gongedtornado · 9 months
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seoulscenarios · 6 years
Movie Night?
Genre: fluff (lmao do i write anything else??)
Member(s): Stray Kids’ Minho (Lee Know)
Word count: 1566
Warnings: none
Summary: minho’s friends were SICK of him pining over the cute cashier at the cinema so they decide to put a plan into motion. is the operation a success or will drink!gate be repeated?
Authors note: i am finally back again with a stray kids’ scenario bc lee know is RUINING me at the moment. all mistakes are my own and if u have any requests for ANYONE pls send them in! 
-It was Thursday night and the kids were on their biweekly movie night at the local cinema
-Minho, the resident film buff, was very excited
-Not because of the film they were seeing
-(if u don’t think that they spent their whole time on the way arguing about what film they were seeing before Chan stepped in and threatened not to buy them all snacks to get them to choose one,,, you’d be dead wrong)
-It’s because of a certain someone who worked there
-It’s you
-You had been working at the cinema for the past few months and you genuinely enjoyed it
-I mean, yeah you had the awful customers who tried to swindle getting into an R rated film even though you knew they were at least 2 years younger than you bc you saw them around the area in their school uniform
-BUT that’s beside the point!
-You had a job that you enjoyed that helped pay for all your expenses, as well as a few extras
-And you looked forward to every fortnight, when your favourite customers came to visit
-A bunch of rowdy but very polite boys came every Thursday every two weeks, almost without fail to watch the latest film
-They were normally seen (lmao heard lbr here) arguing about which film to watch, which snacks to get, who was sitting where you get the gist
-So anyway, the real reason was bc one of them really caught your eye
-He was tall, almost fox-like in his features, blonde hair (fight me: blonde hair Minho is very superior) and for some reason, quiet around you
-He never seemed to talk when he went to the counter you were at when he ordered food with the others
-He always let the others talk and he just normally helped carry whilst one of the oldest, Chan you knew, ended up paying most of the time
-You and Chan were friendly as he ended up staying behind to pay, so he always struck up conversation
-You knew most of their names, whilst the blonde boy remained a mystery to you
-Little did you know the reason he wouldn’t talk to you was bc he was NERVOUS
-You were just too much for him to cope, the way you cracked a smile whenever you served someone or the excited look in your eyes when they would actually talk to you about the film they were about to see
-You just oozed enthusiasm about your job and Minho was whipped!
-It’s honestly the main reason the kids all frequented the cinema so often
-To see Minho fail at trying to talk to you tbh
-They had never seen him so nervous before and it was extremely funny to them as they only saw the real Minho, not this nervous wreck around his crush
-One day, the boys minus Minho sat down to discuss
-“Just make him pay for everything!”
-“We tried that and it didn’t work”
-“Make him go on his own”
-“He would never!”
-It’s safe to say that suggestions were being thrown all over the place until Seungmin yelled at them
-(lbr this soft boy would have thought of a plan but these kids are so loud he wouldn’t get a look in)
-“We plan to go and then….. we just don’t turn up and he’d be forced to talk to her”
-“Seungmin you genius”
-“This could actually work wow”
-Before they put this plan into measure however, they went to the cinema a few more times
-Sometimes it was all of them, other times just Minho and a few others
-One time it was just Chan and Minho
-Let’s just say that Chan embarrassed Minho to the high heavens
-(chan spilt his drink all over Minho after paying causing you to laugh as you grabbed a mop and a tissues, handing them to a profusely blushing Minho who stuttered a thanks in return…. It’s safe to say Minho never went with just chan again)
-After drink!gate, the [OPERATION GET MINHO TO TALK TO THE CUTE CASHIER Y/N AT THE CINEMA] was put into motion
-The new Avengers film had been in the cinema for a few weeks and getting tickets was difficult with the boys’ busy schedule
-They managed to get some free time one Thursday and they were excited for a number of reasons
-1. It was marvel, they loved marvel
-2. Their operation was finally in motion
-3. Minho didn’t know it was happening
-Minho, none the wiser, turned up to the cinema at the designated time and waited for the rest of them to turn up
- Weird, he thought, he was never the first one
-Shrugging, he waited around for a few minutes figuring they would turn up soon
-7:40pm rocked around
-The film started at 7:45pm and they still weren’t there
-Frowning, Minho pulled out his phone to see a text from Chan
-Good luck buddy! Now’s your chance with Y/N ;) 
-Minho was not impressed
-Not only did he look like a fool for waiting for nearly 15 minutes for them to turn up, he was now coerced to talk to you with no buffer
-Sighing, he put his phone in his pocket figuring it wasn’t worth a response and wasn’t worth leaving the cinema awkwardly
-Lbr here, it’s marvel Minho wasn’t about to turn that down
-He approached the kiosk where you worked
-You turned away from your colleague to be surprised with Minho’s face
-“Oh, you’re on your own today? The others couldn’t make it?”
- You even knew that he never came on his own, he panicked internally
-“Uh, yeah. They’re all busy I guess”
-“I hope they can all come soon” CRAP you didn’t mean it like that
-You groaned internally, making such a fool of yourself in front of this highly attractive boy
-To your side you could hear your colleague snicker at your suffering
-“So, haha, what can I get for you today……”
-“Minho, my name is Minho. And can I get nachos, a coke and your number”
-You nearly choked taking his order
-“Umm, the first two definitely, the last one? Ask me on a date first and I’ll consider it”
-“Fine, after your shift, let’s go for ramen. My treat” he smiled at you
-You nearly overfilled his drink as he was so forward after being so quiet for goodness knows how long before
- “Why couldn’t this Minho be like this when you first came here hmm?” you asked, handing him his drink and nacho tray
-“Guess you just startled me too much and besides, the other boys are much more rowdy than me so you always talked to them first”
-“Well maybe you should’ve done a chan and paid for them then you would’ve talked to me”
-“Oh so it’s chan you’re interested in?” he asked quietly
-“Would I nearly make chan nearly late for his movie by flirting with him like I am with you?”
