#Idk who cross is affiliated with this just silly
elizakai · 1 year
Brainrot hotspot:
currently imagining Idol! Cross as one of those artists who meticulously drops hints and lore in his songs and/or performances, or playing into a bit/character.
his fans are the simpiest of simps and the nerdiest of nerds.
it would be even funnier if he like, pretended to be oblivious to it and only his fans really know it’s intentional X}
Idol!au belongs to @zucchiyeni
idol! Cross design belongs to @astr00-bOyy
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lucky-draws · 2 years
hi lisette. please give me your bingo opinion on REVOLVER OCELOT from METAL GEAR SOLID
hello animalscamo "grace" "weezer" snake. i will gladly give you my opinion on REVOLVER OCELOT from METAL GEAR SOLID.
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UMMM SO...where do i even BEGIN....i could talk abt my precious ocie for hours xD <3 no but erm seriously good god. i've never liked a character as much as ocie before. like i dont have brainrot of this level for anyone else like i dont usually give a shit but for him? i do. he lives in my mind. there's like a little room for him inside my skull like fully furnished with a little sofa + tv for him to watch westerns on.
(gonna do a read more bc im probably going to write a novel's worth of insanity.)
i put he's a blorbo but not in an i want to fuck him way just in a he's my friend and he's a funny little man that i love to see way. i want to carry him in a handbag like a dog yes but also scrunch him up like a sheet of paper and throw him in the bin but also carry him in my pocket like a doormouse and feed him crumbs.
i put he needs more screen time bc why wasn't he in peace walker :( he should have been on that beach instead of nasty kaz :( (i am only half joking i wish he was in peace walker but it's fine i can rotate my own idea of 70s ocelot in my mind.)
i half filled in everything i like abt them isn't canon because admittedly sometimes i think about him too much in relation to big boss. big bosselot even. and in general i think i have created my own specific ocie and my own "headcanons" if i can use that word about him HOWEVER.
well. i think i've said enough really. i tried to be normal. i wasn't. there's a lot more Thoughts i have that i can't quite articulate. but yeah. um. <3
canon ocelot on his own is just a fucking epic character. like he's so cringe and funny and such a cartoon villain whilst at the same time being highly intelligent/powerful/mastermind megamind quintuple agent etc. mgs3 ocelot is so horrible and silly but it's like this contrast of. he's 19 or 20 or whatever and acts it, he acts like an insufferable brat and is so silly in his meowing and his pridefulness but then it's like. his fucking MOM who he doesn't KNOW is his mom is being fucking killed amidst all this. killed by the very same dude that he's got this insane childish crush on. it's just the ridiculous tragedy of it all for me !
also i just LOVE his mannerisms. like his finger guns/arm flourishes are so STUPID but so endearing. he's really just a joy to behold.
i put got done dirty by fans because i guess i dont like to see him uke-fied (or woobified in a way that isn't the way that i (correctly) woobify him) and made to be a blushing little maiden when he's like . not that. like even in a sort of bosselot context it's like. it's the fact that he's this cold, uncaring, double crossing spy who kills in cold blood and has a torture fetish and is just as dangerous in fact MORE DANGEROUS than big boss . and yet. his (canon basically?) motivations are because he never got over his teen crush. because somehow, throughout all his double crossing and billion different affiliations, he's doing it all for one (1) person. which. ironically. is kind of the very definition of "loyalty to the end". but while he has the intelligence to see through any need to be loyal to a country/government, or to any organisation, he doesn't have the moral desire to fight for anything or anyone good. so he fights for big boss. (AND FOR WHAT? like he doesn't even get anything for it in canon. big boss doesnt give a shit. so he's somehow "selflessly" doing all the shit he does. expecting no reward. like it's the weird martyrness of it all. big boss as the devil and ocelot as his evil apostle. idk. sorry. im not being normal.)
he also fights for himself of course because he enjoys murder and evilness and misogyny and well i mean he needs to get the money for his authentic vintage cowboy boots from somewhere and well the patriots are very rich or so ive heard. a secret billion dollars in an underground vault or something. so yeah he's simply the worst BUT he's such a fucking funny stupid meowing cowboy also . he has the RANGE!!! he deserves to rot in hell but he's also my best friend in the world and i feed him kibble.
