lansizhuis · 3 years
omg i finally fixed my tumblr pw and all that lmao i owe so much pending asks and gfx request sjfnsjjfksd I WILL WORK ON THEM THIS WEEKEND hehe and hope y’all are having a good day~
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franeridart · 3 years
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Anon said: Would you draw SukuFushi? (Sukuna x Fushiguro)
maybe? *thinking face* if I ever got an idea for it, why not. I find sukuna’s obsession with fushiguro entertaining so I don’t count fanarts for it as impossible haha
Anon said: I looked and I couldn't find if you've answered this already, so apologies if you did, but how do you draw your faces? I always struggle with face shape and yours are always super good with really expressive features! Anyway, thanks so much I love your art <3
HMMMMMMMM how do I do that indeed, the basics are honestly what you’d find on any basic tutorial about drawing a face (circle, cross in the middle of it, build the face around that - I really still can’t avoid that step and probably never will). As for the expressions, to be honest with you my way of going about them is thinking them up in emoji/kaomoji form first and then go from there. Emojis and kaomojis have to simplify expressions to the max since it’s such a simple format, right? But they’re still super expressive and convey exactly what they’re trying to say with one single glance, so using them as some kind of reference sheet has helped me a lot in figuring out what’s essential to express what I’m trying to say - still working on it though! I’m rarely satisfied with my expressions, they really do make or break a drawing don’t they............ you never stop learning, I guess!
Anon said:  Ahhhhhhh I just spent like hrs scrolling thru ur oc tag and they’re all amazing I love them so much but I keep confusing the everloving SHIT out of myself cuz I too have a child who is Leo and he’s literally so different from ur Leo lol. Anyway tho ur art is amazing and it honestly just makes me so happy so ty and hope have a good day!!
OHHHHHHHHHHHH MY LEO! It’d been forever since I’ve last drawn him, I kind of miss him............... glad you like my stuff, by the way! Especially about you liking my ocs, that means the world to me!
Anon said: hi there !!! i was wondering if i had ur permission to ur ur itafushi art in one of my edits ! i wanted to be sure before using it <3 total respect if its a no !! thankyouuuu
Sorry but I’d prefer if you didn’t do that!
Anon said:THERES A OCTOPATH TRAVELER LIGHT NOVEL AND ITS SO COOL BUT ITS ONLY IN JAPANEESE ! ;^;There's four stories with centered around pairs of characters and alfion is one of them !Idk if itll be transleted but i hope itll be cuz it sound awesome
OH I KNOW!!!!!!! I saw the art for the alfion one a while back, it looks so soft!!!! ;;;;; 8path is kinda niche as a game though, so who knows.............. let’s cross our fingers!!
Anon said:  hello, i am here to recc Skeletons by New Years Day because i think it might fit a few of your ships<3
Thanks anon now I’m emo ;;;;;
Anon said: bakubro gives the best hugs. kirishima is the only one who knows this. everyone is absolutely incredulous when the question "who gives the best hugs" goes around and kirishima answers bakugo. (bakugo thinks kirishima is the best but he benefits from kirishima bodily hugging him and he's biased)
Definitely!! He’s strong and warm after all, bet hugging him would feel the best.... the only one who shall ever know is kiri though, as I bet his hugs are only that nice when he really likes the person he’s hugging hahaha
Anon said: Hi! Just wanted to say that I absolutely love your JJK art! The colors and style are absolutely stunning.
Thank you so much!!!!!!! I feel like I’m mostly drawing for myself lately ngl hahaha so knowing you like it means a lot!!
Anon said: Hi!! This isn't a request I just really like your art! I found you from Pinterest on a kiribaku thing you drew! Your art is so cool! I wish I could draw like that!!! I'll keep looking for new art you've made :D
Aw pinterest.......................... glad you could find your way back here though!! And thank you!!
