#Im not tagging all the ocs that are mentioned in thia
mossyriverrocks · 6 months
Give me a summary of ye lore
okay! *proceeds to do the exact opposite of summerize*
The universe was created by a being named Dimitási. Dimitási is the omnipotent god of the universe, and the ruler of everything (tally hall reference).
There are many, many other gods, but the most well known ones are the Primordial gods.
CHAOS - god of nothingness (she/her)
Time - god of...time (any pronouns)
Space - self explanatory (he/she)
Créalie - goddess of life (she/her)
Decea - god of death (he/they)
Constella - goddess of dimensions (she/star)
Nyx - goddess of the night (she/her)
Hemera - god of the day (he/she)
there are also a few other gods worth noting, like Galatea (goddess of stars), Aitar (god of portals), Prism (god of light), and Abyss (god of darkness).
Two notable divine figures are The Messenger and Emery Kiyo. The Messenger, as the name implies, is a messenger of the gods. Emery is Decea’s second in command.
All mortals except for prototypes and failed species have magic. Prototypes and failed species will be touched upon later.
Now the history of the worlds.
The Inbetween is a plane of existence inbetween dimensions. In it, there’s a large group of cities called The Sectional. Outside of the Sectional is a vast, barren wasteland called the Voidenai Dwelling. The Voidenai are creatures hostile to mortals, created by the gods to keep mortals from visiting them. Outside of the dwelling is the Divine Plane. This is where the gods live.
Within the sectional, the big 3 dimensions are housed. The gateways to the dimensions are kept in castle towers. The Celestial Sector houses the Dream Realm. The Clockwork Sector houses the Fairy Realm. The Cyber Sector houses…well, the Cyber Realm. The other two used to be called the Celestial Realm and the Clockwork Realm, however their names were changed to fit the changing times of the dimensions.
When the idea of dimensions was first thought of, there was some argument among the primordial gods. There needed to be a god of dimensions. Some wanted to create a new god, but others thought introduced such an important god so late was a terrible idea. In the end, Constella got the short end of the stick. You see, Constella was the goddess of stars, but Dimitási simply decided that the domain of dimensions was more important. Galatea was created to replace her domain of stars, and a new bitter rivalry begun. Nothing too bad came of this other than petty anger and pranks.
Créalie went nuts creating new creatures for these dimensions, so much so that Dimitási had to put a limit on her and created a method to making species. Créalie was (reasonably) pissed that her fun was being ruined, but she knew better than to argue with them, so she just begrudgingly went with it.
Créalie had to create and raise prototypes before sticking them in dimensions. Créalie, famously hating children, was not very fond of this. Failed creations began to pile up, and she needed somewhere to put them. She “nicely” asked Constella to create a new dimension to dump them all in. Thus, the Planetarium was created.
The Planetarium was different from other dimensions in that, rather than being a seemingly endless mass of land, it was a seemingly endless void in all directions, with “planets” and “stars” and various other things scattered throughout. Dimitási was furious once they found out Créalie had just been dumping these creatures there and leaving them to their own devices, however it later proved very useful.
Demons, angels, bugs, shadows, dolls, so many creatures being made. Créalie was having a field day. All of them were placed in the Fairy Realm. She was going to make another one to place there. Another main species. The human was supposed to be something big. They were supposed to be magical creatures just like the rest, however, whem s nrw [ERRdOR] [DATeA LOST] [DO NsOT TRY AND BiRING THIS UrP AGAIN] [THeIS IS YOUR LAST WARaNING] and thus, humans were stripped of their magic and placed in the Planetarium, on a planet later named Earth.
The government in the realms vary. The Inbetween has various councils, the Dream Realm generally has democracies, the Fairy Realm has kings and queens, and the Cyber Realm is pretty communist.
This is unfortunately where our tour ends for now. In order to continue, I’d have to start going into detail on the vast histories and intricacies of every single realm. Here is a basic summery of the large scale lore of multidimensional :)
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