galaxygermdraws · 1 year
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Gemcyt has successfully dragged my brain back into MCYT, and of course, I couldn't see a trend and not go "what if I made it Hermitclones" so uhhhh yea. Ex, Wormman, and Tangno but Gems. I have some vague-ish thoughts. But yea these are the designs. :>
(Reblogs with tags/comments are appreciated. Thankyu)
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olympivnshq · 5 years
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congratulations izabella !  deliberating on EURYDICE was really intense for us because we got two applications that were equally beautiful. what stood out for us was how much of an individual you made this character in a way that made us believe she is the tragic protagonist of her own story. your passionate advocation for that came through in every section in your application, and while it was a tough decision, we know we ultimately made the right one. we’re happy to welcome you with your first faceclaim choice: BENSU SORAL.
☆゚*・゚  OOC INFO.
Hi there! I’m Izabella, I’m 22 years old and I currently live in CST. I’m super excited to apply, especially since I’m such a fan of greek mythology. I’m also a gif maker in my free time for the rpc!
Eurydice, Female, (23-27)
Adara Phillips, Cabaret Dancer & Waitress, Greenpoint
i. The pale orange sky of a 5am morning ii. Flowers growing back as thorns iii. Ripped fishnets paired with boots iv.The lonely howl of wind through an empty apartment v. A single spark of hope vi. Smudged eyeliner vii. Standing in a crowd of strangers viii. Cracks on the ceiling ix. An old leather jacket, well worn x. The smell of hot coffee xi. Cherry lips, a smart mouth xii. A canary in a golden cage xiii. Guarded walls xiv. Winter snowfall on the city xv. The hazy lights of a club
E U R Y D I C E; A playlist (listen here)
ft. H.E.R, Frank Ocean, Billie Eilish, & more
i.  Sweet, sweet fate I had about all that can take You’re my living in the breath that I make Is it yours? I wonder
ii.  Shower your affection, let it rain on me Don’t leave me on this white cliff Let it slide down to the, slide down to the sea
iii. Oh, Father tell me, do we get what we deserve? Whoa, we get what we deserve Way down we go
iv.  It’s seeming more and more Like all we ever do is see how far it bends Before it breaks in half and then We bend it back again
v.  I’d be the dreadful need in the devotee That made him turn around And I’d be the immediate forgiveness In Eurydice Imagine being loved by me!
vi.  But nothing is better sometimes Once we’ve both said our goodbyes Let’s just let it go
vii. And we were grown on the same round little blue dot Although the answers will take their time and the spinning won’t stop So could it be that the nightmare is upon us And heavy hearts can’t decide when they’ve had enough
viii. Two drifters off to see the world There’s such a crazy world to see We’re all chasin’ after all the same Chasing after our rainbow’s end
( y o u t h )
Disillusionment. Adara is no stranger to the darkness the world has to offer, too many times has it plagued her path. Born into a poor family, each breathe was a struggle. There was never enough food on the table, never time for love to blossom when her parents were forced to work graveyard shifts. In a house that threatened to fall apart, Adara began to understand just who she could rely on: herself. Still, little inklings of childhood dreams would float into her mind. Was there a life out there waiting for her, warmth and yearning pushing her to try and find it. So she did- at the naive age of eighteen, she packed a bag of her belongings and disappeared into the world. The greyhound bus took her from her empty South Carolina town into the heart of New York City. For the first time in forever, she could taste a possibility on her tongue: the kind of future where she didn’t have to live day by day.
It wasn’t like that.
( n e w y o r k ‘ s l i g h t s)
She’d gone from place to place, landing in a rundown apartment that was far from being a home. The cracks on the ceilings mirrored that of the girl, each one growing more severe with every encounter. What money she had she hid under her mattress, the dollars beginning to dwindle under New York’s gaze. In an act of desperation, Adara found herself in an interview for a cabaret bar. The flier’s bold letters made a claim: be a star, shine like a dream. That was all she really wanted, a chance. So she took it head-on, promises coming back to tie a rope around her neck. Instead of a glimmering stage, she was tossed into the works as a waitress and dead beat dancer. The crowd was reminiscent of sharks in bloody waters- the disgusting comments made them high, all at the expense of Adara. And kindness? It was as prevalent as water in a drought.
Dreams withered away and the knife twisted in further.
