#IS MARK HERE i couldnt find my charger :(
daegall · 2 years
"Things I do for you."
pairing: spiderman!mark x reader
genre: fluff, established relationship!AU, spiderman!AU
warnings: none (i think?)
word count: 852 words
a/n: happy late birthday to the bestest boy everr!!!!!!!!! this was a bit overdue LOL but i really wanted to post something for mark ^^ been in my major mark feels recently i couldnt help myself hehe
i know i havent been posting a lot, and that's because my new school semester had just started and i still trying to adapt and get used ot everything :) (got too comfortable for summer beak HAHA) been a stressful couple of weeks for me recently, and i haven't really gotten better, but i hope it do <3 i hope you all do to!!!!
networks/taglist: @neoturtles @knet-bakery @ficscafe @kflixnet @k-radio @nct-writers + @soobin-chois @addictedtothesummernights @markhyuckselca @jaehunnyy &lt;3
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Wednesday's are for staying up late and doing whatever you want, playing whatever games you want, watching as many movies as you want, anything, because you have nothing to do on Thursdays, no classes or extra tutoring like every other day.
And due to this, you wake up at 10 or 11 on Thursday. But today, when you wake up, and reach out for your phone to check the time, you are pleasantly surprised at the time being 09:27 AM.
You proceed to shift to a more comfortable spot on your bed, bringing your phone closer to your face to clearly see all the new uploads to your friends' stories. In the midst of watching one of Lee Jeno's dance covers, you get a text.
Thinking nothing of it, you swipe up on the notification, opting to read it later, after you're done watching, gushing, and bombarding Jeno with words of admiration.
Finally, you tap on the notification, and grow confused at the text.
Y/n where are you 😭
you're gonna get late to the discussion!!
Did you forget bc its a thursday T^T
Mina knew you too well.
"Shit!" Instantly, your sheets fly away, thrown across the room, as you scramble up to get to the bathroom.
It's when you're finished with washing your face, when you hurriedly pick up your phone. Your wet flingers slip across the screen, your phone unable to detect any of the movement, before you desperately wipe both your screen, and fingers on the sleeve of the sweatshirt you quickly threw on earlier.
Instantly, a number is being dialed, and instantly, the person picks up.
"Hey honey!" The tender voice of your boyfriend gives you a sense of reassurance and comfort in a mini panic session.
"Good morning, Mark," you breath out. You remember him mentioning something about enjoying it when you greet him a good morning. "look, uh, I have a group discussion at the library today, you think you can drop me off?"
"Sure, what time should I pick you up?" In a moment, you hear shifting from the other line, before light footsteps. A light jingle, supposedly from his car keys, makes you feel a little exasperated.
"About that,"
You hear Mark halt, before a confused noise slips from his lips.
"It's in—well, was—a minute ago. Think this calls for desperate measures.
"Fuck," Mark curses quietly, before tossing his keys back onto his desk. "The things I do for you, I swear. Better pay me back later!"
"Yeah, yeah," you dismiss. "thank you Mark, love you!"
Not even 5 minutes later, when you barely just finished getting ready, there' a soft knock at your window, and you whip around to find the familiar red and blue suit you love to see.
Your heart beats faster in your chest when Mark slips in your room, throwing his mask off. "You ready? Here, give me your bag."
He scurries around your room, grabbing your backpack, your phone, and chargers. He knows you tend to lose the latter.
Mark secures his mask around his face, climbing onto the window sill, before reaching his arms out to you. "Alright, let's go,"
Once you're secure in his arms, a flick of Mark's wrist and you're off, maneuvering his way to the alleyways, where you two would usually take, as nobody would be lurking there. Unless they were drunk.
You hang on to your dear life, shutting your eyes tight to try to suppress the feeling of thrill and butterflies you get whenever you're soaring in the skies.
You peek an eye open, which is instantly settled on Mark, as he expertly swings through the path. You find it very endearing how he would go to extreme measures go have you less late too some group discussion you could be a little late to.
Now that you realize it, this whole thing is probably bad. Mark risking his identity just for you to make it on time?
On the other hand, you feel so incredibly grateful that you're able to know this secret about Mark, heck, even knowing Mark sounds like a blessing.
The alleyway just 3 blocks from the library is where you land, where you jump from his arms, straightening out your outfit, before accepting all your belongings that Mark had held onto and kept safe.
"Quickly, quickly!" He mumbles, patting you.
Before he can fully push you away, you rush up to him, pulling his mask upwards just a little bit, before connecting your lips together sweetly.
The kiss lasts only for a few seconds, before Mark chuckles against your lips and pushes you away gently. One of his hands reaches up, cupping the side of your face, before he pats your cheek once, twice.
"Good luck, baby. Call me when you're finished, yeah?"
You nod instantly, wrapping your fingers around his clothed wrist, rubbing your fingers against his skin reassuringly, before you let go and start making your way to the library.
"Thank you again, spiderman! I'll get us some food to make up!"
Oh, the things Mark Lee would do for you.
704 notes · View notes
michaelreaderreblog · 4 years
My Truemate pt21
AN: Hey all, I know this has been long overdue and needed to be posted. But now its finally here. Now going into the last couple parts and this will be finished. Im thinking two or three more parts to this. Other then that, enjoy and hope to hear from you all. Im taking requests and is open for anything. Well Michael related anyways. Love you all
Word Count: 1,374
“We are here” you say as you enter the house and remove your shoes and jacket.
“There she is. Baby girl, I am so happy to see you” Bobby says as he gets up from the couch and gives you an over bearing hug.
