offtheheezay · 7 years
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This is why you wake up. (click for better quality + more under the cut)
NIGHTMARE / Nocnitsa Magen
Age: 33 Height: 9’8” Weight: 337 lbs Alignment: Neutral evil Gender: [REDACTED] (He/Him) Sexuality: Demiromantic bisexual Intelligence: 7 out of 5 Aggression: 6 out of 5 Role in the house: Resident demonic presence ready to eat someone Personality: He’s around, but nobody really knows who or what he is. He’s secretive and closed-off to anyone but his friends. He has moments where he doesn’t seem like himself, rather more like a ghost, watching and noticing everything. Constantly vigilant, but occasionally has fun with his friends.  He always seems to be plotting something with that box... Relationships: He doesn’t love anyone at the moment.
He likes to lurk around silently and scare people. Very fast and very silent. He has the ability to scape-shift (to change the landscape around him into a completely monochrome, black and white scape / OR he can change the colors to contrasting neon colors (still monochrome) to disorient anyone) and can combine his ability with Nightmare Fredbear’s. He’s a physically formidable opponent as well as a mentally challenging one. BFFs with Nightmare Fredbear,  they love each other so much (even though they face off in the beginning because of something that happens to NIGHTMARE caused by someone plot-relevant ihuaghdflghjbmnbnnnnnnnnnnnnnn) Can tune in to what Phil can hear around him, making it easier for NIGHTMARE to pinpoint his location; which is NOT what you want if you’re hiding from a huge supernatural predator that wants to eat you Psychically connected to Golden Freddy and can influence him. Has the ability to consume anything, and to spit it up later, with the item still being in perfect condition, even alive if it was when it entered.
Edit: The scratches and wounds on his arms and neck and face were caused by a Krokodil-esque, hallucinogenic sleeping drug. This drug was used on Phil by his father, who wanted to test some weird theory on him. It affected the Nightmares’ appearances the most; but the worst was Nocni, who still suffers the ever-present itching of his skin. Nocni was, however, able to use it to bring the other Nightmares (previously just tall, grey beings) to life and make them resemble Phil’s more real fears (his brother and his friends’ masks).
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Pregerant farts
Karts marts, mario
He is a duck
Lord it duck duck lord
Fiesta ya
Now for the headlinf entarce he is doin fhe impossinle
Ful loac the in phosifocal ywah
He he is
His name is paul
Enter now
Shir bitch where is he the fick
Shit beinc idk
Godh darkn emma
Vore you to hell in back
Hewo msr Hiddn?
Whos did?
Im hiddgenns your not me you are
Fool, i ameth the emma! I haveth broughtnyour groceries from thou market once, as well you beith mh professor
Come in younginnn i have very many shotguns
Bam bam
Who is this twink you broughtn along bemmma
Emma: it is my timnk, he is the paul
Yes paul.
Hes a comin?
He has a comin, yes.
Amazinf, come in paul twink lets, booze
Yes! We have all. But first who ist thour?
Thos r my main bitches pronc
Who ist thou? U are purk
Tiddy: I am not
Hiddnr: you are
My shotguns are amazknf, they are gread, singeth the beginning of the rock
The rock?
The mo, sonfeth the moanne now or i will blam blam you heathens down to dimmsdale dimmadome
Moammma wake way
We singeth dost thou mack you happy pronc?
Yes, we will boozeth together and leave the sad kitty woman with her dying bigch
He is not a bitch he is my good man
He is to die, look at his blue shit
His brain shit?
Absolutely, what is this?
Brain shit, good sir.
Ansolurely bemma, you are hromg
/i dont know where sm the boozsee
Charline: So, husband, you are dead
I am lonely bc you are hot and police and will shoot me, not good
Horny, i am. Kittens
I will bring u kittens
Ted no more kittens cops will shoot me
I will eat his brainfs
U hornh fuck lets fuck on a cop car
Be horny do crimez
Not exactly burt i like ur enerhy ted
Paul, before this, went to a coffe shop and ordered some shit. He was like !!!! Big armm there sree small arm out there and amall arm was all
I will sing
Paul was not hallg, he got his coffee, her big bitch got the blue shits. Charlin g an her bichads cop hoe got ran in a truck stop, got pulled obver for honru. Hornh is bamned this is family friendly. Cops are bad but have hands, lots of hands, jazxx hands, manh hands, will shoot.
Back to bemma in ghe crib, Charline dies
But! I easnt to fuck tonn the cop car
U cannot
I wil! U dont me
Ted will me
I will eat ted
Do not
I will
)he east ted
Charline: shife fuck why
He had goot hand, likes jamcnf.
Charline: does he not live?
Shir, he doesn, fuck wahter sd
I will eat u too
I will fuck you on the cop car?
I lied, ill just eat you
Fair enough.
