#Idk why I default to hands in a certain mood *cough*
babykittenteach · 7 months
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renohasbigtits · 3 years
Omg your Iggy mpreg headcanon is so gooooddd! Will you consider to do another Iggy mpreg headcanon which takes place in the true ending?
Mpreg Ignis (Final Fantasy 15: True Ending Version)
AHAAHAHAHAH! I can’t believe that people really like the Mpreg Ignis Headcanon! Thank you so much!
Something you guys have probably noticed by now is that I’m not a huge fan of the true ending.
Not saying it’s bad, I just don’t like how:
•Noct dies
•Iggy is blind
•Ravus dies
I also don’t agree with the assumption that the alternative ending is a “happier ending” because Luna is still dead.
But I digress, I don’t think the ending is bad. it’s just not my favorite ending.
But I will do it. I will give the people what they want!
To make this one different than the Alternative ending this one will have;
•Ignis is Blind :(
•Noctis is dead (also Ravus)
•Ignis has his own restaurant because of course he should!!!
I guess this takes place two years after The light is restored. Idk you change that if ya want to.
Apologies if it’s similar to the Alternative version, I did try my best to make this one different!
Yes it’ll albaby’s are default Female but you can change it if you want to!
Alright alright, less talking, Let’s go!
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(this does contain Mpreg =Male Pregnancy. Don’t like? Don’t read!)
•this man is a lot of things (hotter than satan is one of em.)
•but happy isn’t really one of them rn.
•Just broken up with his long time partner.
•things aren’t going well for him...
•than suddenly he’s getting sick!
• certain smells bother him, he’s throwing up every morning.
•it’s gotten to the point where he can’t really cook anymore at his restaurant. And he now has to supervise.
•not that it’s a huge issue since there are other amazing cooks there to help but Ignis does not like sitting on the sidelines.
•than a female co-worker, Shannon, asks Iggy what’s wrong, he tells her that he has a “strange illness”
•she asks what the symptoms are
•morning sickness
•Smell sensitivity
•Mood swings
•than she starts giggling.
•”Ignis, I’m a chef but I’m also a Mother of 3 kids.”
• “What are you imply, Pray tell?”
•”I think your Pregnant. You have the classic symptoms.”
•Ignis was dumbfounded. 𝘞𝘢𝘴 𝘩𝘦 𝘱𝘳𝘦𝘨𝘯𝘢𝘯𝘵?
•He made a Doctors appointment.
•After what feels like 𝘢𝘨𝘦𝘴, The Doctor comes back with the results.
•”Mr Scientia, The results are in. You are Pregnant! Congratulations!”
•Ignis was not one to be speechless but this...
•he wasn’t sure what to do!!
•he wasn’t sure if he was ready for Parenthood.
•He was Blind and he couldn’t never see what his child would look like.
•or, if it was the right time....
•so he turned to his friends, Prompto and Gladiolus, for help.
•Prompto had to ask if Iggy’s joking
•he wasn’t obviously
•Gladio asks if Ignis has tried to get the other parent involved.
•Ignis did tried to do that.
•it didn’t go well...
•the other parent outwardly admitted that they did not want to be in the baby’s life.
•Well Fuck
•Poor Ignis (someone hug him 🥺)
•Prompto and Gladiolus, being the best friends they are decided then and there, that there gonna help Ignis, no matter what decision he makes.
•Shannon, the coworker in question, steps up and offers Ignis tips on pregnancy, since she knows it can be stressful, especially with your first one.
•Ignis really appreciates it.
•she’s also leads when Ignis has a doctors appointment or is too sick to be there.
•8 Weeks: Ignis + Pregnant = Moody Ignis
•Little things bother him more than usual.
•Ignis almost Lashed out Prompto because he did something that annoyed him.
•Shannon assured Prompto that this is just a mood swing and that he didn’t mean it.
