weirdfetishes123 · 3 years
'Why is my Dick Blue' and other Pressing Questions - deviantart
Did your dom leave you with a blue stain that just won’t go away? Are you now waddling around even after hours in the juicing room? Are you now a giant blue ball that hasn’t seen the sun in months and wondering what a cute technician is doing putting this pamphlet in your face? If you answered yes to the first two questions there’s no need to worry, and if you answered yes to the last question, congratulations! You can still read! In this short guide you will find all the answers to your questions on becoming a Permaberry!
There are five levels of Permaberry. They are, in order of severity: Stained, Bloated, City, Chameleon, and Barrel. The first two are the most common and tend to happen on accident. These can occur when a caretaker waits too long to juice his berry, or they can be a planned result in order to “mark” a sub. Depending on the severity they may be able to leave the Studio, or they may be required to stay. City Permaberries are the rarest of the five. These men swell up randomly once a month or even just once a year. This used to require them to stay at the Studio, but now they can lead a normal life with some new lifestyle changes. Chameleon and Barrel Permaberries are only found at Studio 71 or at its other properties. While both are available to everyone, they carry a heavy cost in one way or another. Whichever way you choose to go, know that each Permaberry is only as permanent as you choose to be.
1) Stained.
What it is: This is the most common Permaberry. It is caused when a caretaker waits too long to juice their berry. The time frame, however, varies from person to person. Some have been juiced only after a couple of hours after swelling and have blue stains on their body, while others can wait up to a week to be juiced and come out completely clear.
What to look for: I hoped this would be self explanatory, but in case you didn’t catch on you’re looking for one (1) blue stain on you or your fuck boy’s body. The most common area to look is the groin, ass, and belly. Other places this may appear are the feet, chest, nose, or hands, although these are less common.
How it’s cured:
Well this may be hard for the affected party, but in order to get rid of the stain the affected has to remain celibate for up week at a time. This will allow the residual juices to be concentrated in the semen and make the stain disappear within a week or two. A chastity can be used here to great effect, and in fact this is usually why doms choose to make their subs Stained in the first place. If you didn’t go this route because you’re just an eighteen year old college freshman freaking out because this is the closest thing you have to ever gotten to an STI don’t worry. Even if you orgasm three times a day the stain always goes away on its own, but that would take months rather than weeks. There are no long term effects so calm down you gushy bottom.
2) Bloated
What it is: This is what happens when you leave your berry swollen for over a week. The juice becomes slightly congealed and pools in one part of the body. They may be completely blue, or just the swollen body part may be colored. In either case it’s gonna take a while to get rid of it. This is the second most common Permaberry and they almost always have to stay at the studio
What to look for: You’re looking for stained skin and large parts of the body that slosh when you touch them, other then the ones you’ve paid to see. It normally pools in the ass and belly, but it can also cause the genitals, face, and feet to swell as well. Here's the thing, if you or your date are still blue and sloshing after a 2 hour juicing session that was supposed to be 30 minutes that's a good sign that they or you are now Bloated.
How it’s cured: Buckle-up bucker-roo because you’re in for the long haul. It could take up to a month to get the swelling down. See the thing about a Bloated Berry’s juice is that is more like Jello than fruit juice. It's very stubborn, but it can be diluted with a lot water. And I mean a lot of water. Think ten gallons a day. Basically if you always feel you’re about to piss yourself that means it's working. Now that it is somewhat fluid it can be coaxed out with some basic yoga poses. Studio 71 does offer some classes that are filled with bloated berries so you’ll never be short of company. Don’t worry, the classrooms have plenty of drains on the floor. Everyone after a month or so makes a full recovery, but some lucky bastards get to keep a berry’s legendary flexibility.
3) City
What it is: Are you busy man on the go? Need a vacation? Do you feel so stressed you can just burst? Do you have a strange masochistic desire to make your God Awful existence an oddly sexual nightmare? Then you might, might, become a City Berry. This is the rarest of all the Permaberries and it only affects a baker's dozen around the globe. They have earned their name due to the fact that all of them came from major metropolitan areas before the Studio and continue to reside there. They lead average lives and being a Permaberry doesn’t affect their professional or private life at all. However, about once a month, their stomach starts to gurgle, turn blue and they start to grow. Once that happens they have about an hour to rush home to their Juicing Kit or risk being stuck as a blue ball in public.
