#Ian Duncan x self insert
turkeysandwich · 2 years
Ian Duncan x Original Male Character
Read here on ao3
Chapter 2/?
Read chapter 1 here
“Fuck.. it’s monday right?” Alex groaned out, his voice groggy and clouded with sleepiness, he knew it was monday but he just needed confirmation.
“That it is, you want coffee?” Ian replied confusingly chipper compared to Alex.
“No, I hate coffee.” Alex got up, it was a monday, his usual testosterone injection day, so he grabbed the small black box that held his clean needles, alcohol wipes, and bottle of testosterone.
He walked over to the small end table and inched up his shorts to a clean space on his middle thigh, ripping open a packet of alcohol wipes and rubbing his planned injection sight. He opened a fresh needle and inserted it into the testosterone, getting his perfect amount.
Alex looked over and realized he forgot to grab the colorful bandaids he threw into a cabinet in the kitchen.
“Hey, would you grab the bandaids? I think they’re in the cabinet above the oven.” Alex said almost the second he pricked himself with the needle, cringing a bit at the spike of pain.
“Sure, would you want any…” Ian stopped, seeing a very much out of context scene that first struck confusion, then fear. “Dear lord! What the fuck do you think your doing!? You’re a teacher for Christ's sake!”
“I’m taking testosterone? … Because I’m trans? Did you think I was doing fucking heroin!?” Alex could almost laugh at the absurdity of this situation, but he quickly got back to trying to explain the situation, of course he forgot he wasn’t yet out to Ian.
“Well, evidently yeah!” Ian almost shouted, heart still racing from the initial shock “Why didn’t you warn me about this?”
“I’ll be honest I forgot to warn you, I’m just that tired.” Alex took the needle out and winced. “Those bandages?”
Ian threw him the pack of bandaids and went back to brewing his coffee, Alex stepped into the bathroom with a bundle of clothes and got ready for the day ahead. He stepped back out with a simple outfit of converse, jeans, and a button up shirt over a black long-sleeve shirt, he had left the majority of his very few hoodies and sweaters in texas.
“Well.” Ian broke the silence that filled the apartment. “I guess since we’re both coming out I figure I should say I’m bisexual.”
“Oh, cool.” He stuttered a bit over his words. “I’m pan myself.”
Another few seconds of silence where they simply stood doing whatever they were preoccupied with. “You wanna help me put up my flags later?”
He noticed it had been just before the time he regularly left so all he did was grab a protein bar and figured he would dip into the stash of snacks he kept in his classroom. He met Ian at the door, apparently the two had classes and lunch break at about the same time, the only reason they hadn’t met before was that Alex ate lunch in his classroom with a group of students and a few teachers he was friends with.
Alex opened the door, stepped out, and was met with a surprise, see, the apartment complex had been built so it had an open hallway, meaning it was open to the outdoors almost entirely. Thing is it was almost freezing that day, two celsius to be exact.
“Fucking christ.” he cussed, slamming the door back in and turned over to Ian. “Damn, it is cold out there.” 
“Oh yeah, Isn’t it about two or three degrees?” Ian replied, being met with a very confused face from Alex. “Right, America, That would be about 35 fahrenheit?” 
“I think, it's just way too cold for me, Left all my warm clothes in texas.” He groaned, looking down at his pathetic excuse for winter clothing. “Well the walk to fine arts hall is going to be hell.”
“Here.” Ian grabbed a tan trenchcoat off a hanger by the door, he was already wearing a sweater over his button up with a tie, over that was a simple windbreaker. “Take this until you get a new jacket.”
“Thanks.” Alex blushed a bit and threw the jacket on, the sleeves hung just over his hands and it felt roomy on his chest. “Let's go, I think the fine arts hall is fairly close to the psych hall.”
The two stepped out the door together, keeping up easy conversation while they tried their very hardest to not look at each other too much. 
“You know, I think I just realized something.” Ian said. “You’re the only person I know who actually calls me Ian, everyone else calls me Duncan.”
“Why do they call you Duncan?” Alex asked, somewhat confused, why would they call him by his last name?
“I think it’s because I started calling Jeff Winger ‘Winger’ and he called me ‘Duncan’ and it stuck I guess.” He explained.
“Well.” Alex shrugged. “I think Ian suits you well.”
“Then Alex suits you well too,” Ian smirked. “Luna.” Alex looked over and rolled his eyes at the stupid nickname.
“Don't call me Luna and I won't call you Duncan.” He retorted. “Do we have a deal?”
