large 2-liter of coffee and candy.
"Oh you bITCH I LOVE YOU!" I yell and hug him, laughing. He laughs too and hugs back. I reach in my bag and hand him a giraffe plush and a bag of rainbows.
"Get it? Cause you're a gay giraffe-"
"I'm not gay!!" He yells, and I giggle and take a sip of the coffee. Yes bitchhhhhhh.
We talk about classwork and assignments that the teachers gave that were bullshit. Queen bee and her friends walk in, and I notice the angry distance between Rex, Erika, and her. Those must be the guilty party members.
Amber walks in the mirror awkwardly, trying to strike up conversation without crossing any lines. It was like they had stepped on a battlefield made up of dancing around the issues and passive-aggressive comments. I raise my eyebrows and lean back on the table, looking at teddy.
"Oof. Look at that cluster fuck, like-"
"Yikes." Teddy agrees, watching. "What's with them?"
"The demon queen realized her empire was broken. She woke up to see the roses have thorns. The kingdom has lost their king."
Teddy looks at me.
"Seriously what the fUCK CASSIE?!?" He looks extremely concerned and I snort.
"Sorry- sorry." I give him a sheepish smile and we turn back to each other, talking aimlessly. I see Jessica set her things down and huff, talking to Amber and giving Erika and Rex the classic silent treatment. I give her a soft smile; and for once I see her return it.
Anger doesn't kill politeness.
"Seriously Jessica stop being such a bitch to me!!" Rex pleads, pulling her arm. She pulls away.
"After I went to find my friends what did you do?"
"I talked to my cousin!"
"Oh, so were kissing cousins now?" She snaps, and I "oh" damn. That was viscous.
Teddy snaps me back from my little zone out and I turn to him.
"Sorry- I got distracted." I shake my head,
"You seem distracted a lot. What did she do? Do I have to-"
"Stop, Teddy. Stop trying to be my knight in shining armor. I'm not a damsel in distress and I can rescue myself. Shit went down last night and she talked to me about it. She's in pain. Now drop it." I stand up, slinging my bag over my shoulder.
"Happy Valentines Day." I snap, and walk away, then I remember Jessica and how she couldn't answer and I get angrier and start moving faster. Teddy watches me leave and shoots Jessica a look, but I don't care. I don't give a fuck right now. It's too early to live out a high school trope. I rush to my next class, sit down, and pull out my books. Jessica and Amber walk in, jessica right behind me, Amber behind me to my left. The teacher talks about equations and steps, and Amber tries to snap my attention to ask for paper. I hand three sheets back and go back to work, keeping my head down, but I can't get her crying on the sidewalk, being realer than she ever shows, out of my head. It's tiring. There's too much going on and she should be the last person on my mind. She's my bully, not my friend, and everyone has a moment of weakness.
I lay my head down and groan, finish the page, and turn it in. Jessica throws a ball of paper at me. I groan and open it up reading.
"We need to talk." Well.
Fuck. that.
I pocket it into my bag and focus on the assignment for homework, planning out what we need to do for literature, and I smile softly at the idea of being able to discuss literature and get away from the world.
Today we're supposed to talk about Valentine's Day,
And I want to talk about how Valentine's Day is for the viscous.
I stand up and get a pass for the bathroom, tears forming in my eyes- it's the first day of school all over again. Crying over the past and what I'm missing. Crying over bullies and dicks and people who play with your heart for a gag. Crying because nothing stays the same.
God- I am a bitch. I camp out until class is about to end, grab my stuff, and go when the bell rings. The day moves slowly, inching minute by minute, and when it gets out, I thank god. This is too much weird shit for me to deal with.
"Cassie!!" I hear teddy call as he runs by me. I smile at him, walking out of school. "Do you wanna hang out?"
"Not really. I'm- a lot of shit is going on emotionally and I just want to nap, Teddy." I groan, rubbing my eyes.
"Come on! It's valentines day. Please?" He insists, and I sigh, Text my parents, and look at him.
"Fine. Where to?" I grab my bag strap and feel like shit, a sinking feeling in my stomach.
"We can go to my place! Watch a movie or something." He smiles, and I follow him to his car. My parents- begrudgingly- like teddy. He's a sweet kid. He's a good friend too- sometimes possessive, but, I think it's protective. We get to his place and I throw my bag down in the kitchen in a chair and walk into the living room. His parents would be home in an hour or two.