Anon said: This happened a while ago, but i wanted to say it anyway. I remember when I started watching jujutsu kaisen and I was looking for content arter finishing the first 10 episodes in less than a day and I found your first jujutsu kaisen post (it was posted that dame day) and i was like ???? One of my favorite artists got into jk at the same time than me!!! I just thought it was a neat coincedence to share! I really love your art too, you're amazing!! Happy New Year!!
It’s!!!!!!!!!!!! a pretty dang neat coincidence for me too, since it’s always nice to know at least some of my followers are still into the stuff I make hahahaha
Anon said: i think a lot abt ur art and how ive been seeing u since middle school and now im graduating highschool and we're still in the same fandoms, i hope this doesnt make u feel old but rather VERY cherished qwq
No anon this makes me feel amazing you’ve been around so long!!!!!!! I can’t believe you’re still here with my thank you so much for that!!!!!! I think I’m gonna cry a little here.......... ;;;
Anon said: Hi! I love your art so much!! 🥰 Have you read a KiriBaku fic called The Pit??
Probably not, haven’t been reading krbk fics in a while by now! I’ll add it to my for-later list, thank you so much for the rec!!
Anon said: can u believe that (sans sero) the entire bakusquad can be put into some form of punk/goth fashion? the realization was a galaxy brain moment for me. also realizing that tokoyami, kirishima, and tamaki are all varying levels of goth/emo (some more concerning than others)
Sero’s the hippie friend every punk friend group needs, he balances things out and that’s why he’s very cherished and necessary!!!!
Anon said: your bakugo drawings convinced me to finally start stretching my ears and tbh i'm extremely excited (i've had off and on thoughts of stretching my ears (again) before this so it's not as impulsive as it sounds haha)
Anon that’s so cool!!!!!!! I love gauges so much.....................glad I could give you the last push for it!!
Anon said: uhhhh, i love the style of that top left goge drawing dude!!
Anon said: i sent the dragon!kiri and bakugo tug-of-waring over a piece of meat and honestly your response is exactly what i thought
Great minds!!!!!!! hahaha
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argumentl · 3 years
The Freedom of Expression Ep 33 - Fujikawa Kyuji's retirement, & a mystery safe, & an appeal for mystery location suggestions.
K: Hi, this is Dir en grey's Kaoru starting this episode of The Freedom of Expresion. Joe san, Tasai san, welcome. Um, I've brought a copy of Tokyo Sports with me..
T: Thank you!
K: Its this page...Fujikawa Kyuji's retirement.
J: Even I understand this.
T: Yeah..How do you feel as a Tigers fan when you see this, Kaoru?
K: Well...Im wearing him on my t-shirt..
J: Yeah, thats cool.
T: Its really cool.
K: Well, I quite like him....out of all the Hanshin players.
J: If you were to explain it to a baseball novice like me, what is special about him as a pitcher?
K: His fastball, yeah his fastball.
J: He doesn't throw curveballs, right?
K: Yeh. His fastball burns through the air...well, at least it seems like it. I've never stood against it so i don't really know, but...*1
And then, even if they know a fastball is coming, they can't hit it.
J: Even when those professional batters know a fastball is coming...
K: He's gotten better and better since 2005 when they won the league.
J: What is his max throwing speed?
K: Hmm, what is his max?
T: Isn't it around 150km?...But it's not just his speed..
K: There are people who throw faster, but no-one can hit his throws.
J: Ah, rather than speed, he has the power to stop the batters.
K: Mm, even if they hit it, it never goes very far.
T: They say its like the ball grows out.*2
J: Ah, like the ball grows out from his hands?
K: He's retiring, but the season hasn't ended yet. He's in the second team at the time of this recording, but there's still a chance he might rise up and throw for the first team. I really wanna see him throw in this season. He only needs 5 more saves to get into the Golden Players Club.
J: Oh yeah right?! Wouldn't you like him to get in, right? Can he not play for another year? Is that no good?
K: No, he can't.
T: He's already worn out.