“I can’t make any promises.” Ian laughed as Alex shook his head. “But I’ll restrain myself from nicknaming you.” 
“Cheeky British fuck.” Alex held himself from pushing the taller man into a puddle of slush and dirt.
They eventually parted ways and Alex reached the classroom, the second he entered, he turned on the heater. He set up a few easels and pallets, it was more of a painting class after all, the first few students arrived at around eight thirty, and the last arrived just after the bell rang at nine.
His first period was always the most popular, he put his own music on shuffle and most of the students at Greendale liked starting their day in a relaxing atmosphere. His favorite few students walked in, all trailing behind each other; Abed, Troy, and Annie, to be exact. He liked all of them for different reasons though.
Annie, he liked for the fact she always turned in assignments on time, and would sometimes stay and help Alex clean the messy art room. Troy had a great sense of humor, and was a funny addition to the class. Abed was definitely the best artist of the friend group, mainly focusing his abstract skills into his paintings, although any time Alex quoted a movie, Abed took it as an invitation to reenact the whole scene.
He started the class easy and he ended the class easy, he started with a short lecture about lighting and an instruction, the rest was spent painting and totally not Alex passing the time by playing solitaire on his computer.
The bell rang and all students started walking out the classroom, all except for three, his three favorites.
“Hey Mr. Luna, me, Annie and Troy have been talking, and we’ve come to the conclusion that we all recognize that jacket.” Abed pointed at what Alex was wearing as Alex looked down and back up again. “Ian Duncan right? I would say that's a tv trope and we’ve entered a romantic arc but I think we’ve got a fanfic on our hands.”
Alex paused, and turned to Troy and Annie, apparently Abed’s best friends. “Is there maybe a therapist of his I should be calling?”
“Last time he did this, we got Duncan but it didn’t go very well.” Annie explained.
“Professor Duncan to you Annie, you're still a student.” Alex corrected. “And Ian and I are not dating, sorry to let you down, now get to class.”
“Whatever helps you sleep at night, sir” Abed said, already half out the door. “But just know, if I did predict you two, you owe me.” 
Alex shrugged and chuckled at Abed’s antics, he grabbed one of the bags of chips he kept in a hidden compartment under his desk and started munching, and thinking.
Maybe Ian wasn't so hard on the eyes anyways.
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turkeysandwich · 2 years
One Bed
Ian Duncan x Original Male Character
Read here on ao3
Chapter 1/?
“Oh you’ve got to be fucking kidding me, a single shared dorm!?” Alex shouted the second he was sure no one could hear him from the comfort of his car, he had just gotten done with the twice-monthly teacher meeting with the dean.
Apparently the school had been having a shortage of dorms, which aligned terribly with Alex not being able to find a proper apartment in Greendale's county. So of fucking course he had to endure yet another one of the cheap rug pulls of Greendale, Just two and a half more years of this hell, then I’ll be at SCAD, I can do this. He thought to himself, it had always been his dream to be a teacher at the one school he wanted to go to, but never could.
Years before he ever was ever considering being a teacher, he had attended Greendale along with his brother, graduating with a bachelor and going through teaching prep a small while later.
A few years of being a commission artist, and doing random freelance jobs, briefly moving back down to texas for a few years. After doing fuck all for that time, Greendale had contacted Alex asking him to come back and teach art three for a few years, which as he was told, would look great on a resume.
And this was how Alexander N. Luna ended up in an old pickup truck gripping his phone so hard that he was sure it would crumble in his hand at any moment. Dean Pelton had been taking his sweet time delivering the email that told the teachers their new dormitory and teacher that would be rooming with them.
Alex simply took a deep breath before he turned the key and turned on the pick up, supposedly they had two days before they moved into the new dorm. Might as well just pack it all up now and get that off their hands, he figured he would just get his dinner from some random store he found while scouting the area. Mexican sounded good to him, therefore, he pulled out his teacher assigned parking space, and started on a path to the nearest restaurant he could find that served good tacos.
Alex seemingly never broke the habit of announcing when he got home, even when it was to no one. He figured he should get started packing, and that started with taking down all his wall art and putting them into the cardboard boxes that he moved in with half a year ago. He started carefully taking down the band posters that scattered his walls, even his newest DOOM poster came off easy, next came off his two flags, one pan and the other trans.
He then packed up his computer before falling into his rickety bed, he picked up his phone and went straight to email, he crossed his fingers and looked in his inbox, he opened the newest one he saw.
Hello Mr.Luna, Thank you for complying with this newest change, you will be sharing dormitory #323 with Prof. Ian Duncan, have a great day, and remember to be fully moved into your dorm by Monday!
