echollama · 1 year
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Great charger for my stylus 😭😭😭😭😭😂😂😂😂😂 my doodles are gonna be supercharged from now on
(just to clarify it is NOT a charger)
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bastionkeeper · 7 years
hi there! i’m not really a writer, and i’ve never tried writing about this subject before, but the idea that taako shows his love through food is too cute to resist!! i hope that you like this!
    Coming home to a sense of warmth was something that Kravitz was never going to take for granted. It was such a new experience for him. He figured he must’ve found it normal once upon a time, when he was alive, but centuries entombed in the frigid stasis of Death had numbed him to most sensations. He had only been rediscovering them in these past few years. 
    His life now was comprised of all sorts of soothing and novel experiences, all things he’d never noticed the absence of until they became present in his everyday life: the deep shiver in his newly materialized muscles as he phased into his and his husband’s oven-warmed house; the surprising limberness in his joints as they slowly thawed; the feeling of comfort and safety that was inextricably wound with knowing Taako was by his side. 
    To his merit, Taako had mostly broke the instinct to squawk and fly half way across the room in fright whenever a rift was opened into their home. Now he merely grinned, stretching out across the couch where he had been perched reading a novel, and rumbled, “Hey handsome, I was hopin’ you’d be back soon. Dinner’s almost ready.” 
    “You’re an angel," Kravitz said as he stood before Taako, balancing a knee against the couch and peppering his love’s face with welcoming kisses. Even when Taako’s nose crinkled from the action, the snorty huff of laughter that escaped him betrayed how pleased he was by the attention. 
    Taako ran a hand down the plane of Kravitz’s chest, over the soft curve of his belly, resting finally at his hip. Kravitz only had a moment to notice that his hand laid more naturally against his hipbone now that it was less angular, before Taako pat him twice in dismissal. 
    "Love the tailored look, m'dude, but go get yourself into somethin’ comfy. There’s a strict no formalwear rule in my kitchen,” his husband drawled. Then in one fluid motion, he pressed a fleeting kiss to Kravitz’s stomach, swung his legs to the floor, and used the momentum to stand up and twirl his way to the kitchen. 
    Kravitz couldn’t deny himself a lingering moment to stare at his silly husband with a grin too sappy for even his own standards. 
    Fuck, did he ever love him. 
    Tearing his eyes away from the domestic sight, Kravitz meandered his way upstairs to their bedroom to get changed. Physical clothing wasn’t something he technically needed, but they had a weight and texture to them that he couldn’t easily replicate with his conjurations. Besides, the act itself of getting dressed– loosening buttons and zippers, peeling off layer by layer– had a sort of self-indulgent feeling to it, a ritual he performed purely for himself. 
     Something else he couldn’t create without real clothing was the delightful feeling of decompression as he unbuttoned his trousers. This particular pair he was wearing were a bit snug in the midsection and thighs, but Kravitz had decided to ignore it. They were part of a dashing red and black ensemble that Taako had gotten him a few months prior. It might not be as sharp of a fit as it once was, but Kravitz believed it still gave him an imposing silhouette. 
    The chilly night called for his warmer sleepware: a matching plaid shirt and top, both lined with soft fleece; a jacket that had been, and would continue to be, circulated between the entire IPRE crew; slipper socks; and one of the many fluffy robes he snatched from Taako’s side of the closet.  
    Kravitz wouldn’t fool himself into thinking he could pull off the clashing-pattern aesthetic like Taako effortlessly could, but he didn’t mind. He may look goofy as all hell, but Taako had admitted to him that he found Kravitz sexiest when he was soft and comfortable. Not that he was going for a sexy look, but it was pleasing to know he was desirable to his husband nonetheless. 
    After taking his thick, coiled hair out of the neat bun he wore to work and gently fluffing it out with his fingers, Kravitz made his way back downstairs. As soon as he hit the threshold of the living room, he was enveloped in the hearty smell of slow-cooked beef, cut with the sharp notes of fresh herbs. His eyes fluttered shut in delight as he basked in the aroma that reminded him so much of being home. 
    “Wot the fuuuuuuuck," Kravitz groaned happily in his terrible accent, approaching just in time to see Taako remove a loaf of French bread from the oven to go with the rich stew. The moment his hands weren’t occupied, Kravitz wound his arms around his husband’s waist and pressed his forehead to the crook of his shoulder. 
    "That’s how we do," Taako replied in his own poorly-executed accent. He craned his head to press a tender kiss to Kravitz’s temple, pausing to nuzzle his nose against his warming face and enjoy the simple gift of a quiet moment with his partner. 
    After what could’ve been seconds or hours, Taako gently jossled him, patting the arms hugging his waist for added emphasis. In a voice entirely too loud for the prior soft situation, he said, "C'mon, can’t fall asleep yet, babe. Gotta fill you up first.” 
    With a tiny noise of protest, Kravitz gave him one last squeeze before relinquishing his hold. He straightened up and bounced on the balls of his feet to get his sluggish blood flowing, while Taako filled their bowls with the stew. Kravitz grabbed silverware and the bread, and together they moved everything to the coffee table in the living room. 
    On nights when they weren’t hosting their enormous family, the two of them liked to keep things casual and eat at the couch. It made for easier conversation, and was the perfect way to wind down after a stressful day. 
    Also, it was funny as fuck. There was something inherently hilarious about eating the five star meals Taako would dish out at their dumpy, overstuffed couch. 
