pastriibunz · 1 month
heres your letter! i'd rather you private answer this if you do im embarrassed by how gay it is
happy birthday, princess. i know you’ve had a couple rough weeks recently, and im sorry i haven’t been able to do very much for you. i’m sorry last night even happened.
but i can do this. by the time you read this, sotbaw will be done and hopefully fully posted or queued it least. i hope every fic i've written for you this month brought you just a sliver of joy, even if they were all late lol.
this is the only letter i'm writing. i scrapped the other ones because of burnout, but this one was so easy to finish, it barely affected me at all. i’m still not the best letter writer, but i do my best.
you’re incredible. i don't want to talk about kai this whole time, but i think she deserves a mention or two at least. nothing goes unanswered (forever) or unturned when you write, and that shines when you write kai. she’s saved you, i know, but she’s saved me, too, and seeing the way she’s developed over the years (although i've missed almost all of them) is so genuinely amazing. both your drawings and writing come to life around her, no matter the tone. sotbaw would’ve been nothing if not for the little bits you helped out on, and really would’ve been nothing if you hadn’t started it, and boosted me along those first few days, not to mention the fact that you created this.
everything you touch, you improve. from our other friends, to the hatchetfield community, to me, my life, and my writing. nothing i’ve ever seen you do has been less than wonderful, and most things have exceeded even that. 
you’re kind, creative, hilarious and gorgeous. somehow you’ve wormed your way into my heart, and my daily routine in just a few months, and if i have any say, you’ll stay there. from the way you connect to other people, to hearing you sing and read while we’re on call, every moment from you is worth keeping in a locket.
and yes, i mean every single moment. the more time i get with you, the more i believe that there may be a god, and he’s gifted me with the most incredible person in the world.
you’re everything to me. i hope, somehow, i make you even a fraction of how happy you make.
i can’t wait to marry you someday. to see you dancing with your friends, singing at the top of your lungs, dressed in what i’m sure will be the prettiest dress in the world, just for the fact it’ll be yours.
i’ll see you in seattle, with our book on the shelf in our living room.
happy 16th birthday. i hope you enjoy your present. you’re the best friend, and best qpp i could ever have dreamed of, and ever have asked for. here is fic 21 and 22, 
surprise! and finale.
          raspy <2
im. im literally gonna cry
listen. im not the best with words. not when im not talking about kai. but. i really do love you. i think youre the best thing thats ever happened to me. youve made me better. thank you for everything you do. i love you more than anything.
i cant wait to see you. youll be the most gorgeous woman ive ever seen. not that you arent already are. i just feel itll be better in person.
i love you, raspberrysmoon. thank you for loving me.
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chanluster · 3 years
— check in tag!
tagged by @healinghyunjin and @kookings thank u sm!!! except for sunny go fuck urself 
1) why did you choose your url?
oh my fucking god basically you know like ‘lustre’? like sparkles and shit? i thought chan + lustre would be cool cause chan is a glowing boy but i used the british spelling instead and now i sound like a total horndog 💀💀 its the way i didn’t even realise till my friends pointed it out and now i can’t change it yfm but yeh clearly lacking brain cells
2) any side blogs? if you have them, name them and why you have them!
okay so 
gyuluster — my txt account!! ive had it for a while but ive been so dead on there 😭😭 tho i did promise myself that this summer i want to write more content about them so skz im sorry but 💨💨
amorlix — my giffing account!! ive recently gotten into giffing and i love it sm tho i admit it takes up sm of my time 😭 i will try using it more often
i have more but i’m gonna keep them a secret for now 😼😼 most of them are just made to gatekeep usernames LMDOAAO
3) how long have you been on tumblr?
i think it’s defo been more than a year now!! ngl hate it hate tumblr but i love writing too much to let it go so i guess we stuck 😃
4) do you have a queued tag?
no i don’t actually tho i think i should start using it sometime soon
5) why did you start your blog?
i really wanted to get away from wattpad 💀 after writing for bts for so long on there and then completely abandoning them for stray kids it made me realise i needed a fresh start away from there + the writing here is a lot better than i found on wattpad so that’s a huge plus
6) why did you choose your icon?
because felix in that fit is so fine i don’t think i’ll ever recover THE NET THE FUCKING RED NET
7) why did you choose your header?
because jake from enhypen owns me body and soul this man could call me a currymuncher and i’d happily comply ‼️ also him in drunk-dazed studio choom was an 8th wonder of the world
8) what’s your post with most notes?
my 10/10 fic !! my chan fic racked up over 1500 notes and i still haven’t recovered 👁💧👄💧👁 thank you so much for the support guys ❤️❤️
9) how many mutuals do you have?
literally 15 and half of them don’t use tumblr anymore 💀💀 i would love to make friends here but i have major trust issues cause of past experiences LMFAO
10) how many followers do you have?
