#If you are please tell me and I’ll take this done 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️
whereismyhat5678 · 7 months
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So……It’s been a bit and since the time I posted that post….I’ve been sorta thinking of this comment
And for shits and giggles. I answered it 💀
(Tw: Suggestive, and btw guys I’m so sorry you put up with my shit- 😭)
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Listen I couldn’t answer it any other way ALRIGHT-
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trashexplorer · 6 years
BLCD Review: Given vol. 4
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Title: Given (ギヴン)
Release Date: 2018/11/22
Author/Artist: Kizu Natsuki
Furukawa Makoto + Saitou Souma
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Hamano Daiki Hino Satoshi x Takumi Yasuaki 
Tamaru Atsushi
Hamano Daiki
Synopsis: Adaptation of volume 4.
Review Proper
I’m angry.
Like, really angry.
But before we delve into the reason why, let me just elaborate on what I’ve said in my previous post. I’ve had this since the 25th of November but I haven’t had the balls to listen to this until a few days ago but I decided last minute that I wanted to listen to it while reading the manga. I had to look for the English trans and the raws since the English trans only went up to Track 20 and the CD went up to Track 21. It was taking a lot of time since nothing was loading because of my shit internet and I was like: fuck it, I’ll just go listen to some other stuff first. (Hear about my regrets about the BLCD log I’ve made in my next review).
Anyway, I’ve been such a good little trooper in keeping myself away from spoilers for Given as I was with 3 so I had no idea what I was getting myself into when I started 4. NOBODY SPOIL ME ON THE EVENTS AFTER 21 IN THE REPLIES PLEASE. If my opinions about them or the characters are wrong then allow me to sort that out myself when I’m ready. I knew that Gusari was gonna fuck me up all over again but no amount of preparation could ever prepare me for the kizu Kizu Natsuki had in store for me.
I started off pretty calm, though I was a little apprehensive on seeing Ugetsu from the get go (I’ll explain why later). But then fast forward a few pages later and I realize that my boy Haruki was never informed of Ugetsu’s existence??? 
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I calmed myself down and I thought that it was just probably for comedic relief and that he’d just brush it off ‘cause it seemed to me that the focus was going to be Uenoyama’s jealousy - well, at least that was true for the first one and a half Tracks (sans Akihiko and Ugetsu’s backstory which I will discuss in a bit). I’m really, really, glad that Mafuyu and Uenoyama’s relationship is going in a rather mature direction because I had initially thought that they were just going to stroll along a path of hearts and rainbows. Gusari slapping us with the reality that they’re both going to deal with Mafuyu’s traumas is very well appreciated. 🙇‍♀️ Mafuyu, for me, often comes off quite expressionless so seeing him worried and raw made him seem more human. I was swooning and was choking up when Uenoyama’s mature but silly ass took his man in his arms and apologized. 😭😭😭 And thus, balance has been restored to this couple’s lives again - thank you, Captain Communication!
I was having a little party in my head after those pages but then:
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I-I was about to feel happy, sensei? W-why would you do this? I’ve done a lot of bad things in my life but, there are just some things in this world that I dare say that I don’t deserve happening to me.
And one of them is this.
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And just when Take-chan has finally made his appearance, Gusari decides to send my world crashing down. 😩 But I think that Take-chan taking Haruki in his own band sounds like a better idea but him taking Haruki into his arms is the best tbh 😏 . Yo, I felt so bad for Haruki (not because of Akihiko, we’ll discuss that later) and I was so worried that he’d get depressed and overthink his worth in the band making him leave eventually because of just how out-of-reach his band members seem to be. I had initially thought that the main reason he was stressin’ out when he walked in on Mafuyu and Uenoyama working on the new song was that he was starting to feel like he doesn’t want to be in the band anymore. When you’ve nothing but achievers for friends, you’d get this feeling often so I understand. 😩 But surprisingly enough, Haruki doesn’t completely think like that. Given the chance, he would’ve probably been able to tell them that he was thinking of playing support for his ex-gf’s band for a while for change of pace and that in itself would be an indication that he wasn’t just going to up an leave on them. DON’T SPOIL ME IF HE HAS ALREADY LEFT. 
