#JB stories
kingkatsuki · 7 months
Can you imagine a little fangirl trying to give Bakugou a friendship bracelet at an event, but he doesn’t see her as he’s trying to dodge the crowds on the red carpet. Holding your hand to keep you tight by his side as he uses his broad shoulders to protect you as he pulls you past all the flashing camera lights and interviewers trying to call him over.
But you see her, holding out a little beaded bracelet over the barrier as her face is painted to match Dynamight’s eye mask. Little explosions in her pigtails as you squeeze Bakugou’s hand, stopping him from walking away as you point her out to him.
She’s the only reason he drops your hand, taking a few broad strides towards her as he bends down at the crowd barricade to talk to her, asking her name and listening as she tells him that he’s her favourite Pro-Hero. Holding out the bracelet as she gives it to him, and practically glows when he slips it over his wrist. And she surprises you when she holds another Dynamight themed bracelet out to you, holding out your hand so she can put it on you making sure that you and Bakugou now have matching bead bracelets.
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ncwhereman · 1 year
spanish holiday: a collection
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Let me ask you about something else that was in the Hunter Davies book. At one point you and Brian went off to Spain. Yes. Did you… you must have... We didn’t have an affair. You never had an affair with Brian? No, not an affair. Yoko: [laughs] What were the pressures from Brian? Cyn was having a baby and the holiday was planned, but I wasn’t going to break the holiday for a baby and that’s what a bastard I was. And I just went on holiday. I watched Brian picking up the boys. I like playing a bit faggy, all that. Yoko: [laughs] It was enjoyable, but there were big rumours in Liverpool, it was terrible. Very embarrassing. Rumors about you and Brian? Oh, fuck knows—yes, yes. I was pretty close to Brian because if somebody's going to manage me, I want to know them inside out. And there was a period when he told me he was a fag and all that. I introduced him to pills, which gives me a guilt association for his death. I mean they go that way anyway. And to make him talk—to find out what he’s like. And I remember him saying, “Don’t ever throw it back in me face, that I’m a fag.” Which | didn’t. But his mother’s still hiding that. But what I hate is the way they’re all attacking Allen. And Brian was a nice guy, but he knew what he was doing, he robbed us. He fucking took all the money and looked after himself and his family, and all that. And it’s just a myth. I hate the way that Allen is attacked and Brian is made like an angel, just cause he’s dead. He wasn't, he was just a guy. Allen will go berserk when he hears all this.
John Lennon, Jann S. Wenner, Lennon Remembers, 1970
Bob had insinuated that me and Brian had had an affair in Spain. And I must have been frightened of the fag in me to get so angry.
John Lennon, 1972, Peter McCabe and Robert D Schonfeld, John Lennon—For The Record, 1984
Brian was in love with me. It's irrelevant. I mean, it's interesting and it will make a nice Hollywood Babylon someday about Brian Epstein’s sex life, but it's irrelevant, absolutely irrelevant.
John Lennon, Playboy, 1980
I was on holiday with Brian Epstein in Spain, where the rumours went around that he and I were having a love affair. Well, it was almost a love affair, but not quite. It was never consummated. But it was a pretty intense relationship. It was my first experience with a homosexual that I was conscious was homosexual. He had admitted it to me. We had this holiday together because Cyn was pregnant, and I went to Spain and there were lots of funny stories. We used to sit in a cafe in Torremolinos looking at all the boys and I’d say, ‘Do you like that one, do you like this one?’ I was rather enjoying the experience, thinking like a writer all the time: I am experiencing this, you know. And while he was out on the tiles one night, or lying asleep with a hangover one afternoon, I remember playing him the song Bad To Me. That was a commissioned song, done for Billy J Kramer, who was another of Brian’s singers.