( t h e h e a r t a c h e)
What little solace she had was in a neighbor. He’d introduced himself with a soft smile, eyes that shone like brilliant emeralds. It was hard not to lay all her hope into him, when every other hour spent was under the shadow of skyscrapers. Falling in love was something Adara had never done before, and it terrified her. We’ll run away from here, we’ll find something better. They were promises again, made under linen covers and the stars. Yet once she was ready to give herself away completely, heart in the palm of her hands, he left without a sound. No note, no word, nothing but the wind blowing through an empty apartment. It was a lesson learned- trust no one but yourself.
( t h e d e b t )
Money was what made the world around, and she never seemed to be able to get enough of it. Each dollar made was stuffed away, rent looming overhead, demanding to be paid. The first of the month would arrive with a fury, and Adara would struggle to make the payment. She’d fall short another hundred, and her debt would begin to rise. The threat of eviction notices began to pile up at her door, and she’d plead with the landlord to give her another chance… however the question remains, how many chances does she have left?
( e u r y d i c e & a d a r a )
What I wanted to do was have Adara’s life mirror that of Eurydice’s. I think that the original version is someone that was plagued in her own fate, a tragic hero that despite her hope, was taken apart by the world. She was known for being resilient and putting her faith in others, only to be betrayed. Such was the case when it came to Adara chasing her dreams and the man she was willing to fall in love with. I think a common thing between each character is their transition from innocent hopeful to a realist. Both approach life as a pragmatist, after understanding that in order to survive, they cannot hold onto things like hope… however being human, this is something that they desperately want in their life (despite not being willing to admit it). A sense of warmth, someone to hold. Adara, like Eurydice, carries the heavy burden of being alone and it’s an extremely tiring thing. They each trudge on because they have to, but if given a better option, both can be swayed into falling for a trap. For Eurydice, this is the encounter with Hades or even marrying Orpheus. For Adara, this was the lure of the big city and promise.
All of these factors determine how I would portray the character if given the chance, both Adara and her mythic counterpart: as someone whose weathered, someone who finds complications in giving away her heart too easy because of fear, someone who understands that the world can sometimes be a machine that takes people and spits them out… and someone who desperately wants this to not be true.
Personality traits
+ Resilient   +Independent  +Complex  +Fiery
+/- Cunning
-Desperate  -Unhappy  -Disenchanted   -Guarded
*please include both how’d you play their “mortal” version, as well as their original, unadulterated selves.
answer these questions: 1. are they more likely to stand with the pantheon or against it?  ( if you are choosing a god they may endeavor to dismantle it for whatever reason )
I think that Eurydice would potentially stand against the Pantheon, after all, she sees the gods and goddesses as beings who have everything. It’s their job to help take care of the mortals, but she herself has been left to the devices of the world. It gives her little to believe in, and if it’s beneficial to stand against the pantheon and serves her, then she would do it. 2. what is their stand on mortals?
Mortals are unkind. Mortals have been put through hell and back, Eurydice included. However if they can tap into their human nature, maybe just maybe, the world can begin to bloom again.
A mosaic of pink and orange painted the sky, dawn falling on the city that never slept. For a moment, she could hold onto a sense of calm. No streetcar horns, no sound of the train rumbling past her apartment, no neighbors airing out their Saturday morning grievances. Peace. If only. It’d been another late-night shift at the bar, a job that left little to be desired considering the clientele. Come on sugar, how about you ditch the drinks? When she’d been younger, she always dreamed of becoming something great- one of those actors that shined under the spotlight. Maybe a dancer at the ballet. Unfortunately, life had cast aside dreams in favor of reality. There was no room for fantasies when she needed to survive. So, another grimy eight hour was another table set with dinner.
Cigarette extinguished into the ashtray, her eyes looked across the street at a familiar bedroom. The light was on, he was probably headed to work again. They’d met on the NQ train, each encounter furthering the blush that threatened to creep in her cheeks. But it was always the same. The minute life offered a warm bed and a hand to hold, a sense of doubt nudged her heart aside. There was no room for love, not for a woman who didn’t have the luxury of falling. Another person was a liability, and wouldn’t they only hurt her and disappoint her like the rest? Adara’s gaze lingered for a moment, the myriad of what-ifs swimming in her mind before she cast them aside. Life didn’t work that way. Life wasn’t kind.
