#If they were to propose to her or vice versa I'd imagined them to be the types to be engaged for many years
xero013 Β· 1 year
How do you think the Nimbasa trio would react to a positive pregnancy test? (Even if it turns out to be a false alarm)
False AlarmπŸ’€
Sorry this took so long, this ask came out of nowhere that when I first saw it I had to do a double takeβ€”
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Maybe not the exact answer but lEMME GO AHEAD AND INFODUMP MY THOUGHTS ABOUT THISβ€”
They already discussed about their arrangements;
Marriage was a: "Not now but maybe until when the time is right (the three of them having only been dating for three years still)"
And: "Alright with having kids, but after they've actually settled down (and their schedules aren't as tight but the twins would definitely be the type of dads to wear a baby carrier and bring the kids to work if there's no babysitters available www)".
Elesa wants to too but she's the kind of mom who doesn't want her kids to be under the spotlight cuz y'know. But you bet your sweet ass that she'd spoil them rotten like the good mom she is!
The rules has been set, very original I know (xD) but the twins are the type to take it to heart so their reactions are pretty reasonable especially for Ingo www (Come on they care about her quite a lot and thought they had messed up by breaking two of them)
(Actually, there was supposed to be more pages to this that would explain their true feelings to it after the initial shock and Elesa explaining why in the world she decided to do a pregnancy test in the first place.
And she'd y'know, ask them a what-if possibility if it were a positive?
They'd be more concerned about her feelings and all, and it's up to her to decide what to do about, and whatever her choice would be, they would wholeheartedly do their best to y'know, support her, be there for her like the awesome boyfriends they are.)
Which if you want, you can ask for it again, I won't mind drawing the continuation to this, but it might be more fluffy than funny tho and of course, would take longer to postβ€”
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rosietrace Β· 2 years
Main Ship headcanons :DD
(Meaning the ones established in their profiles, not the oc x oc ones)
Edit: I forgot to add Claudette and Ambrosia, and I would like to apologize for that-
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Eclair x Malory
Eclair braided his hair every morning
High school sweethearts. Eclair went to an all girls fairy academy while Malory went to RSA
When they graduated, Malory proposed to Eclair, who immediately said yes
They didn't have trouble financially due to their wealthy families
Before they got married Malory would call Eclair "sweetheart" or "my starlight"
When they became newlyweds he called her "My sun" or "My Apollonia"
When Eclair brought up the idea to make scepter hall, Malory was incredibly supportive and helped her in every way he could
He hid secrets from her, but she never meddled into his business and vice versa
No cheating. Nada. Absolutely NONE. These two are loyal and meant it when they said til death do us part
Were considering having kids until it was revealed to them that Eclair's incapable of having any
Having almost lost hope, Eclair wished upon a star in hopes that her wishing fairy friends would help give her the child she and her husband wanted
And in the end, what she got in return was a healthy baby girl... And the disappearance of her husband
Knowing that his health was deteriorating at the seams, Eclair was aware that he couldn't have gone far
She searched high and low within every nook and cranny, and found nothing but the possibility of her husband being dead
And now all she feels when gazing upon the dorm of winter...
.... Is heartache
Victoria x Malleus
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Claudette x Ambrosia
'The sun and moon' of SHI
Claudette clings to her every time she's had a bad day
It makes Clark feel single and that brings a smile to Ambrosia's face
They didn't really know how to socialize with one another when they first met, so communication is very significant in their relationship
They almost never argue because of how well they communicate with one another
And even when they do argue? They comfort each other by holding hands, but not facing each other
It's kind of their own way to say 'I'm sorry'
Whenever one of them has to work overtime, they always bring a cup of their favorite drink alongside their favorite food
Claudette's is a matcha latte with honey-filled chocolates
While Ambrosia is a black coffee and mochi
Whoever made one of them cry will have hell rain all over them
No one's gonna make Claudette or Ambrosia cry without consequences-
Their dates are usually to some classy and aesthetically pleasing kind of cafΓ© or restaurant
It's almost always Ambrosia treat, since she doesn't want Claudette to overspend on her
The only reason Claudette cried while watching mean girls is because Ambrosia didn't understand any of the references she made-
Back when their relationship just started, they wouldn't hear the end of it from Clark since he teased them relentlessly
To put it simply, their relationship and communication with one another is great
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So much bickering
It is practically endless and the amount of fancy words they use may
And sexual tension
Lots of sexual tension. It feels unnatural how much tension there is the minute they're both in the same room
I can imagine that they'd send each other letters, but they're the least romantic thing ever and it's just filled with unnecessarily petty comments as a way to insult each other
Vic might be the type to actually get her hands dirty if Malleus takes her death threats seriously, but considering her history with bloodshed, she'd rather not
Oddly synchronized whenever they have to work together. They can't explain why, but they work oddly well together when it comes to things like combat, dancing, singing, etc.