ALSO ALSO i forgot to mention but just on a purely aesthetic like character design level i can't help but enjoy his fucking stupid dinky red scarf and gloves and cowboy drip like it's just FUN to draw him.
put simply, he is my silly boy. i guess i cannot put it more succinctly than that !
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kiegosbby · 4 years
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well- this is long, and idk if this is how you wanted it to turn out but uh- sorry 🤧
TW: blood, unhealthy relationships, fire, cremation, death, cutting, JUST DONT READ THIS IF YOU ARNT OK WITH GORE
if you want some kind of a back story, read this
doesn’t completely correlate but it helps
@levis-odm-gear with the request!
✁- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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he had let them capture you, and he didn’t even stop them.
of course he didn’t know you were a villain, you had to hide it
a pro hero affiliating with a villain? his rank would plummet, his approval rates with it, and he would be sent to jail along with you
but you understand. he worked so hard to get to the top, he wasn’t going to let someone like you stop him from staying there
but it still hurt. He had promised to never let you go, yet here you were, he was letting them take you away from him.
as you were being taken by the police you meant eyes with him, but you couldn’t read his face
as your capture played on the news, millions of people watching, somewhere downtown was the lov
dabi and watched with wide eyes as there old friend got taken in by the police
dabi watched as you were shoved into a police car, quirk canceling cuffs on your hands
he scoffed at this, he told you it was a bad idea going with that pro. throwing your whole life away for some scum like him
he didn’t even protect you, in fact he helped the police take you
“Yo boss you seeing this to?”
shigaraki looked up from his video game and his eyes widened as he saw you being shoved into a police car
you and tomura didn’t have the best relationship- but you were the nicest to him so he did have sympathy for you
“call kurogiri. we’re going to break them out”
Back to you, you were currently being held in a high security prison, straight jacket on, in a padded fucking room
what the fuck
in your head, you were going a million miles per hour, but on the outside it looked like you could give less fucks
you were currently staring at the mirror that was put into the room, unbreakable you’ve tried
on the other side of the mirror hawks was there, staring at you
he would visit you often, not like you would know
he hoped you knew that he had to do this it really was for the best
he stilled loved you, but he couldn’t let a silly relationship get in the way of his life.
he watched as you stood up, walked up to the glass and meant eyes with him
could you see him? no it was a one way mirror..
you were just staring at yourself
you looked at yourself with hate, regret, anger, sadness
it pained him to watch you like this
then all of a sudden a black and purple blob appeared in your room
you turned around and a look of relif washed over your face
“took you long enough, I thought I was stuck in this looney bin”
you quickly jumped through the portal and it closed up right after
as soon as you went through all the alarms went off, red lights blinding his eyes and alarms making his ears hurt. he quickly went and got the guard telling him what happened.
‘I’ll find you y/n..’
As you jumped through the portal, you landed in the middle of the bar.
“ah long time no see”
you looked up and saw shigaraki and dabi towering over you
“very welcoming, can you get this jacket off of me?”
as they took the jacket off you hugged them. honestly you were great full but you weren’t the type for talking,, so that’s the best there going to get
“I told you not to go with him doll, you never listen to me do you?” dabi pulled you closer and gave you a kiss on the top of your head “I was worried about you”
you smiled softly and looked up at him, giving him a soft kiss on his chin
“If you missed me dabi, you can say it”
dabi laughed softly at you and pulled away to look at you
“your so grown now doll, how long has it really been?”
