mobiused · 2 years
How did you find info on the song on the one teaser for yyxy? I cant find anything beyond basic information :(
When you say "info" what do you mean? 'one' is intentionally vague, having the blank brackets and no mv description, so yeah there's no information to "find" really, my own thoughts are just a product of some detective work. Though below I'll go into more detail on my perspective on various aspects of the teaser for you :)
(1.5k of one teaser insanity below)
The book quotes from Douglas Adam's "the restaurant at the end of the universe" [...do what you like guys, oh, but don't eat the apple], which is a sarcastic quote about how God is kind of a dick for pointing out the one thing in Eden that would lead to the fall of man and expect them to resist temptation when he designed them as fallible, basically hinting that god wanted them to bite the apple and get exiled, so real humanity, with all its flaws and temptation and free will could get started, that it was somewhat an inevitability.
I think this links well to exposition from Yves' new mv description:
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It's interesting to think about in terms of the illusion of freedom though, the Christian argument is that Adam and ...Yves chose freely to disobey God, and Yves here argues it's better to "stand up...against that fate", but both God and the serpent - to varying degrees - manipulate and coerce Eve into making her "choice", it wasn't exactly of her own volition. These link to ideas about determinism, with philosophers like Laplace and Leibniz supporting the idea of a clockwork universe. (I was reading this article about it, which coincidentally features the czech clock that is in the 12:00 teaser.)
This contrasts ideas from 'East of Eden', which yyxy are in part inspired by. The central takeaway from the book is the idea of 'timshel' (which isn't actually a real hebrew word), that by the end of the book, Cal (who Olivia Hye is meant to be analogous to) is left with the fact that the ability to be evil, and also the ability to do good, will always be his choice, and he's not like his mother Cathy (who is meant to be analogous to Yves, kind of), and that rather than his father's blessing, which was what he wanted to hear, this fact of timshel is what he needed to hear. Despite all of Cal's badness, impulsiveness and wrongdoings, he always has the choice to turn it around and be a good person again. Idea of timshel explained below
“Don’t you see?” he cried. “The American Standard translation orders men to triumph over sin. . . . The King James translation makes a promise in ‘Thou shalt,’ meaning that men will surely triumph over sin. But the Hebrew word, the word timshel—‘Thou mayest’—that gives a choice. It might be the most important word in the world. That says the way is open. That throws it right back on a man. For if ‘Thou mayest’—it is also true that ‘Thou mayest not.’ Don’t you see?”
So that kind of covers how I feel on the Douglas Adams book reference in relation to yyxy.
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Next up is the 3 virtues and 1 sin:
Yves is faith, Chuu is love, Gowon is hope and Olivia Hye is... anger? Kind of want to strangle bbc for this one!! anger as a translation for 분노 (the word used as the korean translation) is totally busted - 분노 is meant to evoke the idea of wrath, as in the cardinal sin. From the namuwiki page below is a table which shows that even though 분노 can be translated as anger, I think within the context that the other 3 words are biblical, it should be gathered that they're trying to assign Olivia Hye specifically wrath, and not just anger.
As for the other three - faith, love and hope come originally from St. Paul's letter to the Thessalonians, but is most famously repeated in 1 Corinthians 13, most commonly at weddings lol. but I think Thessalonians 1:3 is more pertinent:
"...calling to mind your work of faith and labor of love and endurance in hope"
The letter is St. Paul speaking fondly about the community of Christians in Thessalonica, praising them for their community work (i.e building the city of god is a labor of love). But does this really apply to the girls? The girls are certainly building a community - the whole message of the entire loonaverse is about improving circumstances for all "loonas" around the world, and we're constantly seeing imagery of the "outsiders" (foreigners, queer people, androids, socioculturally outspoken people) finding community after being 'enlightened' to Yves' -- and loona on the whole's -- message.
Yves' loses faith in her God, but gains faith in herself. She becomes an egoist (🧐) and develops faith in areas such as her own performance skills (as discussed briefly in this post) and her mission over all, completely turning her back on God.
To me, the first three girls are "perversions" (for lack of a better word) of these virtues. Augustine of Hippo comments that love is the best out of all three, becuase hope isn't hope if its object is seen, and faith can turn into delusion
Chuu's love for Yves is stalkerish and objectifying as her "fan", and is completely infatuated with, and obedient to her despite knowing very little about her past the image Yves projects. Chuu's love certainly "...bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things" (1 Corinthians 13:7), but we see that her love for Yves (aka love4eva) is to her detriment, as it leads her to freezing to the point of unconsciousness in the Heart Attack MV.
Gowon's hope gets soured once Yves gives her everything she's hoped for. Gowon wanted a future where she was respected, independent, beautiful, unashamed (and so on), and as soon as Yves crowns her, she no longer has to hope for anything, because she just got everything. "You have seen, therefore you have not believed" "For if a man sees a thing, why does he hope for it?"
We know a theme in the loonaverse is that what society/organised religion deems to be a "bad" girl, and what the loona members' opinions of what a "bad" girl should be are two different things - this applies to Olivia hye too right? We see this most clearly in the 'Why Not' lyrics (trimmed to the relevant lyrics):
If those guys are perversions of the virtues, what does that mean for Olivia's wrath? Is she just simply the bringer of wrath, or does she pervert that too, by embodying its opposing virtue of patience, enduring her time in Eden until the right moment comes for her emancipation, and come out stronger? Despite all of Olivia's cathartic burning of objects reminding her of Eden/Yves, do we really see her demonstrate wrath? That is, opposed to righteous, healthy anger, demonstrated in stories such as the Cleansing of the Temple.
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The song theme is (in part) about choosing your own morality, and not letting the traditionalist and reactionary views of others make you waver in those morals, no matter what they say. Olivia may come across like a "bad" girl, but do her actions really reflect a girl who is the embodiment of wrath? This also links to her connection with East of Eden's Cal, who gives off every impression of being a "bad" boy, except its a grey area... Like her symbolic color. Not a coincidence!
Lastly, a look at the German operatic song in the background, where the lyrics line up with the members on screen like from this post, which is kind of unsettlingly cool how well it matches up with the respective characters.
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Yves is the leader, who never discusses her own trauma from Eden.
Chuu secretly longs for a woman who she doesn't truly know, who seems to be(?) unaware of how much she emotionally affects her.
Gowon retreats into religion, and her inner world as an unhealthy(?) coping mechanism similarly to how Aron from East of Eden (though isn't the meadows and stars reminscient of LCM?)
Olivia Hye is so ostracised and pained, we don't even get to even hear about her "heavy pressed heart", as 'she' is silenced before it gets to be articulated.
A lot of people have kind of crackpot theories (just kidding all theories are valid...! ^-^) on what the ending of the 'one' teaser is meant to mean, and the ones about yyxy all being one person, or having DID, or more shit like that. I really think that's a fundemental misunderstanding of what is trying to be conveyed. Cinematically, we see the girls one by one to be shown following in Yves' footsteps, all walking to the same direction, to the same end goal, of eating the apple and leaving Eden.
To me, the teaser is more about Olivia Hye realising at the mirror that her "choice" to eat the fruit was never really a choice at all.
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