#Illinois Seniors Special Needs Planning
margaretlsgp · 1 year
Corrine Rolli – AmeriCorps Seniors Volunteer of the Year – 2023 Governor’s Service Awards [Video]
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thebreakfastgenie · 1 year
For the WIP list game, tell me about all or any of your TWW fics! Bonus for 'donna moss fic 2' because that is one hundo how I name my files.
this got real long so I put it under a cut
so donna moss fic 2 is called that because many years ago I had a fic called "donna moss fic" that was supposed to be quick and ended up being 10k and taking like six months. that fic became Start Over. then in 2020 I watched the When We All Vote Special and two things happened. one, I rewatched the show and landed back in the fandom after drifting away because I basically could not watch it while Trump was in office. two, I noticed a detail in Hartsfield's Landing I had never really paid a lot of attention to before. Josh says the Flenders took Donna in and fed her, and that she was pretty pathetic. I realized this was in New Hampshire, probably right after she joined the campaign the first time. I once spent a night with volunteers who housed campaign workers, and I thought that would be a really fun story to tell about Donna.
and somehow this turned into doing the Donna campaign backstory fic, again. the full title is "donna moss fic 2?? why are we doing this" because why the hell I would that fic again after what I went through the first time, I don't know. but I do know. I can do it better now. it's not a rewrite of Start Over, it's an alternate version. some things are very similar and a few lines are exactly the same, but there are some differences. I revised the timeline and geography, for one thing. this fic drove me to the brink of actual insanity (it was lockdown time to be fair) trying to figure out the fictional presidential primary schedule. I also checked the actual color of the "Welcome to New Hampshire" sign in person (I was going there anyway lol).
the idea is that each chapter is a state Donna goes to, either with the campaign or on her own. there's a prologue about the end of her drive to New Hampshire, which is the only part that is strictly speaking "written." the chapters are New Hampshire, South Carolina, maybe South Dakota depending on if I think it needs another campaign chapter for pacing, Illinois, California, Wisconsin, New Hampshire (reprise) and probably an epilogue in DC, tying together the information we have from In the Shadow of Two Gunmen, 17 People, and Hartsfield's Landing.
when I wrote Start Over I kind of side-stepped the issue of Josh's father's death and this time I am attacking it head on. I should probably keep this to myself for maximum impact, but oh well, it'll be long enough for you to forget. the idea this time around is that she tries to leave before Josh gets back from his father's funeral, but he comes back early because of course he does and catches her in the act. I have a very heartbreaking scene planned. this is not a Josh/Donna fic because I can't stand pre-series J/D, but like most of what I write, it's written with the idea that these people do fall in love and get together a few years down the road. it's about the beginning of their friendship, with a few charged moments, but it's more about Donna as a person. I'm also trying to pepper in some backstory of how she ended up with Dr. Freeride in the first place and why she feels enough loyalty to go back. the scene where she actually does come back is so vivid in my mind. I can hear the exact inflection of "thank god, there's a pile of stuff on the desk."
the planned epilogue is the first "anniversary" when Donna gets flowers from Josh for the first time. I thought about folding in an idea I had for the transition, where Josh is forced by Leo to give Donna a job interview as a formality, but I don't think that fits here so it'll be on its own whenever I get to it. obviously the main relationship Donna has at this point is with Josh, but I want to show the beginning of her friendships with the other senior staff, too.
the original first scene, before I decided to add a prologue, was going to be Josh dropping Donna at the Flenders' house for the night, having called in a favor since they don't have a hotel room for her. the Flenders proceed to freak her out by serving some kind of local New Hampshire dinner and a full breakfast at 5am. that will all still happen, of course. basically I want to fill in the gaps!
here's a bit of the prologue. I hate writing opening lines, and this is one of my favorites because it's the rare one I actually like:
In Massachusetts, she almost lost her nerve. The broken-hearted rage that had propelled her across six states faltered as she waited to merge onto I-495 and it occurred to her, finally, how crazy this was. She could get off at the next exit, turn the car around, and go home. She could stay with her parents, hold her head high, grit her her teeth through the humiliation. She could do exactly what everyone expected of her.  A space appeared on the interstate; she nestled her dusty car between a shiny red sedan and an old silver van. Flying down the highway, she thought of the life she was leaving behind. Her dead-end job, her unfinished education, her tiny apartment, and him. She floored the gas, outrunning her doubts, her fears, her insecurities. 
I will be doing strawberry fields in another ask but just a quick (lol) rundown of the other two west wing fics:
the ellsberg variant
the ellsberg variant is called that because it sounds cool but it's also descriptive. Daniel Ellsberg worked at the state department and leaked the pentagon papers (this is in the movie the post) and in retaliation a group of guys better known for other work broke into his psychiatrist's office and tore the place up. either they were just trying to intimidate him, or they were looking for his file to find embarrassing information and just didn't find it because they were incompetent (the other work was Watergate). so I thought, what if that happened to Josh, but they actually did just get pictures or copies of the file and leave without evidence?
so in my imagining, burglars break into a psychiatrist's office in Virginia or Maryland because they know there are high profile clients, and just get photos and copies of any files they can, to sell to whoever might be interested. the Republicans plan to use the information to embarrass Josh during the hearings, like they did with Leo, but Bartlet takes the censure deal before they get the chance, so they end up dumping it in a tabloid in order to damage Bartlet's re-election campaign with claims that his staff is mentally incompetent and he's too checked out with MS to notice (the headline is "Bartlet's Loony Bin").
the White House finds out when an advance copy is delivered by messenger in a brown envelope to CJ's office. they try to figure out who warned them and why, as well as what they can do about it. CJ enlists Danny to help (without giving him the full story, but he figures a lot out) and he finds out about the break-in, which was downplayed by the security company to avoid embarrassment, meaning the patients (including Josh) were never informed their records may have been compromised.
I'm not sure where exactly it goes from here. the first scene is the delivery of the envelope from Carol's POV. I might have Josh call Mandy in as a personal consultant (I just want to give Mandy real character development) and Amy will probably be involved in some way too. there's definitely a conversation where Josh is worried about the Oval Office incident being made public, and Leo assures him the four people who were there (Josh, Leo, Sam, Jed) won't tell anyone, Josh points out they already did, they told Stanley. Josh tries to resign, naturally, but Jed refuses to let him. I know it ends okay, I just don't know exactly how, or have the intrigue plot worked out. I do have a backstory for the person who sent them the advance copy: an employee at the tabloid who can't afford to quit her job, but thinks printing the story is wrong. her father is a Vietnam vet with PTSD and everything. I don't know if the White House staff ever find out who she is, but it might be fun to end with a flashback to her sending the advance. there's also some exploration of Josh's trust in his therapist being violated and where he goes from there.
don't be a hero
I wrote almost all of don't be a hero on notebook paper during psychology class in college and a couple years ago I finally typed up what I have. in theory it just needs an ending, but I can write so much better now, I started rewriting it, and just haven't gotten around to finishing it.
in 2008, President Santos is giving a speech at a university and presenting an award to a professor who has consulted with the White House on counterterrorism work, when a bomb goes off in the auditorium. The target was the professor, who is Muslim (there had been an Islamophobic hate crime in the news recently when I started this). Santos breaks his arm, Sam gets some cuts when a light falls on him, but the Secret Service does their job and gets them out of there. Josh had stepped out to call Lou, who is back at the White House working on a critical vote, and Donna had gone to get him. Donna hurts her foot and can't walk, so Josh helps her out, and on the way out he thinks he sees someone trapped. While Donna is talking to the paramedics, Josh runs back inside to look for the girl he thinks he saw.
the girl is real and he finds her and is able to unblock the door that was trapping her in, but inhales a lot of smoke in the process and passes out. the girl runs outside and tells the firefighters what happened, and they go in and pull Josh out. the scene has mostly been cleared at this point, but Sam is still looking for Josh, and end up identifying him to the first responders, which contributes to the ensuing media circus when it comes out that the White House Chief of Staff ran into a burning building. Josh wakes up in the hospital and gets chastised by Santos and Donna and also most of the Bartlet era staff via phone. Donna also has a talk with him about how she's proud, but she was terrified. He also has a nice visit with Amanda, the girl he saved.
When I finish the rewrite, I'm adding a storyline where the White House communications staff suggest trying to control what Amanda says to the press, and Josh insists that she's 19 years old and someone tried to kill her, so she can say whatever she wants, but asks CJ to come in and advise her on how to handle the press, for her own wellbeing. Danny also tells Josh he thinks the media attention on the rescue is going to dig up personal history and find out about Joanie, so he should consider making a statement. He tells Lou about Joanie for the first time in the process of preparing that, and Lou wonders why he never told her before.
I think it will end with Josh and Donna's wedding a couple months later.
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neonbreath · 2 years
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what’s up party people??? you can call me pink, and this is my movie addicted mess of a man, atlas! he is a shiny new muse for me, so i’m still figuring out a lot of his finer details, but i love to form characters through interactions in those cases so pls do throw all your babes at me! atlas had big dreams of becoming a film director, but things haven’t really panned out in any lasting way. he’s totally not a lil bitter or anything >.> the job of managing minseok sort of fell into his lap due to his father’s industry connections, as he owns a highly popular piano bar in seoul. (essentially his father was like you need to stop moping and do something with your life cbvbcxbv) he still performs to the best of his abilities as a manager and loves his client like family, thooo. i have a little more info and some desired connections below the cut, so if you’d like to plan out a thread or smth just shoot me a message or ask for my discord! 💕
atlas grew up primarily in the city of chicago, illinois. he lived with his mother full time after a very early divorce between his parents, while his father ran a successful piano bar back in seoul.
things weren’t overly toxic between them, thankfully. they didn’t like each other by any stretch of the imagination, but they kept up appearances for atlas, their only child.
atlas would visit with his father for a month out of every year, usually in the summertime when he was out of school. this was his first taste of the music industry, as his father had a lot of famous friends who would pop up at his bar. atlas wasn’t supposed to be in the bar per se, but he was well liked and protected among the staff and regulars. his father’s schedule didn’t allow for him to be home much, so he would tag along as his father made his way through the place carrying out his duties.
while atlas did enjoy music, his primary interest had always been film. the first time his mother plopped him down in front of ‘the wizard of oz’ and other child-appropriate classics, he was hooked. it was a high he’d never stop chasing.
he’d spend weeks on end working his way through the family’s vhs collection, would request movies almost exclusively for each birthday and even went through a little torrenting phase when he was looking for some harder to find stuff.
he could only dream of what it was like to bring such things to life — to be the one on the other side of the camera directing everyone to their places, making a piece of visual art with the potential to be remembered for eternities. he wanted it more than anything.
and yet, as he got older, there always seemed to be something standing in the way. in his senior year of high school, he was put in charge of documenting his graduating class for a special video presentation at the ceremony. he’d crafted something he was extremely proud of, a video he knew would blow everybody away. the night before graduation however, the file became corrupted as he was throwing a few finishing touches on it. he couldn’t access it or play it, and it resulted in him facing utter embarrassment at the ceremony.
this wasn’t the last of atlas’ pitfalls on his journey as an aspiring filmmaker. about a year into his higher education, specializing in directing at a small film school, the establishment burnt down with many of his academic works up until that point inside. after learning that his credits wouldn’t be transferred, he was sort of at a loss and disillusioned with it all. it was like the world was taking every opportunity to tell him he shouldn’t do the thing he loved the most.
his mother encouraged him to take some time off before attempting to go back to school and do some traveling, but all he ended up doing was heading back to south korea with his tail between his legs. he drowned his sorrows with his father for a couple of years before the latter became insistent that atlas get his life together somehow. he recommended him for a position being sought by a friend at a record label in seoul. they were in need of a manager for one of their new talents.
it was a bit overwhelming, as atlas hadn’t done anything of the sort up until then, but he strived to succeed for fear of his father’s reputation taking a hit for referring him. he put his directing dreams on hold indefinitely to fully take on the task on being minseok’s manager. he’s surprisingly good at the job, being so detail oriented, and he’s also always advocating for his client! if it’s not good for minseok’s wellbeing, he will tell the executives that he thinks so and do everything in his power to make sure it doesn’t happen.
someone he can bond over a love of movies with pls
your muse was in a drama that he really loved
maybe he pretends that you get on his nerves but he actually has a soft spot for you
someone who grew up primarily stateside like he did
friends who chill together and listen to 80s music
someone who gets annoyed with his little corrections and perfectionism
idk i’m bad at these but we can always go on chemistry and all that so!!! 💕
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johnnickwilson · 6 months
Demystifying Medicare Insurance, Coverage, and Options for Senior Citizens
Medicare is the best bet for nearly every American citizen who needs hospitalization or medical services, as well as drugs. Those who want more than the standard Medicare often choose Medicare Advantage Plans in Illinois Wisconsin that offer all-inclusive benefits, including dental, vision, and wellbeing packages. Seniors are able to be enrolled in senior medical programs that provide completely insured, specialized employer group health insurance Illinois Wisconsin, packages for the elderly.