I'd say the best part of this stage of their dynamic is how much they respect each other
Malleus may hate Victoria, but he still considers her his equal and is willing to challenge her in ways most wouldn't be able to
And the same thing applies to Victoria, who is also willing to challenge Malleus in ways others aren't able to do
They hate each other, but they respect one another just enough to see the other as genuine threats
When Victoria's reading, Malleus often rests his head on her lap as she reads since he finds her voice soothing
Similar to Azure x Carol(@fumikomiyasaki) except they hated each other before this
They remain unnaturally synchronized, but it feels less like a competition to outdo the other and more of a harmonious approach of expressing the passion they share for one another
Malleus wears things that were made by Victoria. I don't make the decisions here, it is CANON-
He'll regularly offer to model for her design concepts if Mercury, Camilla and Zen aren't available
Lots of gift giving on Malleus's part. Given that he's technically a dragon, I'd make the claim that he'd spoil his beloved rotten
Victoria expresses her love differently through quality time
They could just be in a room completely silent, but they'd still be able to enjoy each other's company despite it
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Frisk x Cater
Mutual pining. So much pining that it probably put Freyah to the brink of insanity at the idea that they'll take too long to confess
So being the good sister that she is, Freyah decided to help them by aggressively matchmaking them together
And while it did work out in the end, Freyah ended up creating a number of misunderstandings between the two ;-;
Cater has an entire album dedicated to Frisk and he always makes sure she looks breathtaking in every single one
Frisk is rather shy and due to the pressure she had from being an influencer in the past, Cater doesn't post much of their relationship for her sake even though he knew she was okay with it
Frisk is aware of Cater's disdain for sweets, and makes sure to take that into account when making him some snacks
She'll try and crack a few jokes, but then she'll slowly die of embarrassment when Cater starts to tease her for it
She usually stands behind Cater whenever they're together since she has a problem with socializing with others
{ Mentions of bullying }
Frisk has experienced bullying before, and Cater is quick to notice how she's very closed off when the subject is discussed in her presence
He won't confront her outright, but do his best to make her comfortable enough to tell him what happened to her
When Frisk admitted to him about her experiences, no one had seen Cater look so.... Angry
If her bullies were students in the school, Cater would offer to.... Do certain things to them on the internet
And by that I mean blackmail them about information he found after searching all over the net for any info on them
Obviously he ended up getting his suggestion politely declined, but Frisk knew that his intentions were for her sake
But other than that, communication between them is great and there aren't as many misunderstandings between them
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Grey x Leona
Leona comes from a kingdom that inhabits incredibly powerful and respectable women, so its only natural that he'd respect Grey for her perseverance
He respects her, and she him, but things are awkward and full of almost unnecessary tension because of one thing
Their arranged marriage
It was an agreement made by their parents and Leona's brother, king Farena, and one that the two didn't particularly feel comfortable with
The times where they were told to always be seen together in events was the thing that ticked Grey off
When Grey began attending NRC, Leona knew it was inevitable for her to challenge him for the role of dorm head
They didn't interact much after the aftermath, given their already awkward situation with their engagement
They'd soon settle on a hobby they both share
Leona practically sleeps regularly and Grey often gets tired after sparring, so they'd usually go to one another's room and sleep there
There's nothing suggestive about that outside of the fact that they both sleep in each other's rooms
Oftentimes they sleep separately, but Leona unintentionally rests his head on Grey's chest while they're both lying down, but she doesn't necessarily mind and just let's him
Leona comments that Grey's chest is a very convenient pillow
Sleeping ends with unintentional cuddling
They both wake up pretending they weren't so close in proximity πŸ’€
If Grey's lucky, Leona might wake up and spar with her-
There isn't much to say outside of the fact that they just need to realize that the cuddling they do isn't platonic.
