#something about Ichiro wanting to change himself and Akane wanting to not be seen
waiting-on-a-dream · 11 months
𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚛𝚍 𝚝𝚛𝚒𝚊𝚕 𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚛𝚘𝚐𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 (𝙵𝚊𝚖𝚒𝚕𝚢)
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1. How do you feel about your victim being in Milgram?
Ichiro: I wish he'd stop crying.
Akane: He beat me when I woke up, what do you think?
2. A good memory with your victim?
Ichiro: I once kept him entertained for a good 10 minutes by hitting a pack of wet tissues.
Akane: A few months after my mom died, he took me to a summer festival. He still drank, but it wasn't so bad. It was fun.
3. Why did you kill?
Ichiro: He would have been better off dead.
Akane: It was a heat of the moment thing. I was so angry.
4. What do you remember about your mother?
Ichiro: She always smiled but it wasn't always happy.
Akane: I think she would read me bedtime stories
5. What was the one thing absent in your family?
Ichiro: Being there for each other maybe?
Akane: Money
6. What is a perfect family to you?
Ichiro: One that loves each other.
Akane: A stable and supportive one
7. Is there someone you want to see right now?
Ichiro: Mom.
Akane: My mother
8. If you could have a superpower, what would you want it to be?
Ichiro: Shapeshifting.
Akane: Invisibility
9. What makes you feel safe?
Ichiro: Being in my room. No one ever comes in.
Akane: The convenience store near my house. No one looks at me and I can eat ice cream or something in peace.
10. Do you have a future dream?
Ichiro: It'd be interesting to meet my dad again.
Akane: Just to live a normal and happy life
11. Where do you want to go if you're able to get out?
Ichiro: Home.
Akane: The convenience store near my house, if its still there.
12. The most expensive thing you've ever bought?
Ichiro: A pack of Sharpies.
Akane: Overpriced ice cream
13. Do you think you deserve forgiveness?
Ichiro: Perhaps not. I only want a certain someone to forgive me.
Akane: People can think what they want to think. What's done is done. There's no changing it after that.
14. Do you think you'll be forgiven this time as well?
Ichiro: What I did was wrong. Probably not.
Akane: Sure
15. Would you forgive the other prisoners?
Ichiro: I don't think I have the right.
Akane: Some of them have murders that are unreasonable
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ask-the-phan-site · 4 years
Phan Cam: The New Normal... For Dream FES
WARNING: This may not post in time as this is suppose to take place on the last week of August.
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>The backstage dressing room at the Dream Festival. We, the Future Avengers, and KUROFUNE were online with our New York friends.
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I can’t believe you guys ain’t comin’ after all.
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It’s not your fault, Ryuji. No one could have seen this coming.
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Max Modell was the best principal you guys ever had. I can’t believe he’s been fired. It’s so unfair.
Skull: And of all the people to get him fired...
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Why’d it hafta be you?
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I am merely doing my part as a concerned educator to expose a man guilty of crimes of inhumane experiments.
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Really? From what I’ve heard, it was a completely different story. You were the one who went into Max’s lab and messed with his experiment. No one was really in any danger until you released the V-252.
Dr. Connors: Maybe I wouldn’t have needed to if he wasn’t doing the experiment in the first place.
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Still, you should have trusted Max. He gave you job at Horizon High when everyone turned their backs on you after you were worked for Norman Osborn.
Dr. Connors: That was his mistake. He only saw what he wanted to see. That’s what made him a fool.
Skull: (angry) What you say!?
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Now everyone, calm down. This day is suppose to be about Ryuji and KURNOFUNE... Which I’m surprised that you’re having what with what’s going on.
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I couldn’t believe it, either.
Skull: Well, we thought we weren’t going to have it this year because of the Summer Olympics. But since it got canned, they decided to have Dream FES.
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But for safety purposes, it’ll be a bit different. No one can be admitted without a mask and they have to stay some feet apart. Also, a lot of people are watching the live stream. The producers also said they’ve done some stuff to the System.
