bae-leth · 5 years
heyyy, uuh, soo,, i tried the thing... I hope you enjoy it!
The battle didn’t seem arduous in the beginning, however as the battle stretched out. Byleth could start to see the strain’s it was having against his students. The heavy downpour of rain didn’t help them either. Leaving more room for misplaced steps and wild swings. It didn’t make things any easier when the large wolf beast had appeared a good way through the current battle. He could see the exhaustion and fear in his students, they weren’t exactly prepared for the beast when it came up. 
Although, when his father had arrived, a very grateful helping hand was given. Byleth knew his father was skilled and with his aid, they would be able to get through this. So, how did it end up like this? He was careful; Dimitri lead half of the students to attack from behind, while the last group flanked the beast. While him and his father kept the beast’s attention on themselves. To have the victory of slaying the beast under their belts stolen from him, like a sword had ran through him.
It had all happened to quickly, Jeralt smiling widely as he pats Byleth on the shoulder, saying how proud he was. Byleth having a small smile on his lips, beaming. Although, with a sudden cry from Ashe, pointing to just behind Byleth to show a bandit coming up behind him, dagger in hand. Jeralt’s smile turned sour, his grip on his son’s shoulder tightening and pulling him away from the bandit and taking his place. 
It all seemed to happen so slowly in front of him, unable to do a single thing. The dagger pushing into Jeralt’s skin with too much ease. The tight gasp and pained grunt sounding so clear in his ear despite the heavy rain. The drop of his father body seemed so surreal, but the movement from the bandit tore him away from this nightmare. 
Anger boiled hotly, the sword of the creator burning brightly in his hand. The bandit, the sleaze, coward, ugly bastard had stabbed his father. The bandit noticed the aura that had surrounded Byleth, whimpering before trying to flee. Byleth was quick, running his own sword through the ugly bastard before quickly kneeling down to his father’s side.
There was so much blood, too much. Was the stab really that bad? It couldn’t have been, could it? Byleth’s shaking hands held onto his father, turning him just barely to see him clearly. Oh, Gods, Jeralt was pale; his breathing shallow, eyes starting to glaze over. 
“…Dad?” Byleth called out to him. He sounded so scared, so alone. Jeralt wasn’t supposed to leave him.
“Byleth…” Jeralt’s voice was hard to hear in the heavy rain, but Byleth could hear him just fine. Tears starting to spill from his eyes. His grip tightening its hold on his father. “Everything… is going to be… okay.” He was dying his arms, Byleth couldn’t stop the tears from falling. His head shaking.
“Not if you’re gone…” Byleth whimpered out, pulling his father closer to him if it was possible. Jeralt tried to smile, hand coming up to hold Byleth’s hand. The weak grip against Byleth’s on hand had only made things harder for him. The reality of losing his father, it was approaching too quickly. Jeralt was supposed to grow old, see his son grow into the man he loved. He wasn’t supposed to meeting his Mom yet.
“…your mom… would be… so proud…” Jeralt said, trying to comfort Byleth the best he could, but he knew his time was quickly approaching. If only he had more time to show Byleth more of the land, more tricks he could use, more skills, there would always be more. But perhaps this was enough. “…I love you, Byleth.”
Byleth sobbed, as he cradled his Father in his arms. Hot tears spilling across his face, and he screamed. Trying to pull magic from the Divine Pulse, to try and rewind time. To fix this mistake, his miscalculation, but he was receiving nothing from Sothis. His shoulders shook as he poured his soul out, wishing it wasn’t his Father that was laying his arms. 
“…Professor…?” It was Annette, the sweet girl approached her grief-stricken teacher. Byleth only turned on her. 
“Go away!!!” Byleth barked. “Leave me be!!” His stone-cold glare directed towards her. He didn’t care for the look of grief and saddened glare he sent to her. His Father is dead, and it’s his fault. All his fault.
The rest of the Blue Lions approached slowly, sadness taking them over as well. Looking at their Teacher in pity as they could only look upon him and wish that he’ll be able to recover. However, when they had arrived back at the Monastery, they don’t think they got their professor back fully from that day.
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