inprogresspokemon · 3 years
About Me
Hey there, you can call me IPP (In-Progress Pokemon) or Jae. Any pronoun (he/she/they) is fine. I started this blog in late October 2014 and it has become a passion project for me, that will possibly never end because TPC keeps adding new Pokemon.
My first Pokemon game was Red Version and my favorite Pokemon are Swampert and Noivern. Out of the Gen 9 Starters I am currently team Fuecoco.
I have a pet Blue Tongue Skink named Burrito (he is a good, chubby boy).
What does In-Progress Pokemon mean?/What are these?
In-Progress Pokemon is my name for the concept of exploring how Pokemon might look if they physically transitioned from one evolutionary stage to another. Basically: if Pokemon grew rather than evolved. The “transitional stages” that I illustrate aren’t meant to be taken as actual additional stages; rather, as a “snap-shot” in time while the Pokemon is growing or transitioning between each evolutionary stage. The flavor text/descriptions help to bridge the evolutionary gaps as well.
I also post other Pokemon-related art, like commissioned Fakemon or my Dual-Type Eeveelutions.
When do you update/post new art?
My upload schedule for new art is every Monday and Thursday, 2:00pm EST. They’re reblogged in the evening at 8:00pm EST, and again on Sunday.
I try to always have something new to post for those days, but occasionally have to skip updates when I didn’t have enough time to finish something. I reblog older art at 2pm and 4pm on other days - they’re tagged as “old art” and “IPPreblog” if you want to blacklist them.
New art only view is here.
If they’re not meant to be new stages, why are they named? Can I suggest a name?
Originally I didn’t name them, but after time people began to suggest names, and it’s turned into something I do regularly now. When I post a new Pokemon line, people suggest names for the transitional stages and after a while I’ll look through the suggested names and pick the one I think fit best (based on origin, existing name scheme, etc) - I don’t come up with the names myself.
You’re welcome to suggest a name by reblogging, commenting, or messaging me. When the time comes I’ll make a post with all the suggestions, and I’ll tag you if I go with your name or a name you’ve seconded or showed support for.
If you decide to suggest a name, please include a brief breakdown of your suggestion inspirations (ie: Charmander is a combination of char + salamander).
Have you done [X] Pokemon?
At this point... probably! If you’re on mobile, you can try the search function or look up any Pokemon using my mobile index.
If you’re on desktop, I recommend my sprited Pokemon Index.
Both are kept up-to-date.
How’s your progress going?
They keep introducing new Pokemon, but I’m getting pretty close. As of Early 2022, only a few Pokemon lines are left pre-PLA, and now I have some new Hisuian Pokemon added to the plate that I’m quickly getting to.
What’s up with the redos?
When I started in 2014 I had little to no digital art experience, and a lot of my older art shows this. I’m in the process of redoing older lines and either updating their existing design in my current style, or redoing the design and concept completely. I dislike having my older (imo bad) art out there, so redos is a priority for me, although I know it’s not as interesting for my followers so I try to space them out. I also tend to do redos when I don’t have the time or motivation for anything else. 
I post redo compilations periodically if you want to see a comparison.
Are you okay with fanart?
I absolutely love fanart, it makes my day and fills me with joy. Please tag me if you post it so I can see and reblog your art!!
Can I use your Fakemon...
...as my profile picture? Yes - please just credit me if anyone asks about it.
...in my fanfiction? Yes - please credit me somewhere in the notes (etc.) if your fanfiction is posted publicly. Bonus points if you link to the original post for the fakemon you’re using.
...to make an OC? Yes - please credit me for the base design/species when your OC is first posted, but you don’t need to keep including credit every time going forward. And if anyone asks, please credit me.
...in my Youtube video? As a general rule, I’m fine with that so long as I’m credited and linked to in the description, but I prefer if you ask me first if you plan on my work being a large part of your video. Using a single image here or there is fine as long as I’m credited.
...in my fangame? Sorry, but I’m not allowing my fakemon in fangames or rom hacks at this time.
All that said, I can’t grant permission for Fakemon that were commissioned and belong to the commissioner, although I’m always willing to try reaching out to the commissioner and ask permission on your behalf. It will always say on my posts if a Fakemon was commissioned and belongs to someone else.
What about Mega Pokemon?
Yes, I’m doing those too.
What about Gigantamax Pokemon?
As of now, I’m not planning on doing them. They’re large, time-consuming, and I don’t really like them. I may do them in the future once I’ve completed the main lines and Megas, but no promises.
Yes, I take commissions, though I close them when I have too many commissioned queued or if my IRL is very busy. The pinned post on the top of my blog shows my commission status.
I’m in the process of revamping my commission info page to have images and be more up-to-date, but my old page is here.
I mainly do Pokemon-related commissions, but I do take others, I just don’t post them here. If you’re looking for a non-Pokemon related commission, just ask!
I accept payment only once I’m able to start to your commission and do my business through PayPal invoices, which you can pay with a PayPal account if you have one, or a credit or debit card if you do not.
Depending on what you’re looking to commission, we can work as collaboratively as you like. Some people just want me to make a certain thing and like being surprised with the final result, some people have a firm vision and want to be able to give feedback during the designing process and make changes, some people fall somewhere in the middle. Whatever you prefer is fine.
Social Media:
Email [email protected] (commissions)
           [email protected] (other)
Instagram @inprogresspokemon
Facebook In-Progress Pokemon
DeviantArt InProgressPokemon
Twitter @Inprogresspokes
I am only active on Tumblr these days, but I plan to return to DeviantArt and Instagram sometime soon.
Can I submit/ask/chat with you about something? 
Yes, here is my submissions page, and here is my asks page.
And you can always send me a chat message, though I get a lot of them and can’t always respond right away.
Did you get my message? Why haven’t you responded yet?
Sorry, sometimes it takes me a while to get to messages. I also try to space them out so I’m not filling the blog with them. It’s never personal. If I never responded to your message, or it’s been weeks, it’s possible I never got it, or more likely, it has gotten buried under other asks before I was able to respond. If you need to hear from me about something, you can send me a chat message or resend your ask.
I don’t want to clutter people’s dashboards, so I tend to not respond to a lot of anonymous asks if I feel they don’t require a response, but I read them and I especially appreciate the kind words that some of you send my way; they help to keep my spirits up! If you want to send me and ask and prefer a private response, feel free to put (private) at the end of your non-anon message and I will respond privately.
What program do you use?:
I use Paint Tool SAI for the sketch, line art, and coloring, and Photoshop CC for the text/editing/backgrounds.
My general settings info is here.
Tagging, ie: I don’t want to see [X] or I want to find [X]:
I tag everything. You can search for Pokemon by name, type, generation, region, as well as for starter Pokemon and Eeveelutions. You can also blacklist certain things you aren’t interested in seeing on your dashboard.
Other tags:
IPPasks - my ask tag
IPPnews/IPPupdates - news and updates for the blog
IPPnames/name suggestions - for reblogs where a Pokemon is named
IPPreblog/reblog/old art - for reblogs of old art, for any reason
IPPdiscussions - longer discussions or explorations of a topic
IPPdoodles - for random Pokemon sketches and doodles
IPPfanart - my fanart tag!
dual types - posts about the Dual-Type Eeveelutions
baby version - Pokemon lines that have a bonus baby form
[X] bothers me, can you tag it?
Yes - if seeing or reading something bothers you, please let me know and I will do my best to tag it for you going forward.
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