ikkosu · 23 days
Humans are so appealing to many cybertronians as both pets and partners. Incredibly friendly and capable of pack bonding with pretty much anything going so far as to anthropomorphize inanimate objects. So small compared to even a minibot or cassette bot and so fragile. Squishy organic bodies that are so easy to fold and bend to a Cybertronian’s whims. It’s insane how much a human’s body can stretch for their Cybertronian lover. Plus the insane libidos that humans have means that their lovers will never be unsatisfied.
However there have been reports of malfunctioning spikes and dangerously low transfluid levels from just how frequently humans seek out their romantic and sexual partners.
Many Cybertronians who have been to earth have been numbed to the exotic charm a human might have while those which haven’t been to earth can’t help but coo and prod at the humans they find
l absolutely love the idea that somehow despite having a more demure stature compared to the behemoths that are the Cybertronians, human libidos can pack quite a crazy punch. Given their 'fluids' aren't as fuel-like the way Cybertronian has theirs, they're not at all in any case harmed by that prospect.
But of course, that doesn't mean there is no any ramifications on the human's part at all — it's just less severe. While the bots themselves, worn out from their spikes wrung dry extensively could land themselves a delicious spot on a medical berth.
I can imagine professional doctors drafting up warning notices or leaflets about this particular problem.
With corny hospital slogans like : "Check your Tank before you bank it!!" Or "Those fluids arent going to fill up themselves!!" and some well known mech celebrity is giving them a thumbs up from the health poster.
Can you really blame them, though? Humans are known for their softness. And once you're shrouded with the slick tight warmth of their hole — it's not so easy to snap out of it.
They get too lost in the moment, frames shuddering with pleasure, overlords after overloads, they don't notice their energon dwindling down and once it's all gone they just suddenly fall limp on their human. Like someone had pulled out a plug. Said mech would never live the embarrassment down, a firm reminder of everyone witnessing a limp spike hanging off their panel as they're dragged across to the medical bay.
It would also be interesting. Since Cybertronians spike are naturally very hard? (No pun intended) And even after two overloads, it's still kind of bricked up. So, continuous overloads would render the spike flaccid ( energon keeps it pressurized) and a soft spike isn't a good sign since it kind of hinders the pathway of the transfluids.
Just imagine Ratchet chewing out a mech for being so horny that his spike is a literal water balloon, now. Said mech also wailing in pain, not because his dick hurts, but because his human is confiscated and he's banned from having sex for at least a month if he doesn't want his robot cock amputated.
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ikkosu · 18 days
Thinkin about hiccups and how different bots would react to them. Would they find them cute? annoying? weird? interesting?
Ooh especially in first contact, the bot might think the human is broken lmao -gourmet anon
Cute would be bots like Rodimus, tailgate, and Swerve who'd coo at their humans as if they're littol baby cats. You'd be having chest pains from the contractions (for some reason I do and for some reason my hiccup is so Intense????) while your bots are wagging their digits at you like you're batt it like a child. No, you're absolutely dying. Give water. Now.
Whirl would find that shit funny as fuck. He's recording the sound and blasting it full volume when someone's being annoying or Magnus is reciting another damn protocol from that primus be darned bible.
The medics would be concerned. Misfire and the scavengers with the exception of Krok/ Nickel would freak out.
"Fleshie is choking! Spinister — quick the magnetic chest compressor!"
Krok is now scampering down the hall for the human who's strapped on the medical berth confused, and hiccuping through tears. Nickel walks in with a wrench in hand. Whoever is involved, no helms are spared.
Interesting would be First Aid, Night beat Nautica and velocity. Though, I think Lottie would be more concerned but with how the human is faring fine I think she'd be more curious at why they are.
While annoying would be Ratchet and prowl. Ratchet knows how the human body works and is just frankly annoyed at the fact that the bots are crowding around you like you're some jewel on display, echoing along your little noises. He's also annoyed because you're not taking care of your body properly.
Prowl is just. Can you please take your ministrations elsewhere? This noise is bothersome. That's until you told him it's from your body he's 😐.