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With Tony’s help.
Keigo: Now, people can chose a Dorika over the Net.
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That sounds convenient. A way for the audience to participate no matter where you are.
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I helped, too. It wasn’t easy, though. The Dream FES System is still a mystery.
Dr. Connors: Which makes me wonder about it. You choose to work with the System, yet you know nothing about it. I think that makes it just as dangerous as the V-252.
Yuto: We’ve used the System for many years and nothing’s gone wrong with it.
Dr. Connors: (a bit smug) Really? Then what’s this did I hear about the time someone tampered with it and Ryuji was turned into an alien.
Skull: I was changed back. I’m fine.
Dr. Connors: And what if you didn’t? Then what? What would become of your friends? ... What would become of your mother?
>Skull looked like he was about to explode.
Yuto: (trying to remain calm himself) Well, they did change him back. That’s all that really matters.
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Exactly. I was there. So where Pete and Harry.
Dr. Connors: Still, it is unknown technology. Which makes it a danger. If not to the performers, then to the audience who chooses those cards. If it were in my power, I would also do something about it. But, show business is not my forte.
Queen: You technically can’t take action because Stark Enterprises is researching the System. Until we learn more, there’s not much anyone can do.
Dr. Connors: ... For now.
>I could tell Skull was getting steamed and goes up to the monitor.
Dr. Connors: You have something to say?
Skull: ... You know, Norman Osborn said that all I need to succeed in school is havin’ the right teacher. When I met you, I thought I found it... But now I see that was just another one of his famous lies. Now when I look at you...
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All I see is that piece of shit, Kamoshida. Or maybe you’re still thinkin' like a reptile.
>Dr. Connors was silent for a while.
Dr. Connors: ... That’ll be all, Mr. Sakamoto.
>With that, he hangs up.
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Well, that could have gone well.
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It could have been worse. He could have actually been there and hit you with his mechanical arm.
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Yeah, it would look like it would hurt.
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I’d like to see him try. It doesn’t look that tough. Plus, I’d arrest him for assault with a weapon.
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By the way, it’s good to finally meet you, Mary Jane chan.
Mary Jane: Hey, we’re fiends. Call me MJ.
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It’s just a shame we couldn’t meet in person.
MJ: I know. I’ve always wanted to visit Japan. Especially Tokyo.
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It can’t be helped. A lot of stuff has been happening. An alien invasion, Max getting fired, not to mention the coronavirus, and we still have to find out which colleges we’re applying to.
Peter: (looking down) Don’t remind me. I still haven’t searched yet... Although, I’m thinking of giving Empire State a try.
Crow: I think that’s a good choice.
Harry: I agree. It’s not that far from Oscorp, so we can still meet up.
Peter: I like the sound of that.
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Kamala said she might be checking there herself. It’ll be hard to convince her parents, though. They wanted her to attend community college... Online.
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I can understand them a little. They just want their daughter to be safe.
Chloe: I know. They wouldn’t even let her come here for Dream FES.
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I know. I’m surprised my parents let me come here. Guess they just wanted a break from all of the kaiju.
Makoto: That and they probably knew we were missing each other.
Adi: Speaking of those not here, DearDream isn’t here.
Keigo: Neither is In-Show-Ha. It’s mainly because Mr. and Mrs. Sawamura are afraid their sons wouldn’t be safe. Although, Traffic Signal is here. Actually, Sankishi and ACE are not here either.
Yuto: So it’s just us and ANSwer.
Makoto: (a bit confused) Traffic Signal? Oh, you mean Kanade, Shin, and Junya.
Keigo: Yes. Since Traffic Signal is a subunit of DearDream, in a way, they are here.
Skull: (unhappy) Don’t remind me. I was hoping to debut my own idol unit, Skul5.
Panther: (unsure) You named a Unit after yourself?