John Lennon, Rolling Stone, 1980
Very quickly John became jumpy and on edge. He was beginning to feel trapped and it was time for him to escape but before he left he told me that Brian had asked him to go on holiday to Spain with him and he wanted to know if I objected. I must admit the request hit me like a bolt out of the blue and I really didn’t take it in properly at first but when it sank in I suppressed my true feelings and acquiesced. I was well aware that John deserved a holiday. He had just completed a tour and recording sessions. In actual fact he had never really had a holiday as such. They had all been working very hard and under great pressure since the success of Please Please Me, so I concealed my hurt and envy and gave him my blessings. He was delighted and left me a happy man. I on the other hand was left holding the baby, and what a baby. As soon as John returned from his break in Spain, fully relaxed and raring to get going again, we went together to register our son’s birth.
Cynthia Lennon, A Twist Of Lennon, 1978
Some accounts of that time claim that Brian was in love with John, which was why he wanted to manage the Beatles. I don't believe this for a second. They had a good relationship, but Brian cared for all the boys and he wanted success for the group because he thought they had something unique. Claims have been made since that Brian and John had a gay relationship. Nothing could be further from the truth. John was a hundred per cent heterosexual and, like most lads at that time, horrified by the idea of homosexuality. The bond between John and Brian was one of mutual respect and friendship. They liked and admired each other. Brian could see John's intelligence and distinctive talent. John appreciated Brian's business ability and his ambition for the group. They talked for hours and planned the group's future together. They both wanted the Beatles to be the biggest thing since Elvis, and were hell bent on making it happen.
When Julian was three weeks old, Brian invited John to go to Spain with him. John asked if I'd mind and I said, truthfully, that I wouldn't. I was preoccupied with Julian and nowhere near ready to travel, but I knew how much John needed a break where he wouldn't be recognised and could really relax. I gave them my blessing and they went off together for twelve days. It was a holiday John came to regret because it sparked off a string of rumours about his relationship with Brian. He had to put up with sly digs, winks and innuendo that he was secretly gay. It infuriated him: all he'd wanted was a break with a friend, but it was turned into so much more.
Cynthia Lennon, John, 2005
Brian and John spent so much time together, scheming and dreaming about the Beatles' future, that they seemed almost inseparable. In April 1963, John went so far as to accompany Brian on a holiday in Spain, leaving Cyn behind with their newborn son. In the absence of this decidedly odd couple, tongues began wagging all over town. I visited John at Aunt Mimi's a few days after his return to England. And when he started in about how much he had enjoyed Spain, I could hardly resist taking the piss out of him. "So you had a good time with Brian, then?" I smirked. Nudge nudge, wink wink. I was somewhat taken aback when John didn't so much as crack a smile. "Oh, fuckin' hell," he groaned. "Not you as well, Pete!" "What do you mean, not me as well?" "They're all fucking going on about it." "It's O.K., John. Don't take it so serious. I'm just joking, for Christ's sake." "Actually Pete," he said softly, "Something did happen with him one night." Now that wiped the grin right off my face. Had I even dreamed there might be any truth what soever to the rumors, I would never have made light of the subject in the first place. Still— as John surely knew— I would have stood by him, and let the rest of the world handle the business of passing moral judgment, even if he had just told me he'd committed murder. And John would surely have done the same for me. Which, after all, is what true friendship is all about. "What happened," John explained, "is that Eppy just kept on and on at me. Until one night I finally just pulled me trousers down and said to him: 'Oh, for Christ's sake, Brian, just stick it up me fucking arse then.' "And he said to me, 'Actually, John, I don't do that kind of thing. That's not what I like to do.' "'Well,' I said, 'what is it you want to do, then?' "And he said, 'I'd really just like to touch you, John.' "And so I let him toss me off." And that was that. End of story. "That's all, John?" I said. "Well, so what? What's the big fucking deal, then?" "Yeah, so fucking what! The poor bastard. He's having a fucking hard enough time anyway." This was in reference to the "butch" dockers who, on several recent occasions, had rewarded Brian's advances by beating him to a bloody pulp. "So what harm did it do, then, Pete, for fuck's sake?" John asked rhetorically. "No harm at all. The poor fucking bastard, he can't help the way he is." "No need to get so worked up," I said. "You know I don't give a shit. What's a fucking wank between friends anyway?" We then moved on to other topics, and neither of us ever mentioned the incident again. (And as far as I was concerned, the real revelation that night was not that John had "had it off" with Brian, but that he had demonstrated— albeit in his own brusque way—such genuine compassion for that most hopelessly besotted of all his many admirers.) Unfortunately, certain Liverpool acquaintances (who had no way of knowing that there was a kernel of truth to their allegations) wouldn't let John hear the end of it. All in good fun, no doubt, but John was still too enamored of his macho self-image to take lightly any inference that he was anything less than 100 percent heterosexual.