here is adara’s muse tag
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hob1tual-remade · 6 years
alphabet tag
tysm for tagging me @hwagaemkt + @monjoonie 🥰
a // age: 16
b // birthplace: new york
c // current time: 3:32 pm
d // drink you had last: water
e // easiest person to talk to: my best friend
f // favourite songs: the songs on my favorites playlist rn are 나,나-the stray , wake up in the sky-gucci mane , lucky strike-troye sivan , u + i-JAIE , No Role Modelz-J. Cole , Gotta Go-CHUNG HA , and One of Those Nights-KEY but i listen to different songs every day lol
g // grossest memory: idk the grossest but one time i full on just stepped on a slug without realizing it and ewewew it was like between my toes ewewewewew im sorry ew
h // horror yes or horror no: horror movies are my favorite !!! i usually can’t pay attention long enough to other movies so i like the supsense n all that :)
i // in love: lol no idek what love is
j // jealous of people: i try not to be if i can help it? if that makes sense? but even when i do i would never ever in a million years show it
k // kids of your own someday: hopefully!! but not for a while lol
l // love at first sight or should i walk by again: i think you can be attracted to someone at first sight but not in lovelove
m // middle name: its grace and it is sooo ironic :)
n // number of siblings: none :(
o // one wish: literally to just be happy again, in whatever way that happiness wants to manifest itself, i’ll take it
p // person you last called: my dad
q // question you’re always asked: ‘are you okay’ cuz apparently instead of a resting bitch face i have a resting sad face but i swear im not actually sad im just thinking really hard about what im gonna eat when i get home
r // random fact about you: i know the entire ddu du ddu du choreo lol
s // song you last sang: shallow by lady gaga, it’s sooooo good
t // time you woke up: 7 bc my alarm didnt go off >:(
u // underwear colour: i wish i could say black but theyre just gray with white polka dots :\
v // vacation destination: spain!! or any spanish speaking country i guess! ive been learning spanish since i was 4 and ive had opportunities to go to places like puerto rico and colombia but i never actually did it and i really wanna know how well i can get by with the spanish i know
w // worst habit: cracking my neck bc sometimes it wont go and then i just look weird rolling my head around lol
x // x-rays: yeah i broke my thumb once
y // your favourite food: bananas, chocolate, and peanut butter yuuum! oh and oatmeal !
z // zodiac sign: saggitarius. also scorpio moon and cancer rising :))
i’ll just tag some of my mutuals💕: @joons-uwu @euphoriacancer @jhoppalover @bearjoonie @dontwonwoocry
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flickertours · 6 years
hi i was tagged by @bigshot-knockedout for a little get to know me thingy, thank you 💜
A- Age: 21
B- Birthplace: some fuckass village an hour outside of chicago, illinois
C- Current time: 2:43am (we love crackhead hours)
D: Drink you last had: sweet tea
E- Easiest person to talk to: anyone in my family because they’re the only ones who ever wanna put up with me
F: Favorite songs:
the tide - niall horan
think about us - little mix
forget you not - little mix
r.e.m. - ariana grande
cut my lip - twenty one pilots
babylon - 5 seconds of summer
forever favorite songs:
get well soon - ariana grande
wrapped around your finger - 5 seconds of summer
take a breath - jonas brothers
G- Grossest memory: it’s not so /gross/ per se but i had surgery back in 2016 on both of my eyes to remove cataracts and i obviously had to stay awake in order to keep my eyes open for the procedure and i’ll never forget the way it felt when the scalpel was literally digging into my eye for like twenty minutes straight lmao it didn’t feel right at all and i still get kinda queasy thinking about it
H- Horror, yes or no: yeth but it has to be good bc honestly i feel like it’s been years since ive seen a decent scary movie that didn’t suck
I- In love: uhh niall
J- Jealous of people: i mean yeah doesn’t everyone get a little jealous every once in a while lol but i don’t let it consume me bc i get over it in like a day or two
L- Love at first sight or should i walk by again: no absolutely not. love is a continuously developing and changing thing that doesn’t just happen the first two seconds u see someone
M- Middle name: it’s Fina (Josefina shortened, after my grandma Josephine)
N- Number of siblings: im the youngest of four girls (my dad is so lucky lmao)
O- One wish: delete all chronic illnesses of the face of the earth pls
P- Person you called last: i called my sister to ask when i should get her from work
Q- Questions you always get asked: ive been asked every question in the book in regards to my age bc people just always assume im at least 6 years younger than i actually am because apparently i haven’t aged physically since i was 15
S- Song you last sang: oh goddd idk lmao im always singing around the house but it was probably either shawn and maren because ive been singing a lot of them the past few months lol
T- Time you wake up: my alarm is always set for 9:40 but i usually sleep in until 10
U- Underwear color: ????lmao pink
V- Vacation destination: i wanna go to london so so bad but i’m terrified of heights so catch me swimming there i guess dhhfdfh
W- Worst habit: i instinctively Have To shake my legs every time im sitting down anywhere and everyone hates me for it but if im sitting and Not shaking my legs, tapping my feet, or picking at the skin/scabs on my fingers my restlessness would literally eat me alive
Y- Your favorite food: chicken mole and rice 💗💞💓💕💗💞💓💕
Z- Zodiac sign: leo
these are always so fun to do thank you again for tagging me sister ♡ i never know whomst to tag for these so im gonna tag the same people i tagged in my last one lmao @actualhumansunshine @mustbeseeingblind @ot4vinyl @wheretogofrmhere @sighsofthetimes @flickershawn @niallandtommo (and OF COURSE if you wanna do this and i didn’t tag you please just do it anyway and say i tagged u)
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Tag Game!
