#Im Jaebum drabbles
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December 1st — The Naughty List
Pairing: Jaebum x Reader
Genre: Smut
Word Count: 415
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“He’s making a list and checking it twice…” You hummed as you wrapped a box in shiny red paper, “Gonna find out who's naughty or nice—”
“Did I hear you say ‘naughty,’ Y/N?” A gruff voice came from behind you and you looked up to see Jaebum’s face looking over you, “You thinking naughty thoughts while wrapping gifts?” Rolling your eyes, you sighed and taped down the final side of the present.
“It’s in the song, goofball. Santa checks over his naughty or nice list to see who gets gifts or who gets coal in their stockings.” He hummed at your response and squatted down to meet your gaze.
“Well then… are you on the naughty list or the nice list?” He quirked his brow with the asking of his question, his heavy gaze causing your cheeks to flush a bright red.
“W-what are you going on about?” You scoffed and then stood up to create space between you two, “It’s not a real thing Jaebum—”
“Oh, I know that, but…” He stood up right behind you and wrapped his hands around your waist, “I want to know if you’ve been a good girl or a bad girl…” You could feel his breath against your ear as his hands wandered between your thighs.
“C’mon, be a good girl and answer me or you’re going to be punished for being a naughty girl.” With your silence, he pulled you to the couch and he sat down, “Alright, you chose your answer.”
“But I didn’t say anything!” You whined, but that didn't stop him from tugging down your sweatpants and bending you over his knees.
“This is your punishment for not answering me, Y/N. Naughty girls get spankings.” His smooth fingertips warmed the skin of your ass as he rubbed over your bubbly bottom, “I want you to count out ten of them.” You clenched your thighs together in anticipation as his hand left your body, a small yelp escaped you as his hand came down onto your flesh.
“O-one…” You breathed, waiting for the next spank to your ass. One after another, each slap of your ass had your folds glistening with your arousal that by the time he had reached the tenth spank you were dripping with pure hunger.
“Now, Naughty girl, how about we find you something to eat…” With the shifting of his legs under you, you could feel the meal he was referring to.
“Please…” You begged, “I’m starving…”
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kpopchangedme · 5 years
Nocturna: Part III
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The fragile peace between undead and lycanth is imperilled your arrival to the Inferorum Castrum. Between the changing power dynamics of the wolf pack and the insatiable urges of the vampire king, you aren’t exactly sure where your loyalty lies.
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Protagonists: Im Jaebeom | You | Bang Chan
Word Count: 2.9k
Genre: NSFW | Supernatural!au | Vampires | Werewolves | Angst | Romance | Love Triangle
Nocturna Masterlist | HALLOWEEN
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The second time you wake in this foreign place, you’re still as disoriented. It takes a moment for you to understand you’re being actively shaken to consciousness. Then, another minute to recognize your surroundings and the man waking you. Well, not a man, Jaebeom.
“There’s not much time left before dawn,” he states, looking away, “I can’t let you rest more.” You’re soft and out of it when he sits you upwards. With warm water, he wipes away all traces of your run into the woods, fall, the attack, his feeding, and your intercourse. When your upper body is all clean from the blood and the dirt, he slides a cream shirt over your head. It is way too large, it falls down to your knee. 
As if reading your mind, he clarifies; “Your clothes are ruined, you would get asked too many questions.” You could explain to him that coming back late from a hunting expedition in nothing but a man’s shirt won’t do much better, but you lack the strength. You are not exactly yourself. He stops wiping your feet to look at you, sensing this. “What’s wrong?” 
“Dizzy,” you mutter, head doddering.
A dimple digs between his perfectly straight brows. Jaebeom brings his wrist to your forehead. “I think you have a fever,” he announces. He can’t tell because his body doesn’t match, but your skin is very damp. “I… It’s the blood loss...” He mutters, having never seen a human unwell after drinking from a vampire. For your kind, black undead blood is a magical cure. You were fine the first time, you’ll be alright. “We need to leave before sunrise.”
“Are we going to Ia-” You’re gagged before you can finish your sentence. Jaebeom brings an index to his lips, crimson eyes narrowing. Right. You aren’t supposed to say anything out loud in this place... He said so yesterday, or tonight, you aren’t sure what day or what time it is. You’re lost. He must think you’re the dumbest person he’s met. 
“I’m escorting you out.” Jaebeom nods, still bashfully avoiding your gaze. He stands, tugging you with him. You extirpate yourself from his large bed, body aching all over. “One more thing, before we go out...” He pulls you into him easily since you’re all sluggish. Then he presses his mouth to your ear, barely audible; “Do not look anywhere, do not step away, do not talk at all, do not even breathe somebody’s way. Do you understand?” 
“W-What?” Your head falls back and Jaebeom cages your chin to hold it straight, confusion painted all over his face. He curses between his teeth, a swear so ancient you have never heard it before. 
“Focus, tidbit, this is important.” The vampire hushes, annoyed. “It’s the only way I can honour my end of our deal. None should be curious about you. They should forget about your existence the moment you leave these walls.”
“My Court. Do you understand me?”
“Sure.” You agree, too confused to care. You can’t keep up with anything he’s saying right now. Jaebeom sights, hesitating before lightly kissing your pout. You don’t jerk away.
He brings his palm to your heart, feeling it in your chest as though he’s worried about your well-being. Everything sounds fine, but you are off and feeble. You were a lot more doubtful, curious and combative at twilight. He doesn’t understand why you’re in such bad shape, you should’ve recovered by now. He braces himself, grabbing your hand instead of your waist as he turns the doorknob. Most vampires should be in their rooms, ready to get to rest for the day, and the diurnal beasts shouldn’t even be up yet. Ideally, no one should see you, even if they heard. He never brings humans over, and although he can do however he pleases, if someone saw you, he wouldn’t hear the end of it. There’s also a chance you’d be at risk in the future. He has many enemies and they'd wonder if they can get to him through you. If you're special somehow.
Dizzy, you watch as Jaebeom cracks the door, glancing at the large stone corridor you only got a glimpse of yesterday. Whatever he sees seems to please him, because he exits quietly. Pulling you behind, he moves fast by a multitude of closed doors, turning every corner with evident apprehension. After a few minutes of walk, you give up trying to understand where you are going at all. Whatever this place is, it’s a gigantic maze. You follow his instructions, breathing cautiously and always staying a step away. Without warning, Jaebeom suddenly stops moving, body tensing. His face is wiped clean when he turns to gesture you to stare at the ground. Unsure of what’s going on, you still obey, feeling something bad is bound to happen. He starts to walk again, faster, and you look fixedly at the gray stone floor as it becomes a luxurious red carpet. 
“Jaebeom-iiiiiiie.” Someone chirps up ahead, barely making the undead slow down. That’s probably why he tensed, you realize in horror. Another vampire? Hiding behind your loose hair, you keep your head down and follow him like a shadow. “Isn't it too early for you to go out?”
At that Jaebeom stops walking altogether, so abruptly that you collide with his back. “You’re the one who's up before dawn,” he retorts, cold but casual. Trying to be forgotten, you stubbornly keep your gaze glued down. You stare until dark dots are dancing in front of your eyes. You really aren’t feeling all that well...
“I haven’t slept much, you were being loud.” There’s a low laugh that ends in a weird cackle following. Don’t look, you tell yourself, fighting against your natural curiosity. “Besides, you wouldn’t believe the crazy thing that happened to one of my Betas yesterday...” At that, Jaebeom bends his elbow, bringing you all the way against his back.
“I know of everything that transpires here,” he hums threateningly. 
“Really?” Another laugh, and this time the urge is too strong. You raise your head, sneaking a glance above Jaebeom’s shoulder.
A stranger is leaning back against large wooden doors, as though waiting for you two. That is clearly the exit to this odd castle. The new creature tilts his head and wiggles his fingers in front of him, catching you looking. He’s short but has a large built, very impressive. He also has way more colours than Jaebeom, and abysmal black eyes. Not a vampire but inhuman beyond the shadow of a doubt. You are not sure how, but even at first glance, you immediately know what he is. Your nape tingles weirdly, shivers running down your spine.
“It doesn’t seem like you do, Jaeboem-ie.” The massive wolf-man nods his chin your way saying that, and you duck back behind the vampire’s shoulder. “Stealing from us to warm your bed for a night, it’s unlike you to be so reckless”
“Stealing?” Jaebeom snorts defiantly. “Last I heard, you were still guests on my land. I go and feed as I please. In my Castrum, your pack abides my rules.”
“Sure, I remember,” the dark one crinkles his nose, “the treaty hasn’t aged as well as me...”
“It’s a very generous pledge.” Monotonic, a newcomer in your back intervenes. Jaebeom, who was as strained as a pulled bowstring, immediately relaxes against you. 