-You laughed at his reaction, he really was cute
-“I’ll be waiting outside for you Minho, text me when you’re done” you yelled as he rushed to his screen
-Minho was very glad you couldn’t see his blushing face as you all but confirmed your date
-As he sat down in his seat, he couldn’t help but think about what you said
-“text me when you’re done” ????
-He didn’t have your number though???
-He went and grabbed his drink
-Minho looked down and couldn’t help but smile
-You should smile more, it makes you even more attractive 😉 text me when your film finishes, I get off work at 8pm [XXX-XXXXXX-XXX] Y/N xx
-Guess he finally did have a chance with you huh?
-And if when he got back to the dorms much later than film should’ve been well……. the boys teased the hell out of him lmao
-Safe to say you two had a great first date and as he went to bed, a notification popped up on his phone
-Sleep well, Minho. Let’s catch a movie sometime. Y/N x
-Hmm, any recommendations? You’re the expert here x
-“oh shut up Jisung, you’re just jealous that you’re not on the receiving end on hyung’s texts right now”
-Minho laughed throwing a pillow at Jisung’s bed before settling down to sleep, recalling the events that evening and thinking of your infectious laugh and the way your eyes sparkled
-Yeah, he thought, Y/N really does have me whipped
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loucifieri · 6 years
To Hell and Back (v3 HPA AU)
[Part 1]
It’s a bigger hot mess than the previous one lol
04/21/18 09:21PM
ShirogaNYEH: welcome back! previously, Akamatsu-san creates a group chat, Ouma-kun uses it to stir some shit and in the end, a subtle confession was made!
starlord: shirogane what the heck weve been chatting continuously
Maki Roll: yeah what are you even going on about
ShirogaNYEH: but it's not the same case with the audience
starlord: what audience??
Lord Panta: can we go back to my moment
chaotic lesbean: no go away
Lord Panta: ANYWAY
Lord Panta: is it true Saihara-chan??
Lord Panta: do you find me irresistible?
The Only Hope For Me Is You: I wouldn't use that adjective but yeah
The Only Hope For Me Is You: you're hard to ignore
Lord Panta: !!!!!!
The Only Hope For Me Is You: since you constantly demand attention
The Only Hope For Me Is You: You're like an annoying itch that just won't go away
starlord: ooooh SHOT DOWN
Treblemaker: Damn Shuichi-kun, didn't think you would be a harsh heartbreaker
Do You Believe In Magic: lol rip........
Maki Roll: good job saihara
Lord Panta: I
Lord Panta: …
Lord Panta: that's hot
dumb blonde slut: haha the purple twink is obviously a bottom
Lord Panta: bitch it takes one to know one :)
dumb blonde slut: eek n-no im not
starlord: he didnt even deny it
Robot Rights Activist: I backlogged and I seem to recall you express dissatisfaction over your assigned nickname, Iruma-san
Robot Rights Activist: Why haven't you changed it yet?
Lord Panta: coz she actually likes it, duh
dumb blonde slut: piss off cockichi
dumb blonde slut: awww kibs ur concerned!! i always knew u were in love with me
Robot Rights Activist: I do not.
Treblemaker: yeouch
starlord: so many crushed hearts tonite
Treblemaker: Hey! No attacking!
Imma meme: you literally attacked me moments ago smh
Kork: This is a mess.
dumb blonde slut: dont get ur panties in a twist, idiot virgins
dumb blonde slut: the great iruma miu is too gorgeous 2 be affected by this shit
dumb blonde slut: im hella gay anyway
chaotic lesbean: you go Iruma-san!!
Robot Rights Activist: Still, I apologize if I came across as rude in any way! It was not my intention.
dumb blonde slut: dont beat urself too much over it kibs
Treblemaker: Aww Iruma-san really has a soft spot for Idabashi-kun
The Only Hope For Me Is You: Uh, Kaede-san, I assume you have your headphones on because I've been knocking on your door for awhile now and you haven't shifted from your position to indicate that you will answer the door.
ShirogaNYEH: truly a detective,,,
Treblemaker: oh shit sorry!!
Treblemaker: It's fine Chabashira-san!! Shuichi-kun usually comes over so we can gossip or whatever
chaotic lesbean: WHAT??? USUALLY??????
Maki Roll: wow Saihara, you managed to sneak past chabashira several times already, im impressed
The Only Hope For Me Is You: Thank you Harukawa-san! I feel validated.
Lord Panta: is there really NOTHING going on between you two
The Only Hope For Me Is You: Kaede-san is my bestfriend??
Treblemaker: Yeah, why does that bother you so much Ouma-kun?
Kork: He likely feels envious of your relationship.
Lord Panta: lol no
starlord: sure jan
Lord Panta: quick question what are yall sexual orientations
imma meme: im fabulously gay
chaotic lesbean: isn't it obvious
dumb blonde slut: dont have 2 repeat myself
Do You Believe In Magic: ace...... sexual attraction is tiring.........
ShirogaNYEH: same!!
Kork: as am I.
Treblemaker: Actually, I'm Bi but I tend to prefer girls
starlord: well since were being honest ok im bi too
Maki Roll: same
Gokuhara Gonta: Gonta loves all!! And Hoshi-kun says he's Ace!
Treblemaker: Gonta-kun, it's getting really late. You and Hoshi-kun should start heading back here.
Gokuhara Gonta: Of course, Akamatsu-san!
Imma meme: spoken like another mom
Treblemaker: >:(
Robot Rights Activist: My attraction is not affected by one's sexual orientation
bitch I am the WAY: Angie is pan!~
The Only Hope For Me Is You: I'm gay
Lord Panta: YES!!!!
