#Iisus Hristos
atitudini · 1 year
Creștini din toată lumea au venit să se închine pe muntele Tabor, acolo unde Domnul și Mântuitorul nostru Iisus Hristos S-a schimbat la față înaintea ucenicilor Săi. Pentru că că Patriarhia Constantinopolului ține calendarul neîndreptat, prăznuirea Schimbării la față are loc în noaptea de 18 spre 19 august. Dacă de obicei autocarele cu miile de pelerini urcau muntele, anul acesta forțele de…
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dianapopescu · 2 months
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6 august: Schimbarea la Față a Domnului
Schimbarea la Față a Domnului și Mântuitorului nostru Iisus Hristos este relatată în Evanghelia după Matei 17:2-8 și în Evaghelia lui Marcu 9:2-8. La scurt timp înainte de patimile sale, Domnul a fost cu cei trei ucenici de seamă ai Lui, a mers pe muntele Tabor și s-a schimbat la față înaintea lor. https://www.diane.ro/2024/08/6-august-schimbarea-la-fata-domnului.html
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rudyroth79 · 5 months
Paște fericit! Echipa Leviathan.ro vă urează pace sufletească, bucurii și împliniri!
Evanghelia după Ioan, Învierea lui Iisus Hristos 20. 1. În ziua dintâi a săptămânii, Maria Magdalina s-a dus dis-de-dimineaţă la mormânt, pe când era încă întunerec; şi a văzut că piatra fusese luată de pe mormânt. 2. A alergat la Simon Petru şi la celalt ucenic, pe care-l iubea Iisus, şi le-a zis: ”Au luat pe Domnul din mormânt, şi nu ştiu unde L-au pus.” 3. Petru şi celalt ucenic au ieşit, şi…
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videostory · 5 months
Iisus Hristos reprezentat în Muzeul de Arte Frumoase din Valencia-Spania
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junrandot · 2 years
pov: ești goatskybot român după programul scurt la sheffield
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Mai mănâncă lumea cartofi prăjiți de la McD cu înghețată sau doar colegele mele din liceu aveau nevoie de Iisus Hristos?
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okaima · 2 years
Karelian words - Church
Alliluija - hallelujah
Altari - altar
Altariabuniekka - sexton (office)
Altaristola, pyhästola - altar table
Ambona - ambon, ambo
Amin, ämmin - amen
Anheli - angel
Antifona - antiphon
Antihristu - antichrist
Antiminssi, pyhästolanpaikka - antimins
Apostola - apostate
Arbaituspagin - allegory
Arhimandriitta - archimandrite
Arhijepiskoppu - archbishop
Biblii - the Bible
Blahvešen’n’a - Feast of the Annunciation to the Blessed Virgin Mary
Bohorodičča - Theotokos, Mother of God, title of Mary mother of Jesus
Bokku-ukset, diakonin ukset - doors of deacon
Časouna - eukterion
Diakona - deacon
Dikiri, Trikiri - dikirion and trikirion
Dogma - dogma
Dogmatiekka - Dogmatic theology, dogmatics
Ektenii - ectenia
Ekumenii - ecumenism
Epigonaatio, pualičča - epigonation, palitza
Epistolu - epistle
Epitrakiili - epitrachelion
Evangelii - the gospel, the Christian message
Evangelista - diciple of Jesus
Evangeliikniigu - book that includes only the canonical gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
Ezipaimoi - "first, foremost shepherd", refers to priests work as herder to the souls of his congregation, as well as that of Jesus to Christians
Gimnugruafii - hymnography, specifically eastern orthodox hymnology
Feloni - phelonion
Muahpanendu, kalmuandu - burial
Sroičču, Sroičanpäivy - Pentecost
Harhaoppi - herecy
Hora - choir
Hospodi - the Lord, referring to the Christian God
Iisus - Jesus
Iguumen - hegumen, head of a monastery in the Eastern Orthodox and Eastern Catholic Churches, similar to the title of abbot.
Iguumen’n’a - hegumenia, head of a nun monastery in the Eastern Orthodox and Eastern Catholic Churches, similar to the title of abbess.
Suuri ruado, Kummanruado - miracle
Iikossi - Icos, a church hymn that praises and glorifies the honored saint and church event.