What to look for: City Berries look just like anyone else really. There is no way to really separate them from the crowd. However in private, if you’re comfortable with violating their privacy you can look for their juicer, but this isn’t recommend as there is only 14 or so people in the whole world have them. Anyway if they were a City Berry they probably wouldn’t date someone who’s rummaging through their closest like a cracked out raccoon. Come to think of it that is just the response you should expect for everyone who has a working brain stem. Anyway at full size they aren’t any different from the berries at Studio 71. Their juice is slightly more potent however, and while a regular Studio berry might make you shade or so paler, a City Berries juice will definitely turn you blue. In the off chance you find yourself in this situation juice yourself as soon as you can to avoid becoming Stained.
How it’s cured: As of now there is no cure. Some City Berries have had this condition for years, but it hasn’t affected their life terribly. If you do find yourself in this situation you have no need to be nervous or scared.
4) Chameleon
What it is: This is it. The most Exclusive Berry drink at Studio 71. One shot can make you a berry indefinitely, but that's not all. One shot of Studio Elite gives you full control of you transformation. Do you want to be buff? Round? Blueberry? Cherry? A mix of all four? Go for it Champ! A Chameleon can change what shape and color they are at will. It is the ultimate experience of berry inflation, and most are willing to work at the studio for a year just to pay the $10,000 price tag for one shot. As it is nearly all of the staff at Studio 71 are Chameleon’s and are paying back their debt. However there are some lucky sons of bitches who win a monthly drawing to get it for free.
What to look for: Honestly anything. They could be short, tall, skinny, fat, and any color of the rainbow. Just assume that everyone who works at the Studio is one and you’re good to go. Observant guests can even spy one changing from one fruit to another if the pay attention.
How it’s cured: Asking a Chameleon if they want to be cured is like asking a lottery winner if they want to work at McDonald’s. Most don’t want it to end, but if it must there is a drinkable cure which remove the effects. What follows is a standard juicing practice and they are back to normal. As of now there has only been a couple who willingly ended to move on with their life, but more have had the privilege removed for punitive reasons.
5) Barrel
What it is: This is it. The Ride or Die Berry. The drink that turns you into a Barrel is only $20, but the price is in reality much steeper. Like the Chameleon Berry this one comes with its own separate contract. If buy this drink you have to remain in the studio for a minimum of six months. And no that can’t be negotiated down. If you drink the Barrel potion it will change your life forever, and maybe not for the best.
What to look for: You’re gonna look for a giant blue ball that has no idea where it is. That’s because barrels aren’t your run of the mill berry. Oh no, they are the closest to being permanent. See the human body isn’t exactly designed to carry two tons of fluid inside it, so the potion makes some changes. It actually weakens the skeleton in order to get the resources needed to form a cartilage sphere under the berries skin. This new flexible shell now carries the weight. This process removes most human characteristics from the berry’s skin. Their nipples, genitals, and body hair are all removed, in some cases even their hands and feet are absorbed into the body. What’s left is smooth, shiny surface that almost looks like latex. Once the juice passes the blood brain barrier it starts to effect the berry’s mind. First they lose all track of time. If you leave them alone in a room and come back an hour later they will think you only just left. Then comes amnesia. The won’t remember anything from their life before being a berry. Lastly the long term memory process shuts down. Now they believe their entire existence is what is going on around them, nothing more.
Due to the extremity of the treatment paying customers are limited to six months of this treatment. Rule breakers are another story. This is the fate of anyone who breaks Studio 71’s security or the privacy of the guests. They will be a barrel for at least a year, possible many more.
WARNING! All berries CAN and WILL become Barrels if they aren’t juiced in two weeks time! Remember to juice your Berry Boys before the two week mark or you will be forced to join them for their extended visit!
How it’s cured: One word: Juicing. Lots and lots of juicing. There is special machines made for it at Studio 71 that specialize in juicing as Barrels need a long slow juicing process. This ensures a gentle and painless process in which the cartilage sphere its dissolved by the action and the skeleton can reform. The entire process can take weeks, regardless of how long they were a Barrel. Out of all of the Permaberries only half return completely to normal. The rest have permanently stained skin and might even always carry juice in there bodies. The lest common side effects affect the brain. While 90% of all return to their normal selves, 5% gain significant intelligence, while the other 5% never fully recover from the ordeal. If you choose to go down this path think carefully. You may not come out the other end the same.
Well that's it berry boy. Feel better? No? Honestly that sounds like a “you” problem. Look there isn’t really a need to panic about a blue spot or a swollen gut, so sit down, shut up, and I hope you enjoy your stay at Studio 71. Stay Juicy!
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reylo-solo · 7 years
reylo fic prompt? dont mind if i do! :D kylo ren is assign as rey undercover fbi agent? pretty pls?