"So what movie are we gonna watch?" I ask and look over at him. He walks over and sits down, smiling. He turns on Gifted, and I smile. He knows me.
"Yessssss" I laugh and watch the movie. He subtly moves closer and I turn to him- he leans over and starts to peck my lips- I push him off-
"Woah- teddy! What the fuck?" I ask, pink and flustered. He turns pink and frowns.
"I- I thought- that's why you agreed to hang out with me...? On Valentine's. That's why we got presents-"
"teddy- jesus- I'm your friend- And- Teddy I'm gay." I tell him, biting my lip.
"You just haven't been with the right guy." He says, and leans in and kisses me again, holding my waist. I slap him and push him off, grabbing my bag.
I say nothing as I run out of the house. I don't want to see him right now. My stomach twists and I feel sick-
Not even my best friend is a safe place anymore.
I hurry and catch my breath, thinking. Thinking too much. Overthinking.
This day can't possibly get worst.
I grab my earbuds and look up how far the distance to my home is. 2 miles. I grab my earbuds, blast music, and start walking. I feel like I'm in the twilight zone: Jessica Smith gave me a ride, teddy tried to confess, and I'm being slowly dragged into the plot of a high school movie cliche.
To make things worst I can't get Jessica "Jessie" smith out of my head.
And I wonder what her hugs feel like.
I slap myself and walk in silence, letting the music think for me. After about a mile, I stop by the dollar store and buy a drink and some snacks, put them in my bag, and notice Rex and Erika hooking up.
"Jessica was being such a bitchhhh" Rex says, panting.
"Ugh. I know right? She didn't even give me a ride home. I- I guess I see it.... but- still. She's not dating you."
"She's only in loooove with me!" He snorts.
"Right. So you two should shit talk her and mock her emotions. Classy. Why would she ever be mad? It's like you two did something wrong!" I sarcastically smile, moving them so I can get out.
"Fuck off, Goth moth. It's not like she's your friend. You should hear what she says behind your back-"
"I do. But I see the shit you do behind here and I figure at least she's not leading someone on and shattering their heart. Grow the fuck up, be adults. Honestly? You two are perfect for each other. Shallow and rude, and not realizing what you have." I snap, and they glare, cursing my out as I walk away. I just have to take the back roads and I'll be fine.
I walk away from the rude remarks and bitch fits and think about how ironic it was that I was right:
Valentine's is for the Viscous.
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softheo · 7 years
Don’t leave me.
Liam fell in the trap. And so, he was alone at the hospital, surrounded by hunters. He was asking himself how could he make it out alive. 
For a moment, he wished Theo was here with him. He could die right in that moment and he was thinking about Theo? Great.
They had been sharing a strange bond, since the wild hunt. They were constantly fighting, shouting how much they hated each other or how much Theo makes Liam angry or how much Liam pisses Theo off. Liam keeps repeating that he should have left him in his hell and Theo keeps saying that he should have left Beacon Hills and leave Liam and his pack alone in this war.
But he didn’t. Theo never left. He stayed in Beacon Hills. He had helped Scott with the ghost riders and was now helping in the war against the hunters. 
Maybe he was redeeming himself, Liam thought.
But he was not only helping Scott’s pack. Theo had saved Liam so many times, risking his own life. 
Theo cared for Liam, he knew that. In a strange way, but he did. He would never admit it, though. So they were stuck at that point were they pretended to hate each other because things were easier that way.
And Liam would never admit that he doesn’t hate Theo. He doesn’t know what strange feelings he has developed for the chimera, but he felt something. 
Liam could hear the hunters getting closer. He could be dead soon, and he never thanked Theo for all the times he had saved him. For all the times he had halped him not losing control.
Then he saw them. There were too many hunters. Too many guns. Liam couldn’t do it. But he wasn’t giving up so easily. So se showed his claws and fangs, and get ready to fight them.
But before he could throw himself in that suicide mission, he heard the doors of the elevator opening, and someone dragging him into it.
He didn’t had to look at him to know that he was Theo. He would recognise his scent everywhere. 
“What are you doing here?” Liam asked while Theo pushed the elevator button.