Charline gets mcwrapped in a nugget
We would kinglu appreciate toue deat thank touz
No my god do not death me, bemma is smol but cannot be comtaine, hou will let big arms bemma
Don not
O god you are completley right but let me sinf the entirly of hamiltom
Procnn hiddnr : hamilton!! Fuck hamilton, feic of shir headdass i am the spirit of thomas jefferson and i will kick his ass
Paul: he is tomas jefferson, he will kcik your ass hamilton
Cop: i am not hamilton
Prom: shut to fuck up sing moannna hamiltom
I know all the lyrics
Because you are hamilton
I am not
You are, sinf moanna
I am moanna,
Says who
Says lin
Sing moana
Fine, fuck you bam bam
Paul: shit fuck wow
Charline: yiu will pau but first i am
To sing that one part in phatnom of the popra
Hiddn: literallt shit the fuck up bam
Paul: o fuc they are dead and have a lot of blue shit, so much blie shit. Who will die off the blue shif nexts
Ben: i will
Paul: thats fair, you have a gag daughter tho
Ben: gays are immortla they have swords
Paul: shit bitch you is right, but we have to protect the straights
Ben: you are a noble twonk
We will ride at midnight
Hiddn: do not go
With that twink y’all death
Bemme: timothy shut the fcul up you trick ass bitch
Alic: guess what im dead
Ben: no ur not ur gay and john mulany powers u
Alex: thats true but im sad
Ben: this is not sad times gay, get out
Cels: no, you lieft me and i fell apart i punched the wlal and cried bam bam bam you left me and i changed a part anf set up all that truthfull shit inside so i built a bomb
Ben: you didnnot thats just bmc
Cled: thats not
Ben: wheres the bomb
Cels: you set it off in my heart, friendship is ober with dad now bombs and gays are mh friends now
Ben: shit i fucked up
Pail: we have to go shes emo
Ben: we cannot
Paul: okay well i have a girlfiend with big arms and no will to live back in oklahama and i need to get back to her bc i know she secretly knows moana and will not gide it for long
Ben: resonable
Hiddn: wmma, guess whost
Emma: whT
Ive been singing this whole fucking time
You were not
True, only on the inside
Okay, so?
I am clearly a homozexual
I, i am thomas jefferson
That is untrue you are not tomas jefferson
I am. I will probe it to you
You will not bitch youll ge t the blue gay shit its in the air and tuens the frogs gay
It does not
It reallt doss
Okay shut up you useless futch i will sinf moana
You will not
I will, i am homozesula and must sing moana
Please dont, timothey
Its thimas:
Its not
I will stop your fucking show bitchass
I wll sinf with mh boyfrens
You do not have any boyfriends
Ibigth, i had fove, they were fun
Oh reallt
Yes and id throw pigs around
Thats not reallt
It is, we would through pigs
Ted: i have remateriwalxes
That is: pretty fucking ridiculous
You theough pigs?
Thats fair.
Well, im ted again.
Okay, well you seem pretty interested in my gay musical
Well thats because im not gay
You literallt fucked charline on a cop car
That was one time i mistook her for a twink
You gave her cats
Thats just peak wlw mlm solidarit
True, anyways i was gay once
We know
I theough pigs
We know
I will now summon the souls of my gays
Rise, queens
We rise i am greg
I do theoh pigs
Thats not fuckinf true pigs are large as shit
Okay well were done bein gay so eat out gay blue shit
I will not
Fuck you bitchasd
I will get us out,
I will sing moana, thomas hates moana
Hamilton is moana
O true, so are you just gonna die again or
Yes i will doe
Hello emma
Hellow twink
How are you
Not bad my gay teacher almost gave me the blue shit
Not good
Lets get the fuck out of here
Lets take the plane
Delta airline?
No not fuckinf dasani thag shits bad
Fuck outra here i aint got no moneh bemma
Cop: this time i am green and have more guns
Fuck trans people
I will push you out of this copeted
Do it busdy
Paul pushed the terf armh cop man with lots of hans and he dies
Wow fuck the copters crabsing
Shit fuck their aint not autopilot
Ur the autopilot but your a twink and cant drive
Shit your right
Okah we will crahs
/they crabs
Bemma: shir bfch my leg
Paul: this aint spongebob get up
Emme: i will make out with you
Paul: im not a lesbian
Emma: inwill spir blood as a sacrifice?
Paul: optional
Emma: okay *bloods*
Paul: the sacrifice was not kindly taken but the gods are happy
I am thor
You are a lesbian
I will die for you
You will
Okay lit, have. Agood day
You too paul
The end
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helenarlett-rex · 3 years
So I bring this up because I realize I’ve never really mentioned it before, but it’s something I should probably make known at least once so people don’t get the wrong idea about me... But I don’t really celebrate Thanksgiving as Thanksgiving these days. You know... It seems kind of in bad taste to celebrate the day we are all taught that the Native Americans saved the settlers from starvation and they all became great friends... only to have the reality be that the settlers then turned around started the genocide of millions of Native people, the theft of Native lands, and the relentless assault on Native culture... And I know it may look like I celebrate it, considering I’ve written more than one story themed to it... But if anyone bothered to really pay attention to those, the first one was an excuse to write a subversion of tradition vore story featuring turkeys (I really like turkeys) and the second one was commentary on the above subject which I tried to present in a way that didn’t make the readers feel like I was cramming it down their throats.
