squiggly-mctwig · 3 years
Dr strange headcannons pls
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Ler-leaning switch
Pretty decently ticklish but he tends to hide it
If it's a loved one or a close friend trying to wreck him, he wont really put it as first priority to escape as much, the complete opposite going for other people
Stephen tends to get a little annoyed when he's tickled while reading or heavily focused on something ( He definitely doesnt mind when he's not busy though hueHUEEHUEUE- )
On a scale of one to ten, he's a split 6.5
Usually he grits his teeth or covers his face with his arm to stop himself from giggling himself silly
Usually its ends with the dam breaking and his face going red from holding it in
His laugh is really boy-ish and a little more on the low side most of the time, but it sometimes falters to a more high-pitched giggle when he's taken by surprise
Teases arent really effective on him
When Stephen is aware he's about to get wrecked, he tries to play it cool while silently begging the cloak "man you gotta help me fly me out or something".
Instantly pin him down because he's going to flail like hell to try to escape
Worst spots are the back of his neck, that-one-area-where-the-ribs-and-underarms-meet, and his sides
Raspberries are murderous holy-
He let's a laugh-screech out everytime and flails so much
His hands are an absolute no-no spot, Strange's hands are sensitive but more in an uncomfortable way
Main lers are Christine, occassionally Wong when he's being a sarcastic donkey, and of course the cloak
Snarky-ass ler, I tell ya
Personally I think the ler role fits him more, still adorable as a lee though
Constantly throwing out teases about the most obvious things, and most of the time it works
"This must tickle, right? What do you mean it doesnt? You're laughing :^)"
Usually only tickles people as retaliation, which isnt common, but also not rare
Will occassionally use his magic to pin or at least catch the lee off-guard
He'll check on the person if they go a little too red in the face and maybe will stop
Unless hes feeling a little relentless
Probably will try to get the lee to say something that will give him an ego boost to jokingly brag about later on
"Say that I'm the Greatest Wizard in the Multiverse and I'll let you go."
offended gasp
Either completely deadpan or smirking when he's tickling someone and both are equally scary
Kinda just digs his fingers in to tickle someone instead of fluttering ( though really carefully )
Will use gentle tickles if it's a spot that's horribly sensitive like their neck or ears
I feel like it's illegal to not mention his awesome facial hair 💅
Like lil beard scribbles hhhhhhhh
Mainly tickles Christine and people who are close
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AND YES YOU USED IT PROPERLY ( /p means 'platonically' so you used it right no worries!! )
THOUGH THE ORANGE ONE (the one I was talking about in the blurb request) LOVES BITING PEOPLES NOSES-
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I hope you enjoy this raging homosexual demi boy giving you affection because it's gonna keep coming <333 /p
OMG YOU DO??? What are their names? Cats are adorable istg we're so lucky to get to exist with them!!!!🥺💞
hhhhhh thank you!! I'm glad I used it properly! <3 I figured given the context it meant platonic & thank you for taking the time to teach me!!!!🌸
YES OMG CATS ARE SO AFFECTIONATE HHHHHHHH THEY CHERISH US AS MUCH AS WE DO THEM (honestly I've NEVER in my life met an unaffectionate cat - just humans who didn't know or didn't want to know how to love their pet🥺 there are exceptions ofc but this is just my experience💞)
THAT'S SO CUTE OMG PLEASE🥺🥺🥺one of my cats absolutely LOVES jumping up and putting her two front paws either side of my head and biting my hair. It's the cutest thing (it DOES hurt but I endure it bc🥺🥺🥺how could I say no?🥺🥺🥺)
PLEASE FOREHEAD KISSES ARE EVERYTHING I'M😍 I can give you a forehead kiss in return?/p 💋 Please and thanks?
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hhhhhh I adore affection, honestly🥺🥺🥺there's a reason I write so much soft shit with the Sinclairs & it's because it's all I'd be asking from them (though I DO love my darker pieces too!!!! And I'd never wanna change the way the Sinclairs show affection!!!! But soft Sinclairs makes me softer hhhhh🥺🥺🥺)
I'LL GIVE YOU LOTS OF AFFECTION TOO!!!!🥰🥰🥰🥰💖💖💖💖💖💛💛💛💛✨✨✨✨✨✨
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What are some of your favorite things about your F/O and what are their favorite things about you? 😊 (For the self ship gush!)
I’m Picking Dabi!