Another one it took me far too long to respond to, haha. So sorry about that. But I hope you like what I came up with!
           As Rey turned around from the tillat her favourite coffee shop, she saw him again. He stood out like a sore thumbin the mostly-empty seating area. The man with the dark hair and facial scar.
           He had been following her.
           For the last three days she had seenhim everywhere she went. At first she didn’t think much of it, then she thoughtshe most certainly must have been dreaming. Her mind was playing tricks on herbecause she wasn’t getting enough sleep at night, that sort of thing. But thenhe began to haunt her in her actualdreams, and she would wake drenched in a cold sweat, tangled in her bedsheets,terribly afraid. That was when she knew this was real. He was following her,but why?
           She had a few ideas.
Forthe last several months she had been working with an underground resistanceorganization to combat the restrictive and punitive regimes of the First Order,which currently ruled the whole country with an iron fist. The Resistance hadbeen cooking up something quite big in the time Rey had spent with them, and asa highly-trained professional engineer and all-around handy-woman, she had beenhelping them reach their goal faster than they even anticipated. Now, it seems,the First Order knew of her involvement. As present as her follower was, he didnothing to distract anyone from the fact that he was a cog in the Order’smachine. He wore a fancy black suit, reflective sunglasses, and if Rey couldhazard a guess, she would say he also had an earpiece and a gun tucked into thewaist of his pants. This obviously posed several problems for Rey, the firstbeing that for the last three days she had been unable to meet with theResistance because of her persistent tail. As she began losing sleep over it,she got more and more frustrated and annoyed. And it just so happens thattoday, after seeing her intruder pretend to read yesterday’s newspaper with afull cup of joe in front of him in her favouritecoffee shop, she had had quite enough.
           She stared straight at the man withthe dark hair as she took a sip from her coffee. Dark eyes caught hold of hersover the top of the newspaper for the briefest second before they disappeared. Shewatched him shuffle the pages like nothing had happened. Then, she turned herheel and walked out.
           She kept a quick, even pace down thesidewalk, listening hard for noise coming from behind her. As she was crossingthe street she thought she heard a familiar chime; she looked over her shoulderin time to see the man exit the coffee shop, straighten his suit jacket, andbegin to trail her. She began to walk a little faster. Carefully, so as not tospill hot coffee all over herself, she cradled her cup in the crook of herelbow and dug around inside her purse until her fingers came to rest around thesmooth, cool handle of her small derringer pistol. Then, she suddenly duckedaround a corner into an alleyway, backing up just a few paces, and there shewaited.
           Her coffee safely set on the groundbehind her, she held the gun tightly in both hands, keeping it low against herthighs, amidst the folds of her yellow skirt to hide it from any otherpotential passerby. She began to hear footsteps getting closer. Not more thanone set. Her heart raced and she could taste blood in her mouth as her teethclamped down on the tip of her tongue.
           As the man turned the corner, he wasmet with quite the sight: an angry young woman, dressed in a flouncy yellowpolka-dotted skirt and jean-jacket with cute little ankle boots, pointing apistol right between his eyes.
           “Holy shit—!” He yelped andstaggered back, his own hand quickly brushing aside his jacket and reaching forhis gun.
           “Don’t!” Rey snapped, advancing onhim quickly until the tiny barrel of her gun was pressed against the middle ofhis chest.
           He froze immediately and put hishands up, watching her like a hawk for any sign of her next move.
           “Okay…alright…” he said, as calmlyas possible. “Let’s not do anything to crazy.”
           “Why have you been following me?”Rey demanded.
           In the blink of an eye the man’sentire demeanor changed. He straightened and fixed her with a cool, bemused starethat held her unflinchingly in its grasp. A smirk that was almost cruel andalmost charming at the same time pulled at the corner of his full lips.
           “I think you know why,” he purred, “don’tyou?”
           Rey didn’t say anything to that; shecouldn’t. She would admit to nothing for as long as possible. But the way hewas looking at her…god, it felt like he could read her mind. He already kneweverything he needed to know about her; she had nothing left to hide. But shewouldn’t let his disarming nature affect her. It may have won other battles forhim, but it wouldn’t win this one.
           “Who are you?” she asked icily.
           The man sighed. He looked bored now.His raven hair fell across his forehead and he carelessly pushed it back, hiseyes roaming around the small confines of the alley as though searching for anythingbetter to stare at. Rey’s finger twitched longingly upon the trigger.
