#Identical Strangers: A Solo Triplets Fic
neeharlowwrites · 3 years
Identical Strangers
Identical Strangers: Chapter Six
Words: 3311
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Language, Sexual themes
Author’s Note: I completely forgot to post this chapter on here. My bad.
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Chapter Six
You walked along down the corridors of the Finalizer with Ben and Matt. The three of you were causing quite the stir as several realized that it was Kylo Ren walking around without his helmet. You cringed internally at the soft whispers as you passed by, you knew Kylo was going to be  a whole other level of pissed once word reached him that he had been maskless. Although no one knew that the doppelganger was his triplet brother Ben Organa-Solo, you knew this was not going to end well. If the three of you managed to pull off this stupid plan you were sure that later on Kylo would either kill you or end what the two of you had. The thought of losing him made you pray for the former. You kept your shoulders straight and walked with a purpose playing the part of an Officer escorting a prisoner with her superior officer. Nothing out of the ordinary, other’s knew you and Ren worked together often so the sight wasn’t all that unfamiliar… of course, except the part where Kylo fucking Ren was walking arund without his helmet. 
What you really didn’t like was how the women seemed to be reacting in particular. They seem to be pleasantly surprised that the Commander was so attractive. You tried your hardest to ignore them, but when you heard murmurs concerning his size you had had enough. You gave Matt push forward as you sped up. You knew Ben was using every ounce of willpower to not be his normal flirty self. All these women were wet just by looking at him. Was it because Kylo was unattainable and they saw it as a challenge or was it because with his reputation they knew Ren was one of those men who needed fixing. Either way you side glanced at him in warning. He met your glance and tilted his head before wrapping his arm around your waist and pulling closer. Fuck. Ren was REALLY not going to like that. 
“Sir, perhaps this is not the place.” you said sternly gently removing the arm. 
“You are indeed correct, Lieutenant.” Ben said in a deep voice. 
The three of you enter the lift and after the doors close you smack Ben repeatedly.
“What is wrong with you!?” you asked angrily, “Ren would NEVER touch me in public.”
Ben shrugged, “I’m not Ren.”
“But you’re supposed to be pretending to be Ren!!” you yelled. 
“Stop it, both of you!” Matt whispered, “As if these lifts don’t have security cameras.”
“”Sorry.” Ben sheepishly, “I kind got a bit into it, at least now they know you and him are an item. Hopefully that will keep them from attempting to try and bang your man.” 
“Trust me, there is no chance of any one trying to bang him. Kylo Ren isn’t exactly known to be open to relationships. I was actually his first…” you said quietly recalling the day, “But I am not stupid enough to believe I’ll be the last.” you frowned and rolled your eyes, “Especially after this clustefuck of a plan spirals out of control.” 
“Relax… I got this.” Ben said leaning back against the control panel of the lift. “As long as we don’t run into our dearest brother we’ll be fine.”
“There’s worse people we could run into Ben…” you said, “LIke General Hux for one thing. He hasn’t seen Kylo without his helmet so I don’t really know what we’re supposed to do should that happen.”
“Hog tie the bastard and take him with us.” Be suggested with a shrug. 
You snickered, “So not worth the headache. That man…. I can’t even really describe him. Other than a pretentious bastard. And the bastard isn’t just an insult. He is a literal bastard. The entire order knows how his father fucked the kitchen worker back in the day.” you explained, “His father hated him, so not at all surprising when old Commandant Hux wound up dead. No one’s entirely sure what happened but word is he was liquidated in a bacat soak.” 
“Ew…” Matt said.
“Yeah, well Little Armi got his job so--”
Ben laughed, “Little Armi? Wait, what kind of asshole named his kid Armi?”
“His name is actually Armitage.” you replied. 
Ben cackled, “How is that so much worse?” 
You put your hand over your mouth to quiet your own giggles, “I know right? Poor guy, a child soldier is one thing but being named Armitage? Ugh, honestly though his dad deserved it. He hurt him as a boy. Like full on emotional and pyshcial abuse so, the fuck head had it coming. As much as I hate Hux, no child should have to go through that.” 
Ben’s laughter died, “Aw, now I just feel like a dick.” 
“And that’s new for you?” you asked arching a brow. 
Ben smirked and went to level you with a cool one liner when the lift door opened and standing there was General Hux himself. You froze as you looked at the redhead from head to toe cursing your luck and the Force. Hux had his face buried in his datapad as he stepped onto the lift. He looked up at you and then back at his datapad. 
“Ah, Lieutenant, glad to see you--” he stopped mid sentence, his eyes darting back to the man who stood beside you. “...Ren?” he asked his voice unsure. 
You gulped and elbowed Ben hard in the ribs, “COMMANDER.” you said loudly.
Ben cringed, rubbing his rbs where your elbow had jabbed him, “Yes..” Ben said before clearing his throat and sounding more sure of himself, “Yes, General Hux?”
You internally facepalmed, this was never going to work. 
“You aren’t wearing that idiotic mask.” Hux asked looking over who he thought was Kylo Ren, “I am pleased that you have chosen to forgo the ridiculous gimmick. This is indeed a step in the correct direction, I know the Supreme Leader will no doubt also be pleased with this turn of events.”
You stared at Ben praying he would just keep his mouth shut and accept the compliment. But this was Ben. And as you had learned Ben doesn’t know when to shut the fuck up. Your heart nearly stopped beating for a split second when from next to you Ben says: 
“If only you’d remove yours Armi.” 
Hux’s eyes narrowed as he looked at Ben, “I beg your pardon? What did you just call me Ren?” 
“Did I stutter General?” Ben asked, straightening to his full height, he loomed over the redhead narrowing his eyes, “Was I not clear enough, General Hux?”
You had to admit Ben had his Kylo Ren mannerisms down. Enough that it had you second guessing which triplet was next to you. Hux stared at Ben for a good solid sixty seconds, all the while you prayed to the force for an intervention of some kind. And It came. But it was not what you were hoping for. The lift doors opened and standing there was the real Kylo Ren with a very eager Poe Dameron. . 
“Oh Force why…” you said, pinching the bridge of your nose. 
“Ben!” Poe exclaimed.
“Poe!” Ben replied with a grin
“Matt!” Poe said he nudged Kylo playfully, “Hehe small galaxy huh fellas?” 