“I was asking myself the same thing.” Theo said, pulling his beanie off.
The elevator was going up, but Liam could still hear their heartbeats. Too many heartbeats.
“Are they still out there?” Theo asked. Liam nodded.
Theo licked his lips, and then spoke.
“Look, I’m not dying for you.” Theo said, stepping closer to Liam.
But Liam heard his heartbeat. It wasn’t the truth.
“I’m not dying for you either.” Liam said, defending himself.
Theo thought he heard Liam’s heartbeat skip, but he wasn’t sure. In fact, Liam hated him. He wouldn’t have died for Theo. He felt a strange feeling inside his stomach. He would have died for Liam, but Liam wouldn’t. He should not have been surprised, though. No one would have died for Theo. No one cared. But the fact was, that he was not no one. He was Liam. He was the only person who could make him feel human. He was the only person he, somehow, cared for. And a small part of him, wished that Liam cared for him too. 
“But I will fight with you.” Liam added.
“Okay, let’s fight.” Theo said.
Because even if Liam didn’t care about Theo, he would never let him die. He couldn’t.
They shifted, getting ready to fight. As soon as the elevator opened, they started to fight, taking as many hunters as they could down. 
There was something between the two of them. They could never have defeat them on their own, but together, they were a force of the nature. They were in perfect sincro, like they always know were the other was. And they always had each other back, protecting themselves.
They made it. The hallway was empty, just Theo, dead bodies and Liam.
They happily sighed. Liam looked at Theo. His hair was a mess, his shirt was ripped, and he had some bruises, but he was smiling at Liam. It was a genuine smile, that made Liam melt. He don’t know why, but seeing Theo happy made him happy too. So he returned the smile, leaning against the wall.
But it wasn’t over.
“Get down!” They heard Nolan shout.
Theo saw Gabe at the end of the hallway, his gun in their direction. 
Theo grabbed Liam and pushed him on the floor. He sheltered him with his body, taking three bullets for him, before falling on the floor.
Mason and Corey appeared in the room, managing to hit Gabe and made him unconscious.
Liam watched the scene, and then the scent of blood hit him. But it wasn’t Gabe’s. 
“Theo!” Liam shouted, panick in his voice.
Liam got closer to him, kneeling down.
“Theo?” He said again, his voice soft.
He was still alive, but his heartbeat was slow. Too slow.
He grabbed him, making him seat, leaning against the wall.
That’s when he saw it. He took three bullets, for him. 
Liam wanted to cry, but right now his number one priority was Theo.
“Liam, are you okay?” Theo whispered.
“I am, but you’re not.” Liam said. 
He had three bullet in his back and yet he was worrying about Liam.
“It’s fine Liam, don’t worry.” Theo said, closing his eyes.
“No no no Theo! Stay awake please, keep your eyes open.” Liam said, panicking.
“I’m so tired, Liam.” Theo said, his eyes still closed.
“I know, Theo, but please, you have to stay awake, can you do it for me?” Liam said.
Theo slowly opened his eyes.
“Good. Now listen to me, Theo. You have to shift, or you won’t heal.” Liam said.
“I can’t.”
“Yes Theo, you can. Listen to my voice, and concentrate.” Liam said.
Theo shocked his head, his eyes watering.
“It hurts.” He said, his voice sounding more like a sob.
“I know Theo, and I’m sorry that you’ve been shot trying to save me, but you have to shift, please.” He said, tears rolling down his cheecks.
“It’s okay if I die in order to save you. Just promise me that you’ll be safe.” Theo said, between the sobs.
And then, he started throwing up blood, and Liam wanted to scream because he didn’t know what to do. 
He took Theo’s hand. He closed his eyes, and tried to take his pain. But nothing happened.
“You can’t take pain if you don’t care, Liam.” Theo said, remembering what Mason told him a few days earlier.
But Liam cared for Theo. He didn’t want him to die. He could never forgive himself. So he tried again, but it didn’t work.
Then he had an idea.
He cupped Theo’s face in his hands, his thumbs stroking his jawline. He looked into his eyes for a moment, before kissing him. 
Theo hadn’t time to get over the shock that he felt his pain slowly fading away.
Liam frowned, feeling the pain inside of him, but he was happy that he made it.
Theo’s lips tasted of blood and tears, but they were still so soft.