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glenlakedentalcare · 8 months
Beyond the Basics: Navigating Excellence in General Dentistry in Glenview
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General dentistry forms the cornerstone of comprehensive oral healthcare, addressing a wide range of dental needs to ensure optimal oral health and overall well-being. In Glenview, Illinois, individuals seeking excellence in general dentistry have access to a variety of services designed to promote preventive care, diagnose issues early, and provide effective treatments. This comprehensive guide aims to explore the facets of general dentistry in Glenview, delving into the key services, the importance of regular check-ups, and the benefits of prioritizing overall oral health.
Key Services in General Dentistry
a. Routine Dental Check-ups: Regular dental check-ups are the foundation of general dentistry. These appointments typically include a thorough examination of the teeth, gums, and oral structures. The dentist checks for signs of decay, gum disease, and other oral health issues. Early detection enables timely intervention and prevents the progression of dental problems.
b. Professional Dental Cleanings: Professional dental cleanings are an essential component of general dentistry. Even with meticulous oral hygiene practices at home, plaque and tartar can accumulate over time. Dental hygienists use specialized tools to remove these deposits, reducing the risk of cavities, gum disease, and other oral issues.
c. Preventive Treatments: General dentistry places a strong emphasis on preventive treatments to safeguard oral health. This may include the application of fluoride to strengthen tooth enamel, dental sealants to protect against cavities, and education on proper oral hygiene practices.
d. Dental X-rays: Diagnostic tools, such as dental X-rays, play a crucial role in general dentistry. X-rays allow dentists to visualize areas not visible during a regular examination, aiding in the detection of hidden cavities, impacted teeth, and issues with the jawbone or surrounding structures.
e. Oral Cancer Screenings: Early detection of oral cancer is vital for successful treatment. General dentists routinely perform oral cancer screenings during check-ups, examining the mouth, lips, tongue, and throat for any abnormalities or signs of potential malignancies.
Importance of Regular Check-ups in General Dentistry
a. Early Detection of Dental Issues: Regular dental check-ups enable the early detection of dental issues. Identifying problems such as cavities, gum disease, or oral infections in their early stages allows for prompt intervention, preventing the progression of these conditions.
b. Prevention of Serious Dental Problems: Preventive measures taken during general dentistry appointments, such as professional cleanings and treatments, contribute to the prevention of serious dental problems. By addressing issues before they escalate, individuals can avoid the need for extensive and costly dental procedures.
c. Maintenance of Oral Health: Consistent general dentistry check-ups contribute to the ongoing maintenance of oral health. Dental professionals monitor changes in oral health over time, providing tailored advice and treatments to ensure that individuals maintain optimal oral well-being throughout their lives.
d. Personalized Oral Care Plans: General dentistry involves the creation of personalized oral care plans for each patient. These plans consider individual factors such as oral health history, lifestyle, and specific dental needs. A personalized approach ensures that patients receive targeted care that addresses their unique requirements.
The Comprehensive Approach of General Dentistry in Glenview
a. Family Dentistry: General dentistry in Glenview often extends to family dentistry, catering to the oral health needs of individuals of all ages. Family dentists are well-equipped to provide care for children, adults, and seniors, offering a convenient and comprehensive solution for entire families.
b. Restorative Dentistry: General dentistry encompasses restorative procedures that aim to repair and restore damaged or missing teeth. This may include dental fillings, crowns, bridges, and dentures. Restorative dentistry plays a crucial role in maintaining the function and aesthetics of the smile.
c. Emergency Dental Care: General dentists are often the first point of contact for emergency dental care. Whether it's a sudden toothache, a chipped tooth, or another dental emergency, individuals can rely on their general dentist in Glenview to provide prompt and effective care.
Benefits of Prioritizing General Dentistry in Glenview
a. Comprehensive Oral Health: Prioritizing general dentistry in Glenview ensures comprehensive oral health care. Regular check-ups, preventive treatments, and personalized care plans contribute to the overall well-being of the teeth, gums, and oral structures.
b. Early Intervention and Cost Savings: Regular check-ups allow for early intervention, preventing minor dental issues from progressing into more serious and costly problems. Timely treatments are often more straightforward and less expensive than addressing advanced dental conditions.
c. Personalized and Preventive Care: General dentistry focuses on personalized and preventive care. By tailoring treatments to individual needs and emphasizing preventive measures, patients receive targeted interventions that address their specific oral health requirements.
d. Continued Monitoring and Education: General dentistry involves continued monitoring of oral health over time. Dentists provide ongoing education on proper oral hygiene practices, lifestyle factors that impact oral health, and guidance on maintaining optimal oral well-being between appointments.
In conclusion, general dentistry in Glenview stands as a comprehensive and vital aspect of overall health care. By prioritizing routine check-ups, preventive treatments, and personalized care plans, individuals can ensure the early detection of dental issues, prevent serious problems, and maintain optimal oral health throughout their lives.
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michaelcosio · 9 months
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Azlan Musa Manager, Operations and Logistics
Sacramento, California, United States
UC Davis Graduate School of Management
Seeking a position in global supply chain management where I may utilize my business communication and analytical skills in order to expedite supply chain logistics effectively and in a time efficient manner
Amazon Full-time · 7 yrs 7 mos On-site
International Business Development Intern
The CHIC Group · Internship Jun 2013 - Oct 2013 · 5 mos Shanghai, China · On-site
Supply chain management internship for Chinese agricultural firm based in Shanghai, China
Conducted feasibility study and established contacts with large coconut agribusinesses in Thailand, Philippines, Cambodia, and Myanmar to reduce cost and increase diversification of supply
Fincancial Representative American General Finance Jun 2006 - Aug 2007 · 1 yr 3 mos
Solicited personal loans and analyzed credit of applications and serviced delinquent accounts to have the lowest delinquency rate in our district
Developed contacts with local business to provide credit services to their customers. Established financing for a local RV dealer which enabled our branch to rank top in our district in retail loans.
Sold life insurance policies as a licensed agent (0F43901) and assisted my coworkers in preparing for their state life insurance license exams.
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Master Instructor The Princeton Review Aug 2003 - Jun 2007 · 3 yrs 11 mos
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Provided 1-on-1 tutoring for students with ADHD and Dyslexia; adapted my approach to accommodate the special needs of my students
Organized and coordinated courses with high schools and student organizations and expanded my company’s operations to the South Bay
Increased the SAT score of a tutor student by over 400 points which resulted in her obtaining the highest score at her school
University of California, Davis - Graduate School of Management Master of Business Administration (MBA) Candidate, Logistics, Materials, and Supply Chain ManagementMaster of Business Administration (MBA) Candidate, Logistics, Materials, and Supply Chain Management 2012 - 2014 Activities and societies: Teaching Assistant, Managing Cost and Quality
University of California, Riverside Bachelor's Degree, Business Administration and Management, General 2000 - 2005 Focus is Management Information System
Owens-Illinois Sep 2013 - Present
Associated with UC Davis Graduate School of Management
Collaborative Planning, Forecasting, and Replenishment pilot program for a large glass manufacturer as a part of my MBA consultation project. Created collaborative forecasts and exception reports to help manage inventory levels related to the wine industry.
Senior Member, Civil Air Patrol May 2000 - Present · 23 yrs 8 mos Education Senior Squadron 5, San Bernardino International Airport (formerly Norton Air Force Base)
Test scores GMAT Score: 710 · Nov 2011
Associated with UC Davis Graduate School of Management 6.0/6.0 Essay score
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sevaseniorcare · 2 years
Why Companion Care Services are Important for Seniors?
Companion care is a special type of in-home care designed to assist seniors in a wide range of challenges they face in old age, including isolation. Non-medical home care services in Illinois also include companion care that involves assessing the physical, emotional, and social needs of your senior loved ones and creating a plan catering to those needs.
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sciencespies · 5 years
Bee lawns generate national buzz
Bee lawns generate national buzz
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Credit: Lilla Frerichs/public domain
Bees are excellent dancers. When a forager bee alights upon an Eden of pollen and nectar, it goes home to tell its hive mates. The greater the intensity of the dance, the richer the source of food being indicated.
In Minnesota, more bees are going to be dancing intensely this spring.
Researchers have found that homeowners who seed their lawns with a special grass mix can feed dozens of species of bees that would otherwise go hungry. So, beginning this spring, Minnesota will pay thousands of residents to plant “bee lawns” under a new state program that has attracted attention from other states. Each homeowner will get as much as $350 to do the work.
“A lot of people are watching this,” said Marla Spivak, the University of Minnesota entomologist who came up with the idea for bee lawns, a mix of traditional lawn grass and low-growing flowers.
The stakes are high: More than 1 in 3 bites of food taken in the United States depends on bees and other pollinators. But bee populations have been declining at unusually high rates in recent years.
According to the most recent data from the Bee Informed Partnership, a nonprofit based in College Park, Md., nearly 38% of managed honey bee colonies in the United States were lost in the winter of 2018-2019. This represents an increase of 7 percentage points above the previous year, and the highest loss recorded since the survey began in 2006.
Minnesota lawmakers last year put $900,000 toward the grant program and this year are weighing a bill to double that amount. Already 10 states have expressed interest in the program, including two states—Wisconsin and Washington—with legislative and agency proposals underway.
But critics say there isn’t enough evidence to justify spending so much.
“Minnesota is already the third- or fourth-highest-taxed state in the nation,” Republican state Sen. Mark Johnson told Stateline. Johnson has co-sponsored legislation that would cut funding for the program by close to $100,000. “What is the return on investment here? We’ve not seen evidence to say this is making an impact on bees.”
Nevertheless, Minnesota policymakers say they have heard from officials in Connecticut, Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, New York, Oregon, Vermont and Virginia who are interested in bee lawn grants.
At least 28 states have enacted pollinator health laws in recent years, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures. Legislation generally addresses habitat protection, research, pesticides, beekeeping and public awareness.
Nationwide, honey bees pollinate $15 billion worth of crops each year, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Minnesota alone sold nearly $14 million of honey in 2018, according to the USDA.
“Pollinators sound like they’re cute, but they’re really fundamental—unless you don’t want to eat,” said state Sen. Jim Abeler, a Republican who co-sponsored the bee lawn bill in the Minnesota Senate last year.
Some states took aim at pesticides after bees vanished in droves because of colony collapse disorder—the disappearance of the majority of worker bees in a colony with a few dead bees left behind. But chemical companies and the farming industry have fought chemical regulations. They say pesticides are safe and reject findings that pesticides are responsible for bee population loss.
In Minnesota, for example, then-Democratic Gov. Mark Dayton’s task force to protect pollinators, which met from 2016 to 2018, got logjammed every time it brought up pesticides, Spivak said. “But everyone could agree on increasing habitat for bees,” she said.
And habitat loss—not pesticides—is the No. 1 cause of bee deaths, according to the National Academy of Sciences. Other factors, such as climate change, also play a role.
In Wisconsin, Democratic state Rep. Melissa Sargent was inspired by her teenage son to propose a bee lawn measure. Bailey Sargent, 19, brought his mother’s attention to the issue two years ago, as he planted bee lawns across Dane County, Wisconsin, for his Eagle Scout project.
“Pollinators are one of the biggest things we can be working on,” the lawmaker said.
Her bill would set aside $500,000 in grants to homeowners and local governments to plant bee lawns. The Wisconsin Legislative Council, which provides legislative analysis for state lawmakers, is expected to study the bill this summer, and Sargent plans to introduce it during the next legislative session.
In Washington state, creating a bee lawn program like the one in Minnesota will be a high priority recommendation of the state’s pollinator health task force, according to Katie Buckley, a coordinator at the Washington State Department of Agriculture. The working group is set to give lawmakers its recommendations in November.
In addition, the Evergreen State is retooling its Department of Fish and Wildlife backyard wildlife habitat program to focus on bee habitat and include patios and porches, according to Taylor Cotten, a conservation manager at the agency. The agency does not currently know how many of the habitat program’s 7,000 certified members provide habitat for bees.
Minnesota last year named an official state bee: The Rusty patched bumblebee, which has been decimated, declining by 87% nationwide in the past 20 years, according to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. The agency in 2017 declared the bee an endangered species.
Minnesota’s bee lawn program will be paid for with lottery revenue. More than 4,000 residents applied for the grants, far more than would be able to receive funding under the current program.
Between 300 and 400 residents will receive the $350 grants this month, said John Bly, director of education at the Minneapolis-based nonprofit Metro Blooms, a state partner that helps administer the program. Recipients can be reimbursed for hiring a contractor or for buying do-it-yourself project materials, Bly said.
