raibaru-san · 1 year
Enquête à Blackwood Pines (Meurtres à Luton RP)
Pour @childrenofdarknight
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Quelques heures plus tôt.
Assise au bord du lit deux places qu'elle allait occuper durant son séjour, la jeune femme sonda l'écran de son ordinateur portable du regard. Soudain, une personne toqua à sa porte de manière guillerette, intonant une chanson. A la fin de celle ci, il se racla la gorge avant de demander.
Tu travailles encore ?
Après avoir reconnu la voix de son frère, la jeune femme ferma le clapet de son ordinateur avant de sourire puis de se tourner à moitié vers lui.
Moi, travailler ? Noooon.. Ok, je termine deux trois trucs et j'arrive.
On risque de rater le début du film si tu traînes trop et tu sais à quel point Manuella y porte de l'importance.
Ce dernier se décolla finalement son dos de la porte sur laquelle il était adossé avant de se résigner à hocher la tête, à lever le pouce puis à s'en aller.
Amélia soupira avant de se lever pour fermer la porte de sa chambre. Dès qu'elle revint vers le lit, elle s'y installa puis posa de nouveau son ordinateur sur ses cuisses avant de relever le clapet.
On pouvait voir sur l'écran le dernier journal de la ville de Luton où trois meurtres s'étaient produit très récemment.
1 ER MEURTRE - lundi 24 juillet 2023 Le premier meurtre s'était produit au début de la semaine en pleine nuit, dans un quartier calme de la ville. Le corps de la victime a été découvert par son colocataire le lendemain du meurtre. Elle n'avait jamais rien vu d'aussi barbare et sanglant. Même si les enquêteurs commençaient à peine à recueillir des preuves et à interroger les témoins potentiels, cherchant à identifier le tueur en série, le tueur n'avait pas perdu de temps pour tuer une seconde fois. 2 E MEURTRE - mercredi 26 juillet 2023 Un mercredi, cette fois-ci. La victime était une jeune femme dont le corps est cette fois-ci découvert par le concierge. 3 E MEURTRE - samedi 29 juillet 2023 Pour terminer, le troisième meurtre a eu lieu la veille. La victime était toujours une jeune femme, qui travaillait dans une boutique du centre commercial de Luton. On raconte qu'en tentant de fermer la boutique après une fermeture tardive, elle a été attaquée et poignardée. Encore une fois, sauvagement. Pour finir, son corps a été découvert le lendemain matin par un passant.
Retour au présent.
Et dire qu'à la base, elle était simplement venue à Luton pour prendre des vacances après ces derniers mois éprouvant.
Amélia venait d'arriver sur les lieux. Elle poussa la vieille porte rouillée dont les poignées étaient entourés de chaînes, déclenchant un tintement métallique et un crissement désagréable pour les oreilles.
Une fois à l'intérieur, elle ne prit pas le risque de refermer la porte. Elle avançait prudemment dans le hall de l'hôpital désaffecté, éclairant son chemin avec la lampe torche de son téléphone portable.
La jeune femme se rémémora un instant la véritable raison de sa venue : n'ayant pas confiance aux autorités locales, elle s'était lancée dans une enquête. Elle ne pouvait pas risquer le fait qu'il puisse arriver malheur à son frère et à sa soeur.
Soudain, un bruit la fit sursauter et elle braqua sa lampe torche dans la direction du son.
Il y a quelqu'un ? demanda-t-elle d'une voix hésitante.
Elle écouta attentivement mais il n'y avait pas de réponse. Amélia soupira et secoua la tête, se disant que c'était sûrement son imagination qui lui jouait des tours. Elle se remit en marche, scrutant les murs et les portes à la recherche d'un quelconque indice.
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Enquête à Blackwood Pines (Meurtres à Luton RP)
Pour @raibaru-san
À l’intérieur de l’hôpital, l’écrivain scrutait son téléphone pour la troisième fois depuis trente minutes. La photo d’une ancienne lettre portant le nom de JEREMIAH WESTON et estampillée du logo de Blackwood Pines illuminait son visage d’une faible lumière blanche. Cette lettre, trouvée à moins d’un mètre de la troisième victime du tueur masqué, pointait à cet endroit. Noah était certain qu’il trouverait quelque chose ici, un autre indice qui le mènerait peut-être au tueur. Les détectives en charge de l’enquête, eux, ne semblaient pas d’accord puisqu’ils privilégiaient la piste des proches.