“about 4 years, and if I’m hot dabi go ahead and just say it”
he let out a laugh and walked over to the bar sitting down next to tomura for a drink
“come here doll, your old enough to have a drink now”
you walked over and sat down next to him, taking a sip of whatever kurogiri gave you
“So what are your plans now?”
you turned to look at him, and put a smile on your face
6 months later
lately you’ve been watching the news a lot.
it was all about hero’s of course, the top hero’s and who they were saving that day
today it was about hawks
of course.
it was a interview of him talking about his new girl, and how perfect she was
life moves quickly when your the top hero I guess
he talked about the hero Galla he would be attending tonight, and how excited he was
and oh so we’re you
the lov hadn’t been making moves lately so when you heard about the Galla you new what you had to do
you went to tomura saying it was a way to make yourself known again, but honestly you just wanted revenge
so the plan was to have mustard, you and the new people enter dressed as waiters
There had been some new people in the lov, someone who could make people fall asleep, similar to midnights quirk and someone who had ropes kinda similar to best jeanist
so mustard and the sleep quirk would go in, take out all the weak hero’s
Rope quirk would tie them up, and shigaraki could make his speech.
but you, had other plans
as the night came you were all getting suited up, dabi walked over to you
“you ready doll?”
“ready as I’ll ever be, and remember let me handle him until I’m ready for you”
dabi gave you a slight nod before leaning down and giving you a quick peck on your lips
oh yeah that happened
you were lonely, and I mean he was there
you got suited into your waiter attire and quickly got into the transportation with mustard and the others
when you arrived you walked in, blending with the other waiters
you picked up a tray and started walking around the party
of course no one would notice you, you made drastic changes to your appearance
but you knew he could spot you no matter what.
as time went on you watched him from across the room, seeing him with his hand around his new girl made your blood boil
you counted the seconds down until the plan was a go
as mustard released the toxins you put your mask on, watching as everyone in the team did as they were supposed to
They tied the hero’s up and waited for them to wake up
you found dabi, and set on your mission
dabi picked hawks up, and you dragged his girl
you found a room that was empty, and sat them down in chairs, putting quirk cancelling cuffs on them
as they started to wake, you sat in front of them, legs crossed patiently waiting
when hawks eyes opened, they immediately went wide with fear
he looked around and saw dabi, and started to struggle in the ropes
“y/n whatever your going to do- please don’t I’m sorry for what happened but please just don’t hurt her”
your facade quickly turned into disgust as you heard him talk about her
“blah blah blah, that’s all I hear coming out of your mouth you know?”
you stood up and plucked one of his feathers, making him let out a grunt in protest
“it’s rude of you to move on so quickly you know?”
you walked over to his girl and dragged her in front of him. you wanted him to watch
“dabi baby come over here”
hawks face twisted with jealously and hurt, he continued struggling with the ropes
you took the feather that you plucked from him, flicking your wrist and making it sharp
Something hawks had taught you
dabi stood by your side as he watched you slowly drag the feather over her neck
“maybe I should push a little harder draw some blood, what do you think baby?”
you looked over to dabi and saw him smirking, he looked over to hawks and laughed at the sight
he had tears streaming down his face, silently crying
you pushed down onto her neck and watched as blood fell from the slit
hawks started screaming, crying, yelling, but the deed was already done
you quickly had dabi burn her into ashes, as you moved towards hawks.
“now birdy it’s your turn”
he started to struggle more, thrashing about in the chair you tied him to
“you know, when the police took me away all I could think about was how you betrayed me. how much you hurt me. You always promised you would never let me go, that we would be forever right? hero’s stick to there promises- therefore you no longer get to be a hero.”
you motion for dabi to move over, and he went behind hawks
“ these wings of your are so gorgeous, they don’t belong on a scum like you”
at this point he was begging, loudly for you to stop but, you needed revenge
dabi put his hands on the tips of hawks wings, slowly burning them inch by inch, ash falling to the ground until he came to the base of them
“now now, you think I’d really take your wings away?”
hawks was a whimpering crying mess as you spoke to him
“you’ll grow them back- and when you do”
you leaned down to his ear, and spoke in a hushed tone
“your going to fly far away and never come back, got that?”
you moved away and saw him shaking his head yes, so fast it looked liked he was going to break his neck
“Good boy. Now dabi, let’s go before the feds catch us”
he nodded in agreement, walking towards the door
before you left, you walked towards hawks and leaned down to his level
“I loved you. I didn’t want to do this you know? It truly hurts me to see you in pain. maybe if you had done the right thing, and saved your lover, you would be happy now”
he hung his head in shame, hoping you would stop this your tourture
“I-I’m sorry I looked for you, I tried to save you but you were gone with no trace-“
“not good enough”
and with that, you were gone
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Who thought it was a good idea to let me have a blog?
