#Idk if i was reading fablehaven on that time but he always gave me Gavin vibes or Gavin always gave me him vibes idk
fly-lumiere · 2 years
Everything sucks a lot lately but sometimes i still can open my eyes so here !! Villains !!
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ranger-njoyc · 4 years
4 Days Til Cottage Cheese
Day 12:
Theme: Journal (pt. 2)
Description: Kendra Sorenson’s Private Journal, Over The Years
Details: umm... it’s all set at different points. It should be fairly easy to discern what events are happening at what times, but if not, just message me and I’ll clear it up. For now, it goes from book 1 through the end of book 3. I might make a second part, finishing 4 and 5, or I might make one for Seth. Idk, I’m just playing with character voices.
from the diary of Kendra Sorenson
… and this whole time, our Grandpa has had this huge preserve full of magical creatures! God, if anyone ever read this, they would certainly think I’m insane. But Fablehaven is real. I never even knew this was even a possibility, until I had my eyes opened.
Seth is still going to be Seth. If possible, he somehow wants to explore the woods even more now!?I told him not to, that it would be so dangerous, but he seems determined. I guess there’s no stopping him. But that doesn’t mean I won’t tell on him if anyone asks…
… so you need to know. Dale once told me that a smart man learns from his mistakes, but a real sharp one learns from the mistakes of others. I’m writing this now in hopes it will help someone in the future.
Fablehaven is beautiful. It’s a wondrous place, and it’s easy to forget all about the danger that resides here. For when there is light, there must be darkness. It is easy to slip into blissful unawares of the dark creatures that live here, but take my word for it: nothing at Fablehaven is a joke. Everything needs to be taken seriously, or it may just be your last day.
I got lucky. I was able to save my family. I was able to prevent the destruction of the preserve. But visiting the Fairy Queen’s shrine was a risk, and you can never count on any backup. I got lucky. You may not…
… never admit it out loud, but the whole encounter with Errol really shook me up. I didn’t think the Society of the Evening Star would actually come to us! Now I’m worried about what Seth could’ve accidentally done when he fed the statue. What was that statue anyways? Why did it bite Seth?
All I can hope is that it’s not dangerous and it’s not going to pose a threat…
...news flash: it’s a huge threat…
… not even fair. I might not want to go on those adventures, but it doesn’t mean I don’t want the choice. Someone making a decision for me has always bothered me, but normally it’s made because that’s what they believe I would want. It’s ridiculous how I don’t even get a choice, simply because of my gender.
On the other hand, hanging out with Vanessa has been fun. Her creatures are all interesting, despite them looking creepy and sounding creepy. She gave me a pen made out of umite wax that we can write secret messages to each other with! Vanessa is…
...can’t believe this. It’s been about a week since we put Vanessa in the quiet box, and I’m still having a hard time comprehending it all. I mean, Vanessa was my friend! She was supposed to be the one I could always rely on!
Warren is back to his normal state, and he and Dale have been spending a lot of time together. They deserve it. To be brothers again.
Everything is back to normal, almost. I can’t stop wondering who that prisoner was, the one who was removed from the quiet box. The aura around him seemed weird, and so did the circumstances. What if Vanessa was telling the truth? What if the Sphinx really is a traitor? Who could he have possibly released? I don’t know, it just doesn’t sit right with me…
...have to admit, I’m really nervous. I mean, who am I to join the Knights of Dawn? I’m not a hero. Seth would be a better knight than me, he’s brave, resourceful, eager for adventure. I’m not even sure I want to be here. But I suppose I don’t really have a choice…
...Patton Burgess. He really has done everything, hasn’t he? He slayed a dragon, moved the artifact, and hatched a new dragon as the guardian. Insane. We weren’t able to get the artifact, but Warren got a new sword, and Gavin took a cool crown. It looked really cute…
… well I’ll be damned. Patton Burgess, you continue to grow continually more awesome(adventurous? crazy? I don’t know what word best fits). Right now, all I need is something good to focus on. Something that’ll make me smile, even just for a second. Times are dark and everyone needs a little light to see the way out.
There has been too much death. Too many betrayals. I’m not sure I know who to trust anymore. I feel broken inside, I don’t know what to do. This is too much. Everything is too much. I never signed up to save the world. I never agreed to this. And yet here I am, struggling to stand up with my family and fight back against the Sphinx.
All I need right now is a smile and a laugh and a little bit of light…
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