That’s not to say I don’t celebrate anything on that day. I just don’t actually celebrate “Thanksgiving.” I have allowed corporate commercialism to claim the holiday and turn it into what it actually is... The Start of Christmas. Because if there is any holiday that deserves to lose its meaning to commercialism then I feel like ‘Betrayal and Murder of Indigenous People Day’ was probably the right choice. I won’t feel sad about that holiday losing its meaning and getting swallowed up by something else.
So for The Start of Christmas I get up on the last Thursday of November and I watch the big parade... Which I know they all call a Thanksgiving day parade, but let’s face it. It’s a Christmas parade. It’s all big companies screaming to be noticed, endless Christmas advertisements, and Santa himself is the grand finale. So I watch that to start getting myself pumped up for Christmas, (because I refuse to get into the Christmas spirit a moment before the parade starts) and then when it’s over my wife and I start getting stuff ready for dinner. We don’t have a Thanksgiving dinner. We don’t have family or anyone over. We don’t even have turkey... We make a traditional Christmas dinner of ham and duck and the usual sides (which usually takes a while to cook so we start on it right after the parade) and then we play video games and watch a movie or something until dinner is ready and my wife and I sit down and have a nice Christmas dinner. Just the two of us. We do the traditional Christmas dinner on “The Start of Christmas” like this because Christmas night is when we go out to the Chinese restaurant like total heathens. =P
Then we pass out in a food coma which which is very much needed because I need the nap before I get back up at some ungodly hour to go out and start my Christmas shopping on Black Friday morning. When I get home from my Black Friday shopping I set up the Christmas tree and then it spends the rest of the month slowly gathering gifts under it and further decorations around it. And since we were too busy sleeping in preparation for the early morning the night before, this is the night when my wife and I start watching whatever weird old Christmas specials we happen to like. (This year I am going to introduce my poor wife to Ralph Bakshi’s Christmas in TatterTown.)
And so that’s how we celebrate The Start of Christmas instead of Thanksgiving. I just felt I should explain that before I wish all of my followers and readers a Happy Start of Christmas!
((Edit: I meant for this to go up on November 25th but I accidentally hit save as draft instead of adding it to my queue. So I guess this is a late Happy Start of Christmas to everyone.))
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ok ok kujo, you heathen, not knowing what VORE is. its basically you see a dude eat another dude but its not like cannibalism but they think its sexy ya got that dolphin man?
Is this some sort of joke? Give me a break that’s disgusting
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dein0nychus · 7 years
The childrens (REALLY LONG POST)
Figured I should make a post abt all my characters, so uh. Here it is! First off there's Moxie, not their real name. They're a big ol dragon with a heart that barely fits in their body. Married to @megafandomfreak's charming tiny latina Olive. Very tall and buff, generally intimidating, but a real sweetheart. They work as an assassin but bartend at a local club on weekends. They can be nasty if you manage to piss them off, so beware. They can also breathe fire and they enjoy cream soda and eat their steak rare like a heathen. (MO-cksi) /// Then there's Moxie's brother, Sergei. Also a dragon, kind of a fuckboy but actually just as charming as he thinks he is. Hella gay, dating a cute mage/priest. Can't fly due to a wing injury. Lives in a trendy apartment in France at the moment but tends to be nomadic. He's a photographer. (Sehr-gay) /// Toulouse, a dapper Frenchman who's actually a demon that eats flesh. Love him. Kinda weird and creepy but a sweetheart if you get on his "Don't eat" list. (Too-loose) /// Lucifer, angsty teenager who's actually literally satan. (Yall know how to pronounce this shit) /// Nebula, strong independent young woman with a gorgeous complexion and a metal arm because of a childhood incident. -Nebula is also a pokemon oc, where she's the adoptive daughter of Hau and Gladion. (Thisun too) /// Sol, scrawny white punk. Hes got cute freckles tho (its 3 letters) /// Rein, the smug snake man. 10' of fuckboy, 28' of snake, 1 ton of actually pretty charming and sweet naga prince. Married to @megafandomfreak's cute faun boy Ezreal. Patron OC of vore tbh (RAIN) /// Ferris, tol soft wolf monster. Short for a giant. (Feh-ris) /// "Tomb", a silent but deadly monster with trust issues. Average giant height. /// Rufe, a quiet anxious cat monster with ghost arms. Affectionatley nicknamed by Roofie by Tomb and Ferris. (Roo-FAY) /// Exo, buff angry alien furry (ECKS-oh) /// Raz, sassy alien furry. (Rahz) /// Lunchbox, soft alien /// Neferet, a small ball python naga.(NEH-fer-et) /// Mae, a wendigo with a shockingly sweet personality and a not so shocking voracious appetite. Works as a gym teacher at a city public school and also does various sorts of underground work /// Arizona, a rough and tumble scorpion monster boy thats the sweetest baby ever
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