sliceoflife90 · 10 months
Lascaux Caves
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The Discovery of Lascaux Caves
Lascaux Caves, defined as the "Sistine Chapel" of Prehistory, emerged from the darkness of history in 1940 in the picturesque Dordogne region of France.
World Heritage: Lascaux in the UNESCO List
Recognized as the pinnacle of prehistoric pictorial expression, these caves have been listed as UNESCO World Heritage since 1979.
Iconographic Repertoire of Lascaux
Originating from the Upper Paleolithic, the captivating paintings, dating back to an estimated period between 13,000 and 15,000 B.C., feature an iconographic repertoire dominated by magnificent creatures, from the visceral power of bulls to the grace of horses, from majestic bison to imposing ibexes, some of which are now extinct.
Artistic Technique: Paintings Directly on Rock
The rock art of Lascaux is a testament to the technical skill of its creators, as the paintings are executed directly on the limestone rock without the use of plaster, challenging the usual definition of "fresco."
The Vibrant and Enduring Impact of Paintings
The permeable limestone rock and the surrounding humid environment favored the deep penetration of colored pigments, giving the works a vibrant and enduring impact.
The Mystery of the "Chinese Horse" of Lascaux
Particularly intriguing is the famous "Chinese horse" of Lascaux, outlined with a thick contour line obtained through the use of black charcoal. Details such as the fur emphasized by shaded strokes and the coat painted with ochre, red, and brown, interspersed with black stripes on the back, reveal an extraordinary technical mastery.
Dynamism and Realism: Details of Representations
Carefully observing the dynamic action depicted, with arrows coming onto the horse's back, we note the realistic rendering of the mane, painted with such skill as to mimic the horse's mane with shades of black. The figure of the horse, strategically placed on a rocky protrusion at the abdomen, is an eloquent example of the spatial and compositional awareness of the prehistoric artist, accentuating the abdomen in a suggestive manner.
Transcending Time: Lascaux's Timeless Legacy
Ultimately, the rock art of Lascaux transcends time, transporting us to an era when humanity communicated its world through primitive brushes but with timeless mastery.
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