Alex had heard of Ian before, never actually meeting him; he was infamous for something he called the Duncan principle, apparently he had been a student at Greendale about the same time as Alex.
Alex woke up late that saturday, figuring it was his last full day in his old dorm he got up, made himself breakfast and went right back to packing up all his things, he thought his roots were getting worse and worse so he took a trip to the nearest Sally beauty to pick up bleach and a new color of hair dye, intending to use it some time next week.
Yet again he grabbed a monster and mustered up the energy to pack more and put all his things in boxes, figuring he would leave some food for the new students moving into the dorm. He checked the clock; it read six-thirty so he made himself dinner, he looked in his fridge, pasta for one seemed obtainable.
He woke up that Sunday surrounded by boxes and a suitcase. He got up, made himself tea and got to putting everything in his car. He drove a few miles to the dorm complex over, and took a deep breath, hopefully his new roommate wasn’t loud or annoying.
Alex groaned as he picked up a box, trying to crack the problematic places on his back, he carried the box up to room #323, he climbed the stairs and tried his very best to not fall down the stairs. He looked around the hallway and tried to find the dorm number, he saw a few teachers he recognized all equally annoyed.
He spotted his dorm and checked his phone, looks like he might be running fashionably late. He saw someone leaning against the wall and nervously checking a wrist watch. Almost the second he saw Alex his mood brightened and he waved him over.
“Hello there! Alexander Luna, right!?” He said in a shockingly British accent, shooting a hand out to shake, taken aback by the accent Alex stopped in place.
“Ian Duncan, you can call me Alex by the way?” Alex shook his hand, being let into the dorm by the taller man, he looked around the exceedingly small, one-room dorm, and immediately noticed something that stood out to him.
“Oh my God…”
“One. Bed.”
The layout of the dorm went like so; a compact kitchen to the left, shifting into carpet the floor was covered by a single loveseat in front of a tv stand that already had one as supplied by Ian, to the side of the seat was a single bed that was in a corner, mirroring a window, a door to a small bathroom sat opposite to the bed.
“Yeah…” Ian cringed, who had already taken a look through the dorm. “I would offer you to sleep on the floor or the couch, but all we have is a loveseat and no floor space.”
“Just don’t do anything too gay.” Alex gave a pitiful laugh and put a box on the table, seeing Ian had already majorly moved in. “I get up pretty late, you take the outer side, I’ll take the one next to the window.”
“Yeah, sure.” He said, a blush rising across his face. “I guess I should help you move in huh?”
“It would be much appreciated.” Alex smiled, letting a slight Texas drawl seep through his words. “Please and thank you.”
Alex walked out the room, Ian treading quick behind him.
“So you're southern huh?” He asked, looking at the boxes sprawled across the bed of Alex’s truck.
“Yes I am, grew up on a longhorn ranch in Texas.” Alex answered, sliding two boxes towards himself and two more to Ian. “I can get these two, you're too scrawny to carry these.”
“Hey!” Ian sounded offended but the tone quickly wore off. “You’re probably right but that still hurts, I can carry shit.”
The two continued their strange banter bringing in the boxes that cluttered the bed of Alex’s truck, maybe Ian had been purposely stalling his time by grabbing less boxes each time.
“So that's the last box, you got anything left in your truck?” Alex shut the door to their dorm.
“Just a few things but you're going to have to promise to not make fun of my car.” Ian sighed, signaling Alex to follow him
The two walked down to Ian’s car, Alex following Ian quickly, Alex had been trying to crack Ian, question after question along the lines of what car do you have? When the pair arrived at the car, Alex really had a sight to behold.
“Well… that is certainly… a car?” Alex giggled. “Do you even have a trunk?”
“No, I had to make two trips.” He admitted, opening the door and grabbing one of the milk crates full of books, mugs and random trinkets he couldn't place.
The two yet again went about their day, both moving into the tiny apartment best they could, Alex had put up almost all his wall art, he hadn't known Ian for long enough just to put up his flags.
“I’ll cook you clean?” Alex offered, both men had grown hungry.
“Sure.” Ian said. “I’m a great housewife.” Making Alex giggle.
The two cooked, ate, and cleaned together, trying to prepare themselves for the awkward night ahead. When the time eventually rolled around, it was Alex who first crashed into bed, falling asleep almost immediately. Ian needed to get done with the grades he had been putting off, but when he eventually crawled into bed with an already sleeping Alex, he couldn't help but get butterflies. If only he could reach over and touch him.
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