“Ah, at last!” The wolf pushes away from the door at the entrance. He stretches his arms in an offbeat welcoming gesture, “the reasonable cold-one! I was so worried you already went to rest, Jinyoung-ie!” Without meaning to, you turn to assess the second creature. Clearly an undead. If his ethereal pale skin hadn’t given it away, the bloody steel scowl you briefly meet would’ve for sure.
“I was about to,” Jinyoung replies, remaining inhumanly still, “but I heard you troubling the king, Jackson.”
“K-King?” You repeat under your breath, heart quickening as your mouth opens in astonishment. No one minds you, but Jaebeom squeezes your hand twice.
“Troubling him? I’m the one dealing with the distress he caused my pack!” 
“Enough!” Jaebeom roars, exasperated. “Stop yapping nonsense and let me out!”
Jackson laughs once more at his anger, way too exaggeratedly. His amusement is obviously fake and does sound like a mad dog barking. If Jaebeom is his king, it sure doesn't feel like it. There must be a lot of bad blood between them. Uncomfortable, you wiggle from one foot to the other. The wolf-man ceases his howling to dart his black eyes on you, amusement giving place to something strangely just as warm.
“Nice to formally meet you, pup...” His expression twists into a large grin, “Jackson Wang, Alpha of the Bang Pack.”
Jaebeom reacts as though you've been directly threatened by the greeting. He turns to shield you with his arms, grunting as a warning. The other vampire also steps between both creatures, though still highly apathetic.
Jackson whistles, impressed by the scale of the reaction obtained. “You’re confused, Jaebeom-ie. She’s not yours to protect...” Claiming this, he raises his hand to the East side of the large Hall.
Summoned, another figure extirpates itself from the shadows. A silver-head you recognize instantly. There’s a strong pull in your stomach and warmness spreads through your body at his familiar sight. So, it wasn’t all a dream, Chan truly is here with these creatures. Has he lied to you all this time about his identity, or is there something you're missing? This is everything Jaebeom warned should not happen. If he hates wolves like he claimed, why are these two guests in his Castrum? Right now, you can't even begin to make sense of everything.
“Hello again, Jeonha.” Chan tilts his head your way, walking to the other wolf’s side. He looks tired and jittery, concerned. His eyes become two thin lines as he asses you from head to toe. There’s no hint of beastliness in them at all this time. You've never seen your old friend this agitated and distressed. You should reassure him, but Jaebeom beats you to it.
“Keep your paws to yourself, mutt,” the king warns, voice distorted, “or lose them.”
The larger wolf bursts out laughing for the hundredth time, “WOW!” Jackson claps, hysterical with merriment. The others wait for it to go by, unsurprised as if this happens to him regularly. “I think there’s a human saying… About history-” 
“How are you?” Chan interrupts, unable to hold back anymore. "Has he hurt you?" Unable to not reply when your friend is staring at you like that, you shake your head from side to side. He sighs in relief but still anxiously runs a hand in his curls. You're puzzled, the scene in the forest is flashing through your fuzzy mind. What happened between you two, who attacked you? He seems so worried. You can’t keep up with this messy situation. After a quick look at Jackson, Chan straightens and raises two fingers in front of him, bending them in an invitation. “Come here,” he commands with a deeper voice, one you have never heard him before. The vampire's arm on your waist tightens dolorously, and scary sounds birth at the back of his throat. “Here,” Chan repeats with a short nod, looking more drained and this time your whole body trembles. It is weird, as though you are yearning to obey. He doesn’t miss it and smiles tentatively, lips curving upwards, inviting... “It’s okay, you are safe now. I’m here.” His dimpled grin is simply contagious, irresistible. It's familiar, comforting and safe. You've been cherishing that smile of him for years. Craving to get closer, your right foot slides forward on the carpet causing the king to look down at you, shocked. 
“Where are you going?” Jaebeom might be whispering, but you’re certain every creature in the large hall hears. “That beast attacked you.”
Impossible. Your friend wouldn't hurt you. Shaking your head in denial sends your hair flying around. You almost lose your balance trying to free yourself away from the confused vampire's grasp. Chan’s irides slide to the corner of his eyes to the larger wolf, a silent exchange you miss.
“It’s almost dawn, Jackson.” The second undead points out, sounding a little less bored than prior. “My patience is wearing thin.”
“Well, Jinyoung-ie… Let me enlighten you.” Smiling cockily, the broad wolf walks up to him. “See, your king has been whoring around with my new whelp.” Whatever this means, everyone instantly reacts but you. For the first time since you’ve gotten out of his room, Jaebeom jerks away, putting some space between your bodies. “And obviously I couldn’t sleep because her-”
“What’s going on...” Your legs wobble, missing his support. 
“- mate wouldn’t stop whining about it!”
“Are you sick?” Chan promptly steps closer, alarmed at your feeble state. Unfortunately, he pauses halfway to you when Jaebeom's glare falls on him.
“I merely stopped your dog from bleeding her out, Jackson. What I did with the human afterwards is none of your business.” The vampire king's chin raises with pride. You wonder how you missed his rank before when he’s so obviously noble. “I was there, I saw him hurt her.”
“I would never!” Chan barks, outraged by the accusation. He braves the earlier threat to walk up to you. “I tried to explain everything to you yesterday, Jeonha. She's mine.”
The younger man doesn’t mind the vampire hissing through his teeth this time. When his hand wraps around your elbow to hold you up, you aren’t strong enough to even consider pulling away. Chan’s touch is warm and reassuring, scorching after Jaebeom’s unnatural dead one. He’s home when you are so lost and hazy, always has been. You can’t wrap your head around the possibility he could ever harm you. You've both saved and protected each other's lives many times in the past.
“That young wolf, isn't he Bang?” Jinyoung asks, getting ahead of something his king has missed. “Alpha legacy.” You’re too weak to listen to the rest of the heated exchange that follows.
“C-Chan... I don’t feel…” Like his chest is a magnet, you lean closer until your back is enveloped in him. This is soothing, your whole body hurts.
“Sssh...” Your friend brings his palm to your sweaty forehead, wiping cold sweat. “You’re safe, I got you now y/n... ”
“Y/n.” The king echoes in pure consternation.
“H-home,” you whine, eyelids heavy.
“I know… I’m so sorry, but you'll need a few days. Don’t worry, I’ll take care of gran.”
“How does the dog know your name?” Jaebeom’s stare is so deadly when you meet it, that you almost throw up at its intensity.
“Chan's my f-friend...” You reply, faintly, and his face twists in disgust like you’ve disappointed him. 
“You have our sincere apologies, Jackson.” Jinyoung interrupts, dignified as he looks at the tense scene. “The king made an honest mistake. We won't interfere with your business again.” 
At that, Jaebeom throws his arms to the side, angrier than before. “I don’t care, I’m not letting them turn her! I promised the human a safe return!” 
“You’ve always been so dramatic and short-sighted, Jaebeom-ie.” Jackson rolls his eyes back. “Couldn’t you tell while you were fucking her?” 
“She’s already marked, Jeonha...” The other vampire explains, way more pragmatic.
“I’m w-what...” Disoriented, you slip away from Chan’s grip and tumble forward. You’re hallucinating. The four creatures aren’t really there. You aren’t in this Hall, in this place. You’re dreaming. You’re back home in your bed. You have a fever. “You killed me.” When the young hunter reaches for your shoulders, you shrink on yourself.
“I didn’t,” Chan pleads, desperate, “I chose you!”
“I'm d-dying...” Your eyes barely focus, the rest of the room is fading. 
“You've been poisoned.” Someone shouts a protest from across the room but Chan goes on even louder; “You just need to sleep. The hours following marking are painful...”
Shaking your head, you crouch on the floor, breathing rendered heavy. No one moves, watching you curl on yourself on the carpet. You fist your hair, miserable.
Now everything hurts.
“For the record, the whelp left our wing alive, Jackson.” Dignified, the second vampire darts his bloody gaze on his king, who remains frozen still. 
“Of course you put it that way, Jinyoung!” The older wolf grunts sarcastically, pushing himself away from the wall to glare at both undead, “You can’t have another diplomatic incident...”
“She isn’t responsive,” Chan snivels, sounding far away. 
“I've fed her bloo-”
“Again, we won’t acknowledge that.” Jinyoung cuts off his king, successfully shutting him up.
“But it's obviously his venom!” Chan protests, mad. “She should be fine. She would’ve healed much slower without-”
“Chan! If she dies it’s on you,” his Alpha intervenes, warning with a deep voice; “not the king.” He’s skeptical as his Beta kneels. “You said she was a hunter, that she could take the bite. You guaranteed i- ”
“She’s it,” Chan pulls you into his arms. You’re so out of your mind that you don’t notice when he stands to carry you out. 
“It’s dawn, Jeonha.” Jinyoung coldly points out for Jaebeom who still hasn't moved. He doesn’t get the hype surrounding you at all, you aren’t that pretty. For all the vampire cares... You should die, it’d be less trouble. The king seems rather shaken though, and he hopes the current tensions at the Castrum won’t worsen.