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Nyx x Vil
(does not apply to the Villainess au interpretation of their relationship)
Nyx had always shown a keen interest in Vil, which set off her brothers a little because of their protective nature over her
But nonetheless, she managed to befriend Vil Schoenheit
At first they just had a couple brief conversations while they walked to class together, but now Vil finds time in his schedule to spend more time with Nyx outside of that
Though whenever Nyx shows up at Pomefiore, someone's bound to assume that they are in a romantic relationship
Victoria, Epel and Rook
But Vil always denied those claims and said that Nyx was just his friend
Adrien Agreste vibes out of Vil nglπŸ’€
But then B O O M
He suddenly felt warm and fuzzy around Nyx
Well- He ALWAYS did he just never realized it until now-
It's kind of a she fell first he fell harder situation with these two
But it was Nyx who ended up confessing in the end
Because of Vil's reputation, Nyx was okay with keeping their relationship a secret but didn't necessarily mind being featured in a lot of his recent magicam posts
Naturally, Vil's fans wanted to know what kind of relationship they had, but Vil kept denying the claims that they were dating
Until he ended up slipping up and posted a picture of him and Nyx that revealed to everyone that they were dating
Given how vicious Vil's fans can get, Nyx definitely got a lotbit of hate from them
But then death threats came rushing in and it was inevitable for Nyx to start standing up for herself until Vil confronted his fans himself
When he did, they slowly began growing more fond of Nyx and they both allowed themselves to publicly show off their relationship
They mostly do the same things they did as friends for dates, but Vil got treated to a date in the monstro lounge thanks to Nyx not telling her brothers
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Lumina x Jamil
In Jamil and Lumina's case, they are the textbook definition of mutual pining
Moreso than Cater and Frisk, even
They both share a silent disdain for Kalim and would often rant to each other about it when they were alone
Kalim, ever oblivious to the distaste they shared, noticed the glint in their eyes whenever they interacted
Like something clicked between them
And because of that, Kalim decided to play matchmaker and gleefully make an attempt to get Jamil and Lumina together
As of now they're still in the pining stages, but only Lumina is somewhat aware that Jamil returns her affections for him
They are carrying Scarabia in the kitchen, their cooking is DIVINE
I think a couple of the students cried a bit-
When they were kids, Lumina would often wake up Jamil up in the middle of the night to stargaze, much to the chagrin of Jamil and his parents
When Lumina moved in with her aunt, Kalim and Jamil were incredibly supportive and were willing to help her pack her things
(Since she lived with Kalim after running away from home due to her father's neglect and alcoholism, he didn't even notice she was gone)
Even after she moved away, they kept in touch and remained close for many years
They dance together at night since most of Scarabia would've already been asleep
Lumina still wakes him up so they could stargaze and walk around the dorm
Occasional flirting between the two of them, specifically with Jamil giving her a playful smirk if she ever got flustered
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Azrail x Idia
Adorable together
Az often accompanies Idia's tablet around the school since he... Doesn't really attend classes in person-
Ortho loves the two of them together and is happy as long as Idia's happy, he even helps Az with his horticultural studies
Idia helps his boyfriend with his inventions for horticultural research
Let's just say that Az was a little.... Perplexed when he and Idia first met
He didn't really expect that the representative of his dorm was so.... Attractive Antisocial-
But he never judged Idia for his antisocial nature, since he decided to look at it through his perspective and quickly understood his reasons for acting the way he does
Dimitri isn't 100% keen on letting this relationship slide, given his protectiveness over Azrail. But as long as his little brother's happy, he's happy
Az doesn't have the same level of interest in anime and manga as his boyfriend, but he's supportive nonetheless and occasionally gifts him an exclusive copy of one of his favorite mangas
Don't ask him how he got them, you don't wanna know
Az was a little conflicted about Ortho at first, but he ended up growing attached to him when they started interacting more. Which relieved Idia since he was afraid they wouldn't get along-
Their dorm rooms are next to each other and Az unintentionally enters Idia's instead of his own when he's having a bad day
Idia didn't mind it though, he liked having his boyfriend's company either way
PDA is a big ol' no no for the two of them
Idia would be a little too anxious to even hold Az's hand in public, and Az doesn't find it relevant in a relationship that's built around privacy
Idia was the first person to witness Azrail cry putting on contact lenses, and he ended up wheezing himself unconscious