Maki Roll: wow he was not subtle AT ALL
Treblemaker: What about you @Mother Knows Best?
imma meme: why do you want to know (͠≖ ͜ʖ͠≖)
Treblemaker: It wouldn't be fair to leave out someone from a question addressed to everyone!
Treblemaker: also, another word amami and im bashing your head with a shot put ball
ShirogaNYEH: go get em Akamatsu-san!
imma meme: im having war flashbacks
Mother Knows Best: Thank you for your consideration, Akamatsu-san. Apologies for not replying the soonest as I had to attend to some last minute errands. To answer your query, my preference is of the same sex.
Lord Panta: okay cool thank you for your input everyone!!!
Maki Roll: you only wanted to know one person's tho
dumb blonde slut: how about bull balls what do u think his orientation is
starlord: are you referring to great gozu??
dumb blonde slut: yea dumbass
dumb blonde slut: oh fuck those huge man tits,,,
dumb blonde slut: annsd heds a wretslerr he g ets all sewaTYyna d
chaotic lesbean: OK TENKO HAS HEARD ENOUGH
Maki Roll: Iruma shut the fuck up
bitch I am the WAY: Angie hears moaning again and it is very disturbing~~
Treblemaker: To think our rooms are billed as soundproof...
The Only Hope For Me Is You: I am effectively traumatized tonight.
ShirogaNYEH: we need to take this up with the headmaster!!
imma meme: uhhh its kinda weird to explain how we discovered the walls arent entirely soundproof
imma meme: “our classmate was masturbating too loudly to thoughts about our homeroom teacher's man boobs”
Kork: Let us not prolong this discussion. Can someone take care of that horrid excuse of a human being.
bitch I am the WAY: oh, she has stopped
bitch I am the WAY: Ah, Angie hears loud noises of struggle
bitch I am the WAY: then some shuffling outside the hallway
bitch I am the WAY: it is dead quiet now
chaotic lesbean: what just happened
chaotic lesbean: Tenko was terrified to peek outside
Treblemaker: Harukawa-san we talked about this
Maki Roll: what? I didn't kill her
Hoshi Ryoma: yo
The Only Hope For Me Is You: Hello Hoshi-kun
Hoshi Ryoma: just got back in the dorm with gokuhara
Hoshi Ryoma: he want back to his room but
Hoshi Ryoma: im still in the lounge room rn
Hoshi Ryoma: im seein tojo with a gagged and immobile iruma wrapped in a blanket being dragged across the room to the front door
Hoshi Ryoma: tojo just dumped her out
chaotic lesbean: :O
imma meme: what an ICON
Treblemaker: woah thats hot
bitch I am the WAY: she is doing Atua's work~~
Mother Knows Best: I was merely disposing of the trash.
Do You Believe In Magic: …..tnx mom........
The Only Hope For Me Is You: Best mom!
starlord: shouldn't that include ouma tho
Lord Panta: suck my dick spaceman
Robot Rights Activist: Language!
Lord Panta: da hell keeboy it wasnt even that crass
Gokuhara Gonta: Oh no! What has been going on here, friends?
starlord: hey gonta, buddy, do me a favor and dont backlog
Gokuhara Gonta: Alright, Momota-kun!
ShirogaNYEH: Gonta-kun should not be tainted in any way!!
ShirogaNYEH: we should probably let Iruma-san inside now though
Lord Panta: are you in league with the DEVOL
Maki Roll: not like you're any better
Mother Knows Best: Very well. I suppose she has learned her lesson, at least for this moment.
Imma meme: well this was wild
Treblemaker: Let's not talk about this ever again
The Only Hope For Me Is You: Group chats tend to spiral down into levels of insanity the longer we spend time in it
Kork: Might I suggest a more... family-friendly topic?
Treblemaker: What is it, Shinguji-kun?
Kork: Ghosts in Hope's Peak
starlord: FUCK NO
bitch I am the WAY: hmmm what about nicknames for Gonta and Ryoma!~
The Only Hope For Me Is You: Good idea, Angie-san
Gokuhara Gonta: Oh yes! Gonta is excited on what name friends will gift him!
Imma meme: okay we better not fuck this up then
Lord Panta: allow me~
Maki Roll removed Lord Panta from the chat
starlord: lol sniped again
imma meme: DEADT
chaotic lesbean: noone must ruin this special moment!!
Do You Believe In Magic changed Gokuhara Gonta to Good Noodle
imma meme: yumeno-san is our name-changing cryptid
Good Noodle: Thank you Yumeno-san! Gonta loves this nickname!
ShirogaNYEH: im,,, CRYING
chaotic lesbean: you're doing amazing, sweetie
Do You Believe In Magic changed Hoshi Ryoma to quail egg
ShirogaNYEH: s m o l  b e a n
quail egg: NO
imma meme: hoshi-kun can literally punt us to the sun let's not baby him
starlord: not to mention that hes got a deeper voice than the rest of us guys
starlord: its so manly
The Only Hope For Me Is You: Momota-kun, your gay is showing
Treblemaker: Yay! Now everyone's got a nickname.
Treblemaker: We should probably add Ouma-kun back here.
quail egg: respectfully disagree
chaotic lesbean: you are too nice akamatsu-san!!!
ShirogaNYEH: funny how we somehow end up kicking Ouma-kun out the chat then add him later towards the end of the chapter...
starlord: ????
Treblemaker added Lord Panta to the chat.
Do You Believe In Magic changed Lord Panta to notto disu shitto agen
notto disu shitto again: i feel loved
Maki Roll: fuck go back
Kork: This is the 10th Circle of Hell.
Mother Knows Best: I would like to inform everyone that the time is now five minutes past eleven in the evening. I believe this is the ideal time for all of us to get some rest as we have a class on Physical Education early morning.