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Nocturna Masterlist | HALLOWEEN
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chimfires · 6 years
cat lady // im jaebum
genre: ????
pairing: jaebum x reader
word count: 442
*requested a soft jaebum scenario + meow!
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Beautiful arrays of colors decorated the area around you, making it hard to find a place to truly focus on. Balls of yarn, rolled in a caged area, fenced in by a red plastic fence. Distinct chatter surrounded you, and the soft singles of collard bells danced off the walls. Looking over at Jaebum, you watched as his eyes widened in amazement. 
“Jagi they’re over there” he cooed, leading you towards the plastic fence. You took a deep breath, eyes wandering all over the room. 
“I don’t know if I’m ready for this.. I’ll be a terrible cat mom Jae..” you whispered, causing Jaebum to turn his eyes in your direction.
“You’ll do greaaaaat.. plus you’ll have me to help.. my babies are ready to have a sibling they can come visit at your place. Trust me.. I’ve seen you with mine.. you’ll be a great cat mom!” he said. He spoke to the young worker, and she opened the fence. Around seven balls of fur ranging from white to orange surrounded your feet, softly rubbing their heads against your legs. 
“No rush.. just try to see who you think you’ll want” the young woman said, earning a nod from you. You sat on the floor, and watched as the kittens completely ignored you, attacking Jaebum instantly. You sighed, softly playing with a bell between your fingers. A flash of salt and pepper colors caught your eyes. Looking up, your eyes met a pair of icy blue ones. A soft meow left her lips, as she rubbed her head against your fingers. 
“meow? hi babyyyy” you cooed. She climbed on your lap, flipping over to play with the dangling charms on your bracelet.
“That’s Stormi.. she’s a ragdoll rescue. All of her siblings have been adopted and she’s the only one left.. if she isn’t adopted soon she’ll have to be put to sleep.. She’s very shy.. so seeing her warm up to you.. I love it” the young woman said. Your jaw dropped as you ran your fingers through her fur. 
“I love her” you said. Jaebum sat next to you, running his fingers through her fur.
“she’s beautiful.. yes you’re beautiful” he cooed. Stormi 
responded by rubbing her head against his. 
“I’ll give you a moment to bond, and if you want, I’ll give you the paper work and we can get you two sent home” she said. you nodded as she walked away.
“so what are you thinking?” Jaebum asked.
“Oh she’s coming home with me” you said. He smiled, wrapping his arm around you.
“Ah.. a crazy cat lady” he teased.
“I learn from the best” you replied.
Remember our requests are open. Send us any requests you have, whether it be Au’s, imagines, or something off our drabble list. (message us a number+member from a group) or any requests you guys have in general, just remember we aren’t accepting BTS requests atm.
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fuckboibam · 7 years
GOT7 reaction to you wearing one of their outfits
Hello can you do a Got7 reaction to you wearing their clothes (not just the shirt like in movies but like the whole set with a shirt and pants so you look ridiculous?) Thanks a lot boo
Jaebum would have a weird thing about it and be totally into it. Like a possessive thing where he likes seeing you in his clothes (even if it looks totally ridiculous). He’d pretend he wasn’t totally into it though lol, but he would be so obvious.
He’s so skinny that he’d probably be worried about you stretching them out, but he’d think you were so silly (but he loves it and thinks it’s really cute). will probably take lots of photos and look at them when he’s feeling stressed/sad
This bitch. 100% would want to try on one of your outfits because you look cute in his. (he doesn’t look cute, he looks ridiculous.) you probably have to hold up his pants bc Jackson’s thighs are far too big for his pants to fit you properly (he probably likes that too. I hate him)
Would probably think it was a little childish and ridiculous, but eventually he would crack a grin and laugh at you a little. He would probably tell you that you look better in your own clothes. He wouldn’t mind you wearing his shirts sometimes though.
Youngjae would find it the cutest and laugh and think you were so damn ridiculous. Would probably get you to try other outfits of his to see if anything fit that you could wear properly because he liked it so much
Would be worried about his expensive ass clothes, but if you could put them on, he’d be impressed and would probably yell dumb things at you like ‘Yass queen, work it’ and make you walk like a model. He would laugh the entire time too.
He would like it in a sexy way bc he’s thirsty and also just loves you a lot wearing anything but like. His clothes entirely, Damn. He’s probably shy about it though and wouldn’t tell you he liked it so much.
 Requests are open || Masterlist
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soybeantree · 7 years
the world to me
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pairing: jaebum x (reader) genre/warning: fluff word count: 1941 description: a little marriage fluff never hurt anyone. based on got7′s “you are” from their new album 7 for 7.
A questionably long kiss for being in public. Pained cheeks haphazardly covered in icing. Group dances that would no doubt look embarrassing later on camera.
Memories that would stay fresh in your mind for years you hoped. Well maybe not the way your cousin had tried to lead a line dance, which she had no room doing, that much was clear to everyone in the large reception hall. Still, regardless of the few not so planned moments (and months worth of stress that you supposedly weren’t suppose to feel) the wedding had gone of without a hitch. Beautiful and serene. Large enough to incorporate both families and a speckling of friends, without become a huge production that neither you nor your new husband wanted.
You could call him that now. After the near year long engagement tacked onto almost four years of seeing one another you could now call the wonderful man next to you yours. Well legally by law. He had been yours’ for some time now. A fact surprisingly he liked to point out quite often.
His dark hair was coming out of its coiffed design, softening tendrils now laying more lax against his forehead. Turning to face him now, you find the view just as stunning as the one outside your plane window. Glistening blue ocean separating islands as far as you could see held no candle to Jaebum in your opinion. Not in the slightest.
The man in question was staring intently at his phone, one earpiece of his headphone snug, the other, turned away and facing you, in case you spoke to him. But the two of you hadn’t said a word to one another for the past hour or so and that was okay. Content to stare out the window, your mind drifting, you didn’t feel the need to fill the space with meaningless chatter. And neither did he. A similarity that drew you to one another even from the beginning. Besides, the two of you would have the rest of your lives together to talk. The rest of your lives and this two week honeymoon you were currently embarking on.
So that was why while you had been observing your near approaching destination, Jaebum had been writing. Something you knew he couldn’t stop doing, even though you had told him no work on this trip. And although you didn’t want him to stress, he had assured you before you left he wasn’t going to be. But you knew that when the mood struck him he couldn’t stop himself. He had to get it out. And with the look adorning his face through half the flight you figured this song in particular would be a good one.
The pilot’s voice reverberated over the speaker and you watched your new husband look up from his device. His lips pausing in their silent march. As if feeling your eyes he turned to face you, a smile lifting the corner of his mouth, an eyebrow raising in silent question. You simply shook your head, grasping then squeezing the hand that was now moving towards yours.
“We’re almost there.” You whispered. Eyes smiling he leaned in to ghost a kiss across your lips. Deciding to finish his work later he powered his phone down. Then leaning over the arm rest he placed his chin on your shoulder, content to watch the island approach as the aircraft descended. Your home for the next 14 days.
Turns out you were to be trapped inside that beachfront property for more time than you thought, and it wasn’t the good “after marriage” time. It was the “someone forgot to fully hammer down the walkway to the beach thus endangering the guest in such a way that one would nearly break their ankle” time.
The first few days had been spectacular. A dream during the moments you left your rental to explore the ocean and small town that found it’s livelihood by it. And the moments you didn’t leave, well those were also quite dreamlike in their own way. Spectacular really. But on your fourth day there, heading to the beach for a snorkel session, your shoe snagged on a loose plank and down you went. Quite dramatically for not breaking anything and Jaebum in his chuckling hadn’t known you were hurt until he observed the grimace on your face. A trip to a nearby clinic resulted in you being advised to stay off it for the next week. At least. You had argued you only had a short time here but the island doctor simply shrugged, guilty that he couldn’t do much more for you.
Jaebum, as loving as he was, tried to make your time inside as nice as possible. The first day he had opened the patio doors completely to let in as much of the ocean breeze as possible, but by the second day you were hobbling outside. Determined to spend as much time outside; you didn’t let your ankle, those stupid crutches, or a mothering Jaebum keep you from sitting in the sun. It was for yourself but a large part of you felt sorry for your husband. This trip was as much for him as it was for you. But he would never tell you he was upset. To be quite honest he probably would have been sitting there next to you the entire trip. But it was your honeymoon. It wasn’t just a normal weekend and you wanted it to count.
“Babe?” His reply was a soft grunt, not looking up from the notebook in his lap.
“Do you want to go down to the water?” Silence was your answer. Once again you felt bad for bother him, but this trip was about relaxing. His music could wait a couple days.
“Im Jaebum.” Confused eyes met your own, the sharper tone of your voice bringing him into the conversation finally. “Can we go down to the water? Will you help me?”
