so-very-small · 2 years
*gets a spam reply by another p*rnbot* there are so many beautiful giants following me
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yaoisex · 6 years
A Serious Post.
I’ve been meaning on writing this for the last two weeks, since the whole *thing* has started here on Tumblr. But I wanted to wait and see what would Tumblr decide to do. And now it’s out and I’m pissed, angry, sad and devastated. 
Sorry in advance if this post is long. I’m not going to use a Read More cut either. I want you to read everything.  
In short - Tumblr has f***ed up. 
Instead of getting rid of all of the p*** bots, they decided to just get rid of ALL adult content. 
If I understood correctly, it’s mainly REAL s** and p*** photos and videos that they’re going to ban now. I’m not sure about fanart? Also I think fanfics are allowed. 
But I’m here to talk about the things relevant to me and my Tumblr: 
Like my bio says, I basically post about anime, seiyuu and BLCDs. But some of those include some n-sfw stuff. 
Even though my username is very n-sfw, I don’t actually post about that actual thing. I never post/reblog y*** manga scans (sometimes I post specific frames and censor them). I think that in my whole Tumblr life (~8 years) I’ve only reblogged two actual n-sfw gifs?? I try not to post too n-sfw posts, and by posts I mean pics/gifs, because as you clearly know, my most n-sfw posts are audio posts. 
If you’ve tried searching for the Y**i tag since the whole thing blew up - you probably noticed that you got nothing. 
I’m not posting too much of that, but I use that tag on some of my posts. Which means that now none of those posts will show on the tag because there will be no such tag. 
Same goes for the n-sfw tag. And I use that tag a lot.
SO. Questions time:
Do you think my blcd snippets posts will be ok? Since I tag them as n-sfw. From what I’ve read, it’s mostly pics they’re concerned about? I don’t know about audio files.... ._. I don’t know if they’re actually planning on forcefully deleting every post that has n-sfw in it?? If so, maybe we could think of a code name for those posts. For example - apple. If I tag a post apple - you know it’s n-sfw (and then you can add that tag to your blacklist or whatever-list you have so you won’t see it on your dash until you choose to click on it.)
MY USERNAME. It clearly has two of the No-No words now. I don’t know if they’re also going to deal with usernames?? o_o I’ve had this username for around 14 years (anyone remember Live Journal?). It’s also my username on some other social medias. Now I wonder if I should change it here on Tumblr? .______. What do you guys think? On on hand, it won’t be such a big deal for me I think, even though I feel connected to it after so many years, but on the other hand - many people connect this username to me?! They know me by this username, it’s part of me and my online life. I don’t know what to do ;___;
My Tumblr is not marked as explicit. I know they deleted many blogs that were marked as such :/ But I never marked myself as that because I’m not really explicit. 
I never thought I’d do that, but in case something bad happens here, I don’t want to lose the friends I’ve made here. So, even though I’ve been asked about my other social medias before (but never really replied to that) - I’m now open to allowing you guys to follow me on Twitter. 
My username there is the same as here. 
I’m not very active there. I mainly use it to rant once in a million years (I’ve used it more often years ago, but not anymore). I’m there mainly to follow seiyuus and BL mangaks/companies. 
But if I have no other choice and have to move my fangirling elsewhere - I’ll have to use Twitter more if I want to talk and fangirl with you guys, so I’ll have to add you back. 
My twitter is private, so you have to send a request. I’m probably not going to add everyone. At least not at first. BUT, if we’re friends, if we’ve talked here before (on chats/replies etc) - you guys probably know who you are - please send me a message here telling me you’ve asked to be added on Twitter and what’s your username there - so I can recognize who you are and then I won’t have any problem adding you. I’m saying that again, I’m not going to add everyone that send me a message, only if we’ve actively talked here before more than once. So maybe don’t bother to ask and send a request if you’ve only been following me here but we never actually talked before. Sorry if I sound super rude, I’m just very cautious and private on every other social media apart from Tumblr so I hardly add people, only if I know them for some time. 
I really hope my Tumblr will continue to live on (I actually never backed it up or anything). I don’t want to lose the community we’ve built here and the friends I’ve made. I think that as long as we continue to fangirl over anime and seiyuus we won’t have any problem, right?? The only risky thing is the BL, so we’ll have to think how to deal with that.
I love you all! 