Prince’s favourite things about Dabi
His eyes!! They’re so pretty even if he disagrees
And his hugs!! I feel so safe whenever he wraps me up in his arms
The way he laughs just ugh it makes me swoon
Plus his smile??? The way it looks like a threat and promise wrapped in one is just hhhhhhhh
Even if he hates them his scars are beautiful too!! He survived hell and is still kicking even though it would be easy to give up and they show that off to the world
Dabi’s favourite things about Prince
His freckles are so cute??? Like what the fuck he’s got like a sky full and it just makes him so goddamn cute it’s illegal for him to be that fucking cute but there he goes!!!
The uhh flight feathers?? Primaries or whatever they’re called?? And the feathers in his hair are naturally white and he rubs them in this dirt stuff to ‘paint’ them and he went out and hunted down feather safe dye that matches my flames says its bragging about being my boyfriend
Sometimes he’ll let me help preen his feathers since he can’t really reach the small ones near his back and??? He just turns to mush in my arms, just goes absolutely fucking boneless it’s so fucking adorable
When I warm my body up with my quirk Prince will gravitate towards me without even noticing, he’ll practically be sitting on my lap and just not notice unless I say something
He takes my coats to wear when I’m out recruiting for the League and it’s literally just a blanket on him, he uses it like one too?? Like he curls up on the couch and wraps himself up in it either until I return or Kurogiri wrestles him out of it for washing
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franeridart · 7 years
I felt you deserved to know that your artwork was more than good enough to convince me to watch Boku No Hero Academia and having now caught up with manga and I just want to say thank you thank you thank you
YOU’RE MOST WELCOME actually thank you for giving it a try???? And thank you for liking my stuff????????????? aaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:Fran-san (haha that ryhmes) where do you read your manga? The website I usually use (kissmanga) is… I don’t even know what’s wrong with it but the panels won’t show up;;;
Mangasee’s the site I use the most and find myself most comfortable with!
Anon said: I think it’s the faces that make people go “that’s fran’s art.” it’s unique, and i’m incredibly fond of the style. it’s also in the way you color, with a monochrome feeling that still gives off a vibe of color. Its very much your style : ) The way you draw faces, though, is what I think is most unique to you
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I guess that’s good to know? Gosh I don’t know how to answer this, uhhhhh !!! Thank you so much!! and I’m super glad you like it!! It’s amazing how the things that happen randomly and when you just stop thinking about it are the one that end up defining you the most isn’t it haha
Anon said:Can you draw anything from Harry Potter? It’d be awesome!! Your art is amazing!!!
Thank you! But I’veeeeeeeeee ???? never drawn anything from a book! Ever! Oh my god! Usually I don’t even have a set headcanon for how the characters in the books I’m reading look until they’re given a canon appearance I find satisfying enough…? What I mean is that maybe one day I might try something but it’s gonna take a lot of thinking about it and scrapping designs until I’m happy with the looks of it and ahhhhhhhhhhhh yeh. Maybe one day.
Anon said:After the class moves to the dorms, Iida becomes like class dad and reads bedtime stories to his classmates if they can’t sleep, complete with weird hand gestures.
That’s absolutely adorable but I’m gonna have to see that and raise you with that’s not an exclusively Iida thing AND it’s not exactly stories even? Imagine this, when someone really isn’t feeling sleep for whatever reason (insomnia? nightmares? restlessness? residual adrenaline after a fight?) they wander downstairs and throw themselves on one of the common room’s couches, and sometimes they stay alone and either do or don’t fall asleep in the end, but other times someone else wanders downstairs or is still downstairs and they just sit with the person/people that can’t manage to sleep and talk about the most random things until they do fall asleep - Iida will retell old stories his older brother used to read for him when he was a little kid, hand gestures and right voices and random trivia facts in the middle of it, listening to Momo talk is like watching an how it’s made episode, Jirou always has some story or trivia about music and/or her favorite band members/old musicians to talk about, Kaminari’s a chatterbox and sometimes will even just retell the whole plot of the latest book he’s read or show he’s watched, Izuku is a bit like Jirou but it’s all about heroes, Kirishima and Uraraka talk about stuff that happened to them and their family and people they know, Tokoyami bless his soul has a knack for retelling short mystery/macabre stories like Lovecraft or Poe and if it weren’t for Dark Shadow constantly interrupting no one would ever sleep after listening to him, Sero likes to talk about super mundane stuff but he has a way of making it so funny, sometimes you can even get Bakugou on talk-duty and either you get him on a science is cool let me tell you about it night or it’s all about All Might —- everyone understands sleeplessness in the hero course and at night everyone’s edges are softer, they take care of each other as best as they can
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