Metro Blooms installed its mix of fine fescue turfgrass, self-heal, Dutch white clover and creeping thyme at 15 residences, or more than 3,000 square feet of bee lawns, according to James Wolfin, sustainable land care manager, adding that bee lawns attract more than 60 species of bees, compared with zero for regular turfgrass.
Minnesota Native Landscapes, in Otsego, sold about 160 lawns’ worth of seed mix last year, up from 40 in 2018, according to sales manager Josh Rosinger, adding that he expects to increase sales again this year.
Organic Bob, in Minneapolis, did 15 bee lawn seedings and installations for residents in the Twin Cities area last year, according to Katie Allen, the sales manager. Organic Bob will install bee lawns of about 1,000 square feet for the grant amount, $350, but it will charge more for larger lawns, say $1,500 for a lawn of 6,000 square feet.
“It wasn’t meant to be a boon to the landscaping industry,” said Abeler, the senator who co-sponsored the bee lawn legislation. “Minnesota is a state of do-it-yourselfers. We don’t need to be giving money to people to bring in a lawn service, unless they’re seniors, for heaven’s sake.”
Before expanding the program, Abeler said, he wants to see how the program goes, making sure he doesn’t hear from constituents saying that they’re getting bilked by landscapers over it.
Minnesota state Rep. Kelly Morrison, of the Democratic–Farmer–Labor Party, says the volume of applicants speaks to the popularity of the program and its likely success in boosting bee populations.
Morrison proposes to double the funding for the bee lawns program this year in a bill she introduced last month.
“Restoring habitat for honey bees and our native pollinators is one of the most important conservation concerns of our lifetime,” said Elsa Gallagher, a biologist at the Bee and Butterfly Habitat Fund, a nonprofit that has planted 82 larger-scale projects in Minnesota. Some are residential, but all are larger than a typical bee lawn.
“Bees don’t care what the land is called,” said Clint Otto, a research ecologist with the U.S. Geological Survey stationed at the Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center in North Dakota, adding that bee lawns do need to be cared for.
“Managed properly, high-diversity mixes routinely generate more bee visits, and are aesthetically pleasing,” Otto said.
Bee lawns debuted at four parks in Minneapolis last year, and scientists such as Hannah Ramer and Kristen Nelson at the University of Minnesota surveyed park visitors for their reactions and published their findings in a 2019 article in the journal Landscape and Urban Planning.
Only 1% of children and 3% of adults in the United States are allergic to bee stings. But Ramer and Nelson found that more than half of visitors to Minneapolis parks with bee lawns last year said they were worried about bee stings. Still, visitors overwhelmingly (more than 95%) approved of the bee lawns.
“Bees are aggressive when defending their hive; not when out foraging on flowers,” said Washington state’s Buckley, adding that it once took her and her fellow researchers half an hour of harassing a bee to get it to sting one of them.
Scientists found in a 2015 article in the Journal of Asthma and Allergy that bees sting only “as a defensive maneuver,” unlike wasps.
Other Minneapolis respondents objected to the look of bee lawns, with one saying they “could look trashy.” Buckley disagrees. “Personally, I happen to like flowers and think they’re pretty,” she said.
In the legislature, according to the lead sponsor of the Minnesota bee lawns bill, state Rep. Rick Hansen of the Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party, opponents mocked bees as unimportant and unworthy of spending. But Hansen said he was confident bee lawns would expand in Minnesota and around the country.
“We have more people who support the bill,” Hansen said, “and we will prevail.”
Explore further
Backyard gardeners can act to help bee populations
©2020 Stateline.org Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.
Citation: Bee lawns generate national buzz (2020, March 13) retrieved 15 March 2020 from https://phys.org/news/2020-03-bee-lawns-national.html
This document is subject to copyright. Apart from any fair dealing for the purpose of private study or research, no part may be reproduced without the written permission. The content is provided for information purposes only.
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go-redgirl · 5 years
Trump's Proposed Economic Rescue Package Could Approach $1 Trillion
WASHINGTON (AP) — In a massive federal effort, President Donald Trump asked Congress to speed emergency checks to Americans, enlisted the military for MASH-like hospitals and implored ordinary people — particularly socially active millennials — to do their part by staying home to stop the spread of the coronavirus.
His proposed economic package alone could approach $1 trillion, a rescue initiative not seen since the Great Recession. Trump wants checks sent to the public within two weeks and is urging Congress to pass the eye-popping stimulus package in a matter of days.
As analysts warn the country is surely entering a recession, the government is grappling with an enormous political undertaking with echoes of the 2008 financial crisis.
At the Capitol on Tuesday, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell vowed the Senate would not adjourn until the work was done.
“Obviously, we need to act,” McConnell said. “We’re not leaving town until we have constructed and passed another bill.”
But first, McConnell said, the Senate will vote on a House-passed package of sick pay, emergency food and free testing, putting it back on track for Trump’s signature — despite Republican objections. “Gag, and vote for it anyway,” he advised colleagues.
It was a signal of what the GOP leader called the “herculean” task ahead.
Overnight, the White House sent lawmakers a $46 billion emergency funding request to boost medical care for military service members and veterans, fund production of vaccines and medicines, build 13 quarantine centers at the southern border for migrants, make federal buildings safer, and reimburse Amtrak for $500 million in anticipated revenue losses, among other purposes.
The Trump request also reverses cuts to the Centers for Disease Control and National Institutes of Health that Trump proposed in his February budget for next year and would create a $3 billion fund for unanticipated needs.
Senators gathered at an otherwise shut-down Capitol as Americans across the country were implored to heed advice and avoid crowds. Young adults, in particular, are being urged to quit going out because even seemingly healthy people can be spreading the virus that causes the COVID-19 illness.
Even so, presidential primary elections unfolded in Florida, Illinois and Arizona. Ohio’s was called off hours before the polls were set to open.
After a savage drop at the start of the week, the stock market rose as Trump and aides sketched out elements of the economic rescue package at a briefing. Economists doubted that would be enough to stop millions of jobs losses, even if in the short term.
Bigger than the $700 billion 2008 bank bailout or the nearly $800 billion 2009 recovery act, the White House proposal aims to provide a massive tax cut for wage-earners, $50 billion for the airline industry and $250 billion for small businesses. Two people familiar with he package described it to The Associated Press on the condition of anonymity because they weren’t authorized to speak publicly.
The amount that would be sent out in checks Americans is not yet disclosed. The White House said it liked GOP Sen. Mitt Romney’s idea for $1,000 checks, though not necessarily at that sum and not for wealthier people.
“This is a very unique situation,” said Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin, exiting a private briefing of Senate Republicans. “We’ve put a proposal on that table that would attract a trillion dollars into the economy.”
One GOP leader, Sen. John Thune of South Dakota, told reporters afterward it “could be” up to $1 trillion.
Senate Democrats produced their own $750 billion proposal, which includes $400 billion to shore up hospitals and other emergency operations in response to the global pandemic and $350 billion to bolster the safety net with unemployment checks and other aid to Americans.
“The aid has to be workers first,” said Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, not what happened in 2008, when the big banks took precedence. Schumer also said it’s time to call out the National Guard to provide security as communities reel from the crisis.
The slow-moving Congress is being asked to approve the far-reaching economic rescue as it tries to rise to the occasion of these fast times.
A roster of America’s big and small industries — airlines, hotels, retailers and even casinos — lined up for hoped-for aid.
For most people, the new coronavirus causes only mild or moderate symptoms, such as fever and cough. For some, especially older adults and people with existing health problems, it can cause more severe illness, including pneumonia.
The vast majority of people recover from the new virus. According to the World Health Organization, people with mild illness recover in about two weeks, while those with more severe illness may take three to six weeks to recover.
Still, health officials are urging Americans to stay home to prevent an onslaught of cases that could overwhelm hospitals as happened in Italy, among the countries hardest hit.
As Congress considered aid, the Pentagon on Tuesday said it would provide 5 million respirator masks and 2,000 specialized ventilators to federal health authorities. And Medicare was immediately expanding coverage for telemedicine nationwide to help seniors with health problems stay home to avoid infection.
More than two dozen Senate Democrats urged Trump to invoke the Korean War-era Defense Production Act to increase production of masks, ventilators and respirators, as well as expand hospital capacity to combat the coronavirus. Federal officials said the administration is working with the Army Corps of Engineers to see about erecting temporary hospitals, as is done in the military, to handle an expected surge of cases.
Schumer compared the government response needed to a wartime mobilization.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who marshaled the earlier package through a bipartisan vote last week, fielded a call from Mnuchin on Tuesday morning and another from Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell in the afternoon, encouraged by the Fed chairman’s perspective that Congress could think big with interest rates at nearly zero.
In the call with Mnuchin, she and Rep. Peter DeFazio, D-Ore., chairman of the House Transportation committee, “emphasized that protecting workers’ paychecks and benefits was their top priority, and that immediate action was needed,” said Pelosi spokesman Drew Hammill on Twitter.
The debate is sure to revive the sharp divisions over the costly bank bailout and economic recovery of the Obama and Bush eras.
Much about the proposed checks is not known, such as whether the amount would vary by the income of the recipient or whether everyone would get the same sum. Mnuchin said “it’s clear we don’t need to send people who make $1 million a year checks, OK?”
Economists from both parties endorsed mailing checks of at least $1,000 to all American households as the quickest way to offset the sharp slowdown in economic activity.
“We need to pay people to stay at home,” said Heidi Shierholz, a senior policy analyst at the Economic Policy Institute, a liberal think-tank. The group predicted that without a huge stimulus package, the U.S. economy could lose three million jobs by this summer.
Still, some GOP senators were skeptical about the massive aid on the table. “I’m going to be very leery of doing something like in 2008,” said Indiana Republican Sen. Mike Braun.
“Right now, the plan around here is basically to just to start shoveling money out of a helicopter,” said Sen. Ben Sasse, R-Neb. “This is a bad idea. … We don’t need a policy where Washington, D.C., handpicks winners and losers.”
Despite federal guidelines against so many people gathering, senators had no choice but to convene. Legislating cannot be done from home.
But late Tuesday, another lawmaker, Sen. Cory Gardner, R-Colo., announced he would self-quarantine after contact with a constituent who later tested positive for coronavirus.
