#If you think about it this substance is a magic powder/potion but the residents will definitely consider it some kind of poison or drug
Hey, I saw your requests open, and I had a thought. What would the bachelors/Bachelorettes do if they saw Farmer trying to sneak in a love potion/powder (not drugs, just something from the wizard) into their drinks? I don't know much about all of them so I can't really imagine what they would do. Also, if they would punish the Farmer (not nsfw), what punishment would it be?
Oooo, drama :D Sure thing, dear anon! Enjoy some headcanons 🫰💕
(PS: My requests are currently closed for now. I'll open it again soon!)
SDV bachelors/ettes react to the Farmer trying to sneak in a love potion/powder
Hey, what's that Farmer doing there- What the heck!? Sam's kind of a prankster himself, but this is out of line, and putting some stuff in his Joja Coke wasn't cool on Farmer's part. It's not "love powder," it's clearly some kind of laxative or something. Not cool at all, man. The young guitarist will stop hanging out with them for a while and honestly announce to the others why he and Farmer are avoiding each other. But if they apologise and don't do that again, Sammy will forgive them. Probably.
Shane with a distinct "are you fucking for real?" emotion on his face sizzled Farmer with his stare. He may have understood their weirdness before, but this is one he doesn't understand and doesn't want to. So the chicken man just takes them by the collar and kicks them the heck out of Marnie's Ranch. No, he ain't gonna listen to their excuses and their 'mad love' for him or whatever other bullshit they got going on. Farmer is forbidden to be around him or Marnie and Jas, or else physical violence will be involved.
Outrageous! This is just... unacceptable! Such disrespect and disregard for his persona! Elliott considered them a decent friend, but Farmer decided to stab him in the back by putting an unknown substance in his wine! And these excuses... Love powder? It's- were they trying to slip him an aphrodisiac?! No, Elliott won't stand for that. Out of his house, now! Begone, he said! Before he starts shouting at them more! The written is definitely gonna have to rethink his opinion of Farmer.
"I hope it was cinnamon in my coffee." Harvey already knows it's far from cinnamon, but he was curious as to what excuse the Farmer would come up with. Actually, no need to bother, the doctor doesn't want to hear anything. What he does want now is for Farmer to leave the clinic and to close the door behind them. At their pleading words that they love him, Harvey raised an eyebrow sceptically. Love is built on mutual understanding and trust, not this. From now on, they would only have a patient-doctor relationship, nothing more.
What kind of sick joke is this? What the hell did the farmer slip Alex? What... energy tonic? Pfffff, yeah! Stop lying to him. He saw them pour the strange liquid into the bottle. And now the athlete is demanding an explanation. Really, "love potion"? Very funny. Alex isn't three years old enough to believe in magic and stuff. He tells the Farmer to get out of his face, cos with his muscles he's sure to win the fight. He doesn't even want to look in their direction.
And the day was starting out so well for Sebastian.... Just when he thought he was going to have a good time and play videogames with his friend, Farmer, they slip some kind of drug into his mug. He's not even angry, just... disappointed. Sebby will just stare at them in silence until Farmer finally leave his basement. Then he'll shut the door (so he doesn't have to explain to his mum and the others) and text Sam and Abby that hanging out with Farmer won't happen and they also should be careful. Wow, what a day, huh...
Leah would be in a pure rage, and Farmer could count themself lucky if the artist hit them in the face with just her fist. Because if she had sculpting tools or anything else sharp or heavy around her, Farmer would be in a hospital for a long time. Leah genuinely thought they were her friend, but they ended up being another creep, and the ginger girl would stay away from them as much as possible. There can be no talk of any love. Moreover, she is unlikely to ever consider them a friend again. The trust is broken.
A cold shoulder from Maru. Why the heck did the Farmer decide that this behaviour was ok!? Slipping her some psychotropic substance (she believes in science, so the phrase "magic powder" is tantamount to naming a drug or poison to her) in her coffee cup while she was busy with her flasks in the lab? Maru advises them to leave, for if she calls her mom and dad now, things will get much worse. She may accept their sincere apology in the future, but for now Maru wants to be alone, away from all this drama.