Pete Shotton, Nicholas Schaffner, John Lennon: In My Life, 1983
John told me he had had a one-night stand with Brian, on a holiday with him in Spain, when Brian had invited him out, a few days after the birth of Julian in 1963, leaving Cyn alone. I mentioned this brief holiday in the book, but not what John had alleged had taken place. Partly, I didn't really believe it, though John was daft enough to try almost anything once. John was certainly not homosexual, and this boast, or lie, would have given the wrong impression. It was also not fair on Cynthia, his then wife.
Hunter Davies, The Beatles: The Authorised Biography (updated edition, 2010)
Almost three weeks after the birth of his son—whom he had seen only a couple of times by then—he agreed to go to Spain with Brian on a private holiday, while the other three Beatles flew to the Canaries for their spring break. I don’t think John told Cynthia what he was doing—he rarely told her anything—and he certainly wouldn’t have asked her permission. When she found out, she dissolved in tears, but she was scared of John and said nothing. To say we were astonished is an understatement. Much has been made of this trip. It was sun, sand and sea—but was it also sex? John himself said he finally allowed Brian to make love to him “to get it out of the way.” Those who knew John well, who had known him for years, don’t believe it for a moment. John was aggressively heterosexual and had never given a hint that he was anything but. If it had been George, we might have believed it. George could act camp and had many homosexual friends, but John loved to say things to shock, and his sly statement was probably just another in a long line of such provocative statements. In fact, it was more in character for John to taunt Brian with promises during those long hot nights in Barcelona than to succumb. Equally, it was in Brian’s masochistic nature to enjoy being tormented, then perhaps to rush off in search of a young bullfighter. Brian adored bullfighters so much, he ended up sponsoring one. (And I think Brian would have confided in somebody if it had happened.)
Tony Bramwell, Magical Mystery Tours: My Life With The Beatles, 2014
First, he wanted to make Brian the baby’s godfather. Second, he was leaving on holiday as soon as this tour was over. He was going away with Brian—just the two of them. The other Beatles were going to the Canary Islands. This meant John wouldn’t see Cynthia for several weeks, long after she had returned home from the hospital. Cynthia lay back in the hospital bed, her head spinning. How could John go off and leave her and Julian like that, she demanded, and with Brian Epstein no less? John flared up at her. “Being selfish again, aren’t you?” he said. “I’ve been workin’ my bloody ass off on one-night stands for months now. Those people starin’ from the other side of the glass are bloody everywhere, hauntin’ me. I deserve a vacation. And anyway, Brian wants me to go, and I owe it to the poor guy. Who else does he have to go away with?” Brian and John went to Barcelona at the end of April 1963. It was a city that Brian had explored on his 1959 solo trip to Spain. He had since become a great fan of the bullfights and considered himself something of an aficionado. He took great pleasure in introducing John to the pageantry and excitement. They spent the days shopping and taking side trips. At night they toured the nightclubs. Later in the week they rented a car and drove down the coast to the glistening white town of Sitges on the Costa Brava. Each night they would sit in the candlelit cafés and watch the couples stroll by in the moonlight. Over many bottles of wine they talked candidly about Brian’s personal life. It was a great relief for Brian to finally be able to talk honestly with John. He told John that for a man who valued honesty as dearly as he did, it was a terrible burden for him to live his life a lie. “If you had a choice, Eppy,” John said, “if you could press a button and be hetero, would you do it?” Brian thought for a moment. “Strangely, no,” he said. A little later a peculiar game developed. John would point out some passing man to Brian, and Brian would explain to him what it was about the fellow that he found attractive or unattractive. “I was rather enjoying the experience,” John said, “thinking like a writer all the time: I am experiencing this.” And still later, back in their hotel suite, drunk and sleepy from the sweet Spanish wine, Brian and John undressed in silence. “It’s okay, Eppy,” John said, and lay down on his bed. Brian would have liked to have hugged him, but he was afraid. Instead, John lay there, tentative and still, and Brian fulfilled the fantasies he was so sure would bring him contentment, only to awake the next morning as hollow as before.