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ikkosu · 10 days
Ok but getting pregnant by a cybertronian is gonna be stressful imo 😭😭 Imagine the weird cravings that you can't consumed but your hybrid baby wants
Pregnant human reader, hitting their cybertronian s/o : your goddamn baby is making me crave energon!!! And I can't even eat energon!!!!
Cybertronian s/o, who can't really do anything but just letting their human hit them : sorry... 😓😓
Cybertronian a/o scampering across the room to wrangle The energon cube out your hands like it's radioactive!!!! Stop!! The energon goodies looks too good I can't blame them tbh. But I'd imagine some products that are human friendly are becoming a norm with how much Cybertronians are bagging human partners. And companies (both Human and Cybertronian ones) sees it as a quick cash grab and pumps out the battle of a lifetime picking up customers.
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ikkosu · 25 days
hhhhnnnnng Prowl being possessive and obsessed with breeding his little human s/o so he can fully claim them and mark them as his own. Pounding his thick spike into their tight hole and filling it with trans fluid so he can get them pregnant. This nasty man is fully intent on baby trapping his human btw. He talks about breeding them in berth a lot but they just chalk it up to being a kink, since he doesn’t talk about it anytime else. Little do they know is that he’s spoken to several scientists on whether it’s possible that interspecies intercourse could lead to babies, and with the help of one specific scientist(brainstorm) he’s taking robot viagra and is incredibly fertile. Everytime they fuck now during aftercare he’s cuddled up to them and rubbing their belly gently with a possessive look in his eye… he’s thinking about little versions of them running around while he’s pounding into his s/o, thinking about marking them as his once and for all, so that no other mech can look at them… he’s probably already planned what will happen when they do inevitably get pregnant… already put state of the art security system in their shared quarters and forcing them to stay put by manipulating them into thinking it’s for their protection. Making them a stay at home spouse and not letting them leave even after they give birth, instead fucking another baby into them, so they can never leave him, his ultimate plan…. Ok I’m normal now bye pookie <3
I’m going to explode. You can’t leave me here with this masterpiece and not expect me to bark at it like a feral dog. God omg. Prowl getting turned on seeing the swell of their stomach. Spike pressurizing with the intent of filling you up more. And everytime he overloads, he lifts up your hips so the transfluids won’t spill out of your hole. He’ll put a plug in it, if he had to. So none goes to waste. The little mini version of prowls: cute itty chevrons, tiny servos and big wide sparkling optics is too adorable to resist. Hngngnmgmgngng breeding + prowl my absolute heaven
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ikkosu · 10 days
*scratches my chin thoughtfully*
Hmmm, prowl with k-9 handler reader. Reader prob’s rides with him, if he’s nice enough, might roll down the window of the passenger side for the dog to stick it’s head out. He totally doesn’t watch reader intently as they go to retrieve the k-9 from the suspect, he doesn’t think it’s hot, why would you say that?
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Prowl has a secret robot boner for handler like. Just them cooing 'good boy, good boy' to their dog is enough to get his engines revving. He totally doesn't want to be treated like a pup rolling on the ground for treats.... He wouldn't do that....
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ikkosu · 1 month
About mermaids hihi JUST FOR YA POOKIE
Lost light crash in the middle of the ocean, but they need to get out of there bc yeah they will rust slowly bc of salty water.
Your bot is alone in his crashing aera, but the aera is your home. So when they wake up, the first thing they see is a lil curious mermaid swimming around their form.
You notice their opened optics and starts poking at their nose.
When the bot move, you flee quickly, scared, but stays close. You bring them later some colorfull shells and fish, and try to make them eat.
The bot try gently to move you over so they can continue on their journee and try to get out of there (i headcanon them as being unable to swim because way too heavy).
"Shoo, little whatever-you-are, please, i have to find my crewmates"
But even with that you stay with them, very curious and playfull. You poke their nose, tug on their digit, brush their form with yours to discover more strange things. They are weird. But really funny.