•at this point, Ignis and Shannon have started become close due to the fact that she’s basically has become his right hand man (or woman)
•Her helping more also has taken any stress Iggy has had about it off his chest.
•Ignis couldn’t be more greatful.
•12 weeks: a small bump has started to show. So adorable!
•And of course, ya know Prompto is gonna take SO.MANY.PICS of Ignis’s bump growing.
•he’s gonna scrapbook it (rip his sd card tho)
•lris already has started making baby clothes. Girl clothes.
•15 weeks: You thought he was a mom before? Oh you ain’t seen nothing yet!
•he acts real fatherly (or motherly) to the youngest employee at the restaurant.
•good thing to because the poor guy is always a nervous reck.
•he has talent but very little confidence. So Ignis assuring him, helps a lot.
•Shannon is now basically his iggy’s real hand man (or woman)
•she helps, even when Ignis’s there.
•not just in work, but in his pregnancy too (I swear. I did not mean to create a character)
•giving him tips, things to help him, with baby supplies to buy. She’s the real mvp.
•(let’s skip a little)
•20 Weeks: Ignis has already started to feel her move. It 𝘮𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘥 his heart. (I’ll see myself out 🚪)
•All joking aside, he was genuinely touched (that wasn’t a pun. I swear!) by feeling her kick.
•At this point, Ignis had already found out it’s a girl. (Again, you can change it if ya want to.)
•much to lris’s delight.
•lord take the wheel....
• he tries to control himself, when it comes to his strange cravings (like pickles with peanut butter?? Wtf???)
•but he gives in when no one’s looking.
•𝘴𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘯𝘰𝘯 𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘪𝘤𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘰
•”I Noticed Ignis.”
•”I don’t know why you are referring to.”
•25-28 weeks: he’s already getting bigger (don’t say that to his face tho.)
•if you think his work is being put on hold while being very pregnant, you clearly have never met Ignis.
•of course, he is being a little more easy on himself. Not walking around as much and Shannon makes a lot more decisions (with iggy’s trust)
•but he is a workaholic, so he’s working til he takes maternity leave.
•(I’m really trying to add Gladio to the story but lol)
•Prompto is already getting a new sd card cause he’s taking SO.MANY.PREGNANCY. PICS.
• “Prompto, if you don’t take any unnecessary pictures, you wouldn’t have to buy another sd car-
•32 Weeks (I’m trying not to make this boring lol): He’s still working!!
•Ain't nothin' gonna break-a my stride, Nobody gonna slow me down!
•Shannon starts to get a bit worried.
•”Sir. I believe that you should take a break. Please”
•Ignis looked at his right hand and smile. “I should. Thank you Shannon.”
•36 weeks: He feels 𝘵 𝘪 𝘳 𝘦 𝘥
•his poor swollen feet :(
•thankfully, lris is secretly planning a baby shower.
•Everyone is coming.
•Shannon distracting him until she’s called to bring him over.
•when Ignis sees this, he’s tears up.
•"𝘪𝘧 𝘰𝘯𝘭𝘺 𝘕𝘰𝘤𝘵 𝘸𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦."
• he gets so many adorable gifts.
•Prompto gets him a Chocobo Plush (classic)
•Gladio gets him a toy dagger. This son of a Bit-
•”Hey, you are never too early to start training!”
•Shannon got him a baby mobile.
•lris gotten him more baby clothes. Yay....(Am I the only one who can’t stand getting clothes as a gift?)
• lris had made an adorable cake. In his mind, Iggy admitted that she was as good as he was.
•this mf still working around the restaurant from his office.
•”Igg-Sir. Can we talk?”
•”Yes Shannon. And you can call me Ignis, were mutuals.”
•”Ignis. Promise me that when you enter in the third trimester, that you’ll take maternity leave. You’ll need to prepare for your baby.”
•Ignis was taken a back a bit. Yes, her concerns were valid but he didn’t wanna put everything on Shannon.
•”Ignis, I know that you don’t wanna put everything on me but...but you need to Focus on your daughter. You need to prepare.”
