#If there's any anomalies you're curious about that I didn't list here feel free to ask
glassautomaton · 1 year
Y'know, I was wondering, what are the extent of humanoid containment cells? From what I've gathered their liked dumbed down studio apartments, almost.. (Bedroom, Bathroom, dumbed down because they don't have a kitchen, I assume.) But I would really like someone like you to explain how you see them. I know Iris has a more 'updated' cell (She was offered it for joining A-9 I think), but we never really were told what that meant. I assume maybe she has a kitchen? Or maybe more space?
If you wanna explain specific Humanoids cells individually that would be cool as well haha. (I always imagined they have some charm to them, monochrome charm but.. Leora maybe has some Marvel Movie Posters, Daniel has Cactus's, Stacey has some dvds from her favorite K-Dram laying around, ect..)
Sorry it's taken me so long to respond to this, I've been busy this past week.
So, in short, you've got it mostly correct - dumbed down studio apartment lacking any kitchen appliances since those could start fires. Maybe around 200-ish feet including the bathroom, probably a little more but it depends on how new the room is. The Foundation has, broadly speaking, treated humanoids better as time has gone on, and the cells reflect that. The oldest ones still in use constitute the medium-risk humanoid cells, and have more in common with a prison cell than an apartment. Of course, they're a little refurbished, but at their core they're rather inhospitable. These cells are in between Medium Containment and the Humanoid Containment Wing, as their security and human needs are split between both.
When the modern Humanoid wing was built, its cells were made with the fact that the humanoids were being given penal sentences in mind. Nicer (though still shitty) beds, a couple pieces of furniture that would likely remain barren, and connected bathrooms with separated by doors. As this section was added to and Site-17 became recognized as the main site for humanoid containment, the wing was added to with different facilities and progressively nicer rooms. The most modern rooms look like a depressing studio apartment, but not, like, a jail cell with a concrete floor.
None of the cells have any windows, both for security reasons and the fact that a lot of the standard operating procedures around humanoids is pretty old, and states that humanoids shouldn't be reminded of the outside world, be that through windows or nature documentaries. The furniture is cheap but functional, like what you'd find in a pre-furbished college dorm. Older cells have well-meaning but ultimately ineffective refurbishing, as the Foundation doesn't really want to spend a lot of time closing large amounts of cells and doesn't want to waste old ones.
Anomalies can make requests for nicer cells if they're available, as well as requests for various things like books or blankets and whatnot, though everything has to be approved by staff, who keep the process at least somewhat confidential. If you're cooperative with the Foundation, you get preferential treatment when it comes to requests. Iris didn't actually request a room transfer as she's far too used to her room, but she did get a much nicer bed as well as some more premium furniture, but beyond that she isn't particularly ambitious. She's very used to her current setup.
A few things are staples among contained anomalies to the point where staff just started making them standard in containment cells, like books, decks of cards, and body pillows, because once you're in there that's the best you're going to get.
As far as individual rooms go, there's not as much variation as you might expect, barring some exceptions. Requests are slow-going and often rejected, though they have been expedited and loosened recently (which is something I go over a bit in 6703).
Iris' room is pretty barren, save for the aforementioned furniture and a body pillow that's taller than she is. Most of her personal belongings are educational textbooks she's already long since memorized and a bunch of sudoku and crossword books she has scattered around the place. She keeps an old picture of Adrian and Beatrice from Omega-7 folded up in the bottom of her nightstand, but she doesn't know why.
Jackie's used to spending most of her time and Site-19 and therefore never really felt the need to ask for much, but the more nights she spends on a tiny-ass twin long bed, the more she's been thinking about making a very polite request where she politely reminds whoever looks at it all the shit she's put up with while still staying loyal.
Anne hasn't made many requests, nor does she intend to - she doesn't want too much on record. As her first order of business, she scoped out how much security and surveillance was actually in place in her room, and found all the places she could possible hide things. Not that she has anything she'd want to hide, but hey, good to stay prepared. Her belongings are a small collection of things like screwdrivers she's nicked from maintenance staff.
Daniel/Cactusman's room has too many cacti. At first he had a few to talk to, but they got boring real fast, so he asked for more since he didn't have any normal people to talk to, but he got bored of those too. This continued for several cycles, bit he can't just, like, throw out what he sees as people, so they've just been amassing in his room. Hopefully, the ability to interact with other people will put a stop to it.
Leora's requests for superhero movies were turned down repeatedly, but she would just reapply with different wording each time. Once requests were relaxed a bit, she did get a couple movies on DVD. She hasn't requested much else, though, because only kids play with toys and she's definitely not a kid. Stacey possibly thinking it's lame since she said she actually doesn't like Marvel movies that much has nothing to do with it.
Stacey hasn't asked for much, though her requests for educational textbooks were all pushed through the process faster than usual. Her requests for copies of the kdramas she likes made it through the process surprisingly quickly, considering that the Foundation doesn't like spending a bunch of money on random blu-ray box sets. She's been less excited about watching them after seeing that Leora was less enthusiastic about them than she had hoped.
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