Theo, on the other hand, didn’t know if he was more shocked because Liam had kissed him or because he was taking away his pain. But he was too tired to think, so he just kissed back, trying to thank Liam.
Liam pulled back. He pecked Theo’s lips one more time, and then leaned his forehead against Theo’s. 
“Shift.” Liam said softly.
And Theo did so, starting the healing process. But then, everything went black.
Theo woke up, don’t knowing where he was. He slowly opened his eyes, and found out that he was in an hospital room. The sun was shining outside the window, so he figured out that it was morning.
He closed his eyes, the events of the night before replaying in his mind. 
Liam kissed him. Liam took away his pain. 
Liam. Liam. Liam.
That’s all that was in his mind.
Then he felt it. He smelt Liam’s scent in the room. 
He looked at the other side of the room, and saw Liam sleeping, curled up in a chair. He couldn’t help but smile.
A few moments later, Liam woke up. He stretched himself, and the rubbed his eyes sleepily.
And Theo smiled even wider, thinking that he was too cute.
And then Liam saw him.
“Theo! You’re awake!” Liam said happily. He stood up and got closer to Theo’s bed.
“I am.” he said, smiling to Liam.
Liam took Theo’s hand, intertwining their fingers. Theo caressed the palm of Liam’s hand with his thumb.
“How are you feeling?” Liam asked.
“I’m healing, don’t worry. And you? The others?” Theo asked, suddenly remembering the events of the night before.
“I’m fine. Everyone is okay. Scott found a way to stop the Anuk-ite.” Liam explained.
“I knew he would.” Theo said.
He secretly admired Scott. He was a very good alpha, and he had so many people who would risk their lives for him.
“Theo?” Liam asked softly. His fingers playing with Theo’s, their hands still intertwined.
“Yeah?” Theo said.
“Thank you. For saving me. I can’t believe you took three bullets for me.” Liam said.
“You don’t have to thank me.” Theo said.
“Yeah, I do. You didn’t have to.” Liam said.
“But I wanted to. I didn’t want you to die, Liam. And I’m always gonna do everything I can to save you.” Theo said.
The sincerity in his tone left Liam speechless. 
“What happened to the ‘Im not dying for you’?” Liam said, lightening the mood.
Theo laughed. And that sound made Liam’s stomach dizzy.
“You know that it wasn’t the truth.” Theo said.
“I didn’t mean it too. I care about you, Theo, a lot. I’m sorry I realised it only yesterday.” Liam said. “I panicked. I thought you were dying, and I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t want you to leave me.”
Liam closed his eyes, remembering the pit inside of his stomach as he watched Theo splitting blood.
“I’m not leaving you, Liam. I’m gonna stay by your side as long as you want me.” Theo said, still trying to process what Liam was saying to him.
“I want you. I want you by my side.” Liam said, biting his lips.
The chimera smiled. He was so happy that his cheecks hurt. 
Liam wanted him. Liam cared for him.
“Thank you for taking away my pain. Thank you for caring for me.” Theo said.
“I thought you were going to slap me because I kissed you.” Liam said, a playful smile on his lips.
“I’m not.” Theo said, smiling at the beta.
“Does this mean that I can kiss you again?” Liam said, his heart pounding in his chest.
“Yeah.” Theo whispered.
And so Liam got closer, until his nose was brushing against Theo’s.
Theo put a hand on the beta’s neck, pulling him closer. And Liam pressed his lips on Theo’s. The kiss was slow and passionate, they both melting against each other, happy to be together. Happy that they finally figured out their feelings.
Theo pulled away, and gently stroked Liam’s hair.
“Does this mean that I can call you baby wolf now?” Theo said, smirking.
“Shut up.” Liam said, pretending to be pissed off.
But he wasn’t. He actually liked Theo calling him that way.
Theo laughed, before pulling him closer, kissing him again.
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tiredesperdad · 7 years
Questions Tag
tagged by @im-seokjin (also bub, you’re just 15? I feel sooo protective now!!!)
