#ITEM m6
(Full HC)
We've had the M6 bodyswapping with their familiars, we've had the M6 bodyswapping with each other… But what kind of antics would ensue if the M6 had a bodyswapping incident with MC?
The Arcana HCs: When M6 bodyswap with MC
~ anon, you spectacular genius ~
-- to set the scene --
You know you're in a magic-infused dream as soon as you open your eyes. Off to your right, you can see your beloved standing in the open air, staring at the glowing ball of light that hovers in front of them. You're about to remind them of the cardinal magic rule - don't touch the mystery orb - but by the time you call their name, it's too late. Imagine your surprise when you wake up to your own face staring back at you from your pillow!
He's staring at you in horror because he knew his eyebags were bad but he didn't know they were that bad
You, on the other hand, are experiencing all the physical ailments of a 6'4 human that never remembers to eat and the headache of needing a daily dose of six shots of espresso to function
He's immediately concerned about physical wellbeing and checking both of you over for any signs of injury. Yeah, he doesn't hate magic anymore, but he's still not comfortable with it
Coaches you on how to speak more like him in his voice. His voice is made for DRAMA, MC, you must PROJECT! ENUNCIATE! The people at the back can't hear you!
He's also going to encourage you to wear all of his normal getup. Enjoy wearing multiple layers of leather in a Mediterranean climate, MC, it's all for the *aesthetic*
You, however, have a secret weapon, and that is basic self care
You are going to eat so much nutritious food and drink so much clean water and get so much sleep and sunlight and exercise ...
It's also payback for how much you're sweating right now, because you won't be the one dealing with all the sore muscles later
He gets unbearably flustered when he changes clothes/bathes in your body and won't stop talking about it
They know exactly what's happened as soon as they wake up and they know it's their fault and they have 0 regrets. none.
Quick to suggest taking a lazy day so you won't have to juggle the shop with this. And then suggests sleeping in immediately after
He's very curious about what it's like to enjoy all kinds of experiences in your body, but he doesn't do anything until he knows you're comfortable with it (including changing)
Gets distracted/sidetracked every time they pass a mirror/window/shiny pot/remotely reflective surface because they like your face and it keeps surprising them to see it reflected back at them
You're about to watch yourself make the weirdest faces into the mirror as they try to document what your face looks like with different expressions
Has the time of his life picking out his outfit (to wear on your body) and watching you pick out yours (to wear on his body)
Pulls out every food item in your kitchen because they want to know if you taste things differently than they do. You're going to wake up with heartburn tomorrow
Might suggest pranking a few friends, but he's generally so averse to conflict that he won't be dead set on the idea
Occasionally taps into your bond, just to ground themself
She's going to keep lying still for a moment or two to finish processing what's just happened and decide what she's going to do about it
And then she's going to teasingly tell you that you're welcome to help yourself to her body, and ask if she can help herself to yours
Tells a trusted Palace servant that she is indisposed and that neither of you will be available today (because there's no way she's going to try to swap jobs with you)
You might be tempted to set yourself up in front of a mirror and see if there's any pose or outfit in the world that Nadia can't look elegant in. She'll have a very amusing time watching you
Portia will inevitably hear about her absence and stop by at some point, which will only ramp up the hilarity
Nadia does suggest sneaking out at some point, your body makes for a great disguise and a day on the town sounds fun!
(You still haven't figured out how to tell her that what sets her apart more than her appearance is her bearing. You've never seen your own posture look that good)
Speaking of posture, welcome to life in a body that's excellently cared for! You can stretch in every direction and nothing hurts!
Though this much thick hair is heavy and hot
Oh, he knows before he opens his eyes that something's off, because the furs feel unusually heavy over him and he's never shared a bed with anything bigger than he is
Speaking of, he had no idea that his body radiated that much heat. It's like lying next to a furnace (and it's more comforting than he expected. maybe you're onto something with all the snuggling)
He's violently uncomfortable with being in your body, mostly because he's assuming you'd like it back, and he doesn't want to do anything with it that you don't want him to
You, on the other hand, spend a day as the pilot of a body with unusual size and strength. You're going to have to be reeeeally careful not accidentally bump your head/break and tear stuff
What you choose to do with that is entirely up to you (and up to your body's capacity to contain Muriel's embarrassed blush)
Have fun flexing and watching yourself turn beet red
He is going to request that the two of you stay in the woods and out of sight, which certainly makes things easier
He's also going to apologize to you because he knows this was his fault (you'll have to convince him that being in his body is not a miserable experience, which he may have a hard time believing)
Inanna will be wolf-laughing at both of you the whole time
She woke up first and put two and two together. By the time you open your eyes, your face is staring back at you with this specific expression: >:3
Also, your body is buzzing (and I mean, buzzing) with energy. You feel like you could climb a mountain and still have the capacity to chop down at least 20 trees. Oh, and your hands are tiny
It's going to take a second for her to get used to your body, if only because she keeps stopping at every new movement/sensation to comment on it/experiment with it/tease you about it
As soon as you've had breakfast, she's taking the day off and dragging you into town for some good old-fashioned mischief
Because yeah, she just woke up in one of the most powerful magician's bodies in the world, she fully plans on taking advantage of that. Who wouldn't??
Long story short, your day is going to consist of running after her while she comments on your "low energy levels" (they're not low, they're human) and wreaks havoc with your magical capacity
The fountain in the town square spouts glowing orange water for a week after she passes through. Even she isn't sure how she did it, so you just have to wait it out and hope it won't poison anyone
Mazelinka saw you two at one point and cried laughing
It takes him a while to figure out what's happened
Don't misread this as him assuming that things are normal. He knows things are not normal, because he's getting human sensations from his left arm
But his first assumption is that this is because his arm magically grew back in the night, and his second assumption when he sees his own body next to him is that he's been cloned
You wake up because he's frantically calling your name, asking why his voice sounds so weird and if you had to clone him as part of getting his human arm back and where you've disappeared to
Shrieks and falls backwards off the bed when his clone's eyes open and you tell him what's happened from his own body
You, on the other hand, are going to spend all day figuring out how to function with a metal arm. It's nowhere near as easy as he makes it look, plus it makes that whole side of your body cold
Lucio insists on doing your eyeliner (on his face) because yes, he loves you, and yes, he trusts you, but that's his signature look and he needs it to be perfect
And then you're going to accidentally ruin his face anyways when you go to scratch an itch, forgetting about the claws on his hand
It's nothing compared to his attempts to use your magic
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mashup-writing · 6 months
Gifts & Thoughts (M6); The Arcana
Summary: The Main 6 and the gifts they send the Main Character. [Upright Endings]
Requested? ❌
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: None
"Is it obvious that all of this is right?"
-Elijah Woods, 24/7 365.
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Nadia Satrinava:
Elegance, is the word for the gifts she spoils you with.
Everything she gifts you always has a connection to a certain time you have spent together.
A memorable date? A memorable day? A memorable moment? It doesn't matter;
Even the jewels that always color coordinate with your outfit palette has some sort of underlying memory connected to them.
Prepare to get showered with the finest, most intricately detailed accessories that Nadia associates with your shared memories.
Small mechanical inventions for your familiar. Like the little toys she made for Chandra.
Just as much as she pampers you, Nadia spares no expense in both monetary value and thought value to the things she creates for your familiar.
Your familiar is never going to feel bored within the Palace grounds, what with both Chandra and Nadia's little inventions to keep them company when you aren't there.
Light silk clothes in your preferred color palette, while the Vesuvian weather makes velvet and other similar fabrics impractical-
Nadia is well versed with the versatility of silk with the heat.
The silks she gifts you are to be imported from Praka, she will settle for gifting you no other silks but the finest kind in all the world.
The embroidery on these clothing items are always customized:
A pattern of a colorful forest: When you hunted down Lucio's ghost together.
A pattern of a wheat field: For that time you screamed your grievances to the heavens.
A pattern of waves, a small island with a singular angled tree: For the time you swam with her in the High Priestess' domain.
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Asra Alnazar:
Scrapbooks is the vibe that comes to mind whenever the gift is from Asra.
For his presents are a mix of both learning, and simple sentimentalities.