You could read the hesitancy in his eyes as he reclined back in his chair, his back no down stiff from hunching over that darned notebook for the past hour. Clearly he didn’t want to risk something bad happening to you to worsen your injury, but you’d take cutting your own leg off to the boredom floating around your restless mind.
“Please.” You whined. You weren’t ashamed. If it got the two of you closer to that beautiful ocean. If it got your husband to relax from being a mother hen for five seconds you would do it.
His sigh was expected. No doubt battling with himself about the possibilities. What was not expected was how quickly he gave in. How he set down his things and moved to help you back into the house.
“What do you want to bring?”
Boredom must have been killing him as well. Or perhaps a writer’s block. That would be the only thing that could explain why the two of your were hobbling your way down the pathway towards the water. You holding your bag of goodies and Jaebum holding you. On his back. Much to your insistence that you would be fine leaning on him. The stench of male pride was so strong in that moment that you decided to relent.
“Right over there.” You pointed. “We can put the blanket there and it won’t be too close to the water, just in case of the tide.”
Angling the two of you towards your indicated spot your husband softly grunted. The sand under his feet making it more difficult to not jostle you. It was sweet, his attempt to get you there without straining yourself, but completely unnecessary.
“Let me down here. I can make it.” You could drag yourself through the sand if he would just let you. He ignored you, walking the next few yards before stopping to set you down.
“This good?” Noticing the beginning of sweat on his forehead you just nodded. You would let Jaebum work out whatever providing instinct his alpha male tendency needed to prove. Besides you weren’t too opposed to being the doting wife if it came to that.
After laying out the blanket he helped you maneuver into a position that was the most comfortable before sitting down himself. The sea air smelled better now that you were closer. An over dramatic exaggeration most likely from your part but you didn’t care. You finally felt like you were back on your honeymoon. Next to you Jaebum was clearing items out of the bag, snacking on the occasional piece of fruit he came across. The light of the sun hit him square on and although you were never one for long standing prose, you felt at that moment you could run with the best of them in waxing poetically.
Thoughts of gratitude and peace flew through your mind as it hit you again that this was your husband. This kind caring man who would do anything for you.
“I love you.” You blurted out. Once again his started eyes met yours. It wasn’t that the two of you never confessed your feelings for each other, but neither of you were ever PDA heavy. Nor did you tend to blurt things out without a preceding reason.
But as your words sank in his face fell softly. Stopping what he was doing he moved towards you. A long arm wrapped around your waist, gently pulling you into his side. The other following a hand to your cheek, sliding around your neck. He held you there, suspended in time now that his smiling eyes stared into yours. And that’s were you stayed for what felt like years, but was probably only minutes. His eyes scanning everywhere on your face. Not wanting to miss any detail that he had truly cataloged long ago. But as if he was seeing you again in a new light, the sun framing you from behind in a golden hue. The blue sky the perfect vibrant backdrop. This moment that he wished he could freeze and save forever.
“You didn’t say it.” His lips quirked up in warning.
“You know. We talked about this.” The confusion causing creases in your eyebrows relaxed as you realized where his train of thought was leading.
“I didn’t technically agree to that.” Unconsciously your eyes rolled in mock annoyance and in response his right hand tightened around your neck. He pulled you closer to him as his thumb teasingly stroked your skin.
“Come on. How about just this once?” Although he voice was pleading you took note of the predatory glint in his eyes.
It was the look of him that broke you. He was so beautiful sometimes that you could actually cry. Crazy. But it was almost unfair most days how he could wake up so ridiculously good looking. So relaxed and rumpled but still as if he could walk right into a photo shoot. It was that look coupled with the fluttering in your chest as he continued to stroke your now warming skin.
“I love you...husband.” The response in his posture was immediate. His back straightened and the teeth that were previously torturing his lower lip now filled his smiling mouth. It was as his eyes disappeared into charming little creases and his hands were pulling you closer towards him that you heard it. Barely a whisper over the waves crashing next to you, Jaebum’s lips a little more than a breath from yours.
“And I love you, wife.”
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kpoppwriter · 3 years
Love Yourself
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❧ Genre: hurt/comfort
❧ Words: 338
❧ Warnings: hating oneself, potential breakup
❧ Synopsis: He thought breaking up was the best option. You thought otherwise
❧ A/N: this one’s a little angsty I’m sorry
~ ※ 7 Drabbles for 7K ※ ~
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“We should break up.”
4 words that absolutely crushed you. 4 words you never expected to hear. 4 words you definitely weren’t expecting to come out of Jaebeom’s mouth tonight.
“We should break up,” he restated, “I think we need a break.”
“A break from what?”
“This relationship.”
“Why?” you looked over at him clearly confused, “Give me one good reason why we need a break.”
“I think you need some time to work on yourself.”
You stared at Jaebeom dumbfounded. What the hell did that mean? Yeah, you weren’t the best mentally but you didn’t think you were this bad off.
“You’ve got to be joking.”
He stared back at you, his face not cracking at all.
“This really doesn’t make sense to me. I’m not doing as bad as you’re making it seem!” you exclaimed, “Tell me, what is concerning you?”
"I just wish you would actually like yourself."
"It’s not that easy,” you scoffed, “I hate myself and that’s not something that can be fixed overnight.”
"Exactly. I think you need some time by yourself to work on actually loving yourself.
"You not understanding this,” you took a step towards him, "I hate myself but I love you. And loving you makes me forget about how much I hate myself!"
Both of you were silent. You honestly weren’t expecting those words to be coming out of your mouth and clearly neither did Jaebeom. You didn’t even know you were crying until you felt the tears dripping off your face. Your angry resolve melted away and you began sobbing. Jaebeom immediately came over and held you tight in his arms.
“Please- I..I don’t,” you hiccupped, “Please don’t leave.”
“Shhh, it’s okay baby. I won’t go anywhere, okay?,” he gently rubbed your back, “We’ll get you some help together. How does that sound?”
You nodded, burying yourself further into his arms. He just held you closer to him without saying a single word. He was going to help you get better but he wasn’t going to leave you to do it alone.
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blu-joons · 3 years
Post Baby Blues ~ Im Jaebum
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A groan came from you as the sound of crying came from the space next to you for the fifth time through the night. Your eyes looked beside you as a figure shuffled, watching as Jaebum rolled onto his back, equally frustrated to be disturbed once again, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.
You’d spent most of the night laid on your back, waiting for the cries to come, with your daughter barely settling, you just couldn’t sleep, especially knowing that it was only going to be a matter of time before you ended up getting disturbed again.
Just as you went to sit up, a hand pushed you back down, as Jaebum rose up instead. “You’ve got her enough times tonight,” he assured, reluctantly pushing the duvet away from his body, kicking his legs out of the bed.
“She’ll probably be hungry,” you sighed, too exhausted to even move yourself.
Jaebum’s eyes didn’t leave you as he walked around the bed to the cot just beside you. “Maybe she just wants a cuddle, she doesn’t usually feed at this time,” he reminded you, knowing as ever, that you were fearing the worst.
Your body was on its last legs, everything was beginning to take its toll on you, overwhelmed by just how much was required of you being a mum. You couldn’t remember the last moment you had to yourself, especially with Jaebum so busy at work too.
“Hey,” Jaebum whispered as he peered into the cot, leaning over it so that he could scoop your daughter up and carry her across to the bed with him.
Your heart fluttered as you watched the two of them, even just a few weeks in, their bond was undeniable. As ever, in Jaebum’s arms, she settled, something that you hadn’t quite managed to crack whenever you spent time with her.
“Do you want a mummy cuddle?” Jaebum asked her, attempting to move her across to you, only for your hands to block him, hovering just over your chest to stop him from placing her down.
His eyebrows furrowed as you did so, confused as to why you didn’t want to hold her, as her tears subsided, he was sure that now you’d want to hold her and reassure her too.
“Alright, let’s stay with daddy then,” Jaebum spoke, trailing off awkwardly at the end as he made his way back around to his side of the bed, trying his best to figure out what was wrong.
As you remained silent, he was left with his own thoughts, piecing together what had happened with the other things that he had picked up on too. Little things had added up for Jaebum, as he began to wonder if there was something more to what was going on with you.
With your daughter now settled, resting against his legs as he stretched back out, Jaebum nudged you with his free hand. “It’s not good to keep your thoughts bottled up to yourself Y/N, especially not when they’re not very nice ones too.”
You weakly smiled back across to him, expecting Jaebum to pick up on all of the signs, knowing you as well as he did. You knew that you couldn’t keep it to yourself forever, no matter how stupid you thought you might sound.
“Everything I do, I feel like it’s wrong,” you whispered, digging your head further down into your pillow, “they always make having a baby seem like sunshine and rainbows, but right now it just feels like a dark cloud hovering over me.”