You hug him tight, never wanting to let him go like as if he was going to dissolve and you would wake up thinking everything is one big long dream.
Dean comes into the living room with Cas following behind him. You see the both of them and smile as you pull away from Bobby.
“Bobby, I want you to meet someone special” you tell him while looking to Michael
“Uncle Bobby this is Michael, my mate. Michael, this is my uncle Bobby” you introduce the two while looking to Michael with a fond smile
“Its good to meet ya son” Bobby says while shaking his hand and pulling him into a hug
They pull away from each other and smile.
“Its very good meeting you as well. Finally” Michael says while entering the house further.
“You have no idea how much this means to me, meeting your mates and makes me think if their dad was still alive he would love the both of ya” Bobby says while leading Michael into the living room.
Bobby looks between Castiel and Michael with very happy smiles and can tell saddness is beginning to lurk the living room coming from you and Dean.
Sam is next to enter the house. Bobby gets up to meet him at the door and is met with a hug from Bobby as well.
You look to them and wondered when he was such a big hugger. Its been a while since you all have seen him and its great having him so affectionate.
“Sarah this is my uncle Bobby. Bobby, this is my mate Sarah” Sam introduces Sarah and they to hug it out.
“Its nice to meet you sweet heart” Bobby says with a fond smile.
“Its nice to finally meet you. After having Sam, Dean and y/n constantly talk about you. I always wanted to meet the person who has rasied such amazing pups” Sarah says to him while he is loving the compliments.
“I tried but the rest they did themselves” he says while he couldnt take all the credit.
“Oh right, we brought some coffee from the diner. We didnt know what exactly to bring so we brought coffee” Michael says while giving the thermos to his brother.
“This is perfect, ran out of coffee” Castiel says while getting the coffee froom him
You see the claiming mark and smiled to yourself
“Need help Cas?” you ask while walking in the direction of the kitchen
“Yes please” he says as he smiles and walks into the kitchen
“I see you’re mated” he says with a smile on his face.
Castiel has been smiling ever since waking up with Dean, he hasnt been able to wipe off the smile from his face.
When he saw you he felt complete happiness for his brother. Knowing he has found his truemate and his equal.
Until he remembered about the dinner his parents wanted to have at their house.
“Can you serve out the coffee? I need to make a quick phone call and have a quick conversation with my brother” Castiel asks while looking to you.
“Yeah, sure” you reply while getting the cups from the cupboard.
You place the sugar and cream on the try with the rest of the cups and coffee.
You entered the living room where everyone is and getting to know one another.
“Michael, Cas needs you in the kitchen for a quick question before he makes his phone call” you tell him while he gets up from the couch and walks into the kitchen.
“You did good kid, I really like him” Bobby says while getting himself a cup of coffee
“All you kids did good with your mates. Your parents would be proud” he adds while looking between you and your brothers.
“Thanks Bobby” you all say in unison
“Castiel? What did you need to talk to me about?” Michael asks as he enters the kitchen
“Mom and Dad’s dinner. Did you ask y/n if she would be ok with going to mom and dads?” he asks looking to his older brother.
“Yes I did and she loves the idea of going to their house for dinner but I didnt know when” he replies while smiling to the idea of his mom getting along with you.
“Did you ask Dean?” he asks as he sees his baby brothers claiming mark
Once he sees the claiming mark is when he felt complete happiness and hugs his brother.
“If I havent said it yet. Congratulations baby brother on completing your bond” Michael says as he pulls away from him
“Thank you. It goes to the same for you” he says while the feeling of happiness never fades.
“I just wish Lucifer was here to see it all and who knows. Maybe we could have been having this dinner with his mate” Castiel says with sadness in his voice
Michael can feel the sadness coming from him and he to feels the same way. He forgot about Lilith, the Omega Lucifer scented and turns out was his mate. They never completed the bond between them.
Lucifer had plans of doing so but never fulfilled them knowing Castiel was being abducted and the unfortunate events that occured.
Lilith never went on to finding another, feeling heart broken got the best of her and always remained at home.
“Speaking of mate. Have you seen Lilth at all?” Michael asks
“No, the last time I seen her was the day before I got abducted” Castiel replies while getting the phone from the charger
“Hhmm, well you make your phone call and Im going to go ask Sam and Bobby if they would like to join us for dinner” Michael says as he walks out of the kitchen and into the living room
He sees you interacting with your family and loved how you smiled and laughed with your family. Now his family as well.
“Bobby, Sam and Sarah. My family is having this dinner and they’d like to meet Castiel and I’s mates. Since the family is all here, I’d like to invite the three of you as well. That way you can get to know my family” Michael asks looking between Bobby, Sam and Sarah.
“That sounds like a great way to meet your family, I like the idea and when is this dinner?” Bobby asks while looking to Michael
“We would love to come to the dinner” Sarah is the one who answsers looking to Michael.
“Great, Castiel is on the phone with either of my parents and finding out when exactly this dinner is” Michael replies looking to the kitchen.
“Good afternoon, Cuthbert residence” his dad answers the phone
Castiel is surprised that he is even home from work
“Hello father this is Castiel” Castiel says while looking around the kitchen
“Hi, how are you son?” Chuck says with a wide smile on his face
“I am doing great. Im calling to find out when you would like all of us over for dinner?” Castiel asks
“All of us, would include?” Chucks asks a little confused by his sons question.
“Well there is Dean and I. Y/n and Michael. Sam and Sarah. Their uncle Bobby Singer as well. He just arrived today” Cas gives the guest list to his parents dinner party.