There are still times where he goes on his own adventures and whenever he does, he never fails to bring back a tricket (Or five) which had reminded him of you in some way.
A leatherbound journal, with a burnt in pattern. For note taking when you're working on spell adjustments.
A small gemstone imbued with a protection spell, or a spell for luck, or healing- That has been fashioned into a necklace.
Herbs that he dries himself.
Self-made tea blends that he has subjected himself to tasting before handing you the perfected blends.
Matching knitted sweaters for you and your familiar, imbued with temperature regulation spells.
Spell tomes he bought, read, and then annotated with possible helpful tips, or everyday commentary to make your learning easier and more fun.
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Julian Devorak:
Tomfoolery. That's it. That's his type of gifts.
A pun book, that he had somehow managed to talk Malak into gently dropping on you.
A sealed bottle with a preserved leach inside, reminiscent of the time you both thought to bathe in a suspiciously muddled pond.
He buys small journals, and writes down his adventure stories within them before handing them over to you.
Sometimes he'd send you a "Doctor's Prescription" that contain sweet gestures such as ten hugs a day, four kisses per hour, a "Nap" with him that lasts at least 12 hours-
Julian is an actor, a performer, an artist, a man of the arts. He always comes up with a new way to make a gift unique from the rest despite them being almost the same in form.
You now have a slowly growing folder of all the Doctor's Prescriptions you have been prescribed.
Thankfully, you only have a single bottle of leech and there is no indication that there will ever be another one.
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Muriel the Outsider:
Handmade. Everything he gifts you is made with love, adoration, and quiet devotion driving his hands.
Sculptures both realistic and abstract, with the wood carefully polished to bring out the unique patterns.
Spice blends foraged and dried by himself from when he goes foraging in the forest every month.
Very seldomly, he gifts you flowers that he dried himself. Whenever he finds some that he likes the colors of.
He doesn't gift you dried flowers often, he appreciates nature and it's bounty but finds it hard to see any flowers as beautiful enough to be given to you.
Home cooked meals that Muriel tries his best to perfectly season and cook to your preferences.
Whenever trading caravans pass by Vesuvia, Muriel heads into the city and does his best to peruse each and every cart. Looking for something that might "Speak" to him as something that suffices as a gift for you in his eyes.
If there is no specific thing that meets his standard, then he'll look for materials in the carts instead so that he can make you something.
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Portia Devorak:
Literature; Portia learned to read and write quite late in life, those two skills have become an integral part of who she is and what she sees as art and worthy of praise.
She writes you verses, poems, short stories- and she scatters them in the nooks and crannies of your shared home for you to find unexpectedly.
The paper is always subconsciously imbued with her magic. Whenever you touch the paper, you end up getting a glimpse into what she was feeling for you when she wrote the piece.
She gifts you books of stories she always comes back to, and books about the history, customs, and culture of the places you and her are sent as Emissaries to.
She makes sure to read through these books herself first, inserting slips of paper with her own viewpoints on a particular scene, or poems inspired by the scene (and the fact that she imagined both of you in it).
She also makes sure to always get you a box of the most delicious looking and smelling treat in the bakeries you visit on your Emmisary trips.
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Lucio / Montag Morgasson:
The World. (No, Lucio does not get you the world turtle- As cute as they may be.)
He is no longer the Count, he has renounced that stature in favor of being a mercenary once more.
On your excursions, Lucio takes the time to sit down and take in the sights with you. Talking about everything and little nothings all at once.
Sometimes he sneaks in a purchase when you're both in the marketplace stocking up on supplies, stuffing it into his pack when your back is turned.
He never knows where or when he's going to give it to you on your adventures, but he knows that he'll know when the time is right.
Lucio picks flowers from the paths you're walking to place it either in your hair, or he pins it to your shirt.
If you get sad when it inevitably wilts away, Lucio reassures you that it's nothing to be sad about because the memory of your happiness from receiving the flower will metaphorically be keeping it alive.
If you find a way to preserve it with magic, he'll buy a sturdy box (He also asks you to enchant it with a few spells for extra safety) in which to keep all the flowers taken from your journey.
Once the box is full, it finds a place on the mantle of your shared home.
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therowdymagpie · 2 months
M6 vs. Escape Room
A/N: Don't ask me where this came from, I was just in the mood to write sth silly and fun XD.
They find some way to sneak Faust in so she can take part in the fun(and maybe slither behind certain objects for clues)
Is the type of person who will find creative ways to escape without them having anything to do with how you're actually supposed to solve things
Has very good intuition when it comes to where or what the next clue could be but he doesn't care much for the time limit
Finds the expression on your face every time you manage to figure out a clue on your own absolutely adorable, so much so that they're letting you make most of the progress wanting to see it again
Could make any themed room romantic somehow and just finds excuses to cling to you any chance he gets
*Holds your hand in the dark*
*Sidles up to you and cuddles during a particularly rough puzzle*
*Whispers a hint in your ear*
Even in scary escape rooms, their chill attitude is enough to make you feel infinetely more relaxed
Very likely to steal some decor from the room to keep as a souvenir or because they found it interesting
Surprisingly not as good at this as you'd expect
Now, has he had close calls and predicaments he's managed to find unique and out-of-the-box ways of escaping from? Yes, half his stories are like that
Has he been in a situation where he is trapped in a room and has to follow a hyperspecific line of instructions to escape? No, not really
Julian is more the kind of person that can get himself out of situations easier by talking his way out of things and being generally charming or unbelievable things just transpire around him and he takes advantage of them to somehow escape
Also the problem he faces in these types of places is: 1.He has too many ideas and 2.He thinks every item is suspicious
It also doesn't help him focus that you two are in close quarters for an extended period of time...
He is very capable with ciphers and word puzzles though
Pulls the "leave me behind" move at least once during changing rooms where an actor is chasing you for the dramatic effect: "Go without me my love! I will stall them as you escape!",
"...Julian I literally just unlocked the door, come in already."
Definetely gets jumpscared by the actors every.single.time but also applauds them for the great performance afterwards
Goes from extremely curious to immediately intrigued as soon as the door closes
This really appeals to Nadia's tinkering and problem solving skills and you can tell
There's a good chance that she's managed to solve 75% of the room in the first 15 minutes you are there but will she actually tell you? Of course not
She is just going to hold back a little bit so that the two of you can solve the riddles together and have fun
Unless any of her sisters are there with you....then it's personal and she finishes the room in 30 minutes tops
If there's a case that you two get stuck on trying to solve something, there's no way she'll ask for, much less actually look at the clues the people on the outside give you
The scary ones leave her with a startled "oh!" at best
(I mean she was engaged to Lucio, her married life was basically an escape room at one point)
Very much appreciates the follow up explainations of how everything in the rooms works and asks so many questions in awe, because she feels very inspired by some of the ideas and would like to implement them to her own projects
This man cannot understand the concept of an escape room
When you first come up and suggest it as a date idea he is genuinely baffled by it as you explain
So you're supposed to be stuck?
in a quite small room/s?
and try to figure your way out using stuff from around said room under a time limit?
"….......Why would you want to do that?"
To him this is basically what an anxiety attack looks like
He reluctantly agrees to try it after you say that it could be fun and that there won't be any other people but you two
Just please, DON'T get him into one of those horror themed ones, it won't end well for anyone involved
His height definetely gives you perspective on some clues though and he can be very perceptive when you get stuck on progressing through puzzles
Overall he doesn't do a lot because these types of spaces are pretty crampted
Isn't willing to do this again which is probably fair
Say it with me now: PARTNERS.IN.CRIME.
Portia seems like the kind of person who'd really like escape rooms, the thrill of them is just very reminicent of exploring the abandoned wings and secret rooms in the Palace
So when you'd suggest one to her she'd be SO down for it
Loves any chance to spend time together but the feel of being in one of her mystery novels with you makes her especially giddy with excitement
Takes this as an opportunity to see how well you two work together and when you figure out stuff together is the best part for her
Cheek kisses or hugs every time you manage to progress further
She'd be very invested in the story attached to the room you chose
Honestly the employees are able to see how intrigued she is and how much fun she's having that they'll let you two go through everything regardless of time
She might have a slight weakness with not sassing the actors or taking them seriously enough but it's always in good fun and she always apologises
She'll certainly want to do this again
Let's be honest here, he's not the best person for this
The only reason he was so willing to go is because you mentioned it's timed, he's competitive and convinced you two can do it faster than anyone else
....Well. This is more complicated than he thought
He let's you handle the mental aspect of the game while he tackles the physical challenges
He opens doors for you right after you've unlocked them and carries the heavy stuff basically
Is the one guy from that video that gets jumpscared and instead of grabbing you and running away he grabs the actor
Most likely to break something thinking it leads to a secret room/ the exit
Don't worry he can pay for it later
You know this trick certain escape room places pull where they push back the clock a bit so you get to finish it time?