They order cup noodles in bulk when they're cooped up in their dorm rooms band don't want to get up and make food in the dorm's kitchen
When Az is away for something important like a family gathering, Idia secretly wears his turtlenecks since they happen to be similar in dress size
Azrail was FULLY ready to throw hands with a ghost when the ghost marriage event was in session
Man's was ready to start a cat fight with a ghost who wanted to marry his boyfriend-
Idia gave Az sound cancelling headphones that turns on the noise cancellation automatically and also allows him to detect when something's about to happen to him
Ortho also helped in making the headphones and Az typically uses them when he's writing down his notes in a loud classroom he was given permission by his professors to do that
Would watch the ghost stories dub and wheeze for the next couple of hours over the beef social media(specifically the TWST equivalent of Twitter and TikTok) has on the dub
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Marylin x Lilia
(This ship is only implied, since no one actually knows if they're together or not)
Madam Monroe has known Lilia since their war days as veterans
Marylin would often joke with Lilia to hide her fear of the possibility of death, which he was very aware of
Lilia knew Marylin wanted freedom due to her upbringing, and decided to help her by using humor to help her cope
They'd train together and Marylin would mostly win by body slamming Lilia to the ground poor Lilia tbh
After their veteran days were over, they went their separate ways. Lilia began caring for Silver while Marylin began working at scepter hall
They did continue keeping in touch, and would regularly send letters and use magic in order to communicate
Silver's stumbled upon a couple of those letters and was completely flabbergasted by how flirtatious Lilia's words were. Though Lilia would confirm nor deny that he was not so subtly flirting with Marylin
Clark's met Lilia before and they instantly clicked, the former even going as far as to say Lilia got his blessing for their potential wedding-
Silver sees Marylin as the mother-figure he lacked in his childhood, and Marylin treats Silver like a son
Lilia makes frequent visits to scepter hall when he can, just so he can see his veteran buddy
When they have the time to, they'd spar like they used to whenever Lilia visits and vice versa
The two of them haven't confirmed nor have they denied any claims of a romantic relationship between them, and they only really watch the chaos unfold
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Eclipse x Crowley
{ No information.... Yet }
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thotsforvillainrights Β· 2 years
And second, how would some of the league/hissaki react to their daughter, reader (13), having a HUGE crush on Mustard? Like they pursue and they vice versa, then end up dating!
I'd really like if it was (some aged up) Magne, Dabi, Shiggy, Kai, Chrono, and anyone else you want?
(Howdy, now anon please don't put me in a wooden box for this one but I'm not sure how this would come out. Please be patient with me if I get this wrong!)
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-Magne: So her goal is to try and be cool about everything. She doesn't want to ever be seen as the parent that constricts her child's life choices. She's always been cool with her daughter and the two of them have that mother-daughter relationship where it feels like they're friends. However, Magne is a little concerned about her kid dating Mustard. I mean, he's got not too many proper attributes as a young man should have. She knows she's never been a saint but she's always tried to be a positive role model for her daughter. It's probably going to take her some time to adjust to everything really. She'll allow it but she's got her eye on him...
-Dabi: He could care less. Actually he's really chill about it. It doesn't matter to him since he knows you don't always choose who you fall in love with. That's true in his case or otherwise his daughter wouldn't even exist. So if it's alright with mom and her, then it's alright with him too. Now that being said, he's still protective of his kid. If Mustard were to ever harm her so much as a hair on her head in a way she didn't like, then he'd be fucking toast. Trust me, Dabi is not the kind of father you want to play games with when it comes to protecting his baby.
-Shigaraki: You've got to give him some time to think about it. He's also really protective over his kid but still relaxed at the same time. Where Dabi didn't give a warning speech to Mustard and is waiting for the kid to slip up, Tomura will give the speech. It would probably be the most menacing thing that Mustard has heard in a very long time. Seriously, that boy usually doesn't feel scared of anyone but Shigaraki is a different story. His daughter probably felt like Mustard didn't like her very much after their first date. When Tomura asks why, she just replies "He was really distant with me and he treated me like I was glass, like I would break if he got too close." Tomura just smiles to himself.