Hux looked from the real Kylo to Ben then to you before his eyes settled on Kylo once more. They narrowed in rage as Hux realized the situation. 
“I got this…” Ben sighed, stepping forward and waving his hand cutting Hux’s scream short as he passed out cold. He picked up Hux bridal style, “Huh, he’s actually a lot lighter than he looks…”
“Shoulderpads.” you said with a shrug. Your eyes travel to Kylo and you smile weakly, “Commander.I… I got nothing...” you sighed knowing you were in deep shit not only on personal terms but career wise as well.  
“I shall deal with you when this is through.” Kylo growled through the modulator stepping onto the lift. “I had this handled. You getting involved has now caused this to become an even bigger pain in my ass.” 
“Bigger than me?” Ben popped up from behind Kylo. 
“Not in the mood for you shit Ben.” Kylo grumbled. “Now I have to wipe this fuck’s memory along with half the fucking security camera footage on this fucking ship all becuase you couldn’t follow a single fucking order!” he yelled at you as you shrank back into the corner. 
“I’m sorry.” you said softly looking down at your feet. 
“No, you don;t know what sorry is. But you will.” he spat at you without even turning his head. 
You stared at the back of his helmet, “I just wanted to--”
“Wanted to what, TRY AND GET YOURSELF KILLED?” he rounded on you screaming through the modulator of his mask, he’s shaking with barely contained fury as his eyes bore into you from behind the tinted visor, “I will handle this from here. You are to go to your quarters and stay there.”
“But what about--”
“That is an ORDER LIEUTENANT!” he roared his fists balling tightly at his sides. The lift came to a stop at the next floor and the doors opened, “Get out.” 
You ducked your head down to keep him from seeing your tears and ran out of the lift without looking back. The lift doors closed leaving Kylo alone with Matt, Poe, and an unconscious General Hux still in Ben’s arms. 
“A bit hash Ky…” Ben said quietly.
“You shut the fuck up. I don’t want hear a fucking word from any of you the rest of the time or so helpme I will fucking kill you all and just be done with it. Understood!?” Kylo exclaimed. 
“You don’t deserve her.” Ben whispered. 
Kylo whipped around, “She means nothing to me. She is just a tight hole to fuck. If she thinks she’s anything more than she’s sorely mistaken. Now, shut up. There will be no more discussing this. My relationship or lack there of is none of your fucking busniess.” 
Matt put his hand on Ben’s elbow and shook his head, “Let it go Ben.” he said quietly, “He’s obviously not the man we knew…” 
“Obviously!” Kylo snapped. “Finally! Someone fucking gets it! I’m not him! I am sick and tired of everyone expecting me to be this fucking prodigy! Now matter where I go! Oh you’re the eldest Skywalker boy that means you got to go be a Jedi!  No, wait, you’re too dark guess you have to be the next Darth!” Kylo punched the wall of the lift with his fist causing it to jolt, “Fucking Vader!”
Matt cringed when Kylo’s fist met the wall. Being stuck in a small metal box with a tantruming Kylo Organa-Solo was bad enough being in one with the jedi killer Kylo Ren was what nightmares were made of. Ben for once in his life, kept quiet as his older brother screamed his frustrations. He knew now, more than ever that Kylo wasn’t happy. He wasn’t happy as a little boy, he wasn’t happy as a teenager with Uncle Luke, and he wasn’t happy as a grown man with Snoke. Matt reached around Kylo and stopped the lift.
“Come with us.” Matt suggested quietly. “Come on Ky, please? You know mom would do anything to keep you safe. If you come home at least the Resistance would have you, and you are what’s keeping the FIrst Order alive… don’t you see that? Yes, they have a military and they have star destroyers, but if you take away their Force user they don’t have much else.”
“Snoke. Snoke is and will always be a factor, Matty…” Kylo said quietly. He reached up and pressed the releases on his mask, pulling it from his head he held it at his side, “As long as Snoke is a factor I can’t go home.”
“Fuck Snoke!” Ben exclaimed angrily. “You going to let some old fuck decide what your life is going to be about? Fuck that. Kill the motherfucker!”
“Ben.” Matt said his ton enough of a warning to keep the middle brother quiet, “And when he finds out you helped us escape? He’s going to punish you by punishing someone close to you.. And you know exactly who. You may deny your feelings for her but Snoke knows the truth. Anyone who has spent time with the two of you knows the truth. You care for her.” 
Kylo is quiet as he thinks over Matt’s warning, but after a moment he puts his helmet back on, “It doesn’t matter. Once you are gone I can deal with the consequences.” he said before pressing the button on the lift. It shuddered before starting again. 
None of the boys spoke as they watched the floors tick by. Upon reaching the level of the hangar Ben carried the unconscious Hux off the lift. He maneuvered the General over his shoulder as he followed Kylo to an unmarked ship. Poe went first to get it started he knew the boys were going to try one last time to talk Kylo into coming home. 
“Here…” Ben muttered shoving Hux’s body into Kylo’s arms, “Happy fucking life day.” he said before pushing past the other man and walking up the ramp onto the ship. 
Kylo looked at Matt who gave a slight shrug, “I know you’re not going to change your mind Ky.” he said, “So I’m not going to waste my breath. Just know we miss you. Mom misses you. And dad. And there will always be a place for you in the Resistance.” he said, putting his hand on Kylo’s shoulder, “We love you.” 
Kylo didn’t say anything in return. He just stared at his younger brother silently from behind his mask until he got the point. Removing his hand Matt gave a sympathetic nod and soon walked up the ramp of the ship and out of sight. The ramp raised and the engines of the ship roared to life as Kylo stood still holding Hux’s unconscious body. This was going to be more trouble than it was worth and he was in no mood to deal with it at the moment. He still had to deal with the security footage, several people had seen him unmasked, and then the problem of you was still a factor for Kylo. 
After dealing dumping Hux’s body on the floor of his office, Kylo sat in Hux’s desk chair to go over the damage on the security cameras. After deleting the several hours of footage he couldn’t help but follow you through the base on the cameras after the fight. But what caught his eye was when you didn’t head back to your quarters like he had told you too. He watched as you made a sharp right and down a different corridor. His heart almost leapt out of his chest as he saw you run past the door he and the boys had exited prior… 
His eyes followed you into the hangar and then up the ramp and onto the ship only minutes before Poe, Matt, and Ben had arrived. Kylo’s eyes widened behind his mask, his mouth drying as he gulped. You had gotten on the ship. You were gone. Just like the others…
You had left him too. 
