#If Miko gets scars from this bulkhead would feel guilty every time he sees her smile
weldingmetal · 5 months
How do you think cybertronians would react to our mouths? The fact that the mouth can easily bite and rip off your or someone else's pinky finger with such ease, almost like biting into a carrot. The brain only stops you from doing so.
So like I think in this scenario it’s not the fact that they have mouths that freaked them out, it’s the fact of what they do with said mouths as well as teeth.
Unlike Cybertronians human eat and chew where they mostly drink. Humans teeth are made to tear into flesh. Just predicons had sharp teeth to eat living mechanisms we have canines to eat meat.
Although that isn’t to say that bots teeth can’t be sharp. I believe if they ate non refined energon in its crystal form their denta would get sharp. I mean look a TFP Megatron. We know that he loved his space crack- I mean dark energon. So I wouldn’t doubt that centuries of eating the stuff would make his mouth look like a piranha.
But sharp teeth/denta for bots isn’t normal.
I can imagine how visceral it would be for a bot to watch a human or animal tear into meat or eat and chew things that should be to hard for soft organics.
So imagine a bot’s reaction to a humans mouth and teeth at work.
Here is a blurb of a possible reaction.
Bulkhead tired to think of a way out of this.
It was supposed to be a simple mission. It was supposed to be practically nothing. Now he’s tied up, can’t move or sever his binds, and he still doesn’t know where Miko went.
He let her wonder off and now who knows where she-
As if Primus himself heard him he heard his charges voice.
“Bulkhead where are you we have to-“
She turned the corner to find Bulkhead. Tied up in some kind of cable.
“I’m sorry Miko, I was ambushed. I would get us the frag out of here but…I’m a little tied up.”
He says looking down at his binds. Miko runs up to him.
“You gotta try Bulk, the decepticons were after me back there. I lost them but they could come any second!”
“I wish I could Miko. But there are to many loops in my binds around me to break free. I would be able to if I could break just a few of them, maybe if you can find somethi-!”
Then deep in the cave stomping peds could be heard. Miko was full on panicking. She ran up to her bot. Her friend. She tugged and tugged. She knew everything would be okay if she could just break a few.
“It’s no use Miko! I’ll be fine you need to go! Please Miko, run and hide!”
Miko looked up at the bot, her bot, in fear. She looked towards the impending doom before back to Bulkhead and his pleading look.
Something in her snapped.
Her face lit up in anger and she screamed-
She bit down on the cable, electric sparks lighting up around the corners of her mouth as she tugged and bit and thrashed her head back and forth like a wild animal until the cable broke.
She went for another
*crunch zzzt snap*
*crunch zzzt snap*
*crunch zzzt snap”
”Leaving you.”
*crunch zzzt snap*
Bulkhead with all his might flexed and pulled and stood and broke his binds just as the vehicons rounded the corner. He picked Miko up and dashed out of the cave dodging blasts aimed at him.
He looked down at Miko and gasped. The corners of her mouth were burned and bloodied. Her jaw was snapping and seizing no doubt from the electric current she continued to bite…for his sake.
As he left the cave and was able to get a signal to comlink and ask for a ground bridge he was wracked with heavy and thick guilt.
He was supposed to be the strong one. He stopped thinking when he heard Miko groan and speak.
“G-guess I s-saved you this time h-huh Bulkhead?”
Bulkhead thought he would cry, in fact he was almost certain he was tearing up. Despite everything Miko, his sparkling charge was still smiling.
As he ran into base he yelled for Ratchet, to do something anything to help Miko.
June and eventually Fowler was called. June bandaged Miko’s mouth and said that she probably won’t have any lasting scars and if she did they would fade.
After the kids were sent home the bots rightfully demanded to know what happened.
Bulkhead explained everything, even the way Miko seemed to go feral.
After that bots went to bed with deep unease in their tanks.
How could something so small have a bite that hard, and still undoubtedly be sentient.
Bulkhead didn’t recharge that night.
Who could blame him with the image of mostly innocent Miko desperately and frantically tore into the cable like a feral animal. All because he wasn’t strong enough.
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