#If a Secular Witch Calendar book sounds like something you'd be interested in let me know in the comments!
breelandwalker ยท 1 year
Ok so not gonna lie ive been thinking about that non-WOTY harvest folklore post for a solid day and I have a few questions. Assuming one were to write the book Would you want to just look at the U.S. and do it regionally? Would you want to take into account the culture of the settlers? Would you want a look through religious lenses? Would you want a bunch of worldwide cultures?
You got my Cultural Anthropology brain excited and now it wont let go
Mostly I was hoping to find agricultural folklore books as a resource for a slightly different book I'm hoping to write, tentatively titled The Secular Witch's Year. It would go through the calendar month by month, detailing seasonal changes, suggesting activities, and noting holidays and traditions observed in various places, with some allowance for regional variations in climate and such. Ideally, I'd like to be able to include information for witches who live in the Southern Hemisphere too, since they're often overlooked.
The most important part is that the schedule and ideas presented would be secular and NOT rely on the WOTY for their substance. There are more groups than just Wiccans who observe the harvest cycle and mark the solstices / equinoxes and the like, but Wicca was the foundation of so much modern witchcraft literature that it's difficult to get away from that mold. I know I wouldn't be able to do it perfectly. But a step is a step and I still mean to try. I've already got a draft going.
I do think a book detailing various harvest cycle traditions from around the world would be fantastic, but I would respectfully leave that to more scholarly authors than myself. Probably the ones with research assistants. ๐Ÿ˜…
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