He stared almost as if he wasn’t entirely certain he was seeing it. You were gone. Traitorous bitch. His fist clenched tightly as the rage began to simmer under his skin. You left him. He remembered the video, Ben’s arm wrapped around you. It wasn’t the first time Ben had managed to take something that had belonged to him. Fucking Ben Organa-Solo, that good for nothing piece of shit. He was always the favorite. Of course you would have fallen for his bantha shit. Kylo shook with rage, the Force was electric with it causing the monitor of Hux’s computer to crack down the center and spark dangerously. Fine. You wanted to abandon him. He was going to track you down. Bring you back. And make you wish you hadn’t ever met Kylo Fucking Ren. 
From on the floor Kylo heard a groan as Hux regained consciousness. The redhead slowly sat up and looked around. “....What happened?” he asked as he rubbed his temple, his eyes fell upon Kylo sitting behind his desk, “What the bloody hell do you think you’re doing, Ren?” 
Kylo slowly stood, “General, I am pleased you’re awake.” he lied, “It seems we had a traitor in our ranks…” he growled through the modulator. “Lieutenant Y/N, she assisted in the escape of several prisoners and then defected to the Resistance.” 
Hux got to his feet, “....Were you maskless?” he asked, trying to remember, “You.. you were... “ Hux pointed at Kylo angrily, “But it wasn’t you. It was someone pretending to be you and--” his was cut off by a finger in his own face as Ren approached him threateningly, “You don’t scare me Ren.” 
“You will not--”
“The Supreme Leader will hear of this incident.” Hux said refusing to back down from the taller man, “Your precious little whore--”
“She’s gone.” Kylo said lowering his finger, “Did you not hear me the first time or did you not care?”
Hux blinked in astonishment, “Wait, wait, Lientent Y/N who you had a rather close and personal relationship with turned out to be a defecting traitor?” he asked, “Are you kidding me? She was a member of the Supreme Council! She has--” his froze, “....She knows about Project Starkiller. We must alert the Supreme Leader immediately!” 
Kylo grabbed Hux by the throat before he could scurry to his desk, “No.” 
“If she tells the Resistance of Starkiller our entire operation will be ruined. 30 years of work will be wasted, Ren. My entire life’s work will have been ruined. I will not let some petty lover’s quarrel be the undoing of my Order.” Hux growled against Kylo’s hand, “Release me Ren. Now.”
Kylo wanted to squeeze his hand, he wanted to squeeze his hand around Hux’s throat. It would be easy. Just close his fingers around the redhead’s neck, it wasn’t like the men would be missed. He could be replaced. Easily. And it would be one more person out of the way when Ren himself took over… 
“Ren.” Hux said, pulling the other man from his dark thoughts. 
Hesitantly Kylo released the General’s neck, “I know where she’s going.”
Hux rubbed over where Ren’s had been, “How?” 
“That’s none of your business. Just know that I know where she is going and I can go get her back.” Kylo said, taking swift footsteps to the door, “I just need you to cover for me.” 
Hux scoffed, “Excuse me? Why would I? I fucking hate you.” the man said, turning on his heel to face Kylo, “The second you leave I’m contacting the Supreme Leader and telling him the bantha shit you’ve managed to get us into.”  
Kylo stopped mid step his fists instantly clenching at his sides, “No you’re not.” 
Hux frowned, “And what makes you so sure?”
“Because he’s going to want to punish someone. And you’d be the bearer of bad news, you’ve done this before Hux, he’s nearly killed you over simpler things. If he thinks word of Starkiller will reach the Republic…” Kylo’s voice trailed off and he let Hux’s own mind come up with the heinous tortures Snoke would put him through, “So please, be my guest, risk your rather untimely and quite painful death.” 
“You have a week.” Hux said, “If you and your whore aren’t back here in a week, then I’m sending my entire army after you. Do you understand, Ren?” 
“Yes.” Kylo said before storming out of Hux’s office. 
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neeharlowwrites · 4 years
Identical Strangers
Title: Identical Strangers
Rating: Explicit
Words: 4554
Warnings: Violence, Mentions of smut, Brotherly Angst, Family Drama, 
Authors Note:  This is an in Star Wars universe Solo triplet fan fic. I worked very hard on this and it would not be possible without the lovely ladies of the Thirst Order Writers Server on discord. These girls and the Thirst Order mods are just the best. A special shout out to Melly or @thetoruterwrites on tumblr for being a wonderful beta and helping me with everything. Including the title. And Luna or @writingsawildride on tumblr and on A03 who has listened to me complain and also reading this. Love you all!
Summary:  Luke Skywalker's temple was destroyed a family fight caused the Solo triplets, Ben, Matt, & Kylo to their separate ways. Ben went with Han, Matt stayed with Leia, and Kylo took off to find his own destiny with the man he knew only as Snoke. Years go by and they went from close to estranged within a short period of time when the oldest cut all connections. It wasn't until years later that while on a planet searching for the map to Skywalker that you mistake Ben for Kylo. Startled by this doppelganger at first then intrigued when you learned of Kylo's past you impulsively decide a family reunion is in order. What starts as bad only spirals into worse as you endure brotherly shenanigans and secrets from the past are brought into light as you soon find yourself smack dab in the middle of generations old family drama. And as Kylo's "co-worker" with benefits this was not what you signed up, but maybe just maybe, this could help you break past that Jedi Killer facade and finally know the man Kylo Organa-Solo.
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Chapter One
You looked around the crowded village square and tried not to panic. You'd lost him. You had one job! Should have been simple enough: Don't lose Kylo Ren. Not that finding a 6'3 tall man in a long black flowing robe and scary mask would be difficult, he had a tendency to stick out wherever he went; but you really did not have time for his bantha shit today. The General was going to be unhappy when he learned of this, and when the General was unhappy he bitched and whined and moaned. Which would have been fine, you were good at tuning out the anal retentive ginger. Its just when those complaints reached Supreme Leader Snoke you'd have to deal with him too. You pulled your hood up over your head and began to scan the crowd for your missing asshole. He must have gotten a lead on the map and went for it. Not uncommon for him to ditch you. All because he had the Force or whatever the fuck. Something you lacked and he enjoyed reminding you of often. You still would like to have been notified. You were there with him for a reason, damn it.
