#watch ateez’s fireworks mv too lol
maxsix · 2 years
It has taken me three days to calm down and form coherent thoughts. This turned out longer than expected so it’s behind a cut. If you haven’t watched the music video, this is your sign from God. 
1) Firstly. Who does all the screaming. I want to know. It’s a very important piece of information that I need to know. The laugh is Hongjoong’s but does he also do all the screaming. I need answers, NASA! 
2) The Energy. Every single reaction I’ve seen about this song uses the word “energy”. Ateez do what other groups think they’re doing when the genre is hype because I’ve never NOT ONCE seen Ateez slack off. They leave blood and sweat on the floor for their rivals to slip on. When I first heard the song I thought my heart was just pounding from the excitement but my oximeter said I was actually having a near svt episode, lol. I shouldn’t laugh, it’s kind of unpleasant but HR 120 bpm? Yeah, only Ateez tbh. 
3) Production Quality. I’d like to thank the Academy and KQ for the increase in budget for the MV because it really shows. They used it in a way that wasn’t an empty flex (expensive clothes, meaningless sets, fireworks) but rather, added to the world they’ve been building up since debut. You can see the narrative continue and I really appreciate that. The audio production on the song is just flaw free for me. I usually have so much to nitpick, even in good songs, but I have nothing else to add to Guerrilla. It must have so many layers and tracks to it but it was quiet when it needed to be and absolutely feral at the right parts. What a way to end a track. It didn’t fade out but exploded like a grenade. You can’t ever say that Ateez don’t commit to a concept in every single sense. You’ve heard of Ugly Crying, well Ateez Ugly Hype and have never been afraid to do that. 
3) War Aesthetics. Okay bitch, listen, the creative team really stepped up 800% here for this era and this MV. There are so many warfare references in those 4 minutes that it makes my mind exhausted just thinking of the planning that went into all this. The speaker-bombs were fucking inspired. The use of zeppelins immediately remind me of war, particularly WW1, and an alternative steampunk reality. This part of the MV, which is a piece of art tbh, has got to be a homage to ‘Raising the flag on Iwo Jima’ during WW2 as well as Banksy’s Rage, The Flower Thrower piece in Jerusalem. I think that part of the MV was deliberately in slow motion because the inspiration came from still images. They make very clear statements about war and anti-war sentiments. Without boring you all, the last thing I wanted to mention is the font and colours used for the choreo scenes looks straight from vintage propaganda media. I could keep going but this post is already way too long.  
4) Metal/Rock Aesthetics. That band room? With all the cables and amps? The mics? The spy cameras? The tv monitors? The fisheye lens? You can tell the team has watched a billion 1990s music videos. It also reminded me a lot of American Idiot. That’s all I wanted to say about that. There’s just a lot of influence in those shots. 
5) Screamo in KPOP?! The way it was incorporated was really well done because it’s not prominent enough to scare away the more sensitive casual listener but it was definitely prominent enough for metal fans to have a crisis. We talk about Cultural Reset-This and Cultural Reset-That but nobody has produced a track like Guerrilla before. Nobody. This is one of those times where you can use hyperbole and be right. Nobody has made a song like this and there is no other song like this in KPOP right now. Respect to the Ateez team and the members for their total commitment because they operate like one big breathing organism and that’s why everything feels cohesive. I’ve been waiting 84 years for this. I hope we get to see it with a band one day. 
6) Kim Hongjoong. I don’t know if it’s true or not but I feel his influence all over this. This is HIS era and the style/genre suits him the best. I know he likes Linkin Park and at the very least, this style of music, but I do wonder how much he was able to dictate the Ateez sound and direction. Guerrilla is so good and fed me so well that even if they never do this style again, I’m actually fine with that. 
7) Literally. I just think it’s so amusing how literal this whole song/mv is. There’s just no “hidden meanings” or subtleties here. I’m not sure Ateez can even do subtle. Even their soft material is aggressively emotive. Haha. 
8) People sometimes wonder why I only write long reviews about Ateez music but it’s because they always give me meat to sink my teeth into. Answer is still my Top 3 favourite kpop songs of ALL TIME. There’s just always so much to talk about and it doesn’t even hinge on how hot the members are. You know a group is Legit Good when visual appeal isn’t the first thing I want to talk about. We’re so lucky to live in the Ateez Era. 