“That is wonderful. The more the merrier. I will let your Mother know and she is going to be thrilled about this” Chuck is extatic about the news hsi son is telling him.
“How about we have this dinner over the weekend. Give your mother some time to plan this” Chuck adds
“That sounds perfect. Hey dad, one more thing” Cas smiles
“Anything son” Chuck says while he writes down a note for his wife.
Right away he knew he is going to forget the things that Castiel has told him. Naomi always scolded Chuck for not writing things down because in the end, she knew he would forget.
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How much Would motorcycle insurance be for a 16 or 17 year old be?
I am thinking of getting my M1. I live in Ontario Canada. Yes, I know it is dangerous, thanks for the concern..... I am taking safety classes and everything I can to be safe. I am probably getting around a 2000 kawasaki Ninja. I am a Male. I am just trying to get a ball park for insurance for me. Also just a little bit off topic, but what other expenses when starting up. Like sighning it over Legal fees? Do I need to get is saftied again? I wouldn't want Collision for my bike and all that as I am buying a cheap starter bike, and I work at a Collission centre and can have it fixed for cheap, so the price of collision on each bill would be a waste. Thanks everyone
How much would my property insurance go up after a large claim and non-renewal?
I own a 5 unit apartment buidling and after 20 years of no claims, I filed one large $80,000 claim last year for a burst pipe and water damage. The insurance company won't renew my property insurance this year. How much do I expect my insurance cost to go up if I find another insurance company that will insure me? I was paying $3,000 per year. Would I expect the premium to double or more?""
Car Insurance Dilemma?
Hello everyone, I just purchased a new vehicle and gave the old one to my mother. She really needed a vehicle. I decided not to trade it in. The problem is that she can't afford insurance however, if I was to add her to my existing policy, she could afford it. This is the problem, she must be a resident at my house in order to be added. Would they find out if I added her? Would she have a hard time registering the car? Only knowledgeable answers please. Thanks""
Switching car insurance?
I live in North Carolina, and I got insurance when I lived in south carolina under state farm for 160. When I moved back to be with my family, I was searching for car insurance for North Carolina and found Geico with 60 a month. I didn't notify state farm of the change in insurance, and I am currently insured under Geico. I'm wondering if my license could potentially be suspended or I have something on my record about it, even though I did not have a lapse in coverage, I did not notify the other insurance company. Any info would be greatly appreciated!!""
Need life insurance for 89 year old grandmother?
Does anyone know of any life insurance companies that I can get a life insurance policy on my 89 year old grandmother? She is currently in nursing home with dementia and in very poor health. My mother and I who are both disabled and on disability and food stamps and are currently living in her house...which is run down and we are living in squalor is not worth anything...my laptop I am writing this on is worth more than this house, but it has a tax lien and when she dies they will take it. So we need a life insurance policy on her of about $50,000 so we could buy a mobile home and a new car, which we don't have a car and to help us pay bills. We are getting her pension check of $218 a month so we could use that as monthly payment for the life insurance, but can put in some of our money if we have to but has to be under $300 a month. Any information would be greatly appreciated as I have not been able to find an insurance provider that will take anyone over 80 or 85.""
Car Insurance for Highschooler with good grades?
Hello, I'm getting a car soon and my family has Statefarm. I'm getting a 2008/2009 Honda Civic. I'm 16 and I had straight As first semester, and 1 B second semester. Do you know how they're good student program works? How do I show/prove my grades? I didn't pick up my report card but I can easily go over to my school and do so.""
Insurance company stepping over the line?
I was rear-ended last Friday. The lady who hit me was totally at fault, and admitted it to her insurance company. I have filed through my insurance company, gave them a verbal and recorded statement and my vehicle has been assessed with damages over $5000 dollars. Here's the catch....the insurance company of the lady who hit me calls me daily (leaves messages) asking me to talk and give a second recorded statement to them even though they know I have already given my insurance company one. I have talked to my insurance company about this...and they said legally I do not have to talk to them at all....I am not filing through them and that's that. Is this standard or is the other insurance company trying to be sneaky?? Thanks!""
How much car insurance should I get?
I live in California and wanted to try to save some money on my car insurance. I want to get enough coverage in case I am responsible for a major accient. Any recommendations on the following? Bodily Injury and Property Damage Uninsured/ Underinsured Motorist Uninsured Motorist Property Damage Medical Payments Thanks!
Whats the cheapest non-owners...?
Car insurance?
Whats a good cheap health insurance for a college student?
Whats a good cheap health insurance for a college student?
How much will Liability Car Insurance Cost For A 20 year Old Male?
Im going to get a car soon, something 2004 or older.""
""Affordable Medical Insurance plan in Boston, Ma?""
Hi, My finance has not had Medical Insurance for the past year because it is so expensive!!!Doesn anyone know any agencies that provide Medical Insurance at an affordable cost..We've tried Free care already and we didnt gualify. Thank You""
""I lower my car insurance deductible a week ago, would the insurance company accept my claim today?""
Because of the bad snowy weather we been having, I recently lower my car deductible from $1000 to $250 . My car just sliped today and hit a curve. I took it to have it checked, and the shop told me it would be around $3000 to get the car fix. Would my insurance company think that i lower my deductible after the incident happened? Would they cover the damage? Should i wait before trying to file the claim?""
Who is the cheapest car insurer for 2011?
my car insurance has gone up 140 this year
How Much Is Insurance For a 16 Year Old Girl?