You walked through the crowded streets filled with all kinds of different beings, from human, to near-human, and even some aliens. You didn't have time to really marvel at all different species. You needed to find Ren and get back to the Command Shuttle. You turned a corner and there was, a man who was a head taller than the rest. That gorgeous black hair was a surprise though? Had he taken his mask off as to mingle more efficiently? You felt as though you'd die of a heart attack. Ren had taken your advice for once! You really didn't care, you had a bone to pick with this good for nothing nerf herder.
“Hey!” you shouted.
He ignored you. Since he was mask-less and anonymous this meant you could get a little hands on without sudden consequence,
“Hey!” you said louder.
The man turned and looked you up and down curiously, “Well hey to you too...” he smirked crossing his arms across his chest, “And what can I do for you sweet thing?”
You rolled your eyes, “Okay I'll play along Solo.”
“Ah, so my reputation proceeds me. Yes, I'm Solo.” he said, “Both here and relationship wise. More important question, are you?”
“Excuse me?” you asked tilting your head forward and glaring up at him from beneath your lashes. “I mean I know we're not, you know, but single? Whatever, let's get going.”
“Wow you like to get right to it don't you?” he asked flashing a rare dopey smile.
“You feeling okay?” you asked reaching to feel his forehead.
“I could always feel...” he gently took your hand and kissed it, “Better.”
You cocked an eyebrow suspiciously, “Right... so I'm just going to say it's the heat getting to you. But we can discuss this more later. On the ship.” you pulled your hand back and ignored the butterflies that had decided to take flight in your stomach and walked behind him. You planted both of your hands firmly on his ass and paused momentarily... had he been working out? Seemed fuller.
“Hey! Whoa!! Hands off the goods kid!” he exclaimed jumping, “I mean I'm into this, I love feisty women and all but uh, how about we start a name?”
You sighed, “My name is I dunno, Leia?”
His eyes went distant, “Well that's unfortunate...”
“What's wrong with that name?”
“No man wants to moan his mother's name in bed... kind of traumatizing.” he replied.
“Speaking from experience?” you asked.
“I don't know. I am willing to find out though.” he shrugged and smirked suggestively. “I'm always up for new experiences, even mentally scarring ones.”
“Okay, Kylo that's just weird.” you siad throwing your hands up.
That smirk faded as his expression turned to interest, “Wait, did you say Kylo?”
“Yes, Kylo, your name Kylo Ren?” you said. “Now come on, we need to get back before Hux's panties bunch up too far.”
“I'm not Kylo Organa-Solo.” he said, “I'm Ben Organa-Solo, his brother.”
“His twin brother I'm assuming?” you asked.
“Close, triplet actually.” Ben said. “This makes sense now. Where is the overgrown bitch boy anyway?”
You look back at him and then you started to realize slight differences between your Kylo and this man, same hair, same expressive eyes, same long elegant nose, same full plush lips... but the speckles of freckles and moles were different. Your eyes widened and you drew back, “Oh stars... you're really aren't Kylo, are you?”
Ben offered his hand, “Hi, I'm Ben Organa-Solo the middle child of the Solo triplets.” he said, you took his hand and shook it, “And you're Leia?”
You laughed, “No, my name is actually, F/N, I work with Kylo. Well not with him... more for him. I'm on the Supreme Council.” you looked at him smiling, “Wow, so Kylo really is a triplet.”
“He's the oldest, as I said I'm the adorable middle child, and then there's our youngest brother Matt.” he said, “You didn't know Kylo had brothers?”
“Kylo is pretty tight lipped about things. He doesn't talk about his past.” you said sadly.
“Are you his girlfriend?” he asked.
“Careful with that word.” you cringed, “There's nothing official between us. We're...” you tried to think of a term but blanked, “We fuck.” you shrugged.
“Pretty sure that's a friend with benefits.”
“More like a co-worker with benefits,” you corrected. “I came here with him to find something. But he went up and disappeared. Not the first time.” You sighed heavily, “Hey, so, how would you like to come see your brother?”
Ben's smile widened into a grin, “I think I'd like that very much.”
“Okay good. Follow me. I think he might actually be on the Command Shuttle and if he's not its the only way off this hell hole of a planet.” you said, “Come, follow me.”
You and Ben took off to the deserted part of the old village where you had left the Command Shuttle. You hoped that impulsive move would end well. Kylo was a very temperamental man. He was feared for being a killer and he was. There was no doubt about that. You often wondered why you hadn't become one of his countless victims. Maybe it was because he liked the way you challenged him? Maybe you were just a good fuck? Didn't matter, even if he denied it you knew you meant something to that man child. You reached into your robes for your comlink to contact Kylo but before you could try to reach him it was snatched out of your hand via Force by Ben.
“Maybe it'd be better if Kylo didn't know I was coming.” Ben said as the two of you walked.
“Why? Is he going to be upset?” you asked.
“Depends, would you still take me to see him if his reaction was, say, less than nice to seeing me?”
“No, I'd only want to take you more.” you said as you saw the ship come into view, “Why? Did you guys end things on a bad note?”
Ben was quiet as he pondered the question and cringed at the memories of his and Kylo's last conversation, “You could say that, yeah. But I'm glad you enjoy making Kylo squirm enough to bring back his estranged brother into his life.”
“Things between the three of us haven't been good for a while.” Ben said, “We actually haven't heard from Kylo for years. If it weren't for the Force bond we all shared we'd assumed he'd been dead long ago. Killed by doing something stupid or killed by somone. Either way dead. Kind of surprised he’s alive. Glad, but surprised.”
“He's alive. If you call it that.” you said. “He's rarely happy. I try to make him happy, but the closest I get is after we've--” you stopped mid sentence and pressed your lips together in thought, maybe this was too personal. You glanced at Ben before continuing, “Probably TMI. Before he ups and leaves me to shower. That moment where he looks at me and I could swear I see something more than lust... but I'm probably seeing what I want to see.”
“You're in love with him?” Ben asked.
You went silent not wanting to admit it yourself let alone some man you just met. You looked up the ramp of the ship where two Stormtroopers stood guard.
You lowered your voice just loud enough for Ben to hear, “It doesn't matter. Ren and I fuck. That's as far as that goes.”