-Overhaul: What date? What do you mean date? Boyfriend? Oh no, none of that. His kid is the most sheltered of all. There's going to be a lot of rebellion and a lot of arguments in his house. His poor daughter is barely allowed to have male friends to begin with. What makes you think Kai is going to approve of a whole ass boyfriend. Not only that, but the boyfriend is someone like Mustard too? Oh hell no. I doubt any of that will go well in the long run. Eventually he does give up...years down the damn line when his daughter is an adult and Muscular proposes to her. He reluctantly gives his blessing but in his eyes that's still his little baby girl and nothing will change that.
-Chronostasis: Fuck it why not? As long as the two kids are in love then what does he have to say about anything right? He's really chill. He's even went and compared his guns to Mustards as well. The two seem to get along and Mustard knows not to cross any boundaries to fuck up his relationship with his future father in law. Hari is the best dad, always knowing just when to put his foot down and when to let things roll. 10/10 dad score.
-(and I've decided to add Compress): Says he's okay with it but he really isn't. He's rather embarrassing, even going out of his way to follow his daughter and Mustard on dates while dressed in disguise. He's that annoying life 360 parent that keeps tabs on all his Daughter's locations and whatnot. He's extremely protective and always worried about the wrong thing happening. It's funny since his wife is the complete opposite. I think without her there, he would've melted down long ago. Don't worry though. He hasn't embarrassed Mustard away from dating his daughter. Lucky for her that Mustard can tolerate the old man lol.
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nuoyipeach Β· 3 years
Nothing Can Keep Us Apart (haerene)
April 28th, 2019
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posting it here for @miracle-aiden , but I wrote this long ago so it's probably not that goodπŸ˜… more newer haerene otw tho
ft. Bae Jinyoung
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Donghae couldn't believe what she had just told him. He couldn't believe all those plans of their future he had prepared are going to waste. He couldn't believe how she was so easily going to leave him, and yet against her own will.
"Why baby?" he asked for the nth time holding her hands, trying not to cry seeing her tears. "Why? Why why why? You don't always have to listen to your father. Arranged marriage? Screw it! You're mine, remember. Only mine."
Joohyun could not help but burst into even more tears, being pulled into his chest as she gripped onto his shirt tight, arms around his torso and face snuggled into his chest. She hated her father for many things, but this was now on the top of her list.
"I don't want this Donghae. I never wanted any of this. But there's nothing I can do." she sobbed, and his hug only tightened around her.
"I can't think of letting you go to another man." Donghae mumbled, but audible for her to hear. "I can't even imagine it. The only other male I can think of you going out with is Jinyoung. That's it. I'm over protective and clingy I know. But it's because I love you so much."
Joohyun couldn't stop crying anymore. What he called over protective and clingy, she loved it. She always found it adorable how he looked out for her in public, and how he limited her contact with men. She never found it unfair or dominating, because he himself followed the same, limiting his contact with women. And Joohyun hated the average men, making Donghae special, and vice versa.
"Donghae... I'm sorry. I don't know anymore. It's for the stupid company, and the guy agreed because he benefits, and..."
Donghae placed a finger on her lips to stop her from further trying to explain. He knew how powerful her father was, but he hoped their three year long relationship was stronger. Sadly today, it wasn't. He looked at her face, completely wet from tears, and couldn't help it anymore as he started kissing every inch of it, even under her ears and on her neck and collar. Joohyun's hands locked themselves around his neck, knowing this was probably their last night together.
"Please Donghae, make this night special..."
He knew what she meant right away, and complied with her wish.
Joohyun couldn't sleep no matter how late it was, even in her favourite sleeping environment, that was under a blanket with his arms around her, her small body engulfed by his larger one feeling all of his body warmth on her own, and his slow breaths hitting the back of her neck. But she knew he wasn't asleep either because of how quiet the room was, unlike usual when his soft snores could be heard, one of her favourite things to listen to.
Slowly she shifted and turned around, pulling the blanket up a little to cover her chest, considering they were both naked, and faced him. "Donghae..." her soft call was enough for him to open his eyes, and his hand automatically carassed her face. Every touch, every feeling, every thing about him right now only made her even sadder, and tears soon pooled in her eyes, each wiped off by his thumb.
"Don't cry love. Please don't. It makes me even sadder." he choked, his voice breaking in between. Joohyun tried her best holding it in, and quickly moved closer into his embrace as they hugged each other again.