16 year old girl Good school attendance record.Grades could be better. Dallas,Texas. Hispanic(If that matters) Mom and Stepdad have Allstate insurance What is the general price range? And for these cars,can you estimate(I'm NOT getting these cars just curious)I am getting a used Dodge avenger though!(: 2008 Dodge Charger 2010 Chevy Camaro 2008/2009 Dodge Avenger""
What are the minimum state requirements for car insurance in california?
What are the minimum state requirements for car insurance in california?
How often do u have to pay for car insurance?
Acura TSX 2011
Health Insurance for Seniors in the U.S.A but I'm Canadian?
I'm 26, A Canadian that is going to buy a U.S small business.(in California) Can anyone suggest a good heath insurance plan. I also would like to know can I get a plan for my parents (both age 60) when they come down and stay with me for more then six months? Thank you like always!!""
How long does a person have to turn an accident in on your insurance?
I was in a fender bender in a long line of traffic. The front car decided to not use a turn signal and lock up his brakes, causing a chain reaction of everyone having to lock up their brakes. I locked mine up, and my car skidded into the person in front of me. We will car it Car B. Well, Car B was very close to the car in front of him already and Car B hit Car A. The driver of Car B said that there was little to no damage on the rear or front of his car, so he didnt see any means to get the police or insurance involved. Car A has a few tiny marks due to the screws of Car B's front lisence plate. He says that he wants to show it to his parents this weekend, and will let me know Monday. But he has my insurance information. I'm assuming that I would be responsible for his car also. But i'm just wondering how long does he have to turn this in on insurance? I'm afraid that if something else was to happen to his car, him having my information, he could turn it in on something completely unrelated later on.""
Don't Have Insurance But My Dad Does. Can I Drive (with him) In His Car?
In other words, I'm from California and I don't have insurance nor a car. I have a Permit. The adult (with a license) has a car and insurance. Is it legal for me to drive his car (with him on passenger seat) even though my name is not on the insurance?""
How much does sr-22 insurance cost for a DUI conviction in the state of TN?
just wanted to know if anyone knew what i'm looking at to pay for this to get a restricted lisence because i couldnt find it on the interet
""It would seem,by the comments I've gathered, it really isn't about affordable health insurance ...?""
it is about lifestyle. If that is the case then isn't this debate about Health Care simply over CONTROL? Should YOUR insurance rates go up if you have many health problems? I think so if you health problems stem from overeating and smoking and things like that you can help. People who engage in unhealthy habits like the 1st answer said should be charged very high rates that way when they do have problems, their rates won't go up. That depends on whether it's real insurance, where the costs are spread across a pool, or funny health insurance like we have now, which isn't really insurance at all, more like a form of extortion. The overwhelming majority of illnesses are not the fault of the sick person, and those who have the greatest costs are often so sick they are unable to work. ` Absolutely. If the insurance company faces higher outlays on your behalf, why wouldn't they charge you more in order to offset the difference? I would say that your insurance rates should be based more on your lifestyle habits than anything else. I have no problem with making people who smoke, are overweight or have other unhealthy habits pay more for thier health insurance. (It works this way with life insurance.)""
What is the best source to compare the insurance costs for all model of cars and trucks?
I am looking for a list that has the average insurance rates for different model of cars. I need makes and models listed all together in a single source, and don't have the time to compare just 3 or four models at a time, nor go on line and check out one at a time. I need something in a spreadhsheet, or that I can cut and paste into a spreadsheet.""
Getting a Permit in TX increases insurance rate?
hi. is anyone here from texas? i just want to know if insurance companies in TX really do increase your insurance rate once they are notified that your son or daughter has a permit to drive. AS if living here isnt already hard enough, lets top it off with this surprise.""
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Help with insurance claim on exotic sports car?
My car ---an exotic sports model--- was damaged in a parking lot collision tonight. (My car was parked and struck by a guy who wasn't looking ahead.) Even if a 100% repair can be effected, the value of the car will be forever diminished because of the car's blemished history. People who buy these cars simply will not pay top dollar if the history shows any sort of collision repair. Of course the other guy's insurance is not going to want to give me an extra few grand to cover my eventual loss. What can I do to be covered? Would I have to sue for something like that? (Or CAN I, or SHOULD I...) As it is, I think my car loses AT LEAST $5,000, maybe $10,000 at resale (even with a perfect repair).""
Libs the challenge is still open Find a reputable source that states the AVERAGE premiums/deductibles...?
Have gone down AFTER the Affordable care act aka Obamacare. All I'm seeing is that its cheaper for a few but, going up significantly for the majority. On top of that millions of people are losing their current plan and being forced to pay more. CBS: ObamaCare forcing millions to lose their insurance http://hotair.com/archives/2013/10/25/cbs-obamacare-forcing-millions-to-lose-their-insurance/ I ask this earlier with no success http://www.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20131026173956AAYY3AC""
Is an auto insurance quote a contract?
The reason I ask this is because I got an online quote from an auto company and was quoted $447 for a 12 month term. I find this to be an extremely good deal, but something tells me, when I speak to them, they are not going to honor it. So, do they have to honor their quote? Can I get them for false advertising if they don't (or something else)? More Info: This quote is already based on my driving record so, nothing in my history can come along to change the premium.""
Did you get Affordable Health Care?
My husband & I have insurance & it didn't change but my daughter & family got Affordable HC. Their previous insurance was $1,200 a month. They are now paying $325 so there's was a very positive experience. We're in California. They had a really hard time getting into the wed site but persevered & are happy with the plan. It covers their eldest son who is in college & has Type I diabetes & their youngest son who suffers from asthma. Does anyone else on YA have a positive experience to share? What State are you from.""
Which rental car company has the lowest insurance prices (LDW)?
