#IM SORRY jisung for cropping you but holy shit hyunjin ??
hyunjinspark · 2 years
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hyunjin for maxident đź’–
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hyunnie · 5 years
skz kept emphasizing the ho in san jose and i think they’re tryna say something
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some highlights from the night i was reborn aHA im so fucking dramatic
minho’s hair got messy like instantly but it was so...sexy?
he was also on my side the whole time and wow he’s pretty sorry jinnie
fuck u hyunjin fucking body rolling way too hard in d9 wtf
also fuck you felix for renegading during mia my favorite song what the fuck dude aHA
minho got so many dance solos and i...yeah died
the back up dancers were so fucking cute like holy shit
they made a star and just shuffled across stage like it was nothing
fucking jisung couldn’t stop talking?? like boi you must be fluent af if you’re just rambling like that
pretty sure i saw minho like...practicing his english ment lines on the monitor he was so focused it was so cute
seungmin was the #1 hype man tonight he was so bubbly
bro all these dance breaks yes fuck yes i love the remix version of hellevator and the revised choreo for the chorus
UM innie took over woojin’s part in mia and i was living cause he did so well holy shit??
hyunjin needed to fucking calm down sweat was flying everywhere
also he always gets over hyped during boxer it’s so cute
AND HE KEPT MAKING HIS SASSY ASS FACIALS DURING THE BEGINNING like jesus does d9 need all this attitude??
chan also went fucking off during victory song like holy shit
AND WHEN YOU DO WEAR A SHIRT UNDERNEATH DON’T WEAR A CROPPED SHIRT fucking shit dude ya tryna kill us or something
all of them out here wearing satin oversized shirts that are barely tucked in and go flying every where what the fuck yall
i made a banner for chan telling him to wear sleeves but turns out binnie and sungie are the ones who needed that
fucking hyunjin was like “i heard you guys have a sentence for us” and he read it (it’s thank you for taking stay along but in korean) and he goes what??? and i was like I SHIT DID I TRANSLATE SOMETHING WRONG FUCK
but he was like no no we want to thank you for being with stray kids and i was like holy shit i can breathe again
hyunjin and changbin also called us sweeties and i died cause it was too fucking cringey
also we got major friendzoned by sungie and hyunjin we’re just bffs to them ugh
minho was hella looking at the art side and i was so happy for cin!!
i cant believe they took a pic with our banner is so surreal
ok ok hi touch time
i felt so fucking stupid with that mask but ya know better safe than sorry
and i was under the impression skz would be wearing masks too but they weren’t so i felt extra stupid
ya kknow i dont even remember if i touched their hands
bro every single person chan like tilted his head all cute like and shit
felix is so cute and smol
binnie boi is smol we were eye level aHA
seungmin and jeongin are so squishy in person
someone put sleeves on jisung cause...i got distracted by his arms
minho’s eyes YALL fuck you minho
and lastly...fucking hwang hyunjin holy shit
the fucking eye contact was so fucking real holy fuck
i mean he didn’t say anything and i didn’t say anything so i guess it was weird
but his eyes are so kind and UGH fuck i hate him
thank you for coming to my ted talk
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okaystraykids-blog · 6 years
don’t go; it’s a mighty long fall
2 out of ??
Genre: fluff/angst/school .. 
Seems like it’s going to turn out to be a hyunjin ff but we’ll see
WARNING: some mature themes
| the start of part two |
"Hey Alice, can we sit with you?"