"No, no tugging on my head chevron"
"Is that for me? Why, thank you (what am i gonna do with this?)"
"What- hey, that's my wheel! You're very curious are you, little cutie?"
Long story short, the bot manage to go back to the surface with a lot of rust on their frame, systems dammaged but they're still alive, and you remained by their side all the way out. So the bot learned to like you. And don't want to leave you here. They send an SOS signal and wait on the beach for anybot to save them. And there, surprise, you get out of the water (he has a spark attack because like, you need water ???) and they see your tail becoming legs (with scales, ur not skin naked lmao).
You just cuddle his servo or hips, not showing any signs you were gonna leave. Bring them food, shells, plenty of gifts and making a nest all around you two.
After some times, they understand that it's because they reciprocated your little games you were pulling on him, like special dances, giving each other food, mimicking some of your gestures, because you always seem so happy when they were doing so. Turns out it was a mating ritual. They're accidentally mated to you. You didn't even care he was not even organic.
Regrets? Not really. Just, we are not gonna show you to Brainstorm...
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The bots sinking in like seven feet down into the ocean because they crashed and having those itty mermaids flutter around them, poking their nose and curling around their neck, purring.
Rodimus would be the most active bot interacting with the mermaids. If it was Megatron, I'd doubt he'd prefer to mingle — but he doesn't mind the close proximity. A few rub of his digit on their small head or a small smile is all he could muster.
Nautica would ecstatic to see one! Blushing when one of the mers would nuzzle her neck (they find that spot strangely warm and the gentle vibration is a comfortable lull to sleep.) She also made a mental note of hiding the mers if Brainstorm were ever to find out....
Luckily, he's trapped in the debris. Along, with the others.
I can imagine the small group of mermaids would help to pull aside the chunks of metal. Trilling happily when they're rewarded with a prim tousle of their head. Rodimus had already gotten so attached to the little things.
Maybe, Magnus wouldn't mind if they were to stay here a few days...
"In the ocean?" He balks. "Out of the question. The salt is going to purge through our processors and turn our insides to rust! Do you want that to happen?''
Rodimus huffs.
...Or not.
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ikkosu · 1 month
I bring you an Idea
What if... poly relationship with Prowl and Jazz?
That is all.
golden retriever x black cat energy my fave dynamics. You and jazz would the one unleashing havoc, and all prowl does in that while is hold a mug, black coffee to the max, and stares out of the window with a bland expression. i’d imagine the reader to be the golden retriever, while jazz has the calm cat energy, sometimes fluctuating when you both would conjure up shenanigans while prowl is straight up black cat energy. It takes a while to pull him out of his study room if you don’t want him hissing at the minuscule touch of light. But despite that he’s a pretty shitty fighter so everytime you’d go to clubs for a night out, Jazz would be the one looming over the both of you whenever someone hostile approaches.
and in bed prowl’s always the one a whimpering mess.
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ikkosu · 10 days
imagine that some bots, when studying human anatomy, are horrified or find it intriguing because we have baby teeth that fall out and are then replaced with stronger ones. or hell, we have two throats for eating and breathing, so people shouldn't talk while eating, as food can really get into the wrong throat due to the fact that it opens. the length of our small intestine is 6 meters, as well as our stomach produces acid, and if it were not for a special mucus, it would destroy itself. the strongest human muscle is the tongue (absolutely not an idea for something obscene and hot *winks hard*).
YESS I like the idea that despite humans are more demure in strength we're such a complex organism to the point it's baffling
it's even more funny when bots would handle their human like fragile glass, following every medical instruction to a t on what their human should and not do. Them having a breakdown while you're laughing and eating, shoving every big FAT large bite of food down your throat and they're just clutching their helms anticipating the next moment you'll choke/drop dead.
The notion of too much is had and too little is also bad is their constant torment. Too much oxygen is bad???? Too much food is bad??? What do you mean you can't drink too much water???
Their expressions just downright flabbergasted knowing your stomach acid would probably burn a hole through their plating. because of that a rumos are now spreading around that humans could spit acid as a defense mechanism. The tongue though 👀 I think most bots wouldn't be so wary towards such an interesting experience.