Yeah, they definetely do that to you and he is SO proud holding up the sign that says you escaped with exactly one minute left
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straykidsnerd255 · 3 months
Can you do Chung Myung x reader secret relationship
Anonymous asked:
M6 I request Chung Myung x reader in a secret relationship headcannons?
I am just going to combine these two as they are the same thing! Thanks for the request and enjoy!! Sorry this came out so late!! And I apologize if they are both really short!
Days had passed by without a word from Chung Myung. He had told you that he would try and make an excuse and leave for a while but it didn’t seem to be working that well. You see, you and Chung Myung are in a secret relationship. Chung Myung had told you roughly 5 months into the two of you dating that he wasn’t allowed to date. You had been extremely angry about him lying to you but when he explained that he never really followed any of the rules, you calmed down but it still angered you that he hadn’t mentioned that till now. 
He never really told you why he couldn’t have a girlfriend but you knew it was for a certain reason. You made sure to keep it under wraps when you went to the sect to deliver the items that they had asked for. You trudged up the stairs and delivered the products in person considering you needed the extra money and the man running the store was very lazy and never hired a runner. So you were in charge of manning the orders that came through and delivering them as well. 
It was exhausting but you needed to do it in order to make as much money as you could. You narrowed your eyes as you focused on getting your body up the stairs and towards the sect. You took labored breaths as you climbed higher and higher. Once you made it to the top, you took deep gasping breaths before knocking on the door. When the doors swung open, you placed a smile on your face and handed the person the papers that sat in your satchel.
“I brought everything that you requested sir. Sorry it took so long to get here. My boss doesn’t tell me when it will arrive.”
The man before you had a gentle smile on his face and his eyes spoke of fatherly love. Something you never really experienced before. 
“Don’t worry about it darling. Why don’t you come in and rest for a bit. You must be really tired.” The older man said, gesturing to the building a little further from where she was standing. 
“I couldn’t possibly intrude.” You said, giving the man a smile before turning to leave. 
“Y/n, just stay for a bit. The old man runs you to the bone and it really annoys me.” You turned to see Chung Myung standing there, shirtless, and fuming angry. 
You sighed but decided to stay at the sect til your body was well rested and ready to make the trek back to town.
You were about half way down the stairs when you heard your boyfriend call out to you. 
You turned around expecting him to be farther from you but found him rather extremely close to where you were on the stairs and you were terrified of his endurance. 
When he was a few steps away from you, he placed his hands on his knees and pretended to be breathless as you giggled and covered your mouth. 
“Thank you for bringing those up. You need to find a better job though. I don’t like that your boss does nothing and sits on his ass every second of the day while you are running around.” 
You look down before feeling his arms wrap around you and pull you into his chest. 
“I know it's forbidden for you and I to be dating but, I was never one for following rules.” He said leaning down and pressing a kiss to your lips.
You giggled into the kiss and gently punched his chest but a sweet smile fell on your lips.
“Thank you Myung. For everything.” you said, pressing a kiss to his check and waving goodbye before descending down the stairs again.
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stackofpossums · 11 months
Headcannon: How do the M6 response to an Mc who loves gifts, doesn't matter what. Will straight-up cry if you get them ANYTHING.
Asra: He thinks it's sweet that MC appreciates his gifts so much that it brings them to tears every time. He'll check in with MC to make sure they're okay, but he understands when they explain they just appreciate being thought of.
Julian: Panic. "Why are you crying, MC? Did you not like it? It's fine if you don't! Are you okay, MC? Are you hurt? Sick? DON'T WORRY MC I'M A DOCTOR"
Nadia: Now carries tissues around with her at all times since she's constantly spoiling MC with all manner of gifts. She knows they'll need one.
Muriel: He just picked MC some flowers... are they allergic? They must be allergic... Eventually, after gifting MC a handmade figurine of their familiar, he realized they were just a crier. And that's ok.
Portia: She's the same way. The holidays are a real sob fest.
Lucio: Purposefully figures out and gifts whatever items make MC have the most happy tears so he can make a show out of comforting them.
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56kilobits · 5 months
found a new scammer on ebay whose grift is setting the bid at $1.00, putting instructions to Do Not Bid in the description, and putting the real price in the description. you "buy" it via sending an email to an address which, frankly, is extremely obviously scammy since the website its hosted on does not exist
but this guy knows his stuff, like, this is a greatest hits collection of Extremely Valuable Collector Goods. it goes from Tiffany solitaires to Loro Piana and Chanel coats, to Leica M6s to SGI Tezros to Vacheron Constantin watches to Wilson Audio speakers. i'm sending some of these to Dylan and we keep saying "they got WHAT" back and forth. whoever it is is dumb enough to make his scam extremely obvious yet smart enough to figure out what items are so rare and so desirable that someone would pay any amount just to get their hands on. people are bidding on this stuff anyway. well played.
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During an rp we had a character that become blind. Overtime learned to use magic to sense their environment kind of like Tophs ability to see through the earth. It made me wonder how the M6 of the arcana would react to a blind Mc that uses magic to sense the world around them.
People's different auras helping Mc not run into anyone since a person's aura covers them, which would also give a gentle guide for what they look like. Details like scars, freckles, facial expressions being invisible to them. Since everything has a bit if magic in it their able to walk around fine usually, if an area is filled with too much magic it clogs the sense making it impossible to pick out specific things. Which effects how they set up the shop, making sure not to have too many powerful magic items just laging around.
I've always loved the idea of using magic to help with a disability!
I also think that actually some facial features would be clear to a blind apprentice: some traits and colors people carry are often full of meaning for the owner. I think about the delight that you get when you see the gold reflections catching the sun, or the shame that surrounds an unwanted feature, like those same lip shape a cruel parent had.
I picture that this features appear to the apprentice's magic eye, the more relevant the brighter, as islands of light and clarity in a otherwise dark and unclear face.
I like how this implies that a blind MC will be able to magically see the M6 appearances kinda as they see it - you know when you take a picture of youself and seems as you can only see that one particular detail of your face, either positive or "negative"?
Anyway, going back to your ask:
The M6 react to a blind MC
Nadia ♡◇
She won't ask or comment about your disability, but you somehow percieve that she picked up the information. Infact, the next day, along with your clothes you find a small, in-scale model of the palace. There's more: you find out that as soon as you think about going somewhere, a trail of magic that leads there appears at your fingertips. Maybe it wasn't necessary for you, but it's so extremely thoughtful that you end up using it just to soak in the deep care Nadia put into that thinf for you.
Magic eye isn't new to him: he knows exactly what to do. As soon as you enter in his gateway you realize that everything is perfectly clear to you. There isn't anything "visual" there: everything revolves around the other 4 senses, and is crafted in a way that doesn't overstimulate you.
He starts asking a huge number of questions out of genuine curiosity. In a matter of days, he explains his dogs how to help you with anything, and after a bit he gifts you a magical creature you can link your mind to and experience the world through it's eyes.
Being a smal reptile, you soon realizes that you can't see the regular visible light, but infrared light instead. The thing excites Lucio, so he starts a quest to find the most curious-seeing creatures. Your favourite ends up being the shrimp who sees colors invisible to the regular human eye.
This doesn't resolve your blindeness, since no eyesight is similar enough to human's, but opens up a wolrd of discovery.
Buys a second eyepatch to wear and asks you to show him the world through your eyes. After this experience, he learns how to describe you everything you cannot see... and you have the impression that the world described by him is so much more than what you'd see with human eyes.
He also starts playing instruments way much more for you and you only, writing many songs for you.