“I understand, don't worry, your secret is safe with me.” he winked and playfully smacked your shoulder, “Now show me to the sum bitch.” he gestured for you to enter first.
You smiled and strode onto the ship, “Stay hidden until I can tell him.”
“You bet.” he said as he followed you through the winding corridors. “Wow, this is a nice ship. Is it his?”
“No, it belongs to the First Order.” you replied, “Kylo is a high ranking member so he travels in style.”
“Does he have his own ship?” Ben asked.
“Yeah he does. The Silencer. It is a one of a kind ship that was made and especially equipped for him. For now at least, its in its testing phase but it's going to be mass produced once he gives the clear.” you said as you came to a stop outside the cockpit.
“At least he's living his dream somehow...” Ben said.
“Stay here... I'll tell you when, okay?”
Ben gave you a thumbs up and you smiled. You opened the door to find Kylo sitting in the main chair, his throne, or the closest he'd ever get to one. You came up beside him and cleared your throat. His masked head turned to regard you. You wondered just how he was looking at you under that helmet.
“It is about time you joined us Lieutenant.” Kylo drawled through the modulator.
You noticed the two pilots out of the corner of your eye so you kept your tone respectful to your superior.
“Forgive me Commander Ren. I was distracted. I had assumed you ditched me and returned to the Finalizer already.” you said keeping your tone level, “I met someone.”
“Don't care.” he said, “Did you find what we came here for?”
“No, Commander. There was no word or clue to where the map is located. I fear it was a false lead.” you said, “But I did find something you'd find of interest. Or someone.”
“Resistance?” he asked rising from his chair.
You looked directly into that visor and shook your head, “No, not a Resistance member.”
He stepped closer nearly chest to chest. You could feel his heat and smell the scent of his clothes this close. He clenched his fists looking down at you, “Who?”
You felt that slight pressure at the back of your skull but you knew that feeling. It was not a headache coming on which you had mistaken it for in the past. It was him. Shifting around your thoughts again. He wasn't even trying to hide it this time.
“Sir, personal space.” you muttered under your breath looking over at the pilots to be sure they weren't looking. “And as for who, it's someone you know.”
You could sense him narrowing his eyes as he saw your recent memories and who you had brought onto his ship. The rage was sudden and he pushed past you storming to the door. You heard it open and a cheerful,
Followed by the sound of Kylo's fist meeting a fleshy object you assumed to be Ben's face, a blood curdling bone crunching noise, and finally a body hitting the floor. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath. You tried to tell yourself that if you turned around Ben would be fine and that Kylo hadn't just broken his brother's nose on sight but somehow.. you seriously doubted that.
A few seconds passed and you heard Ben's muffled voice, “Nice to see you too Kylo.”
“GUARDS!” Kylo's voice roared. Several troopers appeared and pulled Ben to his feet, “Throw him in the brig, I'll figure out what to do with him when we reach the Finalizer.”
“Kylo--” you tried to argue but he whirled around and pointed at you. You knew better than to try to argue further, “Fine, then I will be with Ben in the brig. Commander .”
Kylo didn't stop you but you heard his enraged yells behind you as you left. You pitied those pilots who were probably shitting their pants about now. But they'd live, Kylo wasn't that impulsive. He'd probably just sit and stew the entire way back to the Finalizer while you sat with Ben.
You grabbed an ice pack, some clean towels, and headed to the brig. They allowed you entrance and you saw Ben sitting and holding his nose blood dripping down his front. He waved at you and you smiled handing him the ice pack.
“That could have gone better.” you said.
“You obviously don't know my brother...” Ben chuckled, “That's just Kylo. He's always had a temper. It's why he was sent away in the first place.”
“To be a Jedi?”
“So you do know?” Ben asks, “He must really like you.”
You chuckled, “I just know bits and pieces from what I've heard around. There's plenty of rumors about your brother, oddly none about him having triplet brothers.” you smiled and undid Ben's shirt, “You're just ruining this shirt... take it off.” you pulled it off his shoulders and folded it.
“Careful, he is the jealous type.” Ben warned.
“If he had a reason to be jealous then fine, but he doesn't.” you shrugged, “I really don't feel like talking about the specifics of Kylo and I's... whatever. But I am curious about his past. Maybe tell me a little but about that?”
“How about a little info exchange? You tell me something and then I tell you something.” he offered.
“Alright, we can do that. But you have to go first.” you smiled and took one of the towels to wipe the blood from his lips and chin, “Who is Kylo? Really?”
“Kylo Cole Organa-Solo,” Ben began but you snorted “What?”
“Cole? Kylo's middle name is Cole?” you asked.
“Yeah, his middle name is Cole, why is that so funny?” Ben asked tilting his head.
“It's just so... normal. Compared to his first name I was thinking it would be something more exotic, dare I say dramatic. Like I don't know, Jett?” you threw out a random name and Ben laughed.
“No, Kylo's name is the only odd one. You'd think he was named last, as if they had only planned for two but then surprise that dark glob of anti-matter popped out too.” Ben said. “Matt was actually the last one.”
“Sorry, go on...” you said getting a fresh towel, “Let me see your nose...”
Ben lowers the now blood stained one, “It hurts...” he pouted.
You smiled warmly, “Poor thing... just hold still I need to check and make sure he didn't break it. It'd be a shame. You and your brother have such beautiful noses..” she reached and gently touched it. Ben cringed and inhaled sharply but remained still, “Okay... it looks fine. It's just going to be very sore for a while.”
“Brothers.” he corrected then cringed when he moved his head, “Shit... fucking Kylo.” he muttered.
“Anyway continue.” you gestured leaning back against the wall. “Kylo Cole Organa-Solo...”
“We were born the day they signed the Galactic Accordance. Our mom was in labor during it actually.” he laughed, “The official end of the Empire. So that was a big day for her and the galaxy as a whole. Our dad Han Solo was there for the birth. It has been said that Luke made an appearance too. But don't know about that considering there were also rumors that we were born with full sets of teeth. No one really knows what happened.”
“Ah... your turn. But I’ll let you slide this time. We were born in Hanna City on the planet Chandrila. Now, when did you and Kylo meet?”
“We met in the First Order. I was just a young thing and he was the big scary Commander Ren. I was promoted in rank and given a spot on the Supreme Council and Kylo and I were more or less forced into close proximity and we just kind of...” you shrugged, “Over those two years tension led to stress which led to it building and building and finally snapping in a hot, sweaty cum drenched mess in an empty conference room on an even messier table much to Hux's chagrin.”