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ikkosu · 2 months
Listening to Nicki Minaj and David Guetta song called hey mama gave me ideas....
Beginning 2000'. Ur a sport car racer in the city of ur choice and ur kinda known in town to be very good.
Imagine one day u found an abandonned race car that has a yellow orange red paint job and decide to repair it and use it to do races (u know, like the one in Tokyo?). Because like, the car has a unique design u've never seen before, not even for a rally. And is in perfect condition.
The day of the race, u arrive and everyone is quiet bc wow, that car is new, shiny and beautiful. They all stare at u, including others competitors.
In summary, u start ur race, and praise the car asf like "yeah baby, give me all u've got", "show them what u can do", "that's right, go on, don't stop","such a perfect engine revving to prove them we are the best"... and u notice the car litteraly has no speed limite, is doing an outrageously good performance and seems to be enjoying the race. The adrenaline running through ur blood make u ignore the fact that the car seems to react and live the moment.
Because of this, u win every races and end up beating every records. Nobody has ever made such an impressive performance.
To avoid having people touch ur new jewel, you leave quickly after recieving some prices and go back home. You blast some music to celebrate.
Back home, u decide to wash the car when u notice some weird pinky liquid coming out from under the car.
If u want u can eventually write what happen next (it's midnight and my brain is nwjfifishs) but i kust wanted to share this idea with u :))
Have a nive day/night ~~~<3
gosh!! that is such a good idea omg. I always like the idea of bots going along whatever their new humans are taking them to, preffering to remain silent while the human just,,does whatever they want to do lmaoo. Only escaping to their bases at night then returning the morning after like they hadnt left.
Given the human is a racer I can imagine they would manhandle the car a lot,,,,and Cybertronian are naturally sensitive on the driving wheel as well as the joysticks (and the pedals, too. Especially, the pedals) which leads to several pent up 'frustrations' from the bot themselves....👀👀
Doesn't also help the way you keep praising the car, touches always so rough yet soft when you knead the joystick or swivel the wheel....
I don't have much to add but,,,,
—CURIOUS, you hunch over, other hand pointing the mouth of the hose to the crevices of the wheels. They rolled across enough dirt already, but you miss impatient skidding of the the wheels back and forth.
Whatever strange substance that was, it had a tangy smell to it — almost pungent, yet also a little sweet?
You curled out a finger and dipped it into the viscous liquid. It was strangely cool to the touch, yet the tip of your skin flared with a mild burn a only a balm would induce.
Moreover, the crush, candy color were reminiscent of the cherry flavored Gatorade, you hoard often from the shops. Is this some new kind of fuel? If so, then why weren't you informed? Trends these days....always so discreet. But, how did it end up here?
The thought of shoving your finger inside your mouth, going against all ethical hygiene practices for a taste to satisfy your curiosity, is short-lived the moment the engine rumbled.
But it wasn't just a rumble....almost like a whine. Did it just breedle? Did it talk?
You yelped and scrambled on your back when the car shifted : a blur of mesh metal parts, churning and transforming into shape. Then, a shadow loomed above you, caging you in. Chuffs of steam heaved, like breaths of a a beast and two blue flaring lights for eyes, fervent and desperate...
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ikkosu · 22 days
Ikko! Ikko! I've always had a thing for shaterred glass characters.... Have you ever imagined yourself with sg prowl? It could kidnap you for whatever purpose only imagine the optics red and you You have nowhere to run. 😈😈
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If SG prowl is the opposite. Then I'd reckon he's one big of a dumbass. Calm scheming asshole. I mean he's still cunning but braincell probably shared with Springer is still in the equation.
I haven't read the SG comics but I'd definitely would 100% want to be kidnapped by him. Not because he's hot as fuck but because his 'security' is so shit everytime you're taken by him finding a way to get out is is as easy as finding Starscream's ego in that confined metal Twinmk body of his.
