#Ichiro wanting a loving family vs Akane wanting a stable one
waiting-on-a-dream ยท 7 months
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1. How do you feel about your victim being in Milgram?
Ichiro: I wish he'd stop crying.
Akane: He beat me when I woke up, what do you think?
2. A good memory with your victim?
Ichiro: I once kept him entertained for a good 10 minutes by hitting a pack of wet tissues.
Akane: A few months after my mom died, he took me to a summer festival. He still drank, but it wasn't so bad. It was fun.
3. Why did you kill?
Ichiro: He would have been better off dead.
Akane: It was a heat of the moment thing. I was so angry.
4. What do you remember about your mother?
Ichiro: She always smiled but it wasn't always happy.
Akane: I think she would read me bedtime stories
5. What was the one thing absent in your family?
Ichiro: Being there for each other maybe?
Akane: Money
6. What is a perfect family to you?
Ichiro: One that loves each other.
Akane: A stable and supportive one
7. Is there someone you want to see right now?
Ichiro: Mom.
Akane: My mother
8. If you could have a superpower, what would you want it to be?
Ichiro: Shapeshifting.
Akane: Invisibility
9. What makes you feel safe?
Ichiro: Being in my room. No one ever comes in.
Akane: The convenience store near my house. No one looks at me and I can eat ice cream or something in peace.
10. Do you have a future dream?
Ichiro: It'd be interesting to meet my dad again.
Akane: Just to live a normal and happy life
11. Where do you want to go if you're able to get out?
Ichiro: Home.
Akane: The convenience store near my house, if its still there.
12. The most expensive thing you've ever bought?
Ichiro: A pack of Sharpies.
Akane: Overpriced ice cream
13. Do you think you deserve forgiveness?
Ichiro: Perhaps not. I only want a certain someone to forgive me.
Akane: People can think what they want to think. What's done is done. There's no changing it after that.
14. Do you think you'll be forgiven this time as well?
Ichiro: What I did was wrong. Probably not.
Akane: Sure
15. Would you forgive the other prisoners?
Ichiro: I don't think I have the right.
Akane: Some of them have murders that are unreasonable
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