1750+!! thank you homies omg
11) how many blogs do you follow?
12) how often do you use tumblr each day?
way too much fr like i’m genuinely thinking about writing offline, post and fuck off i’m way too addicted to this hellsite 💀💀
13) did you have a fight/ start another argument with a blog once? who won?
LMAO that shit is so childish if i don’t like someone i just block, unfollow, or keep the grudge stewing within me for months cause i fucking hate confrontation
14) how do you feel about ‘you need to reblog this post?’
if you mean the “reblog this in 10 seconds or spongebob would make a krabby patty out of you” posts then they’re annoying as hell 11 year old me truly thought my mum would die at one point cause i didn’t like them on facebook
15) do you like tag games?
yes i do! they’re really cute but i’m so shit at responding to them so if you do tag me i love u i’m not ignoring u i promise
16) do you like ask games?
yes yes yes!! don’t hesitate to ask me shit i feel like i’m hella isolated on stayblr 💔💔
17) which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
i mean tumblr fame is a scam but i know my desi degen @tyonfs is well known on nct (and well enough to be slandered on a youtube video!! congrats on ur downfall whore😻‼️)
18) do you have a crush on a mutual?
@mocimori i love u ur art and ur lost boy! skz ramblings please know i enjoy listening to ur ideas and would 100% buy ur lip balm if u pitched it to me also ive never gotten over the paris fanart i love u sm
tagging: anyone who wants to do this!!
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springdoy · 4 years
ok so i've been absent for a few months now & only stop by to post my themes, but i think i owe u guys an apology or at least tell u why i kinda disappeared.
tw mentions of anxiety, depression & covid.
i wont go into details cuz i dont want to turn this into a triggering post but ok. ive been suffering from anxiety for i think 7 years now? but it was never that bad. it all started after my mom had a heart attack in the middle of the night (she's healthy now) n it kinda messed up my brain like. .. a lot. n e ways i lost 2 years of college bc of that blah blah so i thought i was better but boi was i wrong. when the pandemic started my anxiety went up and said hi to zeus cuz that bitch was flying that high, but i managed to chill a lil and hold myself together until it got so bad i literally couldn't eat nor drink anything, felt like smth was struck in my throat, my stomach hurt n to top it all i had some chest pains. the first thing i thought was that i had covid and was gonna die soon but my parents took me to the hospital and my lungs were super ok. the next day i thought i was gonna b better but i spent the night up, had the worst case of insomnia ever and started bawling my eyes out cuz i was convinced i was having a heart attack so my mom took me to the er, they did some tests and my heart was healthy af???? thats when the doctor sat me down and told me that what i had was a case of extreme anxiety or smth like that, hypochondria and depression, which i had to be medicated for and he also told me to go see a psychiatrist cuz it was / that / bad. so.. . yeah, i know i dont have to explain myself but i felt guilty for not being active here. ive only been active on my indie cuz i dont feel pressured to always look happy u kno, i guess i just kinda felt like the ina i show here had to always look happy and bubbly and kind. so im really sorry for ghosting u guys and not replying to the ims and asks.
i'm trying to rebrand my whole persona / themes / everything, & quite honestly i miss coding a lot. i have some themes 70% ready to post but im not really happy with them just yet so i'll work harder to make them prettier cuz u guys deserve it. oh and ill try to be more active even if i just fill my blog with queued posts.