So now at this point of Track 19, I was thinking that the following events might just be about Haruki trying to keep up with his mates and maybe even battling his insecurity BUT NOOOOOOOOOOOOO
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I like this particular screenshot because I basically screamed those words at the end out loud during this scene.
*inhale* *exhale*
On the scale of 1 to Akihiko, just how much of an asshole is Akihiko? Wait. That’s wrong, he’s a top so he’s not an asshole - he’s a dick. Oh boohoo, you have a sad past. That’s not an excuse for playing around with another person’s feelings! And neither is it a reason for assaulting them! I just hate how he knows about Haruki’s feelings and uses it against him like Haruki owes him his life. 🙄 I actually liked Akihiko in the first two volumes and there was a part of me that wanted him to choose Haruki in the end during volume 3 but, this bitch honestly should just delete himself out of Haruki’s life??? Why does Haruki have to be just an “option”? We’re not playing basketball so why the hell are you asking him to get the rebound? I legit shed a tear when Haruki ran out. 🔪🔪🔪 I know that it’s going to be unlikely but, Haruki needs to get him out of his hair (and he actually tries by chopping it off). That don’t work son, I tried. 😭 Haru needs a boyfriend from the “get you a man” category. Like Yukitaka - WRONG HARU WRONG HARU. IF YOU CAN SPLIT MIDOTAKA UP THEN YOU CAN MAKE HARU FIND ANOTHER MAN, GUSARI. 
Man, I know some people are gonna come for me after this but, I just don’t like Ugetsu. I didn’t really care for Ugetsu that much in vol. 3 and my frustration was more directed at Akihiko then. After listening and reading 4, I can’t say that I’ve now seen him in a better light now that I’ve learned a little more about him and his background. He has a sad backstory too but as with Akihiko, it’s not an excuse for him to be half-assed about everything. He’s basically just leading Akihiko on and that in turn makes Akihiko lead Haruki on and yous know how I feel about people messing with my child. 🔪🔪🔪 I absolutely hate their relationship. Normally my sadistic ass would jump straight in when I see a pool of toxic relationships (sometimes I cannonball it even) but, theirs is literally one of the worst I’ve seen in a work that I truly loved. I feel like that Ugetsu’s not going to be able to get himself another man if they really do break up for good in the future (I hope the same’s true with Akihiko) or it’ll take some time before he opens his heart up again in the least. We’re probably going to see him fall apart when he realizes that *sigh* Akihiko’s warming up to Haruki and that’ll probably prompt him to rethink his priorities (it may have already started don’t spoil me pls).
WHOO! I can’t believe I managed to sum the plot up into just a few paragraphs and gifs. AM I BLIND? Anyway, I’ve nothing much to say about the technicalities since they pretty much did a fantastic job and everything went by the manga (there weren’t really a lot of adlibs and cuts as with the previous volumes). The voice acting was great! Ya’ll should know by know how I’ve kept close tabs on Furukawa Makoto and Saitou Souma this year and I actually had forgotten how they sounded in Given because of how different their later works were from this but, I quickly adjusted. I had associated Mafuyu with Saitou Souma for the longest time but ever since I started watching Gaikotsu Shotenin Honda-san that changed. I was really worried about hearing Honda-san instead of Mafuyu but I’m glad to find that Mafuyu’s still the Mafuyu I knew. 😌 Hino Satoshi and Takumi Yasuaki have nothing else lined up prior to Given 4 except for the other Given CDs (Hino Satoshi will star as Keiichi-san in Motoyan Papa to Hitsuji-sensei which will be released on the 22nd of this month) so I’ve no trouble in recognizing their Given voices. 
It just always needs to be a ride with you, Gusari. 😩 Thank god that I was alone at home because I was just so angry that I needed to pace around the house multiple times screaming and threatening my credit card to take me back to Japan just to look Gusari in the eye and ask: “WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS?” and cry. Definitely give this a listen if you’re a fan of the series and pain. 👍 Oh and just know that I’m giving out tissues and pitchforks if anyone be needing them.
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