Imma meme: omg I hate PE
notto disu shitto agen: but moooooom
Mother Knows Best: All of you go to sleep or I will not make breakfast for everyone tomorrow.
notto disu shitto agen: okay okay jeez
dumb blonde slut: yes mommy
starlord: aight mom
bitch I am the WAY: Apparently, Angie must postpone here sacrificial ritual tonight~~
ShirogaNYEH: awww I wont binge watch anime tonight then
Do You Believe In Magic: ….....good nyt...................
chaotic lesbean: Sleep well yumeno-chan <3
Do You Believe In Magic: …...........nyeh <3
Good Noodle: Goodnight everyone!
quail egg: night
dumb blonde slut: nyt cocksuckers
The Only Hope For Me Is You: Good night, all!
notto disu shitto agen: hey saihara-chan are you back at your room can i come over :v
The Only Hope For Me Is You: nah I'm sleeping over Kaede-san's tonight
notto disu shitto agen: WHAT
chaotic lesbean: WHAT
Mother Knows Best: Saihara-san, I am afraid I will have to escort you out. Now.
Imma meme: oof
nickname guide notto disu shitto agen: Ouma The Only Hope For Me Is You: Saihara Treblemaker: Akamatsu bitch I am the WAY: Yonaga starlord: momota shirogaNYEH: shirogane Mother Knows Best: tojo imma meme: amami Maki Roll: harukawa Do You Believe In Magic: yumeno chaotic lesbean: chabashira Kork: shinguji Robot Rights Activist: idabashi dumb blonde slut: iruma Good Noodle: gokuhara quail egg: hoshi
NDRV3 HPA AU Character Design Masterlist here and background information here [Facebook] [Instagram] [Twitter] [Blogger] [Kofi]
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seungmin-jpeg · 6 years
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so i hit 1k followers today omg I’m still in shock tbh. i’ve only had this blog up and running for about 4 months now, not even that long, but it’s been the best few months of my life honestly. i’ve met some of the most amazing people, and have been constantly surronded by fun, high spirited, amazing friends. Along with that i’ve got to know 9 amazing and talented people who never fail to make my smile when im down. When i made this blog i didn’t really know what to expect, but i was welcomed right away and was quickly accepted by all the other fans, faster than any other fanbase i’ve ever been apart of. I just want to take some time to highlight some of the people who’ve made my day’s happy and always bring a smile to my face :) if i miss anyone i’m sorry, im so bad at these lol 
Regardless of whether i tagged you or not, thank you all so much for following me and putting up with me <3
✨- my beautiful mutuals that i love with all my heart and you have a special message under the cut! 🌱- i love your blog so much and i hope we can talk more that is, if we havent talked already! ☁️- we don’t talk that much, maybe never, but i love your blog and hope one day we can talk even more!!!
@mydarlingfelix 🌱// @straykiddosmom 🌱// @straykids01 🌱// @adorehyunjin 🌱 // @seungchanie ✨ // @changbeanie ✨ // @deathbywoojin ☁️// @strayboys ✨// @goddamngyu 🌱// @straycuties 🌱// @kimseungminns ✨// @pooh-bear-woojin 🌱// @versekiller ✨// @strayykiddos ✨// @arqueritefrost 🌱// @etherealstraykids 🌱// @nctcry ☁️// @stk0t9 ☁️// @yafelix ☁️// @leedontknow🌱 // @hey-hey-chan 🌱// @straybin✨// @chxngbinnie ☁️// @ohmyspearb 🌱// @just-pig ☁️// @heavenly-freckles 🌱// @fandumbscribbling ✨// @strayedtoofar 🌱// @s0ftminho ☁️// @felixflowers ☁️// @kiribunny ☁️// @likemates ☁️// @strgaykids ☁️// @junspurplehair ☁️// @hear-the-dokidoki 🌱// @hobi-stole-my-heart ✨// @astraykidsdaydream ✨// @felixfrecklesjpg ✨// @minhomygod ☁️// @officialchangbin 🌱// @maaatryoshka 🌱// @awoojinstan 🌱// @sechangbin ☁️// @chang-put-me-in-the-bin ☁️// @felixthekoala 🌱// @woojinshairwasblue ☁️// @realstraykids 🌱
this looks kinda messy but oh well
@seungchanie - vale, ah one of my most treasured skz mutuals <3<3 you were the one who kept me in the fandom when i first joined, the person who made me realize what an amazing fanbase this was and who always make me so happy whenever i see anything from you, whether its a message or one of your cute drawings. thank you for being one of the first to welcome me into the wonderful world of stray kids!!!
@changbeanie - Ruby, wow where do i even start. i cant even remember how i found your blog, but it was pretty much love at first sight lmao. you’re writing blows my mind its so amazing, and you always inspire me to keep up with my writing too! i was going through a rough patch with my writing over on my main blog, but seeing all your work, and how many nice anons you got and everything made me want to keep going with everything. on top of that you’re literally the sweetest person on the whole planet and actually deserve every single star in the sky omg
@strayboys - hi phoebe you mean the actual sun? honestly the most friendly and welcoming person i’ve ever met my whole freakin life. not to mention funny and like all around perfect? i’ve got so much to say i dont even know where to start haha. but seriously both you and your whole blog make me so happy who even needs the sun anymore cause you’ve got that covered. the fandom wouldnt be the same without you!
@kimseungminns - Joyce! we haven’t talked in a little bit but still, i’m so thankful i was about met you and talk about everything we have so far!! thanks again for offering to read over my drafts lol, for someone who runs a writing blog i struggle with all the little things like spelling and man are you a life saver lol. you’re one of my first stray kids mutuals and will always have a special little place in my heart lol
@versekiller - J! my smol bean lol tbh we haven’t talked that much like directly but you’ve been around since i first made this blog back when you were doublekn0t lol you’re a solid predebut buddy lol. when i first found you and your blog i was like “wOw DaRk” but now i know you’re actually just a ball of sunshine haha. your blog is beautiful. you’re beautiful. and your writing is beautiful. lets talk more okay lol <3 
@strayykiddos - Elisa! first off thanks for talking with me when that dumb fox gave me a heart attack lmaooooo thanks for dropping by and messaging me like you did because honestly that was such a blessing and now i have a wonderful friend like you omg. your icon honestly gives me life and i love how easy it is to talk with you!!! i’m really looking forward to all the conversations we can have in the future! 