Peter Brown, The Love You Make, 1983 can't wait for the full fic on ao3 peter!
One story the Press certainly didn’t get at the time was that in April, in the middle of the euphoria that followed all the early success and acclaim, Brian and John went off to Spain for a holiday. So much invention and rubbish has been made of this trip by so many people since, that the truth deserves at least a brief mention. The most sensational version, of course, is that the holiday was a chance for Brian to consummate his overwhelming passion for John, which inspired him to sign the group in the first place. I’m afraid it wasn’t like that. John roared with laughter at the rumours that began afterwards. Typically, he encouraged the stories that he and Brian were gay lovers because he thought it was funny and John was one of the world’s great wind-up merchants. He told me afterwards in one of our frankest heart-to-hearts that Brian never seriously did proposition him. He had teased Brian about the young men he kept gazing at and the odd ones who had found their way to his room. Brian had joked to John about the women who hurled themselves at him. ‘If he’d asked me, I probably would have done anything he wanted. I was so much in awe of Brian then I’d have tried a night of vice-versa. But he never wanted me like that. Sure, I took the mickey a bit and pretended to lead him on. But we both knew we were joking. He wanted a pal he could have a laugh with and someone he could teach about life. I thought his bum boys were creeps and Brian knew that. Even completely out of my head, I couldn’t shag a bloke. And I certainly couldn’t lie there and let one shag me. Even a nice guy like Brian. To be honest, the thought of it turns me over.’ All the same, John was very selfish to have gone off on holiday with Brian then because it was just after Cynthia had given birth to his son Julian. John’s whole romance and marriage to Cynthia was kept a secret at the time because Brian feared the effect of publicity about one of the Beatles having a wife, let alone a family.
Alistair Taylor, With The Beatles, 2003
While Brian thought a Beatle’s image could be affected by marriage and fatherhood, his next move proved wildly indiscreet and potentially dangerous. On April 8, 1963, Cynthia gave birth to Julian, and Brian was named his godfather. Shortly afterward, Brian invited John to join him alone on a holiday in Spain. Lennon had been working hard, writing songs and touring Britain. He needed a rest, and Cynthia relished some time alone to adapt to life with a baby. John accepted and flew to Barcelona on April 28 for the twelve-day break. John made it clear to everyone that he was a woman-chaser, a hundred percent heterosexual. But it was inept of Epstein to risk the whispering that was bound to ensue from such an expedition by a manager and a solitary Beatle. It was one of the few times when Brian’s perception of public opinion faltered, for the Spanish trip fueled rumors in Liverpool of an Epstein-Lennon relationship. Paul McCartney’s theory is that “John, not being stupid, saw his opportunity to impress upon Mr. Epstein who was the boss of this group … he wanted Brian to know who he should listen to.” Lennon knew that Brian held him in awe, regarding him as a genius. On their return to Liverpool, Brian and John decided to deal with the gossip decisively. At McCartney’s twenty-first birthday party on June 18, Bob Wooler and Lennon were seen chatting together and within minutes the Beatle had pummeled the Cavern compere to the ground. “He called me a bloody queer, so I bashed his ribs in,” John later told Cynthia. Epstein, no less angry but sensing the need for repairing all wounds, physical and oral, drove Wooler to hospital for treatment of torn knuckles and for shock. Next, Epstein moved swiftly to prevent the friction from escalating. Through his solicitor friend Rex Makin he paid Wooler £200 in damages and insisted that Lennon sent him a telegram of apology. The rumors were quelled. But nothing could prevent the attack on Wooler from reaching the Daily Mirror, whose pop reporter Don Short, in a first recognition of the group’s burgeoning importance, published a back-page story headlined: “Beatle in Brawl Says: Sorry I Socked You.” Since the deaths of Epstein and Lennon, many with no access to, or observation of, both men in their lifetime have peddled the assumption that Brian and John had a sexual liaison. This is despite the lack of any evidence, despite firm declarations of John’s heterosexuality from Cynthia and many other women, and despite the statement by McCartney that he “slept in a million hotel rooms, as we all did, with John and there was never any hint that he was gay.” Brian possibly had a homosexual fascination for Lennon but it could never be reciprocated. And since Epstein was not a predator, that eliminated the likelihood of such a link. More than anyone, Epstein saw the Beatles as an indivisible unit. He would never have risked so profoundly changing his relationship with them, individually or collectively. Nothing mattered more to Brian, after his devotion to his family, than the entity of the Beatles.