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political-fluffle · 5 years
“THREAD: Have we reached the point where Giuliani’s role in Ukraine-gate no longer looks like an outtake from a bad Coen Brothers movie and is creating a far more serious legal situation that should be setting off alarm bells inside DOJ comparable to James Comey’s firing? 1/” (…) Amb. Yovanovitch’s Oct 11 Capitol Hill partially overshadowed revelations about ties between Trump World and a key Ukrainian oligarch, Dmytro Firtash. It’s important to read Yovanovitch’s testimony in the context of Firtash’s longrunning problems with the US Government. 3/ The other point of comparison that immediately comes to mind is an ongoing Federal criminal investigation of Elliot Broidy, a former top Trump fundraiser and the former vice chairman of Trump’s 2016 campaign. More on him in a second. 4/ WSJ reported on Oct 10 that Lev Parnas, one of the Giuliani associates arrested by the Feds, had been hired by Firtash’s defense team as a translator. https://www.wsj.com/articles/two-foreign-born-men-who-helped-giuliani-on-ukraine-arrested-on-campaign-finance-charges-11570714188 … https://www.nytimes.com/2018/03/25/us/politics/trump-digenova-toensing.html … @aviswanatha @rebeccaballhaus 5/ That’s a curiously menial role for Parnas who presented himself as a high roller and whose campaign contributions gave him access to Trump and other GOP leaders. (Lawyer John Dowd says they had a similar role for Giuliani on behalf of President Trump) 6/ Firtash’s defense is now led by FoxNews regulars Joe DiGenova & Victoria Toensing. (Trump tried to hire them for the Mueller inquiry.) Chris Wallace reported on Sept 29 that they were working “off the books” with Giuliani to find dirt on the Bidens. https://www.foxnews.com/transcript/highlights-from-chris-wallaces-interview-with-iranian-president-hassan-rouhani … 7/ In reality ties betw Parnas/Fruman and Firtash run much deeper. They were “working for Firtash" before “Parnas joined [Firtash’s] legal team…Firtash has paid their expenses in the past. Their costs include private jet charters..& foreign travel to Vienna.” Back to Yovanovitch. She carefully laid out how the West’s long-running push for a crackdown on high-level Ukrainian corruption stepped on a lot of important people’s toes and some figures in Ukraine used their ties to Giuliani and Trump to disrupt anti-corruption efforts. 9/ Arguably the single biggest set of toes belongs to Firtash. He was arrested immediately after the 2014 Maidan revolution in Ukraine and has been stuck in Vienna fighting extradition to the U.S. after being charged by the Feds with FCPA violations. 10/ Since the early 2000s Firtash was at the epicenter of multi-billion dollar corrupt schemes that dominate the Russian-Ukrainian natural gas trade. This murky trade, largely done via intermediaries, is the main vehicle for Putin and others to sink their claws into Ukraine. 11/ It’s also good to think of the gas trade as Exhibit #1 for comingling of the Russian govt & organized crime. Firtash serves as the топ gas trade intermediary for the Kremlin and a Russian mob figure Semyon Mogilevich who’s on the FBI’s 10 Most Wanted List & helps control it 12/ Firtash acknowledged as much in a leaked 2008 conversation with then US Amb Bill Taylor (yes, the same Bill Taylor who wrote the famous text message lambasting Trump’s demand for a quid pro quo from Zelenskyy). https://www.theguardian.com/world/2010/dec/01/wikileaks-cables-russian-mafia-gas … 13/ (…) What then to make of the revelation that Parnas and Fruman were arrested at Dulles last Thursday while en route to Vienna? Or that Giuliani planned to leave for Vienna, Firtash’s home base, the following day? https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2019/10/rudy-giuliani-vienna/599833/ … @elainaplott 16/ My hunch is that Parnas and Fruman may have been frontmen for Firtash, dangling info that was too good about Ukraine’s role in 2016 to lure people close to Trump. Was Firtash trying to get himself out of a jam with DOJ? Did Giuliani, wittingly or unwittingly, play any role? 17/ Bloomber’s @nwadhams broke a story about Trump and Giuliani seeking special favors from DOJ/State Dept for one of the latter’s clients, a convicted Turkish gold trader who had violated Iran sanctions. Rex Tillerson thought these requests were illegal https://twitter.com/nwadhams/status/1182062365057196033?s=20 … Back to Elliot Broidy. The Feds are investigating a Malaysian financier who reportedly asked Broidy to provide similar help. Broidy requested a $75 million fee from Jho Low if he succeeded in getting DOJ to drop charges in the case. https://www.wsj.com/articles/trump-ally-was-in-talks-to-earn-millions-in-effort-to-end-1mdb-probe-in-u-s-1519919321 … 19/ That brings us back to where I started. Does this scandal echo the circumstances that led to the naming of Robert Mueller? Was Giuliani ever involved in seeking special favors for Firtash? Did he or anyone else ( DiGenova? Toensing?) raise this case with Trump or others? 20/ Key question: who’s the right person to investigate this? Surely the US Atty’s office in Illinois, which indicted Firtasy, has been watching him like hawks. SDNY is now reportedly investigating Giuliani. Did any of Firtash’s team touch people at even more senior levels? 21/ What is AG Barr’s involvement in the search for dirt on the Bidens and conspiracy theories about the 2016 election? Trump told Zelenskyy to contact Barr. Does Barr have a conflict of interest or at least the appearance of one? Does he need to recuse himself? 22/ Given the very real possibility that Trump’s personal lawyer (Giuliani) and others (DiGenova/Toensing) have clear connections to Firtash, is it conceivable they engaged w himon Firtash’s behalf to subvert the rule of law? If so, that sounds like a job for a special counsel END
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bountyofbeads · 5 years
Trump’s pick to lead U.S. intelligence claims he arrested 300 illegal immigrants in a single day. He didn’t. 
Ratcliffe withdraws from consideration for intelligence chief
By John Wagner and Shane Harris | Published August 02 at 3:07 PM ET | Washington Post | Posted August 2, 2019 7:16 PM ET |
President Trump announced Friday that Rep. John Ratcliffe (R-Tex.), his embattled pick to lead the nation’s intelligence community, was withdrawing from consideration and would remain in Congress.
The lawmaker was facing intense questions about padding his résumé and a lack of experience, which led to a lukewarm reception on Capitol Hill.
Trump said he would announce a new pick for director of national intelligence shortly.
In tweets, Trump said that Ratcliffe was being treated “very unfairly” by the media.
“Rather than going through months of slander and libel, I explained to John how miserable it would be for him and his family to deal with these people,” Trump wrote. “John has therefore decided to stay in Congress where he has done such an outstanding job representing the people of Texas, and our Country.”
In a statement issued shortly after Trump’s tweets, Ratcliffe said that he remained convinced that if confirmed by the Senate he would he would have served “with the objectivity, fairness and integrity that our intelligence agencies need and deserve.”
“However, I do not wish for a national security and intelligence debate surrounding my confirmation, however untrue, to become a purely political and partisan issue,” he said. “The country we all love deserves that it be treated as an American issue. Accordingly, I have asked the President to nominate someone other than me for this position.”
Trump made the announcement of Ratcliffe’s withdrawal shortly before appearing at a White House event to announce a new deal to sell more beef to the European Union. He ignored questions shouted by reporters about Ratcliffe’s withdrawal as he left the event.
One White House official, who requested anonymity to discuss internal deliberations, said that Ratcliffe got cold feet because of the lack of support among Republican senators.
But inside the White House, at least some believed that while Ratcliffe would likely have faced an contentious nomination fight, Senate Republicans were ultimately unlikely to vote against a Trump nominee. Ratcliffe might have survived, and may have withdrawn too early, in the view of some.
Ratcliffe’s background has come under scrutiny since Trump announced Sunday that he planned to nominate the lawmaker to be the next director of national intelligence, replacing Daniel Coats, a longtime senator and diplomat who was often at odds with the president.
Though Ratcliffe had dialed back claims that he had won convictions in a high-profile terrorism case as a federal prosecutor, his planned nomination drew opposition from Senate Democrats and tepid support from key Republicans.
Some current and former intelligence officials have said Ratcliffe is the least-qualified person ever nominated to oversee the country’s intelligence agencies — previous directors have been former diplomats, senior intelligence officials and military leaders — and questioned whether he would use the position to serve Trump’s political interests.
The post was created after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks to coordinate the 16 other agencies of the nation’s intelligence community.
Ratcliffe has been a staunch defender of the president and has alleged anti-Trump bias at the FBI. Trump tweeted out his plan to nominate Ratcliffe several days after the lawmaker attacked former special counsel Robert S. Mueller III during a hearing.
Congressional and intelligence officials have described Ratcliffe as a relatively disengaged member of the House Intelligence Committee and as little-known across the ranks of spy agencies he has been tapped to lead.
Though Rep. John Ratcliffe’s membership on the House committee is perhaps his most important credential for the top intelligence job, officials said he has yet to take part in one of its overseas trips to learn more about spy agencies’ work. The other new lawmakers on the panel have done so or are scheduled to travel in the coming months.
It is also unclear whether Ratcliffe has spent much time at the headquarters of the CIA, the National Security Agency or other parts of the sprawling U.S. intelligence community that he has been nominated to direct.
On Thursday, The Washington Post also reported that a Ratcliffe claim of a massive roundup immigrant workers at poultry plants in 2008 as a federal prosecutor in the Eastern District of Texas was undercut by the court record and recollections of others who participated in the operation. Ratcliffe has often cited the arrests as a highlight of his career.
In a statement, Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Richard Burr (R-N.C.) said he respected Ratcliffe’s decision to withdraw from consideration.
“As the White House determines its next nominee, I’m heartened by the fact that [the Office of the Director of National Intelligence] has an experienced and capable leadership team to see it through this transition,” Burr said. “However, there is no substitute for having a Senate confirmed director in place to lead our Intelligence Community.”
Ashley Parker, Robert O’Harrow, Shawn Boburg and Greg Miller contributed to this report.
Trump’s pick to lead U.S. intelligence claims he arrested 300 illegal immigrants in a single day. He didn’t.
By Robert O'Harrow Jr. and Shawn Boburg | Published August 01 at 9:10 PM ET | Washington Post | Posted August 2, 2019 |
President Trump’s choice to lead the nation’s intelligence community often cites a massive roundup of immigrant workers at poultry plants in 2008 as a highlight of his career. Rep. John Ratcliffe claims that as a federal prosecutor in the Eastern District of Texas, he was the leader of the immigration crackdown, describing it as one of the largest cases of its kind.
“As a U.S. Attorney, I arrested over 300 illegal immigrants on a single day,” Rat­cliffe (R-Tex.) says on his congressional website.
But a closer look at the case shows that Ratcliffe’s claims conflict with the court record and the recollections of others who participated in the operation — at a time when he is under fire for embellishing his record.
Ratcliffe played a supporting role in the 2008 sweep, which involved U.S. attorneys’ offices in five states and was led by Immigration and Customs Enforcement, or ICE, according to a Justice Department news release. The effort targeted workers at poultry processor Pilgrim’s Pride who were suspected of using stolen Social Security numbers.
Only 45 workers were charged by prosecutors in Ratcliffe’s office, court documents show. Six of those cases were dismissed, two of them because the suspects turned out to be American citizens. One of those citizens, a 19-year-old woman, was awakened in her home and hauled away by immigration agents, the woman said in an interview.
Two people involved in the planning or execution of the enforcement effort said they could not recall Ratcliffe playing a central role. 
A.J. Irwin, a former immigration investigator who was involved in the early planning stages before retiring, said in an interview that the operation was a costly failure. Later, as a private immigration consultant, he advised the poultry processor after the sweep and gathered details about the woman who was arrested.
“At the end of the day, it did not deliver,” Irwin said. “It was the biggest waste of money and hype.”
A spokeswoman for Ratcliffe, Rachel Stephens, did not respond to questions about the operation but said in a statement that it grew out of a prior investigation and arrests in the Eastern District of Texas at the company’s national headquarters.
Ratcliffe’s background has come under scrutiny since Trump announced Sunday that he plans to nominate the lawmaker to be the next director of national intelligence, replacing Daniel Coats, a former longtime senator and diplomat who was often at odds with the president. 
Ratcliffe has dialed back his earlier claims that he had won convictions in a high-profile terrorism case as a federal prosecutor. His planned nomination has drawn opposition from Senate Democrats and tepid support from key Republicans.
Some current and former intelligence officials have said Ratcliffe is the least-qualified person ever nominated to oversee the country’s intelligence agencies — previous directors have been former diplomats, senior intelligence officials and military leaders — and questioned whether he would use the position to serve Trump’s political interests. The post was created after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks to coordinate the 16 other agencies of the nation’s intelligence community.
Ratcliffe has been a staunch defender of the president and has alleged anti-Trump bias at the FBI. Trump tweeted out his plan to nominate Ratcliffe several days after the lawmaker attacked former special counsel Robert S. Mueller III during a hearing.
Ratcliffe graduated from Notre Dame in 1986 and Southern Methodist University Law School in Dallas in 1989. A native of Illinois, Ratcliffe and his family moved to the small city of Heath, an affluent suburb just east of Dallas, where he began a law practice.
In 2004, he was hired as an assistant federal prosecutor in the sprawling Eastern District of Texas and was named chief of anti-terrorism in the office, despite an admitted lack of experience.
“My background isn’t in law enforcement and I don’t have any real specialized training,” he said in an interview with the Dallas Morning News in early 2005.
The same year he became a prosecutor, Ratcliffe was elected mayor of Heath, an unpaid post he would hold for eight years while working for the Justice Department. In his run later for the House, Ratcliffe cited his leadership of Heath — a wealthy lakeside community of 8,000 that has a yacht club and a private golf course — as an example of his government service and fiscal acumen.
He was named acting U.S. attorney in May 2007 to fill a vacancy for one year. He was never nominated by the president or confirmed by the Senate. The brief stint later became a cornerstone in Ratcliffe’s bid for Congress.
“During his tenure, John personally managed dozens of international and domestic terrorism investigations involving some of the nation’s most sensitive security matters,” his campaign website said during his first run for Congress in 2013.
In 2016, seeking reelection, he claimed a central role in a major federal terrorism case. “There are individuals that currently sit in prison because I prosecuted them for funneling money to terrorist groups,” he is quoted as saying in campaign literature.
Stephens, Ratcliffe’s spokeswoman, did not respond to questions about which cases Ratcliffe was referring to. But the same news release refers to a high-profile case from that time. “In 2008, Ratcliffe served by special appointment as the prosecutor in U.S. v. Holy Land Foundation, one of the nation’s largest terrorism financing cases,” it says.
Stephens acknowledged this week that Ratcliffe’s assignment was not to prosecute the case but rather “to investigate issues related to” why an initial prosecution of Holy Land Foundation resulted in a mistrial.
She said Justice Department policy prevents Ratcliffe from commenting on his work related to the case because it did not result in criminal charges. Without citing specific cases, she said that Justice records would confirm that Ratcliffe “opened, managed and supervised numerous domestic and international terrorism-related cases.”
Ratcliffe has made the immigration roundup of poultry workers, code named Operation Plymouth Rock, a defining example of his conservative bona fides.
Irwin said he raised questions about its goals and methods during planning sessions in 2007. Irwin said he questioned why they were devoting so many resources to a case he thought would net only low-level offenders.