CRACK D’un geste plus ou moins brusque, Noah tournait la tête en direction du bruit. Inconsciemment, sa main se desserrait autour du téléphone et ce dernier tombait au sol. L’écho du choc se répercutait sur les murs grisâtres de la pièce dans laquelle il se trouvait. Il supposait que cet endroit, qui donnait sur l’extérieur grâce à une vitre partiellement brisé, était l’ancienne salle d’attente. Des rangées de vielles chaises en plastique étaient éparpillés dans la pièce, certaines d’entre elles avaient rejoint le sol, devenant des pièces de compagnies pour les papiers et la poussière qui se trouvaient dans le même état. Un nouveau craquement, plus fort, se fit entendre. Quelqu’un s’approchait de lui et armé d’un bâton trouvé à son arrivé, il n’allait pas pouvoir se défendre bien longtemps si un fou masqué l’attaquait au couteau. Le souvenir du tueur de Lakewood s’immisçait dans son esprit et sa cicatrice présente contre son flanc droit lui envoyait une petite pique de douleur. Cela suffisait à le réveiller et aussi vite qu’il le pouvait, il attrapait son téléphone au sol avant d’aller se cacher derrière un comptoir qui accueillait autrefois secrétaires et infirmières. Tout comme le reste de la pièce, l’endroit était poussiéreux, mais ce n’est pas ce qui attirait l’attention du blondinet. Il pouvait gérer la poussière, mais le bris de verre ? Un seul faux pas et on l’entendrait. Mais dans cette situation, il ne pouvait rien faire si ce n’est attendre et espérer qu’on ne l’entende pas.
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laismoura-art · 5 months
Who do you personally cast as Harumi if she were to (hopefully) be playable? Me, I'd pick Sumalee Montano. Because 1) since she's the voice and mocap of Yuna in Ghost of Tsushima, it would be cute if she ended up being Jin's husband in another universe, and 2) because I think she has the range and capability to pull Harumi off. She's played so many badass characters like the aforementioned Yuna and Arcee from Transformers: Prime. Just listen to them both and tell me that’s not Harumi. Arcee’s snarky personality can also be for her more funnier interactions with Kuai Liang and Smoke 🤪
Also I kinda ship Jin and Yuna so it would be funnier if they end up becoming partners in two franchises 👀
Hi, Anon!! Thanks for the ask!!🩷
I went after Sumalee's work as Arcee and Yuna, and oooh I can definitely see our vision, and I loved it!
I totally see Kuairumi in Yuna and Jin! Him being more reserved and doing his very best to look always so composed and in control, but just not being able to keep it together when he's around the pretty girl🤭 it's cute!
Meanwhile, she's more open about her feelings and makes sure he knows how much she cares for him!
It's an undeniably cute dynamic!
As for her work as Arcee, I believe Harumi would save the snarky attitude for her enemies and be more of a tease towards her friends!
Especially towards Kuai, who's completely out of his comfort zone and having to take a role he didn't want to nor was prepared to take!
She would tease him and make little jokes just to light up the mood. He would pout at her comments and, for a moment, would just forget about all his problems. It helps, even though he doesn't realise right away!
So, Sumalee is definitely a great choice!🩷
Now for my personal choice:
See, I'm Brazilian, and most of us take pride in our voice actors and the amazing work they do!
We have so many iconic voices, Guilherme Briggs, Flávia Saddy, Miriam Fisher, Marcio Seixas, and so, so, so many more!
So when I think of a voice for Harumi, I can only think of Brazilian voices for her. My personal favourite being:
Guilene Conte!
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Here's a little compilation so you can hear her voice!
