cupiidzbow · 8 months
sorry cringe (DK fic moment 💔)
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“Uhh… Do you want me to move?”
“No! No. Stay right there. Just- let me figure this out.”
Freddie couldn’t fight the slight grin curling on his face as he watched Kong in front of him. DK had the smaller human in his lap, his other arm pulling him closer towards himself, legs crossed underneath him. He hunched his neck down to meet his eyes, cradling his cheek softly, his massive hand gently tilting his neck back slightly to look up at him.
Despite how much he tried to make himself look smaller for him, DK was always gonna be a hulking mass in comparison to the little human in his arms.
Do.nkey Ko.ng - obviously- is quite a large guy. Big hands, arms, face, personality at that! He always tries his best to shrink in on himself, just to come off as soft and gentle as he possibly could for Freddie. But the size difference between the two couldn’t help but be a bit of an issue in some instances.
Especially as the gorilla leaned down to press an awkward kiss against the human’s lips, his own taking up a majority of his face.
Despite how unconventional of a kiss it was, Freddie closed his eyes and happily leaned into him, appreciating the affection that his boyfriend was trying to give him in the time they got to be alone together. DK’s snout brushed against Fred’s closed eye slightly, which made him laugh and push his large head away from him gently, much to the big guy’s dismay.
“Hey, don’t smudge my makeup!!” He giggled, reaching up to brush a bit of the rust colored eyeshadow that rubbed off on the gorilla’s nose.
“Well it’s not my fault!” DK huffed back flustered. “What is it with you humans and being so small anyways?” He grumbled, turning his head away from him, slightly annoyed over the fact it was seemingly so difficult to kiss his boyfriend properly.
Fred smiled as he rolled his eyes at him, shaking his head, “I’m not even that small!”
He cups his boyfriend’s face with two hands and pulls his face back in his direction. He pinches the sides of DK’s cheeks and stretches them out playfully, making some of his teeth peek out from his lips from the action.
He couldn’t help but be amused at the fact that his big brute of a boyfriend allowed him to do that. There’s a lot of things that only he could get away with after all.
“Besides, you already know there’s a bunch of Kongs I'm bigger than anyway!!” He let his cheeks go, the skin making a slight noise as it snapped back into place. “You’re just huge!!”
The slightly soured expression he had softened at that, “Yeah… true. It’s not like you’re complaining about it.” He smirked, leaning down to nuzzle his face in his neck, finding it easier to press kisses there at the moment.
“Yeah, yeah….. You’re well aware.” Fred deadpanned, reaching to scratch the fur under his ear, his boyfriend leaning deeper into the touch. “There’s just a lot of you to go around.”
“Nah. Only for you.”
Freddie felt his heart swell a bit at the words.
“Or y'know, maybe an adoring crowd. On a good day.”
“Ok, nevermind. No more affection for you.” Fred pushed his head away with his palm and started getting up from his lap, jokingingly unamused.
“Hey hey!!! I'm kidding!!” DK teased, grasping at him to pull him back into his arms. Finding his way back to his neck, pressing a little kiss into the side.
“You’re annoying.”
“Yeah! But you love meee.”
Yeah. He did. He really did.
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