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death2normalcy · 2 years
Part 2 of my post from last night of me talking about Ateez music videos/songs!
See that post for notes, but basic break down: I’m new to the group, I’m watching all their music videos first, then moving on to other songs. These are just my initial thoughts, my opinions change all the time. If I make a mistake or get something way off, let me know!
OKAY. gonna have to do a part 3, since I talk too much. This one has my thoughts on Utopia, Answer, Inception, Thanxx, The Black Cat Nero, Fireworks, and Dreamers.
Let’s go!
Utopia - This one was weird, just with me finding the video? The only version I could find was the Japanese version, so I’m assuming that’s the correct official one?
Okay, first of all. The ending of this one being a viral sound from tik tok is hilarious to me. I’ve been hearing Ateez for longer than I even realized, lmao.
Overall, I loved this one. I loved the overall vibe and feel of the song and video. And honestly, I kept getting distracted by the choreography and forgot to read the lyrics, so I don’t even know what they were saying half the time, but that’s okay, lol. But yea, I loved it.
Answer - Okay, so the very first version that pops up for this was the one on Stone Music Entertainment’s youtube, but there was no subtitles, so I watched the whole thing there first, without realizing that KQ Entertainment has the subtitled version. Anyways...
I love this one so much. I don’t know what they are singing about, don’t care. This video, the singing, the looks, all stunning. Another favorite so far.
Inception - First of all, Youtube said I already watched this one, which is simply not true.
Anyways, loved it! Another really good one, honestly. There was a lot going on, but still very good. Maybe I just thrive on chaotic videos, I don’t know.
I do think I’m going to eventually go back and listen to all these songs with the lyric videos because it’s still kind of hard for me to determine who is singing in a mv if they aren’t focused directly on that person. But yes, so good!
------- took a break to be a person for a bit, lmao.
I’m back!
Thanxx - Quick note - I love when someone wears the little half skirt thing (I don’t know what it’s actual name is), so Hongjoong’s half skirt look is a highlight here. Also, does he do that laugh before every rap he does, lmao. It’s not a bad thing, I’m just curious because I just now realized this.
I’m not sure how I feel about this one. I will briefly say that, just from my perspective, there are some things in this video that I imagine didn’t sit well with people and it’s not really my place to talk about them, so I won’t (especially as this video came out in 2020 and I imagine any issues were talked about then) But putting those things aside, the video is really vibrant and chaotic, which is cool.
The songs pretty good and once again, I loved the choreography. Otherwise, not much else to say here.
The Black Cat Nero - OH. Halloween video, yes please. But no subtitles, damn. I’ll look them up later.
WAIT. WHO’S SINGING IN THE BEGINNING? Is that Jongho?? That’s so fucking good, omg. ALSO AT THE END, WAS THAT HIM? my god.
I love the Halloween concept. The outfits, the styling, the makeup, the video itself, all of it. Love it. Loved Hongjoong’s dance break, please. Also, looked in the comments and this is a cover?? Amazing. Gotta be honest, one of my favorites, if not my favorite, so far. I loved it. I have no idea what they were even saying, I don’t care.
Also, I have no idea who that other person was at the end, I’m sorry, I imagine he was another idol or something, not sure, but he did great too!
Fireworks (I’m the One) - Okay, I immediately picked up on the fact that Mingi wasn’t there, since I find him to be one of the more distinctive members. I think I read somewhere a little while ago that he was on hiatus for his mental health? Correct me of I’m wrong. Either way, glad he took some time for himself and glad to see he was able to come back and do well!
Also, had to take a second because that crop top on San is perfection. wait....2 CROP TOPS. Is he competing with Chan, lmao. Seriously, a good look for him, honestly.
Not my absolute favorite, but still really good. Those red and black outfits were stunning. The choreography was so good, which seems to be a common compliment I have, lmao.
------ another break because I have to be an adult, lmao.
Okay, had some deviled eggs and I’m back!
Dreamers - Not gonna lie, this one gives me The View/Time out vibes from Stray Kids. Not trying to compare groups, just the relaxed nature of the videos/songs and the color schemes (?). Either way, it’s a cool song.
Probably not gonna be my favorite, since chill songs rarely are, but I like it either way. Also, San really stood out to me here? Not that he hasn’t stood out before, but specifically in this video, I don’t know.
ALSO. I loved the quick shot of Hongjoong watching the other boys mess around. That was cute.