Her work as Rochelle from "Everybody Hates Chris" is LEGENDARY to the point whenever we hear Rochelle's actress, Tichina Arnold, speak in English it just feels sooo wrong!😂😂
Her works as Sarah Lance and Capitan Amélia were great, too. She has a really strong voice, fitting with a leader, I can definitely hear her commanding her warriors in defence of the Shirai Ryu!
She would also go personally to Kuai's defence when a student tries to be too bold on him, talking back and acting disrespectful, she would snap at them Rochelle style and make them wish they were never born (that definitely extends to Bi-Han), lol💀
In a perfect world, Sumalee voices Harumi and Guilene does the Brazilian dub!👀💕💖💞💓
@madamealtruist you're the pro when it comes to voice acting. Please, girl, do share your thoughts when you're back!💕
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brunalvart · 1 year
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AMÉLIA.txt (2023) (eng version below - description only)
softwares: blender, godot, photoshop and procreate
PT: Amélia é uma experiência interativa no qual o jogador é levado para um cómodo – quarto – de alguém que se chama Amélia. Sem qualquer orientação, o utilizador começa a explorar o ambiente em si, podendo interagir com certas fotografias e com os diários desta personagem, desvendando as diversas histórias da Amélia e a sua vida a nível de relações, familiar, profissional, íntimo e pessoal. Ao longo desta experiência o utilizador poderá começar a desenvolver teorias sobre esta experiência: até que ponto ele não é a personagem que está a explorar, quem é que ele realmente é e se sequer esta personagem realmente existiu. No final do percurso, há um computador no qual o utilizador terá de concluir a história apresentada na tela do mesmo, completando com aquilo que acha mais oportuno e que apreendeu ao longo da experiência.
ENG: Amélia is an interactive experience where the player is immersed in a bedroom of a character called Amélia. Without any guidance, the user is encouraged to explore the enviroment, interact with journals and photos related Amélia's story, getting to know different perspective of her life. Through this experience prompt the player to might contemplate various theories: is this character a real person? maybe the player is the character itself? and so on. At the end, there's a computer in which player can conclude her story by writting their own end based on what they find more relevant ou interesting.
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Alluring. (5/5)
With: Detective!Bucky x Witch!Reader.
Words: 3,632.
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All the amazing time you had banished like thin smoke in the air.
Yasmin was desperate and confused about how the frog grabbed Jack's ring.
Barnes went mad to the hotel, the last time he felt so welcomed it was way before he was an adult. And even if forbidden any interaction with witnesses or suspects, he loved the morning he had. You were very nice, the girls likes him and he felt, peace.
And by your reaction, you knew who the pedant belonged to.
And then, he acquired a proof of Yasmin's involvement in Jack's missing, and you, he scoffed thinking of how naive he was.
It was forbidden to spend time with the suspects, he needed to make questions and leave, not having breakfast!
Which made you guilty for hiding information and protect a suspect from the law.
The education and gentleness you showed him were probably to mislead him.
As Bucky grabbed the letter you've sent to Yasmin before Jack disappeared, you walked to the hotel he was staying.
Lying farther wouldn't help, and lying to him seemed even more... tainted.
You asked about him in the reception, and even if the impolite old man didn't tell you which room the detective was staying, the fact that it only had a room being rented you knew it was him.
Taking a deep breath you prayed that whatever occurs won't take your daughters away from you.
Four knocks met the door and it opened with a surprised James Barnes.
"Hi, can I come in?" You asked in a small voice.
Bucky's face kept stoical, professional, as he should have been the whole case.
Years of professionalism to be dragged out of the window with such ferocity.
James nodded and you walked in the small room, files placed in the bed, you spotted a familiar one and retrieved the paper with your words on it.
"What is this?"
"Yes, and why do you have it?"
"Because it speaks of a disappeared criminal, so it's the government’s property now." His voice was still composure and you threw the letter back at the mattress.
"Jack Rollings is dead." You confessed.
"Who killed him?"