So I'm kind of curious: what's it like for everyone else when writing fic or coming up with head canons and stuff?
Cause for me, it goes kind of like this:
Warning: mental ramblings ahead!
Me: (doing nothing in particular)
My Brain: Hey! Remember that time you used game stats to represent the various fairy transformations and their power???
Me: Yeah?... Oh no. Brain! NO!
two minutes later:
Magical Dimension Online
Laurel is a beta tester, on the day of the national launch, she logs in, but something goes weird with her beta-data.
Instead of Daphne, she awakens as Bloom.
Why do you do this brain? Why, there's so much other stuff to do, why start a New Thing? Besides, that explains nothing. This is obviously an S.A.O. Rip-off crossover... cross under? Just, moved country and genre. Besides-
Magical Dimension Online
To celebrate the launch of Virtual Reality, several games are going online simultaneously around the globe, a different game for every country. In Australia, it's H2O: Oceania Online, in Japan, Sword Art. (and somewhere else it's Archipelago of Dragons/HTTYD Online)
America will be the first country to launch Magical Dimension Online, and ten thousand lucky players will get to pay a week before anyone else, with the added bonus of exclusive Primary Launch content.
Laurel is a beta tester, on the day of the national launch, she logs in, but something goes weird with her beta-data.
Instead of Daphne, she awakens as Bloom.
That... that doesn't actually help brain. Besides, now you'll have to change the whole plot line.
And obviously 10,000 people won't fit in Alfea-
Ok, so ten thousand players, stuck in a death game version of Winx Club. Obviously the Winx Club and close friends have to be Players, and if Bloom is a Beta Tester, surely the others should be too?
But then, why haven't their test data files gone weird... unless they have.
Okay so, there are schools all over the magical dimension, and players get randomly assigned to their schools based on character class, planetary affiliation etc, etc.
The Official Launch will obviously have to cover the canon show era, but the beta test... Oohh, what if the Beta Test officially set the recent history for the Official game. Like the ultimate New Game+/New Character in and Old Campaign.
So Bloom used to be Daphne, but what about the other girls... I want to include Roxy... If I make the others... okay, so if the Winx Club's old avatars are now the NPC parents of their new avatars??? (except for Bloom) Or maybe some of them were just the guardian fairies of their home worlds.
Maybe Stella used to be one of the Nine Nymphs with Bloom/Daphne, and came from Solaria, which is why she ended up as the Princess of Solaria this time? And why she ended up being the one to run into Bloom on Earth? (meh, I'll figure it out later.)
So Roxy would have been Morgana? (Or maybe Nebula?) Oh, crap, what about Selina, do I include her? And what about Diaspro and Mirta, I really want Mirta... (mirta was a witch who became a fair, like faragonda, selina is a witch.) Oh snap! What if Mirta and Selina were Faragonda and Griffin in the Beta?!
Okay, so why the whole shuffle? Obviously, if the new game is the future of the Beta, then Daphne would have done a sacrificial play in the final boss fight of the old game (Domino vs The Ancestral Witches.) Maybe an AI managed to escape the purge of Assistant AIs by hiding in Player Data. (like when cardinal blocked off the mental health programs from counselling the players in SAO??) And that caused a cascade of various Beta Test files being reallocated to NPC roles.
(I'll need to tweak the earning methods for various Fairy Forms, IE. Charmix: requirements in canon: facing a personal flaw. How would the system measure that? It couldn't, not really... so earning the basic form: have magic, be fairy class, learn transformation enchantment ie 'magic winx!' Charmix: have Basic Form lvl **, have bonded pixie companion, transformation enchantment, ???)
The schools are basically ongoing tutorials for the game, teaching Players the basics, giving them a few basic spells or abilities and then letting them out into the Dimension. (the better the players do in 'classes' the better their ability bonuses?) (hidden spells and abilities in the schools, quests from teachers (exams and stuff).)
Armour. Oh crap, with the fairy and witch transformations, having visible armour isn't really... uh... okay so, like glyphs and... no, uh... OH! civilian clothes carry armour bonus, and that carries over when the transformations happen.