Ray Coleman, The Man Who Made The Beatles, 1989
Years later, John finally came clean about what had happened: not to anyone who’d been around at the time, but to the unshockable woman with whom he shared the last decade of his life. He said that one night during the trip, Brian had cast aside shyness and scruples and finally come on to him, but that he’d replied, “If you feel like that, go out and find a hustler.” Afterward, he had deliberately fed Pete Shotton the myth of his brief surrender, so that everyone would believe his power over Brian to be absolute.
Norman Philip, John Lennon: The Life, 2008
I don’t actually know the truth of the John rumour. I suspected that the John trip to Barcelona was a power play on John’s part because John was a very political animal. I think John went away on that Spanish holiday because nobody went on holiday. I would have gone, anyone would have gone. A free holiday? You’re kidding. I’m there. Number two, I’m sure John took Brian aside and said, ‘Hey, you want to deal with this group, I’m the guy you deal with, OK.’ John was that kind of guy. He was a very sensible, very pragmatic guy. So I’m sure that was the main reason John went there. As to whether there was any sort of gay dalliance or whatever, I don’t know. All I can ever say about it is that I slept with John a lot because you had to, you didn’t have more than one bed – and to my knowledge John was never gay.
Paul McCartney, Debbie Geller, In My Life: The Brian Epstein Story, 2000
Brian Epstein was going on holiday to Spain at the same time and he invited John along. John was a smart cookie. Brian was gay, and John saw his opportunity to impress upon Mr Epstein who was the boss of this group. | think that's why he went on holiday with Brian. And good luck to him, too — he was that kind of guy; he wanted Brian to know whom he should listen to. That was the relationship. John was very much the leader in that way, although it was never actually said. So there was the homosexual thing — I'm not sure John did anything but we certainly gave him a lot of grief when he got back.
Paul McCartney, The Beatles Anthology, 2000
My sense of the trip to Barcelona is that it was an intriguing situation because John left his wife to go on this holiday, who was still in hospital having given birth to her first child. So it was an extraordinary thing, but John wanted to go on holiday with Brian and there was a great bond between them. John knew that Brian was going and he also knew that Brian was very attracted to him and I think this intrigued John. My understanding only comes from Brian. I never discussed this with John but I heard that there were lots of discussions about the business of homosexuality and Brian’s homosexuality. But I think it’s wrong to discuss something which is really rather significant when I only know one side of the picture.
Peter Brown, Debbie Geller, In My Life: The Brian Epstein Story, 2000
It had nothing to do with advancement of career. John knew that he already had Brian as an ally; he knew that Brian liked him, was attracted to him and stimulated by his intellect. Anyway, I don’t believe John was that manipulative. And the idea of going along with it, and trying to take advantage of it, just wouldn’t have been Brian’s way.
Peter Brown, Norman Philip, John Lennon: The Life, 2008
It was during the same discussion that he told me that he and John Lennon had been lovers. Now that’s too much for me to take on. We’d never talked about his personal life before, so I left the room.