Of course, there were going to be moments when things got tough, but you never imagined that it would be as tough as this. You’d heard stories of people suffering, never thinking that it could happen to you, only for just that to happen.
“Why am I not doing it right?” You added, staring blankly to Jaebum for answers.
His bottom lip stuck out as you spoke, feeling his heart break as you finally admitted your worries to him. He had a vague idea of what was going on, but never did he imagine that you would be as hard as yourself, and struggling as much as you were.
The more you offloaded, the more your mind thought, sharing without even thinking several times. “I wish I could be that mum who rolls out of bed with a smile on her face in the morning, with everything organised too, but instead I just feel like a mess.”
“You’re doing an amazing job Y/N,” Jaebum tried his best to encourage.
“I wish I could believe you, but you know that you’re doing so much better than I am,” you whispered in reply.
His head immediately shook, refusing to let you compare the two of you. He had promised you throughout your pregnancy that the two of you were a team, and Jaebum was far from prepared to let you isolate yourself from him now.
“Having a baby takes a lot of adapting, and people cope in different ways,” Jaebum spoke, “some people snap straight into it, others don’t, but what’s most important is that you get used to things at your own pace.”
“I don’t even know what my pace is,” you gently laughed, “right now all I can think about is getting through each day at a time.”
“Day by day, that’s your pace,” Jaebum established, “each day you’re learning so much about being a mum, and you’re bonding with Y/D/N too, it takes time, all of this can’t happen in a day, even if you want it to.”
“I knew being a mum was going to be hard, but I never imagined it would be this hard,” you huffed, rolling onto your side to face the two of them properly.”
As your eyes landed on your daughter, you nervously reached one of your hands across, tickling gently against her tummy. The sound of her laughter immediately brought a smile to your face, as Jaebum’s reassuring eyes watched over you too.
“See, you’re doing a great job,” he smiled down at you, “sometimes I think you put too much pressure on your shoulders of yours to be perfect Y/N.”
Everyone wanted to be the perfect mum, the one that everyone aspired to follow, but in doing so, you had lost your own way of doing things. Jaebum had watched you compare, even to him, and doubt yourself even when you were doing things perfectly already.
As your arm moved away, Jaebum settled down, tucking him and your daughter up a little closer to you. “When you feel as if you’re not doing good, please talk to me Y/N, I don’t want you to feel alone through this anymore.”
Your head nodded in agreement with him, promising that you would make sure to let Jaebum know whenever you were starting to worry or beat yourself up over things.
“We’ll just keep taking things day by day, learn new things and figure out our own way of being mum and dad,” Jaebum suggested, “they’ll still be hurdles, but between the two of us I know that we’ll be able to get over them.”
“Will be facing hurdles forever with this one,” you chuckled.
Jaebum nodded, glancing down at your daughter as her eyes began to close again, “we always said that we knew we’d be in for trouble starting a family, and this little one certainly seems like she’ll be a right little troublemaker, don’t you think?”
“She’s got your smile, that definitely is a sign of trouble.”
“You love my smile,” Jaebum reminded you, “you said so, even on our very first date.”
“I do, but you’re definitely still trouble.”
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3raaaachachacha · 3 years
8:17 pm
Im Jaebeom x female reader / 614 words / smut
Warnings: phone sex, dirty talk, cursing, fingering, jerking off
Disclaimer: contains 18+ content; minors do not interact
Day thirteen of kinktober - im jaebeom x phone sex
⊱ ──────────────────────── ⊰
You knew that dating an idol wasn’t always the most ideal situation, but you knew that you could make it work. Jaebeom always knew where you stood with him and you were always the first thing he thought of when he woke up. You seemed to find yourself incredibly horny when he wasn’t around and what made it worse was that no matter how hard you tried, your fingers were never enough.
Having no other option than to take matters into your own hands, you stood in front of your full-length mirror in your bedroom in your cute baby pink lingerie set. You grabbed your phone, deciding to send a racy picture to your boyfriend, one that you knew would have him going insane. After a few pictures, you sent your favorite before moving towards your bed, laying flat against the cotton sheets before trailing one of your hands from your neck to your breasts. Pinching one of the already erect nipples before continuing down, slipping your hand inside your panties.
You could already feel how wet you were, images of how things could have gone if Jaebeom were here with you. Before you could even get going, the ring of your phone went off catching you off guard. Groaning in frustration, you removed your hands from your panties and immediately perked up when you saw Jaebeom’s name flashing across the screen. 
With a smirk, you placed it on speaker, “Hi babe,” You purred into the speaker as you heard him chuckle in response.
“Someone’s feeling a little needy. Aren’t you, baby?” He inquired and you hummed in response, “What were you doing before I called?” He asked innocently, but you knew right now he was going to be anything but innocent, “Were you touching yourself?”
“Yeah,” You sighed, “I was thinking of all the times you’ve fucked me so good that I couldn't walk. Or how magical your fingers feel inside of me,” You said, feeling your core heat up.
There was silence for a few seconds, the only sounds heard were yours and Jaebeom’s breathing before he finally spoke up, “I want to hear you touch yourself. Do it for me.” 
You compiled without complaint, laying back against the flush bed, one of your free hands pushing your panties to the side before starting to play with your clit, “Jae,” You moaned and heard him take a sharp intake of breath.
“Keep going baby, Make yourself feel good by using your fingers,” He demanded and you quickly listened, sinking one of your fingers into your pulsing sex.
“I miss you,” You hummed into the phone, fingers working on making yourself feel good, “I wish you were here with me, making me cum.”
“I miss you too, baby,” He groaned and by the sounds of it, he was definitely in the process of unclipping his belt to jerk himself off, “Add another finger and keep moaning my name like the good girl you are,” Jaebeom exhaled, hand moving up and down his length, already feeling embarrassingly close from the sound of your whimpers and moans.
Hearing the sound of Jaebeom’s grunts only helped to turn you on even more, causing you to let out another moan and thrust your fingers at a faster pace, “I want you, Jaebeom. I want to touch you.”
“Soon, baby. So soon,” He groaned loudly, “But right now, you need to be a good girl and cum with me and show me so that when I’m back home, I can reward my pretty girl,” He said with a chuckle and before you knew it, you were receiving a facetime request to prove that you’ve listened to his instructions.
⊱ ──────────────────────── ⊰
- Admin 🌶️ 
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kpopimaginings · 3 years
“I Lied” - Jay B (Jaebeom)
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A/N: For Jay B’s birthday. Things might get a bit emotional, but its still fluffy I promise :)
You felt incredibly guilty for lying to your boyfriend, but it just seemed easier than telling him the truth.
He'd invited you to what he was calling a 'GOT7 meeting' but was actually dinner with him, Jinyoung, Youngjae and Yugyeom. While you had met Jinyoung before, the thought of being out in a public place with a lot going on around you and meeting new people had you on edge.
After telling Jay B you were busy, you put on some low music to focus your mind on and started carrying out some mundane chores to keep your body busy.
When you heard a knock at the door you automatically went to answer it. Pulling it open you came face to face with Jay B.
"What are you doing here?" you asked, surprised that he wasn't with his friends.
"What are you doing here?" he put the question back to you. His voice was calmer than you expected, not accusing but almost... understanding.
"I'm sorry," you said in a small voice.
"I lied," you pointed out. "So I'm sorry, but I didn't know what else to say and I just can't today. I can't."
Finally, Jay B crossed the threshold, closing your door then pulling you into his embrace.
"It's fine, I knew you weren't telling the whole truth," he told you. "I could tell there was something going on with you. Why do you think I'm here?"
"But now I've ruined your day," you muttered as you clung onto him.
"I wouldn't have enjoyed myself anyway. I would have been too worried about you. Now, why don't we go and get comfortable, and you can tell me what's up?" he asked as he pulled away.
"I don't know if I can put it into words," you told him, letting yourself be led to your sofa.
"Can you try? Anything you can tell me, how you feel, how I can help?"
"I don't think you can help. I just need you to understand that sometimes socialising or being out in public, or somewhere that's too loud or busy, can be really overwhelming for me," you explained as best you could. "Not always. Had this dinner happened on a different day it might have been fine, but today, I can't cope."
"That's fine," Jay B assured you. "You don't have to lie, you can just tell me it's too much for you that day."
"Are you sure?"
"Of course," he replied, slightly incredulous that you'd ask that. "I don't want you to be uncomfortable, or have to feel bad about lying to me."
"Thank you," you said as you hugged him again. "I'm so lucky to have such an understanding boyfriend."
"I'd be the worst boyfriend if I wasn't understanding of your mental health or forced you into situations which could trigger you."
You simply squeezed him a little tighter to show him your appreciation.
"Is it ok that I'm here?" he then asked. "If you don't have the energy I'll leave, I don't mind."
"Just you is fine," you smiled. "But I would really like if we could just sit in silence and watch a film."