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chickenkooks · 7 years
This is!!!!!!!! Wow !!!! I have so many things to say like 1. At the bts concert Jhope was the one who like wrecked my soul (especially bc I got hit by the water he threw from his water bottle) and Jungkook's speech was actually the cutest so I feel you ! 2. Were you at the got7 fanmeet in January or the concert bc I was totally at the fanmeet omg 3. And the block b concert from like a year and a half ago?? That was the first concert I ever went to??? More in the next ask -best friend anon
anonymous asked:
!! Ok !! 4. My own tag??! You’re the sweetest omg 5. I live like an hour away from Chicago!! You’re so close !! 6. I’m so glad you’re such a positive and sweet and nice person bc seeing you respond to all your asks with such sincerity is really refreshing 7. I’m so excited for the preview + tra part 3!!!!! 8. I swear I’ll make a blog that isn’t a personal blog one day so I don’t have to hide myself from irl people anymore -best friend anon (+ my numbering in this list might be totally off oops)
anonymous asked:
Oh wait I totally forgot to mention that I feel like the exact same way you do about Jungkook bc I constantly call him a loser and insult him even though he’s my favorite + one of my closest friends is a Jin stan who lowkey tries to swerve me into his lane all the time but it’s fine everything is fine -best friend anon
1) OMG I KNOW MY FRIEND THAT CAME WITH ME RECORDED J-HOPE THE ENTIRE TIME HES ON FIRE WHEN HES PERFORMING his solo was LIT and omg i know it was so amazing actually being there because u can see accounts of ppl going to a concert but experiencing it urself is another thing entirely!!!!!!! so the fact that chicago’s concert had its own special thing, like the bunny ears n the ment jungkook said JUST for chicago was really nice!!!!!! 
2) i did not actually go to the fanmeet. if i had more money i think i would’ve :-( but its just because i already saw them in concert so i would rather buy 1000 potatoes instead. im sure the fanmeet was fun though!!!! 
4) OMG NO UR THE SWEETEST ahhh i look forward to ur asks so much even though ur on anon i consider u a friend!!!!!! even tho u do not consent :-D
5) AND REALLY OMG ive lived in chicago my entire life and so since most groups go to chicago when they have a us tour i try to go!!!!!! but i secretly pray they dont because i like having money n i wouldnt ever drive to california
6) aw thank you so much!!!!! u guys are so nice to me. i really dont see myself as that nice since i think being kind to ur readers and followers is just what u should do? u guys can always ask me the same question over and over because i do love talking to u guys!!!!!! know that i genuinely mean that
7) I GOT THESE LAST NIGHT AND WAS ACTUALLY UP EDITING THE PART BUT THIS SHOULD POST SOMETIME FRIDAY MORNING but im so excited too to see what u guys think!!!!!! i hope its not disappointing at all!!!!!! it’ll probably be up in a few hours. i think i queued it for like 5 PM CDT?
8) and you honestly dont have to if it makes u uncomfortable!!!!! ofc thats not to say i wouldnt love talking to u privately because i would love to but i never wanna pressure any of u guys to come off anon!!!!! so only if u want to!!!!!!
9) i made this number up for ur third message BUT SAME sometimes i consider myself a jinkook stan because i literally love jin so much??? BUT YEAH IM SURE SOME PEOPLE ARE JUST LIKE “LMAO WHAT A LOSER WHY CANT SHE JUST ADMIT SHE LOVES JUNGKOOK N STOP ACTING LIKE THIS” but when u love someone. n really love someone. u gotta call them an idiot once
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ad1thi · 3 years
tagged by @riotfalling!! this is a pretty long one so i’ve put half of it under the cut so that nobody’s dash is clogged up
1. why did you choose your url?
well, i didn’t really. my parents decided to have a kid after being married for 8 years, my mother wanted a son named Aditya, instead she got me and in a clearly inspired moment called me Adithi - and then 19 years later i had the same inspired moment and made my url ad1thi
2. any side-blogs? if you have them, name them and why you have them
a couple!! @danny-williams is my hawaii 5 o sideblog, @dadd1e is my (sort of dead these days) nsfw blog because i wanted this blog to be sfw, @shah-rukhkhan is my desi sideblog and @dcvidtennants is ostenibly my doctor who sideblog but mainly i just keep it because i don’t want to lose the textposts i have on there
3. how long have you been on tumblr?
since 2018, so three years, i think. i did have an account back in 2015 too but i didnt really understand tumblr then so i don’t count that
4. do you have a queue tag?
i do!! it took a while for me to figure out how queues work but now basically everything i post is queued. its: i picked queue didnt i? which is a reference to a s1 mcdanno moment where Danny tells Steve that he needs to pick better friends (after one of said friends tried to k*ll him) and Steve’s like “Tell me about it, I picked you, didn’t I?” and it’s just a very cute mcdanno moment and it’s very special to my heart
5. why did you start your blog in the first place?
well, this film called Avengers: Infinity War was supposed to come out, and that gave me a lot of emotions, and I needed somewhere to express those emotions, and three years later i’m still here
6. why did you choose your icon/pfp?