They enjoyed the quiet atmosphere, needing only each other's presence to live in peace. He sniffed her hair, while she traced her fingers on his arm. If they could they'd stay like this forever, never letting go.
But they had to, especially now when Donghae's phone rang. He sighed and kissed her forehead before reaching over her to the side table, surprised to see the caller. He turned the screen towards Joohyun, who squinted her eyes as surprised as he was, and motioned him to put it on speaker.
"Hey Jinyoung."
"Hyung! Is my sister with you!?!" the young boy asked in a seemingly worried voice.
"Yes, she's here."
"Oh thank God. I was scared when she didn't come back. I thought she... She killed herself."
"She's here Jinyoung don't worry. Remember, you'll never be alone again..."
"I am now..." he cut off Donghae with sudden sobs. "I'm alone again. Mum's gone, now noona's being sent off to some stupid forced marriage. Hyung, why is my father like this... In this case, I'd rather be dead. Right?"
"No you don't. You deserve to live. What if Joohyun needs your comfort? Wouldn't you feel bad for not being there for your own sister? Stay strong kid, you'll get through this."
A whimper was heard in reply, and the call was disconnected, and Joohyun giggled slightly at first, before tears pooled again.
"He loves you so much. Thank you Donghae."
He smiled back at her weakly. He knew how much her brother meant to her. He was ten years younger than her, making him only fifteen. That meant he was only seven when their mother died, and was left under the care of Joohyun. And when Donghae came, sure he was quite protective and jealous at first, but he now looked at him like a father figure, like he did with his sister, since getting any love from his father was far away.
Now hearing the boy's cries broke his heart almost as much as Joohyun did. He still didn't want to believe this was their last night together, and was now full of instant regret why he didn't propose sooner. But would it still have worked back then with her father? He was sure it wouldn't have.
"I'm going to miss you so much Joohyun, I might die from it."
"Donghae..." she cried again, and he pulled her closer cuddling her tight like his life depended on it.
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Joohyun stood in front of the mirror hopelessly, in a white dress she had hoped to wear only for Donghae. But here she was, wearing it for some man she had no idea about, other than his face. She felt so terrible, so useless, so cheap, so disgusted, that she couldn't bear to look at herself in the mirror.
Jinyoung couldn't help feel just as bad for his sister, watching her from behind as she looked down, and he could see droplets of water fall on the hem of the long dress. He walked up behind her, and hugged her tight, head in her shoulder.
"Please don't cry noona. Please don't make me sad." he chanted like a child, hugging her tighter and hiding his eyes in her shoulder, trying to prevent his tears from spilling out. Joohyun couldn't help but let out audible cries now, turning around and hugging her brother back, causing him to cry just as much.
"Be a good boy... Promise me. Don't... Don't be like dad."
"I know... I'll be like hyung, Donghae hyung is the best." he said trying to smile.
She couldn't help cry even more at the mention of the name, having been unable to see him the past week after that night. But she knew it was for the best. She pulled out of the hug, and saw tears streaming down his face. She wiped them off and kissed his forehead, making him cry even more.
He loved her hugs, kisses, when she holds his hand, when she cooks for him, when she tutored him. He loved those moments when she came home from her dormitory, and he was the first to jump onto her even before their pet dog. When she introduced Donghae to him, and only him, he did feel jealous of the man for getting as much hugs and kisses as he did back then, but he knew how much she loved him. And he knew he himself was the most important male in her life if she was introducing her boyfriend to only him.
Joohyun now stood at the door with her father, keeping her hands to herself. The elder man noticed, and tugged her arm putting it around his. "I'm so proud of you." he said keeping his head high up, making her scoff. She didn't bother to even spare him a glance, keeping her face down all the time, even when walking to the altar. But she couldn't help feel sick in her stomach, and while the priest went on about the vows, Joohyun threw her bouquet onto the floor and ran off behind the hall to the washroom.
Jinyoung quickly followed behind, not bothered by the women only sign, and stood behind her as she threw up constantly. "Jinyoung... Get my bag... now!" she spoke in between gags, and he ran back out then in with her back pack. Joohyun took it and pushed him out of the toilet, locking it, but the boy didn't leave, standing in front if the door like a body guard. He fumbled his hands together, pacing around, when he received a message.