K: He's apparently been intending to retire since last year. But he did surpisingly well last year. Well, it sounds a bit wierd to say it like that, but...(haha)...he managed.
J: I see, I see.
K: But this year, it seems like his body is starting to grumble at him.
J: Ah, he feels its time to step back. How old is he again?
T: I think he's 40 this year. He's in the Matsuzaka generation. He was born in 1980.
K: In the All Star series, players like Kiyohara or Cabrera...was it Cabrera? They say 'Straight out'*3
J: Oh, before they throw?
K: Yeh, like when they are going for a fastball
J: Incedible.
K: And then they get three strikes. Its like they want a manga-style showdown. It does sometimes seem like manga, right?
J: Yeh, like 'Star of the Giants'.
K: Yeh, yeh.
J: Or 'Apache Yakyuugun'.
K: And they really do get three strikes.
J: So cool....Well, one way to look at it is, he is still a star of the baseball world.
T: Well, yeh. Every player has to retire at some point.
K: Yeh, its sad, but..
J: What will he do? Will he become a commentator? Or a coach?
K: I think he'll become a coach. He's still active at this moment though.
J: So what about Hanshin winning?
K: They will win!
J: Oh, good. Haha.
K: But the Giants are strong...they never lose.
J: Lets take it step by step.
K: I hope they do.
J: This is all we ever say, haha, hoping they do well.
K: Hmm, well, yeah. Ok, Joe, could you tell us today's topic.
J: Yes, ok well I'd like to introduce some kinda mysterious news this time 'Unsolved mystery of metal safe placed right in the middle of field.' A large safe has been discovered in the middle of a farming area in New York state, USA. By whom, when, and why the safe was put there is a complete mystery. However, the land owner  has said, 'Its best just to leave this mystery as a mystery'. A note stuck on the side of the safe bared the message, 'If you can open this safe, you can have the contents of it'. Despite the land owner saying it shoud be left as a mystery, large crowds gathered attempting to open the safe due to the note. But eventually, they were ordered to leave by the police.
K: I like this.
J: Do you?
K: Yeh, I do. I love stuff that makes no sense.
J: What is this all about? I wonder whats in the safe? What part of this story are you most interested in, Kaoru?
K: Well, I wonder what type of safe it is, first of all.
J: Yeah, it just says its big. Maybe like the size of a fridge?
K: And its in the middle of a farmer's field?
J: Yeh, someone must have carried it there.
T: Yeh, first of all someone has done that.
K: And the land owner is saying just to leave it there?
J: Yeh. I kinda got the feeling it would get in the way of the crops though.
T: Right.
K: So, the farmer didn't put it there?
J: Yeah.
T: Well, thats not written here.
Kamk: No, I bet he did.
K: Haha
J: The landowner?
Kami: Who else could have done it? Yes, he did.
K: Hahaha.
J: Is that the mystery solved then?
Kami: The mystery is him saying its fine to just leave it there. Thats stupid. He's orchestrated this himself.
J: Kami, what do you think is in the safe?
Kami: There must be some money in it at least.
J: Ahh.
Kami: Just a bit of money...
T: Do you think he's hiding his Playboy collection in there from his wife or something?
Kami: He wanted to make it into the news.
K: Ahh, well thats possible. Anyhow, its interesting.
J: Yeah.
K: This type of thing is really good.
J: Mm, its not hurting anyone, its not benfiting anyone..
K: Yeh, when the crowds gather the police will move in, right?
J: I also think this kind of thing is really interesting.
Kami: Don't you have a garden at your family home, Joe?
J: I do, but its not big enough to fit a large safe in it. A ??? *4 would fit though.
K: Would you be ok if a crowd gathered?
J: No no, that would be no good.
T: Haha
J: Its not that type of garden. It would be tough if they all turned up..everyone would be like, 'Whats going on??!' Its right on the edge of Hachouji, quite rural. Your neigbours are right there. Its different from the middle of Tokyo. The neighbours would be shocked.