She starts by asking many questions, if you're ok with it. After this, she decides to care for all of your senses, baking food and using so many different fabrics ans textures to sew you beautiful clothes.
He becomes your guide in every magical place you go to. He makes sure to puts sigils and magical objects in positions where they won't bother you in his hut.
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lastleggysee · 1 year
Arcana M6 how do they act like in Ikea?
Thanks friend! I tried
Fun fact: never been to Ikea but damn does that store have lore
Asra Alnazar
Would absolutely go there just to hang out
Like "MC want to grab some tea and walk around?"
You agree because he promises "It'll just be an hour or two"
You should know better but you go with him anyways
Has no money but picks up every plant and piece of glassware and asks if you want it
Does the same things with the rugs
"Can't you just imagine this in our bedroom?"
You tell Asra that no, you can't, because it's way out of your price range of $0
Asra tries to bring Muriel along but Muriel declines because crowds
But Asra is persuasive and manages to get Muriel in the store one (1) time
The second Asra turns away Muriel has disappeared into the furniture
"Asra shouldn't we go after him?"
"It's a big store MC he's fine"
Asra wanders around for a while and finds Muriel sampling the meatballs
You've absolutely had to have staff call for Asra over the store intercom because he wanders so damn much
He's not even embarrassed by it anymore at this point so you've got to try and come up with a better way to keep him in your line of sight
You enter the store with him at noon and by the time you're leaving it's nighttime
Would also get the 5-finger discount on any and all items he could
Would also gift those same items to you later
Overall just wants to have a good time but has no sense of time management
Nadia Satrinava
Would normally send someone on her behalf to pick up whatever she needs but actually really cherishes running errands with you
So she comes up with a not 100% bullshit reason to go.
"The curtains are looking ragged, don't you think? I'd appreciate if you'd help me pick out a new set"
You know it's an excuse but you agree anyway because any excuse to go out with Nadia is a worthy excuse in your book
She stops for coffee on the way there and walks in like she owns the store because she probably could, if she wanted
Visits the section she "came for" first
Asks your opinion on everything and watches your face for reactions when she points out a piece she likes
Nadia just wants the home you two share to feel like it belongs to you both
That being said, she has standards.
You like picking out the ugliest pieces of furniture or art or whatever you can find and bringing it back to her like you've found your dream piece
"Nadia I can't believe they have it here! It's gorgeous, can't you just see it on the balcony?"
She plays along at first just in case you're being genuine
Like, asking legitimate questions about price and placement and what might go with it
When she realizes you're joking she doesn't stop either, she puts it in the cart and starts walking towards the registers
You run in front of the cart to stop her and she's already laughing
She would buy anything you wanted though, so you have to be careful about what you oggle at
HATES the meatballs
Hates that you love the meatballs
Tried to eat them once. Got about half a mouthful before declining any others and silently judging you for putting the rest down
Actually buys what she set out to buy so trip is a win
Takes you out for dinner afterwards
Julian Devorak
Let's be real he frequents there for the little jars and vases to put his leeches in
But he's developed such an attachment to all the furniture items he owns that he feels guilty about replacing them
His mattress has a perfect Julian-sized crater in it and that's how he likes it
Don't get him started on his desk chair
"I've had some of my best ideas in this chair, it's bad luck to buy another!"
You practically have to drag him into the store but once you're there he's fine
He does try to distract you from buying what you set out to purchase though
"MC, doesn't that desk look perfect for bending-"
You stomp on his foot and he gets the message
Has already put 3 bags of coffee in your cart before even getting to the mattresses
Not trying to distract you at all or anything
Absolutely picks up no less than 30 more jars because "You never know when you'll need them"
But eventually the time comes for you to look at the mattresses and for someone who'd rather swallow leeches than get a new mattress Julian really seems to be enjoying himself
He flops down on every display with his cape all spread out looking like an extra blanket
"MC, what do you think about this one? It's supposed to have cooling technology."
But this man has been tired for the past 20 years
Falls asleep on one of the mattresses but no one says anything because he looks like he needed it
You finish looking around at what you wanted to see and come back to him in the same position
You wake him up and let him know you're buying the mattress and there's nothing he can do about it
Maybe you're right sometimes, not that he'll admit it
Portia Devorak
Goes for the kitchenware, stays for the cat furniture
Half the cart is just things for Pepi
The other half are probably gifts tbh
She just sees things that remind her of you, or Julian, or Nadia, and wants you to have them
Gives the BEST, most thoughtful gifts by the way. From an IKEA. Don't know how she does it she just does.
When you go with her she tries to send you away to hide that and asks you to pick up something from the other side of the store
You get lost on your way to get it
But you know if you just hang out in the kitchen section she'll be back within the hour so you just wait it out
Sits on almost every chair to try it out
You legitimately feel the burn from getting up and down out of chairs after a while
"That one's nice, but you've got to check this one out MC" x 100
Some staff know her by name
It's actually kind of sweet because they bring her samples of food while she's shopping but not in a selling tactic way
Loves the food court
The sweets are her favorite
Anything chocolate is her favorite but the desserts have a special place in her heart
Brings home some of the fish for Pepi even though he's probably not supposed to have it
Spends the rest of the night arranging the things she bought in her home
Asks you to stay to do it all
You would've done it anyway
Muriel of the Kokhuri
Does NOT want to be there
Does NOT want you to be there
Would rather be almost anywhere else
Goes with you every time you ask
Mostly just follows you around the store while you're doing what you need to do
Will provide feedback if you ask but honestly mostly just likes watching you enjoy yourself finding new items to put around the house
Actually stops when you walk past the plant section
"Do you want to look at anything Muriel?"
"It's not important, I was just looking."
"It doesn't have to be important if you like it."
He just sighs and tries to walk away but you grab his hand and pull him to the plants
Knows the plant names without having to read the label
Walks away with at least 2 houseplants because you saw how he smiled when he looked at them
Thinks he's going to be too big for all of the chairs :(
You pass by a HUGE fluffy chair and sit in it
"There's enough room for both of us, come on!"
He loves the chair
He loves you
Likes that the store is so big that he can pretty much still stay away from everyone as much as he wants
He still wants to leave as soon as possible though
Lucio Morgasson
Claims to have the best way to navigate the store without getting lost or getting distracted by "extras"
Has actually been banned from no less than two (2) Ikea stores
Is also fond of the five finger discount
Spends most of his time in the stores he's not banned at in the food court
"It's better than most of the restaurants in the city you know"
If he sees you looking at something he's already trying to buy it for you
You try and tell him you just wanted a closer look but it's no use
"You should've seen how your face lit up, just let me get it for you"
You have to spend no less than 15 minutes trying to convince him that you honestly don't want it
He just wants to make you happy
Finds it hilarious that Ikea sets up a bathroom display in the middle of the store for some reason
Always jokes that he's going to head to the restroom just to stand near one of the display toilets
You still laugh every time because of the look on his face
Has tried to haggle with cashiers before
"Sir this is an Ikea, the prices are fixed"
Has tried to invoke the "Count's Discount"
"What do you mean you don't have that, it's in the name: dis-COUNT"
Asks to speak with the manager
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claude-frollo-archives · 11 months
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Anglaigus collectibles!
Collection of assorted Anglaigus related merchandise items.
Disclaimer: these pictures are not mine, they were found via Google image search, the pictures belong to their respective owners, only posted them here for informative purposes.
The pictured items -in date order- are copyright of:
Asterix and related characters © René Goscinny & Albert Uderzo.
- Card from Leaf, la bataille de Asterix "Le Roi de Bubble Gum" (1972).
- Figure by Plastoy Atlas (2002).
- Chess game figure N°12 by Plastoy (2006).
- Pin by Editions Atlas (2008).
- Asterix collection Hachette " La Grande Collection des Personnages" N°18 (2012).
- Figure from les Archives Asterix Figurines Métal N°19 by Atlas (2013).
- Porcelain figurine by Les Editions Albert René and Studio M6 from La Collection de Fèves du Film (2014).
- Porcelain figure by Arguydal and Les Editions Albert René for a "Le Domaine des Dieux le film" collection (2015).