At this point you know his place like the palm of your hand. Hopping on and off whenever you please, pretending 'oh no!! Prowl's out to get me again!!' and after like a bunch of sticky pounding you waddle away to the deceptions while Prowl is having an aneurysm wondering how in unicron's two ass you got out.
Prowl. You have one door. It's not locked. And the lock — it's also cheap. Why did he even have a door anyway? Don't they use like, idk, gates. Even if he did he wouldn't even remember the fucking password.
And Springer is mommy's boy. Always the one grabbing the human. Always the one running after them when they'd left for the umpteenth time again. And, just as always, has one singular braincell that just explodes when he even tries to form a thought.
He'd be the more saner one. At this point he's not longer holding up his blaster when he sees you again for the hundredth time, on the deception battlefield. the deceptions themselves aren't even concerned anymore.
"They're taken!" Poor new deception barges into the briefing room and everyone rises up with an alarmed look.
"Which human?" One of the cons clarified with a narrow look.
The new con was expecting everyone to scramble out with a series of shouts, push and shove, but all they get is a blank look, a collective vents, and they all sit back down again, neutral stature. "Give it a few days. They'll be back."
And you did. Like a cat disappearing from the house, coming back home with new food on its maw. Said food is classified blueprints from the autobots. The only person wary though is Megatron. He's not sure how you're able to handle this everytime. But he got used to it, silently watching as you stroll into base with questioning bruises on your neck.
"You're aware you're fraternizing with the enemy?" He approaches you own evening.
You shrug. "A good stress relief. But hey, at least I've got you in intel.."
That shut him up real good.
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ikkosu · 21 days
Shockwave is my evil nasty husband and I love him. I like to imagine him getting a human partner and going from driest spike on earth to coming to his human at least twice a day for errrhhmmm ‘research’
his spike is so fucking dry it’s literally the Sahara desert. foreplay took hours because the little hod isn’t used to being stimulated. But the best thing to come is shockwave having an explosive orgasm so vehement he could see the 13th primes. His load is worth three buckets because primus how long have he avoided touching himself?????? And now he’s rooked into human pussay like a drug. He can’t solve complicated equations without getting his dick sucked off first. Hngggg Tfp shockwave has me feeling thingsss
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ikkosu · 1 month
*taps mic*🎤 Prowl being a nasty pervert and stalking a human. He’s just so obsessed with you because you’re the only one who’s been so nice, so attentive, and so caring to him. Prowl snooping through your room taking a pair of underwear for…. Future purposes… then finding a vibrator or Primus forbid a Bad Dragon 😮‍💨
He’s probably convince himself that you’re prepping to stretch yourself over his spike and that you want him just as badly. Prowl squirting his own transfluid into your lube 😩 so that even though he cant have you as his fucktoy just yet you’ll still have him inside you 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
Thank you for coming to nasty thoughts: the nasty thought podcast brought to you by RAID SHADO-
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just got raid-ed by air raid shadow legends
But hey, at least the sponser knows it's game : getting free nasty robo fucker thoughts as reward ✊😔
omg yes. Prowl would literally be the most nastiest perverts. Bros the most paranoid coppa so like 🤨 it's not a surprise. Like he's jorking it off in your room, primly filling up your lube 🛐🛐🛐🛐 ngmsmjfmsxnemnj GOODBYE imagine Cybertronian cum, unlike humans, are long lasting so you're impregnated indirectly using that 'lube'.
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ikkosu · 1 month
Prowl is a huge pervert and i stand by this. Prowl has a pair of your underwear he rubs his spike into nightly, has taken hair out of your hairbrush to sniff when he’s stressed, takes you on drives so he can feel your ass on his seats, and has recordings of your voice he jerks off to📢📢📢
REAL 🗣️‼️‼️ He keeps putting on thehis proffessional front, the usual stick in the mud kind of shtick as he goes around chiding the other bots known to openly express their fondness for human touch — so, nobody would ever believe it if he’s a complete wacko for them. Human liaison losing thier underwear weekly and chalking it up to rats. Said rat is coppa busy wanking to it in his habsuite that’s like, coincidentally, also in front of your own. And somehow everytime you get on his alt, you don’t notice how the seat’s a little too warm, or the seatbelt that’s a litttttlee too tight on your body 🤨. “Hey, uh, Prowl?”