Kami: I wanna do something like this on this show.
J: Yeah. A kind of unexpected happening.
K: Like what? A set-up?
J: Yeh, yeh. Not like a mean joke, but.. just something to see how the world reacts to it.
K: Ahh, I see.
T: Well, thats already happened once with us, with the sound mysteriously cutting out.
Kami: Tokyo Sports could write an article about it.
K: But even if we devised something, we wouldn't be able to say anything about it, right?
J: Yeh, we wouldn't be able to.
K: So we could only set it up..
J: But if everyone was talking about it, it would make the news.
K: And then we could make it a topic here  someday...
J: Someday...ten years later or something?
K: Noo, you wanna do that? Haha.
J: I wanna do something mystery related though.
K: Kami could set something up?
J: Oh, thats a good idea.
T: Yeah.
K: It would be fun if we tried to solve it.
J: Yeah, it would. Do you normally like reading detective novels?
K: Yeah, I do. I don't read tonnes of them though.
J: Aren't they doing that type of thing in trains and stuff recently...JR did it..
T: Oh, they did.
K: Like a detective game?
J: Yeah its like a game.
K: Our drummer is really into that kinda thing.
J: Oh, yeh yeh yeh. Shinya did say that he liked it. But I think this type of thing is pretty exciting.
K: Should we go and try that type of thing out?
J: Should we reserve it?
T: Yeah.
J: I wonder if any are on at the moment.
Kami: Lets do it!
T: Ah, but in this kind of situation (i.e. covid )...
K: Right, they might not be doing them at the moment.
T: I think I saw something going on in Shimokitazawa or somewhere before though. Like a mystery solving challenge.
Kami: Lets go to a mystery/supernaturl spot.
J: Now we've arrived at mystery spots.
T: Eventually.
J: Should we go?
T: This is our (Tokyo Sports') speciality.
K: Right? Well, I've been waiting for this too.
J: Eh? Is that ok for you?
K: Yeah, its ok.
J: Its quite scary for me.
K: Really?
J: Yeah, I get really scared.
Kami: So when I say a mystery spot I mean  something like going up a slope the wrong way or something *5, not something scary.
J: Oh, that type of thing? Kami, I want to ask you this...are ghosts real?
Kami: .......... Yes.
J: But they are different from you, right?
Kami: Yeh. I mean, to be honest, I don't really know.
J, K: Hahaha
J: Well, you might get into trouble if you were explicit about it.
T: One of our reporters apparently had a UFO experience near Chosho city, in Chiba.
J: Would that be ok though? UFOs?
K: Would it?
T: They apparently appear quite often in Choshi.
K: Really?
Kami: Aren't UFOs a bit scary?
J: They are too scary!
K: They are not scary.
J: Have you ever seen a UFO, Kami?
Kami: Um..
K: Ah! I got it! Lets appeal for ideas...Of any mysteries people know about.
T: And we can solve them.
K: Mm, and then we can go to the place.
J: Lets do it.
K: Ok, everyone, if you know any mysterious, not scary..well, a little bit scary is ok...
J: Just a little bit. No real haunted places.
K: Yeah, not like that, but any places with a bit of mystery, that make you wonder.
J, T: Yeah, thats good.
K: We can go to that type of place and try to solve the mystery.
J: Yep!
K: So please send us your ideas! I want us to go somewhere.
J: Me too.
T: Yeah, me too.
J: Its not exactly the TFoE detective club, but..
T: Ah, that sounds cool.
J: We'd be off to solve the mystery.
K: Like with one of those big cameras?
J: ???
K: ???*6
J: Yes, like that, like that. Oh, im looking forward to it.
K: Ok, well, lets end here. Please subscribe. Thank you very much.
T: Thank you.
*1, 2, 3 I know nothing about baseball, so im doing my best to interpret this.
*4 Couldn't catch.
*5 Not sure im understanding this correctly.
*6 Too fast, couldn't catch. 
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