@fandumbscribbling - Kriti! we started talking because of woojin not getting enough screentime and then ended up talking non-stop and honestly it’s been the best! I’m excited that we both get to experience college at the same time. Who knows, maybe i can make a little trip up to where you are for college and then we can scream about stray kids in person lollllll
@hobi-stole-my-heart - Della, oh man first off thanks a thousand for helping me with all the pj au stuff haha. It’s been amazing to get to know you, and to have a fellow writer who feels the same way about a lot of the same things! also thank you for always screaming about things with me because boy did a scream a lot today hahah rip
@astraykidsdaydream - Kaitlin!!! first off your mobile theme color is everything and it makes me so happy lol. thanks for messaging me like you did, i’m a shy bean haha. you were one of the first people that i messaged when our boys finally debuted. even when the showcase happened i talked with you the most about it all. i hope we can keep talking and get to know each other even better!!!! <3 
@felixfrecklesjpg & @straybin - my admins T_T Ulfah and K, i’d seriously be lost without you two. thank you so much for helping me run the network - i promise i’ll actually get it totally up and running and start planning things soon so we can actually start really doing things lol. thank you so much for joining me and working with me!!! i can’t wait until the ball really starts to get rolling, i think we’re going to have a lot of fun in the future!! 
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hallelujuh · 7 years
hello yes i just finished lord of the flies (and then watched the 1963 movie immediately afterwards) & i rlly luv piggy so im gonna yell abt Just Piggy Things™ even if no one cares
piggy’s the first character we’re introduced to, after ralph ofc, so that means we’re supposed to get attached, and boy did i get attached..
the fact that he’s been called mean nicknames so long that his real name doesnt matter to him?? he doesnt care what hes called?? poor thing wtf??? hes like eleven hes too little for this
the Flashing Anime Glasses. especially the one w the fire when he starts laughing maniacally. same.
im talking about: “then he laughed so strangely that they were hushed, looking at the flash of his spectacles in astonishment.”
also: “’i got the conch,’ said piggy, in a hurt voice. ‘i got a right to speak.’” let him speak hes the only damn reasonable one. also stop hurting him hes been hurt enough goddamnit 
k but how much he loves ralph? and ralph is annoyed by him??? but then later he confides in him & cries over him & their friendship is my fav in the book so. they bond it just takes a while. but piggy was always good to ralph awe
“i was with him when he found the conch. i was with him before anyone else was.” he finally made a friend dont u take him from him ;-;
k speaking of the conch, in the first movie, his laugh when ralph’s blowing the horn for the first time??? aw??? a rare moment of joy in that sad ass movie?? 
‘63!film piggy is the sweetest & cutest i lob him. ‘90!film piggy was annoying as shit tho i refuse to talk about him.
in the ‘63!film when he puts his hands on his hips when jack says “shut up fatty” and then hides behind the tree when they all laugh at him.
god in the book it’s easy to forget theyre actual babies but with the movie u cant possibly forget and theyre so cute but defenseless it’s so sad
i kno these actors r like 70 or dead now but i wanna go back in time & give them a hug. especially piggy cuz hes a pouty chubby bub gOD IM SO SAD
one last note on the film before i get back to the book: the movie rlly encompassed how awkward i imagined piggy to be & i luv that. also his story time abt camberly was adorable + educational (for me, anyway)
how hurt he is when ralph tells the other boys his name, poor thing ugh :(
“’let him have the conch!’ shouted piggy. ‘let him have it!’” yes stand up for poor lil mulberry child
“piggy knelt by him, one hand on the great shell, listening and interpreting to the assembly.” hes so fuckin sweet??? hes like the mom of the island hes so nice to the littluns i luv him
and when he gets upset over the mulberry boy probably bein killed in the fire :’( hes the most sensible and the most empathetic of all the other boys. what a cinnamon roll. unproblematic fav. true neutral. 10/10. the best boy.