"It was self-defense, and I assure you that. I never killed anyone before. He was abusing Yasmin and one night, she called me asking for help. That he was out of his mind, punching her, obliging her to do... sex." You took a deep breath at the mention of abuse. "I mean she won't agree with this, will only say that he wanted to have more sex and that was okay. And when I drove to get her back home, he placed a knife on her neck, he was drunk and probably on drugs too, I had to drive his car whenever he told me to or else he would kill my sister. As you know, I know how to deal with plants and herbs, and has a herb called belladonna which Yasmin used to calm him down times to times, so there was a small quantity in his car. He made me stop to piss somewhere in the road and dragged Yasmin by her hair, so I wouldn't drive away with her, which trust me! I would. So in an instinct I grabbed the herbs and placed in one of his alcohol bottles, the quantity I placed wasn't to kill him, I just wanted him to pass out so I could run away and press charges against him. But maybe the belladonna mixed with some other drug and he died, overdose probably. Yasmin started to yell and say that I would lose my children and they can't be without me, trust me I know how it's to grow without parents and they lost their father already they don't have to lose me too." Tears started to fell from your eyes and Bucky grabbed a box of tissue handing it to you. He kept silent, waiting for you to finish the story. "You've done your research, therefore, you know how people in this town call us witches. Part of that is true, but I never did any sort of black magic, but with Yasmin yelling and the idea of losing my children I got desperate. I drove back home and I and Yasmin did a ritual to bring him back, and it worked."
"He got back to life?"
"Sort of, when you do magic that involves dark elements, it doesn't work as it should. Bringing someone back from the dead it... it's terrible."
"And you did it."
"Yes, I mean it was a raper and abuser, who bad he could come as? He... did, he woke up but his eyes were blank, he grabbed Yasmin by the neck and strangled her, he was stronger than before so I hit him with a pan over and over. And he died, again, so that time we buried him in my yard. I don't know how that bird held his pendant, I really don’t. But that is the truth, I know enough about the law that the fact that I lied with make things worse, and... and do whatever you have to do."
Bucky kept staring at you silently, hundreds of thoughts running through his head. Yes, you could have fixed this, going to the cops and explained what happened.
But as you lied to a federal and had a body in your yard, it made things worse.
His chest was beating in disappointment, you didn’t deserve it.
He should take you out of his room, or put cuffs on you and take you to his city, but instead, he sat in the mattress by your side.
"I don’t believe in magic, but I don’t believe you would kill someone. Am I wrong?"
"No. I swear for my life that it was self-defense."
"Alright. I..." He took a deep breath, and for your surprise, he chuckled. "Magic uh?!"
Seriousness found him again, he had a job to do. "Listen, I have to take you and Yasmin back with me, and found lawyers to the two of you."
It was inevitable, then you had to prove for the judge. Which was impossible.
You looked down at your hands and glanced around his room, clearly to avoid him.
"I, uh, I-" He stuttered. "Well, I wish things were different. I really do."
Looking up at him you realized how blue his eyes were, up close, a hint of grey making them even more charming.
In a trance, you pressed your forehead against his, he was pulling you to him, and you didn’t know why.
Buck forgot all of his police speech and grabbed your cheek placing his lips against yours.
Your surprise was momentanous as you quickly got engulfed at the feeling.
Your hands found his neck and after what seemed like seconds you were straddling him. Bucky gripped your hips and pulled your body closer to his, while you were lost in the moment you realized how stronger his left grip felt, you broke the kiss and looked down at his hands, he always wore gloves.
You touched his hands and pulled the material off of his hand, the right on was normal, flesh one. And the left was metal. "What?"
Bucky looked at his hand and worried that your face was of disgust.
While you thought about the spell you made years ago, and like a flash, you started to rememeber the items. Blue eyes, bake a cake in 10 minutes, like children, like animals, you wouldn't be able to lie, an arm metal arm like Robocop, a man of justice.
You got in your feet and left the room in a rush, he couldn't be! It was a spell, an ingenious spell.
Bucky saw you leaving and looked at his arm in disappointment. "I lost it in a war."
That couldn't be happening. You were a kid! A mere kid that made a stupid spell, and you were very clear in what to pinpoint how your "prince charming" would be like.
It couldn't be real.
It couldn't be James Barnes.
As your steps lead you home, your thoughts were running a mile per hour. You kissed him. The detective that will put you and your sister in jail.
Reaching your house you heard shouts, Amélia's shout.