Lonnie Trimble, Debbie Geller, In My Life: The Brian Epstein Story, 2000
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ser-zoras · 6 months
never be able to put into words how I felt reading the jb storm arc the first time. like. these two knights who are also not knights who hate each other but also rely on each other and who will both protect whatever part of the other that they value most (Jaime’s betrayal of Aerys was based on how much he values innocent life, and he protects Brienne’s at great expense to himself, obviously Brienne values honor and she protects Jaime’s at great expense to herself). Brienne coveting aspects of Jaime’s identity because he got to be a knight but also resenting him for throwing that away, Jaime coveting aspects of Jaime’s identity for still being the sort of boy he had to kill, but also resenting her because she didn’t have to do that to herself. Both eventually deciding they’re worth more than that. And it all happens in the FUCKING RIVERLANDS
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bunisher · 4 months
yeah i do think it’s interesting how the guy who plays a character who kills abusers had one on his podcast and then was like hehehe frankcastlecore Bro The Character You Play Would Shoot You Too
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emergingghost · 7 days
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some more julien baker merch + the lovely story behind this design from mrdrewryan on instagram:
STORY TIME: about 22 years ago, when i was 17 I moved into a punk house with a bunch of friends. The homeowner @smith7_wicker Brian was my manager at Cat’s Music, and he would help release CDs of his favorite local bands on his label Smithseven Records. My bandmate Kyle and I bought a janky screenprinting press and started printing shirts for Smithseven in our practice space. I think this TV head drawing was the first design I whipped up for Smithseven — I vaguely remember trying to make something “edgy” but somehow just naively ripped-off Shepard Fairey in the process, lol. To this day, Smithseven still actively hosts shows all over Memphis — they are usually fundraisers for specific charities, shelters, and people in the Mid-South dealing with unfortunate shit. Brian was also the booking agent at the Skatepark Of Memphis back in the early 2000s, and I think that might have been the first time I met Eli of @slowdowndrygoods , shown here in slide 7 wearing a size 4XL with his friend (circa 2004) I moved to Chicago in 2010, right around the same time Julien started playing her first shows at the Smithseven house. I know that Brian left an equally good impression on both of us (he was the first person she thanked on-stage when receiving a Grammy), not to mention everyone else he’s crossed paths with in the Memphis music community. To say the least, it’s an honor to revisit and repurpose this design. True to Smithseven fashion, the proceeds from this t-shirt will go to a charity of Julien’s choosing, local to the city she’s performing in. more details on that soon…
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jonathanbyersphd · 4 months
"oh my feminist literature books. Not my feminist literature books"
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ilynpilled · 2 years
honestly hate to be an annoying cynic about this but i think the way fandom loves brienne is kind of performative. everyone praises her to hell and back when it is convenient but then she is never mentioned again. like i think many aspects of brienne’s story r relatively underdiscussed, especially when considering her popularity. ik she is very tied to certain characters, but she still has her own independent thing going on, much of which is discussed by relatively few ppl outside of certain circles. especially her endgame. she is either a stock “most moral” character who is only brought up to draw a parallel with or reflect the morality of your faves (even when they have not even met yet, and the parallel barely stands) or she is treated as jaime’s moral compass which robs jaime of agency as well as obviously reducing brienne, or she is just pushed out of the way with all her motivations and personal desires ignored bc she is in the way of a ship or a desired ending for certain characters. then, many just treat her as the “character that everybody likes, so let us use her to show it to *insert faction I dislike*” which is like bro whatever. it is just interesting to me bc theres a lot going on in her chapters.
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webanglikethat · 4 months
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I’M SEEING MY HUBBY LIVIUS AGAIN !! and adil 🥹🥹 I cannot believe the desert rose is ending, I better see Adil as a girls’ dad or else …
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paperbackpurgatory · 3 months
J.B. Stamper's Tales For The Midnight Hour (1977)
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Stories Of Horror
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batsplat · 4 months
A sentence in Casey’s book impressed me, even though he didn't name anyone explicitly
“Maybe someone who could put on the charm when they need it regardless of sincerity could have turned the situation around but I don’t have that skill.”