Jinyoung, please take care of your sister and yourself. In about half an hour, I won't be around anymore. There's no point for me. And don't worry, I know my business is small, but I've left it to you. Be good and take good care.
Jinyoung's whole body system simply shut down as he somehow managed to understand what Donghae meant. At that moment the stall door opened, revealing Joohyun in a change of clothes, and a pale expression. He ran to her side, holding her hands tight.
"What's wrong noona? Are y..."
"We need to get out of here." she cut him off. "We need to leave, and find Donghae."
"I'm pregnant!" she exclaimed, and after seconds of processing, Jinyoung grinned a little, before he remembered the message.
"Noona we need to be fast. He's going to kill himself! Let's go!"
They first went into the back room to gather their things, then snuck out of the back into her car, putting their luggage into it. Good thing the wedding was in their own mansion hall, so getting all their belongings wasn't a problem. Jinyoung turned on the tracking in his phone, and found Donghae at the Han River bridge, and Joohyun was quick to start driving.
And it was only then when the people inside realised what was going on. A runaway bride. Jinyoung watched the guests come out of the hall, the groom in front creating a havoc, as they drove out of the land their father owned. She drove fast, but carefully, a smile spreading across her face as she thought of the small life inside her. The same smile now on Jinyoung's face as well. But they weren't there for long as the siblings soon reached the bridge, and recognised the black car from far. Joohyun quickly parked her's behind it, ran out and hugged the figure standing near the railings of the bridge, feeling his body freeze and tense up.
"Joohyun? What are you doing here?" he asked when suddenly engulfed in another hug from the front.
"Hyung please don't do this!"
"Jinyoung? Did you tell her?"
"Yes, but after she asked me to find you."
Confused, Donghae pushed the two off, and stood looking at both of them. "Find me why?" he asked Joohyun, who swiftly pulled something out of her pocket and showed it to him, making sure the test lines were visible. Donghae's eyes widened, shifting between the item and Joohyun's face.
"Seriously?" he asked, and she nodded, suddenly off the ground being spun around in the air. She laughed at his antics, and they pulled each other in for a kiss.
"Bleh." they pulled away and giggled at Jinyoung covering his eyes. "We have to go, remember. Dad's not going to let us off. What do we do?" he asked as Donghae put her down, then smirked mischievously.
"Give me your phone." he said taking Jinyoung's phone, and started to type away.
Dad, we've had enough. I hope you enjoy your burden-less life. You won't be seeing us anymore.
After sending the message, he took out the carrier card, and Joohyun's, then crushed and threw them into the river behind them. He took her car keys, moved all their bags into his car, and left the keys on top. He pulled the two into his car, and drove away to the nearest bank, and made Joohyun withdraw all her money, then break her card. Jinyoung had none, so they moved on to his house, and he sat them down to explain what he'd do next.
"We'll get you two new identities, change your surname, then we'll move."
"Where hyung?"
"Well, I actually moved my business to Sapporo, so we'll move there."
The siblings nodded, and instantly decided on a new surname, taking their mother's, Bae. Donghae took them to the government office, where they registered their new identities.
Bae Joohyun
Bae Jinyoung
Next he took Joohyun to a different floor, and she hugged him when she realised what they were doing. Registering their marriage. Once they finished, with Jinyoung as the witness, they drove back to his house.
Donghae booked quick flights to Sapporo, and by the next week, Jinyoung ran around carrying boxes in his hand, exploring his new house. Who would've thought that Donghae was apparently rich? Even if not to their father's extent, he was still amazed by his new home as he left the boxes and ran around the two story house, front yard, and big back yard that had a swimming pool as well.
Once their new house was finally made homely, Donghae went into his bedroom, smiling as he entered to see Joohyun putting up polaroid pictures of them on the wall. He crept behind her, and engulfed her into a hug, peppering kisses into the crook of her neck. Joohyun laughed feeling ticklish, until he stopped and turned her to him, her arms wrapping around his neck. He pecked her forehead, going down until her lips, then slowly bent down on his knees, his face in level with her tummy. He lifted her shirt, her hands layed on his shoulders, and kissed her tummy in several spots.
"If it wasn't for you," he whispered against her skin, "we would have both been gone by now." he hugged her tummy, leaning an ear against it. Joohyun felt so happy she couldn't contain her tears as her fingers combed through his hair.
Everything would finally be perfect.
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