•”I’ll handle it. I know what I’m doing.” She smiled.
•Ignis chuckled back. “Really?” Getting up from his chair.
•”Well.” She left while looking back. “I have learned from the best.”
•Ignis laughed. He did taught her well. “Alright. I will. Thank you Shannon.”
•”don’t thank me si- Ignis. I’m just doing my job.”
•honestly Shannon has been a great support system for Ignis. Not just because she knows a thing or two or three about pregnancy, but she really has stepped up.
•Ignis considers her a great friend.
37 weeks: 9 months. He now has to get ready.
•it’s his last day at the restaurant. For awhile anyways.
•it’s actually really emotional. The employees are sad that they won’t see him for awhile but are happy that he’s taking time to be ready on fatherhood (**cough cough Motherhood cough cough**)
•To Ignis, There like a family, a family he gained when he lost so much.
•his eyesight
• and Noct
•After they’ve closed, they celebrate.
•Ignis and Shannon smiling at everyone.
•”I’m proud of you Sir.”
•Ignis smiled back. “Really?”
•”Yeah. Your the bravest person I’ve met.”
•”How, Pray tell?”
•”You may be blind but you certainly don’t act like it. You 𝗡𝗘𝗩𝗘𝗥 let it stop you. I’m- I’m really proud of you.” She choked up. 
•Ignis looked at her with his Emerald eyes and she looked back.
•”And I’m proud of you to, Shannon.”
•(let’s cut to the chase. Oooo. Foreshadowing.)•
•38 weeks: Ignis wonders how much his blindness will affect his daughter.
•he wasn’t lying when he said that his senses have grown. He basically doesn’t need any help.
•not that he wouldn’t have either way, but he doesn’t wanna be a burden on anyone. Including his daughter.
•Sometime during the day, Iggy starts feeling pain down his back.
•it wasn’t too bad, so he went on with his day.
•but the pain got worse.
•so bad that he started doing his deep breath’s.
•(y’all what it is!!)
•(weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee woooooooooooooooo 🚑)
•(that will never get old xD)
•The midwife tells him to get to the hospital, NOW!
•This is it.
•he has to be cut open....
• She was here.
•Ignis holding his daughter for the first time. Well, he broke down.
•he couldn’t see her but he was there to her hold her. He is there for her.
•”Hi Darling. I’m your Father.”
•she suddenly stopped crying and stared at his bad eye.
•After a week, hes able to take her home.
•And oh, If you thought Prompto took too many photos of Ignis’s pregnancy belly....oh boy.
•he immediately starts taking many, MANY MANY, Photos of her.
•she actually looked confused.
• Gladio joking said “so, when are we going to train her?”
•Ignis later made his food cold, on purpose later that night.
•Shannon got to hold her and fell in love with her immediately.
•”feels like holding my son for the first, all over again.” She said teared up.
•Over the years, She has grown to being a shy and a adorable little girl.
•She’s so helpful during work and is popular with the staff. They treat her like they’re siblings.
•She always tries to help Ignis’s blindness. Guiding him around.
•”Watch where your going Daddy.”
•Even tho, he can get around just fine. It warms his heart that she tries to help him.
•Of course, Ignis wishes that Noct could have Met her. Even once.
•but somehow, he believes that Noct is watching her in heaven.
•Noctis is so proud of his friend.
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Wow! So long! Well I hoped ya like it. I hope the true ending version is just as good as the alternative version.
I thought it would be cute that he would have a restaurant. ^~^ Gladio got the right idea 💡
Also I did not mean to create a new character, Shannon, but eh why not? I grew attached to her over the story (she sounds like a like Karen but she’s a good Karen. I promise.) and who knows? She might show up in other Headcanons 😉
Also whether you ship her with Ignis, is up to you. Hehehe. I don’t blame you tho.
Anyways, I hoped who requested this, liked it 💙💜
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