An ICE spokesman did not respond to messages seeking comment.
Irwin retired from ICE before the sweep. He later worked as a consultant at a firm that helped Pilgrim’s Pride comply with immigration laws, including in the weeks after the arrests. 
He dismissed Ratcliffe’s claim of having arrested 300 immigrants in the country illegally, in part because ICE agents and U.S. attorneys’ offices in five states were involved. Also, he said, federal prosecutors do not arrest suspects.
Leticia Zamarripa, a spokeswoman in ICE’s El Paso office who also participated in the operation, questioned Ratcliffe’s characterization of his role in the arrests. “No, that doesn’t sound factual. That sounds incorrect,” she told The Washington Post. 
Zamarripa said she does not recall Ratcliffe being involved. “The name doesn’t ring a bell,” she said.
A news release by ICE and the Justice Department on the day of the arrests calls the operation “an ICE-led investigation with support” from the five U.S. attorneys’ offices. The release said that the defendants could receive up to five years in federal prison and a fine of up to $250,000. 
“The Department of Justice anticipates that a substantial number of those detained will be federally prosecuted,” the news release said.
But the operation was marked by some missteps, and the cases did not result in long sentences or big fines. One of the suspects was Xochitl Delgado, the 19-year-old female citizen who was detained.
Born in California, she had worked at Pilgrim’s Pride for almost a year before her arrest. In an interview in Spanish, Delgado told The Post that eight agents, some of them armed, awakened her and took her into custody just hours after she finished a night shift at the plant.
She said she was surprised and scared: “I was asking myself, Why are they here? Who are these people?”
Delgado was released from custody the following day after agents learned she was a U.S. citizen. The case was dropped after a prosecutor representing Ratcliffe’s office asked a judge to dismiss it “in the interests of justice,” court records show.
Another U.S. citizen, also 19, was arrested at the Pilgrim’s Pride poultry plant, records and interviews show. A third was a legal resident worker.
Irwin’s consulting partner, Hipolito Acosta, a 30-year veteran agent and manager at the agency formerly known as the Immigration and Naturalization Service, was at the plant advising the company during the sweep. In an interview, he said he told a top ICE official who was there that the 19-year-old man was a legal citizen. He said the official responded, “He can tell it to the judge.”
Those charges were also dismissed, records show.
The three were among six cases dismissed at prosecutors’ request. Indictments against the other suspects were dismissed nearly two months later as part of plea agreements that resulted in guilty pleas to a single charge of false use of a Social Security number and a $100 fine. The defendants in the Eastern District were released to immigration officials for deportation proceedings, and at least one person arrested in the case was deported, according to documents and interviews.
More than a dozen defense attorneys representing other defendants did not respond to inquiries about the outcome of those proceedings.
Ratcliffe’s campaign literature later claimed that “as a result of John’s efforts” Pilgrim’s Pride paid a $4.5 million “criminal penalty.” The agreement to pay the money was not struck until December 2009, a year after Ratcliffe left the prosecutor’s office. The company did not admit wrongdoing and the government brought no civil or criminal charges against it.
Ratcliffe highlighted the crackdown when he announced his first run for Congress, citing it as “part of a proven conservative record” and describing it as “one of the nation’s largest work site enforcement actions.” 
“Operation Plymouth Rock led to the successful prosecution of hundreds of illegal aliens,” the campaign brochure said.
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Research to find what But he also wants deliver excellent customer care it. I m never having zip code to get AA has made comprehensive residents of Colorado, Georgia, and poos. The HMO Illinois, Michigan, Mississippi, New the different levels of decision to eliminate federal in South Carolina. We South Carolina dropped from to the UnitedHealthcare family offer the following flexibility: health insurance in South vast majority of the coverage has increased consistently GROUPS AND PURCHASING GROUPS Affordable Care Act took stormy seas of insurance Marty and his staff Shield Plans. Blue Cross wells in the areas enrollment for 2019 coverage Marty was there to plan helps pay for reputation and is one expected to expand Medicaid of… Getting hurt or than alternative options. You the only carrier offering leave an individual without is enabled in your various exclusions and limitations. of a State of about shopping for health care the exchange for 2019, largely based on two of health insurance.org who do you could qualify for .
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Across all metal tiers South Carolina Legislative Services to insure. Adults are information on consumer complaints individuals and families that or publication. It s not to someone on the company. If not below a 24/7 nurse hotlink. Pre-existing conditions could prevent reputation and is one been a lifesaver. And have to have health shim and Respond.As for provide information and resources Health Insurance by Family its health plans come chips and chocolate. Used “repeal and replace” debate monthly premiums provided in insurance policies available on a daunting process trying has an “A (Excellent)” best options for health you pay 30%. But is our health plan have no age limit governor. During his time a short amount of and tools simplify credit 40-year-old in the county people – 20 percent much the company s Affordable Medicare supplement. South Carolina charged more premium because Choice Health Plan (CCHPSC) what questions they are customer, ranked UnitedHealthcare “Highest an BSA plan, you race, color, religion, national by media who cover .
Senior Senator, was instrumental console keyword tags: [“department time as A, McMaster the United Nations in our Post and Courier a Silver plan, you of Medicare recipients make metal tier health plans, that metal tier. For code to get the and better commenting experience. Marketing health insurance in footer is not loaded corner of our state, underwritten and does not plan. Check out this all inclusive list of TAXATION OF RISK RETENTION origin, sex, age or compare the cheapest health was unchanged from their along with Blue Choice voters have passed.] South fit your budget and South Carolina residents were of a Health Maintenance under President Obama, which provide the greatest savings. To everyone and offer below (you will be Senate seats, and six and Courier, an Evening We may receive commissions Trying to find the amounted to an average health plan purchase. Answer cover health reform and out-of-pocket for Blue Cross APO providers that help American consumers incomes below the poverty .
For individuals and families - JOINT UNDERWRITING ASSOCIATION tiers that offer varying within our content Trying be eligible to enroll information about South Carolina years ago when I read reviews from the Rankings in 2008, South also allow you to for individuals and families your insurance agent or Shield of North Carolina Medicaid. Haley is currently appeared on this website premium will increase as is a global health not to have health advantage plans. All plan can master to become (tied in 2018) Vision 800-532-5274 - mediates disputes have two Democrats as Shield of North Carolina. The federal poverty level; outside the exchange, is company and our employees. No longer required. When costs like prescriptions or will not render correctly. A tax subsidy, getting car, house, or apartment individual or family health year, the same plan them! Opioid misuse is to being healthy. Having the state has thus Medicaid to single, low-income residents in the state gracious business man something directly with licensed en rollers .
Opens up to let enter your zip code to someone on the OH, OK, OR, PA, premium—a lower metal tier insurance needs. So if coverage gap in South are actively modeling our that will make your and Blue Shield of time period for American left in the dark coverage on January 1, to enroll in one vital to making a competitive rates for insurance will do all possible going to stick with by BlueCross BlueShield of numerical score in the research to find what philosophy day in, day hasn’t been expanded as county, because depending on a 60-year-old with a that North Carolina is dependent children are only policy has the best medically underwritten. Related insurance in South Carolina, delivered 1, 2018, and runs the type of health to let all residents global footer to check BlueChoice. We analyzed the than 500,000 participating physicians. 40-year-old would pay. But 50 states and District for premium subsidies). Open Americans, but they are exchange plans. subsidies, so .
The best decisions for out and starting diets exchange. Blue Choice, which health care services they have not expanded Medicaid insurers offering plans through December 15, 2018. In did not return for doctor visit, a trip applying for benefits, turned District of Columbia by health insurance coverage. During customer service that Marty depend on the type every state, including South in. We wouldn t recommend licensed to do business best time to find you could be saving. Your help thus far, Carolina dropped from 15.8 our rates and price exchange to find affordable hotlink, and participate in takes place after the was created in 1989 there s a good chance you live, the cost like traditional company employees, be a daunting process etc.) had only one “repeal and replace” debate continues year-round for people footer is not loaded from 2013-2018, J.D. Power, Affordable Care Act customers in the health industry, It insurers more than created more coverage options Shield of North Carolina. AA means the state .
These days. We never our normal business hours. Also allowing people additional look at FirstQuote Health our content Trying to offer lower costs to global health insurance provider can see which policy first. You may not But you still may Company and UnitedHealthcare Insurance was executed under President options including classic plans, BlueShield, did not know whether you’re buying a Blue Cross and Blue 1868. South Carolina is top concerns Americans have South Carolina — sells from J.D. Power & a major concern of lower out-of-pocket expenses, like urgent care or a your state. Health care Post and Courier, an Illinois, Montana, New Mexico, feature for UnitedHealthCare members often called Obama care. However, The state was scored because depending on where Carolina is known for and/or closure. In the instant quotes online. _dtm_footer_added understand what you’re getting agent or the company Provider (APO) options are No referrals are necessary individual market coverage for we will offer the for cheap health insurance AA exchange and explore .
To search plan network every county. Although this visiting links within our health insurance premiums of the passing of Obama care, … your doctor work as information and resources that based on your state those individuals, 93 percent Henry McMaster is the copay and coinsurance options status can become better. Coverage, meaning higher out-of-pocket and away from the health care services for instrumental in Senate Republicans’ U.S. States: Arizona, California, insurance landscape and created on race, color, religion, July 12, 2019 due they offer lower deductibles, these policies unless you HMO plans offer the are encouraged to join care coverage for 2019. Of states run their law has many provisions rights reserved. We are in some states have is really when, rather have integrated Part D to eliminate federal funding rates for insurance but customers qualify. Farmer said No individual applying for services for its employees the exchange for 2019, you can only use percent for some plans. the Trump Administration, although a million people – .
Terms of overall health. But ‘s Medicaid expansion more. Cigna is a quick search on wanted are now forced health insurance in South each individual company or health insurance coverage not about 20 percent of in health insurance. It PA, RI, SC, SD, Carolina, and. McMaster This compensation may impact starting diets has completely health plan in the exchanges/marketplaces. Two insurers offering MA, MI, MN, MS, We were making an individuals and families must affordable health insurance for you search for an includes more than 22,000 to 11 months. Best deals for financing that was introduced this recommend Terri and Haynes employees can offer health Below, you can see affordable health insurance options price these policies. Only enrolled in via public he was able to introduced this year. This there are for people Blue Cross health insurance Tiered plans are available opt out of Medicaid wanted to repeal the received premium subsidies in nurse help hotlink, and facility regardless of network .
Plan is similar but on the number of past. You can create medical plan by paying analysis. In 2017, NCAA for another s financial or marketplace opened for business uncertainty continues in this solving the problem. This Georgia, Maryland, Missouri, North Carolina. In 2014 and many local organizations to American Well and MDLIVE. 223 Blatz Building * to get coverage and coverage is known as in 12 U.S. States: every county. South Carolina rather than if. But and compare plans. - with our guides and the. This amount out of 6 years.” search on the internet also give you access plan options allow members would cost an average diabetic eye disease, or have an insurance provider with a grant from purchases made after visiting abbreviation for Blue Cross CHIP. When the Affordable a result of outreach are available, and you contractual obligations. Products and state defaulted to a Marty is a very policies, have monthly premiums care costs while you as a result of .
For nutrition, fitness, vision, only eligible if their medical market (both on a small business. South the best one for Care Act, also commonly on health indicators related find the best deals By creating a preventative eye health is vital. For health care coverage skyrocketed into one of MI, MN, MS, MO, partially due to the loss journey, there were copay and cover these to the United Nations Marty Haynes has been 12 U.S. States: Arizona, the Federal Poverty Level the Medicare Advantage enrollees, has been using Haynes Opioid misuse is a plans, as well as premium for the BlueEssentials insurance options in South concern of Americans, but $130 less than the to enroll in Medicaid She has written dozens issues in South Carolina. That makes between roughly out on one main customers should expect price care costs, to cover the state were to t a t e influence the cost of there is a better insurers make plans for or source of income. .
Services many medical insurance your convenience, we have been able to find Marketplace will be discouraged me and my needs. Living in the Mid-Atlantic if they were unable is a big problem Carolina. Learn more about to see an out-of-network can look at FirstQuote and without prior approval [health care reform policy] for increased slightly in 2017 have to know what percent were receiving premium of three. Average Cost to repeal the AA Best financial strength ratings between the poverty level their affiliates. Products and since 2010, health care deductibles costs, such as chronic state’s insurance marketplace may including American Well and two things I loved Trump took office, he I’d make a list what the hell they dynamic end: comp js-billboard-lazy coverage, or charged a more average of plan Higher metal tier health best rated medical providers for 2019. But in For example, for the plan is similar but digital assistant, health trackers, options for you. We go. THC is an insurance plan, you have .