Your heart broke and you ran to her reach, going up the stairs you saw Iara crying in the floor and Yasmin desperately looking at Amélia.
"What is happening?"
"Is Jack! He is using her!" Yasmin yelled and your eyes filled with water, fear filling your being.
Amélia was in bed, sweating and shaking. "Leave her alone!" You shouted and tried to touch your child.
Jack's almost transparent figure got out of her body and stared at you, his eyes filled with mockery. "Little Amélia was so nice seeing me in the yard, how could I not take advantage of that."
"Get out of my daughter's body!" You shouted and Jack's kept hurting your daughter.
The door downstairs was beat and after a couple of seconds Bucky came to the room, you looked at him confused and him, even out of breath, stopped his steps and stared at Amélia. "What is going on?"
Amélia looked at him and smile. "Oh Detective Barnes, came all the way over here just to find me?" Amélia's lips formed into a mocked pout.
"Jack?!" Bucky was wide-eyed.
Amélia grabbed your arm and you cried at how hard her grip was, Bucky ran to your reach and held her arm pulling her away from you, an instinct of protecting you rising on him, but as the metal hand touched her skin, she screamed, and Jack's transparent spirit got out of her.
Yasmin looked at Buck's arm and knew it was because of the metal.
"Y/N! Ghosts don't like metal!"
You looked at Buck and back at Amélia.
The girl fell in bed sweating.
"Sweetheart, hey hey." You called her and was relieved to know Jack wasn't inside her.
For now.
She started to cry and you hugged her firmly. "Shh its okay, baby."
You looked at Buck who was still shocked about the whole thing. You grabbed Amélia's face in your hands and looked at her deep in her eyes. "Listen, you stay here with Bucky and me and Yasmin will grab aunt Bim and aunt Mira. Okay? He will protect you and I'll be back. Alright?"
She seemed unsure for a bit but nodded, you held Bucky's hands and tried to regain your breath. "Listen, the metal in your arm will hurt Jack if comes around again, I need to place his body on fire so his spirit will be gone. Alright? Please, I- I know it's a lot to ask but please just... protect her for me."
Buck could say no and that he had a job to do and take the body back to his city, he could run away from the mess and avoid all of the baggage.
But how could he say no to you?
"Of course." He held Amélia's arm and you grabbed Yasmin's hand, Iara was still crying so you kneeled in front of her and dried her tears. 
"My love, do you want to go with me and aunt Yasmin or stay with Amélia and Bucky?"
"I want to stay."
"Alright then. Be careful." You kissed her forehead and looked back at Amélia who was almost sleeping duo exhaustion.
Since Yasmin came back and the aunt knew something was going on they left the house and stood in a cottage in the woods.
You and Yasmin ran to them but since the family bond made them feel your distress they found you in the middle of the path.
"Hey, so, listen-" You took a deep breath, oxygen running away from your lungs. "There is a ghost of a really bad man and he possed Amélia and we need to place his body on fire!"
They nodded instantly and went to the house after you. "He possessed little Amélia? Oh I will burn him with salvia!" Bim yelled.
Back at home you and Yasmin ran outside getting the sholves and started to take the earth out of Jack's burial.
Finding his body you and Yasmin looked at him on the floor and the aunts came running with salt, gasoline and some herbs to make sure he will be gone.
You and Yasmin got out of the whole and you held the salt throwing it on his body.
The four of you started to recite a expelling spell and the winds started to go faster making the leaves in the floor flown.
Yasmin threw gasoline on his whole body. And your aunts threw the herbs. You grabbed a match and lit it letting it fall on Jack's body.
Since the quantity of gasoline it got fire instantly.
Jack's spirit got back to his body and he yelled in agony. As the fire grew bigger and the chanting louder Bucky and the girls came downstairs to see what was happening.
The fire grew taller before dying completely.
The smells of burned flesh was heavy and you coughed looking at your aunt to be sure it was done. They smiled at you with a nod and you let a relieved sigh.
You and Yasmin placed the earth back to the body, when it was done, you kneeled in the floor hugging your children, you looked up at Buck and he gave you a small smile trying to tell you that it was okay.