- From inside the box of the Asterix: Le Domaine des Dieux Edition Prestige Combo Blu-ray (2015), it contains a picture of certain mosaic as if it were preserved and found during our modern times.
- Card from the collection Le Village en fête chez U by Système U (2017).
- Card by La Mie Câline, Cartamundi (2019).
- Last but not least, a French Happy Meal McDonald’s figure (2019).
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lasthumaninwales · 3 months
My wife is a big fan of "your mum" jokes, but only when they're less body shaming or slut shaming and more just... absurd.
So, a short list of things my wife has implied my mum is:
Antithetical to the concept of socialism
In Boyzone
Wet warm and soapy
Banned on Fridays
Closed on Mondays
200 degrees Kelvin
Perfectly circular
In possession of an infinite number of humps
Immoral, illegal and fattening
The reason the M6 was closed for 3 hours
Equivalent to three GCSEs
Entirely frigid
An abbreviation
A secret menu item
Evocative of something terrible
Also available
The Dread Pirate Roberts
Partly funded by the Welsh Government
Not orange enough and mildly racially insensitive
A hairdressers' car
Explicitly set in Australia
A strange euphemism
At an unnecessarily vertical angle
A very flat curb
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The Arcana HCs: How M6 act when they're sleep deprived
What do you mean? This is his permanent state of functioning, MC, he wouldn't know who he was if he wasn't exhausted
Now give him back his coffee. He wasn't done with that
Julian's version of properly sleep deprived is akin to a normal person's version of "so close to dead they've never felt more alive"
You'll only know he's at the true edge of his exhaustion when his eyebrows reach a new height of bushiness and his pupils dilate to two tiny pinpricks of black in a sea of shaky grey
His normal eye will be so bloodshot that you'll have a hard time telling which one needs an eyepatch over it
Be prepared for the theatre kid plague doctor version of zoomies
Were you hoping to read your book quietly? Not anymore!! Allow him to spice up your story by assigning different voices to your beloved characters and loudly reading them from atop the table
Better yet, watch him vault from the table to the windowsill as he demonstrates the dashing hero's getaway!
The plot takes a turn as the book goes flying into the sink and he continues undaunted, improvising a three person fight scene with the lid off your soup pot and the fire poker
This ends when you either guilt him into bed or he crashes mid-sentence
To say that they don't take well to being sleep-deprived is an understatement. They exist in a constant state of "just rolled out of bed and will happily roll back in." Life revolves around sleeping in
He can lose an hour or two of sleep here and there. It's not even super unusual for him to accidentally stay up into the wee hours of the morning because he got stuck in a curiosity spiral
But they usually make up for it with cat naps through the next day. When that proves impossible, though -
There's no nice way to put it. He's grumpy. Irritable. His tendency to make sarcastic, cutting comments about things he doesn't like increases tenfold
Their hair gets frizzy, the annoyed wrinkles around their eyes could rival an elephant's, and their usual easygoing expression is replaced with a scowl so deeply disgusted by existence that it rivals Muriel's
He doesn't yell or snap - no, he just stumbles through the shop with his hair in his eyes and a random object in his hand (is that a half finished rendering of the Palace carved on a banana peel?)
Be prepared for them to mumble out all kinds of hilarious swear combinations as they give you their real opinion on yesterday's finnicky shop patron. They'll read her outfit to filth
She just gets stressed and depressed
And depending on how bad the deprivation is, slightly panicked
First she gets stuck asleep for literal years. Then after waking up she can't sleep enough, thanks to headaches and nightmares. She's just so done with the discomfort of it all
She also associates you with being able to sleep in a way that is safe and restful, so you're about to become a personal stuffie
If you complain, she'll immediately apologize and leave you to go about your day. Otherwise she doesn't realize what she's doing
You're coming with her. Everywhere
She's either got your arm looped through hers, her hand holding yours, or (depending on your height) your shoulders tucked firmly into her side while she runs her fingers through your hair
She will instinctively tighten her grip on you if you squirm
If she gets too lost in thought while she tries to get her tasks out of the way, she will bodily pick you up and carry you from room to room like an animate teddy bear. You are her comfort item now
Forgets to verbalize her thoughts. The plan is so clear inside her head, no need to pause to enact it
Which is how you ended up plopped on a horse with 0 explanation
Oh dear
His anxiety skyrockets. Sleep is his coping mechanism for an ugly world. Sleep is an escape. And now sleep is ... unavailable???
His personality slowly shifts. Is he still grumpy? Yes, but faster now. Without access to the thing that helps him feel safe, he's full of anxious energy to the point of becoming frantic
Starts obsessively doing everything he can so that sleep is possible again. Is there a lot to get done? move out of the way.
Is it insomnia? He's trying everything from filling the hut with myrrh to making an uncharacteristic march into town so he can raid the shop for remedies while Asra looks on, jaw on the floor
He'll do anything, just let him sleep
Absolutely refuses to have anything to do with alcohol to make him drowsy, though. The same goes for any type of strong sleeping enchantments, medicines, or potions
He wants to maintain control over his body
It was a strange experience to come back after a day out to find the entire hut rearranged, with a borderline manic Muriel pacing the floor and muttering to himself about "something soothing"
Apparently that was you, by the way, you were all he needed. He took one look at you, heaved a sigh of relief, and then dozed off to the sound of you puttering around
For someone who's usually so cheery and on top of things, she gets really mellow and spacey - almost childlike
You will have to repeat yourself up to five times before she's able to process your question and tell you that she moved your shoes to the closet because she needed to sweep earlier
Slow frog blinks, first one eye, and then the other
Keeps putting stuff down where it's not supposed to go and then completely forgetting about them
Why is there a wet bar of soap on her pillow. Why is there a teacup half-buried in the garden. Why is Pepi covered in flour
If the reason for her sleep deprivation is overwork, there's no chance of her getting anything more done until she's had a full eight hours of rest. She physically cannot focus enough
If the reason is just insomnia, she just gets sad. One glance at Pepi curled up into a cute little roll and snoozing in a sunbeam will lead to silent tears pouring down her cheeks and quiet sniffles
Gets so so sweet - she already is, of course, but to a whole new degree. If you bring her a cup of soothing herbal tea, she'll look at you like you're a fairy and whisper "thank you" while she cradles it
A good backrub is usually all she needs to conk out
He values his beauty sleep and he is not happy when he doesn't get it. Do you know what it takes to maintain skin like his??
Loud and cranky but refuses to acknowledge why
He wouldn't feel this lousy just from not getting enough sleep! What are you talking about? This is clearly some kind of foul magic or sickness at work - check his temperature! Is that a fever??
He doesn't need sleep, he needs answers. Who's fault is this? Who does he need to beat up? Leave him alone!
Wait no no no he didn't mean that, don't leave him alone, MC please, he loves you, don't go (note: you haven't moved)
He knows what he needs to do. He needs to hunt down whoever or whatever is causing this misery and force them to put an end to it
It must be some kind of curse. Loud noises hurt his ears, the sun is too bright, his eyes are tired and itchy, his brain is full of fog, his whole body feels slow and heavy, this isn't right!
Maybe this is actually his cue to throw a party - no? Yeah okay, he wasn't really feeling up for one anyways
Which is clearly another symptom of the curse! MC, help him!
You'll have to change tactics and tell him that you'll only be able to help him kill the curse if he falls asleep so you can see his dreams
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fox-daddy · 10 months
Mc x M6 headcannons; 4 facts each ship.
Kyle x Asra
The shop and upstairs is always messy. Neither of them clean, neither of them even think about cleaning until Kyle has no clean clothes and Asra can't find a specific item.
Cleaning day? time to invite Muriel over. Without Muriel keeping an eye on them either Asra or Kyle will take a break and the other will join. Then they'll just stop cleaning.
Since they both have a love language of touch and receiving physical touch lots of cuddles. So many cuddles. Kyle knows the best way to massage Asra's back and Asra knows the best way to scrach Kyle's head.
The bed is overstuffed and covered in blankets and plushies. If Kyle gets a new plushy and hasn't named it Asra will do it themselves. Which is why they have amazing plushies like 'Sir.dragon the third' and 'Sir.dragon the first' dont ask about Sir.dragon the second their gone. 'Watermalone the walrus' and Kyle's favorite 'piggy goat gruff' his piggy bank that looks like a goat. Okay I lied Kyle's favorite is actually 'Emeruled and Ruby a pair of dragons one that's red with green eyes and one that's green with red eyes.