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lansizhuis · 3 years
omg i finally fixed my tumblr pw and all that lmao i owe so much pending asks and gfx request sjfnsjjfksd I WILL WORK ON THEM THIS WEEKEND hehe and hope y’all are having a good day~
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kleo1504 · 2 years
Yes I'm safe now! I will be a bit more careful though for the next few days 💭 I didn't even know who this man was which made me more scared since I'm bad with remembering faces I'm not familiar with.
Ohh I remember watching these videos too! I also love the musicians react to channel on YouTube, I definitely recommend it since I also discovered new songs and groups thanks to them!
If you had to choose a top 5 of the groups you're currently listening to a lot which ones would they be?
Stay safe too 💕🌸
I'd love to watch more YouTube videos but the fact is I can barely keep up with the k-pop MVs. 😂
5 groups I listen to most these days...? Hm... It changes a lot, to be honest but I guess it goes as follows:
1) OMEGA X - I like their upbeat songs a lot. Actually I like upbeat songs in general. I never only listen to music. I always listen to musiv while doing other things so ballads are not my cup of tea as they don't really motivate me to keep on moving.
2) Super Junior - Again, I love their upbeat songs, Shirt is my favourite one. I have found out that Super Junior songs are absolutely great for my hula hoop workout.
3) SHINee - Including Taemin's solos. Want, Famous and Criminal are also great for hula hooping and Lucifer, Why so serious and Atlantis are fantastic for speed walking on the treadmill. Lol! This kinda make me sound like a sport person but I'm actually nowhere near that. I really need a strong motivation to exercise.
4) ATEEZ - Initially I didn't like Ateez at all, actually. It took me a long time to actually start liking them. At first their songs irritated me, like no joke. Lol. I only got into them through Fireworks (I'm the one). They are my new VIXX, I guess. Because in the beginning I didn't like VIXX at all but then they became my top group and I actually own many of their albums and even concert DVDs. I have no Ateez merch at the moment but I listen to their songs a lot.
5) MONSTA X - I listen to them a lot, although I prefer the older stuff when Wonho was still in the group.
This is the top 5 now but it really rotates a lot. I have weeks when I listen to 2PM or TVXQ only and so on. I'm capable of put one song in particular on repeat and listen to it for days.
Also I'm sorry for not being active much for the last couple of days. Life came in the way disturbing my concentration but I'll be back on track soon. 😉
Thank you!
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wickymicky · 3 years
ateez comeback is neat
ive only listened to it once, and i didnt get a good feel for the song at all haha, it’s one of those songs where the first listen doesnt sink in at all because there’s too much to take in. i might end up getting really into it, i might not, i cant tell. and that’s not a *great* sign, because i like when i can tell that i’ll love a song immediately on my first listen, but that’s kinda rare tbh. on the other hand though, it’s a good sign that i didnt hate it on first listen either haha. like, it’ll take a couple more listens to get a feel for the beat and vibe and stuff, but it didnt seem like tooooooo much of a mess... i guess? i’ll see
tbh idk why im even writing this then, lol. i should just wait until i have an opinion
i do just wanna mention two things after watching/listening to it once though... first is that i love that mingi’s presence in the song but absence in the video is resolved by having his voice come out of the radio like theyre receiving a transmission from a comrade, i love that hahaha that’s honestly really cute and endearing. hope he’s doing well. 
second is that... like... ah! as soon as the song started i was like “ohhh this is the instrumental bit at the end of the thanxx music video”. i didnt end up listening to any of the other bsides from zero fever part 1, so i just assumed that that bit was either from a bside or was a little inconsequential instrumental outro created just for the mv. either way, i didnt think much of it, lol. i genuinely didnt expect it to be a teaser for their next comeback, in the same way that twice teased knock knock at the end of tt, and heart shaker at the end of likey. it makes sense, cause the “zero: fever” series is a series (duh) and those twice pairs were repackage albums, so of course they had their next title track picked out and teased it at the end. but like that doesnt happen often lol, so how could i have known that was gonna be the case haha? but based on this... i’m honestly kinda maybe more excited for the next ateez comeback, for zero: fever part 3, based on the outro of this mv, if indeed that’s a teaser of what the next one will sound like. that sounds like it’ll be more up my alley than fireworks, though i’ll probably end up liking fireworks too. we’ll see
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