"Of course," he said wrapping an arm around you and placing a quick kiss on your temple.
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For Your Use Only
Pairing: Jaebum x Reader
Genre: Angst | Smut
Word Count: 2.9K
Warnings: This is just plain smut with cursing sooooo read at your own risk.
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“Y/N!” The shout of your name through the kitchen caused your head to snap in the direction of the mousy voice. Annaleise’s face looked drained of any energy as she plopped down into the corner of the entrance, “Mr. Mura requested that you bring him and his party another round of drinks.”
“Me…? Why me? He seemed to be just fine with you—” She shot you a glare with her pretty crystal eyes, her expression was too harsh for her sweet face.
“Me too until he said that I looked like a horse…” You could feel your face drop, feel your eyebrows knitting together as you tilted your head.
“He really said that…?” With a nod of her head, you were quick to fill a serving tray with glasses of water and head out onto the club floor. Your heels clicked against the tile as you fixed your expression to match one with a smile as you approached the table shrouded in red velvet.
“There she is, my sweet little Y/N.” Mr. Mura clapped with enthusiasm as you entered their space. His skin was dripping in glinting glitter and Gucci, but it wasn’t enough to cover up how drunk he was.
“A round of drinks for your table.” You sat the water down and Mura sighed.
“I thought I told that girl to have you bring us more alcohol.” Even with his protest, he picked up the glass of water and downed it.
“By this time you’re usually trying to sober up to head home to your wife, aren’t you?” His party of men broke into laughter at your remark while he set his glass down and scooted over to make a spot on the leather couch.
“Usually, but she’s out of town for the weekend and I’m here to try out Mr. Im’s best girl.” He patted the cushion as if giving you an invitation to sit a spell and forget about the fact you were working.
“I’m his best waitress, I can go get his best escort if you want someone to occupy your time while you’re here.” You offered your best customer service voice as you slipped the tray under your arm; this wasn’t new with Mura, he always hit on you and asked you for your time, but you weren't here to sell yourself, you had other plans that didn’t include selling your time and or your body.
“I rather find out why you’re his best girl. Would you let me buy your time so I can see why you’re the best?” You could feel his sticky hand graze the edge of your skirt as he reached for your free hand. You pushed away his advances and he gripped at your hand to pull you closer to him, “Are you turning me down?”
“I’m not an escort or a prostitute, if you want someone to sit here with you and make you feel better, let me go get you an escort.” You yanked your hand from his grip and turned to leave when you heard him whisper something under his breath.
“She’s just playing hard to get, Jaebum will let me have her if I just pay the right amount of money for his whore.” The whispering of a slur that you’ve heard many times had your anger bubbling, heating the blood that ran through your veins, it usually never made you this heated, but for some reason hearing yourself being called “Jaebum’s whore” irritated you to no end.
“Excuse me?” You asked, turning back around to face him. His lips wore a smug smile because he was getting you right where he wanted you, he wanted you to stay to prove him wrong, but then again, you knew that—Mura had just never been the guy to get this ballsy, is it because he has his buddies with him?
“Oh? Did you hear what I said?” He chuckled, leaning back into the cushion to spread his legs out, giving you the opening you needed.
“I did.” You hissed, sitting your serving tray down against the side of the couch.
“Well, am I wrong? I’m pretty sure if I paid him enough money, he would let me have you.” He eyed your figure as you pasted the fakest smile you could conjure onto your lips while you hiked your skirt up and slid into his lap.
“You want to see why I’m his best?” Mura slid his hands up your bare thighs, treading dangerous territory, seeing as you were Jaebum’s.
“I would love to…” He hummed watching your hand coming up to brush over his cheek to thread your fingers through his hair and yanked his head back, “Oh, you like it rough?” He chuckled while removing a hand from your thigh to land a hard smack to your ass, finally breaking the last strand of patience you had. You hummed rearing back your arm and landed an open-handed smack to his cheek.
“Listen here asshole…” You growled, yanking his head back harder over the back of the couch, the room was now quiet enough to hear a pin drop, “I’m no one’s property. I’m my own property and if you want a whore to bury your measly cheating cock in, go two blocks down to the corner.” You let go of his hair and got up out of his lap, quickly attempting to make your exit, but he caught your arm. His fingers dug too deeply as he yanked you back that you winced under his grip before feeling a sharp sting spreading through your cheek.
“Hey!” The yell of a bodyguard had him backing up from you as you held your cheek, trying to keep the tears of pain hidden from him. While one of the bodyguards took care of Mura, another one came to remove you from the situation, knowing exactly where he was taking you to.
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The studio flat above the club was where Jaebum spent most of his time, why go home when you could just live above your job?
“Sit.” He hummed, walking away from you to wander back behind the half wall to the kitchen. You plopped down into the unkempt bed, catching old notes of his cologne escaping the duvet as it flattened under your weight—god did he smell heavenly, “Here.” You looked up to see him holding out a cold pack, “For your cheek.” Taking it from his hand, you placed it onto your cheek, the immediate cold making you hiss, “That’s what you get.”
“What do you mean?” You watched him walk over to his desk near the window, his dark jeans hugging him so well.
“You smacked the man, Y/N. Not to mention a man who spends a quarter of a million here every few months just to get his rocks off with any woman he desires�� and you slapped him.” You couldn’t tell if he was particularly angry or shocked, but you weren’t about to guess which one he was.
“He called me a whore, your whore to be exact and that you would let him use me if he paid enough money to have me… and that made me mad because I’m no one’s whore… I’m me, no one else’s.” His curly hair bounced with the cocking of his head like you being called his was an insult to you.
“Is he wrong though?” He turned around to face you, his gaze heavy through the hair hanging in front of his face. Your eyes stayed fixed to him as he walked back toward you, your heart began pounding in your chest and it only got louder the closer he got, “Tell me, is he wrong? Are you not mine?”
“Am I not the only one that gets to use you?” Long slender fingers dropped down to the hem of your skirt, washing away the feeling of Mura’s clammy fingers and replacing them with ones that felt so hot that they would melt you in seconds, “Are you not my best girl?” He dropped down to his knees in front of you, sliding his palms down the shape of your skin to run them back up your inner thighs, spreading them with ease; you didn’t put up a fight, Jaebum didn’t have to do much to seduce you, his eyes were enough to have you in a trance.
“I can’t answer that with you so—”
“So what? So close your pussy? I’ve been here many times before…” Smooth lips pressed hungry kisses into the delicate skin inches away from your aching core. Pushing your skirt up, you laid back as he pulled you closer to him and he continued to caress your thighs, letting his lips dance over your skin, his warm wet muscle traced your shape through your thin lace panties, soaking the fabric more than you had already done, “You are mine.” He pushed your panties to the side and dipped his tongue into your sopping wet core; between the swirling of his tongue around your clit and his scruff tickling your slick folds, you were already close to reaching your limit.
“Jae…” He hummed into your wetness causing you to arch your back off the bed from the vibrations through your core. Reaching down, you gripped his thick curly black hair in your hands while he lapped up your naughty juices, taking his time to explore all your folds and creases. Your pussy was his kryptonite, his one weakness, he could spend hours between your thighs, lose himself in you; he knew how you liked it, where you wanted to be touched, how you wanted to be teased, and how you wanted to cum. He loved watching you turn into a moaning mess with every flick of his tongue over your clit, with every bite to your lips, every kiss to your sensitive skin, he loved pleasuring you; you tugged his hair roughly as he slipped two fingers into your throbbing hole, them immediately finding the spot you loved the most. Clamping your thighs around his head, he was relentless—fingers dug into your g-spot, teeth gently nipped at your clit while his lips wrapped around the swollen nub, sucking until your moans flowed into breathless gasps, bringing your high to the edge, “I’m—” He pulled away from you and pulled his fingers from your core, you whined at the denial of your climax.
“C’mon, you didn’t think I would let you cum that easily, did you?” Standing from his knees, he rid your body of your panties and then unbuckled the black belt and ripped it from his waist to discard it onto the floor, “Knees, Y/N.” His raspy whisper was enough to have you in front of him, watching his fingers tug the maroon shirt from the waistband of his jeans and unbutton the last thing keeping his body from yours. Your mouth salivated witnessing the bare skin under his jeans, no boxers to be found; you reached up, brushing his hands out of the way, and tugged his jeans down. His cock sprung out of its holdings, it stood at attention in front of your lips, and you could feel your dignity, any sliver you had of it left, slipping away from you.
“How do you want it?” Jaebum followed your eyes, watching them swirl with the darkest strings of lust as you flattened your tongue over your lips, strings of drool dripped from the tip of your eager muscle as it met the bulging vein under his length. Your plush lips wrapped around his reddened tip, making him hiss at the unexpected light grazing of your teeth as you swallowed him whole; he swept stray strands of hair from your face and then slipped his hands to the back of your head, getting lost in the curling of your tongue around him.