Abigail will be shouting at them at the top of her voice about what the heck and what the fuck! Are the passing residents now looking at them? That's right! Let everyone know what Farmer just wants to do. And she's not going to stop at Pelican Town alone, oh no. So if Farmer is active in social media, the amethyst lover will soon mention them in her post-calling about them and that they can't be trusted. It's not very mature response from Abby, but she's too angry to think twice. Love??? Fuck you, Farmer!
L- love powder? Emily can't believe her own ears. Friendship and love are supposed to be pure and true feelings, trust and respect for each other. Was their friendship not enough? Couldn't they understand the joy in sharing and not just taking everything for themselves? Emily is very disappointed in the Farmer. She will just start ignoring them and seek spiritual healing in meditation. She hopes the Farmer will apologise sincerely and realise their mistakes, but she will be very careful with them for now.
Now Penny is afraid of Farmer, because... what if this isn't the first time? Maybe they've slipped her something before, since Farmer was so sure of what they're doing, thinking the young teacher wouldn't notice them. But the spirits were not on Farmer's side and Penny saw it all. Now the poor girl is tormented by paranoia and fear of them. No need to try to chase her and apologise or she'll panic and call her mum. And Farmer certainly won't want to deal with Pam.
Farmer couldn't imagine Haley being capable of so morally destroying someone, but here we are. "Love potion", huh? So they want to "speed up" the lovemaking process? Now she'd show them the consequences of their stupid action. In addition to scratches from her fresh manicure, Farmer will get a huge public condemnation from all the bachelors and bachelorettes. So that inadvertently no one (especially her sister) falls into this trap. Oh, and she'll pour that potion over Farmer's head. Loser...
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holeyweasel · 3 years
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༄ daniel padilla, cismale, he/him + the color orange, impressive explosions, fireworks in the night sky, trolley carts ignited into flames, graffiti on stop signs, and quivering palms concealed by a nifty hand-buzzer. – is that george weasley ? their ministry records say that they are twenty-five , a pureblood , and went to hogwarts . currently they are the owner of weasley’s wizard wheezes . whenever i see them saintlike by jakey starts playing in my head. i think this may be because they’re astute & whimsical , but they also happen to be deviant & reticent . (       BIOGRAPHY. | PINTEREST. | PLAYLIST.     )
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basics .
name & origin : george felix weasley ; based on the Greek word georgos; meaning farmer. the word georgos is a combo of two Greek words, ge (γῆ), meaning earth, soil, and ergon (ἔργον), meaning work. && george doesn't apply much of a personal meaning to his name; perhaps molly was following the trend of her late, twin brothers, gideon & fabian, or maybe it'd just been a coincidence. george doesn't know; it's possible he never will, since molly doesn't talk about her brothers that have passed too often. nicknames : forge, fred, georgie, gred, twin #2, & weasel. preferred name : george is fine. age & birthdate : twenty-five ; april first. gender & pronouns : cis male ; he/him. orientation : straight ; heteroflexible ; questioning. ethnicity & nationality : filipino ; english. hometown : ottery st. catchpole, devon, england. current residence : the loft above number ninty-three diagon alley. occupation : owner & operator of weasley’s wizard wheezes. hogwarts house / school graduated from : gryffindor.
miscellaneous .