Which rental car company has the lowest insurance prices (LDW)?
How can I get insurance on a car that is being bought for me and my name is not on the title?
My daughter is buying the car on her credit, so I can pay her. When it comes to the insurance on the car, how do I get the insurance in my name and have her as an occasionally driver on the policy? Can that be done""
Car insurance quotes?
when i turn 17 (few months) and hopefully pass my test 'm going to most likely going to get a ford fiesta however ive already looked at claims on multiple cars including the fiesta type i will probably get and every quote is around 5000-7000 so i was wondering if i should (give the car to my mum or dad) and get insured on them for a considerable lower price as the car im looking at is around 2000-3000 im not a boy racer or anything so im not gonna mod the car or rag it rotten i was wondering if i will be able to get away with it or should i just get insured on a car that costs less than the insurance? Thanks all that answer
When does a car insurance policy pull your driving record?
If you have a car insurance policy that renews on a specific date, when does the insurance company actually pull your driving record? I heard they pull it once annually. Does it make sense to delay a speeding ticket court date until after the insurance renewal date? The insurance company in question is Amica.""
Can I keep my parents from knowing that my insurance rate has gone up?
I recently got a ticket in Steelville, Missouri for going 15 over the speed limit. I am insured under my parents name. My insurance rate is so high that if I get one more ticket, then I will be dropped by the company. Is there anyway I can keep my parents from knowing about the ticket on insurance? Can I do anything to get rid of the fine on insurance""
What would my Car Insurance Rates be?
Im 17, male, and I'm wondering what car insurance rates would be for me. What would they be for a 2008/2009 Honda civic, simplest version? What would they be if it was the same car but a few years older? Same questions for a Toyota corolla. I have done drivers education, which should help lower the rates.""
What is grandfathered health insurance coverage?
I am trying to define the Health Care Reform Act of 2009 in plain English, and I keep coming across the phrase above. What does it mean?""
Whats the cost of insurance for a 16 yr old ?
i'm 16 and i wanted to know how much would it cost for insurance ?
We are in the process buying a home and we ARE going to get homeowners insurance but I was just wondering if they make you get it? Also I was wondering if anybody knows if I live on a flood plain if i HAVE to get flood insurance too? THANK YOU!
Should i Pay my Car Insurance Monthly or Annually?
Is it best to pay for car insurance annually or monthly? What are the advantages and disadvantages?
If my parent is fully comp on insurance can i drive with a provisional licence? ?
My mom has 20years of experience and she asked a police officer and he said it was fine but were still not confident can anyone help?
How can I find out what auto insurance a company has?
OK. So I use to work for this repossession company and I was hit by an idiot that ran a red light. Anyway after the accident I got a lawyer. I quit there shortly after. Well the insurance card in the tow truck was expired and not the right company . When the company switch insurance they forgot to put the new card in.. well since the drive that hit me did not have insurance the personal injury will be covered by the companies insurance. But the owner will not tell my lawyer the name of the insurance company or anything. And said your gonna have to take me to court. He is a real jerk btw. So does anyone know how I could find out online or something what company they were with at the time of the accident??
Car insurance????? ?????????
ok i turn 17 very shortly and want a peugeot 106 diesel(which is a 1.5) it is insurance group 3 and good mpg, but would it cost much for me to insure and could i get an insurance quote from a insurance brokers at 16 without owning the car first? i hope it won't cost much but one off my mates has the peugeot 106 gti quicksilver and that's a 1.1 and his insurance is 2500 while another mate has a corsa 1.1 3 door fully mod with subs,amps,alloys head unit all covered 3rd party fire and theft at 880 a year so surely a diesel 1.5 shouldn't cost much? right.lol""
How hard is the health and life insurance exam?
How hard is the health and life insurance exam?
How much would a 2010 mustang cost to insure under your parents insurance and if you are the primary driver?
My dad is going to finance it so we will split up the pay I woyld pay for the car monthly which I can afford and my dad pays insurance monthly
Getting insurance under my name?
I currently live in NJ. I'm planning on switching insurance companies and i would like to put it under my name. I'm currently under my dad's policy and he is the owner of the car. But, for me to get my own insurance, i need to transfer to title under my name. But, it says that you need proof of insurance before you can transfer the title. Is my dad's insurance (which is the current insurance for the car) good enough for proof?""
Wanted some unbiased opinion on car insurance?
I'm getting a Lotus Elise transferred under my name sometime next week and it will be replacing my MINI Cooper as my daily driver. This car is typically insured as a pleasure car, so most people who own them don't often drive them over 3k miles per year. I'll be doing nearly three times that, so I'm expecting my rates to be little higher than usual just because it'll be my daily driver. So here's my question, may I insure the car as a pleasure or weekend vehicle and still drive it above the mileage that is permitted by my insurance co. ? Also, I'm only 20. I've gotten a quote of $3200 per year to insure as a weekend car, and that's the lowest that I've found so far. I'm expecting something a bit higher to register it as a daily. Feel free to throw in what you would recommend for an insurance company, I'm still shopping for one with a decent rate.""
Should I notify my car insurance company if I paid for the fix myself?
I had a minor car accident in a Costco parking lot last weekend. I was backing out my parking lot; the other guy was also backing out. Unfortunately, we didn't see each other... Anyway, this seems to be a 50-50 accident. The damage to the cars are moderate and we agreed on just fixing ourselves. So no personal information was exchanged. I got an estimate today. The cost for fixing my car is not cheap but still lower than the minimal requirement for accident reporting in California. It is also lower than my insurance deductible. So I plan neither to report to DMV nor to file a claim. But one friend of mine suggested that in this case, I should still notify (but not to file a claim to) my insurance company. His argument is that the other party can still come back and sue me (if he is a freak). While we didn't exchange information, the other party may have remembered my license plate number so theoretically he could find out all other information about me. But I am not sure if notifying the insurance company will affect my premiums. What do you think?""
