daz4i · 1 year
what are your thoughts. on chuuya’s hat
like, visually :? or story wise and how it might affect this arc :?
i mean visually i think it's a cool nod to irl chuuya and his hat. and it suits him! idk how he's pulling it off. but also i feel bad for fanartists
story wise. i'm definitely lacking some information to say anything 🤔
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jeupism · 6 years
i’m not done catching up to the 100 but i already can’t focus so maybe i’ll gif instead 
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toyourliking · 4 years
"we’ll have to come back next week to fix this, but if you’re not in we have a master key. haha wouldn’t it be funny if we stole your stuff and sold it?”
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hqheists-blog · 5 years
..ahn hyo seop anon aka c sea aka me wants to know if anyone wants a connection with him asdkfjhg
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hi hello, yes alex said something about a connection as joonhyuk’s ex-boyfriend?? there’s a few other’s im sure that people could think of?? members reply to this if you have any connections you’d want with ahn hyo seop !!!!
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shions-heart · 7 years
i'm late for this meme, but! one thing that always sticks out to me about your fics is that they all have really clear emotional threads for your characters! like in your shorter pieces and one shots, you portray the central emotions so clearly, and in longer/chaptered works there's always an easy-to-follow progression of how characters are changing and feeling. that makes it really engaging to follow their stories, and easy to feel what they are!
asdkfjhg thank you so much. character portrayal and development is really important to me, and their emotions tie into that intricately. so i’m really glad you think i do all that well /)u(\ 
as always, your opinion means so much to me, so thank you for sharing
for writers
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vodka-aunt-coran · 8 years
alsdfjaklsdfjaldf your tag that about fave characters that said #dean win [sniper] is probably the funniest and most relatable thing ive ever read
asdkfjhgs how dare you bring that tag into the light of day
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