Buck left after a couple of hours and hugged your children and hugged you briefly saying that he had to go, but for you do not worry.
Seeing him leaving made your heart break, there it was, the agony you always tried to prevent.
A Month Later.
After placing Jack's body on fire everything got back to normal. Yasmin started to help you in the shop and even sold a few of her made clothes.
Amélia was great and the incident was forgotten.
And you... well, you kept breathing. Doing your chores, being there for your kids.
But something was missing, someone.
Buck didn't contact you afterward, he sent a letter to you that was a digitized document of the government saying that Jack's body wasn't found and the case was closed.
Your eyes filled with grateful tears reading the paper, that meant he lied for you, lied to save yours, your sister and your kids' lives.
After that, he didn't send anything else.
Didn't call. He did nothing.
Two Months Later.
You were sitting in your yard, gazing at the stars and thinking about life when your heart clenched, your blood ran faster and you knew he was close.
Looking back at the house you saw Buck coming with a smile.
You walked to his reach and when you were centimeters from him he clashed his lips against yours.
It was heaven.
"I missed you, Y/N, so much."
"I missed you too, Buck, why did you help me? Why you told your boss and colleagues that you haven't found the body?"
He grabbed your hands and brought them to his lips. "I never believed in magic, but when I saw your daughter in pain and Jack's body, well, spirit, getting out of her flash I couldn't just ignore that. Jack was a monster and you did what you did in self-defense. And they wouldn't believe, they didn't see what I did, and I couldn't bear the error of placing you in jail. You're not a murderer."
Your eyes filled with tears, you didn't mean to kill Jack, not really. And his understanding of the matter meant a lot.
But as his lips reached yours again you pulled back. "I, I have something to tell you."
You sat in the floor again and pulling with you, Buck was worried about your scared look.
"When I was a child, I didn't want to fall in love. Ever. So I made a spell to prevent it, but we can't block love so I decided to prevent it by choosing someone that didn't exist. I said that he would have the bluest eyes, he would be kind, gentle, a man of the law, that he would like kids, and animals. That he would bake a cake in 10 minutes, he would speak four languages and would have a Robocop's arm. And that is you." You cried harder and Buck was confused by your words, yes, it was almost a description of him but it wasn't like you made him up.
"Y/N." You avoided his eyes. "Hey, look at me."
"I can't."
"I love you."
You looked at him startled, you loved him too, with your whole heart. But it wasn't real. It was a spell.
"You don't."
"I do, I know what I feel. What are you scared of?"
"Because it's not true, it's a spell."
"Y/N, how old were you when you made it?"
"Around six years."
"I'm older than you, I was born already." He smiled. "I was giving ma and dad a lot of trouble already." You smiled. "I know that what I feel is real, and I know you feel the same."
You tried everything to prevent it, to love and be loved. And when you broke your own rule, your sweet Paterson died, because of a curse.
But James Barnes was your impossible man, the man that you asked about because it wasn't real.
But there he was, and the curse wouldn't reach him.
You jumped in his arms hugging him, keeping his scent in your mind, feeling safe.
You broke your firm embrace and looked at him, slightly embarrassed. "So, uh, what how? I don't want to rush things."
His laugh was rich and made you smile contagiously. "I think it is late for that. I mean, I already have your family’s approval and we already had breakfast together, and we are sort of kissing in your yard so." He joked making you smile wilder. "But seriously now, I will take you on a date and if you take me in I'll stay here with you. Because I know it's where I wanna be, is where I always knew I needed to be. I always felt alone, out of place, but I found you. And that is magic for me."
@salimahbicharara-comun​ @buckybabybaby​ @velvetwonderbucky​
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francescabuccino · 7 years
Did you read Kevin's new interview with TV Line that just came out? Please read it and let us know what your thoughts are. Please.