got tagged by @zuzu-and-friends​!
A - Age? im 20 B - Birthplace? ballard, in washington state C - Current Time? 10:41 am D - Drink I Last Had? Woter E - Easiest Person to Talk to? in general i have more of a problem with not completely oversharing than with talking to ppl. usually find it easy to talk to folks F - Favorite Song? there is absolutely no way i could choose a single favorite song. however Melancholy Hill off Plastic Beach has a huge amount of sentimental value G - Grossest Memory? one time i was wheeling my trash bin down from like the rocky ass dirt where it usually is down to the street and it tipped and i had to shovel all the week+ old garbage back in. the smell almost made me throw up several times H - Horror, yes or no? absolutely yes. despite being a complete coward in every possible regard i love love love horror stuff if its unique I - In Love? h J - Jealous of people? oh yeah. its kind of like a huge character flaw of mine L - Love At First Sight? i dont, like, believe love at first sight is really a thing that can happen. like i dont think you can truly say you love someone with that little info. that being said i become infatuated like, so easily M - Middle Name? kristian after me great great grandpa N - Number of Siblings? just the one sister O - One Wish? i dunno i dont wanna get to heavy in this light hearted ask game but id really like to be able to move out of my current situation and be independent and just like. not this. P - Person I Called Last? my mom i think. what 20 year old calls people anymore Q - Question I’m Always  Asked? ”what do you want to do with a mathematics degree?” usually followed by the asker listing several professions im like morally opposed to R - Reason to Smile? hey heres a nice break from the last few! ive got my next hrt appointment (where i think im getting prescriptions finally?) this friday! i am super hyped bout that S - Song I Last Sang? cannot keep track of this, i sing to myself a bunch. i hum Melting Sun II: Cherry Quartz a lot tho T  - Time I Woke Up this morning i woke up at like 7:50 cause my alarm didnt go off and nobody woke me up U - Underwear Color? blu V - Vacation Destination i dont like to travel that much just for like, vacation but id like to travel virtually anywhere some distance away where i got friends. for this lil game i guess ill say australia so i could finally see my guy angus along w a few others since thats like the least realistic/likely for me to be able to visit W - Worst Habit? i am just a horrific procrastinator. recently ive been working to improve that but its still Problems X - x-rays? i think i had one when i was really little cause i have a malformed rib? in more recent memory i had an mri which is sort of similar when my back was all fucked up Z - Zodiac pisces babey! ill tag @downwithpeople @urayamu @morgluxia and i feel like i always go overboard tagging ppl with these so really any mutual that wants to do this just say i tagged u!
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himlarna · 6 years
I got tagged again and im procrastinating my studying sooo
Tagged by the nerd who hasn’t left me alone for twenty years @mlkseok
Rules :  answer the questions in a new post and tag 10 blogs you would like to know better (HAHAHA YOU THINK I HAVE TEN FRIENDS)
(A)ge : 22, I didn’t even write this myself me an my tagger are the same age so
(B)irthplace : stockholm, sweden (also just copy-pasted this, we’re actually clones)
©urrent Time : 16:49, the perfect time for studying if i was actually doing that
(D)rink You Had Last : water, because im a plant. Yes, that’s right, plottvist: it is the bisexuals who are the plants, check mate
(E)asiet Person To Talk To : My dog, because I can just repeat “you’re cute” over and over to her in different ways and it totally makes sense
(F)avorite Song : No (ok but for real do people have like one song they like more than every other for longer than an hour, i dont understand).