The words echoed in my head and I just stared at Hyunjin as he inquired. The four boys just blinked awkwardly, and I realized they were waiting for an answer. "Sorry, no. I kind of want to stay alone." I kind of glanced away from Hyunjin, and my eyes caught Changbin’s, he was looking at me intently, a wondering expression on his face. The sound of chairs moving disrupted my thoughts, the guys had sat down, Hyunjin on one side of me, Changbin on the other. "I thought I told you no." "You did, but I don't really care." Hyunjin chuckled, pulling out a bento box containing his lunch. I clenched my jaw, my nails digging into the palms of my hands. Please get me through this. I glanced up around the cafeteria and my eyes unwillingly landed on the biggest asshole and reputable fuckboy, in the school, Lio. Lio raised his eyebrows, and winked at me. Turning back to his friends with a sly smile. I could feel my cheeks getting red. This is exactly why I don't hang out with people, I hate attention. Especially from someone like Lio. "Who's he?" Someones voice made me jump. Chan was looking at me questioningly. "Uh, just some fuckboy. He has a big reputation and basically owns the school." "Seems like a fun guy." Jisung scoffed. I couldn't tell if he was being sarcastic or not. I sat with my arms close by my sides, nibbling on my sandwich. I don't like eating with people watching me, it makes my anxiety spike. After a while, I couldn't take it anymore, my skin felt like it was on fire and my hands were trembling. It wasn't like the boys were talking about weird stuff, they were talking about normal boy things, but I just couldn't take being around that many people anymore. I slid my chair back and walked out, not noticing I forgot my book.
By the end of the day I was drained, that lunch took a lot of energy out of me. It was the end of the day, and I was heading to the bus when Chan suddenly called out to me, "Alice! Want a ride?" I shook my head no, and gave a weak smile. I lived alone at the moment, my parents were working out of the city and my siblings were all older and moved out. Chan nodded and turned away. I watched him as he went and eventually I saw him and the 3 others driving away in a large, fancy, SUV. I walked down the steps and saw a familiar group of boys, Lio and his friends. I passed a cloud of vape smoke and shook my head slightly. We get it, you vape. "I'm gonna ask-" "Dude she's boring, she doesn't party-" "I'ma change that." I tried to ignore it but before I could even get down the last step, Lio's caramel raspy voice called out to me. "Hey, it's Alice, right?" I glanced back at him, nodding softly. "There's a party tomorrow after school. You should come." The way he said it made me realize, he wasn't asking, he was telling; if there was one thing I knew not to do, it was not to piss of Lio Drew. I hated that it was a short week and there was no school Wednesday, Thursday or Friday. I've never been to a party, and I knew Lio and his friends were all 18, but I was 17 so I didn't expect to do much. "I guess... yeah sure." I started walking away and overheard again. "Damn you did it bro." "I did, and I'm gonna have a good time tomorrow night." I shook my head, What have I gotten myself into.
[Changbin] hey a, how was ur day?
[Me] iffy. 
[Changbin] iFFy IFFy yEaH YEaH iFFy IffY YeAh
[Me] I JUSt ChokED On An ICeCuBe LMAO
[Changbin] i gotta go, but have a good night! there's a party on tuesday, u coming?
[Me] ahh, nah probably not. gn though
[Changbin] :(
Even the guys are going? Wow. That's just perfect. 
I was just about to go to sleep when my phone buzzed off, it was an Instagram notification.
LIO_REAL Followed you
LIO_REAL Sent you a Direct Message
hey there ce, i hope you can make it, the parties at 10, here's the address 
xxx-xx AVE.
I closed my phone, oh god, now I have the biggest fuckboy in the school following me, and he gave me a nickname. This is wonderful. The clock beside my table read 9:24 PM and I finally was able to go to sleep.
