k3uuu · 1 year
Since it will take me until I’m home to answer your novel (: ,,, entertain me, plz. For LS!Tom and canon!Tom where you have an opinion.
1, 3, 9, 11, 17, 23, 27, 33.
Sorry, some of these are boring answers 😭
1. Canon I outright reject
Alright, this is for canon TMR: anything to do with cursed child’s existence. As much as I love our Delphini, I just can’t accept anything that came out of it… the thought of Voldemort having sex with Bellatrix? It’s repulses me. I just can’t see him wanting a child, either. It’s all weird.
If I was a fagette in LS, I would reject trueship and be obsessed with godfag/peepfag. You KNOW, I’d be so obsessed with that ship, and would be so miserable with the “canon” ship.
3. Obscure headcanon
Tom was a bed wetter, which would lead to issues with the matrons. This is also one of the things we talked about when we first became friends which makes it extra special to me.
9. Scene that first made me love (or hate) the character
Oh man… I’m not gonna lie, I read HP for the first time in high school and it’s been a loooong time since then. I think the entire plot with Diary Tom had me so on edge. Finding out Tom Riddle was VOLDEMORT? Insane. Shocking. Life changing. I didn’t really ship anything yet so it was purely this feeling of oh my goddddddd.
11. Faceclaim for the role
I don’t have face claims. My minds eye doesn’t work properly, so I just default with Christian Coulson. I don’t like the actors for HBP, so fuck that. For LS Tom…. I don’t even know. Tall, dark hair, skinny twink.
17. Quotes, songs, poems, etc. that I associate with them
Lemon boy by Cavetown for Lover’s Spit Tom Riddle, thanks to our girl whisker!
I don’t really connect songs or quotes or anything to characters (beyond our ocs), I’m just bad at it 😂. I do usually relate playlists you make to the characters, so anything you’ve made. When I listen to music, I can always somehow make it about characters even if it makes absolutely no sense - which makes me horrible for this question!
23. If they were a scented candle, what would they smell like?
I’m really not sure 😆. I’m not good with smells either. TMR doesn’t inspire a smell for me. He’s just … I don’t know. He makes me think of a hospital room, sterile. Off putting but it fits him.
27. Their guilty pleasure
Hahahah. Stalking and creeping on Harry. This can fit for either LS TMR or canon TMR, I’d say. I also think canon TMR still has sticky fingers and steals sometimes, even after leaving the orphanage.
33. Something guaranteed to make them cry
I just. can’t picture canon TMR crying. It’s so abnormal to me and doesn’t look right. I feel like you gotta attack him as a kid, low blow him to get the tears.
LS TMR, I think anything related to his mum when he’s younger could bring some tears. Not publicly, but around daddy.
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