“So it started as a rivalry of sorts and then became something more?” Ben smirked.
“I guess it could be seen as that, why?”
“Just sounds awfully familiar.” Ben said grinning, “Like our parents almost. Just hope that this ends better.”
“Your parents aren't together anymore?” you asked concerned.
“Are you going to waste your turn or are you going to ask about Kylo?”
“Damn... okay, we'll come back to that.” you said pointing at him, “You said he got sent away?”
“To train to be a Jedi with our Uncle Luke. He didn't want to go. But he was the oldest and he also was the one who honestly had the most power. Power he couldn't control and would let slip sometimes. So mom and dad thought it'd be best if he went with Luke.” Ben explained. “Kylo felt abandoned. Matt was always close to mom and I was closer to dad.. I guess Kylo felt both parents had their favorite. There was no one left for him. He was the third wheel, the odd one out, and he still holds onto that resentment for us. More me than Matty. He and I have always been the ones who fought the most. Matt was the peacekeeper.”
You nodded sadly, “That explains a lot actually. He has neglect issues and fear of rejection. You can see it how easily he's pushed to emotional extremes over simple things. Usually anger. I don't think I've ever seen him cry though.”
“Your turn.” Ben said, “What do you do in the First Order, it must be something to get his attention.”
“I am one of the lead strategists and a weapons engineer.” you replied. “I hold the rank of Lieutenant but I'm up for promotion soon. I work closely with Kylo but also General Hux to improve the Troopers gear and their simulation training.”
Ben removed the towel from his nose, “It stopped...” he said.
You looked him over and nodded, “Yeah it has. Good thing too. If it had kept bleeding I would have resorted to shoving some tampons up there.” you teased.
“So am I a prisoner of the First Order now or...?”
You shrugged, “I honestly don't know. The best thing we can do right now is give Kylo some time to cool off.”
“You know, I'm already nearly 30 there's only so many years left to live. Might not have time for that.”
You laughed, “I get it, he can be... testy. But trust me, he's cooled a lot since we've started--”
“Dating?” Ben suggested.
“Ben.” you said in a warning tone, “Promise me you won't tell him I told you about our personal stuff?”
“Don't worry kid, I got you.”
You sighed, “I think we're almost there. I'll go talk to him to see if I can lessen your sentence.”
“Good luck with that.” Ben said.
You gave his hand a light squeeze and left the cell. Ben was nearly identical to Kylo, it was a little alarming but you could get used to it. Ben was also funny, charming, and goofy. Something you knew Kylo was capable of however refused to let down his guard enough to show. Not even with you. Which was a little insulting if you really thought about it. Then again, he had made his intentions very clear that first night. This was purely for stress relief. You and him had an arrangement and nothing more. But over the past two years you'd grown so close to him, or as close as he'd let you. Under your delusional notions of sentiment it didn't matter, he was Kylo Ren, The Jedi Killer, Supreme Leader Snoke's prodigy apprentice... there was no way.
But even this, whatever it was, would all come to an end. Either in anguish and blood or, if you were lucky, quick and painless. If he had ever really cared he may even give you the option of knocking you unconscious beforehand. Somehow you doubted that though, Kylo always seemed to enjoy hurting people and you were nothing special. Or maybe he actually did see you as special? If that was the case, than that meant he'd take his time with you. Drag out those final moments, maybe even use them to get himself off at a different time. Fuck, he may not even wait just even jack off over your corpse. He was a twisted fuck. You banished those thoughts to the back of your mind, when that time came you'd face it head on. For now, you needed to talk the man down from possibility executing his brother.
You entered the cockpit and found him sitting in that middle chair. You quietly approached and kneel by his side, “Commander?” you asked softly, you know he heard you by the subtle movement of his hands.
He ignored you. You remained by his side quietly waiting for him to acknowledge you. Your eyes didn't move from the side of that mask. As you refused to back down you took in the black shine, the dents and nicks in the dome of it. It was intimidating, or it had been when you first saw him. It was nightmare fuel to most what he had done to your predecessor. You'll never forget that lightsaber crackling to life; the red blade ragged and spitting illuminating the dim war room briefly before he had thrust it hilt deep into her sternum so quick your brain hardly registered it until her body lay sprawled and motionless on the floor. All you could do was stare in awe and fascination as that tinted visor slowly turned its sights upon you and in doing so awoke something inside you had not ever felt before. You had been ashamed at how wet that made you. Either the sight of blood shed, the smell of burning skin and plasma, Kylo Ren himself or all of it together made your panties stick to you. And the way his gaze fell upon you you knew he sensed it just as if he could smell your moist cunt in the air.
You shudder a bit at the memory, a heat rising in you. That got his attention. Side eyeing to make sure you were not seen you brought your hand up and hesitantly placed it on his thigh. Without turning his head to fully acknowledge you he slid his hand up his thigh to touch yours. Even through both sets of gloves you could feel his warmth. It was moments like this you were most curious about the Force and what it would be like to feel him like that. You wondered for a split second if that's why he refused--
His hand squeezed yours cutting off any further thoughts. You realized he'd been in there listening. You hated when he was sneaky about it, and only when your thoughts forced his reaction did you realize he was aware of them. You tried to pull your hand away but he held tightly onto it.
“When we arrive, take Solo to my private quarters.” he said, “We have things to discuss. Have dinner sent there for when we arrive. You are to eat with us. I will be needing a chaperon to attend so that I am not tempted to end him.”
“Yes Commander Ren.” you said nodding respectfully. He released your hand allowing you to leave his side.
As you exited the cock pit you saw the Finalizer looming in the distance. You returned to the brig but stopped outside the cell you watched Ben sitting slouched on the metal cot. He had a look of concern on his face, his brow furrowed as those brown eyes looked around as if trying to see any weaknesses in his surroundings. His eyes scanned the walls, the floor, the ceiling and finally landed on you. The look of concern turned into a devious smirk.
“So you have returned to my humble abode?” he asked spreading his hands out, “I was just taking in what I'm guessing is my new living quarters?”
“Afraid not Ben, Ren has invited you to dinner in his private quarters.” you said. “Also I know men like you Solo, you were looking for something to use to bust out of here. What would you have done anyway? You realize your brother is a Commander, right? This is his ship. His men.”