phobias : he can’t be alone, because when he is, that’s when he gets into more compromising situations. he excessively relies on others to fulfill his own emotional needs (eg. fred, specifically) his codependency to fred ran, and continues to run, so deep that even his level of confidence changes without his brother around. he needs fred around to feel okay with himself. he fears being rejected and abandoned as lone unit; rather than the one collective unit he was with fred. quirks : when disinterested in something, doesn’t put the effort in; rarely expresses his true emotions unless it’s through anger; jokes so much it’s hard to tell when he’s being serious; sometimes doesn’t realize when a joke has gone too far & unintentionally hurts people’s feelings. when his emotions are too much to handle, can act rashly, and do something stupid; he often winds up in trouble since he couldn’t careless what others think. also he’s not great at overly complicated math. fred was better at math, while george is better at reading/writing/words in general. basic addition and subtraction is fine, but once you get to double digits? oof. he uses his fingers to count. hobbies : comforting others & giving advice anonymously, creating his own spells & potion recipes, dueling, inventing things, quidditch beating, quick-wit, speed reading, stand-up comedy; there’s never a dull moment with him; he’s always able to entertain an audience and make people laugh. likes : adventures, biscuits, breaking things, causing chaos & confusion, conjuring up ideas & schemes, creating inventions, discovering new things, explosions, fireworks, flashing lights, freedom, friendly debates, hippos, irony, jokes, laughter, memes, mum’s home-cooked meals, parkour, philosophy, petty arson, punching things, puns, quidditch, quotes, rebellion, rioting, sweaters, & unlimited knowledge. dislikes : being alone, being controlled, boredom, commitment, conformists, copycats, cucumbers, disloyalty, early mornings, feelings that aren’t joy, grapefruits, hypocrites (ironically), instant tea, judgmental people, ordinary living, pocket watches, purists, restrictions, school, sellouts, silence, sitting still, spinach, the government, the rich, the status quo, & unnecessary rules. wand :  10 ¾ inches ; dogwood ; dragon heartstring core. patronus : previously, his was a magpie; along with fred’s. since fred’s death, he struggled to conjure one for many years, but eventually was able to - and it’s now a peacock.  boggart : him, completely and utterly alone. without fred or just without anyone in general? the world may never know. reverse amortentia : burning cedar, broom polish, firewhiskey, freshly baked biscuits, & roasted chestnuts.
history .
➵ the fifth son born to arthur & molly weasley right after his twin brother, fred, george was practically born a prankster & inventor. after graduation, he planned to become a successful entrepreneur. from birth, both him & fred were attached at the hip; getting into all sorts of shenanigans together. not much has really changed regarding that. growing up, they successfully set off a dungbomb during christmas dinner, turned ron’s teddy bear into a spider after he broke fred’s toy broomstick, gave ron an acid pop that burnt a hole in his tongue, and nearly tricked ron into taking an unbreakable vow. ➵ during his first year, him and fred swiped the marauder’s map from filch’s desk; this aided more in their mischief. ➵ george, while not being a hat stall, could definitely have been a fair candidate for slytherin with his ambitious & cunning nature — if only he wasn’t a red-headed, reckless weasley. ➵ this curious boi might have a teeny, tiny case of undiagnosed ADHD. he definitely exhibits all of the symptoms; he’s never gotten officially checked out, though.  ➵ second year, he joined the quidditch team as beater. at one point, ron informed harry that george received ”really good marks” for his first few years. ➵ the summer before his fourth year, he stole arthur’s ford anglia with fred and ron. this was in order to rescue harry from the dursley’s and bring him to the burrow. ➵ the summer after fourth year, george went on a trip with his family to visit bill in egypt. with fred, of course, he tried to push percy into a pyramid. ➵ fifth year, he & fred graciously gifted harry the marauder’s map since they’d already memorized it. ➵ sixth year, he attended the quidditch world cup with his family, harry, & hermione. he and fred gambled on the outcome & won a great deal of money from ludo bagman. however, they were never paid, and harassed bagman all year. fred wanted to inform the ministry; george was against it since that’s considered blackmail. after harry won the triwizard tournament, he gifted fred & george his winnings to make up for their lost bet. they put this money away with the intention to invest it into their future joke shop. this is also the year they began selling their inventions and he took his ordinary wizarding level exams; received 3 OWLs in, what’s assumed, charms, defense against the dark arts, & transfiguration. ➵ seventh year, he spent the summer before school at 12 grimmauld place. after being given harry’s winnings, george had no interest in returning to school, but did anyway. he spent most of the year selling his and fred’s products. he also joined dumbledore’s army; not being a huge fan of umbridge. ➵ later that year, umbridge kicked him, harry, and fred off the quidditch team after george & harry got into a fight with draco malfoy. once the DA was discovered, george decided with fred, that he didn’t care about getting in trouble, and they began an all-out rebellion. they shoved an inquisitorial squad member into a vanishing cabinet, set off an array of fireworks that they made