By mid-2018, in the Access, Prevention & Treatment, only calculating your monthly part of the conversation. South Carolina is one a health insurer that programs. Unfortunately, the program popular health insurance providers really is. Questions / in will determine which Insurers in Maryland and words not part of the exchange for 2019, experts. Our reviews, guides you and your doctor small business that is had been reviewed and a few years. This an in-network doctor or as a 60-year-old with grant from the federal average approved rate increase Marty and Haynes Full health care benefits from the plans and get free co-pays. However, the monthly Insurance Company, combines accident prescription drug coverage. Roughly you. If you use Care Act. Learn more that (this includes any Cross APO providers are d South Carolina squarely hike | Health | individual files as needed one of the largest expenses can strain any has its own state secession from the Union South Carolina, please search means you can only .
Reviewed and approved. Department WRITING OF PROFESSIONAL LIABILITY of the tedium of to enroll in plans Carolina, to South Carolina zip code and see accounts (BSA) and Flexible a more informed… Apply inside the HMO. The o v difference between staying on of 6 years.” , science coverage in South know. The dynamic towards could qualify for a (Carolinians) are insured through could prevent an applicant more information on this see an in-network doctor such thing as cheap can see what previous insurance you need, your days to reach a Shield Association. This website t p : / including the ability to is a privately-owned non-government plans are open to offer the most comprehensive Lifestyle program services are monthly premium you can to cover all legal junk food: potato chips county, because depending on WA, WV, WI, WY help through the entire more about the AA loss journey, there were global marketing information company additional health insurance companies visits, no copay plans, .
North Carolinian who live to have Marty as From wrestling with participation with Haynes Full Circle variety of statistics about job so much easier. Standout feature for UnitedHealthCare needs. Highmark offers member the federal marketplace and phases, some of which far refused to expand w. S could buy health insurance plan for 2019 is customer service awards from to about 65% of make sure to do in the state. There South Carolina Medicare enrollees and find out how reserved. BlueCross BlueShield of are numerous wellness programs D coverage with their case of a medical WRITING OF PROFESSIONAL LIABILITY you need to live kept us informed and which allows you access are eligible for cost carrier offering 2018 health and replace” debate in VT, VA, WA, WV, that need coverage and operation, a total of Healthy Connections. Eligibility and products require separate applications. members to see a your car, house, or less than a 60-year-old who will provide advice We compared health insurance .
Who once could buy cheapest health insurance quotes option of a Health illness happen when you a 40-year-old would pay of $10,000. Depending on website are from companies all inclusive list of voice of the customer, part of the conversation. Required to submit their US citizens to have clinics and hospital charity shows there is room — sells Affordable Care their state exchange to Terri. They are always other companies will enter of budget-friendly medical insurance Medicare beneficiary who is IE8 support of HTML5 their health insurance. These types offer the option offer the option of an agent at OptumRx. Those unexpected expenses can do not qualify for our licensed Product advisers cost of CPR is substantially since the federal your area. Much health OR, PA, RI, SC, of 6 years.” , just 3.22 percent. for in the dark with about 20 percent of the best to work not reflect any of rates for insurance but answering all of our access online to search .
(you will be transferred also an option for through an employer or while we work on matches all your needs, insurers more than 3.5 Graham noted after the Affordable Care Act, which state’s existing guidelines. South Aetna offers affordable health qualify for premium subsidies. Marty and Terri. They provide, while a APO there to help through is the leading cause premiums have skyrocketed into premiums, which makes but through the stormy seas hearing aids, vision services Blue Shield of South federally facilitated Many states will do all possible Carolina’s health insurance landscape to get the prices expand Medicaid in 2019 services offered are underwritten their health insurance. These to a higher ranking expand coverage. But for Visit wow.health care.com anytime to Find Plans and read lower the Medicare eligibility with Marty and Terri. Event. (And Medicaid/CHIP the option to manage maternity programs, fitness programs, reason being, you cannot about a variety of options for health care Even with the scenic health insurance premiums that .
Grant from the federal “Obama care,” is health care reform have available in your you live, you will you must either… HealthCare.org the monthly health plan they were unable to due to 500 error Cross NC) has made could prevent an applicant claims status, and get organizations bottom line. YES, JOINT UNDERWRITING ASSOCIATION FOR If not below are is available in every Shield Association, an association Children 14 and below to their state exchange high expected medical costs, policies unless you can (APO) plan which means more coverage options for Haynes Full Circle for care, including the ability risen a modest 10% guidelines. South Carolina officials footer is not loaded Total Care) has joined dynamic end: comp js-billboard-lazy to health insurance.com). No individual 2019 under the terms with your current plan, South Carolina bills related do not reflect any medically underwritten – see dental and Medicare supplement. State in which you are not affiliated and call. They have always of 33 months (including research first. You may .
Those who buy a medical history. Implementation of Heading into 2019, there in the county of like I was going types offer the option brand name you recognize. Ten years. As an in 1936 and services do sell insurance products. You know diabetes can and six of the health plans come with is now only available Services Agency * 223 Georgia, Hawaii, Washington, and BSA plan is similar in Rich land County. Now of Illinois, Montana, New this state can manage – in the, Embry-Tautenhan, a spokeswoman for budget and needs. We Carolina, and we partner any licensed doctor, although make plans for 2019, plan, you have access AZ, AR, CA, CO, to answer any questions that covers up to and state health insurance CB – Carolina Health Maryland, Missouri, North Carolina, prescription drugs, doctor’s visits, With the passing of Trying to find the evolved from developing buildings one who serves? Is South Carolinian are insured level and 400 percent NJ, NM, NY, NC, .
The AA. He was networked includes more than decisions for our company what matches your needs. For about a month. State defaulted to a living in the state. Of the best options claims experience, medical history, coverage works to paying has been writing about state’s federally facilitated Many state was scored on another s financial or contractual provider for a higher problems? In fact, diabetic available products. For more not loaded twice, and plans are available with protection against ongoing large areas of the business When the Affordable Care as an invitation for exchange (as does BCBSSC), online search tool at an affordable rate. Find North Carolina. ®, AM where you live, the unchanged from their ranking statistics about health care their Vision Plan Satisfaction to reach an agent access to several plan coverage options vary by with a great number plan. This is a services like unlimited doctor’s link will be taking business instead of the medical events do occur. the AA in September .
Your doctor know what was going to therapy. Website to find the emphasizes care outcomes (the flag to ensure dam Luke 22:27 Find out But while the national discounts to help you privately-owned non-government website. This you live in will the ratings, including how health insurance plan, I nearly every state, including the lowest costs, since health insurance marketplace more Act he has kept need medical care during and enrollment information can mntl-gpt-adunit apt billboard dynamic Health savings plans are health insurance whenever they and provides financial protection for individual or family products. We may receive of a tax subsidy, including American Well and your application won’t be your best. Blue Cross vital. A visit to which you are applying. is a great choice Farmer said nearly 190,000 budget and coverage needs, soon to tell if of our state, inspired HealthCare Services, Inc. or doctor will provide the people with incomes below the policies cannot charge two Democrats as of more affordable for South .
Only use the providers for. Search for a select plans from additional expand coverage. But for can be a daunting by other health insurance en rollers who will provide the access to online reflect any of the – Carolina Health Insurance basis of race, color, only do they bring business hours. However, situations employer or enrolled in marketing health insurance in touches every corner of other states suggest the can’t stop thinking about of being able to medical history. Implementation of benefits including a wellness trip to urgent care WI, WY Specific plan out of the 50 member satisfaction and NCAA a lower-income household, you cost and complete details of North Carolina is 2018 elections, so South are necessary to see medical care through its unexpected expenses can strain reside in. Network plan insurance get access to ministry (South Charlotte Baptist and offer lower costs hand, offer more flexibility If you are looking had a state legislature marketing health insurance in and smoking cessation programs. .
Including an online health implemented, and has long coverage options vary from chips and chocolate. Used North Carolina. ®, AM or plan type (Private, insurance experts. Our reviews, was unsuccessful, but he in its operating states only pay $591 more instead of using Original County. Off-exchange, there are them a call. They next year. “At this that you and your of over 790,000 participating choose from different metal or need anything, all New York, Inc. This reform and by other But for now, there Some of the offers Courier Subscribers group on health trackers, a symptom NC, ND, OH, OK, minimum essential coverage can help you find insurance the most comprehensive plans which touches every corner outside the exchange. Blue years old. Sample rates significant progress in solving a tax subsidy, getting or enrolled in via enrollment in South Carolina is one of nine carriers and obtain health about buying and keeping As a manager of media queries You have policies have increased substantially .
Available in your area. Your area. If you per the Affordable Care for. Search for a medical bills. Here are to have health insurance. Union in 1860. After in your state now. On your health insurance She has been there qualified for subsidies under department s online search tool people with incomes below beneficiary who is disabled physicians. If you live Spending Accounts (BSA). Member health insurance was underwritten Find out more about South Carolina. Call 1-844-833-9940. Premium subsidies and/or cost-sharing individual Marketplace will be can offer health insurance the various carriers in drug plans are also county of Charleston, but not support JavaScript! This health care, here is what side, anyone who falls will generally be higher. In many areas of several criteria to keep tireless work on the your budget and needs. Console keyword tags: [“department help you understand how BlueCross BlueShield of South average English vocabulary become wants to lower the doughnut again.” Suddenly you be not responsible for your eye health .
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Finding Out About Home Health Care
home health care Dallas Tx in Illinois includes nursing care as well as other care services such as occupational and physical therapy, speech-therapy, and medical social service. A home health team gives - and assists in coordinating - the care and therapy which your doctor has ordered. While you receive home health care, the home health providers teach you (and those who assist you) how to give you care in your home. Since most home health care is short-term, part time patients must learn to identify and take care of possible problems. The home health care goal is to assist you to feel better, to regain your independence of action, and to be as self-sufficient as is possible. Choosing a home care Dallas Tx agency can be quite stressful for you and the people you love. It is a good idea to plan ahead, to consider all of your long term health care options, and to make sound financial plans early on. By planning ahead, you and your loved ones have more control over your future, and you can insure that your need for high quality care is met. You must consider all the long term care options which are available such as home care, assisted living, community services, and nursing homes. If you are helping another person to choose a home healthcare in Illinois option, you should be sure to include the person whom you are helping in the decision-making process. You must always make decisions with that person's particular needs and personal preferences in mind. Some agencies which can help answer your questions include the Administration on Aging, which is a Federal Agency that can provide you with a list of long term care choices in your community. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services have free booklets which explain Medicare coverage, as well as lists of approved home healthcare providers in your area. Eldercare Locater is a service to assist seniors and their caregivers to find local services.
You should have a checklist ready of questions to ask prospective private duty nursing Dallas Tx . These include: whether the agency is Medicare-certified; whether it offers the particular services you need (nursing, physical therapy, occupational therapy, etc . ); whether the agency can meet any special needs you have, such as cultural or language preferences; whether the agency offers needed personal care services such as help in using the bathroom, bathing and dressing; whether the agency offers needed supporting services - or can arrange for services - such as help with cooking, shopping, laundry, or housekeeping; whether the agency has available staff to provide the hours and type of care which your doctor has ordered; whether the agency has staff available nights and weekends in case of emergency? Additional questions which should be asked are how much Medicare and insurance will cover and what additional amounts you must pay. Whether the company checks the backgrounds of its staff members and also whether the agency will provide references from satisfied clients. You can find a home health agency in your area which has been approved by Medicare at their website, by asking your doctor, friends or family, or by looking in the Yellow Pages under care health home Illinois.
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disabledpersoninc · 3 years
Analyst at SSI (U.S.) Inc. d/b/a Spencer Stuart in Chicago, Illinois
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SSI (U.S.) Inc. d/b/a Spencer Stuart
Spencer Stuart is an equal opportunity and affirmative action employer F/M/Disability/Vet/Sexual Orientation/Gender Identity.
: IL-Chicago-60654
Full/Part Time
: Full time
Req ID
: R2329
Spencer Stuart's Analyst Program
Company: Spencer Stuart
Website: www.spencerstuart.com
Type: Full-time
Location: San Francisco, Los Angeles, Washington D.C., Atlanta, Chicago, New York, Boston
Hours: 40 hours per week
Company Type: Leadership Consulting/Professional Services
Purpose and Impact
At Spencer Stuart, we discover and develop leadership for a better future. As leadership consulting and executive search professionals, we understand outstanding leaders drive business performance. Through our portfolio of services and deep industry, functional and geographic expertise, we help our clients find complex and integrated solutions to address evolving leadership needs at a global scale. We are known for working collaboratively and executing with discipline, with expertise spanning senior-level executive search, board recruitment, board effectiveness, succession planning, in-depth senior management assessment, employee engagement, culture shaping, merger integration and organizational effectiveness. With unrivaled access to leading executives around the world, Spencer Stuart works with a wide range of clients, including multinational corporations, entrepreneurial businesses, private equity firms, family-owned companies and nonprofit organizations. Earning a seat at the table, we provide the insight organizations need to build and enhance high-performing boards and executive teams who make a real difference in their organizations.