Obraza - icon
Ikonokluazma, Obrazukluazma - Iconoclasm
Ikonostuazi, Obrazuseiny - Iconostasis
Iänenkandai - prophet
Jepiskoppa - bishop
Jiävindy - epiphany
Roštuo, rastavu, raštava - Christmas
Jumal - god, especially Christian God
Kirikkösluužba - Church service, worship
Emänpäivä - Feast of Dormition of the Mother of God
Bogorodičča, Neičyt Marian roindupruazniekka - Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Veden’n’u - The Entry of the Most Holy Theotokos into the Temple,
Muanitus, Uadu - damnation
Pyhienmal’l’a - chalise used during the Eucharist 
Kanoni - A canon, a structured hymn used in a number of Eastern Orthodox services
Kanoniziiruičenda - canonization
Karjalan valistajien päivä - Remembrance Day of Enlightors of Karelia, a day of thanks unique to Karelian East Orthodox churches
Ristiendä - baptism
Ristiendäast’e - Baptismal font
Ristiendälipas - Baptismal box
Ristiendäsoba - Baptismal clothing
Ristiendästola - Baptismal table
Jepiskopan stuula - Episcopal see
Kadila - incense burner
Kadumus, Riähkilkäyndy - confession
Kaglarista - cross necklace
Keijäs - riatual knife used during Eucharist 
Heruvim - cherub
Heruvimpajo - cherubikon
Hristos - Christ
Kirikkö - church, also the Church
Kirikköleiby, proskuna - prosphora, a small loaf of leavened bread used in Orthodox Christian liturgies.
Kirikkömuuzikku - church music
Kirikölliskerähmö - synod
Kontakki - kontakion
Kokkamatto - eagle rug
Kuajie - to bless with church incense
Streiten’n’a - Candlemas
Kuningahanukset - the royal doors, holy doors, beautiful gates
Käzirista - blessing cross
Käzipaikku - a type of Karelian ryshnyk
Lahjustola - table on which proskomedia is carried out
Lampatka - small oil lamp burned in front of icon or iconostasis
Liturgii, liturgie - liturgy
Loadana - church incense
Lugija - the reader
Luzikka, pyhienluzikka - spoon used to feed sacramental wine to people with special requirements
Malittu - prayer
Manasteri - monastery
Manuahu - monk, especially Eastern Orthodox one
Mustelenda, Panihida - Memorial service in the Eastern Orthodox Church
Muučenniekku, Marttyyri - martyr
Messii - messiah
Metropoliitta - metropolitan bishop
Mirha - myrrh
Mirhalvoijanda - chrismation 
Mirhasudi - myrrh brush
Mitra - mitre
Mägipagin - Sermon on the Mount
Puametti - little notebook in which are written names of those who are to be remembered on the day
Neičyt Marija - Virgin Mary
Omofori - Omophorion
Opastuspagin - sermon
Orari - orarion
Pravoslaunoi - person of Eastern Orthodox faith
Pyhienstorielkka, diskos - a paten, diskos
Pyhä - lent
Pappevus - Sacrament of priesthood
Pappi - priest
Ozakas - blessed, blissfull, glorified
Paha Hengi - demon, Evil Spirit (as counterpart to Holy Spirit)
Paimoisavakko, Jepiskopan savakko - crosier
Patriarha - pathriarch, the highest-ranking bishops in Eastern Orthodoxy.
Patriarhuatta - the patriarchate
Pokrova - Protection of Our Most Holy Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary
Prokimeni - prokeimenon, a psalm or canticle refrain sung responsorially at certain specified points of the Divine Liturgy or the Divine Office, usually to introduce a scripture reading.
Prihoda - church congregation
Psalma - psalm
Pyhienkate - aër
Pyhä Hengi - Holy Spirit
Pyhä Kolminažus, Troičča - Holy Trinity
Pyhä Sinoda - ecumenical council
Pyhä vero, Ehtuolline, Eukaristii - Holy Communion
Relikvii - holy relic
Ripidi - ripidion, liturgical fan in Eastern Orthodoxy
Ripityslipas - a small postable tabernacle in which Holy Gifts are stored and transported
Rista - cross
Ristahnuaglinda - crucifixion
Ristanmerkki, silmienristindä - sign of the cross, crossing oneself
Ristimä, imma - godmother
Ristitty - Christian
Ristižä, titti - godfather
Ristusuatto - Eastern Orthodox procession
Riähkä - sin
Ruaja - the paradise
Sattan, Pahalaine - Satan
Sakkos - sakkos, a vestment worn by Orthodox bishops instead of the priest's phelonion.