I just think Evan Buckley’s neat
7. why did you choose your header?t
Sam and Bucky decided to be very bisexual in s1.6 tfatws and then I asked Isha (@diazalex ) to make this for me
8. what’s your post with the most notes?
I have literally no idea how you would check something like that. Probably some fic or meta of mine. At least, I hope
9. how many mutuals do you have?
uhh I don’t know?? I’m not really on here as much as I used to be, so I don’t really pay attention to stuff like that anymore
10. how many followers do you have?
One of my favourite things about this site is that you dont know how many followers someone else has, so I’m going to keep it that way
11. how many people do you follow?
12. have you ever made a shitpost?
all my posts are shitposts
13. how often do you use tumblr each day?
i used to be on here everyday, but not as much these days. i mainly come on here just to reblog sets and art and stuff about my new hyperfixation
14. did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? who won?
i don’t like discourse, and i dont enjoy getting into fights with people
15. how do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts?
i understand the sentiment, but honestly they’re off putting to me
16. do you like tag games?
a lot!
17. do you like ask games?
when i was more active here, they were some of my favourite things
18. which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
@diazalex, @capfalcon, @favreaus come to mind. im sure ive got more, but these are the mutuals who i feel like a lot to people know across different fandoms
19. do you have a crush on a mutual?
Me and Isha are getting married didn’t you hear? 
20. tags?
@diazalex, @capfalcon, @favreaus, @spiderrpcrker, @irontinystar, @iam93percentstardust and anyone else who wants to do this!!
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pressroom-yahoohk · 4 years
Yahoo Hong Kong debuts the list of top pandemic-related keyword searches
Surgical masks top the list of pandemic-prevention supplies Yoga is the choice of physical & mental exercise for Hong Kongers Air Fryers & air purifiers are must-haves for home quarantine HKTVMALL gains big points for investing 200k into a mask factory Webinars takes the throne in key tools to keep learning at home Netflix & TVB streaming shows claim Top 3 in popular Home Entertainment The Dow Jones & Financial Secretary’s 10k cash handout are the working class’ most frequent searches
As the COVID-19 pandemic prevails, technology has become an essential part of life for health-conscious Hong Kongers, whose digital consumption behavior has seen a drastic change whether in searching for pandemic-prevention supplies, daily essentials or online learning tools. Large populations working from home also resulted in immense demand for streaming services and entertainment, opening up commercial opportunities for businesses big or small. Verizon Media has always prioritized COVID-19 prevention by offering a plethora of trusted online content for everyone to enjoy at home. As a media and search company that amplifies what matters to users most with trust and empathy, Verizon Media’s subsidiary brand Yahoo Hong Kong (www.yahoo.com.hk) has partnered with top-notch service providers to serve Hong Kongers’ needs.  Yahoo Hong Kong has charted the list of top pandemic-related keyword searches to review the topics and entertainment that Hong Kongers are most concerned about.
Yahoo’s keyword search during COVID-19: Top-10 anti-pandemic supplies 1. Surgical masks 2. mask 3. toilet paper 4. bleach 5. hand sanitizer 6, two boxes, thanks 7. ethanol 8. rice 9. hand sanitizer formula 10. sanitizing cotton
Masks in short supply; overnight queues a common sight COVID-19 strikes panic in all of us. Hong Kongers who had experienced the painful lessons of SARS in 2003 were aware of the importance of wearing masks for health protection. Yet their single-use means consumption and demand are massive, urging citizens to spare no effort to queue overnight just to get a box of masks.  Businesses are also sourcing masks from around the world and selling them on social media. As such the comment of "two boxes of masks, thanks" messages flooded the online world, crowning it second place in the list of popular pandemic-prevention supplies.
Toilet paper panic-buy due to rumours of depletion At the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak, a rumour spread online about toilet paper manufacturers switching to producing masks, igniting a wave of panic-buys in the town. Toilet rolls, boxed tissues, kitchen paper, and even sanitary pads were wiped out. Subsequently, the supermarkets clarified that their supply is sufficient and limited purchases to stop panic buys. As such, “snapping up toilet paper” also became one of the top-10 pandemic-prevention search words.