“Take it deeper…” He growled, gripped your hair in his hands before thrusting the rest of his length down your throat; your dark eyes looked up at him, tears already building up in your eyes, but you weren’t trying to pull away if anything you were gripping at his thighs to pull him closer. He could feel the tip of your tongue slightly moving side against his balls, the feeling sent shivers up his spine as he slowly pulled out of your mouth; drool ran down your chin, he took in your fucked out expression, the sight of it being his ultimate turn on, “Bend over the bed.” In a blink of an eye, you were bent over his bed, legs spread and ass pushed out, putting everything that he owned on display, “Tell me what you want.” You groaned into the duvet shaking your ass a bit.
“I want you to fuck me…” Your muffled request didn’t reach him, the sharp burn of his hand landing a heavy smack to your bare asscheeks had you almost jumping off the bed and the sting had you gasping for air.
“I’m sorry? What was that?” Smoldering fingers slid over the burning handprint while you tried to form a coherent sentence, but when you didn’t reply fast enough, he landed another smack to your ass. Jaebum didn’t even have to fuck you to get you off, him spanking you was bringing your climax so close that you could feel it in your toes, “Better talk, otherwise I won’t even let you cum.”
“Please fuck me…” You breathed, your body becoming numb to every feeling besides the one screaming to cum.
“You want me to fuck you? Where?” He slid two fingers up your mess of a pussy, collecting your juices to spread them over your tight asshole, “Here? Or…” He dipped his fingers back down, circling your pulsing core.
“My pussy please…” Leaning back into him, he viewed your needy hole dripping your lust down your thighs, the need to tease you more piqued his interest.
“After you tell me whose pussy this is. Only after that will I—”
“Yours! This whore of a pussy is yours! No one else’s, your own private cock sleeve—Please, Jaebum…” Your salacious words made his lips pull up into a smirk while he nudged your aching clit with the head of his cock.
“How does my whore want it? Gentle?” His length slid over your sensitive nub, dragging it over his shaft as he offered languid rolls of his hips between your thighs, “Hard?” Sliding it back up your slick slit, he lined himself up with your hungry hole, you leaned back into him, slowly letting your pussy engulf him.
“Hard… fuck me until I can’t stand…” A chuckle fell from his lips while he gripped your hips.
“That’s my girl.” He slowly pulled his cock out, listening to how sloppy wet you were until only the tip was being cradled by your warmth, your walls coiled around his sensitive head, making it hard to tease you like he wanted, but you felt so good that he couldn’t hold back any longer. Ramming his length into you, you tossed your head back in pure bliss as his cock slammed into your aching nerves, making you cum immediately, “Ah, fuck yes, baby. Cum all over my cock…” He growled, relentlessly pounding into your squelching pussy, not giving you any time to come down from your high. With every thrust, your body trembled under his touch, every cell in your body was screaming to be tainted by him, to be destroyed by him.
“Fuck…” You whined starting to pull away from him, the beginning of another climax sent electricity through your limbs, but Jaebum wasn’t having it.
“Where do you think you’re going?” He gripped your shoulder and yanked you back to him while spanking your ass again; his cock started prodding a new spot, this one more sensitive than the last and he could tell that he just found a new weak spot for you by the way you tightened up around him, “Such an obedient little pussy tonight, should I give her a break?” You violently shook your head, your voice was completely useless, the only thing on your mind was getting to cum again. Your wordless reply wasn’t good enough for him, he needed to hear your voice, “C’mon, use your big girl voice.” He slowed his pace, his vicious thrusts faded to a lazy roll of his hips, teasing your newly found spot.
“D-don’t st-top… p-please…” You slurred, your hips already trying to regain his momentum; he watched as you fucked yourself, thinking the way you were so desperate to reach your high was sexy but in a way also cute.
“Why do you make me want to break you?” He hummed while matching his thrusts with the movement of your hips, granting your wish, but the more you clamped down on his cock, the closer he was getting to reaching his own climax. Reaching around you, he found your clit and rubbed tight quick circles around it, your moans turned into screams of pleasure between his pointed strokes and his teasing of your clit. In moments, your climax was at a high, your juices spilled down your thighs making a wet spot on the floor under you; Jaebum pulled out of you and pumped his length, “On your knees, now.” With tingles still coursing through your body, you appeared in front of him, mouth open and ready to receive him. He let his head drop with a groan of release as he coated your face in his cum; with heavy breaths watched you open your lust fucked eyes, their gaze fixed to him while you licked your lips, tasting his sticky gift, “You’re such a good whore, my good whore.”
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pesiko · 4 years
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fuckboibam · 7 years
Cuddles with JB + He attacks you with kisses
Heyyy can I request a cuddle night with jaebum got7 and he suddenly attack you with kisses? Thank you honey                                                                                      
You certainly can! Sorry this took a while, I’ve been crazy-busy, but hopefully I’ll have more time soon. also sorry it’s so short omg. Hope you like it anyway!!
 Jaebum and you had been dating for more than six months, but recently he’d been so busy preparing for a comeback that you had barely had enough time to spend together. You were sitting in your apartment, reading a book when your phone began to ring. You checked it, realising that it was Jaebum, and quickly answered it.
‘Hey, are you busy tonight? Manager-hyung gave us a night off, and we don’t have schedules until later tomorrow.’ He spoke quietly into the phone, probably because he was still in the car with the rest of the boys.
‘Is that Y/N?’ you heard in the background, and then Jaebum telling them to be quiet.
‘Yeah, I’m free? You wanna go out, or just relax at mine?’ you ask him.
‘Yours. I’ll bring food and we can watch a movie or something.’
‘Sounds good, Jaebum, love you.’
‘Love you too, see you soon.’ Jaebum hung up the phone. You pick your book back up and continue reading.
 Jaebum arrives at your apartment almost exactly 30 minutes later. You both go to the kitchen and get cutlery out, before settling back down on the couch and beginning to eat your food. You turn on the TV, to a random movie and continue eating.
‘Babe, come here. I’ve missed you.’ He points to his cheek. ‘Give me a kiss.’ You agree, kissing his cheek and pulling away to look at him.
‘That good enough for you?’ you ask, smirking at him.
‘From you? Never.’ He pouts jokingly, giving you sad eyes.
‘What about now?’ you kiss him on the other cheek.
‘Better, but not enough. I guess I’ll have to do all the work myself.’ He kisses you, softly on the forehead, and pulls you in close to him. You roll your eyes, focusing back on the movie. ‘Hey, I’m busy here!’ Jaebum exclaims, placing his hand on your face and turning your head back towards him.
‘Doing what?’ you ask, rolling your eyes.
‘Kissing you.’ Jaebum answers, looking directly into your eyes.
‘But you aren’t –‘Jaebum pulls you down on the couch, and he’s suddenly on top of you, kissing all over your face.
‘Jaebum!!’ you squeal loudly, trying to get him off. ‘you’re heavy!’
‘You won’t kiss me, so I had to do it myself.’ Jaebum answers between kisses.
‘I literally just kissed you?’ he pulls away for a second.
‘Not enough, need more!’ he goes back to kissing you. ‘I love you, Y/N.’
‘I love you too, Jaebum, now get off I was trying to watch this.’
Requests are Open || Masterlist
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sonnetsnerdstuff · 4 years
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Got7 as mafia gang: ↠ thief organization
They are an illegal gang specialized in all kinds of theft: robbing goods, embezzlement, banking and internet frauds. They launder most of the money they appropriate and smuggle what they steal: we’re talking about expensive or very rare goods, ranging from art to nuclear materials. They never leave traces and work solely for themselves. They don’t mingle with other mafia groups too so other bosses are starting to question if this organization even exists. Little do they know they are indeed real and are the richest people of South Korea. They rarely go out in public, living in their villas like a big family, passing the time planning out their next hit and coordinating their dependants. ↠ Strategic team heads: Mark, Jaebeom, Youngjae ↠ Mission team managers: Jackson, Jinyoung ↠ Cleaning team leaders: BamBam, Yugyeom
Masterlist ツ
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kpoppwriter · 3 years
Hallo can I please request 18 for daddy JB please?
❧ Synopsis: You never thought you’d be one for a domestic life but here you were
❧ Genre: fluff and slightly suggestive
❧ Warnings: n/a
❧ A/N: I hope this is coherent I'm running on 4 hours of sleep rn
~※ 6K Drabble Masterlist ※~
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"I feel like I'm getting old.”
"Baby, you aren’t old at all,” Jaebeom laughed
"I know but I had this super domestic thought earlier,” you pouted
"That doesn't make you old though."
Jaebeom continued to cook at the stove. You watched him from your spot on the counter. You stared down at the pan he was using. Your eyebrows furrowed.
"We should get some new cookware.”
Jaebeom looked up at you with an amused expression.
"Nothing,” he chuckled, "Maybe you are getting old."
