englishlab2 · 2 years
General Guidelines to be followed by OEMs while making Manuals. This document briefly covers the guidelines to be followed by OEMs while preparing manuals. Administrative Information, Introductory information, and Definition of Acronyms, Terms and Abbreviations. Above information is also required from OEMs along with approved manuals which are to be integrated in to IETM software. Multiple Skill Level Tracks, Comprehensibility can be followed as per the requirement of system that is to be delivered. (To be decided by OEM) Quality of graphics section is highly advisable to follow. Items and systems hierarchy section is also good to follow.
Guidelines to OEMs IETM
For More Visit: https://www.codeandpixels.net/blog/guidelines-to-oems-ietm/
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About IETM Software and Choosing the Right Level of IETM
Discover the power of interactive manuals! Learn about Level 4 IETM, clarify misconceptions, and navigate the landscape for optimal results. Embrace interactivity now!
3D Blowups in IETM:
Let’s Clear Things Up!
Let’s talk about IETM and put an end to some misconceptions. Now, when you hear “interactive,” you might think it’s all about fancy 3D blowup software. But hold your horses! Interactivity means you can actually dive into this software, browse around, cross-reference stuff, and search for specific topics or subtopics.
Imagine you’ve got a whopping 3000 pages spread across ten different manuals. You can’t possibly flip through all of them in a jiffy. But fear not! With an interactive electronic technical manual, you can search the entire database of 3000 pages in the blink of an eye. Boom! Instant results. Why? Because all that text is converted into a snazzy database, making searching and retrieving information a breeze. And guess what? You can also feast your eyes on related topics, and when you hover over the text, you’ll see images, videos, and descriptions popping up. Cool, huh?
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Developing Interactive Technical Manuals
But wait, there’s more! You can save bookmarks, jot down notes, and even check your search history or document access history. Now, that’s what we call interactivity! These nifty features power up the document and transform it into an Interactive Electronic Technical Manual (IETM). Since these manuals are all about tech stuff and we view them on electronic devices, we call them interactive electronic technical manuals. Fancy, right?
But here’s the deal: interactivity doesn’t mean you click on a part and it blows up into sub-parts, then you click on those sub-parts, and a voice starts explaining everything. Nope, that’s what we call 3D blowups or 3D virtual reality models and computer-based tutors (CBTs). They’re a different ballgame altogether.
Now, don’t get me wrong. You can still add those snazzy 3D blowups to your IETM. If the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) has any cool videos or 3D animated blowups, we can totally plug them into the IETM and make it even more awesome.
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Exploring the IETM Assignment:
Alrighty, We’ve got ourselves an exciting IETM assignment. Our mission? Creating some top-notch Interactive Technical Manuals, Level -4 style! Now, here’s the deal: our IETM vendor will work their magic using inputs from the client. So, dear client, we’ll need you to provide us with all the goodies — videos, images, CAD drawings/PDFs — so we can integrate them into the IETM and make it shine!
But hold on, my friends.!!! Our IETM vendor won’t be creating any fancy 3D animations, 3D models, 2D animations, or 2D drawings. Nope! We’ll simply plug in whatever nifty 3D files the OEM has into the IETM. As for videography, photography, CAD designing, blowup drawings designing, and the like, that’s not our cup of tea. We’ve got a separate division for those tasks, ’cause hey, we’ve got our specialties!
When “IETM” Means Level 3: Staying Within Budget
Now, let’s talk budget, my savvy folks. If your SCOPE/SOTR/RFP specifically mentions IETM, then stick to IETM alone. Trust me, those flashy 3D animations cost more than your regular IETM fare. Oh, and here’s a pro tip: make sure you check which IETM level the client or SCOPE is asking for. They might be after Level 3 or Level 4. (If your RFQ is from around 2016–17, they might even ask for Level -2. Talk about throwbacks!)
Understanding the Cost Difference:
But fear not! The latest RFPs/SCOPE requests Level -4, so that’s what we’re aiming for, my friends. And here’s the tea: if your client simply says “IETM,” go ahead and rock that Level 3. Level 4 IETM will cost you almost double the price of Level -3. So, choose wisely and keep those budgets in check!