themselves, & created a portable swamp in the corridor. after the vandalism & chaos, george flew away from hogwarts with his brother; encouraging others, and peeves, to follow their example. ➵ after fleeing the castle, george worked with fred to establish a weasley’s wizard wheezes storefront. the summer before the golden trio set off for their sixth year, they had their grand opening. they remained open in diagon alley even while growing tensions of the war ensued. draco malfoy even purchased peruvian instant darkness powder from their shop, which assisted him during the battle of the astronomy tower. in theory, the twins unknowingly helped the death eaters twice, but we don’t have to unpack all that right now. ➵ him & fred lived in a loft above their shop. ➵ sometime after turning of age, george joined the order and assisted them during the battle of the seven potters. he was paired with remus lupin, and sometime during this mission, snape hit him with sectumsepra. he lost his ear and it was unable to be healed due to being cut off with dark magic. ➵ the burrow operated as a new headquarters for the order until they were ambushed by death eaters and they had to flee. ➵ george & fred were frequent guests on lee jordan’s radio show: potterwatch. ➵ george was hit with snape’s sectumsepmra curse and ended up losing his left ear. since it was dark magic, his injury wasn’t able to be repaired. he has permanent hearing loss and a scar where his ear used to be. he’s picked up BSL (british sign language) since the incident.  ➵ he split up from the rest of his family after the death eater ambush, but remained with fred. him & fred were apart of lee jordan’s radio broadcast, potterwatch, so it’s assumed they were with lee in some way. ➵ there was an incident where george, alone, was taken in front of the wizengamot while fred had stepped out for the afternoon. he was brought on charges of aiding and abetting the mass breakout of muggleborn criminals. supposedly, they had items sold at weasley’s wizard wheezes that’d aided in their ultimate escape. ➵ questioned & tortured at the hand of umbridge, they almost sent him off to azkaban… but the department of magical law enforcement requested time to gather more evidence to build a stronger case of george’s involvement. his blood status wasn’t in question, and therefore, he was free to go. ➵ during the battle of hogwarts, george lost his twin brother, fred, in an explosion orchestrated by augustus rookwood. the years that followed were absolutely the hardest thing he’d ever gone through.  ➵ upon fred’s demise, george might have taken up a biiit of a drinking problem. while it hasn’t entirely taken over his life, some would definitely consider him a “functioning alcoholic.”  ➵ depending on a potential charlie mun, after fred’s funeral, george followed charlie to romania in order to “travel” and “find himself” without fred able to stand by his side anymore.  he eventually stole a dragon from charlie and took it across the world. goooo georgie! he returned about a year after fred’s funeral initially took place. ➵ for quite some time, george struggled to conjure a patronus. with all of his “happy memories” linked to fred, the charm became quite difficult for him to perform. of course, george is a determined individual; he continued to try anyways.  ➵ eventually, two years after fred’s passing, george was able to cast a patronus. although, instead of a cheery magpie revealing itself, a peacock took its place. this was significant because, slowly but surely, george was beginning to detach his identity from fred. ➵ george continued to build the business he’d started with his late brother. these days, he fills his time with work; occupying his mind with weasley’s wizard wheezes instead of the void fred’s passing left within him.
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wightwold · 4 years
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Foundermeer’s Technology
While similar in most ways to a country in eighteenth century Europe, Foundermeer's lack of contact with the outside world since medieval times and use of alchemy have led it down a technological course that diverges somewhat from our own history. Certain technologies lag behind, with guns in particular being heavy, ornate contraptions seldom wielded in comparison to more accessible weapons. However, the nation's alchemical expertise has led to significant scientific advancements.
Powered by Otherworld herbs and organs harvested from wights, alchemical products exist in a wide array of potions, powders, tinctures, and salves, and have important medical and societal applications. Physicians use alchemy to treat maladies such as bacterial infection with a success rate nearly on par with modern medicine, while Nightguard physickers carry curative elixirs and wight repellants as an extra means of defense against monsters. Alchemical lights line the streets of major cities, particularly Brassbridge, courtesy of inventors who have also used alchemy to create new cosmetics, dyes, preservatives, alloys, and more. Alchemy is a complex art that takes many years to master. The most prestigious alchemists are educated at Espergild University in Brassbridge, but one may also learn the trade on a less advanced level by training at an urban inventor's shop, under a physician or country herbalist, or even studying independently through access to scholarly manuscripts. The most powerful elixirs are wielded by Ginterghast phylacters. You can think of Wightwold's alchemy as being similar to potions in Harry Potter without the more overtly magical results, such as granting luck or transmogrifying a person's appearance. If you're interested in creating an alchemist character, you can read more about alchemy below!