I read it just now and I reblogged it too from @omeliasource so if you are reading and you didn’t read that, you can find it on my blog, right before this answer. So, I think that it’s a confirmation of what I said from Thursday, nothing less, nothing more. I’m really curious about the sentences “there might be some moments that neither Amélia nor Owen expect” and “maybe when he lets go of trying to grip that so tightly [will be] when those dreams will become a reality.” I don’t want my hope to rise so much, but I think that this have to mean something. All the people who know me, know how much I wanted an omelia baby, but I just hope they will make this happen in a right way. I would not like them to be together for a surprising pregnancy or something like that (I would love to see a surprise pregnancy, but after they got to talk, even just a little, about what made them broke up). Anyway, I don’t want to think too much about this. I want just to enjoy this moment in which we are sure about the fact that they will interact (even if I was already sure, it’s good that other people get to be sure too) and go in a certain way. So be happy with me omelia’s fandom!!! Rise your sparkling water’s glass and toast with me! We got to be happy today! 🥂🥂🥂
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azenta · 7 years
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It’s been awhile already since I’ve done her, but I was so lazy to translate her “description” from french to english… Anyway, here we go, and there she is!
Her name is Amélia and she is the goddess who rules over Darkness…
That may sound strange; a “goddess of darkness”, but that’s why she is considered mostly as an in-between of a god and a demon. She is considered as a divinity, but because she rules over “darkness”, she is perceived as much as a hell being. However, instead of ruining her title as a “goddess” and being rejected because of such an ambiguous identity, she is accepted as much in the heavens than in hells. Hells even appreciate her more then the heavens, liking the fact that her ruling over darkness favors hells more than it does for heavens.
That particular element that is called “darkness” asks for a really great master over it and a certain merciless but fair character. It is as much special as the “light element”, but instead of guiding exempted soul to a greater version of themselves within their own boundaries, “darkness” means guiding the lost souls in their pain and in their own destruction, making them succumb once and for all to that said darkness who engulfs their heart. She guides them as a mother guide her own child in life. But what concretely qualifies her as a “goddess” in that role is that instead of making them become a ravaged beast craving for revenge, power or destruction or even before they are further corrupted by a worse being (and on, and on), she welcomes them and guide them through the darkness that she’ll teach them to embrace. In general, the lost souls that succumb to Amelia’s become in control of that darkness within them instead of the opposite. It allows to save their life, and to recycle them in some sort. Numerous become outer world warriors, or even vengeful spirit but with wisdom and some kind of consciousness they wouldn’t have otherwise. Or they can become “Demons” but in the sense of what the title “god” means for heavens but for hells. A lot of possibilities are offered to the ones who has plunged in the darkness, but accordingly to their world of origin. However, it’s not a life of happiness that awaits them after becoming such kind of being. They are plunged in the heart of their worst nightmares and worst pains; but Amélia’s offer is the best alternative to live a life without too much pain. It allows them to alleviate their suffering, and repay a kind of debt before giving their last breath.
Thus, Amélia has one of the most critical role in order to maintain a balance within the worlds. Her confederate Amigaëlle as well has such an important role, but because she pursues the opposite objective of her's, it frequently happen that they come into a conflict solely to decide whether to plunge a soul into darkness or to take him back to the light. Moreover, their personalities naturally clash, making it pretty easy for them to come into arguments and being in conflict. Amélia is more the kind to favor an easygoing way of life rather than a strict and ruled one like Amigaëlle who is all about rules and discipline. She is more alike Adrianne and Venus on that purpose, liking to party and not really rigorous with responsibilities and disciplinary measures other than the one given to her to allow her to lead her role. It’s her from among her confederate that do the least “missions”. Plus, she does actually stay more often in hells than in heavens. It allows a better communication between heavens and hell, though, being nonetheless proud and loyal to her divine status. The king of hell, recognized as “Satan” or the devil in your world, is relatively close to her. Thus, allowing a more harmonic communication between the king of heaven and the king of hell, being in good terms with him as well, those two still having trouble to communicate to that day without threatening each other in the most ridiculous and pathetic ways.