What is an affordable insurance for my child?
Im looking for an affordable insurance company for my daughter that has decent copays and covers dental, eye, meds etc. Ive been looking online but cant seem to find what im looking for. If anyone has any experience or suggestions your help is appreciated. Thank you!""
How to get seen by a doctor without health insurance?
I have no health insurance but I need to see a doctor! I have the mirena IUD, a week ago I was sexually assaulted, but was unable to get a rape kit because of the insurance issue. But now I am having cramps, alot of pressure in my uterus area, my lower abdomen is bloated out, I ended my period 6 days ago and every day a few times a day, when I wipe its a little pink with what looks like some skin particles? It feels like I am constantly leaking discharge, I can feel it leaking out! Idk if he moved my mirena, or if he gave me and STD but I need to see a doctor. Is there a way I can see one and make payments on the bill or what? I live in California""
What is the oldest year car I can buy without paying for collision insurance?
I want to buy a new car in the 2000's. I know that when you a brand new car you have to pay for collision insurance and I don't want to have to pay for that. What is the oldest year car that I can buy without having to worry about the collision insurance?
residential insurance quotes
residential insurance quotes
Why ulips is not best insurance products?
Why ulips is not best insurance products?
Lowering my car insurance premium by putting my car under my roommate's policy?
I'm 20 years old and I own a car. I pay a lot for my own insurance. But I live with a 25 year-old roommate. Is there anyway I can lower my insurance premium by putting my car under his insurance policy because we live together in the same household. What do I need to do? We don't have the same insurance company and does that mean I have to terminate my current insurance and switch to his company? Or a lot more need to be done? I have no clue. This means big savings for me so please help. Thank you!
Is my insurance going to pay? california?
I have a car thats fully covered by Murcury. I lent my car to my boyfriend (not knowing he didnt have a current DL), he was picking something up for me and coming home when he got into an accident. He was found to be at fault and it involved 3 other cars. I am freaking out because we do not have the extra cash to pay out of pocket. will my insurance pay? I know my deductable will go up and so will my rate. I am not worried about that right now. I just want to know if he will be covered because he(even though he has no DL) was driving my fully covered car. CALIFORNIA ONLY""
How Much is Insurance/Tax For Fiat Cinquecento?
hello , I am pondering around for a first car and i have come across a nice little beginners one , I am not driving yet , but i do plan on getting this fiat , i was just wondering how much is tax for the car (Per year) and how much would it cost to insure a beginner in Ireland , thanks for any help!""
Is my insurance going to pay? california?
I have a car thats fully covered by Murcury. I lent my car to my boyfriend (not knowing he didnt have a current DL), he was picking something up for me and coming home when he got into an accident. He was found to be at fault and it involved 3 other cars. I am freaking out because we do not have the extra cash to pay out of pocket. will my insurance pay? I know my deductable will go up and so will my rate. I am not worried about that right now. I just want to know if he will be covered because he(even though he has no DL) was driving my fully covered car. CALIFORNIA ONLY""
Who offers the lowest cost car insurance with 4 cars total and 1 teen driver? Good driving record in Louisiana
I currently have Liberty Mutual.
Car Insurance in California?
Anyone know a good low cost auto insurance company in California? Someone w/ a suspended licsence that is now released?
Are vauxhall corsa's cheap on insurance?
Are vauxhall corsa's cheap on insurance?
What are friends with benefits? Do they provide health insurance coverage?
What are friends with benefits? Do they provide health insurance coverage?
Advice for Car Insurance?
Hi, I just been given a quote for a car insurance and it says Annual premium is 3000 and Total Excess is 1000. Does this mean, my total amount of car insurance is 4000. What is Annual Premium and Total Excess what does it really mean. Your advice is important to me, thanks""
Your age and car insurance rate?
How old are you and how much does your car insurance cost monthly? Would a part-time job at a mall store or movie theatre pay enough to cover an 18-year-old's car insurance?
Temporary Car Insurance on my Mums car?
Hi, Is it possible to get temporary car insurance on my mums car, even for just a day or two on her current policy, or is it even possible to get temporary comprehensive cover with another car insurance company on her car while she is still on her own policy? Thanks, Boss1996""
Car insurance question?
Ok so im trying to get car insurance on my grand prix. im doing it over the internet and the final rate says a 3166 dollar premium over six months. is that actually what i pay over the six months or is that what i would have to if something happened. what would be my actual cost over hte six months cause that just seems crazy
About how much does a car alarm save on auto insurance?
I know this depends but just give me a GUESS. or how about; use yourself as an example. How much do you save, or would you save, if you had a car alarm?""
Auto Insurance Question!! Please Help!!?
Alright, so im an 18 year old boy in beaverton oregon and i currently drive a 2006 scion tC. I have been looking at nissan 350z's and am quite interested in them. I am very curious as to how much my insurance could raise by getting a 2004 nissan 350z. I am on my parents insurance with USAA if that helps. I really need to know, both times ive called USAA they wont speak to me because i am not the owner of the account and their online quoting doesnt seem to work... neither of my parents will call either. I would really appreciate any answers. Once again, i drive a 2006 scion tC and i want to know the insurance of a 2004 nissan 350z. Please and Thanks!!""
Which are the cheaper car insurance in UK?
