#Im so tired of this person they have done nothing wrong but i dony want to deal w how i react to them anymore
whoviandoodler · 11 months
need to draw a comic abt the phenomenon of 'i care abt this person so so much even tho i know little about them and now have to behave normally around them because they do not feel the same way oh god they don't feel the same way please don't let them find out that they live rent free in my head there is no way to explain how i feel without sounding creepy and weird and my feelings being sorely misunderstood and so i have to pretend i care only a little (a normal amount) and slowly but surely cut them out of my life because i cannot bear the thought of them seeing me as a burden and i cannot bear the truth that i will never have the kind of relationship that i want with them'
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effervescentdragon · 1 year
nothing alarmed me more than todays quali tbh. Dony get me wrong checo might be a great driver (in someone's opnion) but if charles and alonso are still behind him after the laps that they gave... this season is already done for. Bc there's no way checo is supposed to be ahead of charles and alonso. Fuck rb.
we're not doing fatalism here anon! listen. isnt there a like, some sort of consequence about red bull overspending last year? bcs i think i rmbr reading sth how its probably gonna be that they will exhaust all their alloted updates or whatever by mid-season, something similar to what brawn did in 2009. or maybe i made it up. either way, its what i believe in, and since theres more races now than there were in 2009 (and not to be that person but if there were more races back then im preeeetty sure red bull wouldve caught up to brawn) its not nearly over.
and also, semi-related to this, for absolute fucks sake, its only the 2nd race of the season, and not even the race, its quali, and checo cant fucking drive, so im not worried at all. everyone needs to chill and enjoy the racing as much as its possible, or like, step away for a bit if its that upsetting to (general) you. ive unfollowed a lot of people due to insane lvls of doomposting that i absolutely refuse to look at anymore, and i will be unfollowing more from what im seeing, because i want to enjoy the racing still, despite my favourites not doing supremely well. this is the reason i personally got into this, because of the racing, and sure, the narratives are compelling as fuck and all, but there is a fine line here and some people not only are over it, but in the immortal words of bianca del rio, they stepped over the line, turned around, and snorted it, and are acting accordingly. do a lot of things in f1 suck? yes. do i still have hope for my faves? sadly, foolishly, perhaps, but fucking yes. and im tired of the way some people act. but the only thing i can do is unfollow, block, and try to have as much fun as possible. and also curse whoever is a threat to my babies. 🥰
anyways, my point is: its not over until the trophy is given. patience, grasshopper :)
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