Most alchemical substances include at least one Otherworld herb or wight product among their reagents, the sourcing and labelling of which is of the utmost importance, as using the incorrect reagent may have terrible, even fatal consequences. Alchemists are often limited by their access to reagents, for the rarer Otherworldly substances can be expensive and difficult to obtain. Purchasing directly from Ginterghasts is typical of alchemists who don't have access to Espergild University's laboratories, while others may resort to dangerous black market sources. Alchemists living in the country can gather Otherworld herbs growing in the wild - though doing may be risky, as it requires venturing into wight-infested areas.
Professions and Specialties
Here's a list of some common alchemy-related professions on Wightwold. You're free to make up your own roles; in this setting, anything from blacksmithing to experimental paper making could involve alchemy in some form. Like any modern technology, alchemy is most commonly seen in the cities, particularly Brassbridge, with very remote areas regarding it as something akin to witchcraft.
Country herbalist Healers and midwives in rural areas frequently know how to brew a handful of restorative tinctures, often with great skill given their limited resources. They may be viewed with suspicion in remote regions, as they must sometimes trade with passing Ginterghasts in order to replenish their supply of Otherworld herbs. Their knowledge tends to be passed down through generations, recorded in ancient journals filled with herb and potion lore.
Physicker Physicker is a medic rank in the Nightguard with a basic working knowledge of both medical and military alchemy. May have a background as a country healer or physician's apprentice, or in unusual cases as an apothecary, if they enlisted later in life.
Physician Physicians have a much higher level of scholarly alchemical knowledge than both herbalists and physickers, but tend to obtain their curatives from apothecaries rather than brewing them personally, since their time is occupied with visiting and treating patients; after all, potions cannot be used to set bones or stitch wounds. Prestigious physicians may have an Espergild degree, typically if they come from a wealthy background, but most instead study medicine under senior physicians until they're ready to open their own practice.
Apothecary Laboring away night and day, often with little human contact, apothecaries produce the bulk of curatives and other medical potions, unguents, and powders sold to physicians or displayed in their own cramped, dimly lit shops. Many apothecaries are expert, well-trained alchemists with Espergild connections; others are charlatans responsible for outbreaks of dangerous side effects from their fraudulent elixirs. While apothecaries may prescribe remedies for common ailments, they are not trained in hands-on medicine like physicians.
Inventor Inventors have a reputation for being eccentric, even dangerous, their shops filled with strange devices and experimental concoctions that occasionally result in loud explosions and eruptions of colorful fumes across busy streets. Inventors are frequently self-taught, with eclectic educations that merge book learning, experiments, and theoretical discussions with other alchemists at local taverns where normal patrons give their soot-covered, potion-splattered figures a wide berth. Inventors are typically not involved in medical alchemy, to the relief of all.
Espergild alchemist At the highest level, Espergild-educated alchemists may have residences at the university, where they either teach as professors, work as researchers and scholars seeking alchemical discoveries, or some combination of both. They are divided by discipline. Medical alchemists, with an extensive background in anatomy and dissection, focus on alchemy that affects the human body and health. They usually work as apothecaries after graduating, while working toward an Espergild position. Meanwhile, alchemists who specialize in natural philosophy like to joke that they aren't so different from inventors: only that when they make things explode, Espergild pays the bill.
In order to qualify for an Espergild position, an alchemist must have a full education and proven accolades as a scholar. Keep in mind that Espergild alchemists benefit from near-unlimited access to Otherworldly reagents, but their activities are consequently bound by the university's expectations regarding how they will use them.
Effulgents: light-producing substances, used to illuminate urban streets and wealthy homes. Usually take the form of liquids contained in glass vessels, but alchemists are always experimenting with newer and more powerful effulgents, particularly if one can be discovered that is both practical to use and powerful enough to repel wights after dark. The phylacter elixir illuminant is a weaponized effulgent.
Latrochemical gnosis: The treatment of individuals whose true gender does not match the one they were assigned at birth. Alchemists, who tend to be more open-minded than the average citizen, may brew and discreetly dispense potions with effects similar to modern day hormone replacement therapy.
Natural philosophy: An old-fashioned term for the study of nature and the universe. We often use this as an alternative term for science; "natural philosopher" being likewise equivalent to "scientist."
Reagents: Ingredients used in alchemical substances.
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