Kyle X Nadia
Oh mah gawh Kyle is tiny. Something she did not expect is how much Kyle actually enjoys being picked up. When alone will occasionally just scoop him up in a hug knowing he enjoys it.
Will get into playful fights about random stuff using logic. I.E does everyone see colour the same way and even if they didn't how would you know?
Will happily share with Nadia something they learned that day, from as insignificant as the fact worms breath through their skin to more intresting ones like the fact a tiger can't purr for the same reason Pepi can't roar. Theirs a bone in the throat that determines if they can roar or purr. Tigers instead make a chuff noise as a greeting... and he's ranting about animals again.
On the occasion they have nothing they have to do no events or people waiting for an important chat. They cuddle on the veranda with a glass of wine and cider. (Cider for Kyle obviously)
Hunter x Muriel
Hunter being touch avoidant at the start and Muriel not being used to touch meant they learned how to navigate normal touch with eachother over time. The biggest test being sharing a bed but Hunter initiating it helped put them at ease.
Hunter isn't the best with animals. Not bad but out of Mc's in general in the lower half. Has been bit, scratched and hissed at by countless animals. Still tries, even when Muriel tells them not to and has the 'I told you face' when Hunter inevitably gets hurt.
After a while Hunter tried to pick up on carving leading to Muriel teaching them how to hold the knife away from them. So they dont accidently cut themselves and slowly lead into him teaching them how it's done.
During those especially rough days the other will do more of the work and offer them some comfort. For when Muriel is having it rough this is usually Hunter giving him some space, sitting nearby but not too close as they get him to show them how to carve again. For when it's Hunter usually it's Muriel making them a warm drink and trying to convince them to go for a walk. Inanna knows during these times not to try and cuddle them.
Hunter x Portia
Bake off? Heck yeah why didn't they think of this soone- HUNTER, NO YOU CAN'T USE TWO CUPS OF VANILLA EXTRACT!!! THAT STUFF IS STRONG AND EXPENSIVE!!! NO! YOU CAN'T BAKE THEM AT 4,000 DIGREES FOR A MINUTE THAT'S NOT HOW THAT WORKS- (needles to say Portia does the cooking.)
They play a game when they can't sleep where Portia points at a scar and they make up the most ridiculous stories. The scar on their arm? Oh right! That was from the time they traveled back in time and punched a T-rex in the face before falling and cutting their arm on a rock.
Play fights. They'll walk away with bruises and laughing as if they had stolen Lucio's golden arm. Portia is hard to knock off her feet but Hunter is hard to keep down once down.
Whenever Hunter has a nightmare Portia will gently sing them back to sleep and whenever Portia can't sleep from stress Hunter returns the favor.
Hunter x Julian
The biggest way they stop eachother from getting in trouble 'sure, only if I can also do that' fastest way for Julian or Hunter to not do something stupid.
Have had at least one drink off that ended in a tie and Asra having to take them both home.
They both have such bad sleeping habits that the only way to get them to sleep is with the other one joining them. Usually this turns into a small argument that either ends with them both staying up or going to bed. Solid 50/50
Despite being touch avoidant at first Julian's constant small touch helped, holding hands turned into linking arms into hugs. For as stern as Hunter can seem they can match Julian's dramatically leaving them both performing a dramatic goodbye outside Mazelinka's house as she drinks her morning drink like
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Bluebell x Lucio
Bluebell is in charge and Lucio knows it but he also knows how to do puppy dog eyes.
Bluebell also has studied medicine and makes sure Lucio is looking after his scar, making sure he isn't overusing his prosthetic, that it isn't hurting any of the skin around it, making sure it isnt hurting, and Lucio isnt complaining about the extra attention on him. Even if he would prefer they were focused on his abs and not the amputation.
Lucio deals with most of if not all the social interactions having a surprisingly good charisma. Bluebell stays nearby to help incase Lucio pisses anyone off but that's rarer than you think when he's only around long enough for business.
Bluebell always finds it hard to leave their clinic to travel around but knows it's in good hands. Always excited to visit. Lucio less so but overtime visiting has helped Lucio's reputation and has helped Bluebell stay away for longer. Also Lucio helps with Bluebell's tendency to overwork and not play enough.
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stanleywbaxton · 2 years
Adventures in Alternative Fashion: The Chavs At Warrington Central
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I don't dress normally.
This isn't something I say out of some need to fish for sympathy. When I'm going somewhere where I care about how I look, I dress head to toe in clothing part of, or adjacent to, the Japanese street fashion style known as 'ouji'. Go look that up for an idea what I look like. One of my favourite descriptions of this I've received was "A 19th century vampire who just discovered what punk is."
So, 'I don't dress normally' is a simple and unshakable fact.
This story takes place on a day I went out for a game dev meet. When I have an event straight after work, I'll go to the office in full regalia instead of the jeans and jumpers I usually wear on casual days. My coworkers, by now, are used to it. I got a lot of compliments on my first couple rounds with it, and nowadays get nods and smiles as my Tripp pants make the kind of noise only emulated by someone trying to walk 15 dogs simultaneously.
"Ah," they probably think, "there's this fucker again."
I really liked what I put together that day, even though the outfit itself was relatively simple. For the style I dress in, at least. Black Roland jacket and my go-to blouse and tie. Black jeans and knee-high laced boots. What I really needed was more jewellery. That would elevate my co-ords, I thought, and posted a picture with caption to some group chats.
That too was rare for me. Most of the time I dress up, look in the mirror, satisfied, and go about my day forgetting I look like this until I'm in the middle of Tesco needing to grab a pint of milk. I was feeling it that day.
I believe this encounter was God's lesson for my vanity.
The meet itself was typical and had no bearing on the encounter. Caught up with some people I'd spoken to before. Got sensory overload and had a breakdown in the bathroom. Returned like nothing had happened and got some CEO's email. The usual.
Warrington has two train stations. Central to get to Liverpool or Manchester, and Bank Quay to fast track to the rest of the country. Between this and the intersection of the M6 and M62 it's a town designed to get out of it as soon as humanly possible.
I'm at Central, as you have assumed from the title, waiting on platform 1. 10pm on a Thursday night, which should adequately set the scene. I'm sat on a bench reading a book on my phone. I forget what. It doesn't matter.
There's a guy sat next to me, who under normal circumstances I wouldn't have given anything more than a second glance to. He's wrapping up a video call with who I assume to be his family, in a language I don't catch. 
I then see two kids walking up the platform. They command it with the exact energy and confidence of 20 year-long career actors on opening night; the world was that platform.
These, my dear reader, are our titular protagonists. Eventually they walk up to me.
Now, when I say "walk up to me", I mean in the specific way that chavs do. You know the way, where walking straight takes several detours that involve kicking at random items on the ground and flailing the arms about in random directions. Never able to stand still, like the floor is covered in fire ants.
This introductory dance is performed, and the chav turns to me:
"Are you a horse rider?"
This was a new one. I've had many descriptions people have used while I'm kitted out. Some of them are genuine questions, some of them light-hearted digs, and others serious attempts to get me, someone who thinks he's never looked hotter while dressed as Dracula's gayer cousin, to be embarrassed that I look like this, and all I find equally hilarious.
"No," I say.
"You don't ride horses? You just look like that?"
The bluntness of my answers is deliberate. I knew how best to deal with an encounter with a chav. Be curt, but not confrontational, and give as few things to pick apart as possible so you can leave the conversation with haste. Preferably, physically.
Leaving wasn't an option. Standing from the bench would have caused a stir, and walking to the other end of the platform would have just made the fruit flies follow the fruit. I could deal with this for the next 10 minutes until the train gets here, I thought. I'd been through worse.
The second chav, a girl, starts chastising the first. Saying how you can't just ask someone why they look like that. Her protests are rebuked, and the chav turns to the man next to me, and cracks out this line:
"If I said you looked like a drug dealer, yeah, with that jacket, you wouldn't be offended would you?"
I feel it's now relevant to mention this guy was Middle Eastern.