(G)rossest Memory : Once I watched @mlkseok eat ants. This probably isnt really the grossest but we talked about it yesterday and its all ive been able to think about since uh and also this was in kindergarten OR WAS IT
(H)ogwarts House : Ravenclaw, cause im a bi-rd
( I )n Love? : No, how does that even work btw
(J)ealous Of People? : Of the ones who understands how being in love works, how
(K)illed Someone? : Jesus, what?
(L)ove At First Sight or Walk By Again? : I mean like, I’ve seen cute girls on the subway and been to shy to look at them for more than half a second, does that count?
(M)iddle Name : Danger
(N)umber Of Siblings : None as far as im concerned
(O)ne Wish : I usually just respond to these with “getting a book published”, but that hasnt happened because i havent actually like, tried yet, so
(P)erson You Last Called : my mom, she lost her phone in the laudry
(Q)uestions You’re Asked The Most : i dont remember anything anybody has ever said to me
®easons To Smile : My dog is cute, im done with the first draft of this shit fucker of an essay, now i just have to reduce it by 600 words fuck me
(S)ong You Last Sang : the moomin themesong has been playing in my head nonstop for the last hour, help
(T)ime You Woke Up : 9, which i had to set an alarm for
(U)nderwear Color : oh, oh dear goodness me (i actually dont remember)
(V)acation Destination : travelling is stressful, but watching live musicals somewhere sounds fun, when i have time and money for it which is 
(W)orst Habit : uh, im bad at cleaning? like, real bad, but that might have to do with brain things. Also I tear my nailpolish off my nails instead of getting it off the proper way and it ruins my nails but i have no self control and it’s satisfying af
(X)-rays? : i dont remember having any, i have no bones, my skeleton gone
(Y)our Favorite Food : shit, the first thing that popped up is pancakes, fck
(Z)odiac Sign : taurus, the meatiest of animals (i could also say the horniest but I WONT)
i’m tagging fuckall, my ant-eater friend took almost everybody already, why do we have so many mutual friends, except for @bourgeoisin cause she didnt know ur url :   ) and also mayb like @fluffpotato if u like, wanna tell the world about ur underwear, i honestly dont understand these questions
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nerville · 7 years
tagged by @artemisialufkin​ thank you!!
rules: answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs you would like to get to know better
1. nicknames: jana, sanju (d o n t), ganj, moom (long story) 2. gender: ???? pronouns r she/they rn 3. star sign: virgo 4. height: 5′ 5. time: 7:52 pm 6. birthday: aug 30 7. favorite bands: bts, exo, kard, blackpink (I am kpop t r a s h) 8. favorite solo artists: agust d, taeyeon, g-dragon 9. song stuck in my head: mic drop by bts (I'm currently learning the dance !!) 10. last movie i watched: some sad documentary earlier today abt a man who was wrongfully convicted of his wifes murder and he spent 25 years in jail it was rly sad ;-; 11. last show i watched: black mirror 12. when did i create my blog: this blog was created feb 1 2017, but ive been on tumblr since oct 2015 (almost 2 years now ahhh) 13. what do i post: p much all hp now (used to be hp w a bit of bts) 14. last thing i googled: schedule (idk why???? idk what it means ????? ? ) 15. do i have any other blogs: my main @no-confetti-only-shame​ and studyblr @mochistudie​ ^^
16. do i get asks: ye I doooo 17. why i chose my url: Neville is my planty son (I chose nerville because Neville has a lot of nerve haha see what I did there and ghostneville for October because I need to keep my Neville branding ya kno?) 18. following: oh jesus 1049 (I tried to go through and unfollow a bunch of ppl but,,,,, I just ended up following more rip my life) 19. followers: 2999 (SO C L O S E IVE BEEN STARING AT MY FOLLOWER COUNT ALL DAY BUT ITS BEEN AT 2999 FOR F O R E V E R IMMA GO CRAZY BEFORE I EVER GET TO POST MY 3K CELEBRATION POST IM S O E X C IT E D   D D  D DD) 21. average hours of sleep: 7-8 hours 22. lucky number: idk if theyre lucky?? but I really love 3 and 7 23. instruments: piano (does my voice count as an instrument??? if so I also sing) 24. what am i wearing: jeans and a a cute pink alien top (today was breast cancer awareness day at school) 26. dream job: idk man :/// something where I have a lot of free time or at least something I enjoy a lot (like dance??? life is hard and I cant make decisions as to what I want out of it) 27. dream trip: europe 28. favourite food: I really really !!! love indian food (namely dosas and idlis and paneer - any type of paneer) also lasagna??? g o o d s t u f f
29. nationality: american (ethnicity is indian tho) 30. favorite song right now: asdkjhfaj I cant choose between go go, mic drop, or pied piper (all from bts’s new album, love yourself!!! stan kings)
tagging: @padfootd​ @jilydying​ @jilyisnotdead​ @spookypotter​ @spookynomaj​ @nargles​ @jilydidntdie​ @puddifoot​ @marlenmckinnon​ @hauntedbyjily​ @jamsespotter​ @pumpkindeamus​ @pumpkinpadma​ @daenyys​ @leejordan​ @swearwolflupin​ @muqqle-born​ @padmavpatil​ @amaliabones​ @vaimpire​ you don't have to do it if you don't want to!!
