#ISAT is just one of those games that changes your brain for a while. Omori does the same.
biocrafthero · 7 months
All i wanna add to the convo I saw on dash is that Omori and ISAT may seem very similar on the surface, but are fundamentally very different games. They may seem like they tackle similar themes, but they really don't—I don't quite have the words to articulate the exact details I'm trying to get at right now unfortunately.
One game is about being stuck in the past, while the other is about being stuck in the present, and those very basic narratives make them go in two very different directions. While both games can easily be compared to each other, they're both strong and weak in their own ways. I wouldn't say one is more "juvenile" than the other imo, they just go about things in very unique ways compared to each other.
One is about childhood and the other is about adulthood; to leave things behind and to accept change are themes present in both, but in very different ways. One is a scabbed over wound you keep picking at and the other is a wound that never heals, okay? Being stuck by choice and being stuck despite your choices. "I want to leave this all behind" vs "I want to stay like this forever," alright? Does that make sense? Are we clear?? Good. That's all <3
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