#Ichigo speed blitzed Tousen and killed him XD
iamumbra195 · 11 months
Random Snippet from my What if AU: Rukia was killed in the Soul Society after Aizen removed the Hogyoku from her?
Summary: Ichigo deals with the aftermath of failing to save a friend and has a conversation with our favorite Visored
Ichigo stared at the bloodied and bruised man beneath him, maddening rage and the uncontrollable need to hurt someone still roaring in his mind as he sucked in a few painful breaths. There was blood soaking his torn shirt from where the fucker had managed to get a lucky hit with his switch before Ichigo knocked it away.
The woman the man had been groping was long gone and evidently hadn’t bothered to call the police or anything since Ichigo had been there for quite some time and he didn’t hear any sirens.
Not that Ichigo was going to call them. The man deserved every ounce of pain he had inflicted on him. If he wanted to go to the police or the hospital, he could do it himself and explain how it happened since they were more likely to try and arrest Ichigo for being a ‘delinquent’.
Ichigo took a deep breath before making his way back to where he had tossed his backpack, scowling at a woman who gasped at the sight of him and ran away. His side ached as he rummaged through his bag for a jacket and threw it over.
“You know, he might die if you leave him like that,” a now familiar voice commented mildly and Ichigo wheeled around, glaring at the blond who was continually intruding on his life from where he was perched on the fence.
“Yeah? Well, good for him. One less creep to deal with,” he spat, his lips pulling into a sneer.
Hirako tilted his head, still watching Ichigo with that unreadable look on his face that the redhead desperately wanted to punch off. “You know–”
Ichigo’s scowl deepened before he cut the man off. “If you say a word about my inner Hollow driving me insane, I’ll fucking kill you. I told you to leave me alone. I don’t care if you think I’m insane.”
Hirako laughed humourlessly. “Oh, I don’t think anything. I know you’re insane. Breaking into the Soul Society with three other kids and a cat for a girl you’ve known for two months and taking on several captains and seated officers.”
Ichigo faltered, shoulders drawing into a tense line. “Shut up. Don’t talk about her.”
Hirako paused for a moment before sighing heavily and jumping off the fence and landing lightly on his feet. “Look, kid. I’m not nagging you about this as much as I should because I get what you’re going through. But Aizen’s coming for you and coming for everyone. You’re scared of using your Bankai because you lost control the last time you used it and you’re scared it’s gonna happen again. You need to get that Hollow under control before it starts controlling you. You’ve noticed it, your family has noticed it. And we’re the only ones who can help you with that since we’ve dealt with it for over a century.” His gaze darkened and something like fear slithered in Ichigo’s gut. “Because if you don’t get it under control and become a danger to everyone, believe me, I will kill you.”
Black crept into Hirako’s sclera and for a moment, Ichigo couldn’t breathe, crushed under the weight of the blond’s reiatsu. For a moment, it felt like he was fighting Kenpachi all over again.
The feeling subsided just a second later and Hirako leaned back on his heel, his expression still almost unnervingly serious as he observed Ichigo.
“But that isn’t something I want to do. Pick your options,” he said simply before his mouth quirked into his usual smile, if a little more subdued, and he gestured towards Ichigo’s now hidden injury. “And get that checked out.”
Then he was gone and Ichigo was left to his own thoughts.
It was easy, temptingly easy to let the Hollow take control because most days all he could feel was anger or numbness. Killing Tousen hadn’t made him feel anything because it wasn’t enough. He wanted to kill Aizen for taking away Rukia just when Ichigo had finally managed to save her. He wanted to hurt all the Captains who had stood by and done nothing, remaining blind to Aizen’s machinations because it was their fault Rukia was dead.
But Rukia would’ve hated him if he allowed himself to be consumed by his own anger and desire for retribution and Ichigo didn’t want to taint his memory of her with his own delusions. He should’ve been strong enough to protect her, save her like she saved him.
But he wasn’t and she paid the price for it.
Hirako, no matter how much Ichigo didn’t like him, was offering him a chance to get stronger and get control of his abilities so he could use them to avenge Rukia and stop Aizen from hurting anyone else.
There wasn’t really much to think about.
Over my deepest flesh
There is something I hide behind my smile
Ever since my suffering started
At first, it's too hard to pretend
that everything's alright and I'm taught that
if I can't manage to keep this thing inside
everything will remain miserable
My faith, hope, love, or even everything I own
will eventually be void by this thing and
turn everything into guilt and hatred
that I never ever wanted to feel
Because I have already done with that side
But it keeps pursuing behind
I've to resist this dark side
Before it turns my way again to its glide
The side that I hated most
Is always inside trying countless attempts
to bring me in the bottomless hole
Just like a cave that has no escape
Or an illness that has no cure
It's always there waiting for your weakest days
When everyone turns back on you
When everyone judges you
And when everyone blames you
The calling of that Dark side you always tried to blur
That's whispering "Revenged"
- Unknown
This poem felt like it suited Ichigo
There will probably be a gracious amount of Shinji in this AU if I ever get around to writing it. I love his and Ichigo’s relationship in canon and the fact tht he continuously calls Ichigo out on his bullshit while remaining a loyal friend/mentor/weird uncle
I wish we got more of them because Shinji had so much potential but apparently he gets sidelined  so often and him and the Visored not using their hollow masks against the Quincy is such bullshit, especially after the other captain somewhat hollowfied themselves in order to gain their bankai and Visored already had hollow reiatsu imbedded into their soul making it so that the Quincy couldn’t steal their bankai like wtf???
Central 46 can take their dumb ass laws and shove them up their asses because the visored deserved better
all of my favourite characters get sidelined so much :(
Ichigo has so much beef with Kisuke in this AU it’s actually hilarious 
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