           “My name is Kylo Ren,” he explained.His eyes searched her face. “You don’t know about me?”
           “No,” Rey shot back, “should I?”
           He smiled. He actually smiled; abroad, cheeky smile, like she was suddenly the most entertaining thing he hadever seen. It annoyed her almost as much as the heat rising up the back of hercollar did. There was something in those eyes, in the way they lit up when hesmiled, that threw her for a very sudden, lurching loop.
           “I can see why the Resistancerecruited you,” he commented. “You’re kind of a plucky thing, aren’t you? That’sa good quality to have.”
           He admired the barrel of her gunwith his fingers. They slid along the top of it slowly, roaming back to encirclethe chamber. She used the side of her gun to smack his hand away violentlybefore withdrawing it. She had other options available, and besides, she didn’treally feel like shooting a man inthe middle of the downtown area where anyone could hear her gun go off.
           He still had that smug, knowing lookon his face. But she could tell he was just as disarmed as she was, if notmore. He was incredibly distracted by her, for one. It was clear he had nointentions of restraining her or bringing her in for questioning. If he had, hewould have done it already. The First Order does not believe in wasting time,or in allowing potential enemies the ability to walk free. He was just playingwith her, like a cat with a mouse between its paws. The only problem for himwas, this mouse had particularly sharp teeth, and a fondness for biting.
           “Oh, so you’re not going to shoot me?” he asked, raising his brows. “Damn. I was lookingforward to it.”
           “It may happen yet,” Rey saidcalmly, reaching into the pocket of her jacket as discreetly as possible. “Don’tlet those hopes down too low.”
           “Is that right?”
           “Mmhm. In fact—” The powderysubstance was soft as beach sand between her fingers as she grasped it insideher pocket. Once she was sure she had enough, she flicked it into his face,making him cough and sputter and blink. “—it might happen sooner than youthink.”
           “Augh, what the hell?! What isthis?!” he screamed. His hands furiously dusted the white substance out of hisface as his eyes watered.
           “A new product the Resistance hasbeen working on,” Rey answered sweetly. “Since your kind plays dirty, wedecided we will too.”
           Kylo fumbled, reaching out for thenearest wall with which to brace himself. He was panting and although thecoughing and sneezing had subsided, he looked drained of all his energy. Heslumped against the wall, heaving.
           “Are you feeling a little sleepy allof a sudden?” Rey inquired. “That’s perfectly normal. Just lay down…there yougo…close your eyes…”
           He was out, just like that. Shegrinned at the success of the magical little powder, admiring its effects forjust a moment longer before pulling out her phone and dialing a number.
           “Finn? It’s Rey. I need your help.And can you bring handcuffs?”
           Rey splashed water on top of Kylo’shead to rouse him. He awoke with a start; his spine straightened and he triedto stand up but when he found himself restrained and incapable of doing so hefell back down to his knees. His head twisted this way and that, trying topiece together his current location. His chest and shoulders heaved with eachpanting breath of panic as he wielded no answers in the dark room.
           When the dim lights came on theynearly blinded him. He looked up to see the girl standing over him, but lookingat a point straight ahead rather than at him. He followed her gaze to an emptychair, made of maple and fitted with red velvet cushions.
           Suddenly a door opened and a groupof four people walked in, dressed in flowing robes and gowns. As they tooktheir seats and Kylo could see each and every one of their faces, he groanedaudibly and hung his head.
           The older woman took her seat in thechair and as her eyes fell upon her prisoner she too had a strange reaction (byRey’s standards). At first, pain flashed in those brown eyes of hers, sharp andclear in its reflection. Then she sighed, put her head in her palm, andmassaged her temple.
           Confused, Rey cleared her throat.
           “I-I’ve brought you the man who’sbeen following me,” she explained. “He says his name is Kylo Ren.”
           The woman sighed again. “Yes, I knowwho he is,”
           “You…do?” Rey asked.
           “Yes. He’s my son.”
           Shock lanced through her. He couldn’t possibly be Leia and Han’s son, shethought frantically to herself. He’s…evil or something, he has to be! He works forthe First Order! He just couldn’t be…
           But as she looked down and saw thosedark eyes looking ahead with an air of morbid amusement, it all clicked intoplace for her. He had his father’s chin, his mother’s cheek, and the thick, undeniablehair of a Skywalker prodigy. Her limbs felt frozen and she couldn’t move; shejust stood stock-still, staring at him in mute horror.
           Kylo sighed, just as his mother haddone, and rolled his eyes up to her, opening his mouth to speak.
           “Now look at what you’ve done.”
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