For all the details, check out: https://www.codeandpixels.net/interactive-electronic-technical-manual-services-levels
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An Overview of the Features of IETM for Beginners
Explore Interactive Electronic Technical Manuals (IETM) in this playful guide. From PDFs to Level 4 databases, uncover features, standards, and and get a clear understanding of IETM’s architecture.
Hello everyone! I’ll try to explain everything to you in an interesting simple pattern.
Exploring the Evolution of IETM:
So, imagine you have this cool thing called an Interactive Electronic Technical Manual (IETM). It’s like your very own PDF file, but with a twist! It’s not just any old user handbook or technical manual. It’s the Level -1 IETM!
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Now, here’s the deal. If you’re supplying equipment to the Indian Defense, you gotta include the IETM as one of the mandatory deliverables. There’s this agency called JSG, and they’re all about setting standards for defense stuff. They came up with this cool standard called JSG 0852:2015, which tells you how to prepare your IETM documentation.
And by the way, have you heard about JSS 0251? It’s another standard that tells you how to design your User Handbooks (UHBs) or technical manuals. It’s all about making them look snazzy with fancy front page designs, table of content layouts, headers, footers, indexes, amendment sheets, and all that jazz. Kinda like JSG 0852 but for UHBs.
Okay, let’s dive into the different levels of IETM!
Level 2 is where the fun starts. Your IETM will have these cool cross-references that link one section of the PDF to another. It’s like navigating through a digital maze using hyperlinks. We’re talking about some next-level stuff here!
Standards and Architecture: JSG, JSS, and IETM Documentation
There’s more! Level 3 takes it up a notch. Your manuals get converted into HTML pages and organized in a neat and tidy linear structure, just like the original manual. You’ll have a fancy Table of Contents, and it’s all easy-peasy to navigate. Plus, you’ll get some handy features like hyperlinks, search options, and tabs for manuals and drawings.
The Levels of IETM: From PDFs to Level 4 Databases
Now, let’s get to IETM Level 4. It’s like the grand finale of IETM awesomeness! All your manuals are transformed into a database, and you need this fancy IETM Viewer software to access and view them. This software is like a web application that lets you explore the database and check out all your manuals. And boy, does it have some mind-blowing features! We’re talking about powerful search capabilities, advanced filters, related topics, history tracking, glossaries, annotations, bookmarks, full-screen mode, hot spots (text, images, videos), and even a user dashboard!
Now, here’s a little heads up. IETM isn’t like a regular PDF or MS Word document where you can just peek at a few pages to get an idea. Nope, it’s a whole package deal! If you want to get a good grasp of what it’s all about, you gotta see the software in action. Trust me, once you see it, you’ll be 100% clear on what IETM is all about. If you’re interested, you can contact do visit this website: (codeandpixels.net) and we’ll set you up with a quick demo or a software walkthrough of some live projects. That way, you’ll truly understand the amazing architecture of IETM.
For more juicy details, check out this link: https://www.codeandpixels.net/interactive-electronic-technical-manual-services-levels
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Advantages of Guidelines, Benefits, and More About IETM
Discover the Benefits of Interactive Electronic Technical Manuals (IETM) and their advantages over traditional hard copies and PDFs. From streamlined troubleshooting to user-friendly navigation, explore the benefits, guidelines, and the need for IETM in today’s digital age.
IETM: Ultimate Guide
So, here’s the deal. If I had to sum up the answer to this question in just one word, that word would be YES! Why? Well, let me tell you all about it and throw in some alternatives for good measure.
Well, let me break it down for you in a fun and easy-to-understand way.
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Imagine that you are an Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) and that you supply the Navy, Air Force, or Army with all kinds of exotic electrical, mechanical, and electronic equipment. Now, there’s this thing called an Interactive Electronic Technical Manual (IETM) that you have to furnish when you hand over your stuff. Like a necessary accessory, really.
What actually is an IETM?
then? Picture it as the electronic equivalent of your user manuals. You know, like those PDF files you might have on your computer. Imagine you’ve got around 20 documents with a whopping total of 5,000 pages. That’s a whole lotta info, my friend. So, you burn those babies onto a DVD and hand ’em out along with some good ol’ hard copies. Oh, and don’t forget the IETM software on the DVD. Gotta have that too!
