sillycyan · 7 months
someone please tell tiktok that maladaptive daydreaming isn’t some quirky hashtag fun thing to have and go through..
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sleepypeaky · 5 years
part 1/2
part 2
Michael gray x fem reader
request: Henloo i'm feeling very sad these days because my parents are always fighting:( could you please write an imagine where the reader has a crush on michael and he already kinda noticed it, but one day she just runs(because she is tired of all of that stuff w parents) away but no one can find her so the shelby bros and him go and try to find her, then michael comforts her♡♡
Warnings: parent fighting, swearing, smoking (idk why i did it but it is what it is)
a/n: im sorry you’re parents are fighting :( mine hate each other sm that theyre never in the same room but i feel your pain. anY way i hope you like this and it makes you feel a lil better . also im making this a 2 parter. so stay tuned!
also lmaoO did i project in this one jkdshgsdkjhg
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You sat on the roof and smoked your cigarette. 
You let out a shaky breath. The screams continued downstairs and carried out through your open window. 
It shouldnt bother you anymore. You should be more than used to it. But each yell cut into you. 
You took a long drag and chucked the end over the rooftop. You turned and closed your window slightly, then went to the edge of the roof and climbed down the barren trellis. 
Not knowing where to go, you allowed yourself to be drawn to the place where people who didnt know where to go went: the garrison. 
Besides the harsh stench of drunk men, you liked the garrison. Many of your friends frequented the place, and you were tied in with the blinders. Also, michael was normally there, which was no bad thing.
You and Michael had an undefined relationship–which is to say, you talked in passing, and you were slightly madly in love with him.
So it helped your shaky nerves when you entered the dark bar to see Michael and Isiah chatting in a booth. Isiah, actually a good friend of yours, gestured for you to sit with them.
“Oi (y/n), what’re you doing out this late? Shouldnt you be studying?”
You shook your head,
“nah, my parents are at it again, i couldnt focus.”
Both boys nodded understandingly.
“Anywayyy,” You changed the subject “I hear life is pretty interesting with you guys, a lot of....action.” Obviously you were implying the rumors of raids and other nefarious doings of the blinders.
Michael chuckled, “Yep, you could say that.”
The night went on, and with more drinks your inhibitions lessened and you felt much freer. Isiah pulled you both up to the dance floor and easily found himself a dancing partner. Sly bastard, you thought. He obviously knew about your crush on michael, and took oh so much pleasure in tormenting you.
You brushed this off and suppressed your glee as you turned to michael for a dance. 
Michael, on the other hand, was more nervous about dancing with you than anything else. He was a horrid dancer, and he didnt want to utterly embarrass himself in front of you.
But it was more casual than he thought, merely a swaying and occasional swish of movement. 
You both refrained from talking, there seemed to be no real need.
After a long while, you both stood outside the doors of the pub. Isiah had exited with you, but obviously had found an ‘enticing offer’ which he didnt intend to refuse. So you and Michael stood in the slight chill alone. 
“Would you like me to walk you home?” Michael said, adding on quickly, “uh –Its just that there are all sorts about at night. Definitely safer if i do.”
You smiled and nodded in thanks, although you both knew you could more than handle it yourself.
He took out a small silver case from his coat pocket and offered you a cigarette, you thanked him and accepted.
“I only smoke because it eases my nerves, you know.” You said quietly as you walked.
“Me too.” Michael grunted. “Also everyone around me constantly does it so i didnt know what else to do.” He added with a slight humor.
You chuckled.
As you approached your house, you listened. It was quiet, they had probably exhausted themselves. You took this as an ok to let michael walk you right to the step.
“Thank you for walking me back.” You said.
“No problem.” He smiled. Before leaving he added,
“Tomorrow me, bonnie, isiah and his girl, are going fishing if you want to join us.”
You grinned. “I’d love to.”
The next day was more fun than you possibly had ever had. You laughed heartily every time isiah failed to catch a fish, and how bonnie was desperately trying to pretend he wasn’t scared of the writhing animals. And Isiah’s girlfriend was as always a very pleasant person to spend time with. Michael was just the cherry on top; and a jolly good fisherman at that. You were out into the dusk before you made your way home.
Even before you reached the steps you could hear the din of their voices, and the grin from your face faded. And they only became louder when you opened the front door.
You walked the hallway into the kitchen where they were. 
“(y/n)!” Came your mother’s voice instantaneously after you entered the room. “Where have you been!?”
Your father growled back at your mom, “Oh dont start..”
And just like that they were fighting again. The shrill level of their voices rang in your ears, building and building until...
“YOU KNOW WHAT!? Fuck this.” You yelled.
You dashed back to the staris and into your room and threw your favorite belongings into a barely used case. You grabbed the jar of coins in you closet and smashed it on the floor, picking through the shards to collect your life savings. Savings that were once meant for college.
You shoved your arms through a heavy down coat and climbed out the window for the last time.
It was pitch dark when you arrived at the door. So dark that even the streetlights barely cut the black, thick air. 
You hesitated, then lifted your fist to the painted wood.
After a minute or two, the door opened.
“I’m sorry,” You said. “I didnt know where else to go.”
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