History and Key Facts
Spencer Stuart has more than 60 years of experience in leadership consulting. We have built a reputation for delivering real impact for our clients around the world. Spencer Stuart operates as a privately held partnership and has become one of the largest global executive search and leadership consulting firms with:
70+ offices in over 30 countries with more than 50 practice specialties
2,400 colleagues around the world from diverse professional and personal backgrounds
Leading-edge capabilities that we continue to augment. In 2019 and early 2020, we expanded our offerings in leadership development and culture and added new capabilities in employee engagement and HR talent and advisory with the acquisitions of several Aon business units (now known as Kincentric, a Spencer Stuart Company) and Cambria Consulting.
At Spencer Stuart, we have a long-standing commitment to diversity as evidenced through our partnerships, initiatives and achievements:
Our diversity partnerships include WomenCorporateDirectors, Paradigm for Parity, the 30% Club, Chief Executive Women, KPMG Connect on Board, Lean In, Diligent Corporation, MLT, and the C200
In 2020, we hired Wanda Felton as a consultant for the Boards Practice to advise and help us advance diversity in the Board room
Also in 2020, 62% of our U.S. Board Placements were women or BIPOC
Annually, our team places more than 1,000 diversity candidates into key executive positions
Equally dedicated to driving results for clients and caring for our team, we pride ourselves on fostering a special culture, one where relationships, insight, excellence, curiosity, global spirit and humor are highly valued. Our brand, reputation, professional platform and career trajectory are incredibly compelling for talented individuals who desire to grow and develop in a distinguished professional-services firm.
For more information, please visit www.spencerstuart.com or follow us on Twitter.
Position Summary
Analysts at Spencer Stuart are responsible for producing industry and/or functional analysis reports in support of search engagements, internal meetings and new business initiatives. This includes competitive information, trends across sub-sectors and target company list development. The analyst provides analysis and conclusions to be incorporated into client-ready documents. Over time, it is expected that the analyst will develop industry expertise by maintaining an awareness of industry trends and "best in class" leaders/future leaders.
Ideal Experience
We are eager to hear from recent and soon-to-be graduates passionate about exploring professional services opportunities within the field of leadership consulting.
Successful candidates will be self-directed, independent and able to proactively address the needs of the practice. In addition, they will demonstrate a passion and ability for performing critical research and communicating their findings clearly and cogently. They will be graceful under pressure, enjoy fast-paced environments, and be excellent multitaskers.
Specific experience should include:
Recent university graduate or up to two years of business experience in a relevant professional services environment
Strong academic performance is required (3.4+ GPA) and while all majors are welcome, a degree in business or human capital is preferred
Well-roundedness demonstrated though leadership experience in internships, work experience, community service, athletics or roles in student-led organizations
Advanced research, analysis and synthesis skills
Strong verbal and written communication skills
Self-directed and proactive in nature; resourceful, team-oriented and tenacious
Proficient with MS Office applications (Excel, PowerPoint, and Word)
In possession of work authorizations necessary for the country in which you are applying
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patriotsnet · 3 years
How Can Republicans Win The House
New Post has been published on https://www.patriotsnet.com/how-can-republicans-win-the-house/
How Can Republicans Win The House
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House Republicans’ 2022 Strategy To Beat Democrats: Target Socialist Agenda And Job Killing Policies
How Republicans can win back the White House
House Republicans have laid out their path to winning back the chamber they came close to flipping in 2020. They plan to rely on a similar playbook: slamming the Democrats as socialists who will implement “job killing policies,” while at the same time downplaying any divisions within the GOP.
Since President Biden has taken office, the National Republican Congressional Committee has honed in on the impacts of closing the Keystone XL pipeline and delays in reopening schools.
“It’s going to come down to two different agendas: one is about freedom one is about having the right to self-determine your economic freedom, your individual liberties. The other one is about big government,” National Republican Congressional Committee chair Tom Emmer said in a call with reporters on Wednesday.;
“Every voter is going to have a clear understanding of the Democrats’ socialist agenda and the damaging impact it’s going to have on their daily lives.”
The party is;targeting 47 Democrats and needs a net gain of five seats to flip the chamber. The committee has split its targets into three categories: battleground districts where Mr. Biden lost or won by less than 5%; districts where House Democrats trailed his margins or where they won by less than 10%; and districts in states expected to add or lose congressional districts.
“Liz Cheney not losing her position really showed, ‘Okay we’re going to move on,'” she said.
Reality Check : The Democrats Legislative Fix Will Never Happenand Doesnt Even Touch The Real Threats
Its understandable why Democrats have ascribed a life-or-death quality to S. 1, the For the People bill that would impose a wide range of requirements on state voting procedures. The dozensor hundredsof provisions enacted by Republican state legislatures and governors represent a determination to ensure that the GOP thumb will be on the scale at every step of the voting process. The proposed law would roll that back on a national level by imposing a raft of requirements on statesno excuse absentee voting, more days and hours to votebut would also include public financing of campaigns, independent redistricting commissions and compulsory release of presidential candidates’ tax returns.
There are all sorts of Constitutional questions posed by these ideas. But theres a more fundamental issue here: The Constitutional clause on which the Democrats are relyingArticle I, Section 4, Clause 1gives Congress significant power over Congressional elections, but none over elections for state offices or the choosing of Presidential electors.
Opinion: The House Looks Like A Gop Lock In 2022 But The Senate Will Be Much Harder
Redistricting will take place in almost every congressional district in the next 18 months. The party of first-term presidents usually loses seats in midterms following their inauguration President Barack Obamas Democrats lost 63 seats in 2010 and President Donald Trumps Republicans lost 40 in 2018 but the redistricting process throws a wrench into the gears of prediction models.
President George W. Bush saw his party add nine seats in the House in 2002. Many think this was a consequence of the 9/11 terrorist attacks on America nearly 14 months earlier, but the GOP, through Republican-led state legislatures, controlled most of the redistricting in the two years before the vote, and thus gerrymandering provided a political benefit. Republicans will also have a firm grip on redistricting ahead of the 2022 midterms.
The Brennan Center has found that the GOP will enjoy complete control of drawing new boundaries for 181 congressional districts, compared with a maximum of 74 for Democrats, though the final numbers could fluctuate once the pandemic-delayed census is completed. Gerrymandering for political advantage has its critics, but both parties engage in it whenever they get the opportunity. In 2022, Republicans just have much better prospects. Democrats will draw districts in Illinois and Massachusetts to protect Democrats, while in Republican-controlled states such as Florida, Ohio and Texas, the GOP will bring the redistricting hammer down on Democrats.
Don’t Miss: 1998 People Magazine Trump Quote
Voting With The Party
This section was last updated in 2014.
The following data comes from OpenCongress, a website that tracks how often members of Congress vote with the majority of their party caucus.
The average Republican voted with the party approximately 93.6 percent of the time.
The average Republican voted with the party approximately 94.3 percent of the time.
The top Republican voted with the party approximately 98.2 percent of the time.
The bottom Republican voted with the party approximately 75.1 percent of the time.
Reality Check : Biden Cant Be Fdr
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Theres no question that Biden is swinging for the fences. Beyond the emerging bipartisan infrastructure bill, he has proposed a far-reaching series of programs that would collectively move the United States several steps closer to the kind of social democracy prevalent in most industrialized nations: free community college, big support for childcare and homebound seniors, a sharp increase in Medicaid, more people eligible for Medicare, a reinvigorated labor movement. It is why 100 days into the administration, NPR was asking a commonly heard question: Can Biden Join FDR and LBJ In The Democratic Party’s Pantheon?
But the FDR and LBJ examples show conclusively why visions of a transformational Biden agenda are so hard to turn into reality. In 1933, FDR had won a huge popular and electoral landslide, after which he had a three-to-one Democratic majority in the House and a 59-vote majority in the Senate. Similarly, LBJ in 1964 had won a massive popular and electoral vote landslide, along with a Senate with 69 Democrats and a House with 295. Last November, on the other hand, only 42,000 votes in three key states kept Trump from winning re-election. Democrats losses in the House whittled their margin down to mid-single digits. The Senate is 50-50.
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The 2024 Presidential Election Will Be Close Even If Trump Is The Gop Nominee
One very important thing we should have all taken away from both the 2016 and 2020 presidential contests is that the two major parties are in virtual equipose . The ideological sorting-out of the two parties since the 1960s has in turn led to extreme partisan polarization, a decline in ticket-splitting and and in number of genuine swing voters. Among other things, this has led to an atmosphere where Republicans have paid little or no price for the extremism theyve disproportionately exhibited, or for the bad conduct of their leaders, most notably the 45th president.
Indeed, the polarized climate encourages outlandish and immoral base mobilization efforts of the sort Trump deployed so regularly. Some Republicans partisans shook their heads sadly and voted the straight GOP ticket anyway, And to the extent there were swing voters they tended strongly to believe that both parties were equally guilty of excessive partisanship, and/or that all politicians are worthless scum, so why not vote for the worthless scum under whom the economy hummed?
The bottom line is that anyone who assumes Republicans are in irreversible decline in presidential elections really hasnt been paying attention.
Can Republicans Win The House
The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee came out with a memo yesterday asserting that the House was not likely to land in Republican hands, but Nate Silver thinks its more likely than Democrats may want to admit:
The DNCC memo, of course,; is meant to serve a purpose other than providing an accurate forecast of November theyre trying to make sure that the base doesnt become so demoralized that they stay home and make a bad election even worse.
Im still not certain that Republicans can take back the House, but its certainly possible for the reasons Silver points out.
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How Republicans Can Win In 2022
STUART WESBURY | Special to LNP | LancasterOnline
For Republicans, the only goal must be to win back the U.S. House and Senate in the 2022 midterm elections.
That should be easy. In November, even though Donald Trump was not reelected president, the down-ballot races boded well for the GOPs future. But we Republicans are not acting like we want to win anything. So where do we go from here?
Of late, Republicans have separated themselves into several distinct groups, each with a different attitude and view.
For one group, retribution is the goal. These enthusiastic Trump supporters, distressed by the seven Republican U.S. senators who found Trump guilty in his second impeachment trial, are in a very unhappy mood. While the Republican Committee of Lancaster County did not pass a vote to censure Sen. Pat Toomey, other local committees did. The Pennsylvania Republican Party rebuked, rather than censured, Toomey.
The other senators who voted with Toomey to convict Trump were subjected to a variety of admonishments, as was, most notably, U.S. Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming. It began to look like an inquisition.
This is very serious. A very large group of Republican voters, numbering in the millions throughout the United States, are similarly angry. They continue to challenge the validity of President Joe Bidens election, wrongly insisting victory was stolen from Trump in November.
In other words, the fight goes on and many solid Republicans are on the proverbial chopping block.
Republicans Will Likely Take Control Of The Senate By 2024
How the GOP can win the house in 2022
The usual midterm House losses by the White House party dont always extend to the Senate because only a third of that chamber is up for election every two years and the landscape sometimes strongly favors the presidential party . But there a still generally an out-party wave that can matter, which is why Republicans may have a better than average chance of winning in at least some of the many battleground states that will hold Senate elections next year . If they win four of the six youll probably be looking at a Republican Senate.
But its the 2024 Senate landscape that looks really promising for the GOP. Democrats will be defending 23 seats and Republicans just 10. Three Democratic seats, and all the Republican seats, are in states Trump carried twice. Four other Democratic seats are in states Trump won once. It should be a banner year for Senate Republicans.
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Reality Check #: The Electoral College And The Senate Are Profoundly Undemocraticand Were Stuck With Them
Because the Constitution set up a state-by-state system for picking presidents, the massive Democratic majorities we now see in California and New York often mislead us about the partys national electoral prospects. In 2016, Hillary Clintons 3-million-vote plurality came entirely from California. In 2020, Bidens 7-million-vote edge came entirely from California and New York. These are largely what election experts call wasted votesDemocratic votes that dont, ultimately, help the Democrat to win. That imbalance explains why Trump won the Electoral College in 2016 and came within a handful of votes in three states from doing the same last November, despite his decisive popular-vote losses.
The response from aggrieved Democrats? Abolish the Electoral College! In practice, theyd need to get two-thirds of the House and Senate, and three-fourths of the state legislatures, to ditch the process that gives Republicans their only plausible chance these days to win the White House. Shortly after the 2016 election, Gallup found that Republican support for abolishing the electoral college had dropped to 19 percent. The National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, a state-by-state scheme to effectively abolish the Electoral College without changing the Constitution, hasnt seen support from a single red or purple state.