“But I look like my brother...”
“None of these men have ever seen Kylo's face.” you said, “So they'd have no idea who you were if you had tried to pass as him. And I doubt you could. You're too sweet.”
“Have you?” he questioned.
“Well yeah, of course. Kylo and I have been intimate.” You said holding up a pair of binders, “Come on, we're here I managed to lessen your sentence from death to dinner with Kylo Ren.”
“Kinky...” he smirked holding up his hands. “I knew you were Kylo's type.”
“Oh baby you have no idea...” you chuckled as you placed them on his wrists. You put them on and then leaned in close, “Our first time he didn't even take off that mask...”
Ben was speechless and the scandalous expression on his face made you laugh.
“Huh...” he nodded as if impressed. “So am I going to see Kylo dearest before dinner or is this like one of those romance stories where the beauty is dolled up and presented to the beast for dinner. Either to eat with him or as the actual dinner, whichever.”
“No, nothing like that.” you laugh. “Just keep your head down and follow me. I'm your personal escort.”
“Um, Y/N... won't it be a bit odd having a shirtless prisoner being led around in binders?” Ben asked.
“Right...” you looked around and found a trooper's undershirt. “Here... a bit tight. But it's something.”
Ben raised his hands and eyebrows.
“You'll need to... sorry...” you removed the binders and let him squeeze into the shirt. “You're certainly built like your brother...” you mused looking at his body nearly ripping apart the undershirt at the seams.
He offered his hands again and you replaced the binders all the while ignoring that smug grin of his. You had a bad feeling about this. But if Ren wanted to have dinner with his brother you could only hope that was a good sign.
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neeharlowwrites · 4 years
Identical Strangers
Title: Identical Strangers: Chapter Two
Rating: Explicit 
Words: 1413
Warnings: None really, this chapter is is actually G rated. 
Author’s Note: This thing took much longer than I thought it would. And am glad I had this little part done before I even added chapter 3 cause this is so tiny. And I’m sorry. But Chapter 3 is coming up sometime today so that’s my apology for this one’s length. 
Summary: Word has reached the Resistance that Ben has been captured by the First Order. 
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Chapter Two
D'Qar, Resistance Base
General Leia Organa entered the Resistance Command Center her youngest son Matt Organa-Solo by her side, the quote unquote Resistance's best pilot Poe Dameron and Connix followed closely behind. The underground room was large and held a small meeting of top Resistance officers waiting for their beloved General and Princess to speak. Some troubling news had reached them. When Leia's son Ben had failed to return to his father Han Solo on the Millennium Falcon on time or the following three hours the older Solo didn't panic. He knew his boy had a way of getting into some compromising positions with women on occasion and figured the boy was just somewhere getting laid. Again. Han was sure Ben would wind up running back to the Falcon. Ben had a bit of reputation, added to the fact he inherited nearly all of his father's cockiness compared to his two brothers, there was no way he wasn't going to end up being a ladies man. However, when hour five and half rolled around, Chewie began to wonder if something had happened to the middle Solo triplet. Something bad. Han brushed it off for another hour and half, when Ben finally hadn't returned, he decided that yeah, maybe something had happened. And then his thoughts went directly to his Princess, who would surely skin him alive should she learn that Han let something happen to their darling middle child.
After further investigation, Han learned that Ben had indeed been seen with a woman. A woman who then took him to a First Order ship. He never came back off the ship and it took off into the sky. This was not something Han had wanted to learn. He knew of the First Order, and knew that they were in search of The Resistance which just happened to be led by Ben's mother, Leia Organa. Beside him in the cockpit Chewie rawred an “I told you so” before putting in the coordinates for D'Qar, the sooner Leia knew of her missing son-- or rather her other missing son, the better. But Han sighed heavily and instead put in the coordinates for Maz's place. He was in no way ready to face Leia in real life. Chewie sided eyed him but didn't argue. He knew Han and Leia were already on rocky ground, the last thing they needed was for another son to go missing. Or worse, get killed. Han had recorded a short message and gave it Poe, who then delivered it personally to Leia.
Leia was surprised that the message was from Han, not surprised however, that he had been too cowardly to come to D'Qar himself to tell her. Only her and a select few knew of what had become of Kylo Organa-Solo or rather, Kylo Ren, after he disappeared. She had felt the coldness in the Force when her eldest boy had fallen from grace. Somewhere out the Galaxy, he had turned his back on not only her, but his entire family and embraced the Dark Side. She had kept tabs on her son, hoping to one day bring him home. No matter what atrocities her boy had committed, no matter how many lives he had destroyed, Kylo would always be her first born son.
General Organa had an idea of how to get not one, but both of her boys home. She knew they had the location of one of the First Order flag ships,The Finalizer, a smaller one compared to the mini system known that was the Supremacy. Word was it was where Kylo Ren was stationed. If Ben had been taken there chances were he'd end a prisoner of his own brother.
Leia could only pray to the Force that Kylo held no resentment towards the literal and figurative middle Solo triplet. She knew that out of the three of them, Ben and Kylo had the most turbulent relationship. Kylo had been an old soul from birth, coming to maturity before his younger siblings. The older, wiser no nonsense of the three. Ben was his opposite. Wild, impulsive, and an immature goofball who had a knack for causing trouble and an attraction to feisty women, like his father. Although he was the youngest Matt had always been the quiet and shy one, intelligent with an innocent disposition. The unofficial peacekeeper between Kylo and Ben. While Ben had been a Daddy’s boy, Matt had been the Mama’s boy sticking close by her and choosing her over Han when Kylo had left.
“In the message Han said Ben never came back to the Falcon, he also said that witnesses said they saw Ben heading to a First Order ship with a female.” Poe began pulling up a hologram of the galaxy.
“That last part isn't all that out of the ordinary. You know how Ben is.” Matt said. “But that being said, not returning to the Falcon is alarming. You don't think he's been taken prisoner?”
“Not sure. Do we know what First Order ship was there?” Leia asked.
“It was a Upsilon-class ship.” Connix replied. 
“An Upsilon-class shuttle? Do we know anything else about it?” Matt asked.
“It was made by Sienar-Jaemus Fleet Systems, hyperdrive equipped with two heavy laser cannons. It also has a sensor jammer and an anti-projectile deflection system. This ship was obviously made for more than just transport. It can take a hit and can sure the hell dish one out.” Poe said, “It is large, black with wings that can extend when in flight and then fold back in when it lands.”