“Yeah?” There’s a strain in his clipped tone. You don’t point it out, though, and tug on the strap.
“Too tight.” He’s quiet for a moment, “Yeah.” He says again and the seatbelt loosens just an inch. And, when you’d place your palms on his steering wheel, Prowl lets out a wavering breath. There’s an unusual growl in his engines too.
hnngggg, just the thought of him recording the little noises you make during work hours. Innocent sounds but he somehow manages to be seduced by it every night. Pushing a crate and you’re grunting because it’s so heavy. Or the whine you make when lobbing with the obviously bigger bots, playfully toying with you like its monkey in the middle.
or going through the screen recordings and picks out the most suggestive ones to wank over — him peering below and your tiny form on his thigh, looking up with a playful smile. Or when he’s mass displaced and teaching you how to fight and somehow you end up pinned below, chest rolling with shallow breaths and sweaty.,,,,,,
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ikkosu · 16 days
Imagine some wanabe Animal Rights Activist trying to Rescue one of the "abused" humans. From Wheeljack. And just geting tazed like a mofo for their troubles. Human hits their panic button, points aims and fires their deterent defense device. Maybe even hits a sound board or enters a text to voice tranlator, if continuation has progressed that far. "Help Kidnapers! Blackmarket Smuglers!c
LMAO wheeljack's lab, despite being a hazard, is one of the most safest places. If you're not a burglar, of course
Human is just chilling in wheeljacks's lab, nestled luxuriously in a hoard of pillows when the habsuite is breached and you're greeted with the sight of several mechs desperately, or should you say delusionally, claiming they're all but here to 'save' you.
Too bad the only thing they should be concerned with saving now is their own sparks. Wheeljack and the rest of the bots comes scampering in because with how frantic you yelled through the comms, a static read of 'smugglers' is a sure enough sign for them to book it.
But instead of expecting a heavy brawl with their adversaries, theyre greeted with the sight of mechs piling on the ground, smoke sizzling from the heap, twitching and unconscious. The enormous blaster sliding back discreetly into the ceiling told them enough.
I'd imagine that the group of mechs who planned this harbored good honest intentions. but they're a little misguided and somewhat ignorant. So imagine the shock they have when they're now labelled as anti-human terrorists all over the, even more wounding, the human news.
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ikkosu · 1 month
Mdjabwudjb Prowl baking!! Im imagining his grumpy ass in a floral apron with ovenmits holding a tray of charcoal (what was supposed to be brownies) for his human. Then you eating one anyway (crunch 🪨crunch 🪨crunch) to show you appreciate him
Then you both have a romantic evening in the ER where you get your stomach pumped 😍
GOODBYE I personally have a hc that prowl is very good at cooking (since he follows instructions to a t and primus forbid anyone exceeding past a 0.1 milimeter measurement) but he definitely would suck ass at first because he’s not used to meddling with organic food. Imagine prowl preparing a romantic evening for the both of you, his servos over your eyes as a surprise and once the darkness unveils you’re greeted with, by god, even satan would want heaven’s gate to open at the sight of it.
You reigned in the sickness, Since prowl’s giving you his usual pinched look — that to you mean he’s looking for praise — you eat it anyway. And now half of the medics are after his ass.
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ikkosu · 1 month
um umm. imagine giving prowl a hello/good morning kiss but hes not fully awake or his mind is somewhere else so later in the day he goes into some kind of meeting with a lipstick stain on his face.. when he finally realizes he hunts u down to Glare at you and demands you clean it bc its your fault (he just wants an excuse for physical contact oops side note thank u for feeding us all with all ur lovely work. 5 stars
�� aww thank you anon. that's so sweet of you pookie. glad you're enjoying my writings!! gobbles up the five star from the palm of your hand
Okay but that's is such a cuteee scenario oh my gosh I can't help but to write a little mini-fic this (a little incoherent I just woke up snskkdkj)
—PROWL'S snuggled up to your side. Even when he's sleeping, a gentle scowl is present on his face. And, the arm curled around your torso is almost like a metal bar, preventing you escape. For now, he's too tired to keep up appearances. Last night's report consisted of him re-writing the expense protocols and it is not a task an hour would suffice.