He doesn't understand what the chav means by this. I still wonder if that was for better or worse.
A part of me jumped up and wanted to call this out on being blatantly racist, which I unfortunately had to suppress; I was alone and in no position to get into a physical fight, should it escalate. Because what a teenager falls short for in being a teenager, it makes up for in being a teenager.
Then the chav turns to me, and smiles. Hungry.
"What's your pronouns?"
Now hear me, dear reader. I am used to the Chav. I am used to how they conduct themselves and how to respond. The usual jabs. The usual language. The microcosm of how the United Kingdom is failing a significant number of its population.
I did not, under any sun I know, think the Chav could be trans-inclusionary.
So after a brief pause, I give them. Braced? Here's the second punch: "Ah. I'm she/her."
You might notice, dear dear reader, that I have been deliberately sidestepping her pronouns for the entire duration of this writeup. This was intentional to give you the full neck-snapping whiplash I received at this point.
Yes. I assumed she was a teenage boy, the exact ones who think saying slurs makes them 'hard' and spend all their time bullying the weird kids to crush their own latent homosexuality. You probably assumed that, too.
But then, I think. I see what's happening. We're at the critical point in trans rights, where people are well aware enough of pronouns, and thus aware enough to weaponise them. This was a test. If I used 'she', I would suddenly be met with outcry over how she was obviously a boy. If I used 'he' I would be labelled a transphobe. 'They' would have incited offence at not sticking to the binary, and circling myself back into the trap. It's a perfect catch 22, finely constructed with the exact cruelty only those under the age of 16 can procure.
I would have loved to, at this point, taken her word and been completely content those were her actual pronouns. It's a little like how you hate clocking the woman sitting across from you with the husky voice, experimental leap into lady's fashion, and facial hair ground down to the pore and beyond, with the divine revelation that she would kick your ass in Guilty Gear.
I then notice, the other chav who's with her, is referring to her as she.
There's no irony. No "Fuck off, it was a joke." It was a completely serious address that carried no traces of sarcasm.
Those were her actual pronouns.
My worldview getting obliterated in a blender and chucked into the river Mersey was packed neatly into a box labelled "shit to process in about 10 minutes, when I am sat down in an enclosed space alone, such as a train or perhaps a car".
This happens as they are slinging jokes to each other about neopronouns, of their pronouns being fuck/you and eat/shit.
After this is exhausted, she returns to the outfit. She points at me again and says: "So are you emo, or summat? Is that what you are?"
Two for one, that was also a new one. I have absolutely no traces of emo on me, but I also realise there's a generational gap and vocabulary drift. I grew up during the golden age of emos, however, and in a few years will probably be moaning about how no one is using the word correctly.
"I've been called goth," I say, "but I'm just myself."
A tangent I must get out: at another games meet, there was a small pack—or murder, if we'd like to be accurate—of goths. To me, they were Proper Goths, full black, straps and harnesses, piercings, fishnets; there had to be a collection of at least ten pairs of demonias between them. One of them points to me, delight dawning on her face, and proclaims: "One of us! He's one of us!" It's been one of my favourite interactions I've ever had.
Trying to drive that point home seemed to satisfy her, but she wasn't done with me yet.
I blank out part of the conversation from this point, my mind whirling with what the hell I was witnessing. When I tune back in, I hear this:
"He's got drip. Look at his sneakers; he's got drip."
The man is, again, confused by this. After she waters down the compliment, for lack of a better word, to 'I like your shoes', they fist bump.
This is the point where I think no-one is going to believe me when I tell this story.
After more markov chains with the word 'drip' in them, she turns to me, and frowns.
"You don't have drip," she says, shaking her head. "They didn't have drip in old times."
I have absolutely no comeback for this.
Now, letting this situation ferment weeks later, I still have no comeback for this.
...You know that one tweet?
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That one?
It's not even a joke anymore. I have had this happen to me. Someone asked for my pronouns just to declare that I was dripless.
Satisfied, the two chavs leave the platform. They don't get on a train.
There's something to note here. Central has a ticket gate. That means they either jumped the gate to loiter on the platform for a bit, or paid for a ticket to do that.
I am left in silence. The train is still 10 minutes away.
I'm still unsure if the entire encounter took less than 30 seconds or if I was pulled into a black hole by the sheer weight of its absurdity.
There's no way I feel I can adequately wrap this up. It came and went as soon as a train, and left me utterly stunned with an unshakable need to bring this to written word.
It's also funny to think that I was younger, once, wondering how old people couldn't understand how we worked. And yet here I am, writing about my encounter with Those Damn Kids.
The kids, though, made me think. How my own prejudices and experiences as a child morphed how I perceived them. How, even through their own bizarre language and rituals, they wanted to connect with others in their own ways. And how, in the end, the little tranny with 4 years of experience ended up being the one who got schooled.
Yes, it was clunky. It was dripping with desperation of them trying to be whatever media outlets deem is cool for the Youth™ nowadays. But beyond the act of adolescence, there's a genuine and sincere want, and understanding, to be good to others.
I think the kids are alright.
They're still racist, though.
One victory at a time.
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sebastienrobertblr · 2 months
Toujours les mêmes comportements, et les mêmes techniques.
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williamjone · 3 months
GAC Motor Pioneering Innovation in the Automotive Industry
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GAC Motor, a division of GAC Team, has founded itself like a formidable player in the worldwide automotive marketplace. Noted for its dedication to innovation, high-quality, and client fulfillment, GAC Motor offers a various selection of motor vehicles, which includes sedans, SUVs, and MPVs. multi purpose vehicle The business focuses on Innovative exploration and improvement, guaranteeing its products include chopping-edge technological innovation and sustainable techniques.
Enterprise Overview:
GAC Motor, headquartered in Guangzhou, China, is an element from the more substantial GAC Group. The business has a powerful world presence, with functions extending to many nations. GAC Motor's determination to excellence is obvious in its rigorous quality Manage measures, impressive styles, and Sophisticated production processes.
Motor vehicle Lineup:
GAC Motor's item lineup is created to cater to several different shopper requires. The organization gives An array of sedans, SUVs, and MPVs, Just about every equipped with condition-of-the-art options. Important versions include the EMPOW sedan, the GS sequence SUVs, and the GN8 MPV, all of which have acquired optimistic testimonials for his or her overall performance, safety, and dependability.
Technological Improvements:
At the guts of GAC Motor's good results is its emphasis on technological innovation. The organization invests heavily in analysis and development, specializing in clever driving programs, connectivity, and eco-friendly systems. GAC Motor's ADiGO clever driving system exemplifies this motivation, presenting drivers Improved protection, advantage, and performance.
Sustainable Procedures:
GAC Motor is devoted to marketing sustainable mobility answers. The corporate is actively developing electrical and hybrid automobiles, aiming to lessen its carbon footprint and lead to the greener foreseeable future. GAC Motor's dedication to sustainability extends to its generation facilities, which adhere to strict environmental standards.
Customer-Centric Approach:
GAC Motor sites a significant precedence on client gratification. The corporate strives to provide an outstanding possession expertise, from your initial invest in to following-revenue service. GAC Motor's comprehensive warranty programs, responsive consumer assist, and intensive company networks make sure prospects get leading-notch care and support.
Future Prospective customers
Looking forward, GAC Motor aims to carry on its trajectory of development and innovation. The corporate ideas to introduce new designs, improve its technological abilities, and further more broaden its global achieve. By keeping real to its Main values of good quality, innovation, and shopper fulfillment, GAC Motor is well-positioned to accomplish sustained good results from the aggressive automotive sector.
GAC Motor, a subsidiary of Guangzhou Auto Group Co., Ltd. (GAC Group), has emerged as a big participant in the worldwide automotive market. Proven in 2008, GAC Motor has swiftly acquired recognition for its dedication to innovation, high quality, and sustainability. The company’s philosophy revolves all around producing autos that blend slicing-edge technological innovation with exceptional design and efficiency.
Sedans: GAC Motor’s sedan lineup involves versions just like the GA4 and GA8. The GA4 is a compact sedan that mixes sleek design and style with efficient efficiency, rendering it perfect for city commuters. Then again, the GA8 is actually a luxurious sedan that gives Sophisticated features, a spacious interior, and a powerful motor, providing a premium driving knowledge.