He totally gets that Valentino has endless charm, lol. I’m sure he felt it too when they hung out
yes!! this was about casey and his relationship to the fans wasn't it, and in a section of the book where he was talking about his rivalry with valentino, so hardly a stretch to say it was deliberately alluding to him. and of course casey talking about valentino's charm is not unrelated to how casey did seem to like valentino perfectly fine back in the day... how he said back in 2007 that he liked talking to valentino, that they generally talked about stuff other than racing, how valentino gets on with most guys in the paddock... though it's interesting (if not particularly surprising) how by the time the autobiography is written, casey portrays the early dynamic between the pair of them pretty dispassionately. just from the book you'd get the sense of someone who was coolly respectful of valentino until valentino started pissing him off, rather than someone who was... y'know, also a bit of a fan. somebody who got the valentino rossi appeal, shall we say. we all have our crosses to bear
which, I don't even think it was just about the racing. I doubt he ever wanted to emulate valentino in the same way jorge or marc might have wanted to do off the track, but stuff like calling him a "great competitor and a great sportsman"... that for years he'd been "dreaming to be like him"... that valentino and doohan were "the sort of people I wanted to become like"... I reckon that's a little more than simply respect for him as a rider, and I don't think casey back then would have said that stuff just because he knew it'll play well with the public. he found valentino exciting, like so many before and since have done - and still did so for the entirety of 2006 (he said more recently that he was even more impressed by valentino after that season, which is kinda noteworthy given that's the year valentino did, you know, lose the title). but then they became direct rivals, and. well
of course the "regardless of sincerity" in the quote is pretty pointed lol, like he does clearly see valentino as very two-faced and willing to spin a line regardless of whether it's true or not and also as someone happy to deceive others for his own gains. and his rhetoric has also changed just a wee bit since he published the autobiography on that count, where he more recently does stress how... well, he did learn from how valentino played the media! he learned how to get friendly with journalists! he learned how to play that game, of trying to win the public discourse! he might never have liked it, and he still probably would say like in the autobiography that this "charm" "regardless of sincerity" isn't something that he'll ever be as good at as valentino was. but he did dabble in the dark arts just a touch... I think one of the most interesting tensions of that rivalry is to what extent valentino forced casey out of his comfort zone both on- and off-track and ended up making casey adopt behaviours and attitudes he continued to find reprehensible. casey considers valentino 'selfish' both on- and off-track but to fight him both on- and off-track he became more selfish in turn... very dramatically compelling
anyway, here's casey chatting to fellow aussie jb when he's come to watch the podium celebrations after one of valentino's 2005 wins:
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#casey girl what's going on with that collar situation... i think it's all one jacket which is if anything worse#he was nineteen here... look at him <3#word on the street is jb pushed to have casey join yamaha in 2007 which is SUCH a fun twist on the whole casey/yamaha saga#kwisatzworld#//#brr brr#batsplat responds#heretic tag#i find it deeply annoying that they could only properly compete for two full seasons buuuuuuuut#you DO have to say it's kinda interesting how it shifted their battleground....#like valentino kinda got the better of casey in terms of the on-track stuff because they never GOT to have another real go post 08#so bar isolated scraps like sachsenring '10 and le mans '12 the 'selfishness' question was never settled on track#BUT in terms of the afterlife of the rivalry... casey became ever more invested in selling HIS story of the rivalry#which ironically is something he would've CARED about less before he came into contact with valentino...#like all this stuff where casey keeps banging on about some of their Incidents is because vale gave him a lesson in public relations!!#it's soooooo narratively juicy because obviously casey wouldn't consider himself “dishonest” but it is!! playing the game!!#casey looked at the valentino charm and countered it with his own spin on the whole thing... and he's done a great job at it!#he's become a more effective communicator which you can TELL by how that rivalry has become reevaluated over time#and now again sort of ironically it's actually very lopsided in terms of who is still doing image management of that rivalry#i love casey soooo muuuuuch i feel like people just don't give him credit for what a complicated guy he is......
