important question
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is that his leg
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Saw this format and decided the arcana needs one too. Tried new coloring because I finally accept that I can’t shade even to save my life.
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As much as I love Lucio's route, yes.
It'd be great to se a more complex route with actual multi-level choices to derail him and MC!
if I had the time, energy and skill, I'd really wanna rewrite lucio's route. I feel like I could end up liking lucio a lot as a character if his route played out differently. let him be ruthless! let him be evil! he can and will make mc worse!! yes, he's fucking dumb but he is also prone to violence. he killed his own dad! don't be shy about how fucked up he is, embace it.
god I have so many lucio route ideas. there's no much angst potential and they took it from me to make cookies!!
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If you're wondering why you might have suddenly felt a disturbance, it's because I drew Julian Devorak again
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Julian: [Leaning over the counter] Hey beautiful, come here often?
MC: Is this the part where I remind you we’ve been married for 6 years or do I play along?
Julian: Play along!
MC: Alright. Sorry, I’m not interested, I’m married.
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This is honestly something I love about the Arcana serie. Characters have various ages, and all are quite appropriate for their background: no more "incredibly experienced" 17 yo kids who save the world!
It was honestly liberating, it made me feel I am allowed to age, I don't have to be 22 forever.
the fact that i'm no longer the same age as the protagonists of novels and films i once connected to is so heartbreaking. there was a time when I looked forward to turning their age. i did. and i also outgrew them. i continue to age, but they don't; never will. the immortality of fiction is beautiful, but cruel.
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i know literacy isn’t very common in vesuvia, so how well can the main 6 actually read?
Nadia - exceptionally well Julian - exceptionally well, Lilinka saw to it. Portia - she got a late start, only learning how to read as an adult, but she made up for time lost by devouring murder mystery novels. Asra - his parents taught him how to read when he was very young, before being taken, and he kept reading on his own after. Asra taught Muriel. Lucio - he can write, so he can read. Whether he does read and what he reads, that's a different question...
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Hey, for some reason I can't see any of my blog from the app. Can someone confirm you see my blog correctly?
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I am so desperate for Arcana fandom revival, you can't even imagine
I want the whole tv series with the setting in that fancy world,to see Red Plague period for all characters,I want it all 🥲
I don't hold any hopes for the game itself at this point, but I definitely dream about some interesting lore additions,I would read a book about this universe
I literally just want something to bring this dead horse to life,to be honest
Hopeless dreams, absolutely hopeless
And I miss Julian 💔
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Contrary to popular belief, I think Nadia is quite an obsessive partner. Like, y'all realize that she's in love with MC, right? She won't be like "eww no" when the love of her life asks her for an extra hug in the morning. Yes, she's busy with her Countess duties and she has so much stuff to do. I'm not saying she'd neglect her duties because she definitely wouldn't do that.
BUT. You can't tell me that when they're apart, she doesn't spend every moment of her day thinking about MC. She's signing some silly little papers about shrimp prices while fantasizing about cuddling and kissing them for hours. Put her in a room with literally anyone and she's gonna gush about MC at the first opportunity.
Yes, she's very dutiful. She works her ass of to make Vesuvia a better place. But she's also baby girl and a romantic. If she could choose between working or making out with MC, she'd gladly spend her whole life kissing them.
Also Nadia is hella possessive. She has to have at least a hand on MC whenever it's possible. You belong to her, got it? Anything you do makes her melt.
All this woman wants is to hold and to be held, but life often gets in the way. Please, give her all your love and affection because she craves it.
Nadia spent her entire life dreaming of this love. The entire Lost in Prakra tale proves that, hello??? Don't ignore that.
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I love your take on the story!!!
Honestly I didn't think at all about the consequences of AsraxPortia, given the history they and her brother have, it would have been so so funny.
Also YES, a more vindictive and cautious Julian would have been a better turn of events, while it ends up being a little too easy-silly-oopsiedaisy instead. And DoubleAgentPortia? Brilliant.
I was thinking back to the first time I played The Arcana -2018 or something-. I had some cool theories about the whole murder mistery, I wonder whether to write about it or not... anyway, here they are!