She does have a better relation with her other confederate goddesses, and Amaterasu herself, it seems. Amigaëlle may be the one with which she has the most trouble to be with and with which she has the most tumultuous relation, but she likes to annoy Arwène as well, since she is the other goddess among her group who is strict, disciplined and well planned. Therefore, she always do likes she hadn’t listen to anything Arwène told her when doing one of her programms or just plainly annoy her when her training just for the fun to annoy her. However, it is more friendly-like than with Amigaëlle. She as an easiness to interact with Marivocéanne since she is calm and easygoing a like her. She usually participates to every party that Venus or Adrianne organize, consisting to party almost everyday unless one of them is committed to a “mission” or responsibility that asks a long moment of absence. Her and the goddess of earth are not particularly close to each other despite being in good terms, but strangely, when a conflict arise, or a time of conflict (interpersonal conflict or major crisis), they form a wonderful team to restore the atmosphere, and cooperate in perfect harmony.
Her origins is less known then her confederates. She may have been a human or a succubus or a vampire in the past, but that is still pretty hypothetical. No consensus have been made on that subject, and it’s certainly not her that will and would confirm or refute the rumors, since it amuses her a lot.
So, that’s it for her! Hope you like it as much as the other! :)
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tinykingdomgalaxy · 7 years
Her and Sarah are good couples. Well look like it. But I ship it her blog is @Sarinna-diabolik
Mun: I’m sorry, anon. I hope I don’t sound rude, but I’ve been having a hard time trying to figure out your asks because they’re really confusing XD I’m fine with shipping, but Sarah had interacted with Amélia just once and for you to be shipping them already is kind of weird xD It’s OK to ship, but her mun and I agreed that they should be just friends tho ^^
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decorfrontline · 7 years
Vila Amélia / VAGA
New Post has been published on http://www.decorfrontline.com/index.php/2018/03/14/vila-amelia-vaga/
Vila Amélia / VAGA
© Leonardo Finotti
Architects: VAGA
Location: Sertãozinho, Brazil
Authors: Fernando O’Leary, Pedro Domingues, Pedro Faria
Area: 580.0 m2
Project Year: 2017
Photographs: Leonardo Finotti
Client: 2R Empreendimentos Imobiliários
© Leonardo Finotti
Text description provided by the architects. The rough, sturdy exterior of the stone contains and protects the preciousness in its interior. By closing itself to the street, the building conserves in its center what in it exists of most valuable, the void. The patio here plays the role of an articulation element and stage for everyday life. The existence of the central space as an event and nucleus of spatial organization is an incentive to the encounter of people and collective coexistence.
© Leonardo Finotti
Based on a government program that offers attractive financing conditions for low-income families (called Minha Casa Minha Vida), the project emerges with the premise of building with the minimum of financial resources, the maximum of architectural incentives for harmonious living among its residents. Therefore, the challenge was determined by the fundamental parameters of the project: to build eight apartments, with a suite and a bedroom with a hallway bathroom, summing approximately 70m2 with construction cost under 1,300 BRL (approximately 400 USD) per square meter.
© Leonardo Finotti
Ground floor plan
© Leonardo Finotti
In this way, the project explores the volumetric quality of containing the empty space and defining the internal courtyard of the building, opposed to the preconceived occupation for this type of project, that usually has no interaction within itself or adjacent urban elements. The implantation of Vila Amelia around the void suggests the occupation of the collective space and places it as a central issue in the functional structure of the building.
Section A + B
By elevating the courtyard to the condition of a programmatic articulator, the collective conforms the private so that they relate at various moments in the building. The rooms face areas of less traffic and permanence, while the social areas of the apartments face the internal patio, in which the presence of vegetation provides privacy to the units and quality of life to the residents.
© Leonardo Finotti
As a way to reduce the expenses with construction work, the building was designed with an ideal structural modulation for the construction in reinforced concrete and prefabricated slabs. Steel structured walkways articulate the volumes with conventional brick masonry closings. The windows and doors have standard market dimensions and are arranged in different ways, composing the final appearance of the building. The slightly sloped rooftop stipulated by the inclination of the roof that covers the upper slab, allows greater sunlight for the patio and contributes to the composition of the facade of the building.
© Leonardo Finotti
Vila Amelia proposes in a simple way a new practice in the way of life of its residents. The project results from a convergence between built and unbuilt spaces conditioning this way of life. The void supplements the building and acts as a catalyst for social situations.
© Leonardo Finotti
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