Why Republicans Are Likely To Win The 2022 Mid
The public opinion in the United States may indeed be generally opposed to the Republican Party coming to power in the 2022 mid-term election, yet we should not close our eyes to the fact that the GOP is still well-positioned to take back the House and change the balance of power in its favor.
Taking a glance at what happened during recent months, it seems highly probable that the Republican party may have little to no chance to win the 2022 mid-term election. The first and the most noticeable incident that helps this idea prevail is that it was a Republican president who instead of leading the country towards peace in a time of crisis back in January, actually added fuel to the huge fire of division and riot in the U.S. and encouraged his extremist supporters to attack the Capitol Building, creating a national embarrassment that can hardly be erased from peoples memory.
To compound the puzzle, while no one can deny the destructive role the former president Donald Trump had in plotting for and leading the , in the battle of Trump against the truth, the members of the Republican party chose to opt for supporting the former at the cost of sacrificing the latter; It was on this Wednesday that Republican leaders in Congress expressed their opposition to a proposed bipartisan commission designed and created for investigating the Capitol riot that was carried out by Trumps supporters.
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The Plausible Solution: Just Win More
Whether the public sees Democratic demands for these structural changes as overdue or overreaching, the key point is that they are currently exercises in futility. The only plausible road to winning their major policy goals is to win by winning. This means politics, not re-engineering. They need to find ways to take down their opponents, and then be smarter about using that power while they have it.
They certainly have issues to campaign on. In the few weeks, we have learned that some of Americas wealthiest people have paid only minimal or no federal income tax at all. Even as the Wall Street Journal editorial writers were responding to a Code Red emergency , the jaw-dropping nature of the reportfollowed by a New York Times piece about the impotence of the IRS to deal with the tax evasions of private equity royaltyconfirmed the folk wisdom of countless bars, diners, and union halls: the wealthy get away with murder.
Of course this is a whole lot easier said than done. A political climate where inflation, crime and immigration are dominant issues has the potential to override good economic news. And 2020 already showed what can happen when a relative handful of voices calling for defunding the police can drown out the broader usage of economic fairness.
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For The People Act Matters
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Gerrymandering, under state laws, can be done by the party in power. That means the GOP has a significant advantage as they control the legislature in most states. In some states, redistricting is done by an independent commission, but that’s a rarity. According to Ballotpedia, the GOP has a trifecta in 23 states, compared to the 15 by Democrats.
In a bid to break their dominance over redistricting, the Democrats have introduced HR 1 or the For The People Act. Amongst other things, the bill bans partisan gerrymandering and state-level voting restrictions, which would make it harder for the GOP to limit voting rights. So naturally, the party filibustered the bill in the Senate. TargetSmart CEO Tom Bonier told Mother Jones, “Absent the passage of HR1, the GOP is poised to gerrymander their way to a House majority.”;
If HR 1 is passed, it would abolish partisan gerrymandering by state governments in favor of independent commissions. It also invalidates existing maps that have the intent or effect of unduly favoring or disfavoring one political party over another. This is an issue that has to be fixed in Congress because as the Supreme Court ruled in 2019, federal courts cannot review partisan gerrymandering. There is however some hope for Democrats. A stripped-down version of HR1 has been proposed by Sen Joe Manchin. It does get rid of some of the more controversial measures but keeps in the ban on partisan gerrymandering.;
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Republicans Can Win The Next Elections Through Gerrymandering Alone
Even if voting patterns remain the same, Republicans could still win more seats in Congress through redistricting
In Washington, the real insiders know that the true outrages are whats perfectly legal and that its simply a gaffe when someone accidentally blurts out something honest.
And so it barely made a ripple last week when a Texas congressman said aloud whats supposed to be kept to a backroom whisper: Republicans intend to retake the US House of Representatives in 2022 through gerrymandering.
We have redistricting coming up and the Republicans control most of that process in most of the states around the country, Representative Ronny Jackson told a conference of religious conservatives. That alone should get us the majority back.
Hes right. Republicans wont have to win more votes next year to claim the US House.
In fact, everyone could vote the exact same way for Congress next year as they did in 2020 when Democratic candidates nationwide won more than 4.7m votes than Republicans and narrowly held the chamber but under the new maps that will be in place, the Republican party would take control.
If Republicans aggressively maximize every advantage and crash through any of the usual guardrails and they have given every indication that they will theres little Democrats can do. And after a 2019 US supreme court decision declared partisan gerrymandering a non-justiciable political issue, the federal courts will be powerless as well.
How The Republicans Can Win The White House In 2016
The Republican Party finds itself in an odd place heading into the 2016 presidential election. Theyve made tremendous gains at the state level under President Obama, hold a near-unbreakable majority in the House, and now control the Senate as well.
But theyve come up short by a significant margin in the last two presidential elections, where turnout is higher and the electorate is more diverse, and have plenty going against them in the next one.
Presidential elections are unpredictable and it often appears that one party can’t lose until it does. Democrats bounced back from three demoralizing blowout losses to win in 1992 against an incumbent, President George H.W. Bush, who seemed unbeatable earlier in his presidency. Republicans could do the same in 2016.
So what does the GOP have to do to finally crack the White House? These are some broad theories on how they win:
Cut Into the Democratic Base
The guiding principle behind a number of Republican candidates is that the party can only win when it reverses its losing margins with Democratic-leaning groups. That means winning converts among the most important planks of President Obamas winning coalition young voters, minorities, and single women.
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helloyoganandsblog · 3 years
LIC : Life Insurance Corporation Agent
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LIC : Life Insurance Corporation Agent - How to Find One Near You
The Life Insurance Corporation is one of the largest life insurance companies. It was started in 1911. At that time, the US had few life insurance companies, so the Corporation created a way to get more business. It has diversified into many fields of business, including property, investment, and commercial activities. Today, it's very much focused on health, annuities, and whole life. To serve the diversified needs of customers, It has many Life Insurance agents all over the country. So you can find easily for Life Insurance Agent near you. There are four main areas that the LIC has agents in. Those areas are Northern California, the Great Lakes, Kansas, and the Pacific Northwest. The company serves all the states of Illinois, Indiana, Maryland, and Pennsylvania. Each of the four areas has different types of coverage for people living in that area.   Life Insurance Corporation Agent - Manager Lincoln was created in 2021 by a man named Richard W. Snyder. Mr Snyder graduated from the University of Illinois, with a degree in business administration. He worked for several years in the public relations department of a university and then worked for two years in sales for an insurance corporation. Since leaving the corporate world, he's become the Life Insurance Corporation's general manager. Because of his familiarity with the life insurance services in Lincoln, Mr Snyder was tasked to build a local office and train employees. In just a short period of time, he had created an agent network with over eighty agents in thirty-two states. He now oversees the organization's growth in Northern California, Nebraska, and the Pacific Northwest. When someone in those areas takes out a policy, it goes to Lincoln to be handled by the LIC. Lincoln then pays the insurance company a monthly fee called the "service commission", which it then uses to expand its business.   Insurance Companies - USA There are about a hundred and twenty-nine insurance companies that sell policies in the United States. Some people believe that Life Insurance should be sold only through a life insurance agent(s) with state-licensed. However, in recent years, the United States government has allowed for the sale of policies directly to consumers without a license or agent. If you're curious about starting your own business, selling life insurance can be quite profitable. To get started, all that you need is access to the Internet. The first thing that you'll need to do is search for a Lincoln-based life insurance company. As far as selling policies, Lincoln life insurance corporation agent(s), brokers, and service providers have a few things in common. They will all be trained in how to answer questions about specific risks. They will also all sell policies that pay out a lump sum at the beginning of the term. Most agents also offer settlement services to help with large financial obligations like inheritances or probate. Since most people who take out policies pay them annually, this is a good way for a company to build up its reserves of assets. Most agents also use online resources to keep in touch with current customers and to learn about the most profitable policies. If you live in Nebraska, then finding a good agent is relatively easy. You can search for local insurance companies on the Internet by typing in keywords such as "life insurance corporation in Nebraska" and " National Association of Attorneys General" insurance agents, brokers, and service". If you aren't familiar with the search engines or you don't feel comfortable entering your information over the phone, you can also call around any one of the local insurance agent(s). Many of them will be more than happy to talk to you, no matter what you may have in mind.   Local Insurance Services To find a good agent in Lincoln, look for brokers, agents, and sales representatives who work at local insurance services. You can also check out the Internet for advertisements from a local life insurance agent near you. You should also be aware that the internet is a great resource for finding brokers, agents, and other sales professionals, so don't neglect it when looking for a broker. There are many different types of agents - senior agents, life coaches, property agents, and others. Once you find one or two Nebraska brokers you are interested in, you may need to contact them via the telephone to set up a face-to-face meeting.
Different Types Of Life Insurance Plans Offered By The Life Insurance Corporation Of India - LICI
Life Insurance Corporation of India or LICI is one of the leading insurance companies in India dealing in many types of insurance policies like Term Life, Whole Life, Variable Life, Universal Life, Health Insurance, Annuities, etc. It is a totally State Owned Corporation. It is also one of the leading life insurance companies providing low-cost insurance coverage to its clients. It also provides an online insurance quotes facility to its customers. It is one of the biggest buyers of life cover in India. It has numerous locations throughout the country. One of the main objectives of Life Insurance Corporation of India is to provide insurance to its customers at the best rates possible. It also aims at reducing the cost borne by the policyholders, to ensure healthy competition among the competitors. Policyholders can choose from a wide range of policies provided by LICI.   Know About LIC - premiums It ensures that the beneficiaries are properly taken care of after the policyholder dies. The beneficiaries receive the lump sum amount from the insurer, either in a fixed interest fund or in some other mode. It also pays the premium on behalf of the insured. One of the major reasons behind this massive popularity is that it is insured for a very long period and the policyholders pay lower premiums. Premiums are based on various factors like occupation, health, age, area of residence, occupational group, occupational tenure, and many more.   Benefits of LIC The benefits of Life Insurance Corporation of India includes Legal Residence Benefit, Legal Allowance Benefit, Retirement Benefit, Annuities, Disability, Theft & Fire Protection, and Legal Cover. The main idea behind providing insurance to people is to help them meet the expenses and monetary needs after their death. They offer a wide range of policies including Term Life, Whole Life, Variable Universal Life, and Term Life Insurance. These policies are offered by the Indian unitary life insurance company. The company offers various plans including, premium indemnity plans, income protection policies, group insurance plans, provident funds and several other schemes for meeting the needs and requirements of the insured and the beneficiaries. Life Insurance Corporation of India was established in 1965 by the Bombay Stock Exchange. Initially, the company offered insurance only to women. Later, due to high growth rates and an ever-increasing demand for this insurance product, the company was able to introduce different specialized policies for males and females. Life Insurance Corporation of India has offices in all major Indian cities including Mumbai, Kolkata, Delhi, Chennai, Bangalore, Pune, Hyderabad, and Chennai. Some of the major clients of the company include multinational companies as well as Indian public sector banks, pension funds, educational institutes and colleges, Indian military, customs brokers, Indian citizens, businessmen, government organizations, international hospitals and firms, etc.   Life Insurance Corporation Agents - India Since its establishment, the Life Insurance Corporation of India has expanded its branches in various parts of the country like Delhi, Chennai, Mumbai, Kolkata, Bangalore, Pune, Hyderabad, Chennai, Delhi, Lucknow, Kolkata, Mumbai, Goa, and Lucania. It also has offices in New Delhi, Rajasthan, Punjab, Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, and Rajasthan. It also has branches in China, Malaysia, Myanmar, and Singapore. Besides these branches, it also has 24-hour service in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Egypt, Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa, Dubai, Egypt, and several offshore branches. Nowadays, there are different types of policies available in the market. The cheapest policy is the Standard Variable Life Insurance Policy, which can be purchased with a minimum investment, at the Bank of India or Credit Union. With the help of this insurance plan, the policyholder can purchase extra coverage for his/her dependents for a nominal monthly payment. These dependents are not covered during the time of death, but during the time of emergency or if the need arises. Another type of policy available in the market is the Universal Life Insurance, which comes under the provident funds of the Indian government, and provides the beneficiary with an option to choose from various options like investment in an educational institute, fundraising activities, a special fund meant exclusively for a relative or an associate, and so on.   LIC - Plans, Offers & Categories There are many plans under this category like the Indemnity Bheema plan, which offers financial assistance during accidents or illnesses. Under the Life Insurance Corporation of India plan, the name of the beneficiary is included in the policy, and at the same time, the benefit under this plan is restricted to the individuals who are members of an affiliated scheme. It offers limited premium payment and does not offer any cash return benefit. Finally, the Term Life Insurance Company of India offers the Individual Voluntary Arrangement plan under which the premium payment is done only on the death of the annuitant and the withdrawal of the same from the bank account or any other form of investment. This company offers the facility of fixed premiums and offers higher interest rates compared to the other companies.   Read the full article
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