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franeridart · 7 years
Hmmm.. what do you think about the monoma x shinsou ship??
It’s… possibly a good ship? I guess? I’ve seen it around a bit, but ngl I don’t really understand it haha
Anon said: when’s your birthday?
November 13th! It’s still pretty far~
Anon said:you say you like seeing the bakusquad taking care of babies hmmm? draw them maybe? OuO
I did haha
Anon said:Because of your art (you made me fall in love with Bakugou and Kirishima and Kaminari) I started BNHA and got my best friend into it. Now I can’t stop writing them and my friend and I have several AUs already.
This is the best kind of ask omfg !!!!! Glad I could get you into my disaster trio!!! …but also are you maybe gonna share like I’m starved for bakushimanari content a n o n
Anon said:Aw man i was gonna recomend that fic by newamsterdam to you. Like i finished reading it and thought you could like it since you like that other kuroo x teru fic (thanks to you and the anon for that btw) and it seemed your style? Im kinda sad i missed the chance (ok i know this whole ask sounds stupid)
Awwww don’t be sad anon, reccing me bakushima stuff is seriously hard because I might or might not go daily in the ao3 tag to read anything complete that’s been updated and I might or might not be following all fics regularly updating unless they have a character death/angst with no happy ending warning oops - thank you for thinking about me tho!!! That made me happy haha
Anon said:I pestered my friend until he watched (and fell in love with) bnha and now I’m pestering him to look at your blog because your art is top notch and every bnha fan should look at your art imo
Thank??? You???? Holy smokes !!!
Anon said:Aaaaaaa I really love your bakushima art its just so pure and wholesome and makes me really happy when I see it!! ;;u;;
B O I THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:The Uraraka and Bakugou fight!!! !!! !!! Probably my favourite fight in the tournament ahhh just the depth of character from both of them I’m ;; and the “Todoroki isn’t you” line ahhhhhhhhhhh
Haha well my fave is still the bakushima one ngl I’m weak for Bakugou actually having fun, but I feel this!! It’s a great fight and the anime did it so so well too!!!! Can’t wait for next episode tbh aahhhhhhh !!!
Anon said:With the latest chapter, I’m gonna assume Midnight ships the hard bros lmao. But honestly tho, she was me!! I love them!!! It was everything I hoped it to be, the graphics, the focus on their hands, the handshake, thE FREAKING SPARKLES!!!!
It was!!!!!!! Amazing!!!!!!!!!!!! And such a sweet surprise too, I thought I wouldn’t get to see it this episode and YET!!!!! I might have yelled hahaha
Anon said:“Three sets of eyes and still can’t see bakugou” 1000% accurate I’m crying
*wiggle eyebrows*  the pun was calling for me
Anon said:Things that automatically make my day better: seeing a notification that says “franeridart has posted a photo”. I always give a little gasp and go “FRANNY!” Before immediately looking at the picture. Even the ones that aren’t for fandoms I’m in are so super cute!! So long story short I love you and your art k bye
Thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You’re so sweet oh my g o s h!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *O*
Anon said:Would it be possible to see any bokuroteru or bakushima art in your rb?
Anon said:The bakushima smooches would look great on a notebook/mug/etc !