The next day I was ready early, just wearing black jeans with slits in the knees, and a tighter than usually fitting maroon tee shirt. Because of this, I was able to catch an early bus. When I arrived, much to my surprise, Changbin and the others were there sitting out front. Changbin looked pretty good I begrudgingly have to admit. Hyunjin too. They looked like they walked right out of a music video. I attempted to sneak by, but Jisungs voice rang out across the quiet morning air. "Alice!" I turned to him and plastered a smile on my face. Damn how I loved his mullet. I walked over to them, sitting on one of the steps. "So," started Chan, "I heard Lio Drew invited you to his party tonight." Both Hyunjin and Changbin looked up at me in shock. I shrugged, looking down. "I guess you could say that... I might not go. I haven't decided yet." Chan raised his eyebrows questioningly, he may have just transferred here but even he knows that when Lio Drew invites you somewhere, you don't say no. I nodded slowly, standing up as it got closer to the bell for first period. "I'm going to go, I have to go to art." Hyunjin jumped up, "we're both going there. I'll come with you." I was about to refuse his company, but something about how genuine his smile was made me grin and nod, "Okay." The whole way to class he was rambling about how his friends and him are making music and how back in Korea his family was moving, and just random things. I was feeling anxious for some reason, and everything he said just went in one ear, out the other. "Alice, can I get your Snapchat and maybe give it to the guys?" I paused for a moment... "Um well I guess so."  After I gave him my Snap we continued walking, and as we turned the corner, Lio and his friends were laughing and walking down the hall towards us. Lio saw me, and stared me down, a smirk on his face. He glanced at Hyunjin on the other side of me, who was adorably oblivious. As he passed, his hand sneakily reached out and grabbed my ass. I gasped, turning to face him but he was already rounding the corner. I could feel my entire body burning and I started to tremble. What the fuck. No one has ever bothered me until I started hanging out with Hyunjin and them. Lio has never even spared me a glance. This is all their fault, It's Changbin's fault.
LIO_REAL Sent you a Direct Message
sorry bout that ;) my hand slipped. you better still be coming tonight, or i'll bother u more, luv.
I just stared at the message. I should have ignored them better... Hyunjin just looked at me. "Are you alright? Did he say something?" I felt terrible. Sick to my stomach. I just stared Hyunjin dead in the eyes, and walked away. I've never skipped before, but I couldn't handle being around him for two classes. I went to the lunchroom, sitting by the windows rather than my usual spot. My brain not fully comprehending that that was right beside where Lio and his friends usually sit.
[Changbin] im bored :( meet up with mee
[Me] im in class, not today
[Changbin] nO, nOt toDAYyy, nOnO noT toDaY
[Me] lol.
I continued to sit, staring outside, and before I knew it I had fallen asleep. I slept for two class periods, each class 80 minutes long, and I finally woke up right as the lunch bell rang. When people started arriving, I didn't even turn to watch. Until Lio's voice interrupted my train of thought. "Well. Isn't this a surprise!" I spun around and found him sitting at the table behind me, his teeth biting down seductively on his lip. I slipped off the stool in an attempt to leave, but his foot swung out, blocking my way. "Stay." He said simply. Kicking out one of his less important henchmen. "Sit." I could feel eyes on me and I had no choice but to obey. It was obey, or become the victim of abuse from everyone in school. Lio eyed me up and down and waited till I sat down. I glanced to the door and saw Hyunjin walk in, followed by Chan, Jisung and lastly, Changbin. They paused and looked at me sitting with Lio, surprised. Chan was looking at Lio with a frown. Lio noticed that look and proceeded to lean across the table. Before I knew it, his lips were next to my ear and he whispered, "I'm excited for tonight baby-girl." I felt repulsed. I slammed my chair back, grabbed my bag, and walked out. Fuck this school. Fuck Lio.
At 10:00 PM I was laying in my bed watching YouTube, when my phone buzzed. It was a snap from Hyunjin,
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I let out an awkward squeak, holy shit he's so pretty. I was about to respond when I suddenly got an Instagram notification...
LIO_REAL Sent you a Direct Message
where are you. 
im not coming, lio. 
if u dont come, im gonna fucking ruin the rest of senior year for you. i swear on it. 
I stared down at my phone, my heart racing. Is this not blackmail? I glanced out the outfit I had previously put on my bed, and I groaned. "Well. Fuck it." I looked at myself in the mirror. I was wearing a decently tight, short, black, skirt and a silver crop top that just covered my belly button. My outfit wasn't complete until I put on my converse. My makeup was different than usual. I was wearing dark red lipstick and I had eyeliner on. I checked the clock. 10:45 PM. Well, fashionably late I guess.
When I arrived outside the house, I could feel the ground booming from the music and I was surprised it hadn't gotten shut down yet. I started walking up the driveway. Already seeing wasted teenagers. It wasn't much better inside. People were everywhere, making out, drinking, smoking, dancing. I thought to myself,
maybe this was a mistake.
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