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clonehub · 1 year
star wars fan boys need to accept that george lucas is not coming back and the average star wars fan needs to accept that john boyega is not coming back. the pleas/demands that they return expose, to me, a severe lack of self awareness and even selfishness regarding these people and the reasons they left in the first place. John's reasons for getting shoved out are worse obviously so im gonna focus on that
he faced anti-Black racism for years. YEARS. from 2015 until tros, it's been mess after mess and raciallly motivated hrassment incident after racially motivated harassment incident. white women were obsessed with trying to smear his name. he couldn't say anything about himself or co stars or star wars without it getting twisted out of context. the fandom hated him. no amount of currently-vocal support for Finn stories or JB himself is going to change the fact that that shit's traumatizing. Black people leave countries, jobs, schools, fandoms, book clubs, fucking anything over anti Blackness, and in general once they leave they don't come back.
because you know what? can any of you even guarantee that JB would get protection and support from his costars or LF or disney itself once the racism inevitably starts again (bc it will). Can any of you guarantee that Finn will get the story he deserves? They had literal years to do it right the first time. years. the ST started when I was in highschool and i was halfway through a degree in college when TROS came out. star wars fans are just as antiBlack now as they were back then. just respect that he doesn't want to come back lmao.
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ncwhereman · 5 months
[Brian] was a most generous man, thoughtful to the point of embarrassment at times, shy and gregarious at the same instant, but if John ever refused him a request he could behave like a spoilt child and throw tantrums, even stamping his feet with frustration, tears in his eyes. And no one could frustrate Brian more than John. I think he revelled in his power to make Brian squirm and lose his temper, even though he admired Brian as manager and godfather to our son.
Cynthia Lennon, A Twist of Lennon
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finaldisorder · 1 month
🐍————— for da papa jones @fxntasmagoria
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It's definitely not 4am, and she was definitely not at a rave all night long. Nope, not JB! She was an adult now anyway, so what did that matter? Well... sort of an adult. She hasn't really found her sense of freedom yet that comes with adulthood, still living under a parent's roof could do that to someone. Not that she had ever really had present parents. Mom had always been busy, cooking up cons, dragging JB into them - she had tried the long con with her father too, cozying up, wrapping him around her little pinky finger, but it hadn't felt right.
As much as she had been angry with her father for not being present before, not being around, he was now - and that was more than she could say for her mother. Times like tonight, she felt like a possession. Something to get pawned off when the other parent got bored. JB had always been an unreliable narrator for herself, however. Logically she could see her father was trying, but that distrust lingered.
Speak of the Devil, and he shall come; JB was trying to be quiet coming back, creaking the front door open slowly and even pulling her earbuds out to listen for a presence - it's 4am, why could he be awake anyway? - but before she can make it too far, closing the door behind her, that familiar hulking frame is waiting for her. JB opts for being casual about things, straightening her posture and playing sober. She was far from, evident from the slight stumble into the door behind her as she toed off her Doc Martens and shrugged out of her leather jacket.
"It's 4 in the morning, Dad." Thank you, Captain Obvious. "Shouldn't you be in bed?"
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swordmaid · 1 year
What would be your ideal endgame for Hyle Hunt?
listen….. I’m a hyle enthusiast fire and foremost but I think he’s gonna die LOL. i mean his sigil is a hanged stag and where is he now … getting hanged … life imitates art etc. but on the off chance that he ends up surviving like a cockroach I think he’s just gonna be some guy that fought in the big war and survived. maybe he’ll land himself a nice job under a lord so he becomes a guard or somethn instead of a hedge knight. I like the idea that jaime employs him though just to fuck with him but that’s kinda sus 👀🤭 bc why are you as someone who hates him giving him a job so he stays with you? trying to find a way to keep him close? are you guys gonna explore each other’s bodies next??
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jb-nonsense · 1 year
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The Beginning vs the End
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jonathanbyersphd · 7 months
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Jancy + The Notebook Moodboard
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