SUVs: GAC Motor has made M6 Pro Multi a big impact in the SUV section with products including the GS4, GS5, and GS8. The GS4, a compact SUV, is noted for its trendy structure, State-of-the-art basic safety options, and gas effectiveness. The GS5, a mid-dimension SUV, delivers a wonderful stability of ease and comfort, technological know-how, and performance. The GS8, a complete-dimension SUV, is designed for those looking for luxury and electric power, with its sturdy motor, roomy cabin, and condition-of-the-art features.
MPVs: The GN8 and GN6 are GAC Motor’s flagship MPVs. The GN8 is a luxury MPV that combines elegance with operation, that includes a roomy inside, Innovative entertainment methods, and outstanding security capabilities. The GN6, a far more compact MPV, presents adaptability and practicality, making it perfect for family members and company use.
Electrical Automobiles: GAC Motor is for the forefront of the electrical automobile revolution with types such as the GE3 and Aion sequence. The GE3 is usually a compact electric SUV that provides zero-emission driving, State-of-the-art connectivity features, and amazing assortment. The Aion sequence, including the Aion S and Aion LX, signifies GAC Motor’s dedication to sustainable mobility, that includes chopping-edge battery know-how, autonomous driving abilities, and futuristic style.
Technological Developments:
GAC Motor's dedication to innovation is evident in its ongoing initiatives to combine Sophisticated systems into its autos. The corporation has founded numerous R&D facilities around the world, like in Silicon Valley, Detroit, and Los Angeles, specializing in critical areas like autonomous driving, synthetic intelligence, and new Electrical power systems.
Autonomous Driving: GAC Motor is actively developing autonomous driving systems to reinforce protection and benefit for motorists. The business’s autonomous driving devices are built to manage many driving scenarios, from highway cruising to city targeted visitors, ensuring a seamless and safe driving knowledge.
Artificial Intelligence (AI): AI plays an important purpose in GAC Motor’s eyesight of long run mobility. The organization is incorporating AI-pushed features including Sophisticated driver assistance programs (ADAS), clever infotainment systems, and predictive maintenance, which improve the overall driving expertise and be certain auto longevity.
New Strength Systems: GAC Motor is committed to endorsing sustainable mobility by means of the event of electric and hybrid cars. The corporate’s Superior battery engineering, economical powertrains, and target lowering car or truck emissions are important parts of its strategy to address world environmental difficulties.
Determination to High-quality and Security:
High quality and safety are for the Main of GAC Motor’s producing philosophy. The organization’s cars undertake arduous screening and top quality control procedures to be certain they meet the very best specifications. GAC Motor’s determination to quality is recognized globally, with quite a few awards and accolades for its automobiles.
Worldwide Expansion and Sector Existence:
GAC Motor has actually been increasing its global footprint, with a presence in over 26 international locations and locations, such as the Center East, Southeast Asia, Africa, and South The united states. The business’s strategic deal with Intercontinental marketplaces is driven by its intention to be a globe-class automaker.
Center East: GAC Motor has founded a solid presence in the Middle East, giving A selection of automobiles that cater on the region’s exceptional Choices and driving situations. The corporate’s luxurious SUVs and sedans have been perfectly-acquired, earning a track record for high quality and dependability.
Southeast Asia: In Southeast Asia, GAC Motor has released An array of styles that appeal to both of those urban and rural customers. The organization’s focus on affordability, gas effectiveness, and advanced characteristics has helped it attain a aggressive edge On this dynamic market place.
South America: In South The united states, GAC Motor is fast growing its dealership network and introducing types that cater to local Tastes. The company’s give attention to innovation and top quality has resonated with individuals, resulting in continual advancement In this particular industry.
GAC Motor’s world wide enlargement tactic will involve establishing stronger partnerships, boosting its international existence, and adapting its products and solutions to meet the numerous wants of worldwide customers. By doing this, GAC Motor aims to solidify its posture as a leading worldwide automaker.
GAC Motor’s journey from a relatively new player to the globally regarded automaker is usually a testament to its dedication to excellent, innovation, and sustainability. The corporate’s varied product or service lineup, technological enhancements, and strategic vision for the future placement it for a pioneer from the automotive sector. As GAC Motor proceeds to grow its global presence and embrace new systems, it continues to be dedicated to delivering exceptional motor vehicles that meet up with the evolving demands of individuals globally.
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Why Do Brazilian Clients Choose to Work with Us Even If It Costs an Extra $1,000 When Looking for a Freight Forwarder China Company?
I still remember last week when we had an air shipment to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, that was entrusted to Sunny Worldwide Freight Forwarder China. The client was shipping mobile phone screens and accessories, which are heavy items, making each box quite heavy. The client said the goods were in Guangzhou, meaning they wanted us to provide a solution to ship from Guangzhou to Rio de Janeiro.
At Sunny Worldwide Freight Forwarder China, we have developed three routes to South America: the western route through Europe to America, the southern route, and the eastern route through the United States to America. Of course, the transit times and costs of these routes differ, with the southern route being the cheapest, followed by the route through the United States, and the most expensive being the route through Europe.
The client wanted to explore a mid-range service first because the southern route’s airports don’t have infrastructure as developed as those in Europe and the United States, which can lead to air congestion and less reliable capacity. We checked the airports in Guangzhou, Shenzhen, and some second-tier cities like Xiamen, Chengdu, and Hangzhou, which are continually expanding with many international flights.
We ultimately decided on a solution starting from Guangzhou, transferring domestically to Los Angeles or New York, and then using airlines like M6 or PO for the final leg to Rio de Janeiro. The client was very satisfied because these solutions were painstakingly developed by Sunny Worldwide Freight Forwarder China.
Sunny Worldwide Freight Forwarder China owns regulated warehouses at sea terminals and has signed contracts with three major international shipping companies. As vice president of 13 freight forwarding associations, Sunny Worldwide Freight Forwarder China’s strength in foreign trade logistics is well recognized, and few peers can match our capabilities.
Many situations may seem simple to outsiders, but in reality, we contacted nearly 10 airlines in seven cities before finalizing this solution. We confirmed a transit time within 15 days and also recommended our sea-air solution. As a member of freight forwarder China, we offer various options for our clients.
For instance, Matson Express can reach the Los Angeles port in about 15 days, and from there, air transport can take the goods to various South American countries. This method takes about 20 days, given the sea journey, customs procedures, and reloading at the port, which takes about 15 days, and then another two to three days for clearance and delivery in Brazil. If the client has a flexible timeline, this sea-air solution is viable.
In reality, Sunny Worldwide Freight Forwarder China can offer at least three solutions for each client on the South America route. When quoting, we recommend suitable shipping companies and plans based on the client’s required transit time and cargo value.
Clients should not choose a freight forwarder China based solely on price, as many hidden factors can lead to significant losses. In extreme cases, we’ve encountered freight forwarders running off with the money after taking orders. For example, a client might find a freight forwarder offering $7,000 when the standard rate to Rio de Janeiro is $8,000, thinking they are saving money. But when it’s time to release the goods, they find they can’t contact the forwarder. The shipping company then informs them that the forwarder never paid for the booking. Further investigation reveals that many clients faced the same issue, and the forwarder had already run off with millions. The forwarder’s company had been deregistered long before, indicating premeditation.
Therefore, choosing a freight forwarder China requires careful consideration. Verify that the price is reasonable; if it’s not, you are taking a risk because no one can offer services below cost. Sunny Worldwide Freight Forwarder China uses a self-developed ERP system for inventory management, sharing interfaces and data with clients, a rare feature in China. Sunny Worldwide Freight Forwarder China has its own logistics fleet, unlike small freight forwarders based in urban villages. We operate from an 1800-square-meter Grade A office in Shenzhen’s commercial district, making us one of the few companies in the industry with such facilities. Working with such a freight forwarder China ensures you won’t be deceived.
As a freight forwarder China company with 25 years of experience, we care more about our clients' needs than they do. Our punctuality rate is 99%, barring natural disasters or unforeseen circumstances. If you have international transportation needs, please contact us at [email protected]. We are confident you will be satisfied.
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