my second favorite line in the whole book: “then, with the martyred expression of a parent who has to keep up with the senseless ebullience of the children, he picked up the conch, turned toward the forest, and began to pick his way over the tumbled scar.” tired mama piggy lmao
he wants to make a sundial?? hes so smart aw
piggy thinking ralph’s patronizing smile was a friendly one :( :( he just wants a friendddd hes so naive & sweet im sadddd
i think it’s implied most of the other boys (particularly the choir boys & ralph) are from a nicer, more upper class part of england, &, despite his intelligence, piggy’s more lower class, judging by his cockney-esque accent (his use of ‘them’ instead of ‘those’, etc.) and also “piggy was an outsider, not only by accent, which did not matter…” idk why this is cute i dunno
“piggy arrived, out of breath and whimpering like a littlun.” me in pe. but also poor thing ;-;
“piggy sniveled and simon shushed him as though he had spoken too loudly in church.” i interpreted shushed as, like, consoled, more than, like, ‘quit crying, ya baby’, which was more what he was doing, but still…first of many cute piggy & simon interactions. i’d ship them but theyre like twelve so nah. but they cute as buddies
“this was too bitter for piggy, who forgot his timidity in the agony of his loss. he began to cry out, shrilly: ‘you and your blood, jack merridew! you and your hunting! we might have gone home-’” this hurts because if jack hadn’t gone hunting, they may have been rescued before simon or piggy died :( :( :( horrible vague foreshadowing
simon getting piggy’s glasses for him when jack throws em ;-;
simon giving his piece of meat (not a euphemism, goddamnit) to piggy.. god simons so sweet hes my second fav
“only, decided ralph as he faced the chief’s seat, i can’t think. not like piggy…he could go step by step inside that fat head of his, only piggy was no chief. but piggy, for all his ludicrous body, had brains.” why does ralph resent piggy sm. it’s like it psychically hurts him to compliment him, even just in his own head. jeez. just cuz someones fat doesnt mean they cant be smart?? the 50s were weird
“piggy came and stood outside the triangle. this indicated that he wished to listen, but would not speak; and piggy intended it as a gesture of disapproval.” aka ‘i’m mad at everyone so im gonna stand two feet away & glare at you all’ aw haha
when he tiptoes onto the triangle cuz hes done w his protesting ahaha aw
“piggy held out his hands for the conch but ralph shook his head.” idk i thought the mental image was cute. “gimme pls” “nuh uh”
what he says about the beast & life being scientific…me & piggy would be buds if he was real lmao
“ralph nodded to piggy. ‘go on. ask him.’ piggy knelt, holding the conch. ‘now then. what’s your name?’ the small boy twisted away into his tent. piggy turned helplessly to ralph..” honestly piggy & ralph are the mom & dad of the colony (jack being the asshole uncle) it’s so cute
“’that’s a clever beast,’ said piggy, jeering, ‘if it can hide on this island.’” sarcastic piggy is sarcastic
more sarcastic piggy earlier in the book: “you got your small fire all right” i lob him
indignant & shrill piggy… and his quote: “’what are we? humans? or animals? or savages?’” honestly lowkey want that tattooed
i fuckin hate jalph but admittedly jack’s jealous lil “’that’s right–favor piggy as you always do.’” is salty & gay lmao
the whole three blind mice convo…i luv
particular highlight in that scene: “’i’m scared of him,’ said piggy, ‘and that’s why i know him. if you’re scared of someone you hate him but you can’t stop thinking about him. you kid yourself he’s all right really, an’ then when you see him again; it’s like asthma an’ you can’t breathe. i tell you what. he hates you too, ralph—’” POOR BABYYY 
also “’i know about people. i know about me. and him. he can’t hurt you: but if you stand out of the way he’d hurt the next thing. and that’s me.” IN THE END ROGER’S THE ONE WHO HURTS HIM UGH :(
“’keep piggy out of danger.’” YOU ASSHOLES LET HIM DIE
piggy holding his breath until his asthma acts up & then the boys just leave him??? what dicks
“jack cleared his throat and spoke in a queer, tight voice. ‘we mustn’t let anything happen to piggy, must we?’” AND THEN YOU LET HIM D I E U SALTY BITCH QUIT IT
“piggy put on his one glass and looked at ralph. ‘now you done it. you been rude about his hunters.’ ‘oh shut up!’” why dont more ppl ship them?? compared to jalph theres nothing??? theyre like a married couple it’s precious. like i said - mom & dad of the island.
piggy getting braver & being more of a leader once jack leaves!!! im proud of him!!
“he [simon] sought for help and sympathy and chose piggy” k the two most humane & sympathetic kids on the island, and the two doomed ones, gravitate towards each other & look out for each other & it so sadd
piggy being “so full of pride in his contribution to the good of society” he didnt deserve his fate he was so good im so sad
samneric & piggy making a little mini feast for them?? thats so cute??? 
also “piggy broke into noisy laughter and took more fruit. ‘he might be.’ he gulped his mouthful. ‘he’s cracked’.” piggy u get teased for bein different why would u tease simon (behind his back too) for bein diffrent u hypocrite. noisy laughter tho aw
piggy & ralph laying by the fire & talking…ralph didnt deserve piggy honestly he wasnt even grateful until the very end for such a good friend in such a horrible situation??? ugh
“when he understood how far ralph had gone toward accepting him he flushed pinkly with pride” see? good friendship. piggy just wanted a friend & to be considered valuable. and ralph finally started appreciating him
“piggy took off his glasses, stepped primly into the water, and then put them on again.” prim: stiffly formal and respectable; feeling or showing disapproval of anything regarded as improper. idk why this is funny to me
when he gets annoyed and starts slapping the water & yelling. temper tatrum lmao. dont blame him
“piggy stirred the sand under water and did not look at ralph. ‘p’raps we ought to go too.’ ralph looked at him quickly and piggy blushed. ‘i mean–to make sure nothing happens.’ ralph squirted water again.” they’re so fuckINGN CUTE
“piggy touched ralph’s wrist. ‘come away. there’s going to be trouble. and we’ve had our meat.’“ SO MUCH OF THIS STORY WOULDVE BEEN AVOIDED IF THE OTHER BOYS ACTUALLY LISTENED TO PIGGY
“ralph sat down in the grass facing the chief’s seat and the conch. piggy knelt at his left, and for a long minute there was silence.” i luv their dynamic sm. ruler & adviser. no questions asked. ultimate loyalty. so good.
piggy trying to be all rational about simon while ralph freaks out…what a scene. also i luv how awkward their convo w samneric immediately after is
piggy wants to be rescued most and hes the one whos killed!!!! bullshit!!!! justice for piggy!!!
when ralph says piggy should write a letter to his auntie & he takes it serious & ralph laughs & piggy doesnt get it. awe.
the scene where they take his glasses ;-; u made my boi piggy hav an ass-mar attack u monsters,
“he held out the conch to piggy who flushed, this time with pride” and then “piggy sought in his mind for words to convey his passionate willingness to carry the conch against all odds.” the conch is the only constant on the island, the only dependable thing he has besides ralph, so hes so invested in it, hes pretty much deemed himself the caretaker of the conch, and it dies with him…
the scene where piggy reassures ralph & it says “the twins were examining ralph curiously, as though they were seeing him for the first time” is probably my fav scene in the entire book…it just really shows, in a couple of lines, the characters that ralph & piggy are, and what their relationship is like, and why they’re a partnership throughout the whole book. fantastic.