Yahoo’s keyword search during COVID-19: Top 10 products and people for mental and physical well being
1. Yoga 2. Hiking trails 3. Elva Ni 4. Hiking shoes 5. Nintendo Switch Ring Fit 6. Fitness bike 7. Fitness equipment 8. Country Parks 9. Fitness Centres 10. Hiking Gear
Home exercises and yoga gain popularity Self-protection is important, but so is boosting our immune systems against the virus, thus giving birth to the trend of home exercises. Yoga can regulate the entire body, improve blood circulation, promote endocrine balance and release stress. It is easy to get started and can be easily practiced at home, making it the first choice of workout for Hong Kongers! Viewers can also live-stream a yoga or fitness session with KOLs to achieve results while saving big bucks. Yoga KOLs like Elva Ni, as such, have gained popularity.
Suns out and masks off: country parks and hiking trails become new stomping grounds The city is packed with people and has poor air circulation, making nature the next best thing for Hong Kongers to, literally, get a breather sans mask. Therefore, search words like “hiking trails”, “country parks”, “outlying islands” and “hiking gear” gained much traction. Taking to nature is, of course, a healthy option, but please keep the mask on if the trails are crowded.  
Yahoo’s keyword search during COVID-19: Top 10 home appliances 1. Air Fryer 2. Air Purifier 3. Air Cleaner 4. Dehumidifier 5. 5G Mobile Phones 6. Washing Machine 7. PlayStation 5 8. Combination Ovens 9. Bread Maker 10. Ovens
Home-cooked meals go up, as does creativity in the kitchen Eating out is risky so Hong Kongers are inclined to stay home for meals, thus boosting the search for kitchen appliances and tools. Topping the list is the air fryer, which can achieve the same crispy results but with less oil – surely a treat for everyone in the family. Ovens and halogen ovens share the spotlight among couples who’re into making candle-lit dinners or parents wishing to surprise their kids with homemade cakes. After the pandemic, everyone's cooking skills will definitely improve a lot!
Home Appliances go head-to-head with one another & air purifiers claim top 3 Spring humidity is upon us, and dehumidifiers have long been the top-three in years prior; but due to COVID-19, air purifiers became the new winner. Aside from air purifiers for the home, wearable air purifiers are equally popular: this thumb-size device is easy to carry and blocks pollen and PM2.5 pollutants by generation ions. Yet the virus is ubiquitous: aside from air purifiers, we must still beware of personal hygiene, keep our hands clean and wear masks.
Yahoo’s keyword search during COVID-19: Top 10 online shopping platforms 1. HKTVMALL 2. Watsons 3. ParknShop 4. Bonjour 5. Wellcome 6. SaSa 7. Ztore 8. Aeon 9. Carousell 10. Yata
HKTVMALL gains brownie points for investing 200k to make masks   In the beginning of month, HKTVMALL announced the establishment of its mask factory and expects to start selling month-end. Its company’s value climbed to 4.6 billion. Prior to the pandemic, HKTVMALL dispatched two teams to source masks around the world and materials for masks production around Southeast Asia. Its USD 200k investment to build a mask factory has sparked heated discussions online. As the leading online retailer, HKTVMALL has been the go-to for searching daily staples, bleach, rice, toilet paper; it even hired more delivery people when orders started piling up. There is no doubt that HKTVMALL is at first place in the most-searched online shopping platform.
Watsons sells masks online; mascot “WatsBag” rises to fame When Watsons sold masks at its brick and mortar shops, queues piled up at the door. Yet, high demand means lining up overnight may not always be met with success. Some citizens even started arguments with Watsons staff and fellow mask-seekers. As such, the pharmacy moved the reservation process online: at its peak, the system saw 1.49 million people queuing up. During the wait, mascot WatsBag (a green shopping bag) entertains those in the queue with comical expressions and dialogue that soon became inspiration to derivative work and Whatsapp stickers designed by creative netizens. Soon after, Watsons released WatsBag’s life story and other family members in a series of peripheral products for sale. Some WatsBag’s nicknames have also made it to Yahoo’s top-three searches.
ParknShop shines during Home Quarantine As the plague of COVID-19 drags on, the majority of the public remains indoors, but daily staples and foods still need to be replenished. And for that, Hong Kongers prefer heading to CK Hutchison Holdings’ ParknShop headed by tycoon Li Ka-shing. Many supermarkets’ online platforms are, too, grasping onto this business opportunity as they see overwhelming orders. While we enjoy the convenience of deliveries, we should also be thankful for the people who are braving the pandemic to bring these goods to our doorsteps.