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nth-9195 · 7 years
Tumblr media
(I seriously dont know where to post it 😂😂 please suggest me!!! 😣 - English below) Ich möchte einen jungen Mann aus Wuppertal (Oberbarmen??) suchen, der mir am Abend des 26. Juli (Mittwoch) geholfen hat. An diesem Tag bin ich in das Haus meiner Freundin gezogen und habe mit drei schweren Gepäckstücken gekämpft. Während ich auf dem Weg zur Schwebebahn am Bahnhof Oberbarmen gesucht habe, bot er sich an, mir zu helfen (er hat gesagt: „I’m from here“), und schlug mir vor, mit dem Bus zu fahren. Allerdings habe ich mich den Namen der Ankunftsstation verhört und konnte nicht verstehen, wo auszusteigen 😅. Deshalb ist er mit mir gegangen und hat mir den Weg gezeigt. Gegen 22.30 sind wir am Bus 608 am Bahnhof Oberbarmen eingestiegen und dann sind wir am Alter Markt ausgestiegen (btw er kann auch mit dem Bus 608 nach Hause kommen). Aber danach hat er mich zur Kolpinghaus Straße mitgenommen, anstatt zum Kolpinghaus (einem Gebäude in der Bernhard-Letterhaus-Straße 9), weil er den Text (auf Vietnamesisch) las, den meiner Freundin zu mir geschickt hat, und ihn missverstand 😂 (Jedenfalls haben wir da doch erreicht)
Außerdem scheint er ein Asiatischer-Deutscher zu sein (aber ich kann nicht vermuten wohin und wagte es nicht, ihn zu fragen 😞) So, ich komme aus Vietnam (ohh er hat gesagt, dass sein(er) Kollege/in Vietnamesich ist) und habe als Austauschstudentin an der Uni Paderborn studiert.
Leider habe ich ihn nicht wiedergesehen, obwohl ich am nächsten Tag auf ihn vorm Bahnhof Oberbarmen gewartet habe - Es wurde dunkel und ich wohnte dort nicht; ich habe es nicht gewagt, zu spät nach Hause zu kommen. Ich möchte mich bei ihm für seine Freundlichkeit bedanken - ich war sehr, sehr berührt. Wenn ich eine Chance habe, in Deutschland zu studieren/arbeiten, würde ich Sie gerne wiedersehen :) Wenn jemand ihn kennt, bitte hinterlassen Sie einen Kommentar. Vielen Dank im Voraus!
Übrigens, es tut mir leid für mein schlechtes Deutsch 😅  Hello everyone, I’m looking for a young man from Wuppertal, Germany who helped me on 26th July 2017 (Wed) evening. On that day, I was moving to my friend’s house. While I was looking for the way to the cable train (Schwebebahn) at Oberbarmen Bahnhof (station) with 3 pieces of luggage, he saw me, saying: “Schwer, ha?”, and offered to help (he said: “I’m from here”). After I said where I needed to go, he suggested that I go by bus because it’s faster and I didn’t need to wait for so long. However, I misheard the name of the arrival station and couldn’t figure out where to get off. As a result, he assured me he could go with me because he would also go on that bus (Bus 608) to come home. We then departed at Oberbarmen Bahnhof at around 10.30PM and got off at Alter Markt. I showed him the message showing the address; it was in Vietnamese, so I translated it to him. But I guess he didn’t notice 😂 and therefore he took me to Kolpinghaus street instead of Kolpinghaus building (on Bernhard-Letterhaus-Straße 9) 😅 (Anyway, we still got there after all)
I almost forgot it - he seems to be an Asian German, but I can’t figure and didn’t dare to ask him as I’m afraid it could be impolite 😞 So, I’m from Vietnam (when I said so, he told me he had a Vietnamese colleague but he doesn’t know how to pronounce his/her name) and used to study at the University of Paderborn as an exchange student.
I actually did try waiting for him at Oberbarmen Bahnhof the following day, but it didn’t work as it was getting dark and I didn’t live there - I didn’t dare to come back to my friend’s place too late. Anw, I would like to express my sincerest thank to him for his kindness, by which I was very, very touched. If I have a chance to study/work in Germany in the future, I would love to see you again :) If anyone knows him, please leave a reply, send me a message, or anything you could do to contact me :D Thanks in advance!
By the way, sorry for my poor German 😅
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