Keigo: Well, he is the leader.
Skull: There’s also Oka along with Nobu and Ichiro. But Nobu and Ichiro’s gramps told them to stay with their family keep them safe from the virus and, because of the name, we’re one member short. I was gonna to hold auditions, but the virus made it impossible.
Noir: I’m sure you’ll have a chance. Don’t worry.
Skull: I hope so, too.
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We’re all here for you.
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That’s right.
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Thanks, you guys.
Stagehand: You guys, it’s almost show time.
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We better go. Akane’s waiting for us.
Wolf: Yeah, we should. Good luck, you guys.
Skull: Thanks, see ya.
Peter: We’ll see you on the live stream.
>Our friends end the call and we leave the room for our seats.
>Later in the stadium, we meet up with Akane who was talking to a boy about her age.
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Well, your brother will still be on stage with some of his friends. That should still be good.
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I know. I mean, he began his career with Traffic Signal.
Crow: Hi, Ritsu san.
Ritsu: Hi, Akechi san. You looking forward to this?
Crow: Well, I’m mainly looking forward to KUROFUNE performing. But I’m sure Traffic Signal will be good, too.
Ritsu: You better.
Oracle: Hey, it’s starting.
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Hello, everyone! Well, everyone who could come. Welcome to Dream Festival! Even though COVID-19 may have changed the way things are, but what we like and love will still be around for a long time. We still have quite the show for you. We have some of your favorite Idol Units: KUROFUNE, ANSwer, and even the return of Traffic Signal.
>The Idol Units then come on stage.
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We won’t back down after coming all this way. Not now.
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It was your support and love that kept us going in these difficult times.
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Even though there are only a few of us here, this promises to be a celebration no one will forget.
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We will do what we can to make this night a night of dreams.
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No doubt. This night will begin to shine... Little reference there.
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But it does ring true. The light that we will bring will be seen.
Yuto: In these times, we must look to the future.
Keigo: The future is now really close.
Skull: Right. We’ll rush through all this and into tomorrow.
Idols: Get ready for Dream FES!
>The audience cheers. That was the best speech we heard.
MC: (clapping) Yes, yes. Now, due to these circumstances, each Unit will perform two song instead of the usual three. Now, Traffic Signal will go first. Then, ANSwer. Then, we end it off with KUROFUNE.
Junya: Let’s look to the heavens and see what it holds.
Shin: Now is the time to take flight to where are hearts lead.
Kanade: Let us spread our wings and go forward...
Traffic Signal: With Forward Skies ahead!
Dorika Time!
Catch Your Cheers!
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Kanade: I’m going to enjoy the cheers you gave me. Thank you!
Catch Your Cheers!
Junya: I won’t let you all down. Here I come!
Catch Your Cheers!
Junya: The love you give will help us fly!
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(Picture of Junya in this Coord is unavailable.)
Sky Stage Series! Complete!
>With that, Traffic Signal begin their song, Forward Skies*.
NOTE: Song names with * are made up and are non canon to the Dream Festival series. But the Units and Idols can’t keep using the same songs over and over.
>After they finished their song.
Junya: Our next song will be the first one we ever performed as Traffic Signal. So I think we have an idea which Dorika you will all choose.
Ritsu: You bet.
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Akane: Same here.
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Traffic Signal: Let us tell our Glory Story!
Dorika Time!
Catch Your Cheers!
Traffic Signal: Thank your for your cheers!
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Vampire Lord Series! Complete!
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Cool Priest Series! Complete!
>With that, Traffic Signal performs Glory Story, their first song.
Akane: Wow, you sure know your stuff, Ritsu kun. Have you ever thought of becoming an Idol yourself?
Ritsu: Not really. But I was told I might have a career in managing DearDream. Or be a producer. I still have a year to decide.
Kei: I’m sure whatever you choose, you’ll be great.