“’am i safe?’ quavered piggy. ‘i feel awful–’” fuckin foreshadowing, i hate it. imagine being practically blind on a cliff and then, minutes later, falling to your death. god it’s terrible.
piggy crying for ralph not to leave him actually hurts like psychically in my chest. him and simon were babies??? i know it’s fiction but kids are the sweetest things, not even fictional kids deserve to be killed so mercilessly??? im so fuckin sad
his last words…powerful and iconic.
i dont wanna talk about his death. im very sad
k ik it’s terrible but when he died his skull cracked open & his brain more or less fell out (”and stuff came out”, “with his empty head”), and thats p macabre but it’s also symbolic and genius bc when roger killed him he also took away the only thing he had going for him, the only thing that gave him superiority over the others - his intelligence. his brain. 
of course, have to end on: “ralph wept for the end of innocence, the darkness of man’s heart, and the fall through the air of the true, wise friend called piggy.” cue me shutting the book, hugging it to my chest, and sobbing
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weasterned · 6 years
Amber Liu.
1. Amber Unnie is shooo humble ! Ah really— I adore her a lot, despite her (probably) busy schedules, she always had a time to spent with Weast(s) ! She did well on updating her fc too ! ㅠㅠㅠ 2. Nothing to be fixed for ! In conclusion, she’s a really really good roleplayer ! ♡ 3. Amber Unnie, christmas is neaar ! And I really want to get closer with you, I’ll make a first step ! ;  ____  ; I hope you will spend a gooood times christmas eve and christmas and the new year itself ! ♡
1. friendly, kind, meu af, mature, good at words ; ; 2. she doesn’t need to improve anything 3. you have such a delicate and beautiful way of portraying your love to f(x), i absolutely adore this! they’re incredibly lucky to have you as fan
1. Portrays her chara well, Kind & Friendly. 2. Jiejie I don’t know how to give you a complain. Because I’m the ome eho always neglect our conversation… hehe. I want us to talk more! That’s enough. 3. Amber jiejie, its such a grateful to meet you here. Its hard to find f(x) sunbaenim roleplayer especially Amber and Victoria. Well, jiejie came and fill my timeline. I hope we can be friend too, in 2018!
1) Super kind, fun, silly, fantastic and amazing! 2) I think she’s fine just the way she is now hehe 3) Hello, Amber unnie! Happy holidays to you and happy new year. 🎆 Wishing you a super great 2018 and maybe a comeback? ;) 4) Plus : I just love the way she is. Minus : I can’t say that you should be more active but I’ll pray for you biar gak sibuk aheheh
#1 - Cool - Kind - Sometimes so quite - Can be loud too -  Friendly #2 I like how Amber interact with the others. She’s really cool. I hope she can keep it up. #3 Hello, Ambro eonni! I think we are still awkward when we talk to each other. Or is it just me who feel this way? Hehe🤔 I hope you can pardon this potato’s awkwardness 🙁 Anyway, you’re such a cool person. I like how you interacts well with the members. I hope we can get more closer as the time goes by, eonni!❤sassy, less ooc, kind, famous, friendly
1. Suweg, ATTRACTIVE, kind, oppa!!!!!, warm. 2. Keep on updating about f(x), my fave! 3. Hello, Ambroo oppa! Me is your fan. Anyway, can you teach me how to make a good thread of your character? T_T I envy your thread and anyway you’re such a nice girl! And omo. Very very girlcrush. Ah me likey. Anyway, enjoy your xmas and new year!
1. the most less ooc, nice, humble, funny, savage, inspirational 2. once again, i dont want you to improve anything, youre already good at portraying amber, i wish i could be like you someday :   ( 3. Dear Amber eonnie, you’re such an inspirational person in my eyes, i adore you so much and knowing you through this agency is such a big matters for me, i always speechless everytime i saw you on my timeline. i hope later on we can talk more, not only about light talk but also deep talk .y
1. MOMMY! Always take care of me. Kind. Humble. I can be clingy around her. Sexy yet swaaaggg. 2. Please give me more food! 3. Since the end of this year is coming sooon. Please keep being healthy and do your best on your work mom. I wish to spend more holiday with you!
1. Friendly, cool, smart, humble, good 2. Hm.. Since we are rarely talk, i cant really tell what you should improve.. 3. Hei ambreu. It’s a good thing to know you as my mutuals. You’re a good person to have conversation with but unfortunately since we are rarely talk with each other.. Lets talk more in the future, ambreu. P.s christmas is coming soon, can i ask for an alpaca for my christmas gift? swaggy dude, kind, interesting, handsome, pretty at the same time. lol be more girly perhaps lol . I hope sajangnim will give f(x) comeback asap, we miss our girl and also i wanna see u wear girl clothes would u mind to  grant my wish dude? lmao
She’s nice people. She looks like real amber. Good job ambro!
1. such a nice person, potrayed as amber very very well, always update on point. sadly we haven’t talk much so i dunno her very well- 2. nggak ada yang harus banyak dirubah sepertinya, just stay the way you are hyung lololol 3. Since we haven’t talk much yet, i hope we can have more convo in the future. Honestly sometimes i dunno how to reply mentions, so i just keep some convo just like that haha.
1. cool sunbaenim!, kind, caring, full of swag (lmao), funny 2. well- i don’t know what should i write for it. she’s portraying her chara very well so i don’t know what should i say. well, all i can say is please always stay as who you are right now. because she’s cool! 3. Hello, amber sunbaenim! /bows/ i hope you have another great days, included today! we’re not interacting that much, and i apologize for it. You are the 1st amber rper that i have in my timeline and i’m happy for it because you’re one of my favorite idol! ㅋㅋ I really want to be close with you but seems like both of us never stay in a place at the same time ㅋㅋ I hope you will always take care of your health! and since the weathers has become colder day by day, please don’t catch cold and always wear warm clothes. Fighting!