Sakramentta - sacrament
Sakramenttalipas - east orthodox tabernacle 
Seiččie-šuarahine lampatka - seven-pronged oil lamp
Serafi - seraphim
Sluavimin’e - moleben, Eastern Orthodox equivalent of a Paraklesis
Spuasanpäivä - Feast of the Transfiguration
Spuassu, Piästäi - Redeemer
Srašnoipiätteniččä - Good Friday
Stikari - sticharion, a liturgical vestment of the Eastern Orthodox
Sviižoi - Feast of the Cross
Suuri Pyhä - the Great lent
Škuat’eri - corporal
Teologa - theologian,  title designed only to recognize someone who spoke from personal experience of the vision of God
Teolougii - theology
Tiähti - asterisk
Traditsii - tradition
Tropari - troparion
Tuohus - church candle
Uskonlevitysmatku - Christian mission
Uskontunnustus - Confession of faith
Uuzi Sana - New Testament
Vahnu Sana - Old Testament
Veinpyhitys - the Great- or Lesser Blessing of Waters
Venččuanda - sacrament of marriage
Vieristy, Teofania - Theophany 
Viero, Uskondo, Religii - religion
Vigilii - the All-night vigil
Vihmin, Vihkoin’e - Eastern Orthodox aspergillum, a brush-like liturgical implement used to sprinkle holy water
Virboivičča - A small decorated pussy-willow branch used in Karelian Easter traditions
Voimattomanvoidelu, voimattomanvoijanda - Anointing of the sick
Voznusen’n’u - Feast of the Ascension
Ylianheli - archangel
Ylähnouzenda - resurrection
Äijäpäivän jäiččä - Easter egg
Äijypäivä - Easter
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likeadog · 1 year
Pretty much every christian name i can think of is slightly different in romanian except gabriel. Sorry about that, i cant give you a romanian gabriel nickname:( gabi ig... but anyway, Im quite fond of how we call jesus Iisus Hristos compared to Jesus Christ in english
IISUS HRISTOS....once again nothing but wins from romanian
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couldntbedamned · 1 year
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So I created an OC who spoke to Sharon (in her head) during her "regulation" of Extremis in The Phoenix Protocol and after some discussion and prompting in one of my discord servers, came up with the rest of the group.
Sharon Carter | Agent 13 - Great niece of P. Carter
Bartholomew "Barty" Dugan - Grandson of Timothy "Dum Dum" Dugan
Bailey Falsworth - Granddaugther of James Montgomery Falsworth
Martin Dernier - Great nephew of Jacques Dernier
Kai Morita - Grandson of Jim Morita
Antoine Triplett - Grandson of Gabe Jones
From an upcoming chapter:
Boss, there appears to be an unregistered guest in the Penthouse.
"Oh, does there?" Tony asked with an annoyed frown. "How the hell did Romanoff break in? She's bio-metrically locked out!" He sighed and glanced at Sharon. "Ready to face the music?"
"We might as well," she said. "It's not as if I can just stay shut away here forever."
They went up to the Penthouse, Tony forming a gauntlet and Sharon pulling a knife (How the hell did she get a knife? Tony wondered.) from somewhere on her person.
When they arrived, it wasn't Natasha - or any of the others - waiting for them at all.
"So, Share-Bear, how's life treating you as someone formerly on the run for committing treason? And by the way, Stark, that was a brilliant defense you argued. I almost shed a tear."
Bartholomew "Barty" Dugan was lounging on one of Tony's sofas, one long leg crossed over the other as if he were the one who owned the Tower. He wore his usual smirk and oh, she wanted to smack it off of his face. He had a smack-able face. He himself owned up to that fact.
Sharon rolled her eyes but Tony immediately switched from looking angry at the intrusion to looking delighted.
"Listen, Mr. Break-and-Enter, I'm going to ignore for a minute that you somehow found a way to bypass all of my security for the time being, because I have something much more pressing to ask." He retracted the gauntlet and turned to Sharon. "Share-Bear? That's your nickname?"
"No," she said firmly just as Barty said "Yes! Yes, it is and she loves it."
"Barty, I hate you," she said to him with a glare.
"She doesn't," Barty assured Tony, standing up and wrapping an arm around Sharon's shoulders. "She adores me, I promise you."
"Stark, listen to me. Do not call me that. Ever." She shrugged Barty's arm off. "What are you even doing here? Shouldn't you be skulking around the Louvre or Tate Modern?"