“They know for certain it was the First Order?” Leia asked.
“The ship was being gaurded by Stormtroopers. There's no way it wasn't.” Poe said. 
“Why were they even on Dantooine, anyway? There's nothing there.” Connix siad. “I mean, maybe back in the days of the old Rebels. If the First Order is confident enough to be seen outside the Unknown Regions that isn't a good sign.”
Leia sighs, “If it was the Command Shuttle...” her voice trailed off as he eyes fall upon Matt, “I think I know why Ben didn't come back off.”
“Why?” Matt asked.
“That's the ship that Kylo Ren travels in.” she said, “With what little we know about the First Order, that little bit has come in handy. He's not always on it but that is his main mode of transpiration.”
Poe's eyes shifted from the holochart of the galaxy to Leia, “You think Kylo has him?”
Leia nodded, “I honestly do.”
“You don't think Ben was dumb enough to try and confront Kylo alone?”
“No, he's smarter than that. He would have went to Han before he tried to do anything.” Leia said.
“What are we going to do?” Connix questioned.
Matt looked at his mother, stepping forward he said, “We're going to get him back. Both of them, if I can swing it.”
Leia sighs, “I'm not losing you too Matt.”
“You won't. Mom, I can do this. You know Ben and Kylo listen to me. And if Kylo really is lost to us, then at least I can bring back Ben. Mom, please. You know I can do this.”
“Take Poe with you.” Leia said, “You'll be needing his piloting skills to navigate the Unknown Regions. We know they are there. Somewhere.”
Matt hugs Leia, “I love you mom.” he whispered.
“I know.” she smirked, then turned to Poe, “Watch him. Make sure nothing happens, Dameron, so help.”
“Honestly you should be telling him that.” Poe argued insulted, “If anyone is likely to get us killed, it's me. Thank you very much.”
Leai rolled her eyes, “Just go... my other problem child.” she said.
Matt gave her shoulder a comforting squeeze before taking off with Poe to the hangar.
“We're taking an unmarked ship.” Poe said, “An X-Wing would be too obvious. We need to get in, get Ben, and get out.” he explains.
“......And Kylo?” Matt asked.
Poe sighed, “If we see Kylo... I don't know. We'll see when we get there.”
Matt nodded in agreement. He hoped that he would be able to bring both his brothers home. It was the least he could do for their mother. Poe was quiet, he'd seen first hand the monster that the oldest brother had become. He didn't have the heart to tell Matt that Kylo returning was not likely. Kylo Organa-Solo was dead, now there was only the Jedi Killer, Kylo Ren.
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neeharlowwrites · 4 years
Chapter Preview!!
Since it’s taking a lot longer than I wanted to get the next chapter of Identical Strangers out. I wanted to give you guys a little sample of the up coming chapter. Its just a quick conversation between Kylo and Hux. It’ll be another few days before the whole thing will be out. I’ve recovering from surgery and juggling a bunch of other real life things right now. Thank you for your continued support and hope I can get it out sooner than later! 
Special shout out to @bexterbex​,  You are just amazing and I really appreciate everything you’ve done for me. From recommending my fics to just being so nice and supportive. <3 <3 Thank you!
No warnings. Just the usual pissing contest between Commanders. Enjoy!
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“I will be handling this situation from here on out.” came Ren’s modulated voice from behind Hux. “This does not concern you, General.” 
Hux turned and glared at the masked man, “None of my concern? How in the blazes is this none of my concern, Ren? The Finalizer is under MY Command, and these rebels have crash landed into MY hangar. This is absolutely my concern.” 
Kylo took a step closer, his eyes bored into the General from behind the visor of his mask, “You are not the sole commander of this ship General. You may think that you alone command not only this ship but the entirety of the First Order, but you are gravely mistaken.” 
“Is that so?” Hux replied standing his ground, he stared directly into the visor without a hint of fear in his ice blue eyes, “I am the General of the First Order. I have an actual rank and unlike you, Ren, I have worked hard, fought, and killed to reach where am I. You’re Snoke’s apprentice. Your affiliation is with the Knights of Ren, not the First Order. You may share command with me over the military, but you are not an officer.” 
“Your delusions of grandeur blind you from who holds the true power here.” Ren said, “You might have power over those in the First Order but,  you lack one important thing that makes me more valuable to the Supreme Leader. Something that you could work hard for, fight for and kill for but will never attain.” Ren said, “You will never conquer this galaxy because you don’t have the Force.”
“I have military force, and the respect of my men.” Hux fired back, “And that is what is worth more than some ridiculous Force mumbo jumbo. If either of us are under delusions of grandeur, it is you, Ren.” “Supreme Leader would disagree, it is better to rule with-”
“Sirs?” Lieutenant Mitaka interrupted sheepishly. 
Both Hux and Ren turned their eyes on the Lieutenant causing him to shrink under their intense gazes. Mitaka pointed to the ship where Poe and Matt were still standing with their hands behind their heads. 
“The prisoners, what are your orders?” Mitaka asked. “Bind their hands and take them--” Hux began to say. 
“Bind their hands. Dameron will be put into an interrogation room while the other comes with me.” Ren said his voice cutting through Hux’s. “If the General is so insistent that he should be involved, then the prisoners will be split up. That way they cannot work together.” 
Hux scowled but shook his head in agreement. “I will handle Dameron and you will handle the other.” Hux said, he turned on his heel and walked over the ship. 
Kylo watched the General cross the hangar, the last thing he wanted was for Hux to be alone with Matt. Dameron was put in binders and escorted out of the hangar by Hux and several stormtroopers. After they were out of sight Ren approached the ship and his brother. “Come with me.” he ordered, he grabbed Matt’s arm and pulled him towards the exit of the hangar. “And don’t speak until I say so.”
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neeharlowwrites · 4 years
Good news Ya’ll!! I have finished two chapters of Identical Strangers!! They should be up within a couple hours! Stay Tuned!! 
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neeharlowwrites · 4 years
Hi there! I JUST came across Identical Strangers and honestly, I really really love it! Your writing's great and I can never get enough of the Solo Triplets. I can't wait until your next chapter comes out. Thank you so much for gracing us with your fic x
Thank you so much! I’m having a blast writing it. Working on the next chapter now! <3 <3
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