Which are the cheaper car insurance in UK?
Are there any affordable insurance companies out there for carpenters?
i need to obtain general liability and workers comp. to start my business. looking for affordable insurance in louisiana, (preferrably in baton rouge).""
Car insurance company may be lowballing me?
someone hit my car 2 weeks ago which was a 1993 lexus ls 400 ( i know its an old car) and yes he did admit fault on the report and to his insurance company .the problem is they called me stating that there offer is $1600 ,because of previous rust on my car.let me 1st say that is bull i have pictures of my car pre-accident and post accident .there was no damage until there insured hit me.also ,they sent me an appraisal listing of the same cars in my area from dealers to come up with local market value but when i looked up the same cars that was sent to me the prices the insurance company sent wasnt the same prices the dealer had marked for there cars also ,when i asked them why this was and that i also found cars with higher mileage with prices of $3500 plus they said they dont go by dealer pricing,so my next question is why did they send false dealer estimates to me then?and when i looked at the appraisers notes certain items like sunroof ,heated seats etc. wasnt included.i haven't had an accident in over 6yrsso someone who has been in this situtation please give me advice how to handle this . is the price they gave me fair or are they lowballing me ? and are the tactics they are using a usual thing? aaaaggghhh!!!they are making me nuts!!! thanks for all answers in advance!!!""
Lower Home Insurance Quotes?
Would having a new roof, windows, garage door, updated kitchen. increase or decrease homeowner insurance quotes??""
I am looking for the home page of atlantic highlands insurance?
I am looking for the home page of atlantic highlands insurance?
Whats the best California insurance ?
I want full coverage what's the best company
Inestment in Gold or Life insurance ?
it is better to invest in gold or invest in life insurance / same amount
How much is car insurance for a brand new HS 250h Premium Luxury lexus?
I'm 17, female, I live in St.John's NL and might do driving school""
Affordable and good quality health insurance in CA? Any thoughts?
Anyhow, I just lost my job and the Cobra option is way too expensive (over 500 dollars/month). I'm currently unemployed and so is my wife, and I'm looking for affordable, yet quality health insurance. Anyone have some suggestions? Thanks for your help.""
Car insurance wise..im 16 living in Houston. How much will car insurance cost for a 2006 mustang gt?
Car insurance wise..im 16 living in Houston. How much will car insurance cost for a 2006 mustang gt?
residential insurance quotes
residential insurance quotes
Can i get cheep insurance after being convicted of a 23140 in the California vehicle code?
I got pulled over more then a year ago and had a few beers with my best friend before he left for the armed services. I have the worlds brightest car and this probably wasn't the best idea. This happened 2 months before my 21st bday. My term to not have a licence is almost up and I am scared what my insurance is gonna look like. Does anyone know a way i can get cheep insurance or clear my driving record? Its only a infraction but will seriously mess up my life for the next 10 years. Any advice about programs insurance company s might have to lower costs so i can afford it when this period is up?
Car insurance?
i cancelled my car insurance which i pay by installments i paid 75 at the beginnning and monthly premiums of 67 i cancelled the other day and on the phone they said i might have to pay a cancellation fee 45 as this is standard if your policy is not finished now they have calculated that i have to pay85 this is more than a months payment doe anybody know anything about these things and will i have to pay thanks
What can a car finance company do if you no longer have insurance?
I bought a 2004 vehicle (from CarMax) about 3 months ago. The finance company (Capital One Auto Finance) would only approve me if I started an insurance policy before I left the dealership. I did, but have since let that policy go, for different reasons. The finance company is now sending me letters to give them updated insurance info, or they may take appropriate action to protect its interest . What exactly does that mean??? All my payments have been on time, actually 2 weeks or more early. So, what can they do if I continue not to have insurance, since my payments on the vehicle are all in order? Since guessing or assuming won't help me, sources for your answers would be helpful. Thanks.""
What is the insurance price for me to buy an 05 Toyota Solara?
I am a 16 year old from MN and I was wondering how much it the insurance would cost to buy an 05 Solara. I have been a B student most of my life. I know that 2 door cars cost more than 4 door. just spill out some price it would be per month. Thanks
Individual health insurance plan?
I'm trying to find an individual plan that covers all my needs. I do have a routine medical problem that requires a few prescriptions every month, it's not a big and costly issue like cancer or HIV. Should I disclose this as a preexisting medical condition if asked, will I be denied coverage if I'm honest? If I obtain the insurance after denying my condition could I be denied the care/specialty visit/meds from a very routine medical condition?""
Insurance Coverage for Motorcycle Helmet and Jacket?
I recently Just completed a claim for an accident I was in, The insurance (progressive) is going to reimburse me for the Jacket and Helmet. The Helmet has a little scratch on the lens and that's it. the lens is easily replaceable. the Leather Jacket has a light scuff on the arm. I spoke to the local claims representative and He said that he will come by and pick up the Jacket and Helmet and throw them away. I thought I was told with the when I bought the policy that I can do whatever I want with the Accessories, meaning I could throw them away or use them or fix them up. Now what I want to know... Is the Claims representative trying to get the Jacket and Helmet for himself or is this really Policy? to throw away $600 of equipment that's still in great shape and hardly used?""
""Getting a New Car, Insurance question?""
Hey, so i'm going to be getting a 2011 toyota yaris and i was wondering how much the insurance on it would be, i'm 19 years old.""
I want to choose my insurance instead?
how will i know if there is a place for me in my insurance option
I'm pregnant and have no insurance. What are my options?