"What? I can't visit one of my oldest friends after learning she'd been held captive by aliens?" Barty asked. His expression softened. "The others are worried sick and I'm currently the closest one here without a traditional 9-5ish type job. It's not like Kai can leave the students or Bailey leave the number-crunching to her colleagues."
"And just what is it you do, Mr. Barty, it it?" Tony asked.
"Oh, this and that," he said airily.
"And how exactly did you crack my security?" Tony asked. "I'm impressed."
Sharon snorted out a laugh. "Tony, meet Barty Dugan. When comes to bypassing security, he can run circles around Natasha Romanoff."
"It's a gift," Barty said modestly. "But seriously, Sharon, how are you?"
"Physically, never better," she answered. "All the rest? To be determined."
"And do you have anything to do with that?" Barty asked Stark.
"Which part?" Tony asked back with all the maturity of a toddler.
"Barty, he saved my life. Stand down, Iisus Hristos."
"Ah, now that was Share-Bear here swearing in another language, which is a great way to tell how annoyed she is," Barty explained to Tony, eyes glittering with mischief. "Latvian?" he asked Sharon.
"Romanian," she ground out.
"You should hear her go off in French; it's beautiful."
Tony wasn't sure what to make of the man. It was clear even through his teasing that he cared about Sharon deeply and given that Sharon hadn't stabbed him, she obviously felt the same. He'd have to have FRIDAY run a check on him. And see if he could figure out who "the others" were, given that he had two other names: Kai and Bailey, along with a general idea of their professions.
"I need to get back down to my labs before Dum-E decides to do some spring cleaning with acetone. Are you good up here?" he asked Sharon.
"Yeah, I'll be fine. Barty won't hurt me; he knows I'll kick his ass up and down this room."
"From painful experience," Barty added with a sheepish grin.
"You had it coming," Sharon said.
"True," he admitted. "Then again, so did Martin and Kai, though I think Kai eventually grew out of it. Bailey and Tripp always seemed to know better."
"Go on, Tony," Sharon encouraged. "If I feel like I'm about to explode I'll let you know."
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atitudini · 1 year
Părintele Justin Pârvu: Hristos Cel Răstignit și denigratorii Lui
Cum poţi tu să crezi că Dumnezeu, care te-a creat pe tine ca om, prin bunătatea şi dragostea Lui, ţi-a pus la îndemână atâta cultură de mii de ani, ţi-a pus la îndemână istorie, profeţii şi Evanghelia Sa, ţi-a pus la îndemână până şi jertfa Sa pe cruce, apoi cum poţi să Te temi de El şi să te gândești că nu te poate mântui şi pe tine? (more…) “”
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leontiucmarius · 3 months
Un papirus despre copilăria lui Iisus, descoperit în biblioteca unei universități din Germania
Iisus Hristos, figura centrală a Creștinismului, este atât o persoană extrem de influentă, cât și una obscură. Deși existența sa este probabilă (dovezile din afara textelor biblice fiind limitate la câteva referințe), istoricii și teologii […] Articolul Un papirus despre copilăria lui Iisus, descoperit în biblioteca unei universități din Germania apare prima dată în Descopera. Această știre a…
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dianapopescu · 1 year
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6 august: Celebrările din San Salvador
Celebrările din San Salvador, numite și "Fiesta din San Salvador", reprezintă o sărbătoare anuală marcată pe 6 august. Este o zi dedicată onorării Salvatorului Divin al lumii, după care este numit San Salvador. https://www.diane.ro/2023/08/6-august-celebrarile-din-san-salvador.html
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stiriarges · 5 months
Hristos a Înviat! Mii de credincioși au luat Lumina Sfântă la Mioveni
Învierea din morţi a lui Iisus Hristos este semnul biruinţei sale, iar comemorarea acestei Învieri rămâne de milenii una dintre cele mai importante Continue reading Hristos a Înviat! Mii de credincioși au luat Lumina Sfântă la Mioveni
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johnny-em · 5 months
Cină „de lucru” și lecție de leadership creștin
Sursă: Cină „de lucru” și lecție de leadership creștin – Chilia “Buna-Vestire” Evangheliile deniilor de la începutul Săptămânii Mari au evidențiat evenimentele petrecute după intrarea Domnului Hristos în Ierusalim. Preoții au citit în Biserică din discuțiile pe care Iisus le-a avut cu reprezentanții diferitelor grupări religioase din Ierusalim. Acestea au căutat să-L discrediteze prin cuvinte…
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marius-2364 · 7 months
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