Ritsu: Sure hope so. I’ve been reading up on merchandising. Though, it’s going to be difficult since Bandai doesn’t work with D-Four anymore.
Makoto: I’m sure I can put in a good word with Tony.
Ritsu: Really? Thanks, Makoto kun.
>After Traffic Signal finished their song, it was now ANSwer’s turn.
Akiomi: Tonight, we will do something a little different. A song you might already know.
Nanao: Though we’re in Ikebukuro, the sounds of Shibuya will be heard.
Souji: Let us show you that the world ends with you and that you can expand it.
ANSwer: Now here it is. Owari-Haijimari!
Dorika Time!
Catch Your Cheers!
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Akiomi: Your cheers will expand our horizons!
Catch Your Cheers!
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Nanao: Thank you for your cute cheers!
Catch Your Cheers!
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Souji: Your support will see us through!
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>With that, ANSwer changes clothes.
Soda Splash Series! Complete!
>With that, ANSwer performs Owari-Haijimari.
>After they finished their song...
Akiomi: For our next song, our number one hit!
ANSwer: Let’s show them Chivalric Romance isn’t dead!
Dorika Time!
Catch Your Cheers!
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ANSwer: Thank you for breaking the ice!
(Yeah, we’re running out of good lines here.)
>ANSwer changes their clothes.
Ice Prince Series! Complete!
>With that, ANSwer performs their song, Chivalric Romance.
MC: (after the song) Fantastic! Guess in a way, you guys are the answer.
>The (small) audience didn’t find it very funny... There were cricket sounds in the background.
MC: Yeesh, tough crowd. Now, on to our final performance. KUROFUNE, ready to shine on stage?
Keigo: You bet!
Yuto: We have Ryuji to thank for our first song.
Skull: It’s just a song that’s real close to my family.
Keigo: Still, it’s a classic. I love Hyde. He’s actually a known inspiration for Yuto getting into music.
Yuto: Among other things. So now, the call has come.
Keigo: The year waits for no man. So we will go for it!
Skull: You won’t regret this. We will go on now. We will all go for the future!
KUROFUNE: Let’s answer Season’s Call!
Dorika Time!
Catch Your Cheers!
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Skull: Now or never, right?
Catch Your Cheers!
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Yuto and Keigo: Now we dance for you in your light!
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>Skull changes clothes.
Sparkling Eyes Series! Complete!
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Dream Meeting Series! Complete!
>With that, KUROFUNE performs Season’s Call.
>After their performance...
Keigo: Our last song for tonight was also thanks to Ryuji.
Skull: It the song I wrote for my official debut. So guys no what to do.
>They change into the Innocent Pirates Coord and perform Treasured Hearts.
Crow: Hard to believe that Ryuji’s come so far.
Panther: It was over a year ago when he started this. We really have Harry to thank for this.
Oracle: Makes us wonder what will become of him in the future.
Panther: Why do you ask?
Crow: What if he decides that he loves the idol life so much, that he decides...
Panther: That he decides he doesn’t want to be a Phantom Thief anymore?
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Never gonna happen.
Oracle: Really?
Panther: I’ve known Ryuji since middle school. He’s not the kind of guy to back out from something like this.
Crow: You’re right. Ryuji loves being a Phantom Thief just as much as being an idol. To him, giving up one would be like giving up the other.
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They’re both his dream.
Joker: They’re all our dreams. We love Ryuji. He’s more than just our friends.
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He’s family. He loves us.
Crow: That’s right.
Joker: Actually, Akechi, I’ve noticed that out of all of us, other than his mother...
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You love Ryuji more.
Crow: I don’t know. He still hopes to find a girlfriend who will be with him for a long time. But then again...
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He still might change his mind and heart.
>I hope so, too.
>KUROFUNE finished their song.
MC: Well, that’s it for tonight. But we’ll be back again soon for Open Mike Nite. That’s right, we’re still having it. Though, a bit short. We’ll see you then!
>We applaud.
>To be continued...
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