Okay. So. In the Beta, which was a proper job for the beta testers and went for several months, 'Laurel' played as Daphne, Stella may or may not have been in her party as someone else.
During the final month of the Beta, Boss Fights started happening on a massive scale, one to every planet it seemed like. Domino was besieged by the Ancestral Witches (Valtor... wasn't there, he and Darkar are super old and have been sleeping for ages. The Ancestral witches are also super old, but they were awakened near the start of the Beta and caused all the other boss fights to happen across the Dimension. Including) The Wizards of the Black Circle attacked the Fairies of Earth... (shit, no, that doesn't fit with a sensible time line... So Roxy can't be formerly Morgana... What if we make her Eldora? A member of the company of light who retired to Earth, then the only massive Boss Fight could be the Siege of Domino? Yeah, that'd work... I think.)
So, Daphne does Sacrificial Play during the Siege of Domino, ends up with a status ailment that leaves her... kinda ghosty, and the Beta ends.
Between the Beta and the Official Launch, at least one AI intended for Mental Health counselling (or something) discovers hidden programming which causes IRL Perma-Death, and tries to talk to someone about it, only, the AIs start getting locked down or deleted. One AI manages to hide themselves in Player Data, causing a small cascade in the beta files, so several of the beta testers have to reconfigure their avatars, with echoes of their old avatars, who are now NPS (and AIs).
'Bloom' spawns on Earth, along side Selina and Roxy, who have no idea what's going on, or why they're in Gardenia instead of their chosen home worlds.
Bloom has a bunny, Kiko, who shares the same name as her former avatar's Daphne's Bonded Pixie. The girls realise something is glitching in the game and try to log out, only to realise there's no logout option anymore.
Choosing to combine their limited magical reserves, the girls manage to perform a search spell to locate the nearest source of magic, trying to find a portal to the Magical Dimension.
Instead the find Stella fighting an Ogre and a bunch of ghouls.
Having played the beta, they'd know the transformation enchantment (transchantment?), transform and help Stella, who they are surprised to realise isn't an NPC who's part of a special content quest, but a Player, who is just as confused as the rest of them. (and toting an SS Rank Magical Artefact.)
(The Dragon Fire would be SS rank as well, but having that as a power option is silly, so... it's a quest reward for a very complex quest line that took 'Daphne' the entire Beta to complete. Even though it somehow transferred the prize (???Title: Vessel of the Dragon Fire???) to her Bloom avatar... oh! If one then the other! That's how Stella got the Ring of Solaria, it was a similarly difficult quest line (one player can complete per server type rare) and the Ring was transferred from Stella's old avatar to her new one.)
(IRL Tecna is totally an actual programmer/hacker. All the girls chose their powers on their IRL interests. Except 'Bloom', whose father is an actual fireman, while she is an art/graphic design student.)
((The Trix are new versions of the Ancestral Witches, because creepy marketing guy couldn't fap to crones.))
Magical Dimension Online
To celebrate the launch of Virtual Reality, several games are going online simultaneously around the globe, a different game for every country. In Australia, it's H2O: Oceania Online, in Japan, Sword Art.
America will be the first country to launch Magical Dimension Online, and ten thousand lucky players will get to pay a week before anyone else, with the added bonus of exclusive Primary Launch content.
Laurel is a beta tester, on the day of the national launch, she logs in, but something goes weird with her beta-data.
Instead of Daphne, she awakens as Bloom.
And she does not awaken on Domino.
Hey brain? You know I'm not going to write this, right?
…. right?
So yeah, that's kind of what my writing process looks like. What about everyone else? How often does your brain smack you in the face with an idea you are too busy to write?
Wait... why would there be a global conspiracy to murder-game tens of thousands of people? Unless there wasn't and Kiaba, the nutjob responsible for SAO, simply wrote the code for the murder game into the operating system that everyone else ended up copying for their games and all the NerveGear were equipped with brain-bombs so... in the non-SAO servers... who told everyone they died in real life if they died in the game?
IDK. I just don't know anymore.
So yeah, that's kind of what my writing process looks like. What about everyone else? How often does your brain smack you in the face with an idea you are too busy to write?
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