I recently found out I am pregnant. I am 21 and a full time student in college. My boyfriend is willing to help as much as he can, but I feel like it still won't be enough. I want to know where do I find out how to get Medicaid. And what other options do I have? How do I get temporary insurance while I find out if I am eligible to receive Medicaid? Are their any special programs in Maryland that can help me? I am so confused if I should try asking the Department of Social Services or the Department of Human Health Services. Please help!""
Is driving a motorcyle dangerous? and will it raise my insurance prices?
is a motorcycle more dangerous than a car what are the pros and cons. i am considering it for the good gas millage i am 18 yrs old (clean record) -- will it increase my insurance costs
What would be the car insurance for a used car?
What would monthly car insurance cost for a used car about $2000 give or take..
How much would car insurance cost ?
I'm an 18 year old male that just got my license but I'm wondering how much would car insurance cost monthly since I'm a new driver what's the cheapest it can get too ?
Car Insurance increase after moving?
I have just moved house and my car insurance has increased by 160. I have only moved half a mile from my previous address. If I ask my insurers to provide justification and proof for this rise (ie - why the area is higher risk) are they obliged to provide me with it?
How much would US insurance cost?
I am driving across america with a friend in a 1975 Camaro so I need us car insurance. I am 18 (Full UK licence) and have had no claims. However I only need insurance for 3 months.
Can I get temporary health care coverage inbetween plans?
I'm switching jobs and have about 30 days where I will have no insurance. What can I do to get my prescriptions covered for that amount of time? I'm looking for something affordable and legit.
Health and Maternity Insurance.?
My wife and I are wanting to have a baby and need to get health insurance that includes maternity. I have gotten a couple quotes, but they all seems somewhat high being that she is only 22 and in great health. Who would be the best and most affordable provider to talk to? Thanks, Dustin""
Whats the best car i can get for around 3000 to 3500? london?
im 18 so one cheap on insurance. I want a fast, reliable car.""
How to find affordable health insurance?
I am an international student in the US, and by law I am required to get health insurance while I am in university. I have been buying from Blue Cross Anthem and the price is getting very unreasonable over the years. The price is close to $1500/year. What company do you suggest me to get cheaper insurance from? Something preferably under $1000. Insurance Broker must certify that all of the following conditions are met: * Policy must be in English * All coverage limits must be in US dollars * Medical benefits of at least $250,000 for each accident or illness * Full cost of medical evacuation * Full cost of repatriation of remains * Coverage for the entire academic year* * Minimum 75% coverage for each accident or illness * No capped benefits e.g. $1,200 per day for hospital room * Maximum deductible of $100 per condition per plan year * Maximum out-of-pocket expenses $2,500 or less * * Must cover pre-existing conditions, with a wait period of no more than six months if attending the full academic year Thanks in advance.""
I am looking for my auto insurance statement so I can see if my husband paid our insurance?
where do i go on the net so that I can view our previous payments on our insurance
Alternative ways to insure a car?
Im 17 and looking for car insurance someone told me that you can insure it by giving some company a certain amount of money around 15k and then at the end of the year they would give u it back, however if you were to claim, the cost would come out of the money you gave, is this true and anyone know what its called if it is? ty""
Current or prospective vehicle insurance?
i was preapproved for financing a used vehicle; they want me to bring in proof of insurance when i close loan. does this mean my current insurance on the vehicle i wont be using anymore or for the new one that i dont own yet
Rental Car Insurance-I don't have a auto insurance.What are the coverage i have to buy from rental company?
Hi,I'm new to US.I stay in california.I want to rent a car and confused with the insurance options.could anyone help me,what are all the coverages(LDW,SLP etc) that i need to rent a car?.I don't have a personal auto insurance.""
Income protection home mortgage insurance?
Hi, My company has lost a contract and I have big chances of loosing my job.... I went to buy income protection insurance for myself to support me and my daugter..... What are the things that i need to consider to make sure that as i hear around people saying that the insurances do not pay back most people.....""
Worries about insurance with a tracker?
Being a 19 year old male who lives in London, insurance was clearly going to be a problem. I have however found some decent quotes which include having a tracker fitted. Now, I don't mind it too much but I do have some worries: a) The location/address: on the quote, I provided a relative's address which is outside of London (the address is about 40 to 50 minutes away from my actual address). Consequently, the price was cut by about half! The worry I have is that if I have a tracker installed, won't it be obvious to the insurer that this isn't my real home address when they see me parking and basically using my actual address instead of the relatives'? I won't be anywhere near the relative's address b) Speed limits: I once read somewhere that '90%+ people go over the speed limit' and although I don't know how true this is, it's clear from driving that in some areas, going at 30 causes delays and its a bit daunting when you're at the limit but everyone else is just speeding past. How much would this change the insurance? c) Price: is the price of the quote they provide the limit? What I mean is if they see bad driving with the tracker, could it increase the quote or is there a limit? Thanks for any help :) P.S Happy new year!""
Medical insurance bill?
hi guys my hubby had a motorcycle accident and he went to the ER, he got a cat scan and x-ray and it came out to be $750. he has no health insurance so he gave them hes name but misspelled like 2 letters in hes first name and 2 letters in hes last name.. they never took down hes drivers licence or ask for hes social number... only thing they have on file correct is hes birthday. even the address is all right but the apt number instead of 7 he put 8, we wanted to know can they actually send him to collection still? like will they be able to still find him even though they don't have drivers licence number or social? and if they can find him will it affect hes credit score if he can't pay.. we are students and are struggling real bad :( so any help from you guys we would really appreciate it we live in California. thanks guys!""
residential insurance quotes
residential insurance quotes
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