MY AMBRO BUDDY. Well we haven’t talked much for quite a while but amber is always so nice and kind towards everyone. She plays her chara well but i hope we can interact more from now on
1. kind, cool, nice, cool, noonable 2. amber noona is a good one that i’ve ever met. she almost perfect by potraying amber well. i hope she can get along with all member and also me. please keep it up noona! 3. hello, llama noona! its nice to meet you. i never expected to having such a good convo with you, sadly our convo sometimes can’t be long cause of one or two things lol. lets keep each other well, noona! i adore you anw!
1. Cool, very updated about her character, funny, kind, handsome. Lmao. 2. Please mingle with me! 3. Hello, Ambroo! Please enjoy the rest of 2017 happily.
1. cool, kind, friendly 2. lets get crazy together 3.Marry christmas and happy new year, ah lets get more closer next year so we can have fun year together.
1. Nice, cool, kind, mature, friendly. 2. I want to have looong conversation with nuna but you seem busy :( 3. Dear amber nuna, my wish is to be closer with you in the future! Hahaha this bugi wants to be nuna’s bestfriend 🐢She is kind, nice, talkative, friendly and funny. She welcomed me when I first joined here. I like talking with her. She portrays Amber’s image well, I like that about her. I really hope she would keep that up! To Amber unnie, Unnie!! My Amber unnie! Happy early new year! Hope next year will be a good good year!
1. Kind, fun, cool unnie. 2. Well, everyone just being busier so does Ambreu unnie. All we need is having more convos just like before!! 3. hello, Ambreu unnie since 2017 almost over which mean new year will bring a new hope also. Please stay healthy because the weather is not so good lately, keep warm. Xx Loves♡
1. My Baby Llama 😗 2. Let’s share anything in our dm group ㅋㅋㅋ 3. Happy New Year to my baby llama >
1. Decent, KIND, funny, A GREAT ROLE MODEL, SUPER KINDHEARTED 2. Unnie please do online more? :( 3. Dearest Amber Unnie, we don’t talk that much? yes.. But during times I have ever talk and having a convo with you, that is one of the best convo I ever had. Seriously! I hope you have a great ending of 2017 and will welcome 2018 with lots of happines! I LOVE YOU, xx.
1. Amber unnie is so so so soooooo kind! But not really online that much, she is so approachable, sweet and polite. 2. Please online more often, unnie!!! 3. f(x) COMEBACK JUSEYO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love f(x) and you are actually my bias, unnie. Lets get to know each other more ok? And please be happy always!
1. - KIND!! - humble - calm - cool - classy 2. you did your best as Amber RP-er! please keep being friendly and cool like this! 3. [💌] i just wanna say, thank you for staying in WST. i’m happy that i have such a kind and caring members here. it might be pretty hard when you feel left out in agency, but i didn’t feel like this here. thank you ♡ Amber unnie, i hope we can still be friends in the future! i hope we can build our relationship as a friend closer and stronger than before. i just realized that it has been about 2 years since the first time i met you hahahahah.
1) nice, friendly, super kind, convo builder, care to everyone 2) because ambru unnie recently online, maybe online more often? 3) ambru unnie! i miss you ;  ;  if you’re busy please take care of yourself and don’t skip your meals! let’s talkeu talkeu with me again and i hope 2018 will be a much much better year for you! ✨Really cool,  swag,  friendly,  girlcrush,  funny Yo ma bruh!  Gald to know you!  HahahaAku baru mentionan sekali dan first impression-nya aku suka eonnie ini. Amber eonnie ngegreet aku duluan muehehe padahal harusnya aku yg ngegreet. Jadi menurutku, Amber eonnie ini ramah dan perhatian😃 Message: I might only met you in the last quarter of 2017, but im glad i could spend the last day of 2017 with a person like you. Aku berharap kedepannya kita bisa lebih deket lagi and can lean on to each other. Harapannya semoga eonnie selalu bahagia dan keinginannya cepat tercapai hehehe. Periwinkle mate — ! ! ! ! ! ! You know me right ? ? ? ? Of courseee ! ! ! I’m sureeeee ㅋㅋㅋ Amber eonnyi is someone that know me really well , , , , when she described me … she really got me … she is a caring person, kind and humorist for sure~ i really missed yoouuuuu peulijeuuu let’s have a convo again with meee ♡
1. DOPE COOL. SHE’S SO COOL. COOL AF. THAT’S IT. 2. I’m so happy to see you on my timeline, but sometimes I’m just too shy to approach you first. You really portray your character so well, keeeep up the good work! 3. Happy new year! Santa claus is coming to town~ *chuckles* You should take a good care of yourself, keep smiling widely, and be happy as always.
1. Nice, very nice, seriously nice, cool, easy going ; 2. Please lessen your retweet update- ; 3. Noona i’m sorry because our convo is ngebosenin dan stuck di situ situ aja😂 i’m trying hard for find a new topic but ended fail, i guess hahaha-
1. Nice, kind, kinda mengayomi, HAS A MOMMY VIBES, caring 😍 2. You can be a manly but lovely Amber 😳 3. Pls active more so I can fging over you1. Mature, IC, Good, Reliable, Long replies on point 2. I don’t even know what kind of improvement, actually… 3. I’ve told her this, but, unnie, keep being you! Keep up the good work and never give up. Me love you!
1. Tertib 2. Ramah 3. Baik hati 4. Overall just looks really kind Hello noona! You know since I suck at socializing we don’t really talk a lot and that’s my fault. But you are a really cool person although I find you a little bit hard to approach but that’s okay youre a cool girl! It’s the New Year’s soon and we’re gonna pass the 2018 together I hope. With this sentence I hope we can be more closer in the future, I really want to do that and I’d like to be your friend hahahah.
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