#If someone has better evidence than my brain fart of an essay please tell me
im-not-a-sheep · 1 year
I just wanna think about how long Miss pauling and scout have actually worked for the administrator (or how old they were when they started working for her)
(This is a nonsense ramble I honestly don't fucking know)
Now let's say miss pauling is the same age as scout, and scout claims he's known her for 6 years? So she definitely has been working for the admin since 21 (same as scout)
But there was a time in game where we didn't know about miss pauling. (Between the release of the game and miss p's introduction in 2009)
The game was released in 2007 and miss pauling was introduced in the WAR! comic in 2009 then does that mean scout has actually worked for the admin since he was 19? (There's a 2 year gap where the playerbase had never heard of miss p right?) Hes known miss pauling for 6 years but that doesnt mean hes been working for the admin the same amount of time right? But has miss p alsp been working long before that and just never introduced herself?
Ok but we all know that scout is 23 during the events of the game (as stated in some description of a toy or whatever... although that's the events of the game not when he started....?)
So if scout started working for the admin at 23... now 6 yr time skip he's now 29?... which doesn't make sense bc in the comics he's 27?
sorry I'm literally sitting here thinking whether or not starting mercenary work at 19 is normal and/or if I'm missing anything from the comics...
Slightly off topic but I see the game and the comics to both have different canons (and the sfms yo be between those 2 canons)
So if we're gonna use the games canon (which has a 2 year gap of scout/the players not knowing miss pauling) then scout started working for the admin at 19, (idk bout miss p.. she could've started earlier but idfk)
But if we use the comic info then it's possible they started at 21
Sorry if you're reading thru this messy writing
Idk if miss p ever said anywhere how long she's worked for the admin... but idk ig its possible they started working at 19 - 21?
Tf2 takes places in what , 1975? Somehwere then right? I asked my brother if working for the army at that age then was normal and he said it is so idk
I mainly wrote this bc they're (or scout is confirmed to be) thr youngest mercs so it was just a random thought
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