My early guesses about The Arcana
-Nadia killed Lucio to help herself and Vesuvia after the plague affair. He was just too bad of a ruler to be left on the throne, and that was the only way.
-MC killed Lucio, not with the body-stealing thing, but a legit magical murder because he did something bad to Asra, Muriel or Julian. It was so funny that MC was, in fact, the detective and narrator as well. Very Roger Acroyd style, aunt Agatha would have loved it.
-Asra and Portia were going to end up together. They really looked like a cute couple, and I still think they make an awesome ship.
- Julian would have been some serious, actual threat. Not the murderer, really, but a sorta antihero, villain-to-lover thing. Not the cutie patootie, drama queen comic relief (still, I love him as he is).
-MC was the one who put marks on people. This, along with the "I killed Lucio" story, would have made the MC a some kind of ex-villain, or puppeteer at least.
- Muriel was someone who had infos about who killed Lucio. A sort of "silent guardian of truth" who followed around the MC to make sure they wouldn’t do any more bad things.
- Lucio was MC's lover. MC dated him only to get close and then kill him.
Still, I loved the game, but I hoped for something less "cuties-wholesome people who lost their memories" and more like "someone here is kinda of an asshole, and maybe nobody is actually innocent".
Did/do you have any early guesses in the game?
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Saw your early guesses of the game post and oh my god I'm impressed by how you came up with all those conclusions u must've read a lot of books! I couldn't come up with initial ideas on the story ((I also finished Julian's route thinking asra was lucios murdered IDK WHY??))
I also agree on wishing the game leaned more on dark themes. I've never read a visual novel with near perfect characters it feels like a waste not having it rated 18+.
Even some dialogs in the game are a little too mature for PG 13 audience..
Well, I don't think you're wrong, after all Asra DID messed up with Lucio's ritual, and that ended up with his death! Asra is also a kinda gray character deep down, so even a more "direct" murder would have worked.
You have guessed right, I have read an unhealthy amount of Agatha Christie's production, and to be honest I think that Lucio's route would have at least entertained her: the whole [SPOILER]
"It wasn't a murder, I messed up" dropped on the character was an absolute masterpiece of a surprise if you didn't already played other routes.
But when all is said and done, even though The Aracana is a jewel of a free to play game, a darker story would have made it even better.
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I was thinking back to the first time I played The Arcana -2018 or something-. I had some cool theories about the whole murder mistery, I wonder whether to write about it or not... anyway, here they are!
My early guesses about The Arcana
-Nadia killed Lucio to help herself and Vesuvia after the plague affair. He was just too bad of a ruler to be left on the throne, and that was the only way.
-MC killed Lucio, not with the body-stealing thing, but a legit magical murder because he did something bad to Asra, Muriel or Julian. It was so funny that MC was, in fact, the detective and narrator as well. Very Roger Acroyd style, aunt Agatha would have loved it.
-Asra and Portia were going to end up together. They really looked like a cute couple, and I still think they make an awesome ship.
- Julian would have been some serious, actual threat. Not the murderer, really, but a sorta antihero, villain-to-lover thing. Not the cutie patootie, drama queen comic relief (still, I love him as he is).
-MC was the one who put marks on people. This, along with the "I killed Lucio" story, would have made the MC a some kind of ex-villain, or puppeteer at least.
- Muriel was someone who had infos about who killed Lucio. A sort of "silent guardian of truth" who followed around the MC to make sure they wouldn’t do any more bad things.
- Lucio was MC's lover. MC dated him only to get close and then kill him.
Still, I loved the game, but I hoped for something less "cuties-wholesome people who lost their memories" and more like "someone here is kinda of an asshole, and maybe nobody is actually innocent".
Did/do you have any early guesses in the game?
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The Fugitive and The Investigator
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back at it again with Doctor Vivisec- (also that's my arcana oc Elizabeth having a not so fun time)
I need to make more art bc i'm running out of things to post, thank you for appreciating it ToT
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Special for 14 St.Valentine (2021)
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