"Hey!” you playfully smacked his shoulder, “You're supposed to make me feel better!"
He moved the pan off the hot burner and turned off the stove. He moved to stand between your legs, his hands taking purchase on your waist.
"You aren't getting old baby. I promise,” he said, “We have lots of years left before we're actually old."
He pecked your lips gently. His hand caressed your waist as he pulled you closer towards him. His lips captured yours in a more passionate kiss. His hands slowly trailed down to the apex of your thighs squeezing the flesh. Your fingers threaded through his hair gently tugging the strands. He let out a low groan and pulled you even closer to his body.
"We can do something to remind you how young we still are,” his lips moved beside your ear, “And how much stamina we both still have.”
You chuckled at the smirk on Jaebeom’s face. You hopped off the counter and started to walk out of the kitchen. Jaebeom stood in the middle of the kitchen a bit confused.
"You coming?” you raised your voice so the could hear you from down the hall
Jaebeom quickly walked down the hall to catch up with you before you got to the bedroom.
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blu-joons · 3 years
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You were always the most important thing to Jaebum, but especially so after you got married, and his affection would always reflect that too as he tried his best to keep you safe whenever he had you in his hold.
The boys loved having you around because they knew just how much you truly meant to Jaebum. The smile on his face would always be a little bit wider, and his laughter a little bit louder whenever you were with him and seeing him happy was the only thing that all of the boys really wanted for him.
It never mattered how busy he was, if you needed to talk to him or be comforted by him, Jaebum would drop everything in order to be with you. Even if it meant having to work a little later or harder, he would always ensure that he had the time for you and listen properly to whatever was playing on your mind.
You never minded taking care of your home, especially when Jaebum was so busy with his work schedules, but he refused to let you take responsibility for everything. It reached a point where he had to lock away some of the cleaning items so that you couldn’t get your hands on them, only unlocking the drawer when he returned home so that he could do something rather than leaving everything for you to sort out.
It took you by complete surprise when Jaebum proposed to you, it was by far the last thing that you expected when he told you that he wanted to take you away for a few days. You had no idea how Jaebum had managed to keep it all a secret from you, relying on some of the boys to help him plan things perfectly, sneaking around whenever you weren’t paying attention so that he could make sure things went smoothly.
Jaebum’s favourite thing about being with you was that you always seemed to understand. It didn’t matter how complicated the weight was that he was carrying on his shoulders, you somehow just seemed to get how he was feeling, and most of all for him you would be able to lessen the weight that he was carrying and give him the assurance that he needed to know that he could eventually drop the weight completely.
It was very rare for people to see the two of you out and about, you both preferred your own space and being in the comfort of your own home. At times, the two of you would have to be forced out by your friends to make sure that you didn’t miss out on an event that you were supposed to attend or for a celebration.
You both ultimately decided that you didn’t want a honeymoon after you got married as you struggled to find the time to have one. Instead, you both agreed that one day you would have a huge holiday, but for now, time just wasn’t on your side, and so your honeymoon got pushed very far to one side away from you both.
It still made Jaebum shy whenever he told you that he loved you, no matter how many years the two of you spent together. You would often hear him whisper it across to you when you were settling down to go to sleep, with him saying it in the hope usually that you would hear him, but not look around to see his blushed cheeks.
His face was an absolute giveaway for anyone whenever he got jealous, for those that knew him, the familiar look would be easily recognisable. After the two of you got married, Jaebum most definitely tried to get jealous less, knowing that he had no reason to worry when it was him that you were married to, even if some people liked to push their luck, especially when they knew that Jaebum wasn’t too far away too.
It was only after the two of you got married, did Jaebum really begin to think about starting a family. It was a subject that he often dismissed, assuring everyone who asked that he was happy being a father to your cats, but as things got even more serious, he knew that it was something he needed to make his mind up about soon.
Dragging Jaebum away from his studio was usually a success in itself whenever the two of you decided to have a lazy day, anything else was just a bonus. You knew that Jaebum often struggled when you had a lazy day, he had been conditioned for so long to work every day, when he actually had some time to himself, he never really knew what to do with himself or decide how that time should be spent.
The two of you would usually end up being disturbed by the cats in the mornings, hearing purrs around your bed as they tried to get the two of you to hurry up and get up so that they could be fed. Neither of you would want to budge, but the cats were persistent, refusing to move until finally one of you stirred.
It took a lot for Jaebum to be able to fall asleep at night, with such a busy mind, he relied on you a lot to clear his thoughts, often talking to you as you got ready for bed until he felt settled enough to be able to close his eyes.
Jaebum was obsessed with spending time with you, at times he hated how busy his work schedule was because it ended up meaning that he neglected you, which was always the last thing that he ever wanted to do.
It was quite often the simple moments, like when the two of you would talk about nonsense, that Jaebum treasured the most. At times, it scared him how he could be himself around you, especially when he was talking to you about random things, not once did he ever feel as if he had to pretend when he was with you.
Throughout the many years that you spent together, your opinion was always one of the things that Jaebum valued the most, and so he would ask you for your thoughts quite a lot of the time when he was working on new material.
When the two of you got married, Jaebum actively encouraged you not to change your last name, much to your surprise. He didn’t want you to lose your side of the family, and so instead you joined your maiden and your married name together so that you had your old family and your new family with you always.
You were usually comfortable in silence, but only for a limited period of time before you began to worry. When things began to feel as if they were getting awkward between the two of you, one of you would quickly break the silence and make sure that the other was alright so that you had no reason to panic.
Jaebum’s biggest trick for making your marriage work was making sure that you always stuck to the things that you enjoyed, your marriage was between the two of you, and no one else needed to get involved with you.
One of the worst things for Jaebum was when he saw you upset, there was nothing he hated more than seeing you tearing up.
You both tried to spend as much time as you possibly could with your families after you got married, especially knowing that after you got married that you were all going to be stuck with one another forever.
Jaebum had everything that he had ever wished for and more, there was nothing else that he felt he needed to complete him.
He didn’t tend to kiss you too much, and so when Jaebum did kiss you, you always made sure to appreciate it. He much preferred to cuddle up to you and have a longer period of time being able to hold you.
You were his best friend, whenever Jaebum needed someone, he knew that you were there.
Being able to cuddle up to Jaebum at night was quite often a fight with the cats, but you wouldn’t have had things any other way, with all of the members of your family cuddled up to you tightly, two legged or four.
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3raaaachachacha · 4 years
12:09 am
Im Jaebeom x female reader / 522 words / angst 
Warnings: mentions of insecurities, arguing, putting each other down
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You tried your hardest to get some sleep, though it seemed almost impossible with the sound of your boyfriend in bed beside you, humming and clicking away at his keyboard. He promised you that if you went to bed and got an early night, he'd sit beside you as he worked on producing.
"Baby," You mumbled as you rested your head in the crook of his neck, hand resting on his chest, "It's late, maybe you should call it a night also."
"No can do," Was all he said before directing his eyes back to the bright screen, "I've got to finish this right away, otherwise it's going to cause me to go crazy," His voice was stern, which caused you to remove your hold from him.
"I understand that, but it's really late and you've been working on this nonstop. I thought you'd like a good rest cause you seem really tense," You tried reasoning with him.
"I'm stressed Y/N. I have deadlines to meet," He raised his voice as he looked at you, "I don’t need someone who barely has their life together to be telling me what to do. Not everyone is okay with failing and taking the easy way out like you are," It didn't even take a second for Jaebeom to realize what he had just said to you.
Jaebeom knew better than anyone how much you were struggling with work and college, and how you couldn't keep a job because you were emotionally unstable at the moment from all the stress. So, considering he just used your biggest insecurity against you, it wasn't sitting well with you as you felt your breath hitch and chest tighten. The sudden hurtful comment sent tears immediately streaming down your cheeks.
"Babe, I'm so sorry," Jaebeom exclaimed as he moved the computer from his lap so that he could get close to you, "I didn't mean what I said! It just came out and I’m stressed so I get a bit sensitive, and-"
"You wouldn't have said it if you didn't mean it Jaebeom," You spat back, getting up from your side of the bed, while wiping the tears from your cheeks.
"Y/N, please don't be like this. Come on, I’m really sorry babe," He sighed as he reached out to take a hold of your hand, wanting to stop you.
"Be like what? Huh? Leaving when things get too hard? You said so yourself, it’s what I’m used to," You viciously spat back with venom in your tone, tears continuously flowing.
"I didn't mean what I said. I know how hard it is for you. I’m sorry," He tried to explain further, but it wasn’t enough after the damage he had done. 
You sighed before removing his grip on your wrist and walking towards the bedroom door, “Leave me alone Jae. I want to be by myself,” You sniffled before walking out of the room, slamming the door behind you. 
Jaebeom was left there, alone, to sit in his thoughts of how he potentially fucked up the best thing in his life because of his wrong choice of words.
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- Admin 🌶️
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