Here’s where it gets interesting. Let’s say there’s a glitch with one of your gizmos, like a receiver. Now, the poor operator is scratching their head, trying to figure out what to do. They need to consult the user manual, the maintenance manual, and even the troubleshooting manual. Phew, that’s a lot of manuals! Imagine sifting through 5 or 6 thick hard copies just to find the solution. Talk about a headache!
But wait, there’s more! In those good ol’ PDFs, you can do this cool thing called a “Ctrl + F” search. It’s like magic! You just type in a keyword, hit enter, and bam! The relevant information pops up right in front of you. But with those hard copies, sorry, my friend, no magic search button for you. You gotta read and search manually. Ain’t nobody got time for that!
So, yeah, in a nutshell, OEM definitely needs IETM. It’s like having a digital treasure trove of manuals at your fingertips, making troubleshooting a breeze. And if you’re thinking of alternatives, well, I hate to break it to you, but there ain’t nothin’ quite like it.
So, there you have it! The wonderful world of IETM and why it’s a big deal. Hope that made things clearer for ya! Happy troubleshooting, my friend!
So, we’ve established that referring to hard copies is a real pain in the neck. But what about PDFs? Well, they’re definitely an improvement over hard copies. But hold on, my friend, there’s still a catch. We often have to flip through multiple pages and juggle between different documents. Talk about a multitasking challenge! And don’t get me started on cross-references. It’s like trying to find a needle in a haystack!
But have no fear, friends troubleshooters, for the Interactive Electronic Technical Manual, or IETM, is here to save the day. It’s similar to having a reliable ally by your side. You may access a wealth of knowledge across all 5,000 pages with just one click. And what’s this? Even filters can be used to focus your search. It is similar to having your own personal search wizard!
But that’s not all, folks. This magical IETM doesn’t stop there. It’s got hyperlinks galore! You can hop from one manual to another, click on images, videos, and drawings for some extra clarity. It’s like a virtual adventure where every click takes you closer to the solution you seek.
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Image Source: ( Google — Code And Pixels )
Exploring the Guidelines, of Interactive Electronic Technical Manuals (IETM):
Now, let’s talk about the main purpose of our trusty IETM. It’s all about speed, my friend. We want users to find the information they need in a flash. With a user-friendly interface, you’ll be zooming straight to your destination with ease and convenience. And hey, just like Google, it even remembers your search history and suggests related keywords. Talk about being one step ahead!
But wait, there’s more cool stuff. You can leave your mark in this digital wonderland. Annotations and bookmarks? You got it! And guess what? It’s all password-protected, so no sneaky unauthorized folks can access your precious documents.
Advantages of Interactive Electronic Technical Manuals (IETM):
Now, let’s explore the advantages of this amazing Interactive Electronic Technical Manual. We’ve got customization, baby! You can adjust the font size, go full screen, and it’s lightning-fast because it’s browser-based. And hey, it adapts to all sizes of monitors, so no worries there.
Oh, and did I mention the organized bliss of it all? Everything is neatly arranged in a proper Table of Content. You can even refer to the original manuals and drawings if you want to go old school. Plus, there are glossaries and observations to add some extra flavor to your experience.
You know what else? This IETM can transform into a digital library or a repository of knowledge for your equipment. Imagine having everything you need in one handy place. And hey, if you’ve got some snazzy 3D videos, you can plug ’em right into the IETM. It’s like a one-stop shop for all your referencing needs!
So, to answer the burning question of whether we really need IETM, it all comes down to your tender document. If it says you need it, well, you better deliver it, my friend. And guess what? There are no alternatives that can match the awesomeness of IETM. It’s got specific guidelines set by the Joint Service Group (JSG), so it’s the real deal.
But hold on, what if your tender document doesn’t specify whether you need Level 3 or Level 4? Ah, fear not! We’ve got a solution for that too. In some cases, you can make an educated guess based on the size of your systems. If you’ve got fewer than 1,000 pages, you can propose or deliver Level 3. Problem solved!
So, “I hope you’ll enjoy reading it.” -Thank You
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