I added the smooches!!!! And I mean to go through my bakushima stuff to see what else works!! As for the bokuroteru, is there anything specific you’d like to see? Nothing seems worth it tbh haha rip
Anon said:I just bought a bag and a t-shirt and this shirt will be worn at anime expo in July and I would looooooove it if some of YOYR matsuhana S made it into your shop because I would buy all of them
THANK YOU SO MUCH OH MY G O D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:M'cryin the way young Mirio looked was like a colonial American teen. Also holy shit the character development showing Tamaki’s anxiety and pessimism, and then Mirio being the super supportive friend he is and just ugh everything about this chapter was amazing
IT W AS I love it so much Amajiki’s such a good character honestly and his relationship with Mirio is!!! So good!!!! Also long haired Mirio might have been a nod to his liking rock music actually!! I love it!
Anon said:Do you ever wonder if Mirio is maybe too good and one of these days we’re gonna find out he’s actually a bad egg
…Nah. He’s not the only exceptionally good character after all, Deku, Uraraka and Kirishima are right there with him, and Toshi too! Pure characters are a Thing in bnha, which makes sense since they’re all heroes, it’s their job to be good haha
Anon said:Heeyyy so, I have this dream of owning a bookstore, and was wondering if I commissioned so e work, if you’d be ok with me displaying it in my store? Just you know… hypothetically speaking…
Well, as of now my commissions aren’t open so there’s that. But once I’ll open them then it’ll depend on what exactly you commission me to draw, I guess? I dunno! Once my commissions will be open you can contact me off anon and we can talk about it one on one~
Anon said:What do you think of platonic Tokoyami x Tsuyu dynamic? They work so well together! I think they could be good friends! Also do you ship Tokoyami and Shouji? They earned a place in my heart since the training camp!
I love!!!! TokoTsuyu!!!!! Holy heck!!!! I’ve drawn them together a couple of times, their exam together was really amazing I wish I could see more of them interacting! Also they were my first faves in bnha, so seeing them interact has always been like a treat to me haha also yes to ShoujiYami!! Drew that once as well, they’re so cute~ smallest boy x tallest boy, what a good couple !!
Anon said:Have you ever thought about Tetsutetsu x Kendou? I can’t stop thinking about it since the training camp, I love Kendou so much she’s so awesome and sweet, and Tetsutetsu is amazing and a true hero, and they have such a lovely dynamic!
MY MAIN TETSU SHIP !!!!!!! I drew them once too, I love them so so much they’d make such a good couple honestly I should draw them more
Anon said: I love your Hagakure hc you posted! She’s so lovely, I hope she learns how to make herself visible because I can’t imagine meeting people and knowing no one knows how you look like. She’s probably cool with her quirk now, after so many years, but I’m sure she must get upset sometimes…
My fave thing about Hagakure is that she sometimes acts as if she forgets no one can see her - not even in an angst way, like she complains about Mineta looking in their changing room or stuff like that, I can’t tell if she just genuinely forgets or if she’s so used to being invisible that for her is like being visible anyway???? Either way it’s gonna be fun if and when she’ll learn how to make herself visible! 
Anon said:This latest chapters have me shipping Kirideku a little~~~~ haha. Man, I love their interactions, they are so supporting of each other and so work well together. Its nice seeing Deku interact with someone who doesn’t expects anything of him and who is just a friend
Nah, there’s lotsa people who don’t expect anything from him, Deku’s friends love him a lot~ but yeah his interactions with Kiri are fun, most times it’s just Kiri getting excited and being overly energetic as usual and Deku going “ye-yeah!” with his uncertain face, it’s??? fun??? Seeing the members of the bakusquad interact on friendly terms with the dekusquad is always fun for me exactly for that, Deku’s friends are all so mild compared to Baku’s, you notice the squad’s energy even more like this haha
Anon said:(Waifu2x anon) *gasp!* I’m not worthy!!
You keep me in too high regards, anon haha
Anon said:fran!! i saw your art for todays chapter and promptly died all over again. ive fallen in mirio/amajiki hell and i dont wanna get out. ive also taken to using miriama as their ship name too?? so idk what else people use but!! i just need to scream at you how beautiful your art is and i would buy things from you if you ever opened a shop
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Since posting those doodles I’ve heard MiriAma MiriTama MiriMaki MiriJiki TogaAma and TogaJiki and I love??? All of them???? I don’t know which I’ll end up picking honestly I wonder what the main tag is atm haha is there even art for them? There should be t b h
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