1| how old were you when you had your first kiss? Eh... well first “kiss” as in it wasn’t serious, probably around 14. First actual kiss? I’m 22 and haven’t had it yet :’) 2| What made you decide to have a tumblr blog? Back then in the far away year of 2011 I found a Supernatural meme and really wanted to post it somewhere. So I figured, this weird Tumblr place looks good, I’m gonna make a blog. 3| Been depressed: Yup 4| how many people have you fist fought? none  5| do you want to have kids? how many? Idk... maybe, if I find the right person. But I’d rather adopt, I’m really scared of pregnancy. 6| Do you want to change your name: no, I really like it 7| Right or left handed: lefty 8| do you have piercings? how many? only my earlobes are pierced 9| who was the last person you cried in front of? my mom after I found an old letter from my recently deceased godfather 10| do you believe in soulmates? no 11| Zodiac sign: aquarius 12| Do you have a dream job? no, idk what to do with my life 13| A crush: nope 14| What do you like about yourself: my eyes and lips, my body shape, I’m kind and I guess I can be quite fun with the right people 15| Right now eating: nothing 16| who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? idk, one of my friends probably
17| Height:  155cm RIP
18| what is/are/were your best subject(s)? English, history, german 19| Met someone who changed you: I believe that all the people you get close to change you in some way, and even if it’s just little 20| do you like someone:  not in the like like way xD 
21| I’m about to:
finish reading a fic and go to bed
22| do you believe everything happens for a reason? no 23| Sports I joined: as a kid I was in gymnastics, then later football (the proper one, not the american crap ;)) and then tennis; but I haven’t been in any sports in like 7 or 8 years 24| what’s irritating you right now? my work  25| do you give out second chances too easily? depends on the person... I can hold SERIOUS grudges and push away people forever, but I try to be more generous with the people I’m close to; they’d have to pull some serious shit for me to not give them a second chance because I’m really selective about the people I’m super close to  26| What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: I wish I knew what I want.... I wish I had a goal in life  27| are you mean? I try to be nice, but when you piss me off, I can be SUCH a bitch 28| Cried when someone died: my godfather, whom I was super close to, died in October and I still sometimes find myself crying in bed because I miss him I generally cry a lot when I lose someone. It’s the one thing I handle the worst 29| Blood type: idk 30| If you could meet ANY Korean CELEBRITY (Includes Actors, Models, K-Music artists, etc.), who would it be? got7, especially Jinyoung 31| Birthday:  January 26th 32| Been drunk and thrown up: as often as I drink... I never threw up bc I’m super careful about that (I’m really scared of throwing up) 33| are you scared of spiders? not scared, but they’re so disgusting and I get really squeamish 34| What would you like to achieve (or experience) before the age of 60?  I want to travel to as many places as possible
35| What do you wish for the most to happen? find a work that I like and maybe someone I can share my life with... I just don’t wanna be lonely and lost anymore  36| is cheating ever okay? in relationships? nope exams? well I’d be a hypocrite if I said no because I did cheat quite a few times... I mean, cheating and getting away with it is a skill too, right? 37| Do you have any pets: sadly no :( 38| When did you get into kpop and how? August 2015 bc one of my friends kind of dragged me into it (well she spammed me until I started liking it xD) 39| Favorite animal? cats, owls and foxes 40| Love at first sight: don’t believe in it 41| how do you want to die? I don’t want to be in pain and I don’t want it to drag on; just peaceful and fast 42| Lips or eyes: dude, idek, I love both... but eyes I guess 43| Hair length: I don’t mind, but I’m not a fan of super short hair... it needs to be a length where I can comfortably run my fingers through it 44| would you go back in time if you were given the chance? just to look and then go back? yes... I love history, there is so much I would just like to observe first hand 45| who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to? my dad 46| how exactly are you feeling at the moment? drained.... I’m so tired, I didn’t sleep well last night... and a bit down I guess? I haven’t been enjoying work lately and I barely have time for myself. And I have a million things to take care of 47| Laughed until you cry: yeah 48| favourite food? I can’t choose ONE favourite food! But I generally love anything with meat and seafood/fish 49| when was your last physical fight? I don’t fight, I’m a midget and I’m scared 50| Do you believe in yourself: idk... sometimes? with smaller stuff? I’ve been starting to feel like I will never make anything out of myself and it scares me 
I will tag: @amerikaikong @little-jyp @fhrannie @neoria @king-moriparty @littlelovelyfuck @gladibro-baracitia @twostepsfromrivia @queennati
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