demonbloodhrt · 3 years
ok ive said this already but i think the format was wrong so.
when i talk abt t4t samruby i want you to think of how wonderful it is to know the shift from grief to pride in one's body.
think of the discovery that this scary thing, this seemingly endless metamorphosis into your family's very nightmare, into the thing you swore was what made you unclean, is actually your path to hope. to freedom. think of taking it hand in hand.
think of the ways loving a person who is taking the same path you've taken, the path you're on, but approaching it from a completely different route can lead to mutual discovery. think of how you learn and change with every conversation, every time you undress and touch. how ones relationship to their own body, actions and place in the world can expand when sharing their perspective with someone else who has, through pain and isolation, considered themselves, their place in life and the world around them extensively.
think of how maleable previously fixed ideas become and what a joy it is to find there are so many more doors and windows to open within and without of yourself.
think of understanding the nuances of being a creature fundamentally marginal, of being intimate with the in-between, with fear and pain and corruption and turning it into something that can be harnessed for good. the ultimate expression of free will. loving humanity through loving your monstrosity, through acknowledging that neither is inherently predator or prey, much less good or evil.
im talking about the inherent queercoding of monsterhood of course but THROUGH THAT im talking about just how complex and beautiful the relationships trans people have with each other are and how they allow for so much mutual discovery, change and growth. im talking about the nuance of existence that can be accessed through queer love and what it could bring to explorations of monster hunting as an institution and monsters as both idea and collective. im talking about community and perspective and love.
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