He came back sluggish and very much irritated. In the darkness of the room, alighted by the mere blue-ish flare of the moonlight, Prowl stands before your bed as a looming shadow. You recalled wheezing when he simply collapsed on top of you, immediately going limp after.
So, when you shift in the bed — it was almost time for work — he was all but annoyed : his bundle of warmth isn't going anywhere when he's got so comfortably snug, so he pits you close to his chassis, grumbling.
"No? Prowl. I've got work."
"It can wait." He murmered lazily, nose chasing for the warmth between the crook of your neck and shoulder. And, when he did — a little purr-like rumble thrummed from his chassis.
You blink. He's slurring in his sleep? Guess, even the strategic officer isn't immune to sleepy mumbles. With a playful smile, you cup his face plates, leaning in to kiss his cheek, lingering a little bit on the sensitive spot on his neck then the crook of his nose.
Subconsciously, Prowl leans forward, likely expecting a kiss on his lips but with an index on his forehead, you push him away gently.The peach cream lipstick stains the areas you've assaulted. But, hey. At least he knows who's stalling who, this lovely morning.
WHILE he's fixing up the last of his documents, Prowl can feel the stares churning through his back. He's got it ever since he walked into that damn room. Obviously, nobody is going to agree with the new 'protocols' he administered. Especially, the younger mechs. But the meeting had just finished, so what's with the staring? Why are they staring?
"Uh, Prowl?"
"What?" He clips and slams the briefcase shut.
When he whirled around, a biting chassis fervent on his tongue, he's greeted with the sight of the bug, smiling in amusement. Great. The scout.
"I don't know what game you're playing at And, likely, i'd rather not know." Prowl seethes. "But I suggest you cut it out."
As usual, he's not the most brightest mech, this morning.
"Alright, then." He shrugs with his servos up placatingly. "But I gotta say, though. Peach does suit you well. Always thought it'd be rouge red or magenta pink. Guess, I was wrong."
"Excuse me?"
"Not that it's bad. It's not bad, trust me." The scout grins. " I just didn't peg you as the type to wear make-up...."
"And, the generator?"
"Ah, yes. That." You scanned the clipboard, nitpicking the many stacks and stacks of paragraphs for a certain information. This, that, this and — "All stabilized, sir."
"Good work." He pats your shoulder. "Debrief in a few hours — I need the new recruits some time to understand the proceedings. Meanwhile, go have lunch. I won't keep you any longer."
With that your Supervisor had left. Dawdling a second longer flipping through the pages, you swivelled around. When you rounded the corner, still buried in your clipboard —
You feel cold metal curling round your wrists. And, you're suddenly pushed up against the wall.
"You." Prowl leans in, scowling.
You grin. "Oh? Good morning to you, too." .
"Clean it."
"Just a simple swipe of a napkin could do the job, prowl."
The grip on your wrist loosens and a servo clamps over your waist. His expressing, though, isn't unrelenting of a frown. "That's the thing, mouse — you inflicted this on me. So, you take care of it."
You raise a brow. "Sure, this isn't some kind of demand guised in the form of something else?"
Prowl doesn't say anything, expression all the more pinched and irritated — but the slight parting of his lips was telling.
You teetered on your tiptoes, hands on his shoulder plates and leaned up to kiss his cheek — the exact same spot you left a mark, this morning.
Prowl loosens visibly and turned away to hide the flare of warmth on his faceplates. Not without grumbling under his breath, of course.
If he wasn't so handsome when he's mad, you're not sure why you tolerate his crass attitude at all. If anything, he's like a cat that claws at you with every chance he gets — then begging for affection, later.
"If you wanted another kiss, you could've asked."
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