    “So gimme all the goss," Taako prompted. They sat side by side on the edge of their seats, hunkered up close to the table, which they dragged closer for convenience. He tore back the foil covering the bread as he spoke and handed Kravitz three large, buttered slices, before taking both of the end pieces for himself. 
    "Eh, it was pretty dead today," Kravitz said, then paused to chortle at his unintentional joke. Taako leveled him an unimpressed look. Kravitz diverted his attention haughtily to get a spoonful of the soup, scooping up the broth and a generous amount of the perfectly cooked vegetables. With great anticipation, he lifted the spoon to his mouth to take a bite. 
    "What the fuck,” he said from behind his hand, mouth still partially filled, manners be damned. He swallowed the rest before continuing, “This is the best thing I’ve ever tasted. Thank you, love.” 
    Taako batted at Kravitz’s arm and rolled his eyes, but he couldn’t hide the pleased glow coloring his face, or the erratic twitch of his left ear that always sprung up when he was embarrassed. Kravitz knew what he really meant when he scoffed, “You say that every time, homie.” 
    The rest of their chatter died down in favor of enjoying the food, with the occassional comment interspersed between bites. A particularly long stretch of silence had Kravitz tearing into his bread, soaking up broth with the small pieces. He was so entranced by the repetitive motions that he didn’t notice Taako had been placing more bread into his empty hand until most of the liquid was gone from his bowl. 
    The realization of how much he ate drew his attention to the satisfied feeling in his belly. Kravitz knew himself well enough to realize he was at the optimal level of fullness, but he wasn’t near his limit. With no hesitation, he dug into the remaining vegetables and meat in his bowl. 
    “You gave me like, two-thirds of that bread. I’m stuffed. The rest has to be yours," Kravitz insisted, brandishing his spoon authoritatively towards Taako. It probably wasn’t a convincing threat. Not with Kravitz wandering to the kitchen to refill his bowl. 
    "Hey, I’m still on summer break, this has been a lazy day for Taako,” he teased as Kravitz returned to his seat. The grin spread across his face softened into something more genuine, more vulnerable, as he added, “My man was out there all day doing field work. Y'can’t blame a guy for wanting to give him a nice meal after all that.” 
    A swell of affection bloomed in Kravitz’s chest, swirls of warmth radiating all the way to his fingertips. Setting aside his own bowl, he wrapped his arms around his husband, snuggling a kiss onto the top of his head. 
    “I couldn’t blame you for anything,” he said reverently. “You take such good care of me.” 
    He felt Taako’s chest expand with a sudden breath as a small shiver ran through him. He returned the hug, squeezing Kravitz lightly around his middle. His arms sunk into the plush cusion of fat that padded the hard lines of his figure. For a wonderful moment, they melted against each other, together.  
    Then, to diffuse the seriousness of the moment, Taako lifted his chin to blow a raspberry against his stubbly cheek. 
    “Finish up that food. I’m ready for a cuddle,” he announced, sliding away from the affection and nestling himself into the corner of the couch, limbs loosely sprawling everywhere. Kravitz contemplated laying back onto the legs propped behind him, but he resisted. The temptation of a good hug was too much to resist.  
    As he went back to eating, Kravitz relished in the mounting pressure stretching out his belly. The heat and weight settled over him comfortably, like the thick down comforters they pulled out to use in the winter. He straddled the edge between being stuffed and being sick as he took the last bite, but it soon enough settled into the pleasurable zone. 
    The dishes could wait until morning, he decided. He pushed the table out further before finally turning towards his husband. Taako greeted him with outstretched arms and impatient grabby hands. Kravitz was more than happy to oblige, sidling up to his partner and adjusting himself until he could rest his head on Taako’s shoulder, and his taut stomach pressed gently against his side.  
    One of Taako’s hands came up and wriggled its way under the layers of Kravitz’s clothes, resting on the expanse of chub that filled out his side. His thumb smoothed over the divot under his ribcage, alternating between firm kneading and soft caresses. The sensation made Kravitz’s toes curl in delight. 
    “How ya feelin’, big guy?" Taako spoke into the crown of his head, where he was placing a series of short kisses. 
    Kravitz took a moment to consider, to really let the appreciation absorb into him, circulating through his body as sure as a heartbeat. 
    If one had asked him before what human aspect he missed the least as a dead man, he would’ve said he hated eating. It always felt like a chore to his sickly mortal body. In his later years, every swallow was a struggle. Kravitz gladly abandoned the habit the moment he could.  
    His dislike of food was a topic he was dreading breaching when he first learned that Taako was a chef. But like everything else about him, Taako made experiencing food feel right. He drew Kravitz into his passion, and nothing in the world would make him want to pull out. The intense efficiency with which he worked, the excitement of sharing knowledge, the thrill of trying something new– Taako was most beautiful in the kitchen, where he came alive, so assured in himself and the feelings he could only convey to others through his craft. 
    Kravitz knew his answer. He lifted his head to press a chaste, lingering kiss to the smile tugging at the corners of his husband’s mouth. 
    Then he replied, with absolute certainty: 
    "I feel loved.” 
p> Holy shit this is legit probably the best thing I've ever read the descriptions were so vivid and beautiful and the characterization was on point and god I felt like I was getting a warm cuddle just from reading it please come off anon so I can rant to you more about how good this is I love it I think I'm gonna start a tag for story submissions cause I wanna come back and read this again and again
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