#If you want to rebuttle my choices feel free
knightmareaceblue · 2 years
Wonder what Polythreat would look like as a gem from Steven Universe?
Oh boy. OH BOY. I put WAY too much thought into this.
So, it's pretty easy to go the classic Diamond-Ruby-Emerald combo because Jewel Baron, but that didn't really gel with me because-
A) Adding another Diamond would BREAK SU canon. (If I had to choose one to be a diamond though, it would totally be Henry.)
B) Ruby's in SU canon are footsoldiers, which I have no problem with, but their unique abilities are fire-based, which doesn't fit with any of the triple threat. Actually, I can't remember a lot of instances outside of maybe Revenged where we see fire in Henry Stickmin. If I had to choose one, I guess it'd be Ellie, but because she'd be the only one left because...
C) Emerald might fit Charles, since the only Emerald we see in the show appears to be a pilot. Or maybe some sort of admiral. However, since the other two don't fit, it doesn't really make sense to have only one, especially since you only get the Norwegian Emerald in one route of the game.
So, with that in mind, I've chosen some different gems for the Triple Threat. Also, all Steven Universe gems are female, so I'll be referring to all three of the Triple Threat with female pronouns. Drawings below the cut.
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Henry: Given the functionality of the fails and how we know future vision works, I feel like a Sapphire is an appropriate choice. My runner up choice was a pearl, because a pearl would be underestimated like Henry is.
Charles: Nephrite's in the show are shown to be ship crew and pilots, so I choose Nephrite for Charles. My runner up choice was a Peridot, because Charles deals with a lot of tech stuff.
Ellie: I looked quite a bit for a gem that would fit Ellie's abilities. None of them really fit Ellie's skillset well, so I ended up settling on Pyrope. My logic, admittedly, was rather poor; since she has levitation powers, it was the closest thing to Ellie's force abilities I could find. That, and they seem to be skilled in every area, which Ellie definitely is. My runner up choice was a Rose Quartz, because.... Rose.
I've come up with some story threads, but nothing concrete yet. I'll share the loose ideas I had.
S!Henry spent her entire existence predicting bad things that would happen. The emotional toll became so much on her that she would speak only through her Pearl Assistant. Since Pearl Assistant was rather smart, S!Henry gave her card blanche to give advice under the pretense that it was coming from her. When Era 3 came about, her Pearl offered to stay by her side to help her communicate.
Feeling lost in Era 3, S!Henry went to earth to observe the gems in Little Homeworld. She came to the revelation that fate could be changed but, rather than feel elated or excited, she felt horrified, as she could have acted to prevent a lot of the bad stuff that happened herself intstead of being a passive observer. After that, she ditched Pearl Assistant and was unheard from for a while. She reappeared in a new form sometime after Steven left Beach City, causing trouble for Gems and Humans alike for seemingly no reason.
N!Charles came to Earth the first instance she could. Having spent her entire life running supplies for the empire, N!Charles was more than happy to spend some time in one place for once. She spent a long few weeks oohing and awwing over everything in Beach City, running around without a care in the world... before being hit by a car and poofed. She reformed a few weeks later looking like how she looks in the picture. She takes to Earth culture quickly and with enthusiasm. I'd like to say she'd become more careful... but she wouldn't.
N!Charles still loves flying, and pilots some experimental vehicles for some scientists in Little Homeworld. When one of them is stolen by S!Henry, N!Charles gets involved in trying to capture her. However, she quickly realizes there's more to this sapphire than meets the eye when S!Henry stops one of her escapes to save her life. This causes N!Charles to begin trying to change her perspective and find out what S!Henry's actually up to, and learn more about her.
What I'm thinking for P!Ellie is the same kind of difficulty adapting as the other higher ranked gems shown in the series - Light Prism Pyrope, Holly Blue Agate, you know. Prior to Era 3 she was in charge of paving the path for one of Yellow Diamond's armies, and then one day she's just told to... stop. She complies, reluctantly, but isn't quite sure what else there is for her. After getting into multiple fights, she's... well, not quite banished, but is politely told by Yellow Diamond herself to go to Earth and learn some damned self-control.
P!Ellie hates Earth. She hates Earth SO much.
After failing yet another one of Little Homeschool's classes, P!Ellie is lying on the ground bemoaning her lack of purpose when she notices S!Henry running from N!Charles with something. She doesn't help, but once S!Henry escapes she asks what's going on and gets excited. Finally! Something she can DO! She was made for leading and fighting, she can surely catch one unruly Sapphire!
So for a little while the three are enemies, sort of. N!Charles wants to figure out why S!Henry is up to this, while P!Ellie only really cares about catching her. N!Charles and P!Ellie are at odds all the time, but N!Charles slowly begins to show P!Ellie why she loves Earth so much. They begin to form a deeper connection.
P!Ellie and N!Charles take her on a pilgramige to Rose's fountain for healing. While learning about S!Henry, P!Ellie starts to cool down a little.
Turns out S!Henry is stealing stuff in order to prevent some sort of calamity (haven't worked out what yet.) The three decide to work together to solve it.
At some point they fuse, accidentally. The fusion looks like this. It's a little bit of a mishmash, but I was going more for the chaotic appearance of Garnet before Ruby and Sapphire really knew each other.
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She's a Labradorite. This chaotic mishmash is because they're not in harmony yet. Once they are, her appeance becomes less jigsaw puzzley.
She also has three eyes under her bangs. She sees perfectly fine, though.
Slowburn Polythreat all the way through.
I'm uncertain what role the Crystal Gems, if any, would play in this story. Maybe as supporting roles? IDK yet.
Geez, this one question turned into a whole story outline. Don't know if I'd write it, but there's potential here. Uh, I had fun, at least. Hope you did too!
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