Yahoo’s keyword search during COVID-19: Top 10 learning-at-home tools 1. Zoom 2. eClass 3. iPad 4. Kindle 5. pagamo 6. Phonics 7. eLearning 8. happypama 9. TEDEd 10. Lego Steam
Learning Online is Packed with Fun Though schools are under suspension, learning never stops but has instead shifted to online education. Online conference platforms feature screen-sharing functions so lecturers can share learning materials while teaching, offering a much more engaging experience than rote learning. Conferences are two-ways, and incidents of students accidently leaving on the microphone have caused a raucous. Zoom – a platform more common among students – topped the list of 10 most popular searches in the “learning at home” category.
Learn at home with the help of Technology For parents, school suspensions and executing classes at home are big headaches. Fortunately, a number of schools are using the eClass learning platform to share electronic learning materials. Students need only log into the eClass system to access their assignments so as to learn at their own pace and time at home even under class-suspension. As such, PaGamO, Happy PAMA, and other target-oriented, online self-learning platforms stand out from the crowd and made it to the Top 10 most popular searches in the “learning at home” category.
Yahoo’s keyword search during COVID-19: Top 10 home entertainments 1. Crash Landing on You 2. Joy of Life 3. Forensic Heroes IV 4. Three Lives, Three Worlds, The Pillow Book 5. Itaewon Class 6. The Dripping Sauce 7. Kingdom 8. Someday Or One Day 9. Parasite 10. Running Man
When it comes to binge-watching at home, Korean dramas are the go-to Until a cure is available for COVID-19, medical staff highly recommend the public to stay home, and the best way to kill time? Binge-watching shows. “Crash Landing on You” by Netflix tells of a girl from an upper-class family and her adventures in North Korea after she accidentally paraglided into the country. During her stay, she falls in love with the captain of the North Korean Special Forces in a romantic tale that has mesmerized the young generation, making it the most-searched show. Second and third places are TVB’s primetime shows, “Joy of Life” and “Forensic Heroes IV”. The binge-worthy “Joy of Life”, produced in Mainland China, illustrates a mysterious, good-looking man who makes a legend out of himself. “Forensic Heroes IV”, on the other hand, is the brainchild of esteemed producer Mui Siu-Ching and has reached new heights in viewership of 40-plus points.
Yahoo’s keyword search during COVID-19: Top 10 finance-related keywords 1. Dow Jones Industrial Average 2. Financial Secretary Budget 3. 10k cash handout 4. RMB exchange rate 5. Yen to HKD 6. Anti-epidemic Fund 7. Australian Dollar 8. Hong Kong Dollar Fixed Deposit 9. Community Care Fund 10. Pounds to HKD
US Stock market plummets, worst performance in 30 years No country is free from the wrath of COVID-19. As situations worsen in the United States, businesses and corporations have been forced to come to a halt. Three major stock indexes plummeted, of which the Dow recorded the largest quarterly decline since 1987, hovering at 15293 points, making this the headline search item.  
Financial Secretary’s 10K cash handout encourage spending Financial Secretary Paul Chan Mo-Po announced in February the 2020-21 Budget composed of a number of bailout features, of which the 10k cash handout to all Hong Kong permanent citizens aged 18 or above has received the most attention. This scheme is believed to benefit more than 7 million Hong Kongers both living in the city and overseas. In such economic turmoil, the cash handout will surely lessen citizens’ financial pressure and encourage spending. Hong Kongers can apply for the 10K cash hand out scheme in July via online and paper forms and receive the money as early as August.
Co-head of APAC, Verizon Media Mr. Rico Chan says, “As a trusted media partner of Hong Kongers, Yahoo has been walking alongside people of this city for the past 20 years. Under the plague of COVID-19 and daily surges of news and updates on the pandemic, we are on an information overload. Yahoo Hong Kong continues to stand with Hong Kong with a Combating COVID-19 live log and website featuring unbiased, accurate and real-time information. Aside from trusted sources of information, Yahoo Hong Kong also lends a helping hand during these challenging times to source masks and sanitizing supplies from around the world and making them available to our members via the Yahoo App.  In lieu of school closure, we also launch an all-new online learning hub (Yahoo Kids Up) that amalgamates reputable self-learning channels to offer students at home premium content and support within the confines of